Michal Shpak family. Space Michal Shpak. The color of your life

I haven’t even decided yet what I will do with this post: maybe I’ll leave it, maybe I’ll put it under the deepest personal lock, or maybe I’ll erase it. But first, I'll just try to collect my thoughts and build cockroaches in heads in even rows.

So that I specifically got stuck on one of the musicians for 25 years already, or rather, I can even say that since the autumn of 1991, so for good measure 24 years and some months. Well, that wedge never went through, it's already in the blood, like the Beatles.
On certain music, I often get stuck, I can play a song or an album all day long, but the personality of the one who sings it somehow doesn’t usually bother me. At best, I stupidly climb into the Internet, look at a minimum of information and with the words "Bored, gentlemen," I get out of there. Then I continue to like the music, but it lives somehow separately from the musicians. By and large, I can probably count on my fingers the performers who are interesting to me as individuals, and not just as those who play good music. In my life, they all appeared a long time ago and each has already occupied a very specific niche and status: well, in the sense that I was in love with someone, someone was like a friend to me, someone was like a brother. And I almost always know at what point whose song will save me in this or that situation. In general, peace and order reigned in my kingdom ...
This was the preface.

And here my roof went like a month ago. Well, it all started somewhere from the birthday, a little earlier than him.
I didn't know where to expect adventure. It all started corny, I liked the song. I already wrote here about the Polish song from Eurovision. Heard it by accident. I fell in love with the first verse and even uploaded it to my player. I think that this is the first and last time in the history of the songs of this contest (well, not counting the very old songs from the 60s) that I uploaded one of them to my player! In general, to be honored to get into my royal playlist, you have to try very hard. (I adjusted the crown on my head :))))
Well, okay, the song, but surprisingly, the boy himself liked it. At first, I tried to be ironic about myself. As you remember, I even called it "unfinished Aramis". About the unfinished - I now repent, but as I understand it was the last attempt to protect their own brains. For as you can imagine, the Musketeer Queen loves...
Well, maybe somehow it all would have passed if I had not been drawn to watch and listen to something else on the Internet that Michal Szpak sings. And here the claw got stuck.

And I listened, then I looked, then I listened and looked again, then I climbed to look at the photos, then I started watching the interview (mostly in Polish, I note). And I didn’t understand how it happened ... If you don’t go into details, then it became interesting to me, very interesting, why do I like all this so much? Because if you take the initial data, I don’t like this usually, and at all. First of all, I always preferred men older than me, this also applies to musicians. All my favorite musicians are good enough for my fathers, and this miracle in feathers had not even had time to be born at that moment when I already rushed to the first rock concerts and changed my favorite Beatles like gloves. :)
Secondly, in his youth, this sweet creature rather resembled not Aramis, but his sister (well, it doesn’t matter if he had a sister).

I never liked androgynes. Well, in the sense that this is not what I'm interested in in men. All the musicians and actors that I have ever been interested in in terms of male attractiveness were quite men without question, even despite the length of their hair. No, of course, I always liked fragile and asthenic types with a long hair, but for a girl it was definitely impossible to take any of them even drunk. But Michal Shpak, at the beginning of his career, constantly experimented with his appearance and tried on a bunch of images, including quite female ones, and at the same time, which surprises and pleasantly amazes me, he looked rather cute in them, while they did not grow to him. Again, this is of course my IMHO: he is not a boy who decided to become a girl and who likes to change his outfits, but a boy who just tries on a bunch of all sorts of images: here I am a boy, here I am a girl, here I myself did not understand who. And who forbids a man to love beautiful and bright clothes? Well, yes, sometimes it turned out very strange, even my tolerance sometimes began to lose ground, but as a result it won. However, I can not call it vulgar. By the way, he himself called himself a metrosessual and said that he was interested in women. And I believe him, because as far as I managed to understand him, it would not be a big problem for him to admit to being gay. After all these rather outrageous images, there is nothing to lose. However, I don't care what's really there. After reading books about court life in the 16th and 17th centuries, there is little to scare me in this regard. Look, my beloved Louis XIII is also constantly recorded, God knows where, and what? Okay, we'll talk about Ludovic another time, if I'm in the mood :).
Now Michal has already moved away from such radical experiments in clothes, although he still has femininity in appearance and manners, but damn it, this only makes him more charming. He does not have the deliberate mannerisms and attempts to show his femininity, which sometimes annoys me about them, which are characteristic of many transvestites and transgenders.
Well, probably the third reason why I shouldn't have liked it is the music. It's just not my style though. But here I am a complete democrat. And if I hear something from which the throat intercepts, I do not care what style it is.

So, okay? these were, as it were, the arguments of contra. Now let's move on to pro arguments.
First, I like music. My last album is completely downloaded into the player and has already been heard to the holes. Yes - this is not Mozart, but who is Mozart now ?! By the way, I note that in my previous phrase the key word is "entirely". It's almost unique, usually I throw off 2-3 things from an album, 5 is already sold out. By the way, surprisingly I like songs in Polish. There are a couple of things that exist in the English and Polish versions, and I prefer the Polish versions. I like how he sings many covers of famous things. Let's see what happens next, the main thing is not to completely slip into pop music. In any case, now he calls himself a rocker.

For those who didn't recognize it, it's Abbey Road in London. In general, if you are a rocker and were not here when you visited London, then you are not a rocker :). Test passed.

Oh, by the way, what is still unusual for me - he does not play the guitar. While this is a new sight for my eyes, all my favorites usually have their hands full, and there is only time for gestures between songs.
Secondly, I like his attitude to music. He really lives for her. There, such emotions sometimes break out that even I am taken out of a semi-comatose state. And I love his commitment to achieving his goal of becoming a famous musician. In an interview, he said that Freddie Mercury made a strong impression on him, whose concert he saw on TV when he was 5 years old. And then imagine a tiny Polish provincial town. Is it easy for a boy with strange tastes to live there? And how realistic it is to break into the stars from such a remote place. Michal has no musical education, and his family is not rich - his mother and older sister went to work in Italy. Well, in general, such a standard beginning for many stars of the past. By the way, Michal loves his mother very much and was worried that he had lived without her for a long time. Many even believe that this just affected the strange cockroaches in his head. In 2015, Michal's mother passed away, and here my personal IMHO already had a strong influence on him. He somehow immediately matured and a lot of girlish foolishness flew out of his head. I know what it means to be without a mother at 25, by the way, I also lost my mother at that age.

Michal started with the show "X-factor". Here is his first appearance at the preselection. I have reviewed this several times. I found a version with English subtitles, because it matters what they say to him. And so we have a guy of 20 years old and he has one chance. There is no particular experience, the view is strange. The audience actually laughed when it turned out. that this girl's name is Michal. The jury was also skeptical about this strange creature. The young lady was especially "kind". I'm thinking. that someone from this would have lost his voice altogether. But he did sleep. Maybe not perfect, but with what emotions.
Jury comments after:
"I have thousands of discs in my collection. But one is still missing, you know what? Yours."
The second member of the jury (apparently he is a musician) was asked if he took such a singer as an opening act on the tour. He replied that there is a golden rule "Do not take on someone who is cooler than you"

I think that from the latest video show

Well, all the same, let there be an official video and it is in the Polish version of the song 2015

"Swallow" 2012 song from the repertoire of Stan Boris (Stan Borys)

Well, on the English cover of DREAM ON

(Well, I went to YouTube to choose a video and looked at the video again. So I will write this post for a year.)

So let's move on to the third pro.
This is probably the most important thing for me of all. He is very charming and cute. Absolutely sunny boy. I haven't seen them in my life or on stage for a long time. And he is completely sincere: both when he speaks and when he sings. He can be dressed in any way and draw anything on himself, but he has an open and pure soul. I just now thought that to some extent all these outrageous things are a subconscious defense for a rather vulnerable nature. And I have never seen any manifestations of aggression in him, even in very emotional moments.
I watched my reactions to him here, and I realized that first of all I want to protect. In an interview on a question about his personal life, he said that he had an affair with music. Well, it remains to wish that this novel does not end with a broken heart, and that the millstones of show business do not grind it down. However, he has a margin of safety. He is calm about any extreme things. I saw in one video how he jumped from a bungee, he also managed to sing in the air, So he will still fight.
In general, I realized that I look at him like a child. Not in the sense that as a baby, of course. Actually, by age, he is just like a son to me and fit.

Well, the fourth point. He is handsome. Well, of course, this is an individual matter. I can't help myself here, even despite my maternal instincts (See item 3), my other instincts are very strong. Thank God I am no longer 16 years old, otherwise the roof would have left completely. Now the roof is already moving at a lower speed, since there is someone to hold it. After all, what is a queen without a young page somewhere in sight.
And the sexual energy and magnetism he has is huge, the truth is true.
The hair is absolutely amazing. I really can't show this. By the way, I know from my own experience that a man’s long hair is not very convenient during sex, but I’m ready to endure it.
And if everything else is applied to such hair.
For the hairstyle, I give Michal an unequivocal 1st place, but in general, he is now somewhere in my top three most beautiful.
And he plays with images of course. It's amazing - he reminds everyone of someone. A list of more than a dozen names of real and not real personalities can be compiled. Well, yes, I also started with Aramis, and he would fit into the vampire chronicles. (By the way, he has wonderful fangs by nature). About famous musicians - a separate song. They even told me here that he is somewhat similar to my Big Love. I'm all thinking what kind of place. So far, only the height converges, well, and more or less the color of the eyes. I will think further.
And with this similarity to everyone, he is not like anyone and is absolutely individual.

It's from some TV show. Michal hosted an 18th century style party at home. How time is conveyed in the details of clothing and hairstyles! I understand that he has a stylist, but a stylist will not help many.

A front sight on the cheek is generally a prohibited technique.

Well, in general, here is such a story turned out. I don’t have enough problems in life, I also managed to do it like this ...
I really want to wish Michal that everything will work out for him.
And I will end the post with a clip of one great musician, who has already succeeded. Here is the same clip about his life, I can wish Michal many years later

Yes. And by the way, the name Shpak in translation from Polish is a starling. So what is really not a miracle in feathers? :)

Well, while I was writing this post, such news came from Poland
In short, for the first time in history, a song by a Polish artist hit the top 10 European charts in several European countries and in Russia.
Piosenka "Color of Your Life" Michała Szpaka podbija europejskie listy przebojów

Pierwszy raz w historii muzyki rozrywkowej piosenka w wykonaniu polskiego artysty osiągnęła taki sukces w międzynarodowych rankingach i Tunes. Michał Szpak ze swoją eurowizyjną piosenką dotarł do TOP 10 w Niemczech, Wielkiej Brytanii, Szwecji, Szwajcarii, Francji, Belgii, Austrii, Holandii, Rosji i Norwegii. Piosenka “Color Of Your Life” Utwor doszedł m.in. do 1 miejsca w Norwegii, 3 w Szwecji, 5 na Łotwie, 7 we Włoszech, 8 w Finlandii czy 13 w Hiszpanii. To jest pierwszy raz, kiedy polska kompozycja w tak krótkim czasie weszła na TOP jednocześnie w kilkudziesięciu krajach w Europie, a nawet poza naszym kontynentem np. w Peru and Chile.
Poniżej kraje ,w których w zeszłym tygodniu kawałek “Color Of Your Life” w rankingach iTunes sięgnął TOP10.


Polish Eurovision participant Michal Szpak was born in 1990 (November 26) in the provincial town of Jaslo in the south in a large family - he has a brother and two sisters.

Although Michal did not study music professionally, it was his passion from early childhood. The boy devoted most of his time to singing, and at the age of 9 he was awarded the first award - a prize from the Young Talents Studio of the House of Culture in Jaslo. While still a schoolboy, he became a member of the Whiplash musical group, the guys performed songs in the style of hard rock. The cover of the song "Cienia w dolinie mgieł" performed by the group was awarded by the jury of the national competition. And this made it possible for the purposeful young man to move to Warsaw.

The next important stage in the creative career of the young singer was participation in the X-Factor talent show (2011). Despite the critical statements of some judges about his outrageous appearance (make-up, manicure, jewelry), the young man managed to take an honorable second place. The performer captivated the hall and the strict jury with his unusual multifaceted vocals, special magnetism and boundless passion with which he devoted himself to his performance.

After the end of the show, Shpak with the rest of the X-Factor members performs with numerous concerts around the country. He also takes part in various festivals and show programs. And already at the end of 2011 he releases his own disc called "XI" with a selection of five songs.

In November 2015, Michal completed his first music album "Byle być sobą". Then he decided to participate in the national selection for Eurovision 2016. To the court of fans, he presented two songs from his album. The vast majority chose Color of Your Life. Michal Shpak will present this song in Stockholm in the second semi-final of the Euroshow.

Color of Your Life lyrics

Color of Your Life

When loneliness is knocking on your door
everything you loved
Just disappears
And when you feel that everything is lost
You need to know
There's no life without tears

tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try to ask your heart
Who you really are

No one is
Forever beautiful and young
Everything you know
Just disappears
Fame and gold are nothing
You can be sure
When there is no love in your heart
The choice is yours
Who do you really want to be
Don't be afraid of your destiny
So when you feel
That everything is lost
You need to know
There's no life without fear

tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try to ask your heart
Who you really are

Every day we must fight with the wind
We have to live
All these things are just empty desire
"couse there"s no smoke without fire

tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try to ask your heart
Who you really are

tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try to ask your heart
What color is your life

The color of your life

When loneliness knocks at your door
Everything you loved
Just disappears
And when you feel like all is lost
You must know
There is no life without tears

What color is your life
Who are you really

Nobody will
Always beautiful and young
Everything you know
Just disappears
Fame and gold, there's nothing
Of what can you be sure
When there is no love in your heart
The choice is yours
Who do you really want to be
Don't be afraid of your fate
So when you feel
that all is lost
You must know
There is no life without fear

Tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try asking your heart
Who are you really

Every day we must fight the wind
We must live
All these things are just an empty wish
Because there is no smoke without fire

Tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try asking your heart
Who are you really

Tell me black or white
What color is your life
Try asking your heart
Who are you really

When I first saw this miracle, I thought: "What a sweet, but ugly girl." When I heard his voice, I was stunned: not only is it not a girl at all, but quite a guy, he is also an excellent singer. :)

Yes, she promised to continue stories about Polish freaks. Here it is.

Michal Shpak, singer, participant in the Polish version of the TV show " X-factor"For beginner pop singers. 22 years old. Born in a small, unremarkable Polish town called Jaslo.

He grew up in a large family, has 2 sisters and a brother. Before participating in the TV program, he never studied vocals professionally. At school he created his own rock band (and it was the hardest local rock).

The rapid rise of his singing career began, as you might guess, with participation in " X-factor"e"(2011). Michal reached the finals of the TV show, but did not win as voted by the viewers. He took an honorable 2nd place.

He was overtaken by an unremarkable, in my opinion, and even scary man of venerable age (but very brutal), singing something like bard rock (I’m not sure that there is such a musical direction, but in general terms it’s when wild, unwashed guys with beards in the shape of a dead cat gather around the fires and yell heavy songs for life with a guitar in hoarse voices).

Here he is, the winner of the Polish singing talent contest, Genek Leska.

By the way, pay attention to the difference between the audiences of such spectacles in our countries - it was clearly not teenage girls who voted for this uncle, who in Russia give at least 60% of the votes in favor of participants in various musical reality shows. In Poland, Leska's fans are rather single people of both sexes in age.

But! Let's go back to my favorite Shpak.

What is especially impressive in his image is naturalness. The image that the audience sees on stage is not only a stage role. His eccentricity and femininity are evident both in personal communication and in his performances. There is some special magnetism with which he attracts and wins the interlocutors and the audience (which is surprising, because I always considered magnetism as such a sign of heightened masculinity).

Michal came to this outrageous style when he was still a schoolboy.

Note - the singer was born and raised in a small, dark and rather gopovaty place. For long hair, painted eyes and manicure, he was repeatedly beaten by locals. And yet this did not break the craving for beauty in the teenager (as he understands it, of course). I respect him for his courage and perseverance. :)

So he was, as they say, "before". Photo from a school album, here the future singer is 14 years old.

And after". The cover of his debut album titled "XI" (2011).

His first television performance literally blew up the audience. The spectators in the hall greeted the exit of the next participant with a howl. Yes, and the members of the jury were, to put it mildly, amazed when they heard that the timid skinny "girl" in a red jacket was called Michal.

Curiously, contrary to the current fashion for androgyny in modeling and show business, women are often more wary of the singer than men. Either they are afraid to lose in an unequal battle for the title of "fair sex", or they feel an instinctive disgust for deliberately non-masculine singer.

For example, Maya Sablevskaya, a music producer and image maker, one of the jury members of the X-factor program, was very outraged by the extravagant appearance of Michal Shpak and even sharply insisted that he take off his "woman's trinkets" before the test.

The male part of the jury, however, came to the aid of the embarrassed singer. Cuba Vojewoodsky, chairman of the jury, a journalist, a well-known showman in Poland, even asked the audience for indulgence towards the speaker, promising that if he turns out to be a "stranger" in singing, he will go straight to where he came from.

Third member of the jury Cheslav Mozil, a singer and composer, preferred to remain silent at first, inserting into the general skirmish only the remark that the participant's "women's trinkets" did not bother him at all. And during the performance, he only looked with loving eyes at the talented young singer. :)

(Each of the members of the jury, by the way, is an odious person in his own way, it would be worth telling about them in more detail; maybe in the future I will write a separate note.)

What can we say about what hubbub arose after Michal Szpak sang. His deep, colorful voice, crazy-vibrating energy that electrifies the hall, the passion with which he gives himself to the performance to the drop, the bright talent of the vocalist - all this won the audience and the jury from the very first seconds.

Even the harsh Maya Sablevskaya had to soften up and give the go-ahead for the weirdo to participate in the next stages of the competition. And the chairman of the jury, Kuba Voievudsky, bluntly stated that in his rich home music library, only one single disc was missing - the album, in fact, by Shpak.

Well, here it is, a recording of that speech:

The tabloids, of course, regularly strut about the singer's sexuality and mental health. The most popular version of the origins of his outrageousness is, perhaps, the story of the childhood psychological trauma of Michal, who, as he himself admits, as a 10-year-old boy, suffered from a lack of attention from his mother (she left the children with her father and went abroad to work) .

At the same time, my mother has always been and remains a model of elegance and spiritual beauty for a popular singer.

During the musical reality show, a team of specialists worked on the image of Michal, led, in fact, by Cuba Vojevudsky.

Of course, they left the young man the opportunity to attract immodest looks on the street and amaze the public, but they greatly changed the overall stylistic coloring of his image.

From a feminine freak, a kind of Polish analogue of Lady Gaga in trousers, Michal Szpak outwardly turned into, rather, a gothic rocker. Now on stage he looks less like a transvestite, more like an androgynous and relaxed version of Marilyn Manson.

However, in life he remained almost the same. He often travels home, fools around with friends and sisters, devotes a lot of time to his family, helps to support and educate the younger ones. Stardom, perhaps, has not spoiled him yet, in personal communication Michal is the same open and friendly guy (is he a boy?), As several years ago, before he woke up famous.

Currently, his main dream is to buy his own big house in Poland and move all members of his family there: his mother and older sister from Italy, where they are now forced to earn a living, and his younger brother and sister with their father from Jasla.

Now he receives numerous job offers from buffoonery theaters and travesty shows around the world. However, Michal Szpak himself does not want to earn a living solely by his extravagance. He sees himself as a professional singer, whose appearance only complements his unusual image, but is by no means his main advantage.

Yes, feminine habits and gestures are his calling card. It is difficult to judge how much this is the result of deviations in the psyche or a thoughtful, consciously accepted image. I rather lean towards the first option. However, no matter what prompted him to such experiments with appearance, in reality he is surprisingly lively, sunny, talented and charming person.

I wouldn’t say that I became a fan of his music (although his voice is really unusual - goosebumps, especially if you listen not to the recording, but personally, they run all over the body in furious herds), but definitely this person hooked me to the living with his cheerfulness, burning eyes , the will to win not only in the singing competition, but in general in any of his life endeavors.

When I learn to do any business with the same passion, dedication and a radiant look, I will, perhaps, be truly happy. :)

PS. The photos are not mine, taken from various sources. I'm too lazy to make links on purpose, but if necessary I can search.

Professions Tools Genres Cooperation Labels


The next step was participation in the show X-Factor. During the castings, he performed the song Dziwny jest ten świat from the repertoire of Czesław Nemen. The jury, which included Czesław Mozil, Kuba Voevodski and Maya Sablewska, decided that the performer was worthy of passing to the next stage of the show. Shpak ended up in a group of performers aged 16-24, led by Voevodsky. On the following programs, he performed the songs Szczęśliwej drogi już czas, Californication, Fever, You Are So Beautiful, Knockin' on Heaven's Door. In the final show, June 5, 2011, he sang "You Are So Beautiful" and a duet with Alexandra Burke - "Hallelujah", eventually finishing in second place. After the end of the show, Shpak takes part in a series of X Factor finalist concerts.

On June 18, 2011 Michal performs at the fourth Orange Warsaw Festival. This was his first performance in front of such a large audience. From September to November, he takes part in the 13th season of the program "Taniec z gwiazdami" (Dancing with the Stars), also aired on TVN. Together with Paulina Bernat, he takes 5th place in the show. At the end of 2011, the singer releases his first EP disc XI of five new songs, produced by Lukasz Targosz and Michal Grymuza, on the Universal Music Poland label. In 2013, he won the All-Polish Festival of Russian Songs, performing the romance Black Eyes. On June 8, 2014 he becomes one of the guests of the third day of the 51st National Festival of Polish Song in Opole, where he performed the song "Jednego serca".

In April 2015, Shpak released the single "Real Hero", which began the promotion of his first full-length studio album. On June 12, his Polish version was published - "Jesteś bohaterem", with which the singer becomes the winner of the "SuperPremiery" competition at the 52nd National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. On October 23, he releases a video clip for the song "Byle być sobą", the second single from the forthcoming album. The very same debut disc, "Byle być sobą", was released on November 13 on the Sony Music label. The disc includes 12 songs in various styles, which primarily reflect the artist's interest in the music of the 80s and 90s, as well as his love for symphonic music. Most of the recordings feature live instruments, and in addition to the usual pop-rock music, violin, viola, cello and double bass can be heard on the disc. The album was produced by Beat Music and mixed and mastered by Coverius Studio in Hamburg.

Michal currently lives in Warsaw, where he received a degree in psychology from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.


In 2015, after winning the Opole festival, the singer expressed his desire to take part in the 61st Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Stockholm in May 2016. On December 21, he released two potential Eurovision entries, both of which were included in his debut album: "Such Is Life" and "Color of Your Life", and asked his fans which one he should take part in the national preselection with. More than 85% of them preferred the second one, which was submitted in the application for TVP. On May 14, 2016, the final of the competition took place. The jury awarded Michal 25th place, but according to the results of the audience vote, he ended up in 3rd place. As a result, Michal took 8th place in the competition.


  • XI(EP) (2011)
  • Byle być sobą (2015)

Awards and nominations

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Awards and achievements
Monika Kuszynska
with a song In the Name of Love

Polish representative at the Eurovision Song Contest


An excerpt characterizing Shpak, Michal

- No word from Mac? Kozlovsky asked.
- No.
- If it were true that he was defeated, then the news would come.
“Probably,” said Prince Andrei and went to the exit door; but at the same time to meet him, slamming the door, a tall, obviously newcomer, Austrian general in a frock coat, with his head tied with a black handkerchief and with the Order of Maria Theresa around his neck, quickly entered the waiting room. Prince Andrew stopped.
- General Anshef Kutuzov? - quickly said the visiting general with a sharp German accent, looking around on both sides and without stopping walking to the door of the office.
“The general is busy,” said Kozlovsky, hurriedly approaching the unknown general and blocking his way from the door. - How would you like to report?
The unknown general looked contemptuously down at the short Kozlovsky, as if surprised that he might not be known.
“The general chief is busy,” Kozlovsky repeated calmly.
The general's face frowned, his lips twitched and trembled. He took out a notebook, quickly drew something with a pencil, tore out a piece of paper, gave it away, went with quick steps to the window, threw his body on a chair and looked around at those in the room, as if asking: why are they looking at him? Then the general raised his head, stretched out his neck, as if intending to say something, but immediately, as if carelessly starting to hum to himself, made a strange sound, which was immediately stopped. The door of the office opened, and Kutuzov appeared on the threshold. The general with his head bandaged, as if running away from danger, bent over, with large, quick steps of thin legs, approached Kutuzov.
- Vous voyez le malheureux Mack, [You see the unfortunate Mack.] - he said in a broken voice.
The face of Kutuzov, who was standing in the doorway of the office, remained completely motionless for several moments. Then, like a wave, a wrinkle ran over his face, his forehead smoothed out; he bowed his head respectfully, closed his eyes, silently let Mack pass him, and closed the door behind him.
The rumor, already spread before, about the defeat of the Austrians and the surrender of the entire army at Ulm, turned out to be true. Half an hour later, adjutants were sent in different directions with orders proving that soon the Russian troops, who had been inactive until now, would have to meet with the enemy.
Prince Andrei was one of those rare officers on staff who considered his main interest in the general course of military affairs. Seeing Mack and hearing the details of his death, he realized that half of the campaign was lost, understood the whole difficulty of the position of the Russian troops and vividly imagined what awaited the army, and the role that he would have to play in it.
Involuntarily, he experienced an exciting joyful feeling at the thought of shaming presumptuous Austria and that in a week, perhaps, he would have to see and take part in a clash between Russians and French, for the first time after Suvorov.
But he was afraid of the genius of Bonaparte, who could be stronger than all the courage of the Russian troops, and at the same time he could not allow shame for his hero.
Excited and irritated by these thoughts, Prince Andrei went to his room to write to his father, to whom he wrote every day. He met in the corridor with his roommate Nesvitsky and the joker Zherkov; they, as always, laughed at something.
Why are you so gloomy? Nesvitsky asked, noticing the pale face of Prince Andrei with sparkling eyes.
“There is nothing to have fun,” answered Bolkonsky.
While Prince Andrei met with Nesvitsky and Zherkov, on the other side of the corridor Strauch, an Austrian general who was at Kutuzov's headquarters to monitor the food of the Russian army, and a member of the Hofkriegsrat, who had arrived the day before, were walking towards them. There was enough space along the wide corridor for the generals to disperse freely with three officers; but Zherkov, pushing Nesvitsky away with his hand, said in a breathless voice:
- They're coming! ... they're coming! ... step aside, the road! please way!
The generals passed with an air of desire to get rid of troubling honors. On the face of the joker Zherkov suddenly expressed a stupid smile of joy, which he seemed unable to contain.
“Your Excellency,” he said in German, moving forward and addressing the Austrian general. I have the honor to congratulate you.
He bowed his head and awkwardly, like children learning to dance, began to scrape one leg or the other.
The General, a member of the Hofkriegsrath, looked sternly at him; not noticing the seriousness of the stupid smile, he could not refuse a moment's attention. He squinted to show he was listening.
“I have the honor to congratulate you, General Mack has arrived, in perfect health, only a little hurt here,” he added, beaming with a smile and pointing to his head.
The general frowned, turned away, and walked on.
Gott, wie naive! [My God, how simple he is!] – he said angrily, moving away a few steps.
Nesvitsky embraced Prince Andrei with laughter, but Bolkonsky, turning even paler, with an evil expression on his face, pushed him away and turned to Zherkov. That nervous irritation into which the sight of Mack, the news of his defeat, and the thought of what awaited the Russian army had brought him, found its outlet in bitterness at Zherkov's inappropriate joke.
“If you, dear sir,” he spoke piercingly with a slight trembling of his lower jaw, “want to be a jester, then I cannot prevent you from doing so; but I announce to you that if you dare another time to make a fuss in my presence, then I will teach you how to behave.
Nesvitsky and Zherkov were so surprised by this trick that they silently, with their eyes wide open, looked at Bolkonsky.
“Well, I only congratulated you,” said Zherkov.
- I'm not joking with you, if you please be silent! - Bolkonsky shouted and, taking Nesvitsky by the hand, he walked away from Zherkov, who could not find what to answer.

Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics, you must highlight at least two words

Michal Szpak (Michal Shpak) - biography

Michal Szpak was born on November 26, 1990 in Jaslo, a small town in southern Poland. He has two sisters and one brother. His musical career, of course, was destined from above, but we must not forget that Michal grew up in a very artistic family. Since childhood, he loved poetry, drawing and, most of all, music, although he never took music lessons. He sang non-stop both at home and in the yard. For the first time he entered the real stage at the age of 9 years. In the Yaselsky House of Culture, he received a prize in the Young Talents section. While at school, he met Kamil Chapla, the founder of the rock band Whiplash. And two weeks later, he joined the band for the first time at a concert in the city of Krosno. A cover version of "Cienia w dolinie mgieł" performed by Whiplash, submitted to the national competition, received an award from Robert Gawlinski, which led to Michał's invitation to Warsaw. The next step was participation in the show X-Factor.

Shpak became known to a wide audience by taking part in the first season of the X Factor talent show, aired on TVM. During the castings, he performed the song "Dziwny jest ten świat" from the repertoire of Czesław Nemen. The jury, which included Czesław Mozil, Kuba Voevodski and Maya Sablewska, decided that the performer was worthy of passing to the next stage of the show. Shpak ended up in a group of performers aged 16-24, led by Voevodsky. On the following programs, he performed the songs "Szczęśliwej drogi już czas", "Californication", "Fever", "You Are So Beautiful", "Knockin" on Heaven "s Door". In the final show on June 5th, 2011, he sang "You Are So Beautiful" and a duet with Alexandra Burk - "Hallelujah", finishing second. After the end of the show, Shpak takes part in a series of X Factor finalist concerts.

On June 18, 2011 Michal performs at the fourth Orange Warsaw Festival. This was his first performance in front of such a large audience. From September to November, he takes part in the 13th season of the program "Taniec z gwiazdami" (Dancing with the Stars), also aired on TVN. Together with Paulina Bernat, he takes 5th place in the show. At the end of 2011, the singer releases his first EP disc XI of five new songs, produced by Lukasz Targosz and Michal Grymuza, on the Universal Music Poland label. On August 17, 2013 Michal won the Golden Samovar award at the Russian Song Festival in Zielona Góra for his performance of the song "Dark Eyes". On June 8th, 2014 he becomes one of the guests of the third day of the 51st National Polish Song Festival in Opole, where he performed the song "Jednego serca".

In April 2015, Shpak released the single "Real Hero", which began the promotion of his first full-length studio album. On June 12th his Polish version was published - "Jesteś bohaterem", with which the singer becomes the winner of the "SuperPremiery" competition at the 52nd National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. On October 23rd he releases a video clip for the song "Byle być sobą", the second single from the forthcoming album. The debut disc itself, "Byle być sobą", was released on November 13th via Sony Music. The disc includes 12 songs in various styles, which primarily reflect the artist's interest in the music of the 80s and 90s, as well as his love for symphonic music. Most of the recordings feature live instruments, and in addition to the usual pop-rock music, you can listen to the sound of violin, viola, cello and double bass on the disc, which, coupled with Michal's unusual vocals, create a unique atmosphere. The album was produced by Beat Music, mixed and mastered by Coverius Studio in Hamburg.