Monaco culture. Traditions of Monaco Business culture and traditions of Monaco

Monaco, namely the Principality of Monaco, is a dwarf state located in southern Europe, near the Ligurian Sea, and borders France by land. This small piece of land, after all, cannot be called a state, because Monaco is a very small principality. No wonder it is called a dwarf. However, this state has attracted for many years a variety of people who travel there from all over the world. People who have a good financial condition acquire quite expensive real estate here, and many tourists come from different countries to see all the beauties of this dwarf state. To understand the principality, you need to know its traditions. And also it will help to understand why Monaco is very popular and is associated with a fabulous atmosphere, luxury and everything expensive.

In order to understand, you need to study everything carefully. Do you know who the Monegasques are? Now we will tell you about it. All this is also closely connected with culture and traditions. So you will know the mentality of the locals, thanks to national characteristics. The indigenous inhabitants of the state of Monaco are called Monegasques. They have a huge number of privileges! For example, they do not pay taxes and only they can live in the old city. There are 35,000 people in the principality, 40% of them are indigenous people, i.e. Monegasques.

Their family is above all! The inhabitants of the Principality carried out a warm attitude towards the family from ancient times. They consider it unthinkable if a family member celebrates any holiday outside the home, because you need to always be with your family. You can't leave your family alone. It is customary for the Monegasques to gather on any holiday at one large table with the whole family, for example, on religious holidays. Even if someone from the family lives in another country, which is on the other side of the earth, he still drops everything and comes to his home for Christmas and Easter, at least. The most ancient tradition is connected with Christmas among the inhabitants of Monaco. On the eve of the holy feast, the eldest member of the family puts a sprig of an olive tree into the wine. In this way, he shows that he wishes everyone well-being and peace.

What is the most famous casino in the whole world? That's right, the casino in Monte Carlo, it is located in Monaco, and it is also practically the main attraction of the principality. It began its work in 1863, and was created with rational goals. At that time, the principality was fragmented, and the income that came from the casino, ideally, should have helped the princely family avoid bankruptcy and become impoverished. This was done, all the calculations were justified, and the casino became famous throughout the world, thereby glorifying Monaco.

Over the two centuries of the functioning of the casino, a large number of rumors and legends have developed. In this insanely beautiful place, millions were won, and they were also lost, they committed suicide after losing a fabulous amount of money.

The most interesting thing is that there is such a tradition - the locals of Monaco are strictly forbidden to play in the casino. In order to be allowed into the famous casino, you must show your passport, which will indicate that you are a foreign citizen. Only they can try their luck in Monte Carlo.

This is how Monaco combines religious traditions and modern money laundering.

For several centuries, the culture of Monaco was formed, experiencing a strong influence of neighboring countries, the Principality gained its own independence only in 1489. The Principality of Monaco is, for many, an enticing tourist destination as well as tax-free territory.

Peculiar culture of Monaco

The richest people from all over the world come here to play in the casino, go to sea on a yacht, spend money. But the state Monaco culture much broader than the widely known notions of it. Had a huge impact culture France and other neighboring states.

Religion Monaco

Catholicism is the main one, approximately ninety percent of the total population of the principality is Catholic. The country has its own Catholic bishop. The Protestant church is also popular. Constitution Monaco permits the practice of any religion and the practice of any generally accepted religious rites.

Economy of Monaco

The modern one is developing at a stable pace and provides the inhabitants of the principality with a high standard of living. The preferential taxation regime in the state allows the largest international banks to create their banking networks and financial groups in Monaco. This sector of the economy provides almost half of all state revenues. Another important area that provides a quarter of state income is the tourism business.

Science Monaco

School education in the principality covers children from 6 to 16 years of age. In all schools, education is carried out mainly according to the curriculum adopted in neighboring France. Some differences: the history of Monaco, the course of religion in the Monegasque language; English is studied intensively. Science Monaco dated seven percent of the state budget.

Art of Monaco

In the principality, artistic, handicrafts are widespread, the works of masters from ceramics and clay are very popular, this is a real one. In addition, handmade metal products also appeal to foreign tourists.

Cuisine of Monaco

One of the famous dishes for which it is famous is La Bouillabesse, which is essentially fish soup. Bouillabaisse is made from more than three varieties of fish, at least trigles, red mullet and scorpionfish. Crustaceans are also added to the dish - small crabs and shrimps. Fill the stew with tomatoes.

Customs and traditions of Monaco

The most famous are the rite of the olive branch and the state celebration, the Day of the Prince of Monaco. On Christmas Eve, when the family gathers around the hearth, the youngest or oldest member soaks an olive branch in a glass of aged wine, then comes up to the fireplace, reads a prayer and baptizes the flame. The whole family takes a sip of wine and only then proceeds to the gala dinner.

Sport Monaco

A very important component in the tourism industry is that it occupies one of the first places in the list of entertainment and positive recreation. That's why Monaco tourism– it is always a lot of positive emotions.

The existence of Arcadia, that same mythical place where nature and man become one, is considered a complete utopia and a fairy tale. In medieval Italy at the end of the 16th century, a certain gathering of poets and artists tried to imagine their housing and worldview as a kind of carefree and absolutely happy existence, but failed completely.

The American writer O Henry in the famous story "Passing through Arcadia" called this word a fashionable hotel.

Living in luxurious apartments in Arcadia was considered to be like entering a true paradise. But is eternal nirvana on Earth possible? Eternity is a relative concept, I was lucky enough to visit a corner of the planet that creates a complete illusion of earthly Eden. I consider the Cote d'Azur to be my personal Arcadia, the beauty of its landscapes is breathtaking and it seems that the heart is not able to contain the vastness of impressions bestowed by this area of ​​the Mediterranean coast.

The term "Côte d'Azur" belongs to the French writer Stéphane Liejard, whose novel of the same name is unlikely to be very popular in Russia. But everyone, well, or almost every inquisitive traveler knows that such a poetic name is applied to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea of ​​France in the southeastern region of the country. The coastline of stunning beauty originates from the city of Toulon and stretches to the border with Italy for a long 300 km. Another colorful name for these places is often used in the tourism industry - the French Riviera.

The azure seashore in these parts was clearly created by a talented celestial sculptor, who was sometimes capriciously interfered with by his precise chisel. In some places, the recalcitrant tool of the creator cut rocky bays, seasoning the overall picture with the peaks of the Maritime Alps and the mountain ranges of Sainte-Baume, Esterel and Maury. In other corners soft and rounded bays were born, ready to give shelter to the numerous ships seeking to anchor off the coast of the French Riviera.

The southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea occupies one of the top lines of the hit parade of the most fashionable resorts in the world. About the rest here, briefly and aptly, one phrase can be said: expensive, prestigious, rich. A lot of money on the Cote d'Azur is worth staying at a hotel, having lunch and even more so dinner at a restaurant, shopping in branded stores and elite boutiques, going to casinos and attending film festivals, exhibitions and concerts, not to mention the Formula 1 rally. On the prices of real estate, cars and yachts, a modest story generally prefers to remain silent.

In such cases, it's time to recall a quote from the children's film "The Secret of the Iron Door": there is at least one way out of all hopeless situations.

As part of a sea voyage through the Mediterranean Sea with a stop at the port of Menton, we were offered a choice of visiting one of the cities of the French Riviera: Nice, Cannes, Antibes, Saint-Tropez or the dwarf state of Monaco. Without conspiring or conferring, our company chose Monaco. Our method of getting into a small magical land is by no means the only one. The Côte d'Azur can be reached by train from Paris and other French cities, by plane and even by helicopter-taxi from Nice, but I can't say anything specific about this, unlike our way of getting around the region, which is curious for tourists.

Six hours in unseen lands

From the port of Menton, we were quickly taken by bus to the parking lot, dropped off from the cabin and blessed for an independent voyage, strictly punishing us to be in the same place after 6 hours. On the way, everyone was silent, as if they took water in their mouths. The views from the windows of the bus, to put it mildly, fascinated and amazed. The silence was broken only by the clicking of camera shutters.

The Principality of Monaco is the same tourist place where it makes no sense to remove funds for shooting for a minute. Everything that you see around is worthy of the "brush" of the photographer.

The only pity is that the quality of pictures through the bus glass leaves much to be desired. For some reason, an expression was spinning in my head that had descended from the TV show “Field of Miracles”: I played, but did not guess a single letter. It is completely incomprehensible what to focus on and what to skip: luxurious hotels are replaced by rich villas, pieces of the bay that open to the eye in a moment closes a harsh piece of rock, plantations of southern plants, a galaxy of snow-white yachts on a turquoise-blue surface of the water, expensive cars, residential areas, rather similar to some magical realm of European Aladdin. Even I, not a fan of "sweet" epithets and adjectives in excellent form, cannot find words without using colors to fully describe this.

Near the parking lot for tourist vehicles arriving in Monaco, a sightseeing bus blinked its headlights invitingly at us, and it would probably be nice to use the services of which. The sound spirit of adventurism called us to set off on a journey through the dwarf state on foot. It's time to say that the area of ​​Monaco is 2 square meters. km, and I did not forget to add zeros to this number. The fairy-tale principality, which officially gives shelter to 30 thousand inhabitants, beckoned to get to know it better, especially since we were given some miserable few hours for everything about everything, we didn’t want to waste a single minute on reflection.

Waving to our departing colleagues, we went to the building of the Oceanographic Museum, built during the reign of Prince Albert I on the edge of a sheer cliff. On the way from the port to Monaco, the guide accompanying us strongly recommended to inspect this architectural masterpiece from the inside. The oceanographic exposition was assembled by the legendary navigator Jacques Yves Cousteau almost with his own hands. The museum's arsenal includes containers with water from 90 seas, and colonies of living corals that do not survive in captivity in other scientific institutions feel at ease. Every year, on the basis of the oceanographic complex in Monaco, oceanologists from all over the world gather for practical conferences and symposiums.

Diligent travelers should also visit the underground Aquarium and the exhibition dedicated to the love story of Hollywood film star Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier ΙΙ Ι . The female half of humanity, if not all, then her good half, for sure, at all times dreamed of being in the role of Cinderella, once chosen by the prince from a large crowd of contenders for happiness. To be honest, we didn’t go to the museum and the exhibition as a matter of spirit. There were so many interesting and unusual things around that we decided that next time we would certainly fulfill our duty in terms of the number of museums visited.

Albert ΙΙ, the current ruler of the dwarf state of Monaco, owes his birth to a beautiful story of great and true love, which turned the ideas of the royal houses of Europe about what a member of the royal family or the heir to the throne can or cannot afford. The princely house of Monaco is also known throughout the world for the remarkable fact that for more than 700 years one single family by the name of Grimaldi has dominated these parts. The form of government of the state is a constitutional monarchy, but the country is ruled not by a king, but by a prince. Subjects of the principalities idolize the ruling family and are filled with sincere respect for him. The descendants of the native inhabitants of Monaco should thank the far-sighted princes at least for the fact that once the poorest state in Europe, after the opening of the first casino and the development of the tourism business in the 19th century, could not only overtake other European countries in many ways, but also win the right to be considered one of the brightest representatives of the style luxury life.

Everything in the country is always only of the highest rank and class. Monaco is an abode of luxury in the middle of miraculous natural beauties.

The wedding of Rainier ΙΙ Ι and the beautiful Grace was an out of the ordinary event in the chain of prosperity of the principality. The union of 2 loving hearts caused a lot of talk in the aristocratic circles of Europe and forever went down in history as the brightest social event of the 20th century and still benefited a small but stubborn country. True, now in Monaco this is most often remembered near the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

The wedding of the crowned lady was attended by 1000 selected guests, practically they were the envoys of all the royal families of Europe and the cream of the aristocracy from all over the world. The stars of the Hollywood Olympus came to support the bride, and only the English Queen Elizabeth ΙΙ considered the event “daring and unheard of” and did not consider it her presence.

On the way to the Prince's Palace

The path to the current home of the princely family ran through an exotic park, lovingly laid out on top of a cliff. From below, the stone bulk is washed by the azure waters of the Ligurian Sea, from above it seems that you are in a tropical jungle. The fullness of sensations is broken to dust only by the presence of bizarre monuments and sculptures, if they disappeared for a moment, the illusion of the tropics would be complete. We stop near the monument to Albert Ι, who adorned the annals of Monaco with the invention of a number of marine navigational instruments, in memory of the prince's passion for the life of the seas and oceans, the author portrayed Albert Ι at the helm of the ship.

The "European" jungle has an official name - the gardens of St. Martin. One of the most beautiful public parks in Europe was founded in 1830. Over the years of its existence, experienced gardeners have managed to collect a collection of 6 thousand representatives of flora from all over the world. The exotic curiosity has a very well-groomed appearance, paths and plants are constantly carefully washed and cherished in every possible way. The cleanliness on the territory is a bit like a sterile operating unit, no mote, no paper, the trash cans are empty, the benches give the impression of a general cleaning that has just been carried out.

On the paths and paths of the gardens of St. Martin, thoughts about that same Arcadia involuntarily arise, it seems that here you are left alone with nature, and she accepts you as her natural particle. At the end of our walk around Monaco, we made, as it seems to us, the only right decision and spent the last hour again in this place. The small territory of Monaco still managed to make us very tired, it was a stone's throw to the meeting point with the guide, and we, almost exhausted from the impressions, sat down on benches in the lovely garden. Not usually inclined to conduct philosophical conversations, in this truly heavenly corner, we all agreed that this is how Harmony looks and feels. This is poorly explained why you feel so incredibly good, but you understand one thing for sure, you don’t want to leave here anywhere.

Near the side of the picturesque garden is another world-famous attraction of Monaco - the kingdom of Mexican cacti. This meeting of "prickly comrades" also has an official name. In all tourist guides, the place is known under the status of "Exotic Garden of Monaco". Botanists and gardeners are well aware that capricious "thorns" do not like to move from place to place and do not take root well in the "new home". The harmonious world of Monaco has managed to conquer the “sharp” hearts of these plants as well. More than 1,000 species of guests from Mexico and other countries grow and delight the eye in the exotic garden. A kind attitude and a word is pleasant not only for a cat, but also for such an intricate representative of the plant world.

From the top of the cliff that shelters the cactus park, wonderful views of the residential quarters of the dwarf of Monaco open up. Skyscrapers and skyscrapers are mainly built on the Mediterranean coast, the state ranks 1st in the world in terms of population density per 1 sq.m. It is perfectly visible from a height and confirmation of the fact that in a small state the main mode of transport is not cars at all. The parade of private yachts and boats only once again proves that Monaco is an unusual country, got up in the morning, got ready for work, “saddled a sea horse”, and went about his business.

The lack of land under their feet makes the inhabitants of the Principality solve the problem of meeting with green spaces in a different way. There is no way to set up a garden or plant an alley under the windows of the house - no problem. In Monaco, it is customary to plant roof gardens, tired after a busy day, welcome upstairs, closer to the sky and the area fragrant with the aromas of flowers and fresh greenery.

After talking about the local life and being, we finally got to the Prince's Palace. The Grimaldi house has no hidden secrets from the faithful subjects, part of the chambers of the princely family is available for visiting. Another daily event is the changing of the guard near the mansion. The action takes place at 12-00 local time, we missed this hour while admiring the flora of exotic parks.

By the way, Monaco has a very low crime rate. The security of Albert ΙΙ works flawlessly, the detachments of "people in civilian clothes", as the guide told us before the trip, are constantly on the alert. We also became witnesses of the work of security guards by chance. A car drove up to the complex of the Prince's Palace, from which 2 women got out, accompanied by guards. Ten seconds and the group disappeared through the doors of the castle, as if it had vanished into thin air. We just had to take a picture of the car and discuss the speed of the guards.

Three parallel and rather narrow streets diverge from the square in front of the palace. We faithfully walked a couple of blocks back and forth on each of them. In terms of infrastructure, the streets of Monaco in this area resemble sisters from the same family. On the 2nd side of the galaxy there are shops of expensive brands and souvenir shops, there are many very nice cafes, bars and restaurants. The usual tourist area of ​​the usual tourist route, but the prices are an order of magnitude higher. We looked into one of the pastry shops, the magic aroma of freshly brewed coffee, pastries and vanillin, known for its magical attraction, was to blame. Two cups of cappuccino, 2 cups of latte with a generous portion of milk, we decided to supplement with portions of soft ice cream and cakes. Carbohydrates, in sparing amounts, of course, add energy and clarity to the mind, at least the choice was due to this very reason.

A sweet meal under the flag of luxury, a special luxury inherent in Monaco, looked picturesque.

Lace paper napkins of impeccable whiteness, foam whipped to a density on beautiful coffee cups, cakes on elegant porcelain saucers and an indescribable atmosphere of comfort and luxury. There is no hint of disposable tableware, crumbs on the tables and the unwillingness of the staff to pay attention to the guests of the city-state. A sweet gourmet halt cost us 150 euros for 4 people, but it was akin to a reception in some aristocratic house in Europe, the sensations were worth it.

An addition to the gatherings in a luxurious coffee house was the view from the terrace, located under the open sky. Below, the fairy-tale world of Monaco lived its usual daily life.

According to ancient myths, the dwarf state got its name from the words “port of lonely Hercules” or another option - “secluded house”. In this corner of the earth, you really want to retire and be alone, to reflect and try to reassess your values. Living in Monaco is an unaffordable luxury for many people; every year only a select few of 10 people become subjects of Prince Albert ΙΙ. Seeing a charming settlement on the rocks, which seemed to have gathered the magic of the whole world, is a completely different matter.

Sometimes we use the expression in everyday life: to see Paris and die, embodying in these words the desire for seemingly unrealizable dreams. Seeing Monaco, you want to live happily ever after, despite the thorns, always strive for the stars.

We spent the evening on the ship in some thoughtfulness and reflection. The Côte d'Azur, under a velvet sky full of twinkling stars, still seemed like a fairy tale that did not exist in the real world. When you are faced with a wonderful opportunity to visit one of the corners of the Mediterranean coast, do not hesitate and choose the French Riviera. This land stuns and conquers the heart forever, taking away its little hot piece as a memory of you.

Once upon a time, the Italians and the French fought for the right to own this land. As a result of this rivalry, the Monegasque people were born - the indigenous inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco. Today, the territory of one of the smallest states on the planet is the focus of various traditions, each of which is an integral part of the rich and diverse culture of Monaco.

Icing on a piece of cake

This is how the marriage of Prince Rainier III with the movie star Grace Kelly was called at the beginning of the 20th century, which further emphasized the glamorous image of the dwarf state. The princely dynasty of Grimaldi accepted a foreigner into its bosom, thereby putting an end to past conventions and prejudices. Since then, Monaco has been not only the oldest casino in Europe and the Cote d'Azur marinas full of expensive yachts, but also Formula 1 racing, fashion boutiques and anonymous bank deposits.

Monegasque traditions

In the culture of Monaco, great importance is attached to the rights of the indigenous population of the country. Monegasques today number no more than seven thousand, but each of them, according to tradition, is exempt from paying taxes and enjoys many more privileges.
Monegasque men revere the white color in their clothes, as they consider it a symbol of nobility and honor. The main temple in Monaco is dedicated to Saint Devote, the martyr of Corsican and the patroness of the principality.
Despite the dwarf size of the state, it traditionally has an army. The number of military personnel in it does not exceed one hundred people, and even the military band of Monaco is more numerous.

Opera like in Paris

Culture Monaco is also the famous hall of the Opera Garnier, built by the same architect as the building of the same name in Paris. Not only the Philharmonic Orchestra performs in the Garnier Hall, but also world-class foreign stars. Chaliapin and Caruso, Pavarotti and Domingo shone here. The Russian ballet is also popular with the inhabitants of Monaco, because the Diaghilev troupe was once created in this hall.

Under the wing of Jacques Yves Cousteau

For many years, the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, founded in 1889 by Prince Albert, was headed by the world-famous explorer of the seas and oceans, Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The museum's collection includes not only various types of marine life, but also models of ancient and modern ships, tools and weapons. Live exhibits in aquariums - more than four thousand species.

Story Monaco is largely family history Grimaldi which is the owner of these lands. In 1918, an agreement was concluded between Monaco and France, according to which, after the complete disappearance of the Grimaldi dynasty, Monaco would become an autonomous region of France.

The modern territory of Monaco has been inhabited since the Stone Age. According to legend, during the Roman era, a young Corsican named Devot, her body was placed in a boat and sent to Africa. The boat went off course and ran aground off the coast of Monaco, where the state was founded in honor of this girl.

The first large-scale construction here began during the Genoese dynasty. Ghibellines who ruled Monaco in the 13th century. But on January 8, 1297, the first representative of the Grimaldi clan sneaked into the Ghibelline fortress, attacking them from the rear, and thereby ensured a carefree life for their descendants over the next 700 years.

In 1489 the French king Charles VIII recognized the independence of Monaco. Despite some dominance of Spain over Monaco from 1524 to 1641, France and Monaco have always been good neighbors, although they existed apart from each other. Nevertheless, the possessiveness of France took over, and in 1793, during the new revolutionary regime, the lands of Monaco were annexed. In 1861, the independence of Monaco was restored, and disputes in recent decades have been limited only to issues in the field of tax legislation - Monaco refuses to tax French citizens and French companies located on its territory.

The modern history of Monaco is inextricably linked with its present ruler. Born in 1923 Prince Rainier III ascended the throne in 1949. His fabulous marriage to a movie star Kelly Grace in 1956 it became "icing on a piece of cake", which further enhanced the glamorous image of Monaco. When the royal family consists of long-legged models and stunningly beautiful screen stars, all issues of democracy seem a little boring. However, the prince has enormous executive power, which elevates him to a higher rank than just a nominal head of state.

Since the residents of Monaco are exempt from paying income tax, the principality is something of a "tax haven" for the private capital of the elite of the world community. The anonymity of bank deposits is strictly protected. Famous faces of sports and cinema, constantly visiting expensive shops and driving around in luxury cars, know that their money is safe in Monaco. At the same time, since 1993, the Principality has been a full-fledged UN member.

Tourism in all its manifestations, from day trips to visiting the country by various delegations, is the backbone of the economy and, together with the banking sector, forms the basis of the country's budget.

Various measures are being taken to modernize Monaco, for example, in mid-2002, an impressive floating berth was built here, which made it possible to double the capacity of the port. In the same year, laws were passed guaranteeing the power of the Grimaldi family in the country, even if Crown Prince Albert did not leave behind a successor.

It can be assumed, that culture Monaco is always new beautiful clothes, martinis and food without cutlery. However, there are many cultural institutions, most of which appeared in the 17th century under the auspices of Prince Honor III, including Philharmonic of Monte-Carlo, Ballet of Monet-Carlo, opera and several theatres.

If we discard all the "impeccable cosmetics" of Monaco, one can find the remains of a very religious and spiritual culture. The legend of Devot, the patron saint and founder of Monaco, is a cherished part of the country's heritage. Every year on January 27 at the church St. Devot a service is held in her honor. Monaco also venerates saints such as St. Roman(Martyred Roman legionnaire) and St. John.