Ham recipes for cooking in the oven. Chicken and pork ham at home - nothing like store-bought! Recipes for homemade ham with chicken and pork. Homemade chicken ham with gelatin

I bring to your attention a recipe for pork ham. After all, the most delicious ham is, of course, homemade. It is an excellent alternative to store-bought sausages and balyks. After all, homemade ham is made only from meat, and there are no harmful additives or preservatives in it.

Preparing homemade ham in the oven is not difficult, although not quick, but the result is tasty and juicy meat.

To prepare homemade ham in the oven, I used a pork ham, but you can use a shoulder or neck. Shall we start cooking?

We take a whole piece of meat, in this case a ham, without fat. If there is fat, it must be trimmed. Rub the meat on all sides with salt, pepper, and your favorite seasonings. Then generously grease with sunflower oil.

Place the meat in the middle of baking paper. If your paper is not coated with food-grade silicone, then be sure to grease it with sunflower oil so that the paper does not stick to the meat during baking.

We wrap the meat as if in an envelope.

We tie it with threads or, like mine, silicone ties. We put the meat in the refrigerator for at least an hour, or overnight (most often I do this).

In the morning, take the meat out of the refrigerator, place it on a baking sheet or in any suitable baking dish and place it in a COLD oven. Set the temperature to 200 degrees and bake this piece for 35 minutes. If the piece is smaller in weight than mine, then it will take less time, if the weight of the meat is greater, then accordingly it will take more time to bake.

After time has passed, carefully turn the meat over to the other side and bake for another 35 minutes. Then we turn off the oven, but do not take out the meat, let it cool in the oven.

Then we transfer the cooled meat to a plate, cut it and see how much liquid was released during the baking process. The meat is tender and juicy and cuts well into thin slices.

The homemade ham cooked in the oven was a success. Bon appetit! Thanks to Valya (vorobyshek) for the recipe.

Homemade chicken and pork ham is not a luxury.

It’s just a regular product that can be eaten for breakfast, served with side dishes or placed on a meat plate.

The complexity of cooking is no higher than that of cutlets.

So what's the deal?

Let's please our loved ones with homemade ham, tasty and healthy!

Chicken and pork ham at home - general cooking principles

Composite ham from several types of meat products is always in pieces. It is prepared entirely from only one type of meat. The main products are cut into pieces and mixed. Sometimes part is twisted into minced meat, and the second part is chopped into pieces.

What is added to the ham mixture:

All kinds of spices;

Onions, garlic, pepper;


Gelatin is added in dry form and acts as a connector for the pieces. Sometimes they do without it. There are recipes with cheese and eggs, which also help keep the shape and hold the products together.

Homemade ham is boiled or baked. Sometimes a slow cooker is used. But, regardless of the chosen method, after cooling the product should be allowed to rest for several hours. Sometimes oppression is placed to strengthen the mass.

How to shape a ham

A ham maker is a wonderful kitchen device that simplifies the process of preparing homemade ham and gives the finished product an ideal shape. But what if it’s not there?

To form the ham you can use:

Baking bags, sleeves;

Large diameter casings, special casings;

Small forms;

Packages and boxes of juice, milk, salt.

Baking bags are most often used for boiled ham. For cooking in the oven, you can also take a bag (sleeve) or foil. Or make do with other available items.

Recipe 1: Homemade chicken and pork ham “Meat” in a baking bag

It doesn’t take much time to prepare this chicken and pork ham at home, and the result is simply amazing!


500 grams of chicken fillet;

500 grams of pork neck;

1 pinch of nutmeg;

15 grams of gelatin;

2 cloves of garlic;

Pepper mixture.


1. Freeze the chicken and pork a little. Then cut into small cubes and throw into a cup.

2. Add nutmeg, pepper, salt and immediately pour in gelatin. Add chopped garlic cloves. Mix the resulting minced meat.

3. Place the mixture in a baking bag, form a sausage, and simply cover the free edge with a second layer. We tie the edges with thread and wrap it several times along the entire length.

4. Make 1-2 holes with a thin needle, put the ham in a baking dish and put it in the oven.

5. Bake for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

6. Take it out, let the ham cool completely and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. During this time, it will completely strengthen and the sleeve can be removed.

Recipe 2: Homemade chicken and pork ham with olives

A festive recipe for homemade pork and chicken ham with a very rich composition. The product turns out very aromatic, and the olives add piquancy.


800 grams of chicken fillet;

600 grams of pork;

150 grams of cheese;

1 onion;

Salt pepper;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

A little dry greens.


1. Cut the chicken into pieces and place in a bowl.

2. Add chopped onion, mayonnaise and herbs. Salt and leave to marinate for half an hour.

3. In the meantime, grind the pork into minced meat through a meat grinder or chop it with a food processor.

4. Open the jar of olives, drain the marinade and cut each into 4 parts. We send it to the chicken.

5. Cut the cheese into cubes and also add it to the bowl with the rest of the products.

6. All that remains is to add the minced pork, add pepper and mix well.

7. If you have a ham maker, then insert a baking bag into it, fill it with prepared minced meat, pack it, make a small hole and throw it in a pan of water to cook for 1.5 hours.

8. If we just use a bag, then place the meat in it and tie the edges tightly. Then we wrap the thread in a circle to maintain the shape of the log. Also boil for 1.5 hours.

Recipe 3: Puff pastry from chicken and pork at home

An unusual technology for preparing ham, chicken and pork at home. Recipe with dry gelatin, prepared in the oven.


400 grams of pork;

400 grams of chicken;

15 grams of gelatin.


1. Cut the chicken into slices, lightly beat each one and sprinkle with spices. We stack them on top of each other and send them to the side for now.

2. We do the same with pork. We also beat back a little, but not much. Otherwise, the meat will lose all its juices.

3. Take a small rectangular mold; you can use the container for baking bread or cake. Line the bottom with a piece of foil.

4. Place several slices of pork in the first layer, sprinkle with gelatin crystals.

5. Now lay out a layer of broken chicken slices and also sprinkle with gelatin crystals.

6. Repeat layers until all the meat and chicken are gone. But this quantity of products usually does not yield much. There is no need to sprinkle the top layer with gelatin.

7. Cover the mold with a piece of foil on top and bake for 80 minutes at 200 degrees.

8. Remove from the oven and, without removing the foil, place pressure on top. You can simply lower the foil onto the meat itself and place a pack of salt on it.

9. Cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator in this form. It is better to let it sit overnight so that the ham can harden well.

Recipe 4: Homemade chicken and pork ham in a juice carton

A very interesting way to prepare ham, for which you will need an empty juice pack of at least a liter. You can also take a milk carton.


500 grams of chicken;

500 grams of gelatin;

3 cloves of garlic;

20 grams of gelatin;

1 tsp. salt;


1. Roll half the chicken and half the pork into minced meat. Cut the remaining meat products into small cubes. Let's connect together.

2. Add spices and dry gelatin, mix.

3. Take the top of the juice bag apart, open it, rinse it and stuff it tightly with minced meat.

4. Place the workpiece in a baking bag, tie the top with a knot and make a small hole there.

5. The bottom part of the box along with the package needs to be wrapped in foil.

6. Place the structure in a saucepan, pour in water and cook the ham after boiling for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

7. Cool, put in the refrigerator and wait for it to harden.

Recipe 5: Marbled ham from chicken and pork at home

Detailed technology for making the famous marbled ham at home. It can be prepared not only from chicken and pork, but also from any other meat. And to make the finished product truly marbled, we use bright spices: paprika, curry, herbs.


400 grams of pork;

500 grams of chicken;

1 spoon of paprika;

3 cloves of garlic;

1.5 tablespoons of gelatin;

0.5 spoons of curry;

A little dried dill;


1. Chicken and pork should be cut into neat pieces, but not finely. The optimal size is 1.5-2 centimeters. Throw it into a bowl.

2. Add chopped garlic.

3. Mix all the spices with dried dill and gelatin, pour into a bowl with the meat.

4. Mix with your hands and immediately form the ham. We don’t let the product sit. Either we put it in a ham dish, or in a bag, or in foil or a mold. We choose the appropriate method.

5. Place the marbled ham in the oven for two hours at 180 degrees.

6. Then cool and let sit in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 6: Homemade chicken and pork ham with nuts

Adding nuts to chicken and pork ham gives the product a very interesting taste. It is best to use walnuts that have been pre-roasted and chopped.


0.7 kg pork;

0.3 kg breast;

3 tablespoons of nuts;

Salt pepper;

4 cloves of garlic;

0.5 spoons of gelatin;

0.5 pods of sweet pepper (red).


1. Grind the pork through a meat grinder along with the garlic.

2. Cut the chicken into cubes and combine with twisted minced meat.

3. Add one raw egg, chopped nuts, and add gelatin. You don’t have to put it in, the egg will help the mass keep its shape. But with gelatin, the pieces will be more elastic, and it will be easier to cut the ham into neat slices.

4. Now finely chop half a sweet pepper and also add it to the minced meat. It will appear as red specks.

5. Knead the mass thoroughly, put it in a ham dish or pack it in any other way.

6. This ham can be boiled or baked in the oven, on average about 70-80 minutes at 180.

Recipe 7: Homemade chicken and pork ham with lard

Recipe for fatty, juicy ham with bacon. Very similar to the real one. This amount makes a fairly large loaf; if desired, cut the ingredients proportionally.


1 kg pork ham;

0.5 kg chicken;

0.5 kg of lard;

15 grams of gelatin;

1 tsp. mustard;

1 onion;

4 cloves of garlic;

2 tsp. salt;

1 tsp. paprika;

1 tsp. pepper mixtures;

A little dry parsley.


1. The lard needs to be frozen to make it easier to work with. Then cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the pork and chicken into larger pieces, as for goulash. Combine with lard.

3. Add chopped garlic cloves and onion.

4. Add mustard and all other spices.

5. Add dry gelatin, add salt and stir. Cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 10 hours.

6. Take it out, mix it again and put it in the ham maker. Or we form a log (rectangle) in any other way.

7. Bake in the oven for at least two hours. If you use a ham maker, don’t forget to add a little water to the pan. If the ham is baked in a sleeve, then you can periodically turn it over to the other side.

8. Then cool and leave in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours before removing from the mold.

Homemade chicken and pork ham - useful tips and tricks

Ham really likes heat. But besides pepper, you can also add mustard to it. Just one spoon added to the minced meat will make it much more aromatic and tastier.

Homemade sausages are never prepared from fresh meat; the pieces must be well cooled. And if you need to prepare chopped mass, it is better to freeze it a little. It will be easier to cut, and the pieces will turn out neater.

After boiling or baking the ham, aromatic juice remains in the bag (or in a mold, in foil). Do not pour it out under any circumstances! This liquid can be added to any sauce or to the first or second course. You can simply pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. Natural bouillon cubes will definitely find a use!

You don't have to throw away the skin from the chicken. It is quite fatty and will give the ham juiciness, but before adding the skin you need to chop it well.

How to cook ham from chicken meat.

Homemade chicken ham with gelatin


  • Chicken fillet (750 grams) – you can use a whole bird if you wish, but I recommend using fillet to save time;
  • 1-1.5 packs of gelatin;
  • 3 cloves of garlic (those who prefer it spicy can add 4);
  • Salt/pepper to taste.

A sleeve for baking meat in the oven (can be replaced with foil or parchment for baking) and white cotton thread (or tying twine used in sausage production).

Cooking process:

If you nevertheless decide to use a whole chicken to prepare ham at home, or you simply decide to use the one that is available and which you don’t know what to do with, but feel sorry for the product, then it should be peeled and boned. Although this is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming process, whole chicken produces a more tender homemade chicken ham than prepared fillet. Here by choice, for everyone.

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces, adding spices and grated garlic.
  2. Turn on the oven to preheat to 150 degrees, and put the resulting minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Usually ham is cooked using a special ham maker, but its role is well served by a sleeve for baking meat in the oven, one end of which we tie with a thick thread.
  4. We take the meat out of the refrigerator, which has had time to marinate thoroughly during this time, and pour gelatin into it, without first dissolving it in any way. Mix thoroughly (!) (this is required so that the gelatin covers the chicken more evenly).
  5. We put the resulting mixture into the sleeve. Before tying the other end, you should remove the air from it as carefully as possible.
  6. To prevent the sausage from falling apart in the end, it should be shaped even before going into the oven using a dressing thread.
  7. Bake the chicken ham for 40 minutes.

Ultimately, in order to more evenly distribute the released broth, carefully turn the resulting product over. And after cooling, put the sausage in the refrigerator.

Note: homemade chicken ham is consumed chilled. When heated, the meat falls into pieces. You can also take it and make ham out of it.

There is another recipe for making chicken ham at home for cheese lovers:

Homemade chicken ham and cheese

To prepare you will need:

  • 350 – 450 grams of chicken fillet
  • 1 packet of gelatin
  • Salt/pepper/spices to taste
  • Sleeve for roasting meat in the oven
  • Grated hard cheese
  • Greens: dill and parsley

Cooking process:

  1. We carry out points (1,2,3) indicated above.
  2. Place finely chopped parsley, dill and cheese on the meat in an even layer. Roll it into a roll and place it in the sleeve.
  3. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Our chicken roll with cheese is ready.
  5. Among sausage lovers there are people who want to lose weight. Especially for them, there is a recipe for preparing dietary chicken ham at home. This ham is low in calories.

The process of preparing dietary ham is based on the fact that the meat is not baked in the oven, but cooked in a water bath.

Dietary chicken ham at home

By analogy with what was written above, to prepare homemade chicken ham, all the same ingredients are used (if desired, you can use low-fat cheese and herbs), points 1 and 2 are identical.

The meat is rolled up and placed in a plastic bottle.

Place a container of chicken roll into a pre-prepared pan of boiling water. Cook over low heat for half an hour to two hours (it all depends on the size of the product being prepared).

Recipe with photo

A blood relative of jellied chicken meat, from which something urgently needs to be prepared before it disappears, and it’s a pity to throw it away. As well as information for those who are already tired of home-cooked ham and who want variety in chicken dishes.

How to cook pressed chicken meat

Many will probably be interested in learning how to prepare pressed chicken meat. Here is a simple recipe to make at home:

We will need:

  • Chicken meat (preferably leg or breast)
  • 3 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 1 onion
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • Garlic – 2-4 cloves
  • Art. water
  • Containers for meat (you can use baking dishes)
  • Cling film


  1. Chicken meat is cleaned, washed and cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours in a saucepan, into which 1 onion, salt and pepper were previously placed.
  2. At the same time, separately dissolve the gelatin in a glass of water and leave it there for an hour.
  3. Cool the chicken and separate it into separate parts by hand, as when preparing jellied meat. Add crushed garlic to the meat to taste.
  4. Carefully line the baking tins with cling film so that it fits snugly against their walls.
  5. Heat the gelatin over low heat, and then pour a little onto the bottom of the molds. Place the chicken meat 1 cm apart and lightly sprinkle it with dry gelatin. Pour over gelatin mixture. Place the meat on top again and repeat until the meat is gone. We bend the cling film inwards from the top and put it in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours, pressing it with something heavy (a package of kefir, milk, etc.).

Homemade sausages are not only tasty and inexpensive, but also healthy, because such dishes do not contain dangerous and harmful substances. Today we want to tell you how to prepare chicken ham at home, which will delight you with both its appearance and taste. And so that you choose the most suitable cooking method, we offer two options to choose from: in the oven and in the slow cooker.

  • If you are going to cook the ham in a pan, then it is better to make it not too thick, otherwise the sausage simply will not have time to cook inside.
  • But the chicken ham that will be baked in the oven can be made larger and thicker - in this version this is allowed.
  • Boiled homemade sausage is made according to the same recipe that is intended for the slow cooker.
  • The most important thing is not to overcook the product. Therefore, it is better not to overexpose chicken sausage in boiling water. Otherwise, it may turn out to be too dry or even hard.
  • In a slow cooker recipe, do not use too much bee honey. It is better not to deviate from the recipe so that the sweet taste is not overly pronounced.
  • When cooking ham in a saucepan, it is worth controlling the temperature so that you get a tasty and juicy sausage.

To do this, it would be a good idea to purchase a special thermometer, and then use it to ensure that the water does not exceed 70 degrees.

  • If you like your sausage more spicy and savory, don't be afraid to add your favorite seasonings to the recipe.
  • To prevent dry chicken meat from turning out too tough, you can wrap a little lard inside the ham - it will not be as low-calorie and healthy, but it will be much juicier. Plus, this homemade sausage looks incredibly beautiful.
  • Sharp cooling of the dish after cooking is a mandatory step. This is how homemade sausage acquires the density of real ham and becomes very tender.

Video recipe for making chicken ham

Homemade chicken ham with herbs: recipe in the oven


  • — 1 piece + -
  • Vodka or alcohol (for rubbing meat)- 2 tsp. + -
  • - 1-2 cloves + -
  • - 2 pinches + -
  • - 3 pinches + -
  • Dried herbs (eg basil)- 1 tsp. + -

How to make ham from chicken fillet with your own hands

  1. First of all, we need to marinate the chicken fillet for the ham. To do this, mix spices in a bowl: salt, black pepper and dry herbs.
  2. Then we wipe the chicken fillet with alcohol, then immediately with honey.
  3. Rub the future ham with spices, tightly cover the dish with meat and put it in the refrigerator for marinating for 1-2 days.
  4. After the specified time, remove the chicken fillet from the refrigerator and wipe it a little with clean paper towels.
  5. Press the garlic through a press and rub the chicken with the aromatic paste.
  6. In clean, ironed gauze, folded in 3-4 layers, we pack our ham meat as follows:
  • roll the fillet into a tight and as dense roll as possible, immediately securing it with a sheet of gauze;
  • we rewind the rolled raw chicken ham with clean lace, twine or special silicone fasteners (they are sold in any culinary store);
  • place the roll in a plastic bag for baking (special heat-resistant!), pack it well so that you get a sausage, tightly wrapped in the bag, and without air bubbles;
  • We tie the bag so that it cannot open during cooking.

7. Place a saucepan or bowl made of heat-resistant material (or a special form) in a cold oven, pour cold water into it and lower our roll.

8. Choose a low temperature (up to 160 degrees). We wait 1 hour.

9. After this, take the ham out of the water and simply bake it for another 20 minutes at medium temperature.

10. When the meat is cooked, remove the sausage from the oven and immediately plunge it into ice water along with a plastic bag for 30-35 minutes.

Feel free to experiment with this recipe. It will be very tasty if you stuff the inside of the roll with garlic and sprinkle generously with coarsely chopped herbs!

That's all - homemade chicken ham is ready. Free it from the film and remove the gauze cloth. You can eat this dish right away – the ham turns out tender and juicy.

How to cook ham from chicken breast in a slow cooker


  • Chicken breast meat – 2 pcs.;
  • Vodka – 2-3 tsp;
  • Bee honey – 1 tbsp;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Nutmeg (ground) - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to make homemade chicken ham sausage

Rub the prepared fillet with spices

  • Wipe the surface of the chicken fillet with vodka. Then rub the meat with spices: salt, nutmeg, and if desired, you can add other spices.
  • Then add honey to the chicken: coat all the pieces of meat with it.
  • We put the bowl with grated spices and chicken meat in the refrigerator for 2 days, after sealing the dishes with cling film and making sure that the bowl is securely closed from the outside environment.

  • As in the previous recipe, after the previous step, wipe the chicken with a paper towel and rub with garlic passed through a press.

Roll up the spicy chicken meat into a roll

  • We roll the meat into a roll, packing it in clean gauze in 3-4 layers.
  • We tighten the sausage with laces or a silicone clamp so that it becomes very dense and even hard.
  • We seal our ham roll in cellophane and tie it so that no water gets inside during the cooking process.
  • Pour enough cold water into the multicooker bowl so that our roll in the bag can float freely in it.

Simmer the ham in a slow cooker until done

  • Place the future ham inside, close the lid, and set the “Stewing” mode for about 60 minutes. We make sure that the temperature does not rise above 70 degrees.
  • After an hour, we finish preparing the homemade ham using the “Warming” program. Here we need 15-18 minutes.

Cool the ham in cold water

  • Sharp and rapid cooling is the most important stage. We take the finished chicken sausage out of the multicooker and immediately lower it into ice water (it’s more convenient to just pour cold water into the pan and put 5-10 ice cubes).

  • We wait at least 40-45 minutes, after which we peel the sausage from the wrappers and cut it into pieces to please your family.

This kind of chicken ham is not too difficult to prepare at home, because most of the work will be done for you by an automatic kitchen assistant.