The first chakra and how to work with it. Effective ways to open the Muladhara chakra: simple and affordable for everyone. What is responsible for

Muladhara is the first chakra. Translated from the ancient language of Sanskrit means "foundation" or "root". Therefore, its second name is the root chakra. In this article I will tell you what the muladhara chakra is responsible for, what are its manifestations on the physical body of a person.

With Muladhara we begin a magical and wonderful introduction to the chakras. This is the foundation on which the life of any person is built.

The root chakra is responsible for our instincts of self-preservation, there is also a sense of fear. If a person's energy at some point in time is focused on the first chakra, he feels threatened by other people. It can be both a physical threat and a moral one.

Image and color of muladhara chakra

The color associated with the root chakra is red.

The image is a circle containing four red petals. Sanskrit letters are written on them. Each petal symbolizes one of the blessings:

  • Pleasure;
  • Joy;
  • Pleasure;
  • Concentration.

Chakra petals are compared to lotus petals.

The Indian system assumes that the number of petals on a chakra is equal to the number of nadi channels surrounding them. In addition, each petal vibrates at a certain frequency. If you haven't read the general article about that yet, check it out. It talks about the concept of "nadis", which is very important for understanding the meaning of the chakras.

Inside the image of the root chakra is a yellow square surrounded by 8 rays. The yellow square here symbolizes the earth element. Its shape is stable, it resembles a foundation. This is where the spiritual journey begins.

Location of muladhara and its meaning

First of all, let's find out where the muladhara chakra is located - in the photo below you will see that it is located in the perineum, between the genitals and the anus.

Muladhara is the first human chakra or, as it is also called the root, through which our energy exchange with the Earth takes place, as well as communication with the material world. What is the muladhara chakra responsible for? It is the root chakra that is responsible for the transition of the energy of the Earth into all the energy bodies of the human essence. She is also responsible for:

  • survival;
  • endurance and physical health of the human body;
  • stability and emotional balance of a person;
  • adaptability to the changes taking place in the surrounding world;
  • the influx of material well-being and abundance of all earthly goods into our lives;
  • sexual instincts and procreation;
  • cleansing the human body of toxins on the physical level and any "energy" trash on the mental level.

Muladhara is the support for our entire energy system, just like the spine is the main component of the physical body.

In men, the first chakra is genetically more developed than in women, who can, if desired, "ground" through a man.

The root chakra is our instinct for self-preservation. If we recall everything that happened to us throughout our lives, we will surely remember such moments when fear enveloped our consciousness for some time. This was a warning against some bad situations that could harm health or even life. We stopped on time and did not do what we were going to do.

Such fear - and there is a manifestation of the work of the chakra - a protective reaction of the body to the occurrence of danger. However, if fears are constant companions and haunt us, as well as low self-esteem and self-doubt, then this indicates that the root chakra is not functioning properly.

How does a healthy chakra work?

Muladhara, when asleep, is the embodiment of human passions and instincts, and in the awakened state, it is the center of our spiritual potential. If the first chakra is fully open and working as it should, then the person will feel a strong connection with the earth and wildlife.

He is grounded, that is, firmly on his feet, closely connected with life and full of interest in it. In any case, he experiences feelings of stability, self-satisfaction and inner strength.

Assertiveness helps to bravely overcome all crises and conflict situations. Such a person is very easy to make and implement any decisions. He does not experience much difficulty; always active, energetic, insightful.

The one whose muladhara is in balance intuitively feels the perfect naturalness of the cyclical nature of the universe - the chakra symbolizes new beginnings, endings and cyclicity. Such a person will independently build his life, creating and taking into account the nature around him.

Healthy muladhara gives self-confidence and self-confidence. When it works correctly, there is no fear of the present and the future. Those people whose root chakra functions harmoniously are always firmly convinced that at the right moment life will give them what they need.

Walking through life effortlessly with their heads held high, they easily achieve everything they want - a prestigious job, any material wealth, stand firmly on their feet, competently solving their problems, easily coping with all life tasks, full of health and physical strength. When the first chakra is opened and balanced, a person can feel himself hovering in the clouds, standing firmly on the Earth.

If the chakra is healthy, then people have self-confidence and a sense of limitless possibilities.

Having determined his positions, such a person will never give them up, drawing energy and strength from the root chakra. The willingness to overcome all obstacles in your path in order to achieve success in life is the harmonious work of the chakra.

A strong and healthy muladhara will always choose life and only life, no matter the circumstances.

Imbalance in the root chakra

If the chakra is closed, the person is unbalanced, focused only on his problems and needs (food, sex, money). Hurrying to satisfy his carnal desires, he is little interested in the causal relationship of events, which worsens the already unenviable position of this person even more.

There are various weaknesses, phobias, fears. Frequent guests are:

  • anger;
  • greed;
  • jealousy;
  • anger.

And all this negativity even more blocks the normal circulation of chakra energy throughout the body. Hence - mental disorders, as well as various health problems - constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, bad habits.

When the chakra is strongly carried away by a person, he becomes obsessed with some kind of mania, for example, he is fanatically preoccupied with his health or enrichment.

Focusing only on your needs, that is, the highest limit of egoism, characterizes the owners of a sick chakra. Ignoring anyone, walking over the heads of other people, for example, they fall into hoarding. Their greed knows no bounds. It always seems to them that there is too little money, even if there are millions in the accounts.

This state of affairs can leave a person on the same level of vision of life for a long time, fixated on something, not letting in change. Also, these people can endure a hateful job or hateful relationship for a long time. In fact, on an instinctive level, they feel a lack of stability, and therefore they are so attached to old stereotypes and unnecessary things in which they see this stability.

Selfishness, aggression and irascibility, the imposition of one's will and desires on others are the qualities that a person with a malfunctioning root chakra possesses. If people do not do what they want, then they begin to experience outbursts of uncontrollable anger, which often turn into physical violence.

Dysfunction of the root chakra indicates the presence of vampirism from the past, for example, from ancestors who have already died or the elderly. Communication with the Earth is broken, hence all problems and sores arise.

The so-called energy nodes that appeared on the path of its movement block the energy in the chakra. The main node is fear, a block at the exit, due to which the energy of fear destroys the body.

Also, the reasons for blocking muladhara can be:

  • complete rejection of oneself;
  • family curse;
  • self-flagellation and self-ban on a normal life.

Muladhara and the physical body

Muladhara Chakra is directly connected with our body and reflects everything that happens to it. This chakra, which is the lowest frequency, is connected to all solid parts of the human body: the skeleton, bones, teeth, muscles, spine, legs and flesh, and is also associated with the intestines and reproductive organs.

The main symptom that indicates an imbalance of the chakra is dislike or even dislike for your body and its natural functions.

If the chakra works as it should, a person treats himself, his body with love, appreciates it, perceives all functions absolutely adequately and feels a sense of gratitude for his service.

Chakra imbalance causes various diseases of many organs of our body. These are problems with bones and joints, the spine, hemorrhoids and constipation, mental disorders, as well as blood diseases (anemia), which is also closely related to muladhara.

Video about muladhara chakra

To get a better idea, I suggest you watch a video on the Muladhara Chakra.

Muladhara is the first chakra, the name translates as "root" or "foundation". In books on esoteric subjects, it is often referred to as the survival chakra. This is not surprising, because it is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation. Muladhara is located in the perineum, through it our energy exchange is carried out and communication with the physical world is maintained.

Brief description of the first chakra

The root chakra is the lust for life. In the representatives of the stronger sex, it is somewhat better developed, but women can also develop their Muladhara or ground themselves through a man. The chakra is responsible for the following aspects:

  • self-preservation;
  • adaptation to changing conditions;
  • survival;
  • endurance;
  • force;
  • physical health;
  • emotional balance;
  • financial well-being and all kinds of material benefits;
  • procreation;
  • getting rid of toxins and mental debris;
  • sustainability.

If we recall everything that has happened to us throughout our lives, moments will surely come up in our memory when we felt animal fear enveloping our consciousness. This fear helped us avoid harm to health and save lives. Feeling afraid, we stopped and stopped doing things that threatened safety. Such a defensive reaction is a manifestation of the work of the root chakra. But it is worth noting that if a person is constantly afraid of something, and this prevents him from breathing deeply and feeling the joy of life, then there are problems with Muladhara, and she needs to be more fully disclosed.

Signs of root chakra blockage are also self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and self-respect.

In order for the energy center to start working correctly, it is necessary to open it, which can be done in a variety of ways.

healthy functioning

When the red chakra is awakened, it acts as the focus of a powerful spiritual potential, but in a dormant state it is the center of primitive animal instincts. If a person reaches the discovery of Muladhara, and it begins to function as it should, this will manifest itself as a feeling of unity with nature and connection with the earth. Grounding allows you to stand firmly on your feet, experience inner strength, the desire to live and enjoy life.

Thanks to perseverance, such an individual quickly copes with the difficulties that arise on the way and overcomes any crisis situations. The owner of the first chakra, which is located in the perineum, easily implements any decisions, he is active, cheerful, insightful, energetic and happy.

If Muladhara is in perfect balance and does not need to be balanced, its owner feels the natural cycle and willingly builds his life, taking into account the manifestations of the environment and nature. The root chakra is a symbol of beginning, end and cycle.

The awakened Muladhara relieves fear and uncertainty about the present and future, such people clearly know that they will certainly get what they want, so they never worry about anything seriously. Walking through life with their heads held high, they easily get what they need - financial well-being, a high position, good health, family happiness.

The opening of the red chakra allows you to have unlimited possibilities, to feel support under your feet and confidence in the future. When the Muladhara chakra comes into harmony, what it is responsible for becomes clear immediately. There is a lot of strength and energy, a desire to cope with difficulties and go towards your goal, regardless of any circumstances.

Energy center blockage

If the Muladhara chakra is closed, esotericists will tell you how to open it. With impaired functioning, the need to satisfy carnal desires comes to the fore, such a person gets hung up on obtaining material benefits, delicious food and sex. Wanting to feel satisfaction, the individual does not think about causal relationships, further worsening his own situation. start to torment:

  • fear;
  • aggression;
  • anger;
  • jealousy;
  • anger;
  • greed.

Such negative emotions impede the natural circulation of energy, provoking mental disorders, bad habits, various health problems of the physical body. All sorts of phobias and manias are often disturbing, a person begins to experience panic attacks or is fanatically engaged in enrichment.

Sick Muladhara needs treatment. Such a person behaves extremely selfishly, focusing solely on his own needs and not wanting to reckon with anyone. She either has little money all the time, even when there are huge sums in the accounts, or her obsession with carnal pleasures haunts her. This is not surprising, because if you remember why the 1st chakra is needed, what it is responsible for and how it manifests itself, it will become clear why the disharmony of the energy center is so felt on the physical plane.

The development of a sleeping person can remain at the same level for a long time. Such people often avoid change, even when they are really badly needed. For example, they can endure disgusting work for a long time, stay in a relationship where there is no love, tenderness and mutual understanding for a long time.

In reality, on a subconscious level, they feel instability, which prompts them to become attached to the unnecessary. Such attachments give some illusion of stability, but the trouble is that this is just an illusion. Only a real opening of the red chakra allows you to correct the situation and feel the real joy of life.

It happens that Muladhara unbalances:

  • self-hatred;
  • a ban on getting pleasure;
  • self-flagellation;
  • vampirism in past lives;
  • family curse.

Blocking the energy center can also be energy nodes that have arisen on the path of energy movement. The most serious danger is fear, such a knot forms a block at the exit, which contributes to the destruction of the body.

Ways of recovery

The violation of the natural connection with the earth is evidenced by selfishness, anger, uncontrolled aggression, imposing one's point of view on others, physical and psychological violence. But the one who understood his problem and began to look for information on how to open the first chakra will certainly find ways to solve the problem and improve life at all its levels.

The easiest and most affordable way is meditation and other spiritual techniques. You can listen and chant the Lam mantra, but don't expect too rapid progress, realignment is always gradual. Mantras are best practiced as an additional method, while developing Muladhara in other ways, for example, through aromatherapy. For the root chakra, the smell of sandalwood, sage, cedar, cinnamon, patchouli is suitable. Both incense and essential oils are recommended for use.

If the theme of minerals and stones is closer, take any stone of a dark or reddish hue. It can be coral, jasper, garnet, alexandrite, quartz, ruby.

The red palette helps in the development of Muladhara. Try to surround yourself with things of similar shades. No need to start a major renovation, just change the bedding and buy some decorations for the room space. Red clothing will also help heal the chakra. Food of a similar color will also play a role. Feel free to eat tomatoes, peppers, cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries.

The development of Muladhara is impossible to imagine without physical exertion. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport you do, the main thing is that you enjoy the activity. If you are interested in yoga, you can try to practice special asanas designed to improve the functioning of this energy center. Techniques provide for the need to focus attention at the location of the chakra.

Movement will be of great benefit.: you can go for a walk in the park, go to the skating rink, head to the mountains, go for a run. The main thing is that during the movement a person feels pleasure. By going on the tour you dreamed about, you will get fresh impressions and strengthen the root chakra, recharged with positive emotions from the trip. You can find a place in nature where it will pull. Come from time to time to your favorite place and enjoy the unity with the natural world. It is best to do this alone.

Balance between physical and spiritual

If there is no time for a long rest, you can listen to records with birdsong, the sound of sea waves and other natural sounds, energizing. Staying at home, you need to focus on a sense of security as often as possible. Obstructing material causes must be eliminated. It happens that the place of residence does not leave the desired comfort, in which case it is better to move to where it will be better. Choose a place that suits your taste preferences.

As for large cities, living in them is uncomfortable, in terms of harmfulness, living in megacities can be compared with being in a wretched province. In both cases, weekend trips to nature can be of great benefit.

Sleep should not be neglected, ideally you should wake up early and go to bed early to catch the most favorable time for sleep. Esotericists claim that such a time comes from 22.00.

Massage will also help improve the state of Muladhara. If you live alone, self-massage will be of great benefit. In striving for financial independence, one should not forget about other equally important areas of one's life. Try to keep a balance between the physical and the spiritual. If there is a lot of aggression, it is necessary to find the right way out for it, for example, to work hard on the simulators in the gym. Be respectful of what you eat. Remember that before you have satisfied your hunger, someone has ceased to exist.

The root chakra can be safely called the frame of the subtle human body. Muladhara is responsible for the physical side of life and the body. If the state of the energy center is bad, special techniques will help correct the situation, by means of which you can make the base of the subtle body stronger and healthier. You just need to choose the most attractive healing technique.

Attention, only TODAY!

And what do we get in return? A cup of tea will most likely be brought to us if there is anyone.

But after all, we have to continue to play this role further, well, so as not to make a mistake. And to live out the rest of the day in this weak Image turns out somehow by itself, by inertia.

However, a strong Muladhara will never do this! For the Red personality, it is a matter of life and death to have the strength to ensure its survival. "Am I really not able to pour myself tea? Yes, I'll cook for everyone!" - the "smart" Red chakra always says to itself.

For Muladhara, the question is unambiguous: "Power or Weakness?"
There are no other options. Do we have the strength now to do what came to mind, or do we not, and we postpone action until better times, when it becomes less burdensome?

Every time I say "Yes!" to our ideas and tearing off the fifth point from our homes, we say “Yes!” Red energy and, starting to consciously and thoroughly act with the body, we receive it in the amount necessary for this from space.

Each time, postponing something for tomorrow, for later, for better times, we give up strength, but make another contribution to the treasury of our weakness and weakness.

Decide for yourself!

Sabotage is our right and our choice. In life, exactly as many events will happen as we measure ourselves. Everything is extremely simple here. If there is body awareness, if you feel your body, then there is Power, to varying degrees, because the very process of body awareness triggers the work of the first chakra, which supplies Red energy to the system.

If, for some reason, we are sorry to spend attention on the body and gymnastics, we will not see physical awareness, and our destiny is Non-power.

Of course, you can force yourself to act without body awareness, which is what the vast majority of modern people do. But this will be a labored action of an unfortunate person, which will not bring pleasure to either the doer or the observers of this truly miserable process.

In my personal history of introspection, there was a very revealing case related to the illusory state of weakness. A purely female story, which, however, I am sure will be in tune with the personal experience of the vast majority of readers.

After putting my two kids to bed, exhaling and sitting on the sofa after a hard day, I looked at my manicure and decided that it was pretty worn out and it would be nice to refresh it. But after all, for this it was necessary to go to another room, get nail polish remover, call, rub off the nail polish, and it is desirable to process the nails themselves. Not to mention the fact that they re-make up and then sit idle for half an hour. No! Now I can’t go for it - I don’t have the strength! Tomorrow. And resigned to my fatigue, I feebly buried myself in the TV.

A couple of minutes later, my husband entered the room and asked if I had bought him the promised hair product. But I really bought it and immediately rushed into the corridor to remove it from the bag and please my beloved.

However, there was an obscene sticker with a Russian translation on the beautiful bottle, and in order not to spoil the impression of the purchase, I decided to immediately peel off the terrible sticker from the bottle, after which an unpleasant sticky mark remained on it. It had to be removed urgently, and the best remedy for this, of course, is nail polish remover. And what do you think?

Obsessed with the good intentions of a good wife, I energetically galloped to my room and began to carefully carry out all those procedures with a bottle that I had absolutely no strength for my nails a couple of minutes ago. Moreover, while I did not realize the absurdity of what was happening, I still managed to be annoyed that this process spoils my manicure, which does not stand up to any criticism.

What happened to my motivation and feeling of fatigue caused me a powerful surge of awareness and energy. Having cleaned the bottle, I immediately put my hands in order, and, drying my manicure, I was in a state of total bliss and calm joy about the inscrutableness of the Lord's ways.

Here is such a story. It brilliantly demonstrates how aggression against the sticker led me to that initial action, which I sabotaged because of my illusory weakness, based on an unconscious habit of feeling sorry for myself and energy illiteracy.

In the future, taught by this example, I repeatedly resorted to the use of emerging reflex aggressive impulses to accomplish what it would seem that initially there were no forces.

And this led me to the idea that a traumatic personal history is necessary for people who are initially genetically programmed for passivity and inaction. And I am exactly that type. I can sit all day on the priest exactly, contemplating the space.

There are no major and minor chakras in the energy structure. Each channel has its own functionality. Muladhara is considered the first in the system: it is called the root, Adahara, source. What is it responsible for and what irreversible processes in the body occur if the portal is closed? Any of the issues requires detailed consideration, because in the case of incorrect operation of one source, a failure occurs at all levels: diseases overtake, the meaning of life is lost, the colors of the world are erased.

The possibilities of consciousness are endless

In this article

What is responsible for and what functions does it perform

The first energy point is located in the perineum. On the physics of the body, olfactory receptors correspond to it. Thanks to Adahara, the nose picks up odors and recognizes their origin. On the subtle plane, it is responsible for the health of the spine, digestive tract and intestines, controls the sexual sphere.

An allergy occurs when one of the invisible levels is damaged. If medical tests do not reveal the pathogen, try working with the Muladhara chakra. Often allergic reactions are caused by psychosomatics. Illness is the body's protest. It is worth overcoming household and life troubles, as it passes.

The main one is another figurative name for the first chakra. She holds the spinal column. This is the foundation of human nature.

Chakras are located along the spine. The imaginary axis originates at the point of the lower lotus.

The stronger the foundation, the more strength and magical possibilities. What else is the Muladhara root responsible for?

  1. Sexual instinct and procreation.
  2. The ability to survive in any conditions.
  3. The instinct of self-preservation.
  4. Regulates the need for food and drink.
  5. Protection of family and immediate environment.
  6. Controls fear, which helps to avoid risky and thoughtless actions.

Fans of extreme sports have almost no sense of danger. Psychologists are not in vain saying that such actions are characterized as latent suicide.

Esotericists warn that the craving for dangerous entertainment and adventure is a sure sign of a damaged main energy channel. Racers and thrill-seekers are potential suicides, death is a matter of time and chance.

This video presents a meditative practice for opening inner life reserves and activating Muladhara:

Kundalini energy and the first chakra

Powerful Kundalini originates at the very bottom of the spinal trunk. If the source is blocked and clogged with slags, then the path to the higher centers of Consciousness is tightly closed and the person becomes mundane. The brain is interested in mercantile and everyday issues, lives and feeds on base instincts. Such souls do not look to the Sky and are interrupted exclusively by bodily "entertainment". These are primitive outcasts.

Kundalini blocks fear. It is not necessarily the fear of death. Satiety and comfort do not allow the soul to strive upward.

The Kundalini energy must move freely along an imaginary channel.

To shake things up and feel the taste for life, psychologists advise to get out of the comfort zone. The expression figuratively and accurately characterizes the relationship between purification and spiritual awakening.

Exercises from the kundalini yoga complex help to unblock stagnant flows. Practice involves training the abdominal muscles. But no external incentives will help until there is a clear awareness of change.

Which authorities are responsible for

We are like a tree whose roots grow into the earth. The trunk grows, branches are added, buds open and leaves appear. But if the root system is broken, the plant dies.

Healthy digestive organs, good appetite and reproductive abilities are the main earthly tasks of the chakra.

Muladhara is responsible for the organs located in the pelvis:

  • colon;
  • prostate in men;
  • uterus in women;
  • bladder;
  • spinal column;
  • the hematopoietic system of the body;
  • musculoskeletal system: legs, bone tissue, veins.

Physical ailments are a signal to cleanse the aura. Take a holistic approach to treatment. Without canceling the appointment of doctors, think about the energy component of the disease.


In Hindu terminology, each center has its own characteristics: color, location, deity, etc.

  1. In Sanskrit it is written as मूलाधार.
  2. Located in the perineum.
  3. Painted in the red color of the solar spectrum.
  4. Hindu god Ganesha.
  5. Mantra: LAM.
  6. Sense organ - smell, smells.
  7. The symbolism is an elephant.
  8. Desires: physiological contact, comfort, safety.
  9. Cold moon breath.
  10. Note - to.
  11. Aromas: rose, vetiver, notes of citrus, woods and spices.
  12. The taste of the first chakra is sweetish and tart.

The Hindu deity is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. The mythical creature is responsible for wealth, fertility, wisdom and prosperity. Ganesha is the most revered of the pantheon. Often a respectful prefix - SRI - is added to the name.

Special music to activate the Muladhara chakra:

Often, neophytes ask a legitimate question: if the main goal is to develop spiritual centers, why work out the department responsible for the earthly and material?

Let's take a house as an example: no building starts from the roof. First, the foundation is laid, and the structure is already strung on it - the walls and the roof. What will the roof be supported on if there is no strong foundation.

Root activation is primarily of interest to those who want to achieve material well-being. Another question is that one should not stop there, one should develop the Spirit.

Summary table of human chakras, elements and minerals subject to them, responsible for disclosure and harmonization.

Muladhara stones

Each of the centers corresponds to a mineral. It enhances the properties of sources, activates and concentrates energy. Stones suitable for cleansing:

  1. Agate. Helps representatives of different generations to find a common language. Relieves fears and phobias. Accepts negative energy, protecting the owner from damage and the evil eye. It has a beneficial effect on the other 6 sources.
  2. Hematite. It means "blood" in Greek. The stone helps the hematopoietic system. Increases blood pressure, relieves stress, improves sleep, promotes the absorption of iron. Hematite is not shown to everyone, if you feel discomfort, discard products from this stone.
  3. Pomegranate. The ancient Persians believed that the owner of the mineral acquires magical power over others. Pomegranate promotes self-esteem and sexuality. Gives good mood and cheerfulness.
  4. Obsidian. Mystical stone. Recommended for use for magical practices: divination, divination, sacrifices. Gets rid of complexes. Stops aggression, helps to get along with the outside world.
  5. red jasper. In ancient times, it was used as a hemostatic agent. Helps strengthen blood vessels.
  6. black onyx. The mineral has absorbed the shades of sunlight. Great for both mystical practices and everyday wear as necklaces or bracelets.

The stones have a reddish hue, corresponding to the color of the indigenous Adahara. Esotericists advise not to be limited to the list, but to use all the minerals painted in this tone for awakening. The advice is not accidental: interaction with stones is an individual process. Everyone selects a rock that will correspond to energy.

Degrees of opening

The development of earthly power and self-preservation are characterized by the following features:

  1. Increased physical energy: the ability to move mountains without feeling tired appears; willingness to take on any task.
  2. Resistance to diseases, especially those for which the chakra is responsible. This is a healthy gastrointestinal tract, reproductive function.
  3. Vigor of spirit and endurance of the body. A fully blossomed red lotus is a symbol of Olympic records and gold medals.
  4. Self-righteousness and the ability to defend the chosen position. Strong roots do not allow the winds of life to pull the tree out of the ground.
  5. Trust in others. Do not confuse with naivete.
  6. Feeling of complete security and trust in relation to oneself, close relatives, friends.
  7. Strong connection with the physical body with the Earth.

The first chakra functions well in peasants and people born in the countryside. They have excellent health, are famous for their practical mind and ingenuity, they are not stopped by difficulties and obstacles. Farmers, cattle breeders and grain growers are the happy owners of a highly developed Muladhara.

Working on energy flows requires perseverance

The heroine of the novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell Scarlett is a vivid example from classical literature. O'Hara had reproductive health: she easily endured and gave birth to three children. She was stubborn and strong, despite the outward fragility. Her opposite is Melanie Hamilton, tender and unsuitable for childbearing, sentimental, brought up on examples from books.

The same energy affects the body in different ways

Weak development is characterized as follows:

  1. Fears and phobias that are difficult to psychologically correct. Panic attacks, anxiety and feelings of insecurity. Feeling the hostility of the world.
  2. Greed. Hoarding and the thirst for material wealth take on perverted and painful forms.
  3. A constant need for base pleasures and a complete lack of interest in spiritual matters, religion, magic, self-improvement.

If the red flower of the aura is in an undeveloped and rudimentary state, we try to avoid any active actions. Laziness, aversion to work and inability to live in reality - these are the consequences of blocking.

Ascension Solfeggio Tone 396 Hz dissolves negative thoughts, worries, anxiety and destructive patterns of behavior.

Consequences of hyperdevelopment

The Muladhara chakra should not be allowed to form faster than all the others. In this case, the energy balance is disturbed. The scales are tilted towards earthly interests. Hoarding becomes an end in itself; there is unmotivated greed, aggression.

Unworked karmic tasks settle in the chakra and clog energy vessels

The functions of the lower lotus are manifested differently in men and women.

For the representatives of the stronger sex, it becomes dominant. This is due to natural physiological causes and character: a man, by definition, is a breadwinner and a protector. A girl is allowed to be weak. She can remain in the shadow of her husband and completely shift the care of the material side onto his shoulders.

But the opposite process is increasingly visible: women take on previously uncharacteristic functions. They work, occupy leadership positions and become masculine. Their Muladhara functions at the limit of its capabilities and completely blocks the flow of energy to other centers.

There are almost no knights left: pampered and pampered men try to get away from decision-making and do not devote time to the family.

Doctors have determined that male infertility is increasingly the cause of childless families. An underdeveloped Muladhara makes the representatives of the stronger sex incapable of procreation. Nature is selecting those who, in her opinion, are not worthy of having descendants.

The unworked karma of incarnations settles like a heavy burden in the crotch area. The lower were the vibrations of the soul in previous reincarnations, the more chances to get problems in today's day.

Mantra of getting rid of the burden of the past:

What emotions are controlled by the chakra

Fear and obsessions are a sure sign of a root canal failure.

If it functions normally, then we get full pleasure from life: we feel the aromas, enjoy the taste of food, we see the rich colors of nature. There is nothing wrong with receiving pleasure from simple and understandable emotions, esotericists believe. It is not necessary to elevate base instincts to the absolute, but no one forbids satisfying natural needs.

With violations of the chakra, aggression, anger, despotism, intolerance appear. Unreasonable jealousy, painful passions and atypical sexual preferences are alarm bells.

Healthy Muladhara

At the astral level, the chakra is painted in an even and bright scarlet color. As soon as saturated and dark tones appear in the field, you should be alert. Dark, burgundy and black shades indicate that the channel is clogged with energy debris, which means that the free flow of prana through it is impossible. As with a lack of oxygen, a person suffocates, and the life support system fails.

A healthy Muladhara, like a filter, filters out unnecessary information entering other vessels.

With the help of special exercises, you can open the lower channel and clean it of slag. Mantras and yantras will help to activate and heal the point.

Men with a powerful Adahara have no problems with self-realization. Quickly adapt and adapt to new conditions. Straightforward, open, not afraid to take responsibility.

Harmoniously developed women successfully combine a career with family management and raising children.

Symptoms of disturbances in the development of Muladhara

Functions are affected by:

  • wrong way of thinking;
  • antisocial behavior;
  • binge eating;
  • alcohol;
  • sexual deviations and addictions;
  • anger;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • lack of daily sports load, other risk factors.

Just as blood vessels become clogged from fatty foods, so the energy threads become thinner and break if we do not take care of them.

The harmonious development of a person normalizes the work of all chakras

Obvious symptoms include:

  1. Problems with the intestines, expressed in constipation.
  2. Prostate problems in men.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction in women.
  4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system in both sexes.
  5. Blockage of blood vessels in the legs and vein diseases.

At the mental level, disorders can be recognized by frequent mood swings, laziness, depression and aggression.

Singing bowls to activate Muladhara:

How to discover and develop

In a natural way, the chakra is formed in everyone: from birth to five years, a channel is formed that allows you to stand firmly on your feet.

Opening Muladhara does not mean grounding. On the contrary, it will give energy the opportunity to move freely.

In some pedagogical systems, a child is allowed a lot until the age of 5. He cannot be limited in the knowledge of the world, shouted, scolded for misconduct. It is at this moment that he develops resistance to life's difficulties: first, the child takes the first steps, then he learns reality. If parents put obstacles, then the baby grows unviable.

  1. To open, you can listen and sing mantras. But this is not enough.
  2. Add aromatic oils to creams, smoke sticks and cones indoors. Sandalwood, patchouli, vetiver, rose, sage, cedar and rosemary are the top scents for awakening the earth channel.
  3. Vanilla, cardamom and cinnamon are spices that should be actively used in cooking. They whet the natural appetite. Help digestion.
  4. In lithotherapy (treatment with stones), esotericists recommend the use of red minerals. Wear jewelry from them with the symbolism of the fiery flower.
  5. Be Active: A healthy chakra requires exercise, movement, and gymnastics. Choose exercises that bring you joy. You can't do it by force.
  6. Hiking, hiking and morning jogging work great.
  7. Try to keep a balance between the thirst for material values ​​and spiritual development. The bias towards animal pleasures and instincts blocks the natural flow of prana through the spinal column.
  8. Pay attention to sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and get up early.
  9. Simple and easily digestible food will avoid problems with the intestines and cleanse the body.

Red shades and spicy aromas will help awaken Muladhara

Surround yourself with things in red shades. Try to use bright accessories in your clothes: trouser belts, scarves or gloves. You can cover the bed with a red bedspread or use bedding of the desired color.

Elemental Chakra Correspondence

Muladhara rules over the elements of the Earth. It is closest to natural natural processes. But do not forget that it is they who pull down.

The earth is energized. Like trees we root into it

Grounding is necessary if a person is in the clouds. Illusions and oddities are a sure sign of disproportionate root and crown development. Simple rules will help you stay in good shape:

  1. Try to improve relationships with family and friends.
  2. Set a lot of specific goals and progressively move towards their implementation.
  3. Get rid of greed.
  4. Pay back your debts on time.
  5. Keep your promises and keep your word.
  6. Eliminate fears. Work on your own or seek help from a psychologist.
  7. Appreciate every moment. Enjoy what is called here and now.

Meditation to Attune to the Earth Element

Effective meditation with a candle

The rules of work are the same for all chakra flows:

  1. Take a relaxed posture.
  2. Turn on the music.
  3. Place a candle and focus on the flame.
  4. Chant the mantra OM.
  5. Imagine how a strong stream of warm air is concentrated in the lower bodily region.
  6. Raise it up the spine up to the crown disc.
  7. Breathe in your belly.

Repeat the exercise seven times a week.

Mantra LAM

Get rid of laziness, stagnation in thoughts and body. While reading it, listen to the sensations: if the body in the Muladhara area fills with warmth and vibration is felt, you are on the right track. You can pronounce the sound in silence or use special music as an accompaniment. It is allowed to play along with yourself on a shaman tambourine or singing bowls.

Use visualization to activate natural cycles. Advanced students represent the yantra with their inner vision, beginners are advised to have an image in front of their eyes.

Peering into the geometric pattern, you activate the desired point.


Mandalas give a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the disclosure of superpowers. Esotericists advise making them with your own hands. The most affordable way is to buy a special coloring book with a drawing already applied.

With the help of colored pencils, brushes and paints, you will open the chakras and inner resources of the subconscious.

Art therapy is actively used by psychologists. It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist: everyone can create abstract paintings and geometric drawings. Color, tone and shape will tell a lot about existing problems, give answers to unspoken questions.

The practice and technique of survival is what this mudra is called. It is aimed at opening and correcting the lower section.

Bend your thumbs towards the center of your palms.

Grab them from above with others.

You should get a fist with fingers hidden inside. In Hinduism, the figure is called the “ant pose”.

You can use the mudra of life.

Or earth.

The feet should be on a hard surface, and the head should prop up the sky. Without support, we will not reach the highest enlightenment.

Enlightenment and achieving harmony is possible with the realization of one's divine destiny

The path upward begins with the right start: let the power of the Earth pass through you and direct the Spirit to the higher spheres.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Please note that the material presented below is a classic esoteric teaching on the structure of the chakra system with the so-called. the astral plane and the psychosphere of the Earth. It is focused on the initial and basic level of self-development and refinement of personality traits, the integration of modern psychology with spirituality. It is here that the preparation for the transition to the level of evolution of the Soul begins. Practices related to the qualities of the Soul and Spiritual Wisdom are mainly concentrated in sections , , and separate thematic articles.

The word "from Sanskrit means" base, root, foundation, base. "This is the first of the seven main human chakras. Muladhara may also be referred to as the "root chakra".
The first chakra establishes a connection between a person and the material world, lays the foundation for the further activity of the main chakras. This chakra stores all the potential life energy of a person, which gives a person a sense of confidence in his life and a sense of stability. Through the manifestation of the need to work, to provide food for oneself, to create a home, the Muladhara family thus nourishes one of the basic instincts for survival in the environment.
The functioning of the Muladhara chakra belongs to the area of ​​the unconscious mind.

In case work Muladhara balanced - a person feels calm, satisfied with life and he has confidence in his inner strength. A person is stable, assertive and able to overcome conflict and crisis situations in his life. Such a person is active, does not experience any particular difficulties, is insightful, makes life decisions and implements them, his feet are firmly on the ground, he is energetic and able to think about the spiritual.

The deformation of the balance in the root chakra is manifested by the concentration of all thoughts and interests of a person on material needs: food, drink, sex and money. Self-indulgence occurs, a person may manifest egocentrism, a sense of danger arises, internal instability, depression, melancholy appear. A person may experience anxiety, does not complete the work begun, begins to experience constant financial difficulties.

Violation of the work of the first chakra of a person can cause various phobias, fears, weakness appears in the physical body, greed, anger, delusions appear.

Location, Muladhara projection

Finding the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column:

in men - the first chakra is biologically tied to the prostate gland, located at the base of the perineum

in women - has no anatomical reference and is located between the ovaries

The zone of location in the physical body is the region of the coccyx, the lumbar point of the nerve plexus of the 4th sacral vertebra.

Muladhara - The first chakra of a person is responsible for :

  • connection of the geo-magnetic grid of Hartman of the Earth with the energy shell of a person
  • maintaining the biological life of a person, the connection between the survival instinct and the self-preservation of the physical body
  • quick response to changes in the outside world
  • temperament, personality, degree of stability (balance) of the psyche
  • the flow of Earth energy into the physical and energy bodies of a person, as well as for the removal of energy "slags" from the general energy system of a person
  • creating a support for the human energy skeleton

For men, the energy of the first chakra is fundamental, it gives them the qualities of confidence, calmness, stability, stability, power and strength.

In women, the first chakra is much less developed, this is due to the fact that women do not have an anatomical binding of the Muladhara chakra in the physical body. Therefore, the appropriate energy for the root chakra and its inherent qualities, a woman receives through a man. It is the man who stabilizes the mental processes and the frequent "chaotic" emotionality of a woman, creates a woman's feeling of confidence, calmness, stability.

The main characteristics of the first chakra:

Color - red spectrum range
Element - earth
Taste - sweet
Smell – Vetiver which smells like wet plant roots and wet wood, wet mud, can have spicy, citrus, woody and smoky undertones
Note - Do
Mantra (bijna) - LAM
Trace elements - iron
Geometric figure - cube
Communication with bodies - a subtle level of development Astral body
The number of petals is 4. A petal is a natural vibration that occurs in the vibrational circuit of a chakra.
Minerals and Crystals - obsidian, garnet, red coral, ruby, bloodstone, red jasper
The energy source of the chakra is the gravitational and electromagnetic field of the Earth

Qualities - purity, discipline, joy
Gift - wonderworking
Day - Friday

The list of internal organs and body systems that are controlled by the Muladhara chakra:

Body systems: musculoskeletal system, lymphatic system, tissue system, male reproductive system, RES (reticular endothelial system, space of liquid and semi-liquid media. Controls excretory and sexual functions.


Reproductive male organs

With a high Spiritual development of the chakra: resistance to disease, endurance, increased energy in the physical body, vigor, the ability to properly defend one's interests and outlook on life, an inner sense of security, trust in the physical world, a sense of connection with planet Earth, stability.

With low spiritual development first chakra: greed, fear, desire for acquisition, prudence, delusion.

If the chakra is polluted or partially blocked, then it contains quite a bit of energy necessary for the physical body. If, in addition to blocking the first chakra, a person’s work is associated with intellectual activity and this person is overly emotional, then real diseases can develop in his physical body over time, and since a person is rarely in the “here and now” state and avoids physical activity, he does not come across as a strong personality
In this case, you need to pay more attention to your body and its manifestation in the physical world, and also not to forget about the process of "grounding".
unhealthy root chakra broadcasts the following information: “Life is terrible and hard. The world is hostile, I sense danger. I am not worthy of abundance and prosperity. I am a victim of circumstance. I don't like my physical body."
Open, healthy first chakra: “Life is full of beauty and easy. I am guided and protected, I am safe. I take responsibility for the quality of my life. I have the right to express myself. I love my body"

Connection of emotions and the first chakra:

Fears: self-destruction, fear of death.
Norm: materialization of the Spirit, harmony of the Spirit with the Body, pleasure from one's work and Being, psychological stability, confidence. calmness, being in a state of "I am here and now", patience,
Passions: greed, workaholism, anger, jealousy, class intolerance, national, sexual, tribal, anger, self-affirmation, aggression.
Area of ​​responsibility: libido, sexual programs, pleasure.

The difference between the polarization of the Muladhara chakra in women and men

Muladhara chakra in men is a giving chakra, in women it is receiving:

The first chakra in men has a polar orientation in accordance with the magnetic field of the planet, which allows you to establish a strong connection with the Hartman geo-magnetic grid, which in turn gives men resistance to strong physical exertion, a sense of space, an easier way to remove energy-information from the physical body slags through the first chakra and channels of the legs - to the Earth, as well as orientation to the terrain,
In women, the first chakra is not polarized, it does not have a clear mechanism for absorbing the flow of energies, therefore, in women, the connection with the Earth's Hartman geo-magnetic grid is weakened, which in turn is expressed in difficulty with orientation to the terrain or space. The withdrawal of energy-informational waste from the female body mainly occurs through monthly blood, in which destructive programs (solitons) are recorded on blood macromolecules, which are generated or perceived by the female brain from the environment through the chakra and channels of the legs. If during the month a woman is often exposed to stressful influences or generates destructive (negative) thought-images herself, then menstruation, as a rule, is painful.

Muladhara chakra activity

Chakra overactivity: associated with various fears and phobias.
High chakra activity: state of struggle, stress,
Optimal Chakra Activity: Expressing the positive properties of the chakra.
Moderate chakra activity: chakra properties are within normal limits;
Low chakra activity: lack of vitality, low energy levels
Blocking energy in the chakra.
It blocks the energy in the Muladhara chakra, the so-called energy nodes that have formed on the path of its movement. The most important block is the node of fear, the block at the exit, due to which the energy of fear, like radiation, destroys the body.

Muladhara chakra energy

In the first chakra of a person, the Kundalini Energy is stored, or as it is also called the “Energy of Human Life”. In the area between the coccyx and the bladder are several lymph nodes and nerve endings. This is a kind of "nuclear reactor". In men, it is heated by the prostate gland, in women by the ovaries. That is why the work of this center is connected with the sexual sphere. With the activation of the psychic energy of Kundalini in a person, the main higher psychic centers can be almost completely destroyed, without which the spiritual development of a person is not possible. The opening of the Muladhara chakra occurs under the influence of cosmic spiritual energy, then a person's true source of vital energy is activated.

Where is this energy directed? If a person is standing, then the direction of this energy is down, thereby providing an exit (discharge of waste energy). In the "lying" position, the withdrawal process is redistributed and even slowed down, therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of vital energy, the sick person is put to bed.

In general, the distribution and movement of the Muladhara energy can be compared to a waterfall. First, the energy rises through the energy channel inside the spinal column, while there is a feeling of a surge of joy, euphoria and warmth throughout the spine.
Further, the energy stimulates the endocrine glands, enters into the process of interaction with other types of energies located in the main energy meridians, used to ensure the vital activity of the body. The output of energy occurs through Muladhara, in a place located near the anus.

In a person, his life energy has the form of a spring or a coiled snail, its vibration range is red. This energy is released as needed and nourishes our body. Passing through the energy channels, it draws in the energy that gets in the way, thereby distorting its main sound.

For example, love can turn into jealousy, the desire to have material wealth - envy, a vivid desire to be sincere can turn a person into a liar, etc.

Having a knot of fear, when engaging in energy practices, vital energy is wasted. Therefore, incorrect or inept practice can disrupt the movement of energy flow, and as a result, destruction of a person's energy protection is possible.

and negative health effects

Recommendations for working with the first chakra, cleansing, healing and harmonizing the Muladhara chakra:

1. Instructions on how to properly conduct energy practices - work with chakras:

2. Author's technique for cleansing, leveling, healing and harmonization Muladhara chakras:

Scheme for tuning for the Muladhara chakra:

1. We take a comfortable position, in the “sitting” position on a chair. The spine is held vertically, you can lean on the back of the chair, maintaining the vertical position of the spine.
2. We perform the "Grounding" technique. We establish contact with the consciousness of planet Earth, thank you for the opportunity to cooperate and ask you to establish the correct energy-information exchange for the reception and distribution of excess energy received from you.
3. We align our breathing according to the principle "inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth." We do this as many times as necessary, gradually relaxing.
4. We call on your Higher Self, we ask him to work on protecting, healing and activating your muladhara chakra under his full control and, if necessary, making a correction.
5. We concentrate on the first chakra of the person Muladhara.
6. At the same time, we concentrate on the chakra of the 3rd eye.
7. We carry out attunement of these two chakras of simultaneous concentration of your attention.
8. At the moment of double concentration, we monitor our internal state, thoughts, flow information. If possible, remember or write down the incoming information. This information comes from your subconscious about the root cause of the oldest problem, manifested in the material world in the form of deformations of health, the amount of money, problematic conflict situations.
9. If during the action of high-frequency energy you feel unwell - it is advisable to stop this practice for a while, drink a glass of water, lie down and try to relax, rest.
10. Gradually remove the concentration of attention from the chakra of the 3rd eye and transfer our attention to the legs, monitoring their condition. If there is heaviness from the knee to the foot, then this indicates that there is a weak energy exchange of grounding through the legs and it is necessary to pump, squeeze out excess energy from this part of the body by the effort of consciousness. This action is carried out until relief comes in the legs.
11. Open your eyes, gradually return to this reality. If necessary, drink water, rest.

The independent application of these techniques is your personal decision under your responsibility, since we cannot control the correctness of your performance of all stages of work.