Development of personnel development strategy. Improving the personnel development strategy. the need for market entities to have highly qualified employees in the staff to fulfill the strategic objectives of the enterprise, along with the need to employ

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Applications


The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the personnel development strategy is one of the most important components of the overall increase in production efficiency. It is possible to achieve high results only when employees have knowledge, skills and purposefulness. An effective personnel development strategy ensures the achievement of the main strategic goal - increasing profitability and increasing the company's competitiveness.

The fact that Russia has entered the world economic system has opened up new horizons and opportunities for Russian entrepreneurs. However, fierce competition has emerged in the market, and modern companies must be ahead of the competition in order to succeed and not lose their positions. It should be noted that both the internal conditions for the functioning of the organization, for example, strategies, organizational culture, the emergence of jobs and new specialties, and external conditions (taxation system, economic policy, competitors) change. Thus, personnel must be carefully prepared for the constantly changing external and internal environment. Moreover, the personnel management system is constantly undergoing changes, and the continuous development of personnel is becoming one of the key elements of the personnel management process.

With a systematic approach to training and development of human resources, the organization reaps great benefits. The fact that human capital is the most important organizational resource has been supported by many researchers in their work. However, many organizations still neglect human capital, despite the fact that it is people who are the tools to achieve the goals of the organization. This is especially noticeable in an era of economic crisis, when a large number of employers pay insufficient attention to the training and development of employees in order to reduce costs.

An analysis of the degree of scientific development of the problem showed that the topic of personnel development research is of interest to many scientists today. The theoretical foundations of the issues under consideration are devoted to scientific works and publications of such authors as A.Ya. Kibanov, V.A. Karavaev, S.V. Kupriyanchuk, G.A. Bulatova, A.O. Samoilenko, T.M. Fedorenko and others. Further research on this topic will deepen theoretical research on the possibility of developing an effective strategy for the development of personnel at the enterprises of our country.

The purpose of this work is to analyze and develop a strategy for the development of personnel in an organization using the example of Adomal LLC.

Based on this goal, the objectives of this work are:

to analyze the theoretical aspects of the personnel development strategy;

give a general description of the enterprise;

to analyze the practical state of personnel development management in LLC "Adomal";

develop recommendations for developing a strategy for the development of the enterprise's personnel.

The object of the study is the personnel of "Adomal" LLC.

The subject of the study is a set of measures to develop a strategy for the development of personnel at the enterprise in question.

Methods used in the course of the study: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the topic of the study, generalization of the material, study of documents, observation, comparison, calculation of coefficients, and others.

The information base of the work consists of the works of domestic authors devoted to the problems of management, training and development of personnel, data from periodicals, scientific reports, personal observations and conclusions obtained during the study at the enterprise.

The practical significance of this study lies in the possibility of applying the results of work in the field of human resource management to solve problems of personnel development.

The structure of the course work is represented by an introduction, the main part, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and an appendix. The theoretical chapter of the main part outlines the theoretical aspects of the personnel development strategy in the organization: the essence of the personnel development strategy in the organization is disclosed, its role in the organization's management process is shown; modern methods of development are described. In the analytical chapter, the state is assessed, the problems associated with the topic of the work are analyzed. And also the ways of developing a personnel development strategy in Adomal LLC were determined.

1. Theoretical aspects of the personnel development strategy

1.1 The essence and significance of the personnel development strategy

According to E.V. Kupriyanchuk, "a personnel development strategy is a generalizing model of actions aimed at developing the skills of personnel and the level of efficiency of its work, which is necessary for an enterprise to achieve its business goals in order to increase competitiveness. This approach affects such areas of employee management: the number of staff, the competence of personnel , the level of labor productivity, the composition and level of compensation.

To draw up a strategy for the development of the company's personnel is the task of management. The development and implementation of the main types of personnel development strategies will help unite the team and improve the quality of the entire company.

As a rule, the need to develop a personnel development strategy arises in the following situations:

in case of major changes in business strategy, when significant changes are planned in production or in work with clients.

in the presence of such problems as a high level of staff turnover or the lack of a clear structure for attracting newcomers with the necessary competencies.

in the course of a major merger or acquisition, when transactions are impossible without a clear strategy consistent with business objectives.

when a company seeks to take a leading position in the market.

if the manager wants to get positive results from the development of personnel, he should clearly define what parameters should be included in the development technologies and what qualities of employees should be developed.

At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to such traits of employees as curiosity, discipline, craving for new knowledge, learning ability. These qualities are extremely important for the development of the entire company as a whole. It is also worth paying attention to the teamwork of employees in the course of developing a personnel development strategy - after all, the overall result often depends on the effectiveness of each participant.

In various organizations, personnel development is carried out by people with varying degrees of involvement in personnel management processes. However, in all large companies, the function of personnel development is performed by the HR department. Each scientist defines the process of employee development in his own way. According to A.Ya. Kibanov, "development is an organized activity aimed at improving the competence of employees. These competencies include knowledge, skills and behavior and are of great importance for the success of the organization. The purpose of development is to improve the skills of employees and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

V.A. Karavaev believes that "personnel development is a fundamental requirement for the existence of an organization. Theories of individual development play a key role in organizational development, because each employee has different problems and makes different mistakes. Thus, the development process should be built taking into account individual requirements. In A. Karavaev identifies two levels of development: operational and conceptual levels. The operational level of personnel development is aimed at solving the current problems of the organization. Conceptual development is aimed at ensuring that the employee learns to think and work productively. It is effective organizational development that combines the two above levels.

HE. Valkovich, K.Yu. Bulaeva and A.E. Sirchenko believe that "development is associated with the acquisition of new knowledge that affects the behavior of employees. According to them, investment in human resources is necessary to develop and maintain the intellectual capital of the organization. It also increases the stock of knowledge and skills.

The development of human resources is one of the most important components of the overall increase in production efficiency. The organization can achieve high results only when people have knowledge, skills and purposefulness. Education and training of human resources should be continuous and provide the necessary professional development.

It can be argued that the prerequisites for the development of human resources are determined by the existing conditions for the activities of enterprises, the main ones are:

the complexity of the problems of human resource management in today's dynamic market conditions;

inaccuracy in the legislation on payment, taxation and social protection of personnel;

the need for market entities to have highly qualified employees in the staff to fulfill the strategic tasks of the enterprise, along with the need to employ the required number of employees in connection with the requirements of cost savings and minimization of losses on taxation of the use of labor.

At the present stage of development of the labor market and society, the quality of human capital is the main value and competitive advantage. The enterprise should promote the development of employees on the basis that the development of personnel ensures the development of the enterprise. The ability of an enterprise to learn and develop faster than its competitors is the source of its social, strategic and economic advantages.

Human resource development is a multifaceted and complex concept, covering a wide range of interrelated psychological, pedagogical, social and economic problems.

Personnel development includes the following:

development, maintenance and enhancement of team spirit;

personnel assessment system;

internship programs, retraining and rotation of personnel;

creation of a personnel reserve;

on-the-job training;

professional trainings of different directions and types.

Through development, employees are more confident in themselves and their abilities. If the gap between the required abilities and the real capabilities of the employee is huge, employees are demotivated. It is also believed that development forms a system of values ​​and attitudes among employees that correspond to today's realities and help support the organizational strategy of the enterprise.

There are three factors that confirm the importance of the role of staff development.

1. Development is a means to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.

2. Development is a means of increasing the value of human resources in a company.

3. Development is a means of qualitative preparation of resources in carrying out changes in organizations.

It should be said that the development of personnel is inextricably linked with the current HR processes in the organization, since only well-trained employees can do their job correctly and efficiently.

Thus, human resource development management is the most important tool through which management is able to increase the potential of human resources and influence the formation of organizational culture. Training and career management of human resources is a critical means of achieving the strategic goals of an organization.

According to the most popular point of view, the learning process consists of three stages: analysis of the need for training, organization of training and evaluation of learning outcomes. During the training need analysis stage, managers or experts should evaluate how employees perform at the organizational, group, and individual levels. Then you should find the main shortcomings and areas for improvement, then you need to specify the goals, objectives of training, describe standards, select training methods, develop criteria for evaluating effectiveness and select participants for training. The teaching methods will be discussed later.

1.2 Directions for the development of human resources of the enterprise

The development of human resources is an important condition for the success of any organization. This is especially true at the present stage, when the acceleration of scientific and technological progress leads to rapid changes in the requirements for professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Development management has become one of the core functions of human resource management. Achieving high results in an organization is possible only when the people who work there have the knowledge, skills, and appropriate mood.

In order to develop in employees the qualities necessary for management, a lot of work is required, and since each employee initially has individual qualities, the work will also be diverse. To effectively implement a development strategy, management must follow two rules:

1. The goals and objectives of this work should be communicated to employees in a timely manner - this will allow them to be involved in the process of fulfilling the tasks set.

development staff strategy human resource

2. The general management of the company must ensure the timely receipt of the resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, as well as record the achievement of each previously set goal.

When implementing a personnel development strategy, a number of issues are addressed:

prioritization among administrative tasks, such as the allocation of resources or the creation of information systems;

the correspondence between the chosen personnel development strategy and internal organizational processes is determined;

there is a choice of the appropriate strategy for the management style of the company and its departments in particular.

The importance of development, advanced training of employees is so important that enterprises do not always solve them on their own. Sometimes they are forced to turn to recruitment agencies or consulting firms.

By applying a continuous learning system, an enterprise can ensure the most complete correspondence between the structure of employees and the structure of jobs, taking into account the entire range of requirements for employees.

In any case, the improvement of the development of human resources of the organization should be a well-functioning system aimed at the professional development and career growth of the company's employees. Only in this case, it will help in solving existing issues and become mutually effective for the employer and staff.

A systematic approach to improving the development of human resources at the level of specific enterprises is as follows:

interaction of all divisions of the human resource management system in order to achieve a synergistic effect;

improvement of the organizational structure of the human resource management service based on management standards;

development of a functional-targeted model of personnel management with the development of a set of tasks for employees of the personnel management service in accordance with their functional duties (in particular, the personnel training and promotion group organizes training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, develops business career projects, concludes contracts for internships and internships at the enterprise;

improvement of planning, forecasting and marketing of human resources, recruitment and accounting of personnel;

creation of conditions for personnel development (training, advanced training, career planning);

ensuring the social development of the workforce, proper working conditions, social psychological climate in the team;

ensuring proper information support of the human resource management system;

taking into account the interaction of supply and demand in the labor market when attracting personnel.

In order for staff to develop, they need to be constantly trained. In the modern practice of personnel training, such active teaching methods are most common: trainings, programmed, computer training, training group discussions, case-study, business and role-playing games.

Main aspects of human resource development:

personnel analysis and planning;

selection and hiring of personnel, personnel assessment;

organization of training and advanced training of personnel;

certification and rotation of personnel;

organization of labor relations at the enterprise;

social development and social partnership, creation of working conditions.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency in improving the development of human resources, one should not be limited to the use of its individual aspects, but it is necessary to use them in a systemic combination and in interaction. This will allow to achieve a high quality of the human capital of enterprises and, as a result, will ensure a high level of profitability and competitiveness of business entities both in the domestic and global markets.

1.3 Staff development methods

Personnel development can be carried out through various methods, such as coaching, mentoring, cooperation and participation from subordinates. Development methods are standard, but different authors offer their own classifications of methods. After analyzing both foreign and Russian sources, it was found that all development methods are divided into three large groups: traditional methods, active development methods and workplace development. Let's take a closer look at the features of the above methods, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

1) Traditional development methods include seminars, lectures, and educational videos.

Lectures. When using this method of staff development, the teacher verbally conveys information to a group of people. The disadvantage of this method is one-way communication, and the degree of assimilation of the material depends on the characteristics of the material being assimilated, on the personal characteristics of the lecturer and on his ability to correctly teach the material, as well as on the audience and their attention. It should be noted that lectures are one of the most common teaching methods, since material can be presented to a large number of people in one lecture.

Seminars. Seminars are usually held after lectures, their purpose is to better understand the topic under study with the help of additional questions and practical tasks. There is two-way communication in the seminars, which is a plus, since the participants are actively involved in the work.

Educational films. This method is relatively new for business development in Russia. Training videos describe various problem situations at enterprises; at the end, a brief theoretical summary of what they saw is given. Also, at the end of the films, various questions and case studies on the topic can be asked. The advantage of videos is their connection with practice, however, while watching movies, participants remain passive, sometimes unconcentrated.

2) Methods of active development. These methods are increasingly being used at the present time, as it is easier for employees to perceive new material, students use the accumulated experience, learn new knowledge and approaches, and also more clearly distinguish between effective and ineffective behavior. There are three types of activity: physical, communicative and cognitive, each of which helps listeners to better understand the topic being studied. There are eight most common types of active development. Let's consider them in more detail.

Trainings. In the trainings, special attention is paid to the practical development of acquired skills. Also, trainings include business games. Introductory trainings are widely used to help newcomers get to know the organization better, and trainings for sales personnel are also held quite often so that employees are always aware of the latest changes. It should be noted that trainings can be external and internal. External trainings are held when the organization does not have its own specialists, internal trainings are conducted by company employees, usually highly specialized specialists who can transfer knowledge to young employees. It is important that training aimed at developing competencies is effective only when employees already have experience in a particular job, as well as the fact that the acquired knowledge will be used in practice in the future. Thus, the employee will increase his competence, as well as streamline the knowledge gained.

Group discussions. Group discussions are used in small groups and allow the most effective use of the experience of the listeners. Students themselves develop the most effective solutions to problems. To stimulate the group, the leader can introduce certain frameworks, for example, propose certain algorithms, introduce rules, set time, etc. At the end, a summary should be summed up so that the listeners understand the whole picture of what is happening.

Behavioral modeling. This method teaches specific attitudes and skills through certain actions, for example, through the presentation of a certain behavioral model or the provision of feedback. The greater the motivation of students, the higher the effectiveness of this type of training.

case study. This method of development began to be used in the United States in the 20s of the XX century, and now the analysis of practical situations is becoming one of the most popular teaching methods both in companies and in educational institutions. The purpose of this method is to teach students to analyze and structure the information received, evaluate and try to solve the identified problems. The hallmark of case-study is that at the end there is no right or wrong decision, any decision can be considered on an equal footing. However, discussions should evaluate the pros and cons of the proposed solutions.

Basket method. With this method of development, situations are simulated that are often encountered in the practice of managers, for example, analyzing a large number of documents, making urgent decisions, a large number of cases at the same time, etc. As a result, the student will learn to make decisions quickly, classify important facts according to their significance and urgency.

3) Professional development methods include on-the-job training, mentoring, internships and job rotation.

Workplace training. This method is most popular because on-the-job training gives employees a more accurate understanding of their job, how to use the equipment, and the requirements for their jobs. Some organizations use separate rooms for training employees, however, the effectiveness of such training is lower, as there are no distractions such as noise, the presence of other employees, and the equipment may not correspond to the present. Mostly on-the-job training is provided for new employees.

Mentorship. At present, attention is being paid to the development of mentoring. The advantage of mentoring is an individual approach to subordinates, since usually one mentor has 1-3 subordinates. This method is used mainly for new employees who do not yet fully understand the features of their position. Typically, a mentor is assigned to a new employee for a period of one month to one year. The mentor is usually an employee of the same position or a little higher, he gives students tasks, monitors their implementation and gives feedback. However, mentoring has disadvantages. For example, mentoring is often done just for show, mentors are not motivated or too passionate about mentoring that they forget about their direct duties, lack of proper documentation.

Internship. Many large companies practice such a development method as internships before hiring employees. Basically, it is preferable for students and graduates of universities who have not yet decided what they want to do, and during internships they can work in different departments of the company and observe, not only how more experienced employees work, but also for various organizational business processes. Upon completion of the internship, the employee can be hired or promoted if the employee of the organization took the internship.

Work rotation. This method of development consists in moving an employee from one area of ​​work to another within the organization. Thus, the employee learns about work in other departments. The time of work in another place can be from a month to a year. Basically, staff rotation is used in large international companies. For example, in Japanese companies, employees move from one position to another throughout their working lives. So, a technician can work on different machines, in different departments of the organization. As a result, employees understand the full scale of the organization, it is easier for them to make decisions, because they know what it threatens employees from other departments. Personnel rotation solves a number of important tasks, for example, provides a better understanding of the company's structure by employees, stimulates the development of new knowledge and skills, increases the value of human resources, and performs a comprehensive assessment of the employee.

Also, personal development and coaching can be attributed to the methods of employee development. There are many types of training for the personal development of employees. For example, if a manager sees in a subordinate the potential for managing and expanding the area of ​​responsibility, then it is necessary to develop his managerial skills, conduct trainings for the employee's personal growth. These types of trainings require an individual approach and take more time, however, the results will appear. During this period, the coaching process is very important. A coach is a person who accompanies and sets the direction for the personal development of an employee.

It is not always possible to assess the effectiveness of development, however, the problem of determining the effectiveness of investing in development is one of the most urgent and difficult today. The point of personnel evaluation is to understand how the organization benefits from personnel development, as well as to find out if a certain form of development is better than others.

Thus, in any case, the organization's personnel development strategy should be a well-functioning system aimed at improving the quality of knowledge and professional development of the company's employees. Only in this case, it will help in solving existing issues and become mutually effective for the employer and staff.

2. Analysis and development of a personnel development strategy in Adomal LLC

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Limited Liability Company (abbreviated as LLC) "Adomal" was formed and registered in accordance with the current Russian legislation.

Legal address: Krasnoyarsk, Semaphornaya, 219.

The main activities of the enterprise:

construction, repair, commissioning, design work, industrial and private construction;

installation of antennas and other equipment;

household services, including public utilities services;

general construction of buildings (new works, reconstructions, renovations).

The organizational structure of management of Adomal LLC is shown in Figure 1. The organizational structure of management corresponds to a linear-functional type.

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of the management of LLC "Adomal"

Such a management structure provides for the prompt implementation of management decisions, increases the efficiency of functional departments, and allows you to quickly maneuver resources.

The economic indicators of the activity of Adomal LLC are calculated based on the data in Appendix A-B and are presented in Table 1

Table 1

Economic indicators of activity of Adomal LLC

Name of indicator


Growth rate %

Growth rate %

Revenue, thousand rubles

Cost price d, thousand rubles

Costs per 1 rub. sales of services, rub.

Profit, thousand rubles

Profitability of services, %

The cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Capital productivity, rub.

return on investment

The data presented in the table indicate that the volume of revenue by the end of the period under review decreased by 12,300 thousand rubles. or 7% and amounted to 171,200 thousand rubles. This fact became possible due to the influence of external factors. The main factor was the reduction in the number of incoming orders.

Along with changes in revenue from the sale of services, the cost of sales also changed, which affected the amount of profit of Adomal LLC, which decreased every year.

Assessing the economic performance of the enterprise in question, it can be noted that in 2014, for each ruble of fixed assets, there were 10 kopecks. arrived, which is 25 kopecks. below the level of 2013, and in 2015 the organization even received a loss of 2 kopecks. from each ruble spent on the organization's fixed assets.

Figure 2 - Change in the number of personnel of Adomal LLC

Based on the data presented, it can be seen that in 2014 there was a general increase in the number of personnel by 12 people. and amounted to 190 people. In 2015, the situation began to stabilize with the number of employees, which decreased by 5 people or 2.6% and amounted to 185 people.

In particular, from the presented table it can be seen that the number of administrative and managerial personnel increased by 13 people or 24.1% by the end of the reporting period. On the contrary, the number of employees classified as working personnel tended to decrease in 2015 by 8 people or 9.4%, which amounted to 77 employees by the end of the period.

Let's carry out PEST-analysis of external factors (see Table 3).

Table 3

PEST analysis

Politics-legal factors

Economic factors

Labor legislation;

tax system;

state influence in the industry;

political stability

inflation rate;

unemployment rate;

the level of competition in the industry

availability of state support for enterprises

Socio-cultural ufactors

Technological factors

demographic changes;

changes in lifestyle - for example, changes in the composition of families, attitudes towards work and free time;

the level of education.

New production technologies (modernization);

automation of means of technical quality control;

increasing the automation of HR processes.

With the help of criteria for evaluating activities from the side of interested groups, we will analyze the external reaction to the organization. (see Table 4).

Table 4


For Interest Allied Groups

Oyutseyunki Criteria


Soyuyuyusheyuproperties and tseyyuyu, accessible service, seyurvis.

1) Services are available to a wide range of consumers;

2) possesses high jubilee kayucheyyumi.

Pro-Juvenile Oyurgayuns

Execution for the youth, they will swim away for the youth, I will follow the pro-juvenile pro-juveniles.

1) By an enterprise they act within the framework of the existing one for the other and give it a promise;

2) I will make my youth, I will sail away to my youth.


Uroyuveyun over the dawn of the year, the young swim, the stability of the youth, the working conditions.

1) By our prejudice, they exist in the strength of the pro-feussio-juvenile swarm;

2) they prefer the stable age of the age of the year, the love of the young swimmer and the youthfulness of the warriors.

Credit unions

For the future, you will be able to meet the conditions

1) By their own age, the reduction of credit obligations is binding.


Speedy justice and its youthfulness to the fullness of the zayukayuzoyu.

1) There is a very easy order fulfillment system;

2) good connections with foreign suppliers of high-tech equipment.


The speed of pro-unique innovations on the other side of the markets of innovations, competitive advantage

1) Oyurgaunizayutsiya are koyunkureyuntoy allied market in their field

About you

I contribute to the development of the union of the cheyureyuz, they will float away to the south, they are blessed with the union of the fighters of meust.

1) Organizational unionization of the current state contributes to the development of the commonwealth of the future;

External factors that have a direct impact are favorable government policies, economic stability, the unemployment rate, a favorable demographic situation, competitors, new production technologies, automation of technical quality control tools, etc.

Based on these factors, it is necessary to conduct an EFAS analysis (Summary of Analysis of External Strategic Factors) (see Table 5).

Table 5

EFAS analysis

External strategic factors

Weighted score


Economic stability

Unemployment rate

Favorable state policy

New production technologies

Favorable demographic situation

The amount of money in circulation

inflation rate

Growth of competition

The situation on the labor market

A decrease in the activity of consumers of the company's products

In this case, the score of 3.28 indicates that the reaction of the personnel policy of the enterprise to the strategic factors of the external environment is at an average level.

Thus, we can conclude that the main negative factors are: the situation on the labor market; rising inflation in Russia and the unstable situation in the Russian economy, which does not attract foreign investors; increased competition; a decrease in the company's profit; a decrease in the activity of consumers of the enterprise's products.

2.2 Analysis of indicators characterizing the management of personnel development in the organization

The enterprise has requirements for the recruitment of personnel, according to which the management of the enterprise seeks to recruit experienced workers with at least 3 years of experience in their specialty. This provision allows minimizing both financial and time spent on training new employees. However, more than one enterprise still cannot do without training, since in modern conditions new requirements are put forward for the professionalism of employees and all new equipment is put into operation.

Training at Adomal LLC includes:

training for new employees upon hiring. This training is carried out in the form of a briefing by one of the experienced members of the enterprise or the head of a department and is aimed at studying job responsibilities, disclosing the internal work schedule, getting to know working conditions and equipment, etc.;

current periodic (scheduled) training of personnel, which allows to consolidate professional knowledge and master new skills;

advanced training, associated with the need to master the skills of working on new equipment, etc.;

training for those who failed to successfully pass the certification.

The personnel development methods used at the enterprise are listed in Table 6.

Table 6

Workplace staff development methods

Development Method

Characteristic features of the method

1. Concentrated experience gain

Systematic development planning in the workplace, the basis of planning is an individual professional development plan that sets out goals

2. Production briefing

Information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with his new working environment

3. Change of workplace

Gaining knowledge and gaining experience as a result of a systematic change of workplace (change of departments). As a result, for a certain period of time, an idea of ​​the versatility of activities is created.

4. Use of workers as assistants to trainees

Training and familiarization of the employee with the problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks while at the same time taking on a certain share of responsibility

These methods are used due to the fact that they allow the transfer of knowledge in a visual way, their result is quite easy to control, and it is also possible to take into account the specifics of the enterprise.

The development and training of personnel at the enterprise is carried out in their free time, in connection with which the managers of the personnel department draw up a plan, on the basis of which a schedule is developed. The developed in-house training plan is created specifically for each specific department and is focused on the development of personnel, including advanced training, retraining or preparing them for changes in the organization. Also, this option allows the employee to be included in the work immediately on the spot, in the process and provides interconnection with practice.

To assess the effectiveness of development, standard attestation sheets are used, which include an assessment on a five-point scale of both the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that an employee should have mastered during the training process.

Thus, as part of the implementation of personnel development, it was necessary to improve the qualifications and undergo retraining of a number of employees of Adomal LLC in the reporting period, the data for which are presented in Table 7.

Table 7

Training of personnel of Adomal LLC in 2013-2015


2013, people

2014, people

2015, people

Abs. (pers.)

Relates off %

Planned number of trained personnel

Actual number of trained personnel, including:

Improved qualification

Passed the profession. training and retraining, including



Number of people trained. %

Based on the data presented in Table 7, it can be argued that the management of Adomal LLC annually planned to increase the number of trained personnel as part of the advanced training. However, the actual trained workers turned out to be much less than planned.

So, the actual number of personnel in 2013-2015. decreased by a total of 7 people, which amounted to 15 people by the end of the reporting period, who were fully trained through advanced training. A much smaller number of employees of Adomal LLC underwent training and retraining as one of the forms of education.

It should also be noted that the number of those trained in 2014 decreased by 24.7%, and in 2015 by 8.1%, amounting to 48.6% and 40.5%, respectively. These changes negatively reflect the management of personnel development and require adjustments to be made to the implementation of this process. The basis of the training conducted at the enterprise is often carried out certification, which is aimed at determining the degree of workload of employees and their use in the specialty, the degree of their qualifications, suitability for the workplace or position, identifying areas for improving the program and applied development methods. In the course of the annual assessment of performance (attestation), not only strengths, but also weaknesses in the work of a particular person can be detected. For example, low marks for employees of a certain professional group in the "professional knowledge" column show that a need for training has been identified for this category of employees. Consider the data on the certification of personnel at the enterprise in question (see Table 8).

The data in Table 8 indicate that at the enterprise for the period under review, personnel certification was carried out after the expiration of the probationary period of personnel when hiring, as well as during the rotation of personnel.

Table 8

Evaluation of the personnel certification of Adomal LLC in 2013 - 2015



Growth rate, %

Certification after the probationary period, total, pers.

Of those who successfully passed certification

Certification during the rotation of personnel, total, people:

Of these: - certification was carried out, incl.

the number of personnel who have successfully passed certification

Not certified

It should also be concluded that the total number of personnel who have passed certification by the end of the period under review is decreasing. In 2015, only 4 people passed certification procedures, which is several times lower than the level of the previous year. This circumstance was associated with the unwillingness of the company's management to spend funds, as well as with a relatively high degree of staff turnover, in connection with which, the number of employees planned for certification at Adomal LLC decreased.

It should also be noted that a shortcoming in the organization of attestation procedures in the implementation of development management was the absence in a number of cases of attestation of employees during the rotation of personnel from one department to another or from one position to another.

As a continuation of the assessment of the effectiveness of personnel certification in the framework of the implementation of the personnel training management of Adomal LLC, it is necessary to consider the methods that were used during the certification of employees of the organization (see Table 9).

Table 9

Methods of certification of personnel of Adomal LLC in 2013-2015


Change, pers.

Relates off, %

Certification by ranking method, total, persons, of which:

Successfully passed certification

Unsuccessfully passed certification

Certification by the rating scale method, total, people:

Of them: - successfully passed certification

Unsuccessfully passed certification

Total number of attested personnel, pers.

The data presented in Table 9 indicate that at the enterprise under consideration, only 2 methods were actively used as the methods used for certification of personnel - the ranking method and the rating scale method, which is currently clearly insufficient.

The professional development of personnel should be based on the obligatory and continuous training and advanced training, the relevance for the production of the areas of training being carried out, a planned approach and accounting for results. The main goal is to ensure that professional training meets the requirements of jobs (positions), to increase professional competencies to a level that contributes to the growth of labor productivity, bringing higher profits.

Advanced training should ensure the continuity of training with the subsequent use of the knowledge and skills acquired by specialists during their internship in new positions, with the rotation of personnel. Planning of work with young specialists, a reserve of personnel for higher positions, further development of personnel and its social and professional growth should be carried out in close connection with the results of training and advanced training, certification and remuneration.

In LLC "Adomal" for vertical movement, they form a personnel reserve of managers. The main stages of formation: making a forecast of changes in the composition of managers, selecting candidates for the reserve based on the results of certification, and making a decision on inclusion in the reserve.

At the enterprise it is impossible to provide all the staff with vertical growth, in this regard, there is the possibility of horizontal movement.

In horizontal development, the main basis for promotion is the exchange of knowledge and practical experience between staff.

An indicator of the effectiveness of the management of service and professional development of personnel is the promotion coefficient. Figure 3 shows the performance indicators for managing the career of personnel of Adomal LLC.

Figure 3 - Career management performance indicators

According to Figure 3, the promotion rate decreased from 2.2% to 1.1%. This is due to the lack of interest, activity of the HR manager in managing the business career of the staff. At the same time, it is clear that the vacated key positions are increasingly occupied by employees taken from outside. And the number of key positions occupied by its own staff is declining.

Thus, the existing employee development management system has a number of shortcomings and is not effective enough, which is confirmed by the data of the analysis.

2.3 Development of a personnel development strategy for the enterprise in question

To improve the efficiency of personnel development, it is advisable to introduce a strategy that contains a number of measures to address previously identified problems in this area at the enterprise in question (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Recommended elements of the personnel development strategy of Adomal LLC

Intra-corporate training in "Adomal" LLC is expedient to carry out in the form of seminars - trainings. There are two options for conducting these trainings.

Firstly, the trainings are conducted on the basis of cases, the topics of which are taken from "foreign" examples. At the same time, students are invited to solve "foreign" problems that have already been "resolved" repeatedly with a known, as a rule, template solution;

secondly, the topics of trainings are strictly determined by the problems of the given enterprise. A specific task is set before the training seminar - for example, to develop an effective marketing strategy, taking into account the specific features of the enterprise.

It is also important that the specialists participating in the training develop teamwork skills. In fact, team building takes place during the training.

It is also advisable to conduct short-term training programs, advanced training with the involvement of specialists from outside. Such forms of education include seminars, conferences and trainings that last from one day to three months, but not more than one hundred academic hours. The organization of this training includes the following steps:

1. The HR department analyzes the needs of the enterprise and the requests of the heads of departments, and then draws up a training plan.

2. When the HR department receives an application, a study of the educational services market begins, the results of which determine the provider of educational services. The department in its choice is based on the combination of "price-quality" services.

3. When the provider is selected, the HR department concludes an agreement with him for the training of employees within the time frame specified in the drawn up plan.

4. The HR department determines the employees to be trained, after which the selected employees are notified of this.

5. If it is decided to conduct training for employees of the organization on its territory, then the HR department forms an application to the administrative and economic department for organizing a lecture/seminar. For training purposes, you need to allocate a room, provide food and prepare equipment.

6. Before training, employees are tested to test their knowledge and skills.

7. Within a week after the training, the HR department organizes a survey of participants in the educational program on how satisfied they were with the quality of the services provided.

8. If the training of employees is short-term, then it can be carried out not only on working days, but also on weekends. If an employee has spent working time on training, it is paid in full. The best option - training is organized both during work and in free time. For example, Friday and Saturday.

9. When an employee passes a training, a seminar or participates in a conference, he prepares a message for interested persons who were not present at the training on the topic covered.

10. If an internal seminar is planned, then the entire organization is carried out by the specialists of the personnel department.

11. From the materials issued for training at trainings and seminars, the employee must make copies and give them to the HR department.

12. In some cases, the organization enters into a student agreement with an employee. The contract provides for the period that the employee is obliged to work after graduation, as well as the amount of compensation if he quits within the specified period.

The personnel development strategy should be based on the assessment of the competencies of the company's employees and the comparison of the competencies of its own personnel with the requirements of its position. A promising way for personnel development is to automate the assessment and certification of employees and the implementation of a comparison of the competencies of employees with the position profile in the use of information technology to assess employees in order to subsequently develop the most appropriate development strategy. That will allow to gain advantages in the formation of a system of internal training of personnel based on the use of information technology in the process of personnel assessment.

The results of an automated assessment for several periods make it possible to analyze the structure and dynamics of personnel development, so it is necessary to add the ability to transfer data to the business process "Analysis of the structure and dynamics of personnel development", which will describe work with all the company's personnel, including the personnel reserve: formation, structure, development planning and analysis of the implementation of development plans.

In "Adomal" LLC, the coefficient of promotion in the position of personnel at the enterprise is decreasing every year, and the number of vacant key positions occupied by outsiders is growing. This is due to the fact that the specialists of the enterprise do not have the required professional knowledge and experience to occupy the position. It is necessary to improve the knowledge and skills of specialists in all areas of the enterprise, namely, to send staff more often for training, retraining and advanced training.

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From the point of view of the composition, quality of personnel and its further development, three fragments of the organization's strategy seem to be especially important:

  • 1. - Quality of products (services, works);
  • 2. - Innovation policy;
  • 3. - Technical and technological strategy in terms of factors related to changes in the core production technology.
  • 1. If the strategy of max product quality is chosen, then the employees are in key positions and the number as a whole must have a max professional level and competence that allows them to realize the quality level regardless of production costs and technological failures.
  • 2. The innovative strategy plan, which involves the introduction of the most advanced technologies, requires employees to max
  • - flexibility;
  • - wide erudition;
  • - readiness to perceive new technologies and types of equipment.
  • 3. The technical and technological strategy relies mainly on the internal scientific and technical potential of the production organization. This strategy requires initiative, creativity, and active participation in ongoing research and development work from employees.

The relationship of elements of the personnel development system

RP - staff development;

RM - workplace.

In turn, the development of requirements for prospective requirements for personnel is an obligatory and necessary condition for the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy. And it, in turn, is determined by a comprehensive strategy for the development of the organization (its social and managerial components).

Stages of developing a personnel development strategy

When developing a personnel development strategy, the following sequence of actions is most effective:

  • 1. Analysis of the socio-economic potential of the organization, identification of internal points of generation - (lat.) birth, a) generation, b) birth, reproduction, production)) of possible competitive advantages.
  • 2. Analysis of the product market and identification of economic zones.
  • 3. Formation of a commodity-market, resource-market and integration strategy of a production organization.
  • 4. Formation of financial and investment strategy.
  • 5. Formation of social strategy.
  • 6. Development of prospective requirements for the organization's personnel, specified, among other things, by departments (corporate culture, socio-psychological climate, employee-organization relationships, etc.).
  • 7. Formation of the organization's personnel development strategy.
  • 8. Development of a personnel development management system, including:
    • - methodical;
    • - technical;
    • - information;
    • - organizational support.

One of the most important goals of the personnel development process is to activate the creativity of employees, awakening in them a taste and interest in innovation, both on an initiative basis and in the order of performing their job duties.

Characteristics of labor collectives in terms of their innovativeness

The grouping of labor collectives in terms of "the degree of their innovativeness" can distinguish three main types of labor collectives:

  • 1) "Early industrial" - characterized by a disciplinary mechanism for implementation, focusing on the cooperation of the efforts of workers, carried out by a linear (hierarchical) leader.
  • 2) "Technocratic" - characterized by an administrative and economic mechanism, aimed at ensuring the functioning of socio-technical systems and carrying out linear-functional hierarchical management using a combination of:
    • - economic;
    • - administrative;
    • - motivational methods.

For such socio-technical systems, the correct organization of not only interpersonal, but also human-machine, ergonomic interactions is of decisive importance.

  • 3) "Innovative type" of the labor collective, characterized by the competitiveness of workers headed by a leader-leader. The efforts of the leader are aimed at ensuring three main components of this type of management:
    • a) the interaction of workers and groups in the daily labor process;
    • b) activation of their creative, personal and organizational potential;
    • c) integration of the efforts of employees, micro-teams, orientation of personnel towards the implementation of the goals of the organization and the achievement of final results.

The development of a personnel development strategy and a personnel development management system is possible if the following basic prerequisites are present:

  • 1) determining the strategic goals of the organization, which are a prerequisite for planning the development of personnel for the coming years;
  • 2) formation of a general strategy for the development of the organization, allowing for the assessment, analysis and selection of the necessary system of influence on personnel for its successful implementation in practice;
  • 3) staff assessments to determine the current abilities and capabilities of the organization's employees;
  • 4) clarification of the goals and objectives of employees;
  • 5) establishing the dynamics of requirements for the personnel of the organization.

In this case, the requirements for personnel are understood, first of all: business qualities, as well as those features in work that are dictated by a particular position:

  • - education and its profile;
  • - age;
  • - work experience, etc.

One of the most important problems at the present stage of development of the economy of most countries of the world is the problem in the field of work with personnel. With all the variety of existing approaches to this problem in various industrialized countries, the main most common trends are the following: the formalization of methods and procedures for the selection of personnel, the development of scientific criteria for their evaluation, a scientific approach to the analysis of needs for managerial personnel, the promotion of young and promising employees, increasing the justification personnel decisions and the expansion of their publicity, the systematic linking of economic and government decisions with the main elements of personnel policy.

These general trends should be taken into account in the domestic practice of production management in the development of a market economy. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the assertion that the income of any organization primarily depends on how professionally the specialists work in it. In the development of social production and increase in its efficiency, the leading role, along with scientific and technological progress, belongs to labor resources. The production of material goods is not possible without labor. It must be put in the first place in the production of products. The means of production, no matter how perfect they are, in themselves have no value and cannot give any economic effect.

In the process of production, only living labor creates new value, is its source. The most important distinguishing feature of the labor force is that it is the bearer of production relations and it has a social and socio-economic content. This makes it necessary to improve the distribution according to work in accordance with the changing conditions of production.

The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, ensuring the high quality of human resources are decisive factors in the efficiency of production and the competitiveness of products. Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, in the short term will be constantly in the focus of attention of management.

The scientific approach to the formation of human resource management systems implies the need to take into account the requirements of physiology and psychology for the rational organization of the labor activity of workers. When solving many problems, management specialists will need knowledge of the basics of physiology and psychology of labor, assistance in solving these problems from physiologists, psychologists, and occupational hygienists.

When analyzing the level of development of the team, the following tasks are solved:

security of the enterprise with a labor force in quantitative and qualitative terms;

ensuring the most rational employment of labor resources;

implementation of a set of measures for a more rational use of the working time fund.

The problems of personnel management and development are currently given enough theoretical attention. In the process of writing the work, the works of such famous scientists, psychologists and publicists as V.I. and others. In addition to Russian authors, foreign scientists have long been involved in the problems of personnel management, whose work also helped in writing the graduation project - Meskon M.Kh., Woodcock V., Karlof B. and others.

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country, the issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel development management, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production, are of particular importance, this confirms the relevance of the chosen research topic.

The purpose of the graduation project is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy.

In accordance with this goal, the objectives of the graduation project are:

consideration of the theoretical foundations for the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy;

study of strategic personnel management;

consideration of the organization's main human resource management strategies;

analysis of the results of production and economic activities of SG-Consult LLC;

analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel of the enterprise;

study of the processes of selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel;

formation of a personnel development strategy for the organization OOO SG-Consult.

The object of study in the graduation project is the organization OOO "SG-Consult". The subject of the study is the process of forming a personnel development strategy in the organization under study.

On the basis of modern developments in the field of personnel management, the diploma project proposes measures to improve the organization of managerial work, modernize the current organizational structure of management, and provide economic incentives for employees of SG-Consult LLC. The main source of information for analyzing the activities of the enterprise is the financial statements of the enterprise for 2003–2005.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy

1.1. Enterprise Human Resource Management Strategies

It is well known how important people management is for organizations - large and small, commercial and non-commercial, industrial and those operating in the service sector. Without people, there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve its goals and survive. Undoubtedly, human resource management is one of the most important aspects of the theory and practice of management.

Specific responsibility for the overall management of human resources in organizations is usually assigned to professionally trained employees of human resources departments, usually in the headquarters. In order for specialists to actively contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals, they need not only knowledge and competence in their specific field, but also awareness of the needs of lower-level managers. However, if lower-level managers do not understand the specifics of human resources management, opportunities and shortcomings, then they cannot fully use the services of human resources specialists. Therefore, it is important that all managers and specialists understand the ways and methods of managing people.

Human resource management includes the following steps (Fig. 1):

1. Resource planning: developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

3. Selection: evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment.

Figure 1 – Human resource management process

4. Determining wages and benefits: Designing a wage and benefit structure to attract, hire and retain employees.

5. Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired workers into organizations and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

6. Training: Designing programs to teach the job skills required to do the job effectively.

7. Assessment of labor activity: development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of the employee.

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal, development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract.

9. Leadership training, promotion management: development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of the work of managerial personnel.

When managing the people side of their business, leaders often focus on one or two "dimensions" and overlook the rest. A typical example is when a company reorganizes its structure to free managers from bureaucratic work and give them more scope for their entrepreneurial activity, but at the same time forgets to restructure the training or reward system. When the desired entrepreneurial spirit is not awakened, managers often become confused, not understanding why the measures taken did not work. The thing is, you can't just focus on one area. A forward-looking strategy is needed, aimed at the interaction of all "dimensions".

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1.2 Formation of personnel strategy






Do you remember the words of Comrade Stalin "Cadres decide everything"? The comrade was right. That's just interpreted it in his own way [ 12, p.52 ].

One of the most important problems at the present stage of development of the economy of most countries of the world is the problem in the field of work with personnel. With all the variety of existing approaches to this problem, the main, most common trends are the following: the formalization of methods and procedures for selecting personnel, the development of scientific criteria for their assessment, a scientific approach to analyzing the needs for managerial personnel, the promotion of young and promising employees, increasing the validity of personnel decisions and the expansion of their publicity, the systematic linking of economic and government decisions with the main elements of personnel policy.

These general trends should be taken into account in the domestic practice of production management in the development of a market economy. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the assertion that the income of any organization primarily depends on how professionally the specialists work in it. In the development of social production and increase in its efficiency, the leading role, along with scientific and technological progress, belongs to labor resources. The production of material goods is not possible without labor. It must be put in the first place in the production of products. The means of production, no matter how perfect they are, in themselves have no value and cannot give any economic effect.

The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, ensuring the high quality of human resources are decisive factors in the efficiency of production and the competitiveness of products. Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, in the short term will be constantly in the focus of attention of management. strategy development personnel organization

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country, the issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel development management, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production, are of particular importance, this confirms the relevance of the chosen topic.

The purpose of the course work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy.

In accordance with this goal, the objectives of the course work are:

Consideration of the theoretical foundations for the formation of an organization's personnel development strategy;

Study of strategic personnel management;

Consideration of the organization's main human resource management strategies;

Conducting an analysis of the results of the production activities of Trinity LLC;

Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the personnel of the enterprise;

Study of the processes of selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel;

Formation of the personnel development strategy of the organization Trinity LLC.

The object of study in the course work is the organization "Trinity". The subject of the study is the process of forming a personnel development strategy in the organization under study.

On the basis of modern developments in the field of personnel management, the course work proposes measures to improve the organization of managerial work, modernize the current organizational structure of management, and provide economic incentives for the work of employees of Trinity LLC. The main source of information for analyzing the activities of the enterprise is the financial statements of the enterprise for 2007-2009.

The structure of work corresponds to the plan. The work is presented in the form of: introduction, three sections, conclusion and applications.


1.1 Enterprise Human Resource Management Strategies

It is well known how important people management is for organizations - large and small, commercial and non-commercial, industrial and those operating in the service sector. Without people, there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve its goals and survive. Undoubtedly, human resource management is one of the most important aspects of the theory and practice of management.

Specific responsibility for the overall management of human resources in organizations is usually assigned to professionally trained employees of human resources departments, usually in the headquarters. In order for specialists to actively contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals, they need not only knowledge and competence in their specific field, but also awareness of the needs of lower-level managers. However, if lower-level managers do not understand the specifics of human resources management, opportunities and shortcomings, then they cannot fully use the services of human resources specialists. Therefore, it is important that all managers and specialists understand the ways and methods of managing people.

Human resource management includes the following steps (Figure 1.1):

1. Resource planning: developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

3. Selection: evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment.

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Rice. 1.1 Workforce management process

4. Determining wages and benefits: Designing a wage and benefit structure to attract, hire and retain employees.

5. Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired workers into organizations and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

6. Training: Designing programs to teach the job skills required to do the job effectively.

7. Assessment of labor activity: development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of the employee.

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal, development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract.

9. Leadership training, promotion management: development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of the work of managerial personnel.

If a manager needs an organization that truly values ​​quality and the client, he must not only retrain the staff, but also revise the organizational structure, communication, evaluation and reward systems. Below is a simple but effective plan for developing a talent strategy. It used widely known and simple strategic models to help assess existing and potential human resources. The main thing is to correctly formulate questions for discussion and focus on ensuring that future HR programs are in line with the overall strategy of the company.

The development of a HR strategy consists of seven steps, and in each of them the active participation of senior managers is desirable. This ensures that the balance between HR practitioners and company strategists is maintained, which is so necessary for effective results.

Of course, the manager prefers to discuss each issue separately, the steps described below should be part of the overall planning process. Sometimes the lack of the necessary human resources undermines the implementation of the business strategy. A manager must have often heard this: “After analyzing the situation, we realized that we did not have the necessary human resources to achieve the set growth and profit targets.”

There are five factors influencing the personnel strategy of an organization: social, political, legal, economic and environmental factors. Whatever form of work with personnel the organization chooses, each of these elements must be carefully analyzed and reflected in it.

The most complete personnel strategy of enterprises was worked out in the USA. The American experience is successfully used and modernized in other countries. In Ukraine, the practice of strategic planning of work with personnel is still gaining popularity. As in other areas of HR management, representative offices of foreign companies were the first to start creating a personnel strategy. Gradually, Ukrainian organizations began to show more and more attention to this area of ​​planning.

The personnel strategy is of great interest not only from the point of view of a practical approach to business management, but also from the standpoint of theory. Thus, in Europe, approximately since the mid-80s of the last century, the relationship between business strategies and personnel management has been vigorously discussed. In particular, the question of whether the personnel strategy should be a projection of the business strategy or vice versa comes to the fore. Thus, four concepts of planning work with personnel in the enterprise are distinguished:

HR strategy depends on business strategy;

Business strategy depends on HR strategy;

HR strategy and business strategy are independent of each other;

HR strategy and business strategy are defined interactively.

Type A. HR strategy and business strategy are interdependent.

Currently, three theories describing this type of personnel strategy are recognized. These are Pfeffer's "best practices", Walton's "consent strategy", and von Eckardstein's "integrated personnel strategy". Pfeffer's concept of "best theories" involves seven methods that ensure the relationship between personnel and business strategy:

Guarantee of long-term employment of employees,

Strict staff selection

Using the command method of work,

The dependence of wages on its results,

Developed training system

Minor status differences

The intensity of providing information to the team.

Von Eckardstein's theory is based on the fact that there is a certain unified view of personnel issues in an organization, expressed as "responsible for personnel". Von Eckardstein's theory assumes a strict selection of employees, encouraging their initiative, non-material motivation, teamwork, and a well-functioning training system.

Walton's "consent strategy" sees the human being as a tool, and therefore his work needs to be optimized. The style of organizations that use it is defined by the motto "hire and fire" ("hire and fire"). In this regard, the requirements for personnel are low, and the approach to its selection is superficial.

Type B. Personnel strategy, depending on the business strategy (market based view).

Many practitioners are of the opinion that this is the most effective form of organizing work with personnel. In 1987, Ackermann conducted a study of large enterprises, as a result of which four types of strategy were identified in relation to personnel:




Other researchers have looked at the relationship between organizational development phases, business strategy, and human resource management planning. So, T.Yu. Bazarov identifies the following types of organization strategies: entrepreneurial, dynamic growth, profitability, liquidation, circulation. At the same time, he introduces the concepts of long-term (strategic), medium-term (management) and short-term (operational) planning of work with personnel.

It should be noted that the model of T.Yu. Bazarova describes exclusively personnel policy, without taking into account the corresponding strategy.

Experts believe that “... this method is not realistic in practice and often serves as one of the reasons for the collapse of bold strategies. It is precisely such resources as human resources that require long-term monitoring…”. Another negative side of such an organization of processes is the high probability of employees moving into opposition to the new course of management.

Type B. Business strategy dependent on personnel (resource based view).

The application of this strategy is explained by the fact that the employer does not always have the opportunity to find motivated personnel with the necessary qualifications in the labor market, and its development within the organization takes time.

Type D. Interactive definition of personnel strategy.

Many authors consider the possibility of integrating business strategy and workforce planning. So, Henry Mintzberg introduced the concept of "umbrella strategy". According to him, the entrepreneurial strategy as an "umbrella" limits the area of ​​activity of the organization's employees. The American School of Human Resources suggests that strategic planning be based on the following factors:

Strengths and weaknesses of the company

Market opportunities and risks.

Team development is an indispensable object of organization management and, at the same time, an integral part of its personnel management system.

In relation to society as a whole, the development of personnel is its transition from a less mature state to a higher level. The development of an individual organization means a change for the better in its environment, the achievement of the desired changes in the conditions of work, life and leisure of employees.

Accordingly, the main goals of the development of the team are:

Improving the personnel structure;

Improvement of ergonomic, psycho-physiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and other working conditions, labor protection and safety of workers;

Ensuring social insurance of employees, observance of their rights and social guarantees;

Stimulation by means of both material rewards and moral encouragement of effective work;

Creation and maintenance of a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in the team;

Raising the living standards of workers and their families;

To develop the potential of the workforce, a number of methods are used: professional orientation, adaptation in a team, assessment of production activities, remuneration system, vocational training and education, promotion.

Thus, both for the benefit of the organization itself and for the personal benefit of the employees of their organization, management must constantly work to increase the potential of personnel in every possible way.

1.2. Formation of personnel strategy

It is known that in the formation of a strategic management system, four main phases can be distinguished:

Chaotic response to constant changes in the external environment;

Strategic planning in the narrow sense - anticipation of new complications in the external conditions of the organization's activities and the development of advance strategies for response;

Strategic Opportunity Management - identifying the organization's internal capacity to adapt to a rapidly changing environment;

Management of strategic tasks in real time - the development and implementation of a constantly correcting program.

The personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental guidelines for working with personnel in the long term.

The type of authority has a significant impact on the strategy and style of leadership, as well as the requirements for personnel. It is obvious that the fullest use of the creative potential of a person is possible only in a democratic society. At the enterprise, the personnel policy is formed by the board of directors, the board and the director of the enterprise.

The personnel policy at the enterprise includes the following elements: the type of power in society, the style of leadership, the philosophy of the enterprise, the rules of internal labor regulations, the collective agreement.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation of the goals set largely depend on the choice of options for building the enterprise personnel management system itself, understanding the mechanism of its functioning, choosing the most optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

In previous years, it was largely characterized by a political (ideological) coloring, which was reflected in its very content and definition. "Personnel policy is the general direction in personnel work, determined by the totality of the most important, fundamental provisions expressed in the decisions of the party and government for a long term or a separate period."

At present, this is a conscious, purposeful activity to create a workforce that would best contribute to the combination of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

Since the formation of the personnel of an enterprise is not associated with an unambiguous decision, but with the alternativeness of possible ways, with the choice of the most effective of them, it is legitimate to raise the question of choosing a labor supply strategy, taking into account all factors and circumstances specific to the present and future.

When choosing a personnel policy, factors inherent in the external and internal environment of the enterprise are taken into account, such as:

Production requirements, enterprise development strategy;

The financial capabilities of the enterprise, the permissible level of costs for personnel management determined by them;

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the existing staff and the direction of their change in the future, etc.;

Situation on the labor market (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the labor supply by profession of the enterprise, conditions of supply);

Demand for labor from competitors, emerging wage levels;

The influence of trade unions, rigidity in defending the interests of workers;

The requirements of labor legislation, the accepted culture of working with hired personnel, etc.

The general requirements for personnel policy in modern conditions are as follows:

1. Personnel policy should be closely linked to the development (or survival) strategy of the enterprise.

2. Personnel policy should be flexible enough. This means that it must be, on the one hand, stable, since certain expectations of the employee are associated with stability, on the other hand, dynamic, i.e. be adjusted in accordance with the change in the tactics of the enterprise, the production and economic situation.

3. Since the formation of a qualified workforce is associated with certain costs for the enterprise, the personnel policy should be economically justified, i.e. based on his real financial capabilities.

4. Personnel policy should provide an individual approach to its employees.

The personnel policy includes the following elements: the type of power in society, the style of leadership, the philosophy of the enterprise, the rules of internal labor regulations, the basis of the collective agreement. Thus, the personnel policy in the new conditions is aimed at creating such a system of work with personnel, which would be focused on obtaining not only economic, but also social benefits, subject to compliance with current legislation, regulations and government decisions. The latter, as a reflection of the state policy regarding the reproduction of the labor force, influence personnel policy through the regulation of the situation on the labor market, as well as through the requirements for ensuring proper social protection of the employee.

The purpose of manpower planning is to provide workers with jobs at the right time and in the right quantity, in accordance with their abilities and inclinations, as well as with the requirements of production. Personnel planning is implemented through the implementation of a whole range of interrelated activities, combined in an operational plan for working with personnel. The personnel planning algorithm includes the following procedures or stages: analysis of the company's human resources; forecasting the need for new employees; development of a plan and program to meet these needs. An analysis of the state of the enterprise's personnel should include a study of the functions that must be performed to achieve a particular goal, as well as an assessment of the number of people required to perform each function. Personnel policy forms:

Requirements for the labor force at the stage of its employment (to education, gender, age, length of service, level of special training, etc.);

Attitude towards "investment" in the labor force, to the purposeful influence on the development of certain aspects of the employed labor force;

Attitude to the stabilization of the team (of all or a certain part of it);

Attitude to the nature of the training of new workers at the enterprise, its depth and breadth, as well as to the retraining of personnel;

Attitude towards intra-factory movement of personnel, etc.

The personnel service of an enterprise is a set of specialized structural units in the field of enterprise management, together with the officials (managers, specialists, performers) employed in them, who are called upon to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy.

The functions of the personnel service of a large and medium-sized enterprise include:

Provision of personnel: determination of the need for personnel, search for specialists, conclusion of contracts, familiarization with the workplace and working conditions, termination of contracts, relocation of personnel;

Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Registration of labor relations;

Organization of remuneration, implying the certification of jobs, determining the structure of remuneration and the structure of benefits, a system of labor indicators, analysis of the labor market;

Identification of social tension in the team and its removal;

Development of relations with workers' self-government bodies;

Coordination of work on the stabilization of working conditions and compliance with safety regulations;

Providing each service of the organization with qualified personnel.

As you can see, the functions of the personnel management service are quite diverse and personnel work should take up a lot of management time. Therefore, enterprises need to create a special unit for working with personnel.

We are talking about the formation of a multifunctional personnel service at the enterprise.

The personnel service in modern conditions should be the organizer and coordinator of all work with personnel at the enterprise. The quantitative composition of personnel management is determined by the organizational and staffing structures and the Charter of the organization. When calculating the required number of full-time employees of the personnel service, the following are taken into account:

The total number of employees of the organization;

Specific conditions and characteristics of the organization related to the scope of its activities, scale, varieties of individual industries, the presence of branches;

Social characteristics of the organization, the structural composition of its employees, their qualifications;

The complexity and complexity of the tasks to be solved in personnel management;

Technical support for managerial work, etc.

Since one of the most important areas of a modern enterprise is personnel policy, it is necessary to improve the specifics of personnel work at the enterprise and, first of all, create a personnel management service.

As follows from the content of personnel work, it should be carried out by specialists with knowledge in the field of economics, organization, sociology and psychology, jurisprudence, and the head of the personnel service should have broad training in the field of personnel management.

Personnel activities - actions aimed at achieving compliance of personnel with the tasks of the organization's work, carried out taking into account the specific tasks of the stage of development of the organization.

Thus, personnel strategy is one of the most important areas of modern enterprise. It is necessary to improve the specifics of personnel work at the enterprise and, first of all, to create a personnel management service.

Every organization has several options for strategic HR planning. The discussion about the advantages of this or that model is interesting, first of all, from a theoretical point of view. In practice, it is often observed that management uses individual elements of several systems to adapt the personnel strategy to the requirements of the enterprise. One of these systems, as a rule, is taken as a basis.


2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the organization Trinity LLC

The object of study of this work is the organization Trinity Limited Liability Company.

Corporate name of the organization: Trinity LLC, location of the organization:

Legal address: 01001, Kiev, Pechersky district, st. Khreschatyk / Zankovetskaya 15/4 A

Actual address: 04073, Kiev, Kurenovsky lane, 17

Trinity Limited Liability Company was registered by the Pechersk District State Administration in Kiev on 04.09.2000.

The Company is a legal entity, acquires property and non-property personal rights, bears relevant obligations, draws up contracts, has: separate property, independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in credit and financial institutions both in hryvnia and in foreign currency, a round seal and stamps with its name.

Full name: Trinity Limited Liability Company.

Abbreviated name: Trinity LLC.

Company name: Trinity Limited Liability Company.

Director of the company: Zagrebelnaya Irina Yurievna

Chief Accountant: Kulikova Olga Vladimirovna

The company was created to produce products, perform work and provide services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.

The company is engaged in the following activities:

Shoe production;

Manufacture of haberdashery and travel products from leather of other materials;

Manufacture of outerwear;

Manufacture of finished textile products, except clothing;

Manufacture of textile products not included in other groups;

Manufacture of leather clothing;

Manufacture of work clothes;

Manufacture of underwear;

Manufacture of clothing and accessories;

Manufacture of other types of clothing and accessories.

The company has an authorized capital in the amount of UAH 7731.0 thousand.

The Company independently forms a reserve fund in the amount of 15% of the authorized capital. The reserve fund is formed at the expense of annual deductions of 5% of the Company's net profit until the fund reaches its size. The resources of the reserve fund are used to restore the shortage of own working capital, to pay for labor in case of insufficiency of the consumption fund, as well as to cover unforeseen expenses and losses of the Company. The funds of the reserve fund used for wages must be compensated from the Company's profit in subsequent periods.

The management bodies of the Company are:

Chief Accountant;


Deputy Director.

For many years of work in the Ukrainian market, the Company has signed a number of purchase agreements with the largest enterprises, such as:

Feodosiya tank farm (since 1998-2010);

- "Lukoil-Ukraine" (since 1999-2010);

Odessa Railway (2009);

- "Sevastopol Sea Fishing Port" (2010);

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (2004, 2006, 2008);

State Customs Service of Ukraine (2003-2008);

State Ecological Service (2008);

Zaporozhye NPP (2001-2002);

Plant "Elektrovazhmash" (2009).

Hosted at

Hosted at

Fig. 2.1 Organizational structure of the organization Trinity LLC

In total, 87 employees work in the state, including 9 people of administration, 13 employees, 5 process engineers, 60 workers.

All personnel of LLC "Trinity" has a specialized secondary education. The management structure of Trinity LLC is linear-functional, there are 3 levels of management at the enterprise.

Thus, the existing organizational structure for managing the organization of Trinity LLC corresponds to the goals and objectives of the organization, however, it does not include a functional department responsible for marketing, promotion of products and goods and consumer lending, which is vital for a modern organization in market conditions.

2.2 Analysis and diagnostics of the current situation of the organization Trinity LLC

In practice, a feasibility study is a type of management activity that precedes decision-making and boils down to substantiating these decisions on the basis of available information. The subject of technical and economic analysis are economic processes and phenomena within enterprises, production associations and organizations.

Let's consider the main technical and economic indicators of the activity of the organization Trinity LLC in Table 2.1 and give their analysis.

Table 2.1

Dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators of Trinity LLC

The name of indicators

Growth rate,%

1. The volume of products sold, thousand UAH.

2. Cost price, thousand UAH.

3. Material costs, thousand UAH.

4. Material return, UAH /UAH

5. The average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand UAH.

6. Capital productivity, UAH /UAH

7. Capital intensity, UAH /UAH

8. Wage fund, thousand UAH.

10. Average monthly salary of one worker, UAH.

11. The volume of sold products per 1 employee, thousand UAH.

12. Profit from sales, thousand UAH.

13. Profit before taxation, thousand UAH.

14. Profitability of activity,%

According to Table 2.1, it can be concluded that the sales volumes of Trinity LLC products increased in 2007-2009. The increase in sales volumes is primarily due to an increase in the number of orders for the services provided by the organization. In contractual prices, the volume of sold products and services in 2008 compared to 2007 increased by 11.58% and amounted to UAH 3,282 thousand. In 2009, the organization's sales volume increased to the level of UAH 4,919.67 thousand, which is 49.91% more than the result of the previous year.

The cost of manufactured products and services increased by 11.43% in 2008 compared to 2007, and then increased by 39.55% in 2005 compared to 2008. The increase in cost can be explained by a proportional increase in the volume of sales of the organization's products in 2007-2009 A positive aspect of Trinity's work in 2009 can be characterized by the fact that the growth rate of production costs in 2009 - 139.55% was lower than the growth rate of the organization's revenue - 149.91%, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the company.

Labor productivity per employee increased in 2008 by 33.9% compared to 2007. This increase is due to the growth in production and sales of the organization's products in 2008. In 2009, labor productivity per employee also increased by 66.57% compared to 2008

The salary fund in 2008 increased by 7.27% compared to 2007, which is influenced by wage growth, which, in turn, grows under the influence of price increases; in 2009, the wage fund also increased by 34.46% compared to 2008. The growth rate of labor productivity of employees of Trinity LLC exceeds the growth rate of wages, which is regarded positively in the work of the organization.

The average monthly salary of employees of the enterprise increased from 1145.9 UAH. in 2007 to UAH 2204 in 2009

Based on the above analysis, we can conclude that the production and financial activities of Trinity LLC are improving by the end of the analyzed period.

Various aspects of the production, marketing, financial activities of the enterprise receive a complete monetary value in the system of indicators of financial results. The financial results of the enterprise are characterized by the amount of profit received.

Profit indicators become the most important for assessing the production and financial activities of the enterprise. They characterize the degree of his business activity and financial well-being.

The financial results of Trinity LLC in the form of profit from various sources are presented in Table 2.2

Dynamics of changes in profit indicators of Trinity LLC for 2007-2009 shown in Fig.2.2

Table 2.2

Analysis of the level and dynamics of indicators of the financial performance of LLC "Trinity" for 2007 - 2009, thousand UAH.

Name of indicator

Change, +/-

Revenue from the sale of goods, products.

Cost of goods sold.

Gross profit

Profit (loss) from sales

Percentage to be paid

Other operating income

Other operating expenses

Non-operating income

non-operating expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Income tax and other similar obligatory payments

Net profit

The proceeds from the sale of the company's products in 2008 increased by UAH 341,000. (11.58%), in 2009 - by 1638 thousand UAH. (49.9%)

The cost of sold products in 2008 increased by UAH 325,000. (11.43%), for 2009 - by 1255 thousand UAH. (39.55%).

The organization annually increases production volumes, especially in the last year. The growth rate of production and sales of services exceeds the growth rate of cost, which is a positive moment in the activity of the organization and leads to an increase in profit from sales.

The organization has reserves to maintain and strengthen its position in the market. For this, it has all the necessary production conditions: production facilities, experience and production technology, trained personnel and personnel.

Thus, from the conducted financial and economic analysis of the activities of Trinity LLC, we see that all the most important indicators of activity, profitability and solvency of the enterprise basically fit into foreign and domestic standards, tend to further increase and characterize the company as financially stable and promising .

2.3 Analysis and evaluation of personnel management in the enterprise

Sufficient provision of enterprises with the necessary labor resources, their rational use, a high level of labor productivity are of great importance for increasing production volumes and increasing production efficiency.

The main tasks of the analysis are:

Study and assessment of the provision of the organization and its structural divisions with labor resources in general, as well as by category;

Definition and study of staff turnover indicators;

Identification of reserves of labor resources, their fuller and more efficient use.

The purpose of the analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources is to identify a trend in the change in the number and use of labor resources and to make their economic assessment.

Table 2.3

Analysis of the composition of the organization's personnel by educational level for the period 2007-2009.

The level of education

Deviation +/-

1. Basic general (9 cells)

2. Average general (11 cells)

3. Unfinished higher

4. Secondary professional (technical school)

5. Higher professional

Judging by the data in Table 2.3, the educational level of the enterprise's employees is at a good level: 7% have higher education, 78% of the staff have secondary vocational education, 5% have incomplete higher education, and 10% have secondary education.

The qualification composition of the employees of the organization under study corresponds to the job requirements and duties of the organization's personnel.

In table. 2.4. presents the quantitative composition of employees of the organization JSC "Trinity" by length of service.

The data in the table show that during the period under review there was a decrease in the total number of employees of Trinity LLC by 25% or 17 people.

Table 2.4.

The number of employees of the organization JSC "Trinity"

Due to the fact that the organization of Trinity OJSC was founded in 2000, there are no employees with more than 10 years of experience yet. It should be noted as a positive moment the high coefficient of permanence of the organization's personnel - therefore, the employees of the company like to work, they are satisfied with the salary, the atmosphere in the organization's team.

According to the results of 2009, the number of employees with experience up to 10 years - 57 people with experience less than 5 years - 30 people.

The head of the enterprise should have, if possible, a complete social structure of the team for making strategic decisions on the development of the enterprise, improving the management system and effective personnel management.

Let's consider the personnel structure of Trinity LLC for the period 2007-2009, which is presented in Table 2.5.

In the process of analysis, not only the quantitative, but also the qualitative composition of the employees is checked. The share of industrial and production personnel decreased by 1.49% over the period under review, and, accordingly, the share of non-industrial personnel decreased. The ratio of workers and employees in the total number of employees has hardly changed.

Table 2.5

Personnel structure of Trinity LLC

All staff




Non-industrial personnel

The share of workers in the total number of employees decreased over the period under review by 2.18% and in 2009 it amounted to 68.97%.

In the analysis, we use the cost method for determining labor productivity. It consists in determining the output, i.e. the volume of work performed or other cost indicator per employee or worker per unit of time in monetary terms.

The dynamics of labor productivity of employees of the enterprise under consideration in comparable prices is presented in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 shows that the output per PPP worker in 2008 increased by UAH 51,000. from the level of 2007, in 2009 by 127.45 thousand UAH. from the level of 2008. This increase is due to the high growth rate of production by 71.23% compared with a decrease in the average annual number of employees by 25%.

Indicators of average daily and average hourly output per 1 worker also tend to increase.

Table 2.6

Indicators of labor productivity of employees of Trinity LLC

Name of indicator

Change +/-

1. Issue of TP, thousand UAH.

2. Number of PPP employees, pers.

3. Number of workers, pers.

4. Share of workers,%

5. Number of days worked by 1 worker per year

6. Duration of the working day, hours

7. Average annual output thousand UAH. /person

7.1. Per PPP employee

7.2. per worker

8. Average daily output per 1 worker, thousand UAH. / person

9. Average hourly output per 1 worker, UAH. /person

Let's analyze the efficiency of personnel use in Table 2.7

Profit from sales of products and services per employee increased in 2008 by UAH 1.68 thousand. and amounted to UAH 5.81 thousand, in 2009 it increased by UAH 23.25 thousand. UAH and at the end of the year it became equal to UAH 29.06 thousand.

The increase in sales profit per employee is caused by the successful financial activities of the organization during the period under review, an increase in the volume of sales of the company's products, an increase in prices, and an increased demand for manufactured products.

Table 2.7

Analysis of personnel efficiency

Name of indicator

Change +/-

1. Profit from the sale of products, thousand UAH.

2. Number of PPP employees, hours

3. Proceeds from sales thousand UAH.

4. TP, thousand UAH

5. The share of revenue in the cost of technological connection,%

6. The average annual amount of capital, thousand UAH.

7. Profit per employee, thousand UAH. /person

8. Product profitability,%

9. Return on sales,%

10. Capital turnover ratio

11. The amount of capital per 1 employee, thousand UAH. /person

12. Average annual output per 1 employee, thousand UAH. /person

The amount of total capital attributable to 1 employee of the enterprise also tended to increase - amounted to 79.96 thousand UAH. in 2007 and UAH 131.23 thousand. at the end of 2009.

The correct use of funds allocated for wages is a necessary condition for ensuring normal relations between the accumulation and consumption funds at the enterprise, between the mass of goods and the effective demand of the population, an increase in labor productivity and the profitability of production.

Wage analysis is an important part of the analysis of the work of the enterprise as a whole. Its main task is to identify and eliminate various types of unproductive payments, to ensure a high dependence of the level of wages on the quantity and quality of labor expended.

At the first stage, the use of the entire amount of funds spent on wages is analyzed, regardless of the sources of coverage. Next, the change in the average wage of one employee of the enterprise is analyzed.

For an efficient organization, the growth rate of labor productivity must outpace the growth rate of wages. In this case, it is considered that part of the surplus value created by employees remains at the disposal of the organization and can be used for its development. If the growth rate of wages in comparable prices outpaces the growth rate of labor productivity, then such an organization sells the funds it has and pays wages not for the work done.

Let us determine the size and dynamics of the average wage for 2007-2009. employees of Trinity LLC in Table 2.8.

The average headcount in 2009 decreased by 17 people compared to 2007. The annual wage fund in 2009 increased by 44.23% or UAH 97.3 thousand. compared to 2007 and amounted to UAH 317.3 thousand. In this regard, the average monthly salary of employees increased by 92.3% and in 2009 amounted to UAH 2,204 thousand.

Table 2.8

Dynamics of the average salary of employees of Trinity LLC

Thus, the wage fund has increased and along with it the average wage has increased, but this is primarily due to the growth of inflation and prices for the company's products, as well as the growth of labor productivity.


3.1 Development of a personnel development strategy for personnel

The main thing that makes up the essence of personnel management is a systematic, systematically organized impact with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for using the labor qualities of an employee (labor force) in in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and the comprehensive development of its employees. All enterprises should have an effective personnel policy in line with the enterprise development strategy.

SWOT-analysis is used to develop staff development strategies.

SWOT-analysis (from English Strengths - strengths, Weaknesses - weaknesses, Opportunities - opportunities, Threats - threats).

SWOT analysis is one of the most common types of analysis in marketing and strategic management, which allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as potential opportunities and threats.

The strategic personnel management program of Trinity LLC should include the implementation of the following activities.

It is necessary to improve the skills and training of employees by sending them to advanced training courses.

Thus, the content of personnel management in Trinity LLC should be:

Determining the need for personnel, taking into account the development strategy of the organization, turnover;

Formation of the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel;

Personnel policy (relationship with the external and internal labor market, release, redistribution and retraining of personnel);

The system of general and professional training of personnel;

Adaptation of employees in the organization;

Payment and stimulation of labor, system of material and moral interest;

Evaluation of activities and certification of personnel, its orientation towards the encouragement and promotion of employees based on the results of work and the value of the employee for the enterprise;

Personnel development system through working career planning;

Interpersonal relations between workers, administration and public organizations.

The objectives of personnel management of the LLC "Trinity" organization should be:

Improving the efficiency of production and labor, in particular the achievement of maximum profit;

Ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

Successful implementation of the goals set in the organization under consideration requires the solution of such tasks as:

Meeting the needs of the organization in the labor force, in the required volumes and the required qualifications;

Achieving a reasonable correlation between the organizational structure of the commercial potential and the structure of the labor potential;

Providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, self-discipline, developing the employee's habit of interaction and cooperation;

Consolidation of the employee in the organization, the formation of a stable team as a condition for the payback of funds spent on labor;

Ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees in relation to the content of labor, working conditions, type of employment;

Improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

Thus, at all enterprises an effective personnel policy should be carried out in accordance with the development strategy of the enterprise.

3.2 Improving the organization of managerial work

Relationships "boss - subordinate" take place in any organization. They are given due attention, both within enterprises and by scientists who study labor processes.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that recently, the activities of enterprises around the world are characterized by an increase in the administrative apparatus and costs for it, an increase in the volume of administrative work, the emergence of new types of management functions in enterprises, an increase in the volume of information and document flow.

The need to improve the organization of managerial work has led to the emergence of various terms and definitions to denote cumulative actions to improve the quality of managerial activity. One of these concepts was the culture of managerial work, which is a factor in increasing competitiveness, production efficiency and organization management.

At the moment, the management of the Trinity LLC organization is provided with new office equipment that meets the requirements of the work performed.

The management of the organization carries out its work in a two-story building, consisting of 42 offices for 4 workplaces each.

Employees of the management of the organization consider the environment around them at work:

Lighting - convenient;

The availability of machine tools and equipment is excellent;

Working conditions are generally good.

In order to improve the organization of managerial work, we will consider the process of preparing a reserve for senior positions in the organization Trinity LLC. Employees of the management service should be appointed responsible for this area of ​​work.

The following scheme of work with the personnel reserve in the organization Trinity LLC is proposed.

Leadership reserve training should include a number of levels:

1. Work with line managers of the lower management level. At this stage, some of the employees who graduated from universities, successfully work in their teams and have passed testing also join the selected line managers of the lower level (head of the expert workshop, head, head of the VTK). Successfully selected managers after the internship are offered for promotion to vacant positions of heads of structural units, their deputies, or are enlisted in the reserve and, if vacancies appear, they are appointed to positions.

2. Working with line managers of middle management. At this stage, the current promising heads of departments and their deputies join the already formed group of young managers. The work is built according to individual plans. Annual testing of the middle manager should be carried out, which will reveal his professional skills, the ability to manage a team, and professionally solve complex production problems. Based on the analysis of the test results of a particular manager, proposals are made for further promotion.

3. Working with top line managers. Rotation should begin well in advance, when managers are in positions of grassroots and middle management. Selection for promotion and filling of vacant senior positions should be carried out on a competitive basis. They will be dealt with by a special commission consisting of senior managers with the participation of specialists from the relevant HR departments and, if necessary, involving independent experts.

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annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Abdukarimov Vyacheslav Ismatovich

The article deals with the problems staff development strategies and their management. Today, effective management of an organization or enterprise is impossible without creating such an atmosphere inside it, when all the personnel are interested in achieving a common goal, everyone feels their personal involvement in the victories and defeats of the team. Today, success or failure in business largely depends on the creative activity of the employees of the organization, their willingness to take responsibility for the decisions made. It is necessary to understand that a general high level of management can only develop if everyone works to the maximum realization of their potential. The problem of the human factor is being discussed at various levels, including the government level, in most countries of the world. The efforts of both management theorists and many practitioners are aimed at finding ways to solve it. Today strategic management as a scientific discipline, having in its arsenal all the necessary methods of planning and organizing work, it is aimed at finding practical methods and mechanisms for effective personnel management. The main goal is to ensure the highest level of labor efficiency. So far, no concrete solutions to this problem have been found. It is important to note that the management of people in organizations is largely based not on knowledge, not on the basis of an effective method of management, but on intuition, the personal experience of the manager and the creation of a system of labor motivation, as well as an effective system staff development strategies.

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    2014 / Drobysheva Victoria Gennadievna

In article author considered problems of strategy of development of the staff and management. Today effective management of the organization or enterprise is impossible without the creation of such an atmosphere in it when all staff is interested in achievement of a common goal, everyone feels the personal participation in victories and defeats of collective. Today the success or failure in business in many respects depends on the creative activity of employees of the organization, their readiness to take the responsibility for made decisions. It is necessary to understand that the general high level of management can develop only if everyone works, as much as possible realizing the potential. The problem of a human factor is discussed at the most different levels, including government level, in the majority of the countries of the world. Efforts are directed on search of ways of its decision, both theorists of management, and many practicians. Today strategic management as a scientific discipline, having all necessary methods of planning and the organization of work in the arsenal, focuses on search of practical methods and mechanisms of effective management of the staff. A main objective is ensuring the highest labor efficiency level. So far concrete solutions of this task aren't found. It is important to notice that management of people in the organizations doesn't base more on knowledge, or on the basis of an effective way of management, but on intuition, personal experience of the head and creation of system of motivation of work , and also effective system of strategy of development of the staff.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Personnel development strategy in the strategic management system"





Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

The article deals with the problems of personnel development strategy and management. Today, effective management of an organization or enterprise is impossible without creating such an atmosphere inside it, when all the personnel are interested in achieving a common goal, everyone feels their personal involvement in the victories and defeats of the team. Today, success or failure in business largely depends on the creative activity of the employees of the organization, their willingness to take responsibility for the decisions made. It is necessary to understand that a general high level of management can only develop if everyone works to the maximum realization of their potential. The problem of the human factor is being discussed at various levels, including the government level, in most countries of the world. The efforts of both management theorists and many practitioners are aimed at finding ways to solve it. Today, strategic management as a scientific discipline, having in its arsenal all the necessary methods of planning and organizing work, is aimed at finding practical methods and mechanisms for effective personnel management. The main goal is to ensure the highest possible level of labor efficiency. So far, no concrete solutions to this problem have been found. It is important to note that the management of people in organizations is largely based not on knowledge, not on the basis of an effective method of management, but on intuition, personal experience of the leader and the creation of a system of labor motivation, as well as an effective system of personnel development strategies.

Key words: strategic management, personnel development strategy, labor motivation.

With the development of the competitive environment of the market economy in Russia, there is a need to develop strategic management tasks in the enterprise management system.

Meanwhile, as the study shows, in the practice of Russian management this problem has not been solved both methodologically and methodologically, given the specifics of the Russian economy.

It is known that work on the Russian market is fraught with unpredictability and great uncertainty, and in this regard, when developing a strategy, these factors must be taken into account.

Thus, in our opinion, the development of a company's development strategy in the Russian economy should provide for the degree of risk from the unforeseen influence of these factors, have a more flexible basis compared to the more predictable management of Western firms operating in the market, based on generally recognized "rules of the game". Many Western companies operating on the Russian market and not taking into account its specifics, made mistakes in the implementation of the tasks set by management when developing a development strategy.

The process of strategic management includes, as you know, three main activities, such as strategic planning, implementation of the strategy and evaluation of the results obtained and the corresponding stages:

Definition of the current mission, goals of the organization;

SWOT analysis;

Strategy formulation;

Strategy implementation;

Evaluation of the results of the strategy.

The tasks of strategic planning are given undeservedly little attention in the practice of Russian management.

Meanwhile, studies on the effectiveness of strategic planning and management have shown that companies with well-organized strategic planning systems, as a rule, receive greater financial returns than those that do not have such systems.

The definition of the current mission, goals of the organization form the foundation of strategic planning.


If the company's management cannot formulate or does not clearly see the mission and goals where it is necessary to move, then this is a fundamental mistake of management and sooner or later will lead to irreparable mistakes and losses.

Analysis of the external environment, identification and evaluation of available resources, opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses - all this is a decisive step in the strategic management process. If the company's strategy does not meet the realities of the external environment, it is doomed.

In this regard, an important problem is the creation of a system of information support, timely receipt of complete, reliable relevant information.

Another problem is the choice of necessary and important information from a large amount of information, its evaluation.

Defining the mission, development goals of the company, SWOT-analysis allow us to formulate a strategy for its development. A common mistake in formulating a company's development strategy is the vagueness of its presentation. The formulated development strategy of the company should be understandable both at the level of top management, and at the middle and lower levels of management.

Another important component of strategic management is the implementation of the strategy. Very often, the goals set remain on paper and only wishes. However, the chosen strategy is good only when it is correctly and effectively implemented and on the basis of it the desired results are achieved.

The implementation of the strategy, on the one hand, depends on how the assigned tasks are distributed in the management structure, how powers are delegated, what system of evaluation, control and motivation of work exists, on the other hand, on the availability of appropriate labor resources, in quantitative and qualitative composition. The last task is included in the human resource management system.

Strategic management should be supported by appropriate strategic human resource management.

It is generally accepted that strategic human resource management is an approach to making decisions about the intentions and plans of an organization regarding the strategy, policy and practice of employment relations, search and selection of employees, training, development, performance management, remuneration and labor relations.

An important task of strategic personnel management is to determine the ways of its implementation.

These include solving, taking into account the set goals, the tasks of finding, recruiting and selecting the necessary personnel, drawing up and implementing a career development plan, training and retraining of personnel, and assessing the personnel potential at a certain point.

The latter serves as a means of feedback that allows you to obtain information about the compliance of personnel with the tasks and, if necessary, make appropriate management decisions.

The assessment of human resources should be based on both planned activities and one-time, operational ones. Planned enterprises include certification, interviews.

One-time - this is the control of the execution of instructions in terms of timing and quality, a conversation with line managers about the work of subordinates, as well as, if necessary, conducting unscheduled certification.

An important point is the analysis of the obtained results according to the criterion of the adequacy of the effectiveness of solving the set strategic tasks, making timely management decisions.

In our opinion, an important point in achieving the goals set, the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks set is the creation of an appropriate system of labor motivation.

Only a motivated employee can not only work effectively, but also develop the necessary knowledge and skills, carry out his professional growth in conjunction with the company's movement towards its goals.

Along with the motivation for a specific moment in time and for a specific job, an important point is, in our opinion, the so-called "prospective motivation".

The employee must see that the interests of the company's development coincide with his interests, that upon achieving the set strategic goals, his material and moral motivation may increase.

Moreover, the motivation system should be built in such a way that the employee could see and feel how his motivation increases as he successfully moves towards the goals set.

A special role in achieving the strategic goals of the organization belongs to the personnel development strategy.

This is explained by the fact that the successful implementation of the developed strategy lies, first of all,


on the relevant intellectual resources, i.e. not just on the availability of appropriate employees, but on their intellectual level, knowledge and competencies, which at a certain moment may meet the requirements of the management system, and after a certain period will be insufficient to achieve strategic goals.

In this regard, it is necessary to create an effective system for assessing the existing intellectual and professional level of employees, determining the necessary knowledge and competencies, and developing a consistent and comprehensive structure for personnel development. Moreover, this system must be dynamic, respond to changes in strategic goals, as market conditions change, and ways to achieve them.

Nevertheless, there are a number of problems in the practice of Russian companies. On the one hand, often top managers do not see and do not understand the benefits of investing in intellectual resources and their development. On the other hand, many companies invest in staff training, but do not evaluate its effectiveness.

Therefore, it is extremely important that training programs are aimed at implementing the developed business strategy.

The development of personnel should be associated with performance indicators, namely their improvement, both in the organization as a whole and in each employee.

In this regard, in our opinion, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of training and development of personnel should include the following steps:

Stage 1. Based on the developed company development strategy and the personnel development strategy, determine the necessary knowledge and competencies of employees.

Stage 2. Selection of training participants.

Stage 3. Assessment of their intellectual and professional level.

Stage 4. Development of individual learning maps.

Stage 5. Staff training in a training company.

Stage 6. Training assessment.

At the first stage, line managers, together with the relevant employees of the human resource management structural unit, draw up a list of knowledge and competencies of employees necessary to achieve the set strategic goals.

At the second stage, employees are identified who must develop their knowledge and skills in order to effectively perform their functions. And

here, the selection of employees should be based on the criterion of their key roles in achieving the set strategic goals.

At the third stage, through interviews, relevant tests, analysis of the case study by the future tutor (trainer), together with the line manager and a representative of the structural unit of human resource management, the intellectual and professional level of each participant in the training program is assessed, and on the basis of this an individual training map is compiled.

This map is the basis for the tutor (trainer) to train participants in the training program. Training should be directed both to the whole group and to each participant.

I would like to note that when choosing a training company, or a specific teacher, it is recommended to rely not only on his teaching abilities, the use of interactive teaching methods (case studies, role-playing games, teamwork, etc.), but also on the opportunity to receive on the basis of the process training consulting services .

The final stage is the assessment of the effectiveness of training. It, in our opinion, should be carried out three to four months after training, through the joint participation of a tutor (trainer), a line manager and a representative of a structural unit of human resource management in determining the improvement in the performance of each participant in the training program in accordance with individual training maps.

Thus, the company's development strategy should be informationally and functionally linked to the personnel development strategy.

The development of a personnel development strategy should be based on the goals and objectives of strategic management.

In this regard, the personnel development strategy includes the selection of goals, setting goals, planning personnel in quantitative and qualitative composition, determining ways to implement the chosen strategy, assessing and, if necessary, adjusting to take into account changes in the company's strategy.

When choosing goals and setting goals, the mission and goals of the company are taken into account, which include: changing the type of activity, diversification, increasing production volumes, developing new markets, mastering new technologies, etc.

Personnel planning includes an assessment of the existing human resources potential, its quantitative and qualitative composition - the availability of relevant specialists, their professional


ny level, its adequacy to the assigned tasks. On the basis of the assessment, the problem of direct planning of personnel potential is solved, the required number of specialists is determined by years, their qualitative composition, the level of professional knowledge and skills is required.

It should be noted that in the majority of Russian business enterprises, this task did not find due attention among managers, personnel are recruited chaotically, unsystematically, without taking into account the tasks set. All this cannot but affect the effectiveness of management.

Thus, we can conclude that the success of strategic management largely depends on and should be based on an effective system of personnel development strategy.


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1. Armstrong M. Praktika upravleniya chelovecheskimi resursami. 8th ed. per. s engl. pod red. S. K. Mordovina. SPb.: Peter, 2005.

2. Mondi Ueyn R., Robert M Nou, Sheyn R. Premo Upravleniye personalom. per. s engl. pod red. I. V. Andreyevoy, S. V. Koshelevoy. SPb. Izdatel "skiy dom "Neva", 2004.

3. Abdukarimov V. I. Strategicheskoye upravleniye predprinimatel "skoy deyatel" nostyu // Sotsial "no-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy. Tambov, 2011. No. 12.

4. Management: ucheb. Posobiye / koll. avtorov: Groshev I. V., Stepicheva O. A., Radyukova Ya. Yu. pod science. red. V. I. Abdukarimova; Federal "noye agentstvo po obrazovaniyu, Tambovskiy gos. un-t im. G. R. Derzhavina. Tambov: Izd-vo TGU im. G. R. Derzhavina, 2009.


ABDUKARIMOV VYACHESLAV ISMATOVICH Tambov state university named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov, the Russian Federation, e-mail: [email protected]

In article author considered problems of strategy of development of the staff and management. Today effective management of the organization or enterprise is impossible without the creation of such an atmosphere in it when all staff is interested in achievement of a common goal, everyone feels the personal participation in victories and defeats of collective. Today the success or failure in business in many respects depends on the creative activity of employees of the organization, their readiness to take the responsibility for made decisions. It is necessary to understand that the general high level of management can develop only if everyone works, as much as possible realizing the potential.

The problem of a human factor is discussed at the most different levels, including government level, in the majority of the countries of the world. Efforts are directed on search of ways of its decision, both theorists of management, and many practicians. Today strategic management as a scientific discipline, having all necessary methods of planning and the organization of work in the arsenal, focuses on search of practical methods and mechanisms of effective management of the staff. A main objective is ensuring the highest labor efficiency level. So far concrete solutions of this task aren't found. It is important to notice that management of people in the organizations doesn't base more on knowledge, or on the basis of an effective way of management, but on intuition, personal experience of the head and creation of system of motivation of work, and also effective system of strategy of development of the staff.

Key words: strategic management, strategy of development of personnel staff, motivation of work.