Moral lessons of life. Analysis of the fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants". Analysis of the fairy tale The Black Hen, or Pogorelsky's Underground Inhabitants The main idea of ​​the story is the Black Hen

Title of the work: "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".

Number of pages: 45.

Genre of the work: fairy tale.

Main characters: the boy Alyosha, the hen Chernushka, the Underground King, the Teacher.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Alyosha- a dreamy, lonely and windy boy.

He made friends with Chernushka and began to know the lessons well, but then everything changed.

Nigella- a chicken that could speak and was a minister.

Kind and sympathetic, but strict.

King- kind, wise and grateful.

He endowed Alyosha with a special gift.

Summary of the tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" for the reader's diary

Alyosha's parents lived far from Petersburg.

It was here that they brought the boy and left him for several years in a men's boarding house.

Alyosha liked to study among other boys, but he did not like weekends.

Indeed, on such days he felt lonely: his comrades went home, and he remained alone.

So he made friends with the chickens that were found in the household yard. He was especially fond of chicken Chernushka.

Once a holiday was planned in the boarding house and the cook wanted to slaughter Chernushka, but the boy saved her by giving the woman a gold coin.

At night, this same hen appeared to the boy and ordered Alyosha to follow her.

They walked through huge and dark chambers and chambers, but Alyosha was not allowed to touch anything.

In one of the wards, he took the cat by the paw and immediately a noise arose.

The chicken disappeared and Alyosha followed her.

When they came to the high doors, two knights jumped down from them and began to fight with the bird.

From such a picture, the boy lost consciousness.

The next night Alyosha quietly followed Chernushka.

The hen led him into a spacious hall, where small people began to appear.

The boy was thanked by the Underking himself for saving his minister from death.

He gave Alyosha a hemp seed and asked him not to tell anyone anything.

For some time Alyosha did not see the hen.

He began to know all the lessons that the teacher asked them, but his behavior became terrible.

When the teacher asked the guy to learn twenty pages of the textbook, Lesha lost his grain and could not say anything.

The hen returned the grain to him and asked him to correct himself.

The teacher decides to flog the boy because he cannot say how he learned the lesson and Alyosha tells him about the chicken and the King.

That night Chernushka comes to the boy and says goodbye to him.

After a long illness, Alyosha begins to study well and even sets an example for others.

The plan for retelling the work "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" by A. Pogorelsky

1. Parents bring Alyosha to the men's boarding school.

2. Weekends alone.

3. Favorite chicken Nigella.

4. Alyosha saves a chicken from the cook.

5. Chernushka leads Alyosha through the chambers.

6. The knights from the door fight the chicken.

7. Alyosha faints.

8. At night the boy follows the bird again.

9. A lesson learned and a hemp seed from the king.

10. Alyosha is a spoiler.

11. The teacher sets a lesson and Alyosha can't cope.

12. Lost grain and the appearance of Nigella.

13. Alyosha betrays the secret of the King, but the teacher does not believe him.

14. The hen comes to say goodbye to the boy.

15. Alyosha is sick.

16. The boy corrects himself and becomes a diligent student.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"

The main idea of ​​the tale is that a person begins to behave badly when he receives everything for nothing.

The main character was an obedient boy, but as soon as he received a magic seed, he stopped trying and being an exemplary student.

Another main idea of ​​the tale is that one must be able to keep one's word and be responsible for one's actions.

After all, one wrong step can ruin everything.

What does the work "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers" teach?

A. Pogorelsky's tale teaches several things:

1. Appreciate what you already have.

2. Learn to keep your word and promise, be responsible for your actions.

3. Do not be arrogant and not proud, be modest and honest.

4. Be obedient, kind and smart.

5. Understand what is good and what is bad in relation to others.

A brief review of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "The Black Hen, or the Underground People" is an instructive and magical story about the boy Alyosha, who saved the chicken Chernushka.

The main character of the work is the boy Alyosha, whom his parents sent to study at a boarding school.

One day he saves a chicken from death and the animal leads him to the Underking.

The boy is given a magic seed with which he will know all the lessons.

I think that having got the seed, Alyosha just relaxed and stopped trying.

And why, because you already know all the lessons.

But this carefree period did not last long for him and the secret comes out.

For me, the main meaning of the fairy tale is that you need to achieve everything yourself and not wait for a wonderful pill or seed.

Such gifts only harm a person and spoil him: he begins to behave ugly, because he will be sure that nothing will be done to him for this.

However, from the fairy tale, I also understood that you can’t think only about yourself and give out other people’s secrets.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"

"A bad deed will not lead to a good one."

"One bad deed breeds another."

"Where there are many words, there are few deeds."

"Give the word, keep the word."

"One has sinned, and all are responsible."

The passage that struck me the most:

Lord King! I can't take personally what I've never done.

On the third day, I had the good fortune to save from death not your minister, but our black hen, which the cook did not like because she did not lay a single egg ...

What are you saying? interrupted the king in anger.

My minister is not a chicken, but an honored official!

Here the Minister came closer, and Alyosha saw that it was indeed his dear Chernushka.

He was very happy and asked the king for an apology, although he could not understand what it meant.

Unknown words and their meaning:

Boarding school - an educational institution with a hostel.

Arshin is a measure of length.

Rods - a bunch of willow or birch branches.

More readers' diaries based on the works of Anthony Pogorelsky:

"Magic's Visitor"


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Lesson Objectives:

  1. Reveal the ideological content of the tale through text analysis.
  2. The development of monologue and dialogic speech of students.
  3. The development of the mental activity of students: the ability to analyze, synthesize, generalize.
  4. Developing the ability to compare different types of art.
  5. Development of skills of expressive reading of the text.
  6. Formation of moral orientations for the recognition of true and false values.
  7. Identification of the relevance of the work for modern schoolchildren.
  8. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the personal growth of each student.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual-illustrative, problematic.


  1. Computer.
  2. Projector.
  3. Presentation “Moral lessons of life. Analysis of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".
  4. Animated film "Black Chicken".
  5. Exhibition of students' drawings based on A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson.

2. The main part.

  • Brief biographical information about A. Pogorelsky.
  • Literary quiz.
  • Analysis of the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”.
  • Teacher's word:

    1. Setting goals and objectives for students.

    2. For correct answers in the lesson and additions, students will receive tokens, according to the number of which they will receive marks at the end of the lesson. A score of “5” is given for 6 or more tokens, a score of “4” for 5 tokens.

    3. Story about the writer (slide 2-12)

    A carriage rides along the cold streets of winter Petersburg. Her passenger - a gray-haired man with surprisingly kind and somehow childish eyes - thought deeply. He thinks about the boy he is going to visit. This is his nephew, little Alyosha.

    The carriage stops, and the passenger, with a slightly sad, but boyishly courageous face, thinks about how lonely his little friend is, whom his parents sent to a closed boarding house and even rarely visit. Only his uncle often visits Alyosha, because he is very attached to the boy and because he remembers well his loneliness in the same boarding school many years ago.

    Who is this person?

    This is Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky. The son of a nobleman, a rich and powerful Count Alexei Kirillovich Razumovsky, who owned the village of Perovo near Moscow and the village of Pogoreltsy, Sosnitsky district, Chernigov province, 53 thousand serfs. The count himself was the grandson of the registered Cossack Grigory Rozum, the son of the last Ukrainian hetman, an influential nobleman of Catherine and a prominent Russian freemason.

    The son of such a man might have been a prince, but Alexei was illegitimate. Although, being in the house of his father in the position of pupils, the Perovskys received an excellent education. There is evidence that Count Alexei Kirillovich especially favored the eldest - Alexei. But he was a hot-tempered man, capable of terrible outbursts of anger. And in one of these evil moments, he sent his son to a closed boarding school.

    How lonely Alyosha was in the cold government rooms! He was very homesick and one day he decided to run away from the boarding house. The memory of the escape remained for the rest of his life lameness: Alyosha fell from the fence and injured his leg.

    Then Alyosha grew up. In August 1805, Alexei entered Moscow University and in October 1807 he graduated with a doctorate in philosophy and literature.

    In the same 1807, he made his literary debut: he translated N.M. Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" into German and published his translation with a dedication to his father.

    For two years he led the life of a diligent official: he served in the Senate, traveled with revisions to the Russian provinces, and then, having settled in Moscow, he became a good friend of V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, V.L. Pushkin, I.A. Krylov and other writers of the "friendly artel" and one of the founders of the "Society of Lovers of Russian Literature". He was friends with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who greatly appreciated his kind soul.

    The year 1812 came, and Anthony Pogorelsky fought against Napoleon as the headquarters captain of the Third Ukrainian Regiment, even his lameness did not prevent him from being a brave military officer.

    He returned to St. Petersburg in 1816 and changed his military uniform to an official one - a court adviser. However, soon circumstances developed in such a way that his sister with a one and a half month old nephew was in his care, whom he took to his hereditary Little Russian estate Pogoreltsy.

    Here, being engaged in gardening, supplying ship timber to the Nikolaev shipyards, acting as a trustee of the Kharkov educational district and - most of all - raising his nephew Alyosha, Perovsky composed the first fantastic stories in Russia.

    First, in 1825, in the St. Petersburg magazine "News of Literature", he published - under the pseudonym "Antony Pogorelsky" - "Lafertov's poppy flower". Three years later, the book "The Double, or My Evenings in Little Russia", the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground residents”, and then the novel “Monastyrka” will be added to the creative baggage.

    The literary heritage of the writer is small, however, and it is hardly studied. His archive almost disappeared without a trace, carelessly left by the writer to the will of fate and the play of chance. In the last years of his life, having completely abandoned literary activity, indifferent to literary glory, Pogorelsky cared little about him. According to legend, the manager of his estate, a passionate gourmet, exhausted the papers of his patron for his favorite food - cutlets in papillots. ( papilotka - a paper tube worn on the legs of chickens, turkeys, game, as well as on the bones of chops when they are fried. (Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova))

    Pogorelsky wrote several books for adults, but one of his books was especially important for him - this is his fairy tale "The Black Hen". He wrote it for his nephew. Little Alyosha told Pogorelsky how, walking in the boarding house yard, he made friends with a chicken, how he saved her from a cook who wanted to make broth. And then this real case turned under the pen of Pogorelsky into a fairy tale, kind and wise.

    In the summer of 1836, A.A. Perovsky went to Nice for the treatment of "chest disease" (ischemic heart disease) and died in Warsaw on the way there. His sister Anna and nephew Alexei were with him.

    Perovsky's nephew, the one to whom the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” is dedicated, having matured, became a remarkable and famous writer himself. This is Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

    4. Literary quiz (slide 13-33)

    What is the real name and surname of the writer Anthony Pogorelsky.

    Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky

    What sights are mentioned at the beginning of Antony Pogorelsky's story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"?

    St. Isaac's Square, the monument to Peter the Great, the Admiralty, Horse Guards Manege
    What was Alyosha's only consolation on Sundays and holidays? Reading books
    What is the name of the cook who was supposed to destroy Chernushka Trinushka
    What were boys' bedrooms called in the 19th century? Dormitories
    During the gala dinner in honor of the director, many delicious dishes were served for dessert, including bergamots. What it is? Pear variety
    Why did Alyosha's first attempt to get into the underground kingdom fail? Alyosha woke up the knights
    “Here she began to cackle in a strange voice, and suddenly, out of nowhere, small candles appeared in silver chandeliers…” What are “chandeliers”? Candlesticks
    What animals were in the royal menagerie? Big rats, moles, ferrets
    What were the paths in the underground kingdom strewn with? Different stones: diamonds, yachts, emeralds and amethysts
    “The trees also seemed to Alyosha remarkably beautiful, although, moreover, very strange. They were of different colors: red, green, brown, white, blue and purple. When he looked at them with attention, he saw that it was…” It was some kind of moss

    5. Analysis of the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”. Conversation with students (Slides 34-41)

    - Tell us about Alyosha's life in a boarding school (word drawing or text retelling)

    (“... in that boarding school there was one boy named Alyosha, who was then no more than 9 or 10 years old. Alyosha was a smart, nice boy, he studied well, and everyone loved and caressed him. However, despite the fact that he was often bored it happened in a boarding school, and sometimes even sad ... The days of teaching passed quickly and pleasantly for him, but when Saturday came and all his comrades hurried home to their relatives, then Alyosha bitterly felt his loneliness. On Sundays and holidays, he remained alone all day, and then his only consolation was reading books. Alyosha already knew by heart the deeds of the most glorious knights. His favorite pastime on long winter evenings, on Sundays and other holidays, was mentally transported to ancient, bygone centuries ... Alyosha's other occupation was to feed chickens who lived near the fence. Among the chickens, he especially loved the black crested one, called Chernushka. Chernushka was more affectionate towards him than others; she even sometimes allowed herself to be stroked, and therefore Alyosha brought the best pieces to her, "pp. 46-49).

    - Watch a fragment of the animated film and try to determine if there is a difference in the image of saving Chernushka by Antony Pogorelsky and the creators of the cartoon.

    (The difference is that Antony Pogorelsky in the fairy tale shows how Alyosha asks the cook Trinushka not to cut the chicken. In the cartoon, the rescue scene is presented differently: a kite suddenly swoops in, Alyosha boldly rushes at him with a stick and beats off Chernushka).

    - Why do you think Chernushka decided to tell Alyosha her secret?

    (Alyosha was a kind boy. Chernushka wanted to thank the boy for saving her life. Chernushka probably wanted to make Alyosha's life more interesting and informative).

    - Watch a fragment of an animated film. What interesting trees grew in the fairy garden?

    (There were trees whose fruits could make a person wise; seeds of goodness ripened on another tree; a tree of health grew).

    - Watch a fragment of an animated film. What changed in Alyosha himself, around him, when he received a hemp seed?

    (“He approached the teacher with trepidation, opened his mouth, still not knowing what to say, and - unmistakably, without stopping, said the assignment. For several weeks, the teachers could not praise Alyosha. He knew all the lessons without exception, all the translations from one language to another were without mistakes, so that they could not be surprised at his extraordinary success. He began to think a lot, put on airs in front of other boys and imagined that he was much better and smarter than all of them. Alyosha's temperament completely deteriorated from this: from a kind, sweet and a modest boy, he became proud and disobedient. Alyosha became a terrible rascal. Not having the need to repeat the lessons that were assigned to him, he, at the time when the other children were preparing for classes, engaged in pranks, and this idleness spoiled his temper even more. Then, when he was a kind and modest child, everyone loved him, and if he happened to be punished, then everyone regretted him, and this served him as a consolation.But now no one paid attention to him: everyone looked at him with contempt and did not didn't say a word to him." Page 75-80)

    - Why didn’t Alyosha get pleasure from praise for excellent answers at the beginning?

    (“An inner voice told him that he did not deserve this praise, because this lesson did not cost him any trouble. Alyosha was inwardly ashamed of these praises: he was ashamed that they set him up as an example to his comrades, while he did not deserve it at all. Conscience she often reproached him for this, and an inner voice said to him: "Alyosha, don't be proud! Don't ascribe to yourself what doesn't belong to you; thank fate for bringing you benefits against other children, but don't think that you are better If you do not correct yourself, then no one will love you, and then, with all your learning, you will be the most unfortunate child!” P. 75-76)

    - What advice does Chernushka give to Alyosha until the boy has completely lost himself?

    (“Do not think that it is so easy to correct oneself from vices when they have taken over us. Vices usually enter through the door and go out through the crack, and therefore, if you want to correct yourself, you must constantly and strictly look after yourself.” P. 81 )

    - Do Chernushka's advice match the teacher's conclusions?

    (Yes. Both Chernushka and the teacher agree that idleness corrupts a person, labor is a condition for a person’s moral beauty. “The more abilities and talents you have by nature, the more modest and obedient you should be. Not for this God gave you mind, so that you use it for evil.” P. 84)

    Why did Alyosha betray Chernushka?

    (He was afraid of punishment). Watching a fragment of an animated film.

    The story ends tragically. The inhabitants of the underground kingdom left, Alyosha is punished for betrayal. Watch a fragment of the animated film. Does Chernushka believe that Alyosha will improve?

    (Yes. Only a believer can say this: “I forgive you; I can’t forget that you saved my life, and I still love you ... One thing you can console me in my misfortune: try to improve and be again the same kind boy as you were before". pp. 86-88)

    Has Alyosha recovered?

    (Yes. He “tried to be obedient, kind, modest and diligent. Everyone loved him again and began to caress, and he became an example for his comrades.” P. 88)

    - Conclusions. Notebook entry.

    The book reminds us of the main thing: we are all pure and noble in our souls, but we must educate the Good in ourselves. To be able to be grateful, responsible, earn the love and respect of others - all this requires effort. Otherwise, there is no way, and trouble can threaten not only us, but also those whom we love and who trust us. A real Miracle can happen only once, and you have to be worthy of it...

    Moral lessons of life

    • You can not put yourself above other people, even if you know a lot and can do it.
    • It is necessary to develop modesty, diligence, diligence, a sense of duty, honesty, respect for people, kindness.
    • You have to be strict with yourself.

    6. Psychological and pedagogical situation (students work on sheets of paper in the classroom).

    Guys, imagine that you are in the fairy-tale world of the underworld. And the king offers you a reward for saving Chernushka. What Alyosha asked you already know. What would you ask?

    Student responses:

    I would ask for a grain of health, because this health is the most important thing. (3 persons).

    I would ask that it never be winter.

    I would ask Chernushka to be honest, not to lie to other people, to study well.

    7. Work with illustrations by students. Tell what part of the story is shown in the picture. Why was this piece chosen?

    8. Homework. At the choice of students. (Slide 42)

    1. Fill in the table “True and False Values ​​of Life”

    (The task should be completed approximately as follows:

    2. Compose your own version of the continuation of the fairy tale “What could happen next?

    Alyosha became a sweet, modest boy. And then one day the garden appeared again, the underground inhabitants returned. Upon learning of this, Alyosha immediately ran to look for Chernushka. He found her. He was so happy that he even cried and said: “I thought I would never see you!” To which Chernushka replied: “Well, what are you, I’m back, don’t cry!” This is how this instructive story about the boy Alyosha ended. (Malygina Svetlana).

    - ... A few years later, Alyosha's parents came. For exemplary behavior, his parents took him on a trip to different countries. Of course, no one told the parents about this story. Then Alyosha grew up, entered a famous university, studied only perfectly well. His parents were happy for him. (Koval Oksana).

    9. Evaluation of student work.


    1. Children's fairy tale magazine "Read it," article "Author of" Black Hen "Anthony Pogorelsky (1787-1836). 2000.
    2. Korop V. Anthony Pogorelsky (1787-1836).
    3. Malaya S. Anthony Pogorelsky.
    4. Pogorelsky A. Black chicken, or underground inhabitants. Moscow: Rosman. 1999. S. 45-90.


    The formation of the character of Alyosha - the main character of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"

    Work completed

    Berdnikova Anna

    Checked work: Leontieva I.S.

    Moscow 2010

    A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" in the list of works of Russian classical literature for extracurricular reading attracts the attention of teachers because it makes it possible to acquaint students with a truly artistic work addressed to children.

    In the history of Russian literature, the emergence of romantic prose in the 20s of the 19th century is associated with the name of A. Pogorelsky. His works affirm such moral values ​​as honesty, disinterestedness, loftiness of feelings, faith in goodness, and thus are close to the modern reader.

    Anthony Pogorelsky (pseudonym of Alexei Alekseevich Perovsky) is the maternal uncle and tutor of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, a poet, writer, playwright, whose name is closely associated with the village of Krasny Rog and the town of Pochep, Bryansk region.

    He was one of the most educated people of his time. He graduated from Moscow University in 1807, was a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, was a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, where he communicated with Ryleev, N. Bestuzhev, Kuchelbeker, F. Glinka. Pushkin knew and appreciated the stories of A. Pogorelsky. A. Pogorelsky's works belong to Peru: "The Double, or My Evenings in Little Russia", "Monastyrka", "Magnetizer" and others.

    A fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" was published by A. Pogorelsky in 1829. He wrote it for his pupil, nephew Alyosha, the future outstanding writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

    The second century lives a fairy tale. L. Tolstoy liked to reread it to his children, our children listen and read it with great pleasure.

    Children are fascinated by fantastic events that take place in real life as a little pupil of the private boarding school Alyosha. They vividly perceive his worries, joys, sorrows, while realizing a clear and so important idea for them about the need to cultivate diligence, honesty, selflessness, nobility, to overcome selfishness, laziness, selfishness, spiritual callousness.

    The language of the story is peculiar, there are many words in it, for an explanation of the lexical meaning of which students should refer to the dictionary. However, this circumstance does not in the least prevent us from understanding the tale, its main idea.

    The uniqueness of the artistic world of the "Black Hen" is largely due to the nature of the creative interaction with the literature of German romanticism.

    As sources of the tale, it is customary to name "Elves" by L. Tick and "The Nutcracker" by E.-T.-A. Hoffmann. Pogorelsky's acquaintance with the work of German romantics is beyond doubt. The story of a 9-year-old boy who got into the magical world of underground inhabitants, and then betrayed their secret, dooming the little men to resettlement in unknown lands, is very reminiscent of the plot situation of Tik's Elves - a fairy tale in which the heroine named Marie, who visited surprisingly beautiful world of elves, betrays their secret to her husband, forcing the elves to leave the land.

    The lively fantastic coloring of the Underworld makes it related both to the fairy-tale world of the elves and to the candy state in Hoffmann's The Nutcracker: multi-colored trees, a table with all kinds of dishes, dishes made of pure gold, garden paths studded with precious stones. Finally, the author's constant irony evokes associations with the irony of the German romantics.

    However, with Pogorelsky, it does not become all-consuming, although it receives many addresses. For example, Pogorelsky frankly mocks the “teacher”, on whose head the hairdresser has piled a whole greenhouse of flowers, with two diamond rings shining between them. “An old, worn-out coat” in combination with such a hairstyle reveals the squalor of the boarding world, occasionally, on the days of the arrival of significant persons, demonstrating the full power of servility and servility.

    A striking contrast to all this is Alyosha's inner world, devoid of hypocrisy, "whose youthful imagination wandered through knight's castles, through terrible ruins or through dark dense forests." This is purely romantic.

    However, Pogorelsky was not just an imitator: mastering the experience of German romanticism, he made significant discoveries. In the center of the tale is the boy Alyosha, while in the tales - sources there are two heroes - a boy and a girl. The boys (Anders in The Elves, Fritz in The Nutcracker) are sensible, tend to share all the beliefs of adults, so the path to the fairy-tale world is closed for them, where girls discover a lot of interesting things.

    German romantics divided children into ordinary, that is, those who are not able to go beyond the limits of everyday life, and the elect.

    “Such intelligent children are short-lived, they are too perfect for this world ...” - the grandmother remarked about Elfried, Marie's daughter. Nor does the finale of Hoffmann's The Nutcracker give Marie any hope for happiness in "earthly life": Marie, who marries, becomes queen in a country of sparkling candied groves and ghostly marzipan castles. If we remember that the bride was only eight years old, it becomes clear that the realization of the ideal is possible only in the imagination.

    Romance is dear to the world of a child whose soul is pure and naive, unclouded by calculation and oppressive worries, capable of creating amazing worlds in his rich imagination. In children we are given, as it were, the truth of life itself; in them is its first word.

    Pogorelsky, placing the image of the boy Alyosha in the center of the tale, demonstrated by this the ambiguity, versatility and unpredictability of the inner world of the child. If Hoffmann was saved by romantic irony, then the tale of L. Tick, devoid of irony, strikes with hopelessness: with the departure of the elves, the prosperity of the region disappears, Elfrida dies, and after her mother.

    The fairy tale of Pogorelsky is also tragic: it burns the heart, causes the strongest compassion for Alyosha, and for the underground inhabitants. But at the same time, the fairy tale does not give rise to a feeling of hopelessness.

    Despite the outward resemblance: brilliance, unearthly beauty, mystery - Pogorelsky's Underground Kingdom does not look like either a candy-doll state in The Nutcracker, or the country of eternal childhood in Elves.

    Marie in Hoffmann's The Nutcracker dreams of Drosselmeier's gift - a beautiful garden, where "a large lake, miraculous swans with golden ribbons around their necks swim on it and sing beautiful songs." Once in the candy kingdom, she finds just such a lake there. A dream during which Marie makes a journey into a magical world is a real reality for her. According to the laws of the romantic dual world, this second, ideal world is the real one, since it realizes all the powers of the human soul. Pogorelsky's double world takes on a completely different character.

    Among the underground inhabitants, Pogorelsky has military men, officials, pages and knights. In Hoffmann, in the candy-puppet state, there is "every people that can be found in the world."

    The marvelous garden in the Underworld is arranged in the English style; the gemstones strewn across the garden paths gleam from the light of specially installed lamps. In The Nutcracker, Marie “fell into… a meadow that sparkled like glittering gems, but turned out to be candy as a result.

    The walls of the richly decorated hall seem to Alyosha made of “labrador, which he saw in the mineral room in the boarding house.

    All these rationalistic features, unthinkable in romanticism, allowed Pogorelsky, following the German romantics, to embody in the fairy-tale kingdom the child's understanding of all aspects of life, Alyosha's ideas about the world around him. The underworld is a model of reality, according to Alyosha, a bright, festive, reasonable and fair reality.

    A completely different kingdom of elves in the tale of Tika. This is a country of eternal childhood, where the hidden forces of nature reign - water, fire, treasures of the earth's interior. This is the world to which the soul of a child is originally related. For example, nothing but a fire, the rivers of which “flow under the earth in all directions, and because of this, flowers and fruits grow, and there is wine,” nothing more than a friendly smiling Marie, laughing and jumping creatures “as if from a ruddy crystal." The only imbalance in the carefree world of eternal childhood is the underground room, where the prince of metals, “an old, wrinkled little man,” commands ugly dwarves carrying gold in bags, and grumbles at Tserina and Mari: “Forever all the same pranks. When will this idleness end?"

    For Alyosha, idleness begins when he receives a magic seed. Having gained freedom, now making no effort to study, Alyosha imagined that he was "much better and smarter than all the boys, and became a terrible rascal." The loss of judgment, the rejection of it, Pogorelsky concludes, lead to sad consequences: the rebirth of the child himself and the suffering that Alyosha doomed the underground inhabitants with his rebirth. The “Elves” shows the fatal incompatibility of the beautiful world of childhood with reality, its inexorable laws, growing up turns into degeneration, the loss of everything that is bright, beautiful and valuable: “You people are growing too fast and rapidly becoming adults and reasonable,” the elf argues Tserina. An attempt to pair the ideal and reality leads to disaster.

    In The Black Hen, Alyosha's word not to reveal the secrets of the underground inhabitants means that he owns the happiness of an entire country of little men and the ability to destroy it. The theme of a person's responsibility not only for himself, but also for the well-being of the whole world, one and therefore fragile, arises.

    This opens one of the global themes of Russian literature.

    The inner world of the child is not idealized by Pogorelsky. Prank and idleness, poeticized by Tick, lead to a tragedy that is prepared gradually. On the way to the Underworld, Alyosha commits many reckless acts. Despite the numerous warnings of the Black Hen, he asks for a paw from a cat, cannot resist bowing to porcelain dolls ... The disobedience of an inquisitive boy in a fairy-tale kingdom leads to a conflict with the wonderful world, awakens the forces of evil in him.

    A fairy tale called "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" was written by the Russian writer A. Pogorelsky in 1829. But the work has not lost its relevance today. The fairy tale will be of interest to many schoolchildren, and for some it can serve as a real source of life wisdom.

    How the book was created

    Many schoolchildren liked the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants". Reviews about this book from readers are very positive. However, not everyone knows for what purpose the fairy tale was originally created. This work was a gift to A. Tolstoy, to whom Pogorelsky replaced his father. Alexei Tolstoy was a relative paternal line of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. It is known that over time, Alexei Nikolayevich also became a popular writer and even contributed to the creation of the famous image of Kozma Prutkov.

    However, this awaited him only in the future, but for now the lad brought a lot of difficulties to Pogorelsky due to the fact that he did not want to study. That is why Pogorelsky decided to compose a fairy tale that would inspire his pupil to work in school. Over time, the book gained more and more popularity, and already every schoolchild could write a review about it. "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" has become a classic for every student. Perhaps it will be interesting for fans of the fairy tale to know that the surname Pogorelsky is actually a pseudonym. In fact, the writer's name was Alexei Alekseevich Perovsky.

    The protagonist of the fairy tale, the scene

    The protagonist of The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants is the boy Alyosha. The story begins with a story about the main character. The boy studies in a private boarding school and often suffers from his loneliness. He is tormented by longing for his parents, who, having paid money for education, live with their worries far from St. Petersburg. The emptiness in the soul and communication with loved ones Alyosha is replaced by books. The child's fantasy takes him to distant lands, where he imagines himself to be a valiant knight. Other children are taken by parents for weekends and holidays. But for Alyosha, books remain the only consolation. The scene of the fairy tale, as indicated, is a small private boarding house in St. Petersburg, where parents send their children to study. Having paid money for the education of their child for several years in advance, they, in fact, disappear from his life completely.

    The beginning of the story

    The main characters of The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants are the boy Alyosha and Chernushka, a character whom Alyosha meets in the poultry yard. It is there that the boy spends a significant part of his free time. He really likes to watch how the birds live. In particular, he liked the chicken Chernushka. It seems to Alyosha that Chernushka is silently trying to tell him something and has a meaningful look. One day Alyosha wakes up from Chernushka's screams and saves a chicken from the cook's hands. And with this act, the boy discovers an unusual, fairy-tale world. Thus begins the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" by Anthony Pogorelsky.

    Introduction to the underworld

    At night, Chernushka comes to the boy and starts talking to him in a human voice. Alyosha was very surprised, but decided to follow Chernushka to the magical underworld where little people live. The king of this unusual people offers Alyosha any reward for the fact that he managed to save their minister, Chernushka, from death. But Alyosha could not think of anything better than asking the king for a magical ability - to be able to answer correctly in any lesson, even without preparation. The king of the underground inhabitants did not like this idea, because it spoke of Alyosha's laziness and negligence.

    lazy student's dream

    However, the word is the word, and he had to fulfill his promise. Alyosha received a special hemp seed, which he always had to carry with him in order to answer his homework. In parting, Alyosha was ordered not to tell anyone about what he saw in the underworld. Otherwise, its inhabitants will have to leave their places in order to leave forever, and begin to equip their lives in unknown lands. Alyosha swore that he would not break this promise.

    Since then, the hero of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" has become the best student in all of St. Petersburg. He is awkward at first as the teachers praise him completely undeserved. But soon Alyosha himself begins to believe that he is chosen and exceptional. He begins to be proud, often naughty. His character is getting worse and worse. Alyosha becomes more and more lazy, becomes angry, shows impudence.

    Plot development

    It is not enough to read the summary of The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers. This book is definitely worth reading, because it contains many useful ideas, and its plot will be of interest to everyone. The teacher tries no longer to praise Alyosha, but on the contrary, seeks to reason. And he asks him to memorize as many as 20 pages of text. However, Alyosha loses the magic seed, and therefore can no longer answer the lesson. He is locked in the bedroom until he completes the task of the teacher. But his lazy memory can no longer do this work. At night, Chernushka reappears and returns him the precious gift of the underground king. Nigella also asks him to correct himself and once again reminds him that he should be silent about the magical kingdom. Alyosha promises to do both.

    The next day, the protagonist of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" by Antony Pogorelsky answers the lesson with brilliance. But instead of praising his student, the teacher begins to question him when he managed to learn the task. If Alyosha does not tell everything, he will be flogged. Out of fear, Alyosha forgot about all his promises and told about his acquaintance with the kingdom of the underground inhabitants, their king and Chernushka. But no one believed him, and still he was punished. Already at this stage, one can understand the main idea of ​​"The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers". Alyosha betrayed his friends, but the main vice that caused all his troubles was banal laziness.

    End of story

    The inhabitants of the underworld had to leave their homes, the minister Chernushka was shackled, and the magic seed disappeared forever. Due to a painful sense of guilt, Alyosha fell ill with a fever and did not get out of bed for six weeks. After recovery, the main character becomes obedient and kind again. His relationship with the teacher and comrades becomes the same as before. Alyosha becomes a diligent student, although not the best. This is the ending of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers".

    The main ideas of the fairy tale

    Chernushka gives Alyosha a lot of advice, with the help of which he could save himself, not become angry and lazy. The Minister of the Underworld warns him that it is not so easy to get rid of vices - after all, vices "enter the door and exit through the crack". It is worth noting that Chernushka's advice coincides with the conclusions made by Alyosha's school teacher. Work, according to both the teacher and the Black Hen, is the basis of morality and the inner beauty of any person. Idleness, on the contrary, only corrupts - reminds Pogorelsky in the work "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants". The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that there is goodness in every person, but in order for it to manifest itself, you need to make efforts, try to cultivate and manifest it. No other way. If this is not done, trouble can fall not only on the person himself, but also on those close and dear to him people who are next to him.

    Story lessons

    Pogorelsky's tale is interesting not only for its magical plot, but also for the morality that Pogorelsky tried to convey to his pupil. Very little of the writer's literary heritage remains, and that is why it is worth listening to those ideas that can be found in the works that have come down to our times. What does the "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" teach and who will benefit from these lessons? They will be useful to every student, regardless of his academic performance. After all, they teach everyone to be better. And first of all, you should not try to put yourself above other people, even if you have some outstanding talents and abilities.