Step by step recipe for milk corn porridge. Corn porridge with milk: we are preparing a healthy dish for the whole family. Recipe for children

Thoroughly rinse the corn grits, pour salted and / or sweetened boiling water in a saucepan. Stir, cook with occasional stirring. Then add butter to the porridge and cook more.

Cook corn grits in bags for.

How to cook porridge from corn grits

Products for porridge
For 2 servings
Corn grits - 1 cup
Liquid (milk and water in the desired proportion) - 3 cups for dense porridge, 4-5 cups for liquid
Butter - 3 cm cube
Sugar - 1 heaping teaspoon
Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon

How to cook porridge from corn grits

  • Pour the corn grits into a sieve and wash under cold water, then let the water drain.
  • Pour milk into a saucepan, put on a quiet fire, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.
  • Pour water into another saucepan, put on fire, add salt and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, pour in the corn grits, cook over low heat without a lid for 5 minutes until the water has completely evaporated.
  • Add boiled milk to corn grits, mix and cook for 15 minutes, stirring regularly with a wooden spoon or spatula. Put a cube of butter into the boiled porridge, add sugar and mix.
  • After cooking, corn porridge is recommended to be wrapped in a blanket for 15 minutes to evaporate, ideally for several hours.
In corn porridge as additives you can add dried apricots, raisins, chopped prunes, grated pumpkin, yogurt, jam, vanilla sugar, honey. If porridge is offered for dinner, you can add vegetables and boiled meat.

How to cook porridge from corn grits in a slow cooker
Pour the washed corn grits into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, salt and oil. Pour milk and water, mix, cook on the "milk porridge" mode for 30 minutes, then 20 minutes on the "heating" mode for evaporation, or simply do not open the multicooker lid for several minutes.

How to cook corn porridge in a double boiler
Pour corn grits into a container for cereals, pour milk and water, put in a double boiler for half an hour. Then salt and sweeten the porridge, add butter, cook for another 5 minutes.

If you have coarse corn grits that do not boil well, you can grind it in a coffee grinder or a kitchen mill, it will cook faster.


What to add to corn porridge
Corn porridge can be varied by adding pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots, apples, dried peaches, canned pineapples or peaches. If you want unsweetened corn porridge, you can make it with cheese, tomatoes, or cheese.

Calorie content of cornmeal- 337 kcal / 100 grams.

Benefit corn grits is due to a large amount of vitamins A, B, E, K and PP, silicon and iron, as well as the presence of two essential amino acids - tryptophan and lysine. Due to the high content of fiber, it removes toxins from the body and frees the intestines from decay products.

Shelf life of cornmeal- 24 months in a dry and cool place.

Shelf life of cornmeal- 2 days in the refrigerator.

The cost of cornmeal from 80 rubles / 1 kilogram (average cost in Moscow as of June 2019).

Proportions for cooking corn grits
When cooking, corn grits increase in volume by 4 times, so 4 parts of water are added to 1 part of grits.

Ideal pot for cooking cornmeal- with a thick bottom.

Ready corn porridge becomes very soft and thick. If the porridge turned out to be too thick, you can pour it with milk or cream and boil over low heat for another 5 minutes.

For a glass of corn grits - 2.5 cups of milk or water, a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. Butter - 1 small cube. So cook in a saucepan with constant stirring.

In a slow cooker- for 1 cup of corn grits 3.5 cups of milk or water. The "milk porridge" mode for 20 minutes, then - "warming up" for 10 minutes. Or you can turn on the "buckwheat porridge" mode for 20 minutes.

In a double boiler- just like in a saucepan, cook for half an hour.

Check out classic porridge recipes and how to make cornmeal porridge.
There are many types of corn grits, but in stores they sell polished - these are crushed corn grains, pre-sanded. On packaging with polished corn, a number is often written - from 1 to 5, it means the size of the grind. 5 - the smallest, cook it the fastest, 1 - the largest, cook it longer.

Reading time - 3 min.

step by step recipe with photo

Bright and nutritious corn porridge with milk will surely please your family if you serve it for breakfast with melted butter and fragrant honey. Neither adults nor kids will refuse such a dish, who, by the way, ask to supplement the porridge with raisins or chopped bananas. So that you don’t get too thick a dish, remember that the proportion of cereals and liquids is 1: 3, that is, for 100 g of cereals you will need to take 300 ml of liquid: water, milk, etc. If you like unsweetened cereals , then limit the rate of granulated sugar and honey.


  • 100 g finely ground cornmeal
  • 100 ml water
  • 200 ml milk
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches ground cinnamon
  • 1 st. l. melted butter
  • 1 tsp honey


1. Pour salt and granulated sugar into a saucepan or pan with a non-stick bottom, a cauldron.

2. Pour water and milk of any fat content. To make the cereal swell faster, it is not recommended to boil it in milk - it is poorly absorbed, so some of it is replaced with water. If you don't have milk available, you can mix water and sweetened granulated sugar into a dish.

3. Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, adding ground cinnamon. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat to a minimum.

4. We will add corn grits, immediately mixing it with a whisk with liquid so that lumps do not form. With a fork it will be much more difficult to do this. Let the porridge simmer in the container for about 1-2 minutes - during this time it will gurgle, so it is best to cover the container with a lid.

5. Put the finished porridge in a bowl or deep container, add melted butter and fragrant honey: May, linden, acacia, buckwheat. Let's serve the dish hot. If desired, other sweet ingredients can be added to corn porridge in milk: jam, jam, nutella, nuts, etc. Since children love liquid porridge, it can be diluted with chilled milk in a plate and served warm to the children's table.

Note to the owner

1. When craters begin to appear from the depths of the pan, the porridge can stick to the bottom, because it thickens a lot from below. Stirring it at this stage is quite difficult: hot sprays fly, and it is impossible to guess their direction. It is better to put the closed pan on the burner several times in turn and remove it from it: the bubbles have risen - removed from the heat, settled - put on the stove again until the moment of boiling. The dish will reach readiness in the intermittent languor mode and it will turn out delicious.

2. Cinnamon is a nice spice, but not everyone likes it. Ginger and vanillin are combined with milk and corn grits. Putting all natural flavors should be in a reasonable, moderate amount. Approximately - 5 g for 4 two-hundred-gram servings.

3. Honey is added to porridge only when it ceases to be piping hot in order to preserve the benefits of a sweet natural product. Approximately 40 degrees is the optimal temperature at which people start eating without fear of getting burned. At this time, they flavor it with honey or serve it separately, so that everyone puts as much as they want.

4. After the meal, there are 100-150 grams of corn porridge left? An excellent occasion for making pudding based on it. Auxiliary ingredients are dried fruits or fresh apples, an egg, a little bran or flour.

Originally from America, corn came to Europe only in the Middle Ages. But it came to the present as a national product in Romania, Moldova, Italy. In the first two countries, groats from it become the basis of hominy. In Italy, for many centuries, polenta has been prepared from it, which is saturated with a variety of flavors.

Features of cereals

In the corn family, only one species is cultivated. And it was used more than 60 centuries ago by American indigenous peoples to make cereals and bread. The difference between modern corn and "prehistoric" corn is the size. According to ancient sources, the ears then reached a length of only 4 cm.

The Maya Indians took up the selection of culture. By crossing food corn with wild corn, they managed to achieve an increase in cobs up to 15 cm. Since then, the world's first cereal crop has not changed.

Today, corn is sized according to the size of the kernels, and grits according to the type of grinding. In the Middle Ages, exclusively coarse large groats were used, which required long-term boiling. Modern industry allows you to get instant porridge due to the smallest crushing of the kernels.

The use of corn porridge in nutrition is justified due to:

  • its low calorie content- 86 calories per 100 grams of the product, which makes the product suitable for dietary nutrition;
  • gluten free- corn is suitable for people with individual intolerance to cereal protein, which provokes a persistent inflammatory process in the intestines and malabsorption of substances. The absence of gluten allows the use of cereals in the first complementary foods of infants at the age of 6 months.

Cooking technique. How to cook porridge

On sale you can find corn grits of bright yellow color. Features of its preparation are as follows.

  • Grains need to be washed. It is convenient to do this in a sieve through which dust will leave with water. So you exclude the presence of excess moisture when cooking the product.
  • Use a thick pot for cooking.. Porridge is not boiled, but languishes, therefore it often sticks to the bottom. To prevent this, it is important to choose dishes with a thick bottom. And often stir the cereal during the cooking period.
  • How many minutes to cook corn porridge depends on the degree of grinding. But on sale is usually presented cereals of medium grinding, for the preparation of which 30 minutes is enough on low heat.
  • Place corn in boiling water. Pre-add salt or sugar to it, depending on the purpose of the dish.
  • The most tender is corn porridge with milk, the recipe of which includes the addition of butter for dressing. Milk can be combined with water to prepare breakfast. As a side dish, cereals are cooked on water.
  • For a thin porridge, use 4 cups of liquid. For a thick garnish - 3 cups per cup of corn.
  • The finished dish thickens. And this happens regardless of how much water you add to it. This property formed the basis for the preparation of Moldavian hominy, Italian polenta, Georgian gomi.

The most famous European recipe for porridge made from cornmeal is polenta. It is boiled, laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet, where it thickens. Thanks to the use of a steep "batch", the density of the formation is such that it can be cut with a knife. After cutting into portioned pieces, they are fried in olive oil, seasoned with garlic, tomatoes, and cheese.

In addition to cooking in a saucepan on the stove, there are other techniques.

  • In the oven . Groats are placed in clay pots, poured with salted boiling water, covered with a lid. It reaches readiness within 1 hour at 180 °. served with butter, herbs.
  • In the microwave. Use a glass bowl with a lid. Pour boiling water over the corn grits, put in the microwave, set the maximum power. Cook 7 minutes, stir, cook another 5 minutes.

Delicious recipes with corn grits

Corn porridge is good for breakfast cooked with milk. And for dinner, if served with meat, vegetables. Cheese, all kinds of peppers, Italian spices, Georgian cilantro will become excellent "partners" for her. On the children's table, yogurts, homemade jams, canned peaches will support it. We invite you to learn how to quickly cook corn porridge in milk, water and in Italian.

On milk

Milk porridge is easy to cook, you just need to keep the proportions, then it will turn out delicious, like in a kindergarten. An ideal solution and an easy way to have a delicious children's breakfast, and you can use this recipe already in the first year of a baby's life. Cook the porridge thinner, and serve immediately until it thickens. When using fat milk, the nutritional value of the product increases. But kids don't need it. It is ideal to combine cereals with milk 1-2.5% fat and dilute it with water, you get porridge as in the photo.

You will need:

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • corn grits - 40 g (2 tablespoons with a slide);
  • butter - a piece;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Combine water and milk in a saucepan, put on fire. Add sugar.
  2. Pour the prepared cereal after boiling, mix vigorously.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Add butter.
  5. Boil 15 minutes.

During cooking, the dish must be stirred regularly. To reduce the cooking time, you can pre-grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. Then the porridge will cook in 15 minutes.

In the children's menu, use not sugar, but honey. It should be put on a plate before serving. It is also good to add raisins, chopped dried apricots, nuts, in the absence of food allergies - candied pineapple. In winter, corn porridge with apples will become a real storehouse of vitamins.

On the water

A porridge without milk is suitable as a side dish for meat and fish. It is especially good with bolognese sauce, which can be prepared from minced meat, with tomatoes and basil. He will bind the ingredients together, decorate the dinner with delicious gravy.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Pour the prepared cereal, stirring vigorously.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serve immediately, while still hot. Otherwise, you risk getting an unexpectedly thick consistency.

In Italian

The classic Italian polenta is cooked in thick-walled cauldrons from the coarsest grains. But you can cook it properly in a regular pan. We invite you to “conjure” this dish, and in addition to it, prepare a delicate cheese sauce.

You will need:

  • corn grits - 1 glass;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • paprika, salt.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Pour in the corn grits, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Stir regularly.
  3. Remove from heat, put on a tray lined with cling film. Form a layer of the desired shape. Leave to thicken.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add flour, simmer the mass.
  5. Add grated cheese, paprika salt.
  6. Cut the polenta into pieces, pour over the cheese sauce.

The most tender is the corn mass, which is not just mixed during the cooking process, but whipped with a whisk. For the perfect consistency and velvety taste, you can add a spoonful of olive oil to it.

Try how to cook corn porridge with water or milk. And make a delicious dish according to an old Italian recipe. They make a great addition to your daily diet!

Cornmeal porridge is an extremely healthy product. It is made from ground dried corn kernels. Porridge can be consumed as a separate dish, or as a side dish for meat and vegetable salads.

Bread is baked from cornmeal, pies and various sweets are made. Delicious dietary soups are obtained from this cereal. Flakes are used in muesli as a quick breakfast.

Tablets are even made from these cereals. Flour is also used in cosmetology to make masks.

Corn grits are of the following types:

  1. Large grind. Such grains are used to make flakes. They are made from corn kernels.
  2. Small grind. This flour is used to make a favorite delicacy of children - corn sticks.
  3. Sanded. Particles of kernels of various sizes are added to this cereal. Grains are polished on special equipment. Each grain has rounded edges.

General information about corn

In ancient times, American Indians worshiped corn. They considered this plant sacred. Medicines were made from the leaves of the shrub. Even now, alternative medicine practitioners treat hepatitis with a tincture of corn leaves. And from the hairs - stigmas make a decoction that treats indigestion.

The calorie content of corn porridge per 100 grams is approximately 330 kcal.

The dish is rich in useful trace elements, and also does not cause allergies at all. Therefore, doctors allow it to be used even by small children.

  • fatty acids: linolenic, arachidonic, which control the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • vegetable protein, which is a building material for muscles;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, silicon.

What is useful corn porridge

The uniqueness of the product is that it retains its valuable qualities during cooking and frying. And all the useful trace elements and vitamins contained in the product are very easily absorbed by the body.

The benefits of corn porridge:

  1. Regular use of the yellow product prevents depression in people, as well as chronically bad mood. Psychologists and nutritionists have proved the fact of the influence of the color of the product on the psycho-emotional state of a person.
  2. Strengthening the nervous and immune systems. This is due to the content of valuable vitamins B5, B1. For people with mental disorders, doctors strongly recommend eating this dish.
  3. Prolongation of youth and beauty, due to the presence of vitamins A, E.
  4. Vitamin PP regulates all important functions of the body.
  5. Eating for breakfast normalizes bowel function.
  6. A large amount of fiber, which is contained in cereals, helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  7. Rich in carbohydrates and carotene. And these are valuable trace elements that support strength, energy in the body in the absence of physical exertion.
  8. Grains strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Valuable cereals regulate cholesterol levels, relieve blood vessels from harmful plaques. Therefore, regular consumption of them prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  9. Recommended for expectant mothers. It contributes to the proper formation of the fetus, due to the content of valuable folic acid.
  10. Corn porridge is a versatile product that is suitable not only as a breakfast, but also as side dishes, soups for meat and fish dishes.
  11. A cereal product is a must for those who want to lose weight! After all, despite his satiety, he leaves no chance for the deposition of extra pounds.

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, there are also contraindications:

  1. This product is low calorie. Therefore, it is contraindicated in people suffering from a lack of mass.
  2. In the presence of a stomach ulcer, it is also not recommended to use.
  3. For diseases of the liver and gallbladder, you should consult a doctor, and then use this product.

Anyone can cook corn porridge. This activity will take no more than 30 minutes.

Corn porridge recipes

It would seem that cooking corn porridge is as easy as shelling pears! But this unique product requires compliance with its own rules.

  1. To improve the taste, pieces of baked pumpkin, dried apples, apricots, prunes, canned peaches, pineapples, as well as raisins, peanuts and nuts can be added to the dish.
  2. For a salty dish, sugar should not be added. It is enough to add grated cheese and tomato paste.
  3. Corn product is extremely useful. Since it contains all the valuable trace elements and vitamins.
  4. Regular use improves intestinal motility, has a beneficial effect on the liver.
  5. The finished dish can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, and the cereal itself can be stored for about 2 years. Before buying, you should carefully look at the date of manufacture of cereals.
  6. When cooking, 4 parts of liquid are added to 1 part of the cereal.
  7. It is better to cook porridge in a thick-walled cast-iron cookware.
  8. If the dish after cooking turned out to be tough, then it should be darkened over low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
  9. So that the porridge does not burn, it should be stirred all the time during cooking.
  10. Store the cereal product in a dark, cool place. A dry glass jar with an airtight lid is best suited for this.
  11. Before cooking, the cereals should be thoroughly washed, foreign particles should be removed from it.
  12. For a sweet dish, it is better to use honey, not sugar.
  13. To work in the kitchen you need high-quality utensils. A cast iron pan with a thick bottom will do. After all, wide walls retain heat longer, thanks to which the taste of the dish is better revealed. In Rus', all cereals were cooked in ovens in thick cast-iron pots.

How to cook corn porridge in water

Corn porridge on the water is a delicious, quick and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

To prepare 2 servings, you will need the following products:

  • corn grits - half a glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • oil - 20 grams;
  • honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dried apricots.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the cereal through a sieve, and then wash.
  2. Take another pan, pour 0.5 liters of water, salt, then bring to a boil.
  3. Pour cereal into boiling water, make a smaller fire, then cook for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Add oil to the cooked porridge, cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap the dishes with a towel to let the dish steam and gain flavor.
  5. Arrange on plates, and top with raisins and dried apricots. If there are fresh berries and fruits, then you can add them to the plates.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

Milk corn porridge recipe:

  1. Take a medium-sized saucepan, pour 150 grams of dry cereal into it.
  2. Pour the mixture with purified water, a volume of 300 ml.
  3. Porridge should boil, and then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Readiness will be indicated by bubbles on its surface. It begins to increase in volume and "shoot".
  4. Before the end of cooking, salt should be added, as well as add 10 grams of butter. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas, let it brew under a closed lid for another 10 minutes.
  5. While the delicacy is gaining taste, we start cooking milk. To do this, pour 1 cup of milk into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  6. Pour milk into a saucepan with porridge, turn on a small fire again and boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. You can add sugar or honey, as well as various dried fruits and nuts, so the dish is not only satisfying, but also healthy.

Children love corn porridge with milk. This is a very nutritious and healthy product for a growing organism.

Popular cornmeal dishes

Corn flour pie

Required Ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 200 grams;
  • finely ground cornmeal - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil - 70 grams;
  • baking powder - 3 teaspoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • raspberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Set the oven to preheat to 200 °C and brush with deco oil. During this time, take on the dough.
  2. Pour wheat and corn flour into a large container. Add salt, sugar, baking powder. Mix everything.
  3. Beat the egg into the flour mixture, pour in the milk and vegetable oil, and then mix again.
  4. Grease the top of the cake with egg yolk to make the crust ruddy.
  5. Arrange raspberries around the edge of the pie. Instead of berries, you can use slices of orange, banana or pineapple.
  6. Put the viscous dough on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Italian polenta with cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • corn grits - 100 grams;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 grams;
  • butter - 10 grams;
  • water - 400 grams;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and put on fire.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour the cereal into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  4. Reduce the heat, while continuing to stir, cook the porridge for another 5 minutes, until there is no water left in the container.
  5. As soon as the mass becomes so dense that it is able to hold a spoon, the fire can be turned off. (Time of full readiness - 25-30 minutes).
  6. Put the thick mass on a pastry board, let it cool slightly.
  7. Roll out this mass and make various shapes out of it using confectionery molds. You can also use silicone molds, which should be filled with porridge.
  8. Take a baking sheet, grease it and put figures from corn porridge on it.
  9. Put a small piece of butter on each figure and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  10. Place the deco in the oven preheated to 100°C. We set a timer for 20 minutes. During this time, the cheese should melt, forming a ruddy crispy crust on top of the cakes.
  11. The finished composition can be topped with caramelized pear or honey.

Corn porridge with mushrooms

Required Ingredients:

  • In boiling water, pour the grits in a thin stream, gradually stirring.
  • Turn off the gas after 10-12 minutes. Add the roast from the pan and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap it with a towel and let it stand on the stove with the gas turned off for 1 hour.
  • After the dish has been infused and gained a taste, it can be served warm.
  • Corn porridge in a slow cooker

    Required Ingredients:

    • cereals 200 grams;
    • water - 1.5 cups;
    • milk - 1 glass;
    • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • oil - 50 grams.

    Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker:

    1. Sift the cereal and pass running water through it.
    2. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl and add sugar and salt.
    3. Pour 1 glass of water and 1 glass of boiled milk into the bowl.
    4. How long to cook corn porridge? Usually the timer is set for 25 minutes.
    5. As soon as the food is cooked, set the "Heating" mode. This is to keep her sane.

    Mashed porridge can be cooked in a double boiler. To do this, pour half a glass of cereal into the bowl and pour it with 2 glasses of water. Set the timer for 30 minutes and then add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of salt. After that, hold for another 5 minutes.

    At the end, it should turn out soft and delicate in texture. Therefore, if coarse grains are available, then it should be ground with a blender or coffee grinder. But in no case should you turn the cereal into dust. Grains should be up to 1 mm.

    Corn porridge in a slow cooker is the best solution for preparing breakfast. Morning meal is an energy boost for the whole day. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right diet for yourself for breakfast - this is health for the whole family!

    Corn is one of the most cultivated crops in the world. Various dishes are prepared from it: tortillas, polenta, hominy, chips. In our country, corn grits are most often used to make porridge. It is boiled in water to serve with meat or fish as a side dish, and in milk to feed loved ones with a delicious breakfast. If you serve it with fruits and berries, then it can even replace dessert. This dish is recommended for dietary nutrition, as one of the first complementary foods for babies. Knowing how to cook corn porridge will not hurt any housewife, because this hearty, tasty and healthy dish will not be superfluous on the family menu.

    Cooking features

    Cooking corn porridge has its own specifics, depending on what and with what it is cooked. Knowing a few points will allow you to get a result that the chef will be satisfied with.

    • Corn grits are crushed corn kernels. It is available in coarse, medium and fine grinding. For sweet porridge, a medium-ground product is usually used; porridge on water is boiled from large and medium cereals. Only small cereals are suitable for baby food, and sometimes, if the child is very small, cornmeal is used instead.
    • The duration of cooking porridge depends on the size of the grains. Medium grind corn grits are boiled for 30-40 minutes, coarse grinding - about an hour. If small cereals or cornmeal are used, it takes no more than half an hour (20–30 minutes) to cook porridge.
    • Corn groats are very soft. You need to take a lot of water for its preparation. For thick porridge (viscous), 2.5–3 glasses of water are taken per glass of cereal. If you want to cook porridge of medium density - 3.5–4 cups. For liquid porridge - 4.5–5 glasses.
    • During cooking, porridge must be stirred often, as it burns very quickly to the walls and bottom of the pan.
    • Cooking corn porridge is recommended in a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom, preferably with a non-stick coating. You can replace the pan with a cauldron.
    • The technology for preparing corn porridge involves laying cereals in boiling water. It is poured in a thin stream or put in small portions, while stirring. Compliance with this requirement will help to avoid the formation of lumps.
    • Before cooking porridge, it is recommended to wash the corn grits, and if the food is being prepared for a child, then soak it for a while in clean water. The product contains phytic acid, which in the intestines can combine with calcium, magnesium and iron, preventing their absorption. To get rid of this unnecessary element, it is enough to hold the cereal in clean water for 10-15 minutes.
    • Corn porridge is not boiled in milk alone. First, the cereals are boiled until half cooked in water, then milk is added and boiled.
    • To make the porridge tastier, it is advisable to add butter to it after cooking, mix and leave to simmer over low heat or just under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

    Often, corn porridge is prepared with fruit or other additives. The addition of additional ingredients can also affect the technology of its preparation.

    Important! The composition of corn grits is gluten-free, which allows you to include dishes from it in the menu of people suffering from gluten intolerance, as well as children, starting from the 8th month of life. These dishes will not be superfluous on the table of those who suffer from diabetes. The product contains a significant amount of B vitamins, tocopherol, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper. This makes corn porridge useful for strengthening the nervous system, preventing iron deficiency anemia, and improving metabolism. Regular inclusion of this dish in the diet helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

    How to cook corn porridge in water

    • corn grits of medium grinding - 180 g;
    • water - 0.75 l;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Rinse the cornmeal. Let her dry.
    • Boil water.
    • Salt the water, Pour the cereal into it, while stirring the contents of the pan.
    • If you brought the water to a boil over a fast fire, as most housewives do, then reduce the heat.
    • Cover the pot with a lid. Boil the porridge for 40 minutes, stirring it every 5 minutes. If the water runs out before the porridge is ready, it can be added. To do this, you can use only warm boiled water.
    • Remove the pot of porridge from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

    To improve the taste of porridge, butter can be added to it. Do this immediately after cooking. The corn porridge will thicken as it sits, so if you don't want to cut it like a pie, it's a good idea to serve it to the table soon after it's cooked, and don't let it cool.

    • corn grits of medium grinding - 90 g;
    • water - 0.25 l;
    • milk - 0.25 l;
    • sugar - 10–20 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • butter (optional) - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil water. Put pre-washed corn grits in it. Mix thoroughly so that the cereal does not stick together.
    • Lower the heat and simmer until there is almost no water left in the pot. Do not forget to periodically stir the dish so that the porridge does not burn.
    • Pour in, stirring, milk. Leave to cook for 10 minutes, stirring the dish from time to time.
    • Add sugar and salt, butter. Stir and continue cooking until done. In total, porridge should be cooked for 30-40 minutes.
    • Leave the finished porridge to languish under the lid for 10-15 minutes, after which you can lay it out on plates and invite the household to the table.

    Cooking corn porridge in milk requires the constant attention of the hostess, but the result justifies the effort.

    Corn porridge for a child

    • cornmeal or finely ground groats - 15 g;
    • water - 100 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Pour water over cornmeal, mix well.
    • Put the container with corn on a slow fire. Cook, stirring, for 30 minutes.
    • If porridge was cooked from cereals, it must be filtered through a sieve.
    • Cool the porridge, and you can serve it to the child.

    Corn porridge is introduced into the child's menu from 8–9 months, after he gets acquainted with buckwheat and rice porridges. The first portion should not exceed a teaspoon, gradually increase it, bringing it to the standard for the appropriate age. For children older than a year, porridge can be boiled already with the addition of milk, over time it can be made thicker and not filtered. If a child is older than 2 years old, add a little oil to his porridge, sweeten it slightly, since at this age children no longer consider food without sugar and salt to be tasty enough. It is recommended to feed the baby corn porridge 1-2 times a week.

    Corn porridge with pumpkin

    • pumpkin (pulp) - 0.3 kg;
    • corn grits - 0.2 kg;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • milk - 0.75 l;
    • sugar - 30–40 g;
    • ghee - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Rinse the corn grits, put in a thick-walled pan.
    • Boil milk.
    • Pour hot milk over corn. Stir. Cover and let swell while pumpkin cooks.
    • Clean the pumpkin from the pulp with seeds and skins. Cut into cubes about a centimeter in size. Put in a pan, sprinkle with sugar. Add water and simmer on the stove or in the oven until soft.
    • Put the pumpkin into the pot with the cornmeal. Stir.
    • Put the pan on a slow fire and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Add oil, stir.
    • Remove the pan from the heat, but leave the porridge to sweat under the lid for another 15 minutes.

    Corn porridge with pumpkin is doubly useful, and many people like its taste. Your household will surely be happy with such a dinner.

    Corn porridge with dried fruits

    • corn grits - 0.2 kg;
    • water - 0.75 l;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • dried apricots - 50 g;
    • prunes - 50 g;
    • salt - a large pinch;
    • sugar - 20 g;
    • butter - 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix water with sugar, boil.
    • Pour in the cereal, mix. Turn off the fire.
    • Boil the porridge for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    • Pour boiling water over dried fruits. Drain the water after 10 minutes. Cut prunes and dried apricots into pieces the size of raisins.
    • Pour dried fruits into a bowl with porridge, stir. Continue to cook it until the cereal becomes soft.
    • Add oil, stir. Remove the saucepan from the heat.

    Let the porridge stand under the lid for 15-20 minutes and invite everyone to the table. Despite the fact that the porridge is boiled in water, it turns out tasty and looks appetizing.

    Corn porridge is healthy and satisfying. If you learn how to cook it correctly, then you can often include it in the family menu, since there are different recipes for this dish, and you won’t get tired of it for a long time.

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