Aliana Ustinenko personal life. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals. The appearance of Aliana on the project

Despite universal criticism, "House 2" is the most popular show, which celebrates its fifteenth anniversary in 2019. Therefore, it is not surprising that many graduates of this project become stars, and a vivid example of this is the story of Aliana Ustinenko, a girl from Volgograd who made herself, setting an example for many other participants in reality and his fans.

Childhood and joining the project

Today, many people know Aliana Ustinenko as one of the most scandalous participants in the Dom 2 project, not even realizing that this behavior of the girl was due to the maximum possible fees for the participants. Purposeful, decisive, courageous, independent - this is exactly what Aliana really is, demonstrating to everyone her success in business and the possibility of a full-fledged upbringing of a child in an incomplete family.

Young years

The future star of television and social networks was born in Volgograd, right on the eve of 1994, in a Russian-Armenian family. At the insistence of her father Arthur Hasratyan, the girl was given the sonorous name Aliana, which perfectly reflected the strong character demonstrated by the baby from birth. Five years later, a second child appeared in the Hasratyan family - the son of Gegham, but this circumstance did not deter the father of the family, who after 10 years left for another woman, having given birth to several more children with her.

However, Aliana's mother did not follow the example of her ex-husband, deciding to devote herself entirely to raising children. It is worth noting that Svetlana Mikhailovna (that was the name of the woman) did not cherish the soul in both Aliana and Gegham, which the audience of the project could see a little later. All this time, the children were also supported by their father, who helped the former family in every possible way, sparing no money for education, things and other expenses for the maintenance of his beloved daughter and son.

As a result, Aliana studied the following specialties:

  1. Immediately after graduating from high school, the girl entered the Volgograd National University, successfully graduating from the Faculty of Law. And although the future reality star did not work in her specialty, the experience gained greatly helped her in her adult life, which turned out to be full of difficulties and hardships.
  2. Having received model parameters from nature - a height of 177 centimeters, a weight of 57 kilograms, big brown eyes, long legs and luxurious hair, the girl wanted to try her hand at the podium. Not the last role in this matter was played by the mother's aunt of the girl, who lived in Italy and was directly related to the modeling business. It was she who called Aliana to her to help her in her modeling career, and her niece even managed to take part in several Italian shows, which only strengthened her ambitions and self-confidence.

But the girl spent most of her time in her native Volgograd, where she did not want to stay under any circumstances. The decision on where to go next in order to become famous was not long in coming, because by that time a reboot had been announced on the most popular project in the country, involving the recruitment of new young, beautiful and self-confident guys.

Fated House 2

"House 2" can be safely called a phenomenon, and it's not just about its record length. So, it is this project that manages to leave some participants unnoticed, without affecting their future biography in any way, and turn out to be fateful for others, bringing national fame or bringing them together with people who leave a deep mark on their whole lives. Aliana was no exception, who fell into the second category, immediately remembered and loved by the audience.

Even in the first days of her arrival, the impudent brunette announced that she would seek the favor of one of the most prominent participants, Oleg Miami, by fighting such sharks of the project as Ekaterina Kolesnichenko and Varvara Tretyakova. However, the guy could not appreciate the sighs of the temperamental Armenian beauty, frankly declaring his indifference in one of the private conversations with the presenters.

Having suffered the first fiasco, the fighting girl decided not to give up, trying to build relationships with the following participants in the scandalous TV show:

  • Boxer Alexei Samsonov, who immediately flatly refused the claims of an assertive coquette.
  • Sergey Sichkar. The affair with this handsome man lasted for two whole days, and even then only because he wanted to annoy his beloved Alexandra Skorodumova. The newly-made couple even settled in city apartments, but they could not stand such a test, deciding to leave almost immediately.
  • Evgeny Kuzin. This young man was rightfully considered an old-timer of the project, so Aliana could not help but appreciate his authority. In addition, the girl liked him because of his charisma, so she decided to achieve his location at all costs. But Zhenya was in no hurry to reciprocate her feelings, although he did not dare to have a frank conversation, not wanting to hurt his admirer.

The situation changed dramatically in 2013, when the “oldies” returned to the project, among whom was Alexander Gobozov. The main difference between Sasha and all previous men, to whom Aliana felt sympathy, was his excessive amorousness. Therefore, it is not surprising that he could not resist the charms of the black-eyed brunette, almost immediately having a passionate affair with her.

The relationship of the guys developed so rapidly that just six months later they announced an imminent wedding, although it later turned out that the reason for such a rush was related to Aliana's pregnancy. And everything would be fine, but only soon the mother of Gobozova Olga Vasilievna came to the project, who added spice to their relationship.

Life on and after the show

Already today we can safely say that the Gobozov family has become one of the most popular in the history of the TV project, albeit with a minus sign, because unlike the caramel Pynzari, demonstrating a complete idyll in relationships, Aliana and Sasha constantly got on the air thanks to their endless scandals and fights. The situation worsened with the arrival of Olga Vasilievna, despite the fact that initially she was invited to help her pregnant daughter-in-law.

Wedding and childbirth

So, even before the wedding, after one of the scandals, Aliana jumped out of the window of the second floor, while a little later, driven to despair, Olga Vasilievna tried to hang herself right in the pavilion scenery of the project. It is no wonder that the ratings of the show skyrocketed, and each member of the Gobozov family received fabulous fees every month.

It was not without shameful showdowns during the wedding, when Aliana got nasty to Sasha's friend, Andrey Cherkasov. Later, the hot-tempered daughter was reassured by her father, who was greatly shocked by such behavior, considering it unacceptable for an Armenian bride. Immediately after a magnificent celebration organized in one of the capital's restaurants, the couple went on their hard-won honeymoon, choosing the fabulous Maldives for this.

Perhaps this was the happiest period in the life of the guys, who began to take care of each other for the sake of the unborn child. Sasha dedicated beautiful poems to his beloved, slowly walking with her on the snow-white Maldivian sand and enjoying the purest turquoise ocean. The guys from the island arrived rested and happy, and for some time there was a lull in the project.

When the seventh month of pregnancy went, the newlyweds decided to rest again, this time choosing Jordan and Israel. The decision to visit the holy places was not taken by chance by the Gobozovs, because Aliana really wanted to pray for a safe birth and even took a bath in the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized.

May 13, 2014 is a significant date for Sasha and Aliana, who became the parents of a charming baby, named by the rare name Robert. In honor of this event, the newly-made mother even decided on a tattoo, stuffing it in the collarbone area. Soon, another blue dream came true in the life of young parents, because at the end of the same year, the young mother was lucky enough to win the Person of the Year competition, the main prize of which was an apartment in Moscow.

And so that the guys could enjoy each other and equip their family nest, the project was attended by the mother of Aliana Gobozova, who dreamed of taking care of her grandson. However, this decision turned out to be erroneous, since Olga Vasilievna could not appreciate this gesture of goodwill, constantly jealous of her grandson and son and building all sorts of intrigues on this basis.

Remarriage and the beginning of the end

Instead of rejoicing in their happiness, the guys began to swear with triple force. Neither Aliana's plastic, nor travel to the Dominican Republic and Greece, nor spectacular joint photo shoots helped, in which Gobozov's wife shone in the most revealing swimsuits. The child grew up, and life on the project became more and more unbearable, as a result of which it was decided to leave the perimeter, despite the fact that for both Sasha and Aliana "House 2" meant a lot.

Soon there was news that Alexander was officially divorcing Aliana, leaving her the won apartment and child. During this period, the girl began a black streak, because it turned out that her mother had oncology. In order to somehow help Svetlana Mikhailovna and pay for her treatment, a fundraiser was announced, which gave the required amount. But despite a great desire to live and many months of struggle, Aliana's mother died, and the funeral seriously knocked down her suddenly orphaned daughter, who actually had no one else to rely on.

However, a little later it became known about the reunion of the Gobozovs, who even decided to re-marry, not thinking that another divorce could happen in their lives. Nevertheless, everything happened again, and after a renewed showdown with Sasha's parents and sister, Aliana decided to file for divorce. During this period, the couple even appeared on the show "Actually" with Dmitry Shepelev, where it became obvious that although they love each other, they can no longer be together.

Career and recent events

After the second separation from her husband, Aliana, who was left alone with a child, was forced to take care of her own career growth, which would help her start earning decent money. During this period up to the present the girl was involved in the following projects:

  • Opening of an online store and a group promoting its products in the popular social network VKontakte. Unfortunately, the ambitious beauty was never able to promote this business.
  • Filming in music videos and photosets as a model.
  • Earnings in NL, which brought Aliana good interest and a car, despite the fact that she quickly mastered driving.
  • Advertising in social networks.
  • The publication of newfangled vines, which are still perceived by many of Aliana's subscribers with a certain amount of skepticism.

It seems that recently the girl began to experience certain difficulties with money, otherwise how to explain her return to the project with her son. As for the new project life, the passionate beauty continues to arrange all sorts of provocations and scandals. Topless tan in the Crimea, "magic" (this is what the sex participants of "House 2" call) under the cameras with Shabarin, passionate kisses with him in front of his girlfriend - Aliana continues to raise the ratings of the show to heaven.

Ustinenko Aliana (Aliana Gobozova)- participant of the Dom-2 project since January 23, 2013.


Aliana graduated from secondary school No. 24 and entered the Volgograd State University at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law. Ustinenko Aliana also attended the freestyle wrestling section and went to athletics. Since childhood, Ustinenko dreamed of becoming an actress or a singer, and for 8 years she studied vocals and danced hip-hop. In addition, Aliana does excellent massage and knows how to play the piano. After the eleventh grade, the girl studied at the model school. At the age of 16, she signed a contract with a modeling agency and went to work in.

House-2: Aliana Ustinenko


Aliana Ustinenko appeared on the House 2 project to make a couple with Oleg Mayami, but relations with him did not work out. Not giving up after the first failure, the new participant tried to form an alliance with Evgeny Kuzin or Alexei Samsonov.
Sergei Sichkar did not reciprocate her, who, after a week of relationship meetings, broke the girl's heart. Subsequently, Aliana once again tried to return to Sichkar, but the guy again could not stand the joint. After returning to the project, Aeana Ustinenko began a relationship with him.

In October 2013, Ustinenko announced that she was pregnant by Gobozov. November 30, 2013 Aliana Ustinenko married Alexander Gobozov and took his last name. The wedding was played in the decorated gym of the project. Within a few days that have passed since the marriage, the guys managed to quarrel, “divorce” (Aliana tore up the marriage certificate and threw the engagement ring in the face of the groom), fight, make up in the toilet and go on a honeymoon trip to the Maldives.

After returning from a honeymoon trip, a video surfaced on the network showing Gobozov cheating on Aliana Ustinenko. She made a scandal and announced a divorce. After that, Aliana and Alexander converged and diverged several times, in the end, Ustinenko got a new tattoo and left with her son for Volgograd. Gobozov said that he would sue his son, just a few days later it became known that he had a new relationship - with Alena Ashmarina, who came to the project especially to Alexander.

Ustinenko Aliana, photo

Model Business






Ustinenko Aliana, video

Wedding of Aliana Ustinenko and Alexander Gobozov

Member Name: Aliana Gobozova

Age (birthday): 31.12.1993

City: Volgograd

Family: has a son, Robert

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Remember the saying: "There are people like people, but there are stars"? It is precisely to this category of people that Aliana Ustinenko can be attributed. A bright participant in the reality show "Dom-2", which cannot be forgotten by viewers, the participants themselves and the presenters, for a number of reasons, among which is the fact that this oriental beauty has never been shy about expressing herself, and indeed, expressing herself too.

Fights and showdowns, verbal battles performed by her will soon go down not only in the history of the reality show "Dom-2", but also, it seems, in a separate sport.

She is one of those who always triumphantly comes, and also enchantingly leaves when it pleases her!

Childhood and adolescence

Baby Aliana Ustinenko was born on December 31, 1993 in one of the maternity hospitals in her native city of Volgograd. The child was very desirable and mom and dad could not get enough of the little princess. Dad always spoiled with toys and gifts, and a quiet and sweet mother blew dust particles from the baby.

So the girl Alianochka grew up in love, care and understanding. And even when her brother Gauguin was born to her, love and care for her from her parents did not diminish. Even when the parents divorced, neither Aliana nor Gauguin felt slighted. Both parents still continued to care for their children, separating from each other in a civilized manner.

By the way, if the father of Aliana Ustinenko found a soul mate, then her mother did not bring someone else's man into the house. So I was left alone...

The girl Aliana Ustinenko always studied diligently and diligently. Science was given to her quite easily, so she had no problems with this. Another thing is that the character of a small, fragile dark-haired girl was sharp and explosive almost from childhood. Dad, probably.

Hot oriental blood made itself felt and Aliana never climbed, as they say, into her pocket for a word. Always among her peers was the ringleader and leader. Few could argue with her and win.

Usually smart beyond her years, the girl quickly put the upstarts in their place. In addition, Aliana has always been distinguished by an increased sense of justice and could defend not only herself, but also those who are weaker. At school, she was often involved in various committees in which the role of each of the members of any student council was important and played a role.

With pleasure, Aliana Ustinenko did both gymnastics and a little later aerobics. She was engaged in a dance club, then took an active part in amateur performances. And the girl by nature had good singing skills. She was able and loved to sing.

Songs performed by her have always been a huge success at concerts!

After graduating from a good school, Aliana Ustinenko entered Volgograd State University and, having successfully completed it, received the profession of "lawyer".

A beautiful and courageous girl was noticed by photographers and organizers of modeling agencies in Volgograd at school. Aliana took an active part in various photo contests, and her image was on many magazine covers.

In the modeling business, Aliana Ustinenko has achieved excellent results, having repeatedly visited and taken part in foreign competitions and photography, which gave the already self-confident girl even more self-confidence.

Aliana Gobozova, having once delved into the system of network marketing, formed, of course, her own business, not without the help of her husband. It is still actively developing, and moreover, Aliana takes former participants in the Dom-2 reality show to work in her company.

The enterprising girl became in the shortest possible time a real business woman. I have changed several elite-class cars and, as you know, does not need anything. Aliana is also actively engaged in PR of expensive clothing models, elite perfumes and even expensive dietary supplements.

Aliana Ustinenko is a diversified personality. And she doesn't have much time for hobbies. However, there are things that she remains true to: karaoke - bars, clubs, where she tries to get out with her friends, and where the songs performed by her simply applaud any institution!

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In addition, the girl loves to educate herself very much, she goes to certain video conferences on personality development, watches video lessons, and so on. He reads a lot of specialized literature on such topics.

Participation and stay on the reality show "Dom-2"

It just so happened that Aliana Ustinenko appeared on the famous youth TV show several times. For the first time, Aliana Ustinenko came to the reality show "Dom-2" quite a long time ago, already back in 2013.

The hot and very lively beauty immediately won the sympathy of the participants and presenters and they left her. As time has shown - not in vain.

The girl did not waste time adapting to the new team, but immediately took, as they say, the bull by the horns!

In the role of a bull or the first victim of a brunette, the handsome man of the project almost became.

She declared her sympathy right there on the frontal, and in order to immediately show how good and talented she is, the girl immediately demonstrated her talent. Everyone liked the song and, of course, Miami itself. However, that was not all.

The newcomer did not waste time and prepared a delicious breakfast for him almost the next day. It didn't bother her that two more beauties were already courting this sought-after guy on the project with might and main: Varvara Tretyakova and Ekaterina Kolesnichenko. Both girls are bitches by nature and will never give up their own free will!

However, Aliana did not care, another thing is that the young man himself subtly hinted that, unfortunately, she was not a girl of his novel. Only in this case did Ustinenko renounce her claims to him. But to make her upset? Yes, for nothing!

She set herself the next goal - even more difficult. She was interested in Alexei Samsonov himself. But he admitted that he liked her, of course, but not to such an extent that something serious could happen between them.

And then Aliana did not worry for long. In fact, I wasn't worried at all. She liked another young man, from which many girls went crazy! And not only on the project!

He was selflessly in love with Sasha Skorodumova. The guys had real feelings… Do you think this stopped our Armenian beauty? Of course not! She was even able to move into separate apartments with her chosen one, and they had two whole days of happiness!

But ... Sergei returned to the obstinate Sasha. It would seem that the other in her place would clearly have panicked, or at least felt flawed or something. But this is not about Aliana.

Her next "victim" was to be the favorite of the public, the universal joker. He, in turn, offered the girl only friendship. But strong, strong! And they really were friends. They arranged friendly dates for each other, cooked different goodies.

But in fact, Aliana was temporarily left alone ... Only for a very short time. In the same year, the one who firmly entered her life came to the project and, moreover, became her husband several times. It was with him that she managed to play a wedding several times and divorce almost immediately. But everything is in order.

He was far from being a "newbie" on the scandalous youth reality show "Dom-2". He was invited here again, along with other so-called "oldies" for a reboot, so that the guys could show how to build love for real.

Amorous, who knows how to beautifully and romantically look after girls, he was simply seriously carried away by a sultry young beauty. And away we go!

Their relationship was visible literally everywhere. If they quarreled, then that's it, and the meadows hid so that it wouldn't fly in, and from any direction. And when they put up ... Ears could be plugged! Well, the guys did not hide their feelings!

Less than six months later, Aliana became pregnant and the young people loudly,. And immediately went on a honeymoon trip to the Maldives. Immediately upon their return, the guys quarreled and cursed so much that they even had to call for help to the young family of their mothers.

Moms, of course, came to the call, however, each of them in her own way understood the purpose of her being on a youth reality show. So, for example, she arranged real fights without rules with her daughter-in-law, and at the same time with a quiet and sweet woman, her mother.

Olga Vasilievna, unexpectedly for everyone, especially for Sasha himself, discovered a real gift of a showman, which she used when she was on the site.

The woman did something that the whole country was then ashamed of ... They did not save her family. Alexander Gobozov and Aliana Gobozova divorced. And only little Robert, their beloved son, reminded his parents that they were a family ...

Incidentally, Gobozov and Aliana met several times, moreover, officially, and then got divorced. Once again, Aliana Gobozova did not come to the reality show "Dom-2", but rather, flew by plane with the baby quite recently.

As the young mother herself admitted, in order to support her husband, albeit a former one. What scared Olga Zharikova, who had gone mad earlier, very much.

Upon arrival in the Seychelles of Aliana, she is afraid to even leave the bungalow. There is no doubt that since Aliana is on the islands, the show is just beginning there! Therefore, we highly recommend that you follow the releases from the Seychelles! It will be very hot there!

Photo by Aliana Gobozova

After plastic surgery, Aliana Gobozova began to publish more candid photos, now she shares numerous photos with her son with her Instagram followers.

Aliana's life at Dom-2 has changed dramatically after returning to the revolutionary project. He immediately laid his eyes on the oriental beauty.

Their relationship developed rapidly, and in October the couple found out that they would have a child. In November 2013 they got married, and in May 2014 their son Robert Gobozov was born.

Wedding of Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

The couple's family life was far from ideal. Pregnant Aliana often set conditions for her husband and fought with her mother-in-law, who came to the project to help the young. Sasha also kept up with his wife, he often went outside the perimeter for a walk and a drink, after which unpleasant photos appeared on the Internet. All this led to the fact that the couple broke up and began to talk about a divorce.

Difficult family relationships did not prevent Aliana from winning the Man of the Year competition at Dom-2 in 2014, the prize of which was an apartment in Moscow. There were rumors that Sasha and Aliana were arguing on purpose to win the competition, but their tense relationship after the competition proved the opposite.

All information about Aliana Ustinenko Dom2. You can read the biography of the participant, see photos and videos. Date of birth, height and weight of the participant Aliana Ustinenko. Songs, news and rumors, as well as events in the house2. Read the forum about Aliana Ustinenko

Age: 26 years old

City: Volgograd

Height: 177 cm Weight: 55 kg

The project was 161 days

Participant TV project House 2

Real name and surname: Alina Hasratyan

Aliana Ustinenko was born on January 31, 1993 in Volgograd, where she lived with her parents, Svetlana Mikhailovna and Artur Gegamovich, and her younger brother Gegham until the age of 16. Here the girl graduated from high school No. 24 and entered the Volgograd State University at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law. Ustinenko from childhood dreamed of becoming an actress or a singer. Plus, her Armenian roots made themselves felt - Aliana signed up for the freestyle wrestling section and went to athletics. Despite the versatility of Ustinenko's creative nature, singing can be called her main talent. A girl of 8 years old was engaged in vocals, danced hip-hop. In addition, Aliana does excellent massage and knows how to play the piano.

After the eleventh grade, the girl studied at the model school. Aliana began her career early. At the age of 16, she signed a contract with a modeling agency and went to work in Milan.

Aliana came to the project on January 23, 2013, among six people (Vladimir Lutaenko, Kristina Pavlova, Alexander Sivkov, Valeria Uvarova, Madina Kodrashova) called upon to carry out the second "reboot" in the history of the project. Arriving at the project, Aliana surprised all the participants with her original performance of the song, about her ex-boyfriend Rustem. She is the only one who could hold out for more than two months - all the other guys were gradually sent out of the gate.

On the project House 2, Aliana appeared to make up a couple with Oleg Miami, but relations with him did not work out. Without giving up after the first failure, the new participant tried to form an alliance with Evgeny Kuzin or Alexei Samsonov. The brunette invited the famous womanizer of the project on romantic dates and even kissed him. And when a little later Alexey said that Alian was not interested in him, she slapped the insolent slap in the face, believing that he had deceived her expectations. Only the cameras saved the bold model from reprisal.

Sergey Sichkar did not reciprocate her, who, after a week of relationship, broke the girl's heart. Subsequently, Aliana once again tried to return to Sichkar, but the guy again could not stand living together and again made her sob.

The next temporarily released guy was Sasha Bovshik. Sasha quarreled with his beloved Tanya Kirilyuk and moved to a clearing. He spent the evening with Aliana, and in the morning the girl suggested that the new gentleman go to the city to evict his "ex" and move into the apartment themselves. A scandal erupted. Tatyana did not believe in the sudden feelings of Sasha and Aliana. To which Ustinenko decided to prove to her rival that this was true and began kissing Bovshik in front of Kirilyuk. The story ended with a fight between the girls. And the next day, when Bovshik admitted that he used Aliana, she fainted from such an unthinkable betrayal.

But Ustinenko succeeded much better in amateur performance than on the personal front. In April 2013, the Miss Air Charm contest was held in which Aliana managed to reach the final along with Evgenia Feofilaktova (Guseva) and Valeria Masterko. Given the fact that the last two girls are old "star" participants in the reality show, Ustinenko's success surprised many, because she did not let Daria Pynzar herself into the top three.

When Alexander Gobozov returned to the project, Aliana Ustinenko was finally lucky. In the couple's relationship, there were already Brazilian passions, and scandals, and tender kisses, and blinding jealousy, and unfortunate misunderstanding. But, despite this, Aliana was serious. With the arrival of mothers of lovers, Svetlana Mikhailovna and Olga Vasilyevna, called to help the young, the situation worsened by half. Now not only young people were cursing, but also their mothers. Now Aliana categorically refuses to communicate with her mother-in-law.

In October 2013, Ustinenko announced that she was pregnant by Gobozov. November 30, 2013 Aliana Ustinenko married Alexander Gobozov and took his last name. The wedding was played in the decorated gym of the project. Within a few days that have passed since the marriage, the guys managed to quarrel, “divorce” (Aliana tore up the marriage certificate and threw the engagement ring in the face of the groom), fight, make up in the toilet and go on a honeymoon trip to the Maldives.

Soon the Gobozovs had a son, Robert, but this event did not bring peace to the house. The scandals did not subside, the guys fought and cursed endlessly, Sasha began to drink and cheat. In April 2015, Aliana and Alexander divorced. But on January 30, 2016, they got married again, unable to bear the separation.

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