Petliura Yuri Barabash biography. A short life and a bright career: the causes of death of Yuri Barabash-Petliura. The beginning of musical activity

Petliura Viktor Vladimirovich was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a musician, by the age of 11 he mastered the guitar, performed folk and yard songs. By the age of 13, a musical group was created, author's songs appeared, mainly on a lyrical theme. A year later, the team was invited to the amateur club of one of the Simferopol factories, which had a decent rehearsal base and regular concert performances. It was during this period that the professional growth of the artist began, the search for a congenial style and direction. After graduating from nine classes of high school, Victor and his comrades enter the school and create a new team there, devoting all the time to rehearsals. At the same time, Victor was invited as a guitarist and vocalist in one of the restaurants in Simferopol and, given the level of his professionalism, as an acoustic guitar teacher in one of the city clubs. From that moment, a truly interesting musical life began: the first professional recordings and performances, participation in competitions and festivals. Over time, Victor consciously comes to the genre of the yard song, or, as it is now called, Russian chanson, to songs that are performed with the soul and from the heart.

For about five years, the musician did not dare to record an album, and only in 1999 the debut, solo album "Blue-eyed" appeared, which was released by the Zodiac Records company. In 2000, the release of the second album "You Can't Return" took place. The recording of the first two albums took place in a rented studio, where they mainly wrote pop and rock music, so it was not easy for Victor, it took a lot of time to explain and understand with the musicians.

Difficulties in recording the first two albums prompted Victor to create his own recording studio. Over time, a reliable team was selected, with which the artist is still collaborating, these are: Ilya Tanch (poet), Konstantin Atamanov and Rolland Mumji (arrangement), Ekaterina Peretyatko and Irina Melintsova (backing vocals), Evgeny Kochemazov (arrangement and backing vocals ). But the singer prefers to do the bulk of the work himself. Such well-known performers as Alexander Dyumin, Zheka, Tanya Tishinskaya, Masha Vaks, Diana Terkulova, Rustik Zhiga recorded their songs at V. Petlyura's studio... Victor devoted his whole life to creativity. Work on new songs stops only for the duration of concert and tour activities in Russia, countries of near and far abroad.

The discography of Viktor Petliura currently consists of 10 albums. In addition, his songs are regularly published in collections of well-known publishing companies in Moscow. Also, in 2006 a live DVD of Viktor Petliura was released.

In 1974, when Yurka was born, his city was no different from hundreds of other Soviet cities. Plants, factories, five universities, two theatres, three museums... But, nevertheless, there was something special in this city, scorched by the sun. Later, after many years, Slava Cherny will write a song for him. About the Motherland. About Stavropol. And this song will not be far-fetched, not a single gram. Soulful, empathetic. And sleep well.

It's nice to be back where you spent your childhood. Where it was fun and not so much, where every dog ​​knows you, where you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Return to the past...

The generation now in their early twenties, Yurino's generation, lived in an unusual, strange time. However, what generation in this country cannot be said the same?

But still, fate showed them both socialism, and perestroika, and even new times, the names of which have not yet been invented ... The Brezhnev stagnation, the rapid change of Andropov from Chernenko, the arrival of Gorbachev - Yurka's countryman, and, finally, Yeltsin .. And, most importantly, the consciousness of these boys did not have time to stiffen, they easily accepted the change of times. But, by the way, Petliura had no time for politics. He is also a singer.

Petlyura ... Yura - Petlyura ... Here's a rhyme for you. In a song, after all, the words should be coherent... By the way, he almost never wrote songs, well, except perhaps "Good people, please help me ..." and two or three more ... But, as for the performance, here he there were no equals. He sang about captivity, about human feelings and experiences, he told stories from our lives. Sad, unbearably sad, and sometimes, on the contrary, joyful... And always truthful and sincere. He was the only one who could sing like that.

His first album - "Benya Raider" - was recorded in his home studio. Then it was fashionable between songs to comment on something with computer voices. "This is not Shatunov - this is Petlyura," someone on this album says, so that there is no confusion, probably ... Indeed, a person who does not understand could confuse the two Yurs. The voices are unmistakably similar. But that was only the beginning. Our Yura immediately had his own face, his own style (as they say now). And in the break of the song "Wait, steam locomotive" some uncle told us that he - "the producer of this album thanks his wife and best friends - Vitalik and Alekha for help" ... Vitalik and Lekha, probably, were satisfied. Audio pirates too. With their help, the album scattered across the expanses of our country. So then it was accepted. Everything was just beginning.

When it became possible to record songs on more professional equipment, it was decided that Petlyura should cover some of the songs from "The Raider ...". So they did. In addition, they picked up and recorded several more compositions. So the album "Youngster" was born. It was again released on audio cassettes, and then on compacts. And people liked it again.

The song "Rain" then began to be included in discos as a slow-motion song. Rural clubs and pioneer camps were shocked by such frankness. The youth listened, the youth thought, and not only the youth... People wanted to know what else this boy sings? And he sang about how hard it is in prison, how lonely it is in the army, especially when your beloved cheated on you. About the tram and about the birds, which, unlike people, live in pairs. About dark water and about the wall. About Alyoshka and about the fact that you don’t want to die so much ...

Best of the day

In 1995, the Master Sound company and Yuri Sevostyanov appeared in the life of Yuri Barabash, who was not afraid to invest in Russian Chanson.

Yes, time gave birth to this strange phrase.

A mixture of thieves' lyrics and yard songs, music of restaurants, kitchens and entrances, songs of the zone. It became easier to work with Master Sound. They immediately offered to conclude a contract for several years in advance. We started writing albums, shot a video. Everything was mature...

The first in line was the Fast Train. Perhaps the most famous Yurina work. This album was released both on cassette and CD. Petliura's songs could then be heard even on the new "Russian Radio" ...

Could he have dreamed of this a few years ago. Although, who knows... The ways of the Lord are inscrutable.

Moscow. He already lived here. And he worked, worked ... He sang with rapture, recorded ... He was looking for new facets in his work. He tried to sing either pure lyrics, then again returned to Zhigan songs.

Following the "Fast Train", the album "Sad Guy" was being prepared for release. It has already been advertised on television. “Guess what he is sad about, but I don’t even dare to guess about it” ...

Maybe someone's head would be spinning from this ... But not for him ...

And suddenly death ... A car accident on the night of August 27-28, 1996 on Sevastopol Avenue ...

It was almost the first time he sat behind the wheel and, apparently, lost control. Everyone escaped with injuries except him...

It is said that at first they could not identify him. And only people who watched "Highway Patrol" on Russian TV recognized Yura.

Yuri Barabash is buried at the Khovansky cemetery in Moscow.

Viktor Petliura is a popular Russian chanson performer, musician, poet, born in sunny Simferopol on 10/30/1975.


His parents loved music, but did not take it seriously. No one remembers where the guitar came from in the house, but the boy began to show interest in it from early childhood. However, the parents did not see bright creative abilities in their son, so he grew up as an ordinary yard tomboy.

Nevertheless, communicating with older children and plucking the strings after lessons, by the age of 11 Victor had learned to play this instrument quite well. Moreover, the guys with the guitar had no end to the girls, and Victor liked to be in the spotlight.

Gradually, a whole group was formed from such musical boys, in the repertoire of which there was very different genres of music - from folk to chanson.

In adolescence, of course, he fell in love for the first time, and then his creative talent began to fully unfold. Victor began to compose lyrical poems and set them to his own music. And so the first, in many respects still naive songs were born, which further increased his popularity.

The first feelings did not develop into a serious relationship, but they gave impetus to the development of a musical career. By this time, the boy had already entered a music school and understood that it was with music that he planned to link his fate in the future. This means you need to do it professionally.


Victor considers performances in a club at one of the Simferopol factories to be the beginning of his career. The guys were invited there by his leader, who accidentally heard them on the street. The boys were provided with premises and equipment for rehearsals, and they took part in all club events.

Gradually, the group's repertoire expanded, and the young team gained popularity in the city. After school, the whole group decided to continue their studies at a music school, and in the evenings they played in the best restaurants in the city, earning quite decent money at that time.

But this was not enough for Victor - he wanted to make music on a completely different level. He begins to raise funds for the release of his debut album and select songs for it. This long-awaited event took place in 1999. The album "Blue-eyed" includes his favorite compositions. A small edition was immediately sold out, but it did not bring super popularity to the author.

Inspired by success, a year later Victor releases a new album, "You Can't Be Returned". With such a repertoire, the group begins to actively tour and perform at music competitions and festivals. The listeners like the discs, but not Petliura himself. They recorded in a studio equipped to perform pop or rock and roll.

Then he decides to open his own studio and soon makes it a reality. Now ideal working conditions have been created for the team. By that time, he already has a permanent staff of real professionals, where everyone knows and loves his job. Petliura believes that people are the main secret of his success.

Currently, the artist's discography includes 13 full-length albums. He successfully tours throughout the CIS and non-CIS countries and is one of the most fashionable and sought-after chanson performers. His studio is also popular. Many well-known Russian performers have already worked on it.

Personal life

Already in his early youth, Victor was very popular among girls. And not just because of the guitar. He was very charming and at the same time had a strong masculine character, which allowed him to always achieve his goals. He often fell in love, but preferred a serious long-term relationship.

He was not yet 20 when he experienced a real tragedy - almost before his eyes in the restaurant where Victor worked, a stray bullet of gang warfare, which often happened in the 90s, claimed the life of his bride. The girl died just a few weeks before the planned wedding.

For many months, Victor plunged into a severe depression. And only the support of the team and responsibility to him made him return to creativity and normal life again. Although this tragedy left a deep scar on Victor's heart, after a while it thawed.

Now the artist is already in his second marriage. The first union broke up shortly after the birth of his son, and Victor prefers not to talk about the reasons for the break. His second wife, a former financier, completely took over the organization of tours and concerts of her husband and his team. She is his right hand and faithful companion.

With second wife

They have no common children, but Natalya's son from his first marriage quickly found a common language with Victor's own son from his first wife. The boys often spend time with their father, and he is happy that he does not have to be torn between them. That's just a busy schedule does not allow him to stay at home as often as he would like.

By the way, the musician is often confused with his former colleague - Yuri Barabash, who performed in the early 90s under the pseudonym "Petlyura". That musician died at a young age, crashing on one of the flights. And Viktor has a real surname, although sometimes he even has to show his passport in order to prove this to especially distrustful journalists.

"Ehhh, roam!" 2019. How it was

Almost fifty numbers from the classics of pop and chanson and those who are taking their first steps in this genre gathered a full house in the Megasport Sports Palace at the national dance floor "Ehh, Razgulyay!", Which Radio Chanson opens a series of New Year's festivities in the capital. The general degree of fun in the hall was supported by Nikolai Fomenko, who, by his example, showed what it means to roam from the heart. And the audience supported the set tone, meeting with a storm of applause those who are at the forefront of chanson in Russian ...

Our favorite stars continue to share their plans and hopes for the coming year. Viktor Korolev has already planned a record that we will hear in the spring: “My plans are: to live, live, walk on two legs, hold a microphone in my hand so that my bands sing and my songs are loved. This is the most important thing. I'm recording new songs ... "

In the Sverdlovsk region, the number of accidents, the perpetrators of which turned out to be older than 70, increased by 65 percent. And right there in the power structures, the idea was born to oblige age motorists to undergo a medical examination more often. However, the traffic police did not support such an initiative and said that to control the health of drivers ...

That's for sure: you won't enter paradise on traditions alone. You need to have something yourself as arguments. Our men's handball in terms of Olympic regalia will give many sports an enviable head start. But when were these regalia received? During the time of King Peas? Today what? We have to state with sadness: yes, almost nothing. For the first time in history, our team lost all three opening matches at the European Championship! This has never happened before! As a result, we did not qualify from the group and again do not get to the Olympic Games ....

Viktor Vladimirovich Petliura is a chanson performer, songwriter, and musician. Since 2015, he has been performing under the pseudonym Viktor Dorin.


The future singer was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol (Crimea). His mother was a kindergarten teacher and his father was a hydroelectric engineer. Victor is the only child in the family.

From an early age, parents began to notice their son's interest in music. There were no professional musicians in Victor's family or those who attended a music school. According to the future singer, he did not understand from whom he inherited his musical talent. By the age of eleven, he taught himself how to play the guitar. At this time, he began to write his first songs and perform them with guitar accompaniment.

At the age of 13, Victor, having teamed up with his friends, decided to create a musical group. They played in different genres: chanson, folk song. Their work was often compared with the then popular chanson performer Sergei Nagovitsyn. A year later, the new team was invited to a concert in the factory club of Simferopol as a musical group.

After a spectacular performance, the guys were offered to work in the club and were provided with a large rehearsal room for free. This allowed Petlyura to gain experience in working with the public, to train in songwriting. It was at this time, according to Victor, that he decided to connect his future life with music.

In 1990, Victor graduated from a music school with a guitar class, and in 1991 he graduated from a general education school, after which he entered a music college.

Musical career

After enrolling in a music college, Victor decided to create a new group. It included some members of the previous team. Concentrating on creativity, his group took part in many music competitions.

In 1999, Petlyura recorded his first disc, Blue-eyed. The musician prepared for its release for a long time, he selected only his most favorite songs. The album was released in a small edition and was soon sold out completely.

Viktor Petlyura - "Son of the Prosecutor"

A year later, the album "You Can't Return" was released. It was recorded in a studio designed for pop and rock and roll artists. Dissatisfied with the sound quality, the musician thought about opening his own studio, in which he eventually recorded the next 11 albums. His most popular songs are "Son of the Prosecutor", "Fate", "Dembel", "Light", "Doves". His compositions can be heard in the rotation of the radio "Police Wave", "Road".

Personal life of Viktor Petlyura

Victor has been married twice. In his first marriage with Natalia, his son Eugene was born. In his second marriage with his concert director Natalya Kopylova, he is raising his stepson Nikita. Victor and his second wife Natalia have no joint children.

Viktor Petliura now

In 2015, Petliura went on a long tour of the Krasnodar Territory with the program "Still Will Come True". Having completed his southern tour, Viktor Petliura began to use the pseudonym Viktor Dorin. All because of confusion with the musician Yuri Barabash, who performed under the Petlyura brand. Plus, a new stage has begun in Victor's creative life, so - into a new life from scratch!

Victor Dorin - I will choose you (LYRICS VIDEO)

On February 13, 2018, the single "I'll Choose You" was released. After his release, Victor went on tour with solo concerts.