New yellow cars. What car color to choose. Certificate for any car color

In the last year, the fight against shadow taxi drivers has become drastically tougher. Bombs are actively caught by employees, and illegal taxis are confiscated.

Therefore, we decided to tell you everything you need to know to get a license today.

Since 2013, the traffic police department has been officially issuing special signs (yellow numbers) for cars that transport goods and passengers. They are issued on the condition that you have a special permit (see Federal Law No. 69-FZ of April 21, 2011 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”).

Who has the right to obtain a license to operate a taxi in Moscow and the Moscow Region:

Owners of cars with yellow license plates in the Moscow region apply for a license to the Department of Transport of the city of Moscow.

Cars of any color with numbers of the Moscow Region, a license can be obtained at any territorial department of the Department of Transport of the Moscow Region

Vehicles with license plates of any region of the Russian Federation must be yellow only. The taxi license is issued by the Department of Transport of the city of Moscow.

Attention! If for some reason you do not want to change the color of the body, but the numbers you have require this, then there is a chance to change the existing numbers to the numbers of the Moscow region. To do this, you need to write an application for changing signs to any department of the traffic police of the Moscow region (under the new legislation, you will not have to register in the Moscow region). The service for changing numbers will cost you from 2000 rubles.

In order to carry out transportation with yellow numbers, you need to have:

  • Black and white checkers on the sides of the body
  • Yellow body (since July 1, 2014)
  • Orange lamp on the roof of the car
  • Taximeter
  • Equipment for issuing a cashier's check

There are two privileges for holders of a yellow number:

  • Yellow numbers can drive in dedicated public transport lanes
  • Taxis can stand for free even at a paid parking lot

How to get yellow taxi numbers

The license is issued to the driver for 5 years. The owner of the car receives a license (if the vehicle is no more than 10 years old), but if the car is leased, then the document will also be registered.

Attention! If you drive a vehicle by proxy or rent a car, you will not be issued a license.

The next equally important point is driving experience. It should not be less than 3 years of professional driving or at least 5 years of general experience.

If you have followed all the previous points correctly, then the registration procedure will take from a week to a month (documents at this moment will be checked against various databases).

Documents for obtaining a license for transportation in Moscow:

  • photocopy of passport
  • extract from the USRIP or USRLE (please note that it is valid for no more than 30 days from the date it was received by the tax office)
  • photocopy of vehicle registration certificate
  • copy of the lease agreement (if the car is leased)
  • copy of the technical inspection certificate
  • OSAGO insurance

As soon as you have collected a complete package of documents, contact the traffic police registration department of motor vehicles.

red car

Cars are now very firmly established in our lives. For many people, the car has become a source of income and people have to spend a considerable part of their time “on wheels”. When choosing a car for ourselves, we use various criteria. And the color of the car is not unimportant. Feng Shui has not bypassed this aspect of human life and gives a number of recommendations for choosing the right color for a car. Let's take a closer look at what should be the color of the car according to Feng Shui, so that you are in harmony with your "iron horse" and are less prone to various risks.

feng shui car color

car color orange

Probably the first thing we pay attention to when choosing a car is her. In Feng Shui, it is said that colors significantly affect a person's life. Whether it is the color of clothing, interior or car.

In order to choose the right car color for Feng Shui, you need to refer to your date of birth, or rather the year of your birth and determine which element you correspond to. In total, Feng Shui distinguishes five elements - Wood, Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. Belonging to a particular element is determined by the last digit of the year of birth of a person.

pink car

Element Metal - 0 or 1

Element Water - 2 or 3

Element Wood -4 or 5

Element Fire - 6 or 7

Element Earth - 8 or 9

So if you belong to the elements tree, then your car color, according to Feng Shui, is green or blue. If to the elements fire then red or orange. To the elements Water– black or blue car color for you. elements earth, it is best to have a car in brown, beige or yellow. If you are a person who belongs to the elements metal, then your Feng Shui car color is white, silver or gray.

blue car

Feng Shui car color meaning

Feng shui red car. This is the color of Fire, which will attract attention, and require a quick reaction, concentration and a strong mind from its owner. Weigh all the pros and cons, and decide for yourself whether you need it? In Feng Shui, red is also associated with love. Attention from the opposite sex, having such a car, you will not be deprived.

yellow car

Orange car feng shui. This color for your car should be chosen by people far from romance. It is more suitable for people with an explosive character, optimistic, self-confident. It is better for unmarried girls not to choose orange for their car, as this can reduce the chances of marriage, and can also lead to unusual situations on the road. For married women, on the contrary, it will bring good luck in marriage. The orange color of the car will bring material wealth to its owner.

green car

Feng shui car yellow. The color of the car, which will bring its owner a good mood, calmness and love of life.

Raspberry or pink the color is suitable for the car of creative and active people. The energy of this color will help such people, enhance imagination and creative power. As for the behavior on the roads - the car can periodically break down, stall. In a word, be capricious.

gray car

The blue color of the car according to Feng Shui, as well as its shades will bring you peace and restraint. Both in life and on the road.

The green color of the car according to Feng Shui, as well as all its shades are perfect for intellectuals. This color will help strengthen mental abilities, and become more attentive and reasonable.

Color metallic or gray color for the car according to Feng Shui, are universal. Because it suits a lot of people. But most of all, these colors are suitable for introverts (people who are closed, experiencing everything inside, outwardly calm, with a rich inner world). Active people this color is likely to be somewhat cool.

black car

Feng shui black car. This color of the car will be in harmony with those who strive to achieve a lot in life and are looking for influential connections and support. This is an indicator of power, authority and even rigidity. The black color of the car will protect its owner from external negative influences.

Brown color for a car according to Feng Shui has all the qualities of black.

According to Feng Shui, the purple color of the car is perfect for successful people who have achieved a lot in life and are quite satisfied with it. If you are not already one, then the purple color of the car can attract appropriate luck to you and help you realize your plans.

white car

White car feng shui. It is a symbol of purity and naturalness. As a rule, this color suits people with the same qualities or people who aspire to them.

In conclusion, I would like to add that when choosing a car color according to Feng Shui, you need to not only choose the right body color, but also choose the color of the interior trim accordingly. You can not combine colors from different elements. Otherwise, they will not complement each other, but conflict with each other.

Good luck with choosing a car and may it never leave you on the roads!

The current legislative norm regarding the licensing of private transport takes a certain position. It is fully revealed in the absence of the possibility of illegal work in the field of passenger and cargo transportation.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

The main argument for such a change is the recognition of private transportation as a full-fledged labor activity. Accordingly, everyone who wants to earn money in this way must be officially registered, have an entry in the work book, legal leave and the opportunity to use a sick leave.

Driver and car requirements

- This is a certificate that is issued for work in the direction of passenger and freight traffic, confirming permission for official commercial activity.

One of the key issues in organizing the work of a taxi driver in Moscow is the obligatory registration of a license. Introduction of the Federal Law as amended. dated 10/14/2014 made it possible to determine clear boundaries for the admission to transportation of people interested in the benefits of this area of ​​income generation.

To get it, you should prepare a car that must meet certain criteria:

  1. The color of the car must be yellow. For the Moscow region, it is white, but other options are also acceptable - native: black, gray, red, combined options.
  2. The presence of a valid technical inspection, already upon receipt of the status, it must be carried out every six months.
  3. Installation of a taximeter, tachograph, GLONAS system to determine the location of the car.
  4. The presence of a yellow beacon on the roof.
  5. Drawing the image of checkers on the sides of the car.
  6. Availability of access to the Internet or walkie-talkie to communicate with the dispatcher.
  7. Conclusion of an OSAGO contract for a taxi.
  8. The age of a Russian-made vehicle is from 5 years, for cars of foreign brands from 8 years, but there are reasons that may not take into account this requirement.

In connection with the requirements for passing a technical examination, medical examination, you should have relevant specialists in the company's staff or conclude a service agreement, a copy of which should be provided in the general package of documents.

In addition to the requirements for the vehicle, the standards for the driver must be met. The following conditions are important for him:

  1. Driving experience from 5 years (general), or from 3 years, which can be considered as a total for the working periods indicated in the work book.
  2. Rights corresponding to the vehicle category.
  3. Already after the start of work, the driver must be ready for the mandatory receipt of a medical permit before starting work, provided that he works from a taxi company.

In case of non-compliance with these requirements, a license will not be issued, and in case of violation of the rules, repeated violations of working with it, they have the right to cancel or impose a fine, the amount of which is constantly growing.

Consideration should also be given to restrictions on work that may apply to the entire fleet, which encourages employers to monitor the legitimate work of their employees.

Where to go

To obtain a taxi license in Moscow, please contact:

  • to the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region;
  • Can ;
  • contact the multifunctional centers (MFC). In this case, you need to be registered as an entrepreneur or legal entity.

Registration procedure

One of the simplest conditions, the fulfillment of which will ensure work in Moscow as a taxi driver, is registration by an employee in a taxi service or signing an agreement with an individual entrepreneur.

This has a significant plus, since employment:

  • exempt from paying taxes;
  • accounting problems;
  • submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service;
  • transfers of insurance and pension contributions;
  • the need to find a qualified dispatcher.

In other cases, you yourself should register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC by visiting the Tax Service.

Already having a certain taxpayer status, you should collect documents on your car in order to obtain a license for it, which also applies to a rented car. If the taxi company provides a car for use, then it issues a license.

The list of documents is as follows:

  1. Statement. It has the form of an appeal to receive a certain service (receipt of a document). It is also filled in when making a request remotely.
  2. Photocopy of the passport.
  3. Copy of STS.
  4. A leasing agreement when buying on such terms or another document confirming the legal rights to own a car.
  5. Power of attorney, if driving will be based on it.
  6. Receipt of paid state duty.
  7. If the applicant is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, then you need to add a copy of its registration to the main list of documents.

If the license is issued, it will be possible to apply for special yellow numbers. The time for consideration of the application is about a month from the date of application.

A license is issued for 5 years, after which it should be re-submitted or canceled. This applies to all regions of the Russian Federation without singling out other cities.

What the document looks like can be seen in the photo:

Outwardly, it looks like a paper form with protective printed characters. On it is written:

  • data in accordance with the passport of the owner of the car;
  • full technical characteristics of the vehicle;
  • the name of the institution that issued the document;
  • information about the organization that is the employer of the license holder;
  • number;
  • date and place of issue.

It is possible and even necessary to be sure of its legitimacy. This is especially important when contacting intermediaries who provide the service of filing documents and independently receiving it in their hands.

To do this, go to the official website of the Ministry of Transport, indicate the data indicated on it. The register must contain the same information as indicated on the form.

Important! The taxi driver must have a license together with the main package of documents for the driver. It is authorized to check the traffic police at a stop, as well as passengers using its services.

One of the convenient options for processing licensee documents is to contact intermediaries. This is especially useful if a person performs this procedure for the first time, does not know where to start and how to do everything right.

Assistants will do the following:

  1. They will accept the necessary documents (copies certified by a notary).
  2. They will take a power of attorney indicating the powers granted - filing an application for obtaining a license for a taxi car and obtaining it.
  3. They can get insurance.
  4. Equip the car in accordance with the requirements or check for compliance with them, send it to MOT.
  5. They will prepare waybills, receipts for payment, a diagnostic card.
  6. Connect the car to the dispatch service.

The list of services may continue and it depends on the requirements of the client, as well as his financial capabilities. Additional investment in providing a future workplace that has not yet paid off is the only negative.

Plus - the availability of prices, as competition helps to keep it in a low position.

Important! You should not rush to pay for the service in advance, as there is a risk of paying an advance and refusing the service or not having it in the registry after receiving it.

How much does a taxi license cost in Moscow

The cost for taxi drivers is determined by local administrations, which cannot ensure fixed tariffs in this service sector. In addition to its price, the applicant must pay a state duty.

The price for pickup in Moscow is:

  • near 10 000 rubles;
  • for urgent processing (3 days), the cost can be about 15 000 rub.

Also, the price may vary from the urgency of the service, the requirement to preserve the existing color, independent participation or the involvement of people who specialize in providing services for the preparation of all documents related to full-fledged work “from scratch” to release the car on a flight.

Additional costs relate to the equipment itself, its adjustment.

Indicative prices are given:

If the document is lost, destroyed, stolen, it can be restored free of charge within ten days. You should contact the same organization that issued the first option.

Certificate for any car color

Observant people might wonder, yellow state numbers on a car - what is it? They can be seen walking down the street. Considering that the color is unusual, the question immediately arises, what do these signs mean? By the way, there are other colors that can also be seen in the city. Now consider what a certain shade of a number on a car means.

Color definitions

If you focus on the legislation, you can understand that there are not only yellow numbers, but also other colors. In total, 5 varieties can be distinguished. Among them: white, yellow, blue, red and black. Naturally, the owner of the car does not choose the color that he likes best. You get a certain type depending on the purpose of the vehicle. Now let's figure out what the yellow numbers mean, as well as other types.

Definition of colors:

  1. If blue signs are attached to the car, then the car belongs to the internal affairs bodies. We are talking about private security, the traffic police, the police.
  2. Black color indicates that the vehicle belongs to the Ministry of Defense. Moreover, the codes on the numbers correspond to military units. It's not a region code at all. Drivers are advised to stay away from these vehicles.
  3. Red signs in Russia mean that the car is owned by diplomats and consulates. The first three digits correspond to the code of the representative office of the country, which is located in the Russian Federation. As an example, the following can be given: USA - 004; Japan - 005; China - 009. If the series is CD, then the transport belongs to the head of the diplomatic mission. If it is written T - the car is owned by the consulate staff. We are talking about guards, secretaries, etc. If the series is D, the consul or ambassador will ride in the car.
  4. The yellow numbers on the car indicate that the vehicle transports people. We are talking about buses, taxis, minibuses. In this case, the driver has a license for this activity. However, not all buses are now equipped with such signs.

By the way, until 2002, the yellow color indicated that the car belonged to a stateless person or a foreigner. However, now migrants are no longer given signs of this shade. But cars that received yellow numbers before 2002 can still drive.

Obtaining procedure

Some people are wondering how to get yellow numbers. They have certain advantages. For example, such a car can stop for free in a paid parking lot. In addition, she is allowed to ride on the public transport lane. However, only at will it is impossible to become the owner of yellow state signs.

If the vehicle belongs to a taxi driver, then you can contact the traffic police. However, it is important to obtain a license to transport people in advance. If the car is less than 10 years old, then you can issue an activity permit for 5 years.

However, it should be noted that if the vehicle is rented or provided by proxy, then a license cannot be obtained. Also, you can not count on it if the driving experience is less than 3 years.

Important! If the car is leased, then a license can be obtained. After all, in this case, a person uses a car with the right to purchase.

Separately, it should be noted that taxi drivers need to properly equip the car. It is required to install a taximeter, a receipt device, an orange roof light, etc. Then you will be able to get a license.

You will need to submit certain documents:

  1. Driver's National Passport.
  2. Extract from the USRIP, which was received no later than 30 days ago.
  3. Certificate of registration of rights to the car.
  4. Leasing agreement (if necessary).
  5. Diagnostic card.
  6. OSAGO or CASCO insurance policy.

You will have to wait up to 30 days for the application to be considered, after which an answer will be given. If a person and his car meet the conditions, then there will be a chance to get a license.

Story yellow taxi originates in the USA. A certain John Hertz has made a name for himself in the auto sales business. He managed to make a fortune with the help of an original idea. As partial payment for a new car, Hertz offered to take a used car. Thus, the Americans began to change their cars for new ones, paying a certain amount of money for this.

However, it was necessary to put used cars somewhere. They began to be repainted yellow and used for passenger transportation. This is how the world's first yellow taxi and the Yellow cab brand, which has become famous far beyond the US.

Today yellow taxi can be seen in different countries. These cars are very visible in the general flow, so the use of yellow is a great advantage for passenger carriers. Earlier in our country yellow taxi was not a prerequisite, but now the situation has changed significantly. At the moment, we are talking only about Moscow, but the changes may affect other Russian cities.

New law

On July 1, 2013, a law was passed, according to which all taxi cars in Moscow must be yellow. Without this condition, carriers cannot obtain a license. So far, the yellow taxi law is valid only in Moscow, but it is possible to adopt the same law for the Moscow region and other regions.

Moscow taxi services are already faced with the need to change the color of cars. Today, in order to obtain a license to carry out passenger transportation, it is necessary to repaint the car or wrapping in yellow. Moreover, the second option is the most preferable. It is beneficial both in practical and economic terms.

Taxi services that received a license before the changes in the law, the requirement with yellow cars does not yet apply. Until the end of the license, the need to repaint or paste over the car does not arise, since before the requirements of the law were different. However, at the time when it becomes necessary to renew the license, yellow taxi become a prerequisite for the implementation of passenger transportation activities.

Thus, the new law provides for a flexible transition to yellow taxi and does not infringe on the rights of carriers that have already registered and received a license in Moscow before July 1, 2013.

Repainting or pasting in yellow?

The issue of a taxi license can be solved in two ways: repainting or pasted in yellow. Repainting is a very expensive undertaking that will require large investments. In addition, such cars are actively used in work, and after 5-7 years they have to be changed. What's the point of repainting the car?

Sticker in yellow
- Cheaper and more practical. You will spend less time and money on it. In addition, wrapping will improve the protection of the car. It will look great even after several years of active use, since the film will become an additional protective mechanism against various chips and cracks.

Taxi sticker yellow has too many advantages over repainting, which is why most carriers choose the film option. The car can be covered completely or partially. There are options with 50%, 70% and 100% body wrapping. This depends on the cost of services.

In addition to the total area of ​​pasting, the number of car parts that require installation and dismantling, the need for surface preparation, as well as the price of the film itself play a role. All this adds up to the final cost of the work.

Taxi wrapping options

Issued subject to repainting or pasting cars in yellow. However, there are certain nuances here. The law does not clearly specify the required percentage of pasting the taxi body. Therefore, the owner of the taxi decides this issue on his own. In the case of a full wrapping of the car with a film, there will be no complaints about the owner of such a taxi.

This option is the most reliable in terms of obtaining a license. In other cases (50% or 70% wrapping), the color of the taxi may be recognized as combined, which will complicate the process of obtaining a license. To prevent such risks, it is better to choose a complete yellow body wrap or get the necessary advice from the authority that issues a license for passenger transportation.

This information will help you meet the necessary requirements in the case of partial wrapping of the body. In addition, wrapping by 50 or 70% will allow the owner of the car to save money, but it is important that taxi license was received at the same time.

Sticker in yellow involves a choice of different shades. In this regard, the process is similar to painting a car. Such pasting involves the development of an individual style, sticker logos, checkers and contact information. All this is decided on an individual basis. The choice of a particular option depends on the desire of the client.

What should a taxi owner do?

Taxi license- a document, the receipt of which is not a difficult process. A number of conditions must be met. There is a certain algorithm, following which you can be guaranteed to get a license:

1. It is necessary to paste over the taxi with a yellow film, choosing the option that suits you.
2. You need to contact the traffic police with the documents for the car in order to make changes to the registration data.
3. Having received the documents from the traffic police, you need to contact them with the authority that issues licenses.
4. Next, you need to return to the traffic police again to get a new yellow number.

After fulfilling all the above requirements taxi license will be in your pocket. You don't need to repaint the car for this. Everything can be solved by pasting a taxi with a yellow film.

The choice of film for wrapping a taxi

Taxi owners are unlikely to be able to solve the problem of choosing the right film for car wrapping on their own. Here you will need the help of specialists who will suggest the most suitable option.

Modern films are different from each other, but they are a high quality item. To wrapping in yellow made sense not only in terms of obtaining taxi licenses, but also to improve the protection of the car body, you need to choose the appropriate film.

A very important factor is the choice of a company that provides taxi wrapping services in yellow. Turning to us, you will receive high-quality services at a low cost.

Different types of films are used for pasting taxis.

  1. calendered films. They have a low degree of tension, so they are used for flat surfaces. Such a film can last for 5-7 years.
  2. Cast films. They are used for gluing any surfaces, do not shrink, eliminate the formation of bubbles when gluing. Service life - up to 10 years.
  3. Matte or glossy films. This is a brightly colored vinyl with a noticeable matte effect. Films differ from each other. There are options designed exclusively for protective functions.
  4. Polyurethane protective anti-gravel film. It allows you to enhance the protection of the car from chips, scratches and other damage to the body. The film is applied with a transparent adhesive.

This is a general classification of films, but every driver will rightfully choose the option that seems optimal to him. An important condition is the combination of a beautiful appearance of the machine and the reliability of the protective coating.

It is necessary to know that any film is not able to solve the problems of corrosion. If this destructive process has already begun, corrosion must be urgently stopped, and only then can a yellow film be applied.

KPMF 8800 vinyl is often used as a yellow car wrap material. There are other interesting options, including 3M Corporation film. The modern consumer has plenty to choose from. yellow taxi most often has a bright yellow color tint or "sunflower color". Such films are used for pasting taxis more often than others.

Benefits of yellow taxi wrapping

Wrapping a taxi in yellow is the easiest and least expensive way to change the color of a car. Why is it worth using stickers?

  • Profitability. We have already mentioned the financial benefits of such an event, but it is so tangible that it is worth emphasizing on this point.
  • Practicality. High-quality vinyl film can last 5-7 years, and in some cases even longer. This period coincides with the normal period of active service of the car for passenger transportation. Such a coincidence speaks in favor of pasting with a yellow film. In addition, it is easily removed.
  • Possibility to design a car in corporate style. Branding and individual style are the big advantages of a yellow taxi. Vinyl wrapping will help make the car recognizable, and giving individual features - different from other companies.
  • An easy way to comply with the law. Taxi license from July 1, 2013, it is issued in Moscow on different terms than before. Wrapping a taxi with yellow vinyl is the most appropriate and easiest way to solve the problem.
  • Possibility of profitable car sale. The car can be actively used for passenger transportation for 5-7 years, then it will need to be changed. Since the vinyl film well protects the car body and paintwork from cracks, chips and other wear and tear, after removing the film, such a car retains its presentation. Because it can be easily sold.

Sticker in yellow using a special film - a very profitable option for a taxi. Currently, it is more relevant than repainting the car. It is used even by large taxi companies, because taxi sticker yellow will save them a lot of money.

Profitable proposition

The ETO Ya Taxi company provides car wrapping services. Why is it worth contacting us?

  • Low prices. We offer car wrapping on favorable terms. The offer “THIS IS ME A TAXI” is very attractive for Moscow.
  • Quality. Our employees are highly qualified specialists who perform their work professionally and efficiently. Turning to us will guarantee excellent car wrapping.
  • Various wrapping options. You can order full or partial wrapping of the car body in yellow. Each of the options has its own nuances. Our staff will tell you the advantages of any of them, after which you can make the right decision for yourself.
  • Additional services. In addition to the usual taxi wrapping, you can order a choice of color shade, application of your company logo and the development of an individual style.

Do you need to wrap your car with a yellow film? Contact the company "THIS IS A TAXI". We will be glad to see you among our clients.