How many items will be in the oge. What subjects are easier to pass on the OGE? Required subjects for passing the OGE. Changes in the OGE: mandatory exams

The main state exams, which everyone knows under the abbreviation GIA or OGE, are mandatory final tests for graduates of the 9th grade in Russia. Successful completion of the OGE allows you to get a certificate of basic general education, and high scores received for specialized subjects make it possible to move to a specialized high school and become a student of a gymnasium or lyceum. In addition, thanks to the OGE, ninth graders can enter.

The State Final Attestation is a set of final (examination) papers for graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who complete the course of secondary education (grade 9) and basic general education (grade 11).

To date, there are such forms of GIA:

  • USE (Grade 11);
  • OGE (Grade 9);
  • GVE (grades 9 and 11);
  • GIA-4 (grade 4).

USE 2019

The Unified State Exam is obligatory for all graduates who finish the 11th grade and wish to continue their studies at the universities of the Russian Federation. This form of GIA has been held since 2009 and will definitely not be canceled in 2019, which means that all graduates should prepare for passing 5 exams, of which not 2, but already 3 will be mandatory:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • story.

The question of the third compulsory subject has not yet been approved, but last year at press conferences at various levels, the opinion was heard more than once - every citizen of Russia should know the history of his country.

The issue of the possibility of supplementing the compulsory subjects of the GIA-11 with a foreign language is also being discussed, but in 2019 graduates do not need to worry about this, since the management will need much more time to implement this idea. And if we recall the numerous scandals that thundered in 2018, it is unlikely that the exam, the format of which needs to be improved, would be required to take all 11th graders already today.

Of the nearest most likely innovations, it is worth noting:

  • introduction of the USE in Chinese;
  • cross-checking of works by experts from other regions;
  • compulsory USE for college graduates.

OGE 2019

Graduates of the 9th grade in 2019 will take the OGE, which includes 5 subjects, 2 of which (mathematics and Russian) will be mandatory GIA exams. This means that not two at least one of them, the ninth grader will not receive a certificate.

The opinion is increasingly heard in the Ministry of Education and Science that history and English should fill up the compulsory subjects in the shortest possible time, but most likely this will not happen at GIA-9 in the 2018-2019 academic year.

As before, 9th graders will take exams at their native schools. But, neither teachers nor students will be able to find out exactly which tasks from the open bank will be offered at the GIA until the solemn printing of the envelope.

GVE 2019

GVE is a special somewhat simplified form of the GIA, which in 2019 will be taken by certain groups of graduates in grades 9 and 11:

  • having relevant medical indications (disability);
  • boarding school graduates;
  • students in prisons.

This year, college graduates also take the final exam instead of the Unified State Examination, but they want to cancel this norm, forcing everyone to enter the country's universities on the same terms - through passing the Unified State Exam.

In the GVE format, only two main exams are taken - Russian and mathematics. The main feature of the certification format is the ability of the student to choose the most optimal option for him to pass the GIA in the Russian language, having already familiarized himself with the topics of the essay and the material proposed for writing the presentation. The math ticket includes 10 multi-level tasks.

Evaluated by GVE on a 5-point system.


For the first time, the GIA for graduates of the 4th grade was tested in 2016, and already in the 2017-2018 academic year, tests became mandatory for all educational institutions in Russia. Speaking about GIA-4 in 2019, parents are most often interested in how many subjects to take at the end of grade 4 for kids, and in what format their first exams will be held.

You should not worry - everything should be organized in the most gentle environment for the child's psyche, namely: a native class, a beloved teacher nearby, a regular lesson lasting 45 minutes. In fact, the exam for children will be no different from the average test.

In terms of the number of subjects at GIA-4, 2019 will not bring significant changes. Children have to pass three disciplines:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • the world.

You can find all the main regulatory documents of the GIA, as well as download codifiers, specifications and demo versions for preparation, on the FIPI portal at

By subscribing to our groups in social networks or to the mailing list of news from our website, you will be among the first to learn the latest news about this year's innovations in individual subjects, as well as the dates of the OGE and the USE in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Electives at GIA 2019

Ninth-graders and their parents are always very worried about the question: how many subjects to take at the end of the 9th grade?

In total, ninth grade students will have to take 4 subjects, 2 of which are compulsory exams.

And three exams are given for the choice of a graduate from the list of optional subjects:

  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • story;
  • social science;
  • literature;
  • foreign language;
  • Informatics.

Knowing which exams to take, the student can prepare well in advance by regularly solving typical exam options that can be found on the official website for preparing for the GIA (OGE) - FIPI, where you can thoroughly prepare for final tests. Answers to newly emerging questions from students and parents about the GIA 2019 will also be found on this site.

How does the GIA affect the grade in the certificate?

Not so long ago, an innovation was introduced regarding the influence of the OGE mark on the student's assessment score. Recall that not only marks for compulsory disciplines have such power, but also for those that were taken by the student by choice.

In addition, in order to pass to specialized classes, each subject must be passed for the points recommended by Rosobrnadzor. To date, these recommendations look like this:

Item profile class Number of points
Russian language linguistic class 31 points out of 39
Mathematics physics and mathematics class 19 points out of 32
Physics physics and mathematics class 30 points out of 40
Chemistry chemical 23 points out of 34
Biology biological 33 out of 46
Geography special class or college preparing bachelors of tourism 24 points or more out of 32
Social science legal classes 30 points out of 39
Story Historical 32 points out of 34
Computer science ICT class 15 points out of 22
Literature linguistic class it is recommended to score from 19 points and above out of 29
Foreign languages linguistic class 56 points out of 70

Exam Schedule

The timing and dates of the final examination for ninth-graders will be known only at the beginning of the next academic year. But in order to have an idea of ​​the approximate dates, you can familiarize yourself with the GIA (OGE) schedule in 2018.

early period

Reserve days

Students who have not passed the GIA or who have received unsatisfactory results at the GIA in more than two academic subjects, or who have repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one or two academic subjects at the GIA in an additional period, are given the right to pass the GIA in the relevant academic subjects not earlier than September 1 of the current year.

General current rules

As before, students who received a “credit” for the December final essay on literature, as well as all those with grades above “2”, are allowed to pass the GIA, except for cases when an unsatisfactory graded subject is submitted for certification itself. These can be both Russian schoolchildren and citizens of other countries who officially wished to fit into our education system, including refugees and migrants, as well as all children who failed exams or did not participate in them for any reason in past years, and not succeeding on appeal.

GIA sessions traditionally begin at the end of May and last almost the entire month of June. For example, in 2018, the OGE was taken from May 26 to June 8 (the main stage, reserve dates are 06/09-29/06), and the Unified State Examination - from May 29 to June 19 (reserve - from June 20 to July 1). Everything could be done ahead of schedule during the second half of March - early May. By the way, with the autumn retakes after the appeals, it has now become easier - you can go not only to compulsory subjects, but also to any other subjects (according to the OGE). Accordingly, in 2019, it is worth waiting for approximately similar terms in all respects.

According to the rules of writing, too, everything is the same. With you - only documents, food and medicines shown by the doctor, if any, and a black pen (pen, capillary or gel). All materials, including reference and drafts, as well as additional sheets of forms, if necessary, are issued on the spot. It is allowed to bring only a ruler for mathematics, for geography - a non-programmable calculator, a protractor and a ruler, for chemistry and physics - the same calculator and a ruler.

In terms of the duration of exams in the oral parts of languages, they shoot back in fifteen minutes, chemistry, biology and Russian are given 3.5 hours each, a foreign language, basic mathematics and geography - three hours, and all other subjects - 3 hours 55 minutes. All tests start at 10 am, but you need to arrive at the place by nine in order to pass the test and get assigned to the offices.

The general principle of grading systems also remains the same - for each subject, it is written what maximum score is set in the context of each task, and what must be done to obtain it. Thus, a pool of primary points is formed for each student, which, according to the scheme established by Rosobrnadzor, is then transferred to a hundred-point system, and in addition, five-point marks transferred to certificates are also set. In general, all the rules, official training collections of tasks in all subjects, methodological requirements, assessment criteria, etc. can be viewed in detail directly on the FIPI website, which develops all this.

And we can only wish all potential applicants and students of the ninth grade successful preparation and high passing results, as well as the achievement of all the goals set in life!

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Main State Exam (OGE) - this is the main type of exam for graduates of the 9th grade in a Russian secondary school. Passing the OGE is required to move to grade 10. The results of the OGE affect the grades in the certificate. Graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions pass 2 required exams(Russian language and mathematics) and 2 exams in elective subjects. According to the new Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice.

New form of OGE (GIA-9)

Since 2004, GIA has been tested in a new form in Russia. The people call it the Unified State Examination for ninth graders, as graduates solve tasks in a standardized form. According to the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the state final certification for grade 9 is mandatory. Since 2014 GIA has become the main state exam (OGE). This means that ninth-grade graduates will no longer be able to take final exams in the traditional form (by tickets).

Since 2015, in the KIMs of the OGE, there is no longer a division into parts A, B and C: the examination paper is divided into 2 parts, and the tasks have a continuous numbering. However, this does not mean that tests have completely disappeared from exams. Tasks for choosing one correct option from several proposed ones remained. It's just that now you will need to write down the correct answer in the answer sheet with the corresponding number, and not with a cross.

GIA can be passed in 14 general education subjects.

Required items:

  • Russian language
  • mathematics

Optional items:

  • social science
  • story
  • physics
  • biology
  • chemistry
  • literature
  • informatics and ICT
  • geography
  • English language
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Those studying the languages ​​and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (native language and literature) have the right to choose these subjects for delivery in the form of the OGE (GIA).

Features of the OGE in some subjects

  • OGE in physics includes an experimental part
  • OGE in chemistry can be passed in one of 2 options: with or without a real experiment
  • OGE in foreign languages ​​has an oral part
  • Personal computers are used in the computer science exam

Who participates in the OGE?

The following are allowed to pass the OGE:

  • graduates of the 9th grade of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation with annual marks in all subjects not lower than "3";
  • graduates with one "2", with the condition that they will take an exam in this subject;
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons studying in a general education institution;
  • graduates of previous years who did not receive a certificate.

OGE results

The final grades in the compulsory subjects of the OGE are set in the certificate as follows:

  • if the annual mark and the mark obtained at the OGE differ by 1 point, a higher mark is put in the certificate;
  • if the difference between the annual mark and the mark obtained at the OGE is more than one point, then the arithmetic mean of these marks is put in the certificate.

Since 2017, the results of the OGE (including unsatisfactory ones) in two elective subjects affect the grades in the certificate of basic education.

The region may introduce, in addition to the certificate, a document confirming the results of the OGE.

The results of the OGE can be taken into account by the school when forming profile 10th grades.

If a “deuce” was received at the OGE

If a graduate received an unsatisfactory grade at the OGE in one or two subjects, he is allowed to retake these exams in additional terms.

If, even in additional terms, the graduate did not cope with the test, instead of a certificate, he will be issued a certificate of completion of training. The certificate indicates the subjects for which "deuces" were obtained. It will be possible to retake these items only next year. At the discretion of the parents (legal representatives, guardians), the graduate may be left for re-training.

The OGE is the main state exam, which is taken by schoolchildren in the 9th grade, 2018 will not be an exception.

The exam is designed to control the knowledge gained by students for all years and is necessary for admission to technical schools and colleges. For students who decide to continue their studies at school, this is a dress rehearsal for passing the exam. Based on the results, it will be possible to draw conclusions about which subjects you need to focus on so that the grades in the certificate are as high as possible.

What changes will take place in the system of final certification of ninth-graders, and why are these changes inevitable?

There will be two compulsory subjects at the OGE 2018, as in previous years:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

The question of how many subjects to take in the OGE in 2018 is of interest to many children and parents, because there have been rumors about innovations for a long time. Representatives of the Duma, headed by Deputy Minister of Education Natalya Tretiak, decided back in 2015 that additional exams should be introduced in 2017 and 2018.

Already, this year, 2017, the rules have become stricter. Instead of 2 compulsory subjects, it became 4, and, in 2018, their number may increase to 5, although this issue is still under discussion. In any case, the choice of additional subjects and preparation for the exam should be started as early as possible.

What innovations do the deputies propose to make?

  1. In 2018, it is planned to introduce another compulsory subject, and thus, ninth graders will need to pass 5 exams.
  2. By 2020, it is planned to introduce two more mandatory exams, which means that the number of subjects to be taken will increase to six.
  3. Those who fail to pass the four main subjects will not receive a certificate and will be forced to go for a retake in August.

It is not yet known which ones in the 9th grade of the OGE will have to be taken in 2018, but there are rumors that history (or social studies) and physics will become mandatory subjects for delivery. Thus, children will have to prepare much more effectively for passing all the standards.

Reasons for the increase in the number of compulsory subjects

Trying to find out what compulsory subjects are included in the OGE in 2018, parents are faced with a stream of inaccurate information. The thing is that the innovations have not yet come into force, but their activation is only a matter of time.

There are several reasons why the State Duma wants to increase the number of mandatory exams:

  • the percentage of schoolchildren who take additional subjects in addition to compulsory subjects has fallen sharply;
  • according to the deputies, a small number of compulsory subjects for delivery negatively affects the level of knowledge of schoolchildren;
  • passing a wide range of subjects in the 9th grade will help the child to successfully cope with the exam at the time of graduation.

The statistics cited by the deputies is harsh: after they canceled the delivery of two compulsory elective subjects in 2014, the number of ninth-graders who take social studies additionally decreased from 41% to 9%. The number of those who pass biology on their own initiative also decreased from 21% to 3.5%, and such statistics are relevant for all disciplines. Children who know about the need to pass only two subjects do not bother to choose any additional disciplines, which negatively affects the quality of their knowledge. How many exams there will be in the OGE in 2018 is not yet known exactly, but most likely there will be 5.

Changes in the OGE 2018 in the Russian language

The biggest changes may concern the obligatory Russian language exam. Namely, its oral part. There have been a lot of discussions about this lately, but now there is more concrete information about what awaits us in 2018.

FIPI (Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements) started working on changes to the exam in 2015. But the professional discussion took place only now. In 2017, the new model was tested in a number of schools from different regions of the country. As a result, the vast majority of teachers and experts supported her.

There are 2 versions of the oral form:

1) using a headset and recording the answers of the examinee, with their subsequent analysis;

2) admission by the examination committee. In this case, the presence of an independent expert will be required, who will control the objectivity of the points awarded.

The final decision on the inclusion of the oral part in the OGE in the Russian language will be made before November of this year.

Features of conducting exams according to new standards

Having figured out how many subjects in the OGE will be taken in 2018, it remains only to find out how the innovations will affect the examination process itself. What changes in the OGE have already taken place or are still to come in 2018?

  1. Since 2017, grades for compulsory subjects directly affect the student's certificate.
  2. The OGE in Informatics is now taken at the computer.
  3. If until 2016 grades were set on different scales in each region, and teachers themselves set the threshold of “two”, then since 2017 a single scale has been introduced for all educational institutions. (Decree of Rosobrnadzor No. 920-10 of 04/26/2017)
  4. An attestation system has been introduced in the fourth grade to improve the level of knowledge of schoolchildren. The possibility of introducing additional certification in primary grades is also being considered.
  5. The system of KIMs, that is, control and measuring materials, in the 9th grade from 2018 will also no longer be developed by teachers in the regions according to the proposed options, but will become the same for the whole country. To date, they are trained by more than one and a half hundred specialists in 11 federal commissions.

All these innovations seem too complicated, especially if we take into account the fact that earlier passing the OGE in the 9th grade was not mandatory at all. However, in the opinion of the deputies and the Ministry of Education, the introduced changes will have a positive effect on the progress of children, on increasing the general level of their intellectual abilities.

According to the OGE 2018, the Russian language and mathematics will remain the main compulsory subjects for delivery, but additional ones will appear. In addition, ninth-graders will be able to choose from among the optional subjects for delivery, which will help them enter a particular educational institution. The introduction of additional certifications in primary and secondary schools will help children better prepare for the OGE and reduce the number of “twos” for exams. The introduction of all these changes will be preceded by a global discussion in the State Duma. However, the annual increase in the requirements for passing the OGE with almost 100% probability will lead to the fact that the number of exams for ninth graders will at least double.

OGE 2018 in Crimea and Sevastopol

For schoolchildren of the Crimea and Sevastopol, an exception was made and, according to the Federal Law of October 27, 2015 No. 293-FZ, in 2018 they can take the OGE according to the established uniform rules, or they can refuse and pass the certification in the old form.

Such an indulgence was made taking into account the fact that the program in which they studied earlier was noticeably different from other Russian schools. Apparently, 2018 will be the last year when 9th graders in Crimea will not be able to take the OGE.

Additional OGE subjects

If suddenly a student wants to move to another class, for example, with in-depth study, or a lyceum or with an individual approach, then in this case it may be necessary to pass additional disciplines. - in-depth, lyceum or, perhaps, with an individual approach.

Additional subjects can also help in training before the main USE exams for high school graduates.

So far, there is no reason that the number of additional exams in 2018 will change - there will be 2 of them, as before. The list of additional GIA exams for grade 9 looks like this:

  • story;
  • social science;
  • literature;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • English language;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish language.

Since 2002, 9th grade graduates have been taking compulsory exams. This certification system is called incompetent, but, despite this fact, there is no talk of abolishing it yet. To improve the assessment system in the OGE 2017, changes are provided.

Features of the OGE in 2017

The examination procedure remains the same. Until 2014, students took 4 compulsory subjects, but then the number was reduced to 2. This innovation had a negative impact on the general level of preparation of schoolchildren, since most of the students refused to take exams in additional subjects, there were about 10% who wanted to, so the Ministry of Education and Science again decided to increase the number of exams. Due to the small number of subjects taken, there was a significant lack of knowledge among students in certain areas.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only 2 compulsory subjects and, if desired, could take exams in two more disciplines. But already this year the changes will come into force, now schoolchildren will take 4 exams - 2 mandatory and 2 randomly selected.

Changes in the OGE in 2017

Graduates of 2017 will have even more difficult. Students will choose not two, but three additional subjects. The compulsory subjects for the OGE 2017, as before, remain the Russian language and mathematics.

Students choose additional disciplines independently from those offered.

At the OGE 2017, students will choose 2 disciplines from the following:

  1. Geography.
  2. Biology.
  3. Literature.
  4. Physics.
  5. Chemistry.
  6. Foreign language - English, German, French, Spanish.
  7. Story.
  8. Social science.
  9. Computer science.

The changes made have been confirmed on the official website of the OGE 2017. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to further increase the number of exams for schoolchildren. Thus, 2017 and 2018 graduates will have to pass certification in five disciplines, and 2020 graduates in six subjects. The Ministry of Education plans to add 1 subject every 2 years. According to experts, this system will significantly increase the level of knowledge of students and help raise Russian education to a new level.

In 2016, only grades for exams in the Russian language and mathematics will affect the average score of the certificate. Unsatisfactory grades will not have an impact either. However, next year, when calculating the average score, the marks for two additional exams will also be taken into account, but the third one will still not affect the certificate. That is, answering the question of how many subjects to take in the OGE in 2017, we can clearly say that there will be 5 subjects, but one of them has no effect on the average grade. Only if there are positive marks for compulsory subjects, the student will be able to receive a certificate of completion of grade 9.

Another change is that since 2016 it has become possible to postpone the dates or places of exams in the event of emergencies - natural or man-made disasters.

OGE schedule for the current year

Officials have already drawn up a schedule for exams this year. They will begin on May 26, the first exam will be a foreign language. On May 31, there will be an attestation in mathematics, after which the Russian language, chemistry, computer science, and social science will be taken. The final exams will be biology, physics, history and geography, which will be held on June 9.

Retake the OGE in 2017

Next year, when calculating the average score, marks in 4 disciplines will already be taken into account. As for retakes, graduates still have this opportunity, but if they receive an unsatisfactory grade, a student can retake only 2 subjects. This applies to both compulsory subjects and randomly selected ones. If the student receives an “unsuccessful” mark in three or four disciplines, he will also be able to take the exams again, but retake will be possible only from September 1, 2017, that is, the student will be left for a second course.

The attitude to the OGE in mathematics, the Russian language and other subjects will now be more responsible. The work of students will be assessed not by regional bodies, but by state independent commissions. This will make the calculation of results more fair, the system is completely transparent and independent. Members of the commission do not know whose work they are checking, so the possibility of influencing employees is excluded.

To start a conversation about state exams in the 9th grade in 2017 should be from the background. The so-called main state exam (common abbreviation - OGE) for high school graduates using KIMs, a kind of analogue, appeared in Russia back in 2002 (formerly called GIA). This system of control over the knowledge of students immediately had both supporters and opponents - disputes between them have not subsided so far. Perhaps that is why the procedure and essence of the OGE has been subject to adjustments more than once.

How has the OGE changed since its inception?

For 12 years, until 2014, ninth-graders inevitably took 4 subjects. Then there was a noticeable simplification - the number of compulsory subjects decreased to only two (Russian language plus mathematics). And 2 subjects were additional, students could choose them themselves from an extensive list or choose nothing at all. The results of these exams did not affect the grades in the certificate and the possibility of obtaining this document. In other words, in order to have an incomplete secondary education, it was necessary to pass Russian and mathematics for a weak “C grade”. Some students took advantage of this situation.

Let's take a look at some numbers. In 2014, a little more than 1 million 180 thousand ninth-graders passed the Russian language and mathematics within the framework of the OGE. And social science was chosen by only 9 percent of this number of students, biology - only 3 percent, and history - 0.9 percent. Other data suggests that those who wanted to take additional exams in 2014 and 2015 averaged about 10% - a rather small figure.

Not so long ago, the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, complained that some subjects from among the electives (history, geography, etc.) were chosen by students less and less. Actual knowledge in these subjects has seriously fallen. The catch was that effective mechanisms for controlling this knowledge simply did not exist.

In this 2016, something will change - fundamentally new standards will be introduced into practice. Now students within the framework of the OGE will show knowledge in four disciplines without fail. These are all the same Russian, mathematics and 2 more disciplines of your own choice.

OGE 2017: number of exams

In 2017, even more innovations are planned, this has already been clearly and unambiguously stated in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. First of all, parents are interested, understanding the intricacies of the OGE 2017, how many subjects their children will have to take. The answer to this question will be a modified line of Alla Pugacheva's song: "For some reason, they will load more and more of them."

In accordance with the plans of Rosobrnadzor, those who graduated from the ninth grade in 2017 will have to take five exams, but to date there has been no official confirmation of this project. First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Natalya Tretyak proposed leaving two compulsory, and increasing elective disciplines to three. At the same time, there is no talk of expanding the number of compulsory subjects. Such freedom of choice will help students to concentrate on the desired sciences.

The results of four out of five exams, and this is also a fundamental thing, will affect the grades of the certificate, the refusal or permission to issue it.

And in the future, it is planned to take into account the results of all exams passed within the framework of the OGE in the certificate. Now the Ministry of Education and Science declares that the number of subjects in the future will systematically increase further. So, in 2020, ninth grade graduates will have to pass exams in six disciplines. It turns out that every two years one subject will be added. There is no talk of expanding the number of compulsory subjects yet.

Retake and other nuances of the OGE 2017

Retake is a topic that also excites schoolchildren and parents and requires coverage. The OGE exams in 2017 suggest that only 2 subjects can be retaken promptly. If the student receives an unsatisfactory grade, for example, in three or four subjects, then he will be able to retake them only in the next academic year, that is, in September. In fact, this means leaving "for the second year."

Another important innovation: the OGE in 2017, its conduct, will be controlled not by regional centers, as is happening now, but by a state commission that is not subordinate to local leadership. The specialists included in these commissions will not know whose work they are checking, and this will exclude the possibility of all sorts of fraud and fraud, and will make the calculation of the final results more objective.

And finally, one more important nuance. In the official documents on the OGE this and next year, it is specifically noted that the date and place where the exams are organized can be postponed in case of force majeure situations (man-made and natural disasters are indicated first of all). Previously, there was no such provision.

Pros and cons of increasing the number of exams in the OGE 2017

It would seem that everything is correct and logical: these initiatives have been put forward, and in part have already been adopted in order to improve the basic education and the level of knowledge of schoolchildren. And this will surely make some of them take their studies more seriously and, perhaps, even think about choosing a profession. Attention is also drawn to the fact that the OGE in this format will make it possible to better prepare for the main headache of all schoolchildren - the notorious USE.

But there are those who doubt the usefulness of this approach, increasing the number of disciplines that need to be taken. After all, for a certain group of students, in this case, the risk of being completely left without a certificate and incomplete secondary education increases. And this is fraught with the deprivation of many chances and prospects in life. Pupils can, as they say, be left on the sidelines due to teenage infantilism, not realizing how important the tests that are offered to them are.

Whether these fears will be confirmed, whether there will be a further increase in exams for ninth graders and how schoolchildren will cope with them, we will see soon. Not much time left until next year. In any case, it is important for parents and students to reliably and timely find out how many exams are taken in the 9th grade in 2017. New draft laws can be published in February-March and will be posted on a single information disclosure portal without fail. They will be implemented only after a comprehensive discussion with the participation of the expert community. Having information about the changes in the OGE in full, it will be easier to qualitatively prepare for them. And the sooner such training begins, the greater the likelihood of good points.

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