Who is Yulia Kogan. Yulia Kogan and Alisa Voks - how the former soloists of Leningrad. - That is, the red-haired beast you are not in your mother

Vasilisa Starshova (22), who replaced Alice Vox (30) last year, announced yesterday that she was leaving "" - she did not even perform at the anniversary concert on July 13th. Her partner Florida Chanturia (27) performed alone. On this occasion, we remember all the girls of the group.

Julia Kogan (2007-2012)

The same red-haired beast, Yulia (36) came to Leningrad in 2007 as a backing vocalist and performed with (44) and Co. for two years - until the group broke up due to creative differences. "Leningrad" did not give concerts and did not record songs. Then Julia joined the team of the St. Petersburg team St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review. And in 2011, Leningrad got together again, and Yulia again came to Cord.

Together they released the album "Henna", and after that Julia left forever - she had to leave the project due to pregnancy. In early 2013, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, from photographer Anton Bout.

Alice Vox (2012-2016)

Alice came to Leningrad to replace Kogan - the blonde auditioned without difficulty, her voice was hoo. The popularity of the singer was brought by the scandalous song "Exhibit" (the same one about Louboutins). But soon after the release of the track and video, Vox left the band. Alice said that she left voluntarily and on her own, but the sources claimed: Shnurov could no longer tolerate the behavior of the "starred" Vox and kicked her out of the group. And just a day after Alice left, he wrote on Instagram: “I didn’t promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I make quite stars out of average singers. I come up with an image, material, I promote it. Invented by me and made by the team, the Heroines of the myth quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. And with the Goddesses, we do not know how. We're burning pots here."

After Leningrad, Vox launched, which the audience did not like. After the release of Alisa's debut video for the song "Hold" Cord said "Properly kicked out", and recently Vox released a video for the song "Baby" (yes, this is where "there are four mistakes on the poster in a nutshell" and "learn from mistakes it’s never too late, since the heart wants change, then start with yourself”). They say (and not without reason) that the song and video are an order from the Kremlin. And the price was even announced - 35 thousand dollars. There are more dislikes on the video than likes, and Vox's reputation cannot be restored.

Vasilisa Starshova (2016 - 2017)

Vasilisa replaced Alice - for the first time, fans of the group saw her at a concert on March 24, 2017. Then Cord said: “Everyone asks me - where is Alice? In my opinion, a stupid question, since it is clear that she is not here. But we will answer with a song. And the group sang a very obscene song with a general message: "go to hell." Starshova did not stay long in Leningrad, and yesterday she announced her retirement on Instagram. "Child, healthy! Things are like that. Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. Everything is fine with me, I am happy, healthy, not tired, I have strength and energy in bulk. So we are waiting for solo work from Vasilisa!

Florida Chanturia (2016 - present)

Florida got into the group along with Vasilisa. She graduated from the University of Culture and Arts with a degree in pop-jazz vocals and after that she went to work as a singer in karaoke bars. One day, her friend called the girl and said that he had given the number to the guys from Leningrad. They called and invited her to audition. Florida, by the way, is her real name!

Yulia Kogan is a Russian singer who is able to charm any man with her voice. For a long time, the girl worked as a backing vocalist, including the famous Leningrad group, but already in 2014 she decided to try her hand at solo work.

She may be familiar to many listeners as one of the members of the scandalous and eccentric Leningrad band, since Yulia collaborated with Sergei Shnurov for a long time and even recorded a joint album with him. In addition, she managed to work with the groups King and Shut and St. Petersburg Ska Jazz Review. In 2015, the singer released her first solo album Fire Baba.

Yulia Kogan's childhood

The future soloist was born on March 20, 1981 in the first capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. In her youth, the girl was actively fond of swimming. She did not miss a single class and was able to bring herself into great shape.

However, her soul lay precisely in singing. During her school years, her parents could not afford an expensive vocal teacher or a prestigious music school, so the girl had to learn everything on her own.

Already at that age, her voice was different from other girls involved in singing. It was more dynamic and expressive. Julia went to a singing circle, and at some point the teacher drew attention to the student's abilities and began to help her reach her potential.

True, after school, the girl first studied at a vocational school as a confectioner, and after that she entered the Theater Academy on Mokhovaya. This happened for the simple reason that musical institutions are taken from a certain age, when the voice is already formed.

She managed to master the difficult rules of singing and gain the necessary knowledge that helped her enter a higher educational institution. Having previously not studied at specialized schools, Julia was able to successfully enter the local academy of performing arts.

The beginning of the vocal career of Yulia Kogan

Even before graduating from a higher educational institution, Julia began her vocal career. In her student years, she was one of the main soloists in the musical theater "Through the Looking Glass". However, she did not really succeed in becoming famous there. In 2003, the girl successfully graduated from the Academy of Arts and received a diploma as a professional musical theater actor.

Due to the fact that it is very difficult to build a singing career at the beginning, Julia tried her hand in other areas of show business. At one time, the girl tried to start a modeling career, she participated in advertising shoots and posed for professional photographers. However, even then, her heart belonged to singing. Her modeling career developed quite rapidly and successfully, but for the sake of music, Julia decided to put an end to all her endeavors.

At that time, she was not in any group and did not pursue a solo career. The girl simply performed at various concerts and delighted the audience with her powerful voice timbre. She could hit a note beyond the strength of other vocalists, thanks to which she easily coped with both pop compositions and classical opera works.

Yulia began to demonstrate her talent in her student years, for which she was awarded more than one prestigious award. After graduating from a higher educational institution, she began to take part in higher-level competitions. For example, in 2006, the singer went to conquer the largest resort city in Latvia - Jurmala, where she performed at the World Stars competition. All members of the jury liked the girl so much that she was awarded the highest award of the event.

Yulia Kogan and Leningrad

She managed to make her career truly stable only in 2007. It was then that an elegant girl with a sonorous voice began working as a backing vocalist for the infamous Leningrad group. Yulia was not at all embarrassed by the repertoire of the rock band and the lyrics, which used obscene language. On the contrary, while singing, she managed to give such expressions a certain femininity and charm.

The singer became an integral part of the team, because she devoted all her time and energy to rehearsals and performances. Due to the full employment in the group, she even had to postpone other work and refuse all such offers. Julia joined the team so much that it was already difficult to imagine Leningrad without a red-haired backing vocalist. Their collaboration ended in 2009, but only because the band disbanded due to creative differences.

After the collapse of Leningrad, the girl finally had the opportunity to try herself in a different style. That is why in 2010 she began to collaborate with the St. Petersburg team "St. Petersburg Ska Jazz Review.

Despite the fact that the guys were much less popular than the scandalous "Leningrad", their repertoire was more suited to the timbre of Yulia's voice and vocal abilities. Songs "St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review" are written in the style of ska-jazz and swing, which allowed her voice to reveal its full potential.

Being part of a new team, Yulia managed to give several performances in her native St. Petersburg and Moscow. In addition, she was lucky to travel with small tours to other cities of Russia. But despite this, when in 2011 the entire composition of the Leningrad group reunited again, Yulia did not miss the opportunity to return to the team. It is worth noting that this time she did not take the place of a backing vocalist, but became a full-fledged soloist of the group.

Julia Kogan - I'm so cool

On this score, the fans had completely opposite opinions. Some admired her voice and energy, while the rest believed that only Sergey Shnurov should remain a soloist. However, as a soloist, Yulia Kogan and the Leningrad group recorded an entire album, which was called Henna. He saw the light in April 2011, and the singer herself, remembering her modeling past, adorned the album cover with an interesting photo.

Personal life of Yulia Kogan

Despite her busy schedule, the girl still finds time for her personal life. Julia is happily married to photographer Anton Bout. On January 14, 2013, a confirmation of their love was born - the beautiful daughter Elizabeth.

Julia Kogan today

As a soloist of the Leningrad group, the singer worked for a little over a year, after which she left her due to pregnancy. In addition to collaborating with the scandalous group, she also managed to record several songs with the Korol i Shut band and even shoot a video for their song The Witch and the Donkey.

Yulia Kogan and Andrey Knyazev - The Witch and the Donkey

Julia also took part in the mystical project of the TNT channel "Battle of Psychics". She appeared in season 11 as a featured guest.

In 2013, after leaving maternity leave, Yulia Kogan officially left the Leningrad group. This happened because she was invited to become the host of the TV project “I am right” on the Yu channel, but this did not suit Sergei Shnurov, and he decided to fire the girl from the team. However, she managed to show herself perfectly as a TV presenter, acting as a defender of girls who destroy all stereotypes.

In 2014, Julia began to seriously pursue her solo career. In the spring of this year, she gave a concert for the first time as an independent singer in the St. Petersburg nightclub "More".

Julia Kogan - Blah blah blah

Already in 2015, she released her debut album, which she called "Fire Baba". It included 17 songs, the most popular of which are "Blah blah blah", "Lips to lips", "Nikita", "I scream" and "Dance with me". The girl shot clips for all her most popular songs.

Yulia Mikhailovna Kogan. She was born on March 20, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian singer and songwriter, TV presenter. Former soloist of the Leningrad group.

Yulia Kogan was born on March 20, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). She was raised by her mother Irina. They lived in a communal apartment in a one-room apartment. But their apartment was in a house opposite the BDT theater, on the Fontanka.

I didn’t know my father in childhood and saw him already as a teenager, and even then at the insistence of my mother. “She introduced: “Julia, this is Mikhail. But you call him dad.” I remember thinking then: “Why am I going to call someone else’s uncle dad ?!” He was a stranger to me, since then we have not seen each other. My father did not make any special impression. But I look like him - then I found a photo of Mikhail in his youth, "Yulia said.

The family lived in poverty. Mother worked either as a painter or as a cook, but there was never enough money.

As Julia said, already in childhood she wanted to be a singer. Her idols were and. However, she added, "the older I got, the more the desire gradually went away."

As a child, she, according to her, was "an ugly duckling: a thin and absolutely flat girl, with a short haircut", because of which she got it in the yard and at school.

She took up swimming, and was very successful. At the same time she sang in the choir. When I had to choose, I chose the pool. "At first I dreamed of being a great swimmer. Then - a singer," she recalled.

At the age of 16, she was in the ensemble with which the teacher Natalya Latysheva, an opera singer, worked. According to Julia, she taught her a lot.

After school, she studied at a vocational school as a pastry chef. She studied for four years and even worked in her profession: “At night we baked pies with various fillings on Lesnaya Street. Hellish schedules - night after night. But they paid normally, enough to live on.”

But she wanted to sing. Twice entered the conservatory, but unsuccessfully.

Since she did not succeed with the conservatory, she went to the theater, to the musical opera course. In 2003 she graduated from SPbGATI.

Since 2000, she has worked as a soloist with the St. Petersburg State Children's Musical Theater "Through the Looking Glass". Then she began shooting as a fashion model. She took part in various variety projects.

Fame came to her late by the standards of show business - in fact, by the age of 30 - when she began working in the Leningrad group. First as a backing vocalist, and then as a soloist.

Her first arrival in Leningrad ended in 2008 - the group broke up for a while. Since 2010, she has been a soloist at St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review.

And in 2011, Leningrad again appeared on the stage. A new album of the group called "Henna" was released - Julia became the soloist of the group. A large number of songs from the mentioned album were performed by her.

Yulia Kogan and "Leningrad" - Tired

True, Julia had to pay for her fame in a very specific way that she developed.

“When I got into the Leningrad group, I had to work there either this way or nothing. When I was on backing vocals, I didn’t do any weather in the group. I had to constantly justify my presence on stage with such specific behavior. That's when Shnurov he started writing songs for me specifically, there were no options there, and there was no way back either. And so the image created by the songs was formed, "she explained.

Yulia Kogan and "Leningrad" - I love Peter

On November 16, 2012, the last concert of Yulia Kogan with the Leningrad group took place - then she went on maternity leave.

On March 22, 2013, a new video of the group appeared on the Web - "Gulf of Finland" - with the participation of Yulia. But in early September 2013, Yulia Kogan left the group.

Later, the artist spoke about the reasons for the break with the Leningrad group. As it turned out, she had a tense relationship with the leader of the team for a long time. And they finally quarreled when Yulia got a job as a presenter on the Yu channel - Sergey considered that her participation in any other project would be to the detriment of the group. “It seems to me that it would not hurt in any way, but on the contrary, it would have helped. I planned to combine. But he is the owner and ... decided that it was better for us to leave,” she explained.

Yulia Kogan is a universal singer. "I can in absolutely any genre - from opera to jazz. The main thing is that there is good music," she said.

In 2014, Yulia Kogan returned to music and began her solo musical career. In September 2015, her album "Fire Baba" was released.

She also sometimes plays on the theater stage. For example, at the Andrei Mironov Entreprise Theater, she plays in the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" based on the play by Tennessee Williams. Her role is the schizophrenia of the main character. There she sings one song. However, Julia emphasized that theater for her now is a hobby. Because the main occupation of the singer is still a concert.

It is worth noting that in real life, Julia is completely different than on stage. “I’m an actress with a higher education. We were taught how to transform into different roles. Therefore, “I” on stage is the same role as any other. Moreover, I didn’t get into the role enough to live it in real life, unlike our stars, many of whom are already beginning to believe that the heroes they represent are in fact," she said.

Julia Kogan - Lips to lips

By the way. Yulia Kogan is known to everyone as the "red-haired beast". But in fact, her hair is dark blond, although she is naturally curly. “I never hid that I dye my hair. When I got to Leningrad, I was still fair-haired. It’s just that no one remembers this,” the artist shared.

The growth of Yulia Kogan: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Yulia Kogan:

Married. Spouse - Anton But.

She told about what attracted her husband and how their relationship developed: “Well, he is tall, handsome, I thought: a wonderful father for my unborn child ... But he behaved strangely. He did not give gifts, rarely called. a date invited me to the club and asked: “Maybe you can get there yourself ?!” I was taken aback, refused, but just in case, I invited him to borscht. Thank God, the second time Anton came for me. Although my husband says that it was love at first sight. In fact, a month later I already wanted to leave him, even everything girlfriends advised so. And then it turned out that Anton was slowing down, because he was in the process of divorcing his first wife. But I didn’t know this and got another gentleman. Anton saw a bouquet from him and immediately “sobered up.” He began to behave like a normal man: he even took me to Vyborg for a romantic walk, and then he introduced me to his parents and his little daughter.”

Singing beautifully is a talent not given to everyone. Singing beautifully, while using profanity, is a gift only for the elite. The red-haired beast has both. Years of studying academic vocals helped to reveal the uniqueness of her voice, and long-term cooperation with the notorious Sergey Shnurov taught " swear like a cultured woman».

Before trying on the image of the scandalous soloist of the group "Leningrad" has come a long way in personal and professional development. Who would have thought that a red-haired ugly duckling would grow into a long-legged sultry beauty? Yulia was brought up in an intelligent Soviet family. She has been swimming since childhood and has achieved great success: she is a master of sports! But peers did not favor the red-haired clumsy girl. Offensive nicknames, mockery from time to time - this happened to many underestimated talents.

At the age of 16, Julia took up academic vocals. This was the start of her creative path. The girl with sports perseverance and perseverance developed her talent. This unspeakably helped her when she entered SPbGATI. Having successfully graduated from high school in 2003, she received a diploma as an actor in musical theater. While still studying at the theater institute, Kogan worked in "Through the Looking Glass". This is a well-known children's musical theater in St. Petersburg. At the same time, Julia repeatedly tried her hand at. Worked as a fashion model in the agency of Sergei Lukovsky (pictured right).

The real impetus in the girl's musical career was the International Performing Arts Competition, held in Jurmala in 2006. The jury was impressed by the singer's unique voice and awarded her the Grand Prix.

As you know, opposites attract. So in 2007, the opera-jazz good girl Yulia Kogan and the bad boy of Russian show business Sergey Shnurov began to cooperate for the good of a common cause - the group "Leningrad" . The singer's voice can also be heard on recordings of an earlier period.

Ode to an office worker "Manager" is one of the first works of Yulia as a backing vocalist of the band. Naturally, participation in "Leningrad" radically changed the image of the girl. The new image of the red-haired fury immediately fell in love with all fans "Leningrad". Only now, at the break of 2008–2009, the main ideological inspirer of the group, Shnur, fell into a creative crisis and rashly stopped her touring activities. But to the delight of the fans in 2010 a new video was released "Leningrad" under the alluring name "Sweet dreams". After - a series of albums "Henna", "Fish", "Eternal Flame"- and in all Yulia Kogan is already a soloist.

The public reacted ambiguously to such changes. Some met with a storm of applause, others were indignant. Okay, when a bearded brutal man swears from the stage - he is allowed. But how can a girl afford such a thing? Julia always waved her hand at such criticism. And she did the right thing, because such songs in her performance sound very elegant. The criticism was not long, because since Yulia lit the hall - over the past 20 years not a single female rock performer has lit it. After several concerts, many stood and waited for this "Red Beast" to perform.

About my work in "Leningrad" Yulia Kogan always responded warmly, although she emphasized that Sergei Shnurov was a despotic boss. Maybe for this very reason in 2013 Julia left the Leningrad group. Although she herself declares that the reason is Shnurov's creative jealousy. The girl also participated in other projects, but after an offer from the Yu channel, Sergey put Yulia in front of the fact that she was no longer the soloist of Leningrad.

Kogan did not regret her leaving the team in any way, because she had collaborated with "St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review». In addition, she accepted an offer from the TV channel "Yu" and became one of the leading talk shows about the difficult fate of women. "I'm right".

In 2014, Yulia Kogan began her solo career. So far, she is working on a solo album. Actively shoots clips for each of his songs. In May 2014, her first solo concert took place in the St. Petersburg club "Sea", which passed on "URA". Kogan has already been able to earn recognition from the public, which expects new creative achievements from the singer.

By the way, on January 30, 2015, Yulia Kogan, together with the participants in the TV show “ The fight of extrasensories" Natalya Banteeva and Tatyana Larina performed the song "The Witch and the Donkey" by the legendary punk rock band "Korol i Shut"

In our opinion, it turned out quite incendiary. =) See for yourself!

On February 21, the sultry beauty Yulia Kogan performed at Balagan City. Fans remember her well for her participation in the Leningrad group. None of the following soloists of the odious band managed to sing and interrupt the image of the “red-haired beast” Yulia. Although four years have passed since Kogan left the group, the artist has released two albums. Kogan brought the Tough Lyrics program to Voronezh and told Komsomolskaya Pravda that she is now connected with a popular group, and also why it is not interesting to make a parody of Jasmine.

I'm not ashamed that I sang in "Leningrad"

- Julia, you are so bright, are you invited to TV?

Yes, I'm not scandalous. Somehow they called me and “tortured” me for a “problem”, searched for it, but did not find it. I do not have such problems with which you can go on TV. They won't give me a million just like that.

And what about your past in the Leningrad group? And the fact that you are still associated with the team is not a problem for you?

For me, no. And for them too.

- You left the band for four years already, but still they try to compare your albums with Leningrad.

This is a normal phenomenon: all those who left well-known teams are compared. Well, I have not the worst prefix ex-, to be ashamed of this. Even Sergei allowed me to sing three songs from Leningrad.

- You made it up?

We didn't fight.

- How did Shnurov evaluate your current work?

He evaluates the creativity of all people as bad. He only considers himself to be good. The rest is bad. And he gave songs, because in four years I did not “drown”. And thus confirmed that he was not mistaken in me. And I was the best.

- Therefore, he did not let you into third-party projects, did not allow you to sing jazz in parallel?

He wouldn't let me because of possessiveness.

Of the songs that the new soloists of Leningrad sing, did you like any, what did you think, would you like to sing it?

- " Louboutins"I, of course, heard, because it was impossible not to hear. But none of them liked it that much. The only song I would like to sing is "Signs" to the words of Tsvetaeva. I sang it. And it has not been better since my work in the team.

Everyone was amazed at how you famously sang the songs of "Leningrad" with obscene language. Is it true that you learned to speak obscenely at the confectionery factory?

Well, I studied to be a confectioner, this is a very creative profession. She worked in a factory and at night. They made pies, buns, cakes. So, according to my observations, women swear more ...

Are you baking buns now?

I do, I generally like to cook, soothes. I wonder why women say: we don't want to cook, serve these damn men. I don't understand what the problem is at all. I am calm about food, I am not a gourmet. I like the process of cooking, for me it is a pleasure, relaxation.


- Aren't you tired of the image of the "red beast"?

No. The image must be recognizable. If it is recognizable, it cannot bore you or the audience. Oh, it's fire! Its cool. Because there are few artists that can be visualized. We cannot say which singer Jasmine is. The husband beat - therefore they remembered. 90 percent of our pop artists are no different. Lyuba Uspenskaya is different - she is so “strange”, a little tipsy, she has such an image, Lolita - you know that she will stop a galloping horse. Such units. Becoming God that I am in a galaxy of artists who can be identified. Lyudmila Gurchenko - we can immediately remember. When I studied at the theater institute, I said that not all artists can be parodied. And in the end, everyone does it on the same ones - which open their mouths wide, walk hunched over. It's not interesting to do a parody of Jasmine, there is no character. Dima Bilan jumps, this gives rise to the image of an artist. But few people focus on it. I have recently been asked about Olga Buzova. But we can't focus her image. Recognizable - Soso Pavliashvili, Leps. And how to make a parody of Stas Mikhailov, except to unbutton his shirt? I absolutely do not care what songs Tina Turner sings, she impresses me as an artist, because this is the highest class. In the West, this is very much paid attention to. Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson - these are images. And I'm more interested in that than the songs. Songs are an add-on.

- You Buzova is not a competitor?

I have no competitors at all, except for Lolita and Lyuba Uspenskaya.

- Would you like to sing a duet with someone?

I am always for any collaboration, as long as the song is good. I could sing with everyone who offers a good song - I am very accommodating.

- Even with Stas Mikhailov?

Why not? Interesting person. Well, I will refuse Stas Mikhailov? Let it fit. I can deal with both the known and the unknown. With loved ones. The question is in the song. If she's good...

- How do you feel about criticism?

Very bad! Because it generally kills any undertakings. When you start doing something, and you were told that it is bad, your hands drop. When I studied at the theater institute, we had a teacher who at first spread rot, moreover, harshly. You are standing, and she says that your legs are crooked or your teeth are crooked, how do you close your mouth? That's right so. In general, I have teeth, and everything was crooked. Everyone hated her, but by the third year it turned out that this method, it turns out, is like this - if you pass all these tests, then you are strong. And if you break down, as they break down at theatrical institutes in the first years, and leave, then her method worked. I missed everything. In general, I have such a good defensive reaction, because as a child I was an ugly duckling and everyone sneered at me. And I have already adapted to the state of protection. Therefore, if they tell me that I have crooked teeth, I say: I myself have crooked ones!

- What is stopping you in life?

My stupid character - I don’t know how to achieve something, go over the heads, I always want to be myself. It is difficult for me to achieve something in this profession, it is necessary to destroy myself. Therefore, I was lucky that I met Sergey Shnurov. With my character, I would never have been able to achieve anything in my life. What is happening to me now is his work. He moved me, and I'm not drowning! But do not be like me, go ahead!