Nargiz Zakirova: biography of the singer. Biography Nargiz Surname of the singer Nargiz

The biography and personal life of Nargiz Zakirova are known to few.

Childhood and family of Narkiz Zakirova

Nargiz Pulatovna was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The future singer was born and raised in a famous family of musicians, so it is not surprising that the talent for music began to appear from early childhood, because she had it in her blood.

From the biography of the singer Nargiz Zakirova, it is known that all her relatives were associated with music. Grandfather Karim Zakirov was an opera singer, awarded the title of People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR. The life of my grandmother, Shoista Saidova, is also connected with music, she was a soloist of the Tashkent Musical Theater, uncle Batyr Zakirov is a famous Uzbek singer and composer. The mother of the future singer, Luiza Zakirova, was one of the most popular singers in Uzbekistan in the 60s.

Raising a child in such a talented musical family, it was impossible to raise him indifferent to music. The family of Nargiz Zakirova instilled in her a great love for music, which remained with the girl for life. According to the singer, she appeared on stage for the first time at the age of 4. Mom during her performances often took her daughter with her, once she sang a children's song "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone."

The future celebrity studied at school without much enthusiasm, because after performing on stage and an interesting touring life that her mother introduced her to, there was no desire to learn lessons. Nargiz's favorite school subject was singing, because she was the best at singing, in addition, this lesson brought real pleasure to the girl. However, oddly enough, the girl had poor grades in this subject, because for the teacher it was not the ability to sing that was important, but the students' knowledge of the lyrics.

Soon, the parents transferred their daughter to a music school, but even there the girl studied poorly, because she had to know a lot of notes by heart, while she wanted to further develop her musical skills and abilities. At the age of 15, Nargiz Zakirova took part in the music competition "Jurmala-86", she sang the song "Remember Me", the words of which were written by Ilya Reznik, and the music was written by her uncle Farrukh Zakirov. The young singer with her song received the audience award.

Nargiz Zakirova's performance in the TV show "Voice" and the best singles

Nargiz was a fan of Madonna, whose popularity peaked in 1992. At this time, the future Uzbek singer dyed her hair white and performed with a very bold program, dressed in short shorts. For such behavior on stage, Nargiz was called the Uzbek Madonna, but almost everyone condemned her.

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The first few years, when the girl lived in New York with her parents and daughter, worked in a store, in a tattoo parlor, and performed in restaurants for some time. In 2001, Nargiz released an album in the ethnic style "Golden Cage".

The serious illness of her father prevented the girl from taking part in the first casting of the TV program "Voice", which took place in 2012. The father of the Uzbek singer Pulat Mordukhaev died in April 2013.

Nargiz's career continued in 2013, when Zakirova passed a three-stage casting for the American X-Factor. But the organizers of the project did not call the girl back. Then Nargiz Zakirova went to the show "Voice" - a Russian television project. With her performance, Nargiz Zakirova in the TV show "Voice" conquered all the judges, but chose the team of Leonid Agutin. She made it to the final and placed second.

Since April 2014, the singer has been collaborating with producer Maxim Fadeev, performing solo. This year, the musician wrote the debut single for Nargiz "I am not your war." In October, the singer's fans saw the video for this single, in which Nargiz starred with her husband Philip Balzano.

At the beginning of 2019, Nargiz Zakirova released the second single "You are my tenderness". At the end of this year, fans of her talent heard the third single "I don't believe you", the author of these two musical compositions is Maxim Fadeev.

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Personal life Nargiz Zakirova: husband and children

The personal life of Nargiz Zakirova was not the best, in 1995 the singer was already divorced. The Uzbek singer was married three times, from her first marriage she had a daughter, Sabina. In addition to the eldest daughter, Nargiz Zakirova also has children - son Auel and daughter Leila, all children are from different men.

In 1997, the singer's husband dies in a car accident, she is left with two children and all the worries about them fall on her. During this period, a woman experiences a severe and prolonged depression, but soon pulls herself together, because she wants to give her children a decent life. A few years later, the Italian musician Philip Balzano appears in the life of the singer, below in the photo are the children and husband Nargiz Zakirova.

Now the woman is a popular singer, a happy wife and mother of three children.

In the photo, Nargiz Zakirova with her husband and children - a son and two daughters.

Nargiz Zakirova is an extremely charismatic and talented singer from Uzbekistan. The woman gained popularity and recognition of numerous fans at the famous vocal competition "Voice".

Nargiz's husband - Philip Balzano

The famous singer was married 3 times. From each spouse Nargiz gave birth to a child. The longest relationship was with the second and third husband.

Relationship history with Philip

Friends introduced the woman to her third husband, musician from Italy Philippe Balzano. In addition to the fact that they had a lot in common, they both emigrated to the United States (Zakirova from Russia, Balzano from Sicily).

The woman said that Philip was not only her friend and support, but also a musical mentor. The couple lived happily married, but in the summer of 2016 it became known that the couple decided to divorce after 20 years. Nargiz in an interview has repeatedly reported that her husband extorts money from her, mistreats her son from her second marriage, so the divorce went through the court. It was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Former husbands Zakirova

At the time when Zakirova first married, she was only 18 years old. Ruslan Sharipov, who played at that time in the Uzbek group, became the girl's chosen one. From him, the singer gave birth to a daughter. The spouses parted because of Ruslan's betrayal, but Nargiz remembers this man with warmth.

Having emigrated to America, Zakirova married a second time to Yernur Kanaibekov.

Photos of children Nargiz Zakirova

Zakirova's children are two daughters Sabina (27 years old) and Leila (16 years old), as well as a son Auel (21 years old). The father of the eldest daughter is Sharipov, the son is Kanaybekov, and the youngest Leila is Balzano. After the divorce of Nargiz and Philip, the daughter stayed with her father in the United States, as she was worried about his mental state. Leila is an excellent dancer and plays various musical instruments. Now she works in a yacht club.

The singer's son is a rather serious person. He loves books, is interested in politics, draws well. With the third husband of his mother, he did not find a common language, and during the period of divorce, it came to assault.

The eldest daughter recently gave her grandmother a grandson, who was named Noah.

The girl does not show the face of the child, but regularly adds a photo of Noah on her page.

Photo: Instagram @sabinatash_nzofficial

Sabina is a creative person, her favorite activities are the study of Buddhism and philosophy. She actively opposes drugs and other bad habits.

What Nargiz looked like in her youth

The appearance of Nargiz has always caused a lot of comments. Often the singer is mistaken for an informal girl because of the large number of tattoos and a shaved head. Zakirova herself said that her appearance is just a whim, and not a way of life.

In her youth, she looked very different: long hair, neat makeup and moderate clothing style. Then the singer became interested in rock and roll and decided to completely change her image.

Nargiz in the film "The Bride from Vuadil" and at a concert with the song "Remember Me"

Nargiz's performance at the "Blue Light" in 1986 with the song "White Birds"

Photo from home archive

Photo from home archive

Nargiz is the owner of a powerful voice and bright appearance. During her life she went through many obstacles, endured many hardships. Now she is actively working, enjoying communication with her children and grandson. The singer does not think about marriage.

// Photo: Vadim Tarakanov /

45-year-old singer Nargiz Zakirova is the owner of a powerful voice and a bright, memorable appearance. Now she is successful and wealthy, but it was not always so. The singer has come a thorny path to fame, full of difficulties. “You are so free, free, who has seen everything,” once said Dima Bilan, who first saw Nargiz after a blind audition during the Voice show.

Zakirova was born in 1970 in Tashkent in a creative family. The artist’s grandfather is the famous baritone Karim Zakirov in Soviet times, her grandmother is a clowness and artist Shoista Saidova, a soloist of the Uzbek Opera and Ballet Theater, her uncle is the famous Farrukh Zakirov, the leader of the popular Yalla group, the singer’s mother is a pop singer, and her father is a drummer in musical group. In a word, a real musical and artistic dynasty.


For the first time, Nargiz married Ruslan Sharipov, a musician and member of the Uzbek group "Byte". The singer was 18 years old. Nargiz remembers with warmth about his first wife, despite the fact that they are no longer together. They broke up due to Ruslan's infidelity. However, the break in relations was not scandalous: quarreling with your soulmate, breaking dishes and suing is not in the nature of the artist.

“Something broke in my soul. We began to work separately. We traveled around with concerts, not seeing each other for several months, and when we met at home, there was no longer a feeling that a close and dear person was next to you. Then I decided that this marriage should no longer exist, and we parted, ”Nargiz recalled her first marriage.

From this marriage, Nargiz had a daughter, who was named Sabina. And in 1995, the Zakirov family moved to America, and this decision was not easy for them, because Nargiz was pregnant from her second husband Yernur Kanaybekov. The singer was madly in love with him. They met at the audition of the show "Voice of Asia".

At the moment when the Zakirovs decided to emigrate to the United States, Nargiz was a well-known performer in her homeland: she was called the “Uzbek Madonna” and was periodically condemned for defiant sexual outfits. The singer says that in this way she wanted to shock the audience, to challenge her. In America, everything had to start from scratch. I had to provide for myself and my family, so Zakirova had to work hard. She worked from 9 am to 9 pm in the lowest paid positions in restaurants, shops, pizzerias, tattoo parlors.

“America from the covers of glossy magazines is one thing, but from the inside it is completely different. Having given birth to a son, I suddenly wanted to go to work: in search of a place, I went from one door to another. No job bothered me. I wanted to live, enjoy what is happening, ”Nargiz says about his first years in the USA.

After some time, Nargiz, who worked from morning to evening, made her first acquaintances in the musical field. She began to be invited to perform in restaurants. First, in not very expensive, but then - in luxurious and "cool", as the artist recalled. Slowly, life began to improve.

However, in 1997, a tragedy occurred in the life of Zakirova: Yernur tragically died in a car accident. Little Aeul was only 2.5 years old. After the death of Yernur, Nargiz began a protracted depression. The singer Philippe Balzano, whom friends introduced her to, helped the woman cope with the difficult emotional state. The artists have a lot in common. In addition to their passion for music, they both emigrated to the United States in search of a better life. Balzano moved to the States from the island of Sicily.

Slowly, Nargiz began to recover from the terrible tragedy. Philip tried to support a talented and bright woman as best he could. He not only talked heart to heart with her for hours, but also studied music with Zakirova. They began an affair, and soon they got married.

“Phil is not only my husband - he is my friend, support, brother, lover. Phil is also my teacher! Thanks to him, I went through a unique school of rock vocals, ”said Nargiz about her third wife.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

However, the trials that befell Nargiz did not kill her craving for music. She created various teams, tried to contact Russian producers, because she wanted to come to live in Russia. But representatives of show business made it clear to Nargiz that it was impossible to start a singer's career without money. However, Zakirova is not one of those people who gives up everything halfway. She wanted to seriously engage in singing, and did not give up trying to achieve her cherished dream.

participation in competitions

In 2013, Nargiz went through several stages of selection for the American show X-Factor. But before the final audition, she decided to give up her attempts to break into American TV and preferred the Russian program "Voice" to him. Later, Zakirova admitted that she left the United States, tired of waiting for a call from foreign producers. They promised to remind her of themselves, but they never did.

This step became fateful in the life of the artist. She not only became a member of the project, but also fascinated the jury of the program with her incredible energy and vocal abilities. She chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor. Under his leadership, Zakirova reached the very end of the program, taking second place in the final of the competition. Many were rooting for the charismatic singer, and were upset when she did not become the first. But Nargiz herself reacted calmly to the “silver”. “I didn’t win, I won,” Zakirova said about the results of the last series of “Voices”.

After participating in the popular program, Zakirova became a successful performer in Russia. The audience really fell in love with her for her non-standard appearance, strong character and amazing voice. Nargiz has become a kind of challenge to the standard of the singer's appearance in show business.

In 2014, she fired from her team an old friend and well-known stylist Alisher, who until that moment had not only come up with images for the star, but also sometimes sang a duet with her. The reason for parting with a friend was the singer's new collaboration with producer Max Fadeev. One of his conditions was the performance on the stage of one Nargiz, without a second vocalist. Nargiz conveyed her decision to Alisher via SMS.

An old acquaintance Nargiz was offended by her: according to him, Zakirova could have told him about this personally, because they were on very good terms. He also stated that the woman never thanked Alla Pugacheva for the fact that the Primadonna allowed her to sing her songs. By the way, it was Alisher who introduced the star of the "Voice" to the people's artist. To this day, the man is friends with the legend of the Russian stage, choosing concert costumes for her.

“Nargiz has been singing Pugacheva’s songs for 8 months. Ask her, did she somehow thank Alla Borisovna? At least a bouquet of flowers... Pugacheva doesn't care. How many in her life there were such singers and singers. For me, Nargiz no longer exists, ”the offended stylist said in an interview.

At the end of 2015, another significant event happened in the life of Nargiz. The singer's daughter Sabina gave her a charming grandson, who was named the biblical name Noah. The baby was born in America. The artist could not see him live for several months due to a busy tour schedule. By the way, Nargiz refused to baptize the child, motivated by her pagan beliefs.

Despite the fact that Zakirova became a grandmother, she continued to shock the public. In addition to the fact that she starred naked, once the artist appeared in public in a sexy dress that she wore without underwear. In this image, Nargiz appeared at the wedding of the singer Yulia Savicheva. To some of Zakirova's fans, her appearance seemed inappropriate for such a celebration, but there were also those who were completely delighted with him. Through the transparent fabric of her outfit, almost all of the woman's tattoos could be seen. At that party, Zakirova had plenty of fun. She energetically danced with Lera Kudryavtseva to Gluk'oZa's song "Dance, Russia!!!". And in the words “And I have the most beautiful ... opa,” Lera energetically slapped Nargiz on the fifth point.

“I have succeeded as a mother, I have three children. I have taken place as a wife. And now I can say that I have succeeded ... as an artist, ”the singer said after the finale of the Voice show.

Recall also that recently Nargiz struck all her fans with unexpected news. After 20 years of marriage, she filed for divorce from her third husband, Philippe Balzano. The couple have a common child - 16-year-old Leila. According to Nargis, Philip turned her life into hell. He constantly demanded money from the woman, and continues to do so. The man says that he will give Zakirova a divorce if she pays his debts. In total, Balzano needs an amount equal to 118 thousand dollars. It is known that Nargiz's husband has not been working for two years. According to Philip, Zakirova herself asked him about it. “Her love was broken on the money that she does not give me now. Any person in New York can prove that I was the best husband in the city, such a faithful man is hard to find, ”Balzano is quoted as saying in the press.

“I decided to get a divorce through the courts, because the peaceful options for Phil are not satisfied. For the past year, all my royalties have gone towards paying off his many debts. My ex-husband turned to blackmail and threats. He demands about 40 thousand dollars from me for a divorce. I am very grateful to the lawyers of Maxim Fadeev, who help me with the divorce procedure, ”Nargiz told StarHit.

In her interview, Nargiz said that Leila would stay with her father. According to Zakirova, the girl worries about her father and worries that he might make some serious mistake. She has every reason for this, because Philip, said Nargiz, threatened his family, blackmailed, extorted money. The Italian musician also threatened to shoot everyone with a pistol if something did not go the way he would like. During one of the last quarrels with the singer, he began to rush at 20-year-old Auel, Zakirova's son from a previous marriage. According to Nargiz, Balzano initially disliked the young man. Once a man grabbed Auel by the throat and tried to strangle him.

In the light of recent events, the press is wondering what else, besides financial disagreements, could cause the collapse of such a strong union. So, for example, "Express newspaper" believes that the singer just got another man. According to this publication, the artist has an affair with a 34-year-old technician from her team. However, Nargiz representatives do not confirm this version.

Magic in the life of Nargiz

Interestingly, Nargiz Zakirova is fond of astrology, esotericism, the occult and other supernatural things. “I am magic, mysticism and magic itself,” Nargiz sometimes says, meaning that her life is closely intertwined with various incredible things. It is interesting that the artist decided to participate in the "Voice" spontaneously. She accidentally saw an advertisement for this project and thought: why not try your hand? As a result, Zakirova succeeded. And she sincerely considers her triumph on the program to be something more than just the result of hard work on herself. Once, the artist even called herself a witch.

Being interested in magic, she attended the 15th season of the show "The Battle of Psychics". During the filming of the program, Zakirova met and became friends with the medium Tatyana Larina and the clairvoyant and witch Natalya Banteeva. According to Nargiz, she is generally constantly surrounded by interesting people who have unusual abilities. Perhaps they are attracted by the aura of the artist. It's no secret that many people who have tattoos say that they influence their destiny. Nargiz Zakirova has a lot of tattoos with a deep, mystical meaning. Probably, they attract non-standard personalities to the artist.

By the way, all the drawings on the body of Nargiz arose for a reason. The artist said that she made each of them in memory of the event that changed her life. So, Zakirova always dreamed of working with Fadeev. Once she tried to contact representatives of a famous producer. A few years later, the singer finally managed to achieve what she wanted. This is mysticism, nothing else. Therefore, two years ago, a woman stuffed her entire back with an embryo in her mother's womb, resembling a globe. Around the unborn baby is a strong guard in the form of a black circle and sharp peaks. In the picture you can also see the initials "MF", under which the name of the producer Nargiz Maxim Fadeev is hidden. According to Zakirova, he has an incredible natural talent given to him from above.

“I have been connected with mysticism and magic since early childhood. Many perceive this with caution, but in fact the word "witch" comes from "leading woman." I guess I was born that way. And, perhaps, starting from the age when I remember myself, and to this day, some incredible things happened to me every now and then. Life brings me together with people who are also directly connected with some kind of mysticism and with some incredible abilities, ”Nargiz confesses about magic.

Based on materials from,,,,

A woman with a bright and memorable appearance, a popular modern singer with a beautiful voice - all this is about Nargiz Zakirova. Her biography and personal life are of great interest to numerous fans, as well as journalists. The singer gained popularity already in adulthood after participating in the well-known project "Voice", where she took second place, and soon became a real star of domestic show business.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born in early October 1970. The age of Nargiz, at first glance, is difficult to determine, due to her bright and extravagant appearance. The birthplace of the girl is the city of Tashkent.

It is not surprising that Zakirova decided to become a singer, because one way or another her family relates to art:

  • grandfather was an opera singer;
  • grandmother - soloist of the musical theater;
  • uncle - singer and composer;
  • mother is a famous pop singer of the 60s;
  • father in his youth was a drummer in the ensemble.

Many people wonder about the nationality of the girl. This indicator has always been determined by the nationality of one of the parents. Father Nargiz was a Jew and mother is Uzbek. At that time it was undesirable to speak openly about one's belonging to the Jews. The mother's surname was more famous in Uzbekistan, so the girl was recorded as Zakirova, therefore she is Uzbek by nationality.

Mom very often took her daughter on tour with her. You can say that Nargiz practically grew up behind the scenes. She was very reluctant to attend school, because after the stage life she saw, it was hard for her to sit at a desk, studying uninteresting disciplines. The girl's favorite subject was singing, but she was given bad grades for it, because the teachers required knowledge of the texts. They were not particularly interested in the ability to sing.

Passion for music

From early childhood, Nargiz showed her artistic talents. She had her first experience of performing on stage at the age of four. Then, with the help of her famous uncle, the girl ended up at the Jurmala 86 contest. According to the rules of the competition, participants must be over 16 years old. Zakirova did not reach this level a little, so she could not take part in the fight for the main award, but received the audience award. Young Nargiz had natural gifts: she had thick dark hair, large expressive eyes. It was after this competition that the active performances of the girl began.

After graduating from high school, when all classmates began to enter universities, Zakirova toured with the orchestra. In addition, she entered the circus school, where she studied at the faculty of vocals.

The girl liked this life, but she did not want to sing in the usual format, so she tried different styles while performing on stage. Nargiz Zakirova in her youth was a desperate girl. During the peak years of the popularity of the singer Madonna, wanting to imitate her idol, she dyed her hair white. Nargiz appeared before the public in short shorts, involved men in dancing, tried to perform rock. In the modern world, this is considered the norm, but in the USSR such behavior was unacceptable. At that time, the girl was called the "Uzbek Madonna", but her style was very condemned.

In 1995, the singer went to live in the United States. By that time, she was already divorced from her first husband, she had a five-year-old daughter in her arms. At first, life in America was hard for the girl: she worked in a video store and was pregnant with her second child.

After a while, Zakirova made the necessary acquaintances, and soon she was invited to speak in restaurants. In one of the interviews, the singer said that the level of performances in American restaurants is much higher than in karaoke. She has worked with famous musicians.

Six years later, Zakirova recorded her first ethno-style album, entitled "Golden Cage". Her collection became very popular in the USA.

In the biography of Zakirova there is a paragraph regarding work in a tattoo parlor. At this time, the girl repeatedly made attempts to assemble a group, but this did not give positive results. Most of the candidates were embittered and untalented, had little experience to work in a team with Nargiz. After unsuccessful attempts to assemble a group, the girl seriously thought about her own solo career.

Having lived enough time in the United States, Zakirova often thought about returning to the Russian Federation. However, she did not have a lot of money and influential acquaintances, so she understood that there was nothing to do in Russia.

Participation in the show Voice-2

Few people know that Nargiz was going to participate in the first season of the project. But before the start of the casting, the girl's father became very ill. He was diagnosed with serious lung cancer. In the spring of 2013, he passed away.

An interesting fact from the biography of the singer is that before the start of the second season of The Voice, Zakirova had already passed three qualifying rounds of the X Factor show in America. But before the start of the fourth casting, the girl was invited to take part in the Voice project. After some thought, she gave preference to Russia, which she is very happy about today.

In the qualifying round, she performed the song "Still Loving You" by the Scorpions. With this song, she did not leave indifferent a single member of the jury, who then convinced the girl to work in their team.

Soon the video from Nargiz's performance spread all over the Internet. Before the start of the project, the singer Pelageya suggested that Zakirova perform a duet with someone in an ethnic style. However, it soon became clear that Nargiz had completely forgotten her native language.

The girl was able to reach the final of the show. At the end of the project, she became the most famous graduate of the Voice show. Her fan base is steadily growing. Today Nargiz is produced by Maxim Fadeev. Due to the rapid start of her career, she rarely visits the United States. Relatives understand and support the girl, because she received a lucky ticket and became a star of the national stage.

Bright appearance and hobby

Nargiz has a very unusual appearance She is completely different from the others. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for shooting beautiful and vibrant clips with the participation of a girl. Zakirova's head is shaved bald, on the body there is a long tattoo that reaches the back, as well as dreadlocks. She did all this not in order to stand out from the crowd, she just wanted to. Many people believe that she is an adherent of a particular subculture, but this is not so. Appearance is the fruit of inspiration for something new.

Once the girl was fond of break dancing in her city. In addition, there was a time when she was engaged in teaching this dance direction. She organized a citywide break dance festival. It was the first experience of preparing such events.

The singer's biggest hobby is collecting soap. During all her travels, she collects it and puts it in a box for the collection.

Personal life

Nargiz Zakirova has a rich personal life . She was married three times:

In mid-2016, information appeared in the media about problems in the singer's family. Nargiz, after 20 years of married life with Philip, filed for divorce. It turned out that the man was very jealous of his wife for the profession and envied her success. As a result, there were regular quarrels in the family. According to Nargiz, her husband demanded that she pay his debts, which is about 40 thousand dollars. They soon divorced.

At the very beginning of the story, the children took the side of their mother, and Philip threatened them with violence. The greatest conflict was between Balzano and his son Nargiz. The US police forbade the man to approach the young man. After another portion of threats, he was under arrest for some time.

Now Zakirova's heart is free, she is immersed in work and raising children. Despite her popularity, the girl never forgets about her family, she regularly communicates with relatives from Tashkent.

Have an account on Instagram. More than 300 thousand subscribers follow the biography, family and personal life of the singer.

Attention, only TODAY!

The extraordinary singer Nargiz Zakirova appeared in the Russian show business thanks to the Voice program. Viewers were able to observe not only her excellent vocal abilities, but also an unusual appearance: a shaved head and dreadlocks, tattoos, piercings, and a special style of clothing. But at the same time, her femininity and beauty.

Nargiz did not always look like this, and the photo, where the girl is still with her hair, taken in her youth, confirms this. In this article, we will try to reveal all aspects of the creative biography and personal life of the singer.


Nargiz was born on October 6, 1970. She comes from Uzbekistan. Even in childhood, the girl showed a special love for the art of music. In fact, this is not surprising, because a wonderful ear for music and artistry was inherited by the girl. Almost her entire family, one way or another, intersected with music. For example, her grandfather was an opera singer and People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR; grandmother - performed at the Uzbek Music and Drama Theater; uncle Batyr is a famous singer and composer; mother Louise is a pop singer.

Father - Pulat Mordukhaev, is least of all associated with variety activities. For some time he played percussion instruments in an ensemble. Their family has another talented relative - Farrukh Zakhirov, who is a famous singer and leader of the Yalla ensemble.

Nargiz Zakirova in childhood

Naturally, since childhood, the girl was instilled with a love for music and vocals. Nargiz has repeatedly told reporters that she first appeared on stage at the age of 4. She often traveled with her mother on tour. Even helped her in one of the performances.

Nargiz did not really like school life. She was not at all interested in learning boring subjects and sitting at a desk. Her only favorite lesson and hobby was singing. But even here, she often got bad grades for not wanting to know the lyrics by heart.

In the photo Nargiz Zakirova in her youth still with long hair

The parents decided to give the girl the necessary education, so they transferred her to another educational institution - a children's music school. She didn’t really like it there either, because now she had to learn a lot of notes and know the texts. And she really wanted to develop her voice skills and singing technique.

In her youth, Nargiz Zakirova was a very thin, angular girl with long hair and big lips (see photo in the article). Despite the fact that the Uzbek concept of beauty is slightly different from world standards, the girl was considered ugly. Because of this, she had a large number of complexes.

creative path

At the age of fifteen, the girl decides to try her hand at the Jurmala International Music Festival. She sang the song "Remember Me" (the music was written by her uncle Farrukh, lyrics by I. Reznik). It was thanks to her talent that she received the Audience Award. It is worth noting that only those participants who have reached the age of sixteen could take part. But, in spite of everything, Zakirova simply went to her goal and rightly earned the respect and love of the public.

After that, Nargiz began to actively engage in her further creative career. In addition, after receiving secondary education, she decided to enter the circus school at the faculty of academic and pop vocals. It is worth noting that in her youth, Nargiz Zakirova looked a little different, she had long hair (the photo can be seen later in the article).

Numerous tattoos of the singer

She liked to perform on stage and go on tour. What kind of life attracted her. But she did not want to have a standard repertoire, Nargiz tried to combine different styles of performance on stage. She often changed her appearance: in her youth she was blonde with long hair, wore short shorts, tried herself as a rock performer.

Perhaps today's public can understand such emotionality and self-expression, but do not forget that her creative biography began in the days of the USSR. By the age of 18, the girl had achieved fame in her hometown: she often performed at various events and always tried to stand out from the crowd.


In 1995, Nargiz leaves for the United States. Her five-year-old daughter from her first marriage also left with her. At first, in a foreign country, the girl had a very hard time. She got a job in a video rental, where she needed to be from early morning until late at night. In addition, the wages there were very low. But there was no other way out and she had to achieve everything on her own.

Gradually, Zakirova made new acquaintances and communicated with famous musicians. Thanks to new connections, she got a job - she sang in one of the restaurants in New York. There she was able to develop her skills and creativity.

Nargiz is the most mysterious person on the stage

In 2001, the singer managed to record her solo album, which was called "Golden Cage". To create it, she used ethnic music. Perhaps this was the reason that in America her works were released in large numbers. Thanks to this talented singer, many Americans fell in love with this musical style.

Nargiz Zakirova several times looked for suitable candidates to create her own group. But, in the end, the girl realized that it was almost impossible. Many of them were lazy, incapable, inexperienced. All this terribly upset the singer. After numerous attempts to assemble a group, Zakirova decided to perform solo and did not fail.

For a long time she really wanted to go back, but she was stopped by the lack of necessary funds and connections. Therefore, she had to work in a foreign country.

Singer on stage during a concert

By the way, it was during this period that the singer decides to shave off her long hair (below is a photo of the singer in her youth). This decision came after talking with rock fans. Nargiz Zakirova does not hide the fact that this behavior was preceded by her need to drink alcohol: “But at one fine moment I got tired of everything, I was at home all the time. The only thing that saved me was books and a new faith. I began to study Buddhism, look at the world from the point of view of philosophy and gave up bad habits. Thus, I moved to a new stage of life, ”the singer explained.

Participation in the program "Voice"

Few viewers know that the singer was offered to participate in the first season of this TV show. But at the very last moment, grief occurred in her family: her father was diagnosed with an oncological disease. In April 2013 he died.

It is also important that before arriving in Russia, Zakirova practically got into the list of participants in the American project The X Factor. But shortly before that, she received an invitation to participate in a Russian TV show. At the casting, the singer sang the song of the famous Scorpions group - "Still loving you". Her performance delighted all the members of the jury, and each of them tried to lure her into their team.

The singer with her producer Max Fadeev

In addition, Nargiz Zakirova was immediately remembered by millions of viewers for her extraordinary appearance. Although in her youth the girl wore ordinary clothes and had long hair. But while in the US, the singer decided to completely change her image. Due to a busy schedule, the singer does not often travel to America. But relatives fully support her creative aspirations and hopes.

Nargiz Zakirova: personal life

The singer got married several times. The first husband of Nargiz was Ruslan Sharipov, the soloist of the rock group Bayt. At that time, the girl dreamed of a long and happy life with her lover. But after some time, her dreams were destroyed by the news of her husband's numerous infidelities. For some time they continued to live together. But even the birth of Sabina's daughter could not save their relationship, and the couple broke up.

Nargiz in his youth with his first husband

After the divorce, the singer enjoyed freedom. Then she met her second husband, Yernur Kanaibekov. It was love at first sight. Soon the young people decided to legalize their relationship. But in 1995, the singer leaves for America. In addition, it becomes known that soon they will have another child. The second husband remained at home, but promised that he would come as soon as possible. After the birth of his son, Yernur nevertheless came to the USA. For some time, there were no problems in their personal lives, until Nargiz found out about her husband's infidelities. She immediately filed for divorce.

With second husband and children from first marriage

But the couple was never officially divorced, since Kanaibekov died in a car accident. Immediately, many problems fell on her fragile shoulders: two children, lack of work, a foreign country. All these events led the singer to a protracted depression. She has repeatedly admitted that she dreamed of returning to her homeland and building a career there. But for this she needed a lot of money and acquaintances. Then Nargiz decided to show self-control and do everything to ensure that her children receive decent conditions in life.

It was at that moment that a new love appeared in the singer's personal life. It was an Italian musician - Philippe Balzano. And it was the third husband of Nargiz Zakirova. It must be said that the man had not only a pleasant appearance, but also excellent vocal abilities. Almost always, the star couple was present at the celebrations together. After some time, the third child appeared in the family - daughter Leila.