Evil spirits, its manifestations are the stories of eyewitnesses. Cemetery scum Real stories about scum in the villages

A small collection of old Russian stories about encounters with supernatural beings.

Story - 1

One man was walking late in the evening from the christening, quite tipsy. suddenly his friend comes to meet him, having gone to work a few weeks ago. Friends decided to wash their meeting with vodka. They went to the nearest inn. On the way, the peasant pulls out his snuffbox and begins sniffing tobacco from it.

“Oh, what a wretched snuffbox you have!” says his comrade. He pulled out a golden horn with tobacco and showed it to the peasant.

“Come on, if so, let’s change,” the man asked.

"Come on," the friend agreed.

So they came to the inn. Since the time was late, and it was hardly possible to get through to the owners from the street, the comrade advised the peasant:

- Climb under the gate, what do you think?

The man was about to crawl under the gate, when he suddenly saw that he was standing on a thin bridge, which was installed on a deep river. The comrade advised the peasant to climb into the crack, and he could drown himself.

Coming to his senses from fright, the man rushed to run home. All the hops went out of his head. At home, he remembered about the horn, which he exchanged with his comrade. I climbed after him and pulled out a horse, almost fresh, bone.

Story - 2

Once a man rode home in a sleigh. Suddenly, on the way, he came across a priest in full vestments. The priest asked to take him to the village. The man agreed. When they approached the place where the road went along a terrible steepness over the abyss, this priest, getting off his horse, began, as if frightening the peasant, to drag him into the abyss.

“Father, don’t play around, otherwise not only the horses, but you and I will break our heads, unless, God forbid, we fall down,” the man says.

The priest then calmed down. When they arrived at the most dangerous place, this priest could not resist and again began to pull the sled into the abyss.

- Lord Jesus Christ! What are you doing, daddy? - the man shouted, and swinging with all his strength hit the priest on the head. Yes, he hit so deftly that he hit right on the charred stump that appeared in this place. The man even screamed in pain.

In the meantime, the priest had gone cold, and the stump, which the peasant took for the priest, rolled into the abyss, and from there some piercing laughter was heard after him.

It was only then that the peasant realized that it was not a real priest with him, but a devil in his image.

Story - 3

One peasant woman walked past an old dilapidated church. Suddenly she heard a baby crying from under the porch. She rushed to the porch, but, to her surprise, she could not find anything. When she got home, she told her husband what had happened. Another time, passing by the same church, she seemed to meet her husband, who ordered her to follow him.

For a long time they walked through the fields, and then this imaginary husband of hers would push her into the ditch, saying:

- It will be a science for you, next time you will not tell how children cry under the church.

When the woman came to her senses from fear, then, somehow getting out of the ditch, she reached the house on the fifth day.

The Lesovik, who introduced himself as her husband, took her seventy miles away from home.

Story - 4

Once a peasant was walking at night and he sees: the church is standing, lit, and a service is going on in the church, and the priest and the parishioners have some unsuitable faces. Something is wrong, the man thought. He began to back away towards the door. And they were unclean. They saw a man and ran after him. The unclean ones are looking - there is not a single trace back from the church, but only to the church. Searched, searched, and abandoned.

Story - 5

One deceased, on some occasion, was left in the church for the night. The church was open; so the thief wandered into it. He went up to the icon and wanted to peel off the robe; suddenly the dead man rose from the coffin, took the thief by the shoulders, led the thief away from the icon, and lay down again in the coffin. The thief got scared. How little, how much time passed, he again went to the icon. The dead man got up again and took him away again. So up to three times. In the end, the thief went to the priest and repented of everything.

Hi all!!! I recently stumbled upon your site, give me, I think, I’ll throw off a couple of my stories ..
Story 1:
This incident was told to me by my mother, she was then 6-7 years old, they lived in the village, and one autumn evening they were sitting as a family, having dinner, suddenly they heard a knock on the door, somehow strange, because the yard was already locked, yes, and who will roam at such a time, the father asked:
"Who?" – in the answer only another knock. Well, what to do, my father took the poker and went to the door, just opened it, as two piglets burst into the house and began to rush along the hallway with a wild squeal, everyone was in shock, what kind of pigs, because there is only one big pig on the farm.
Meanwhile, the pigs rushed into the room, all behind them. What they saw shocked everyone - in the middle of the room, piglets stood nearby and silently looked at the icons hanging on the wall. After standing like this for about 10 seconds, the piglets rushed to the exit with a screech and disappeared in the doorway. The father of the family jumped out after them, but there was a deafening silence in the yard. The most interesting thing is that the guard dog, which reacted to every rustle, calmly lay in the booth. The owner quickly found some kind of stick, hewed out a stake and drove it in the middle of the yard, at that moment, as my mother says, she saw a spark run through the stake like electricity and smell of swaddled wool.
“Well, that’s it, I caught it,” said the father, “they’ll come running tomorrow!”
The next morning, the neighbors come running, the husband and wife, both red, steamed, he supposedly goes for nails, and she goes for salt. Everything became clear to everyone, but no one showed it, there were various rumors about this couple in the village for a long time. Nothing like this happened again.
Story 2:
My uncle (mother's brother) told this story, it happened in the same village, only a little later. Once they went with a friend for night fishing, they heard that the fish hides in the reeds at night and it is good to drag it with a net from there. Here they are, it means, along the reeds, waist-deep in water, pulling fry, when they suddenly hear - crackling in the reeds, well, they think the pike is no less than 5 kg, they quietly lowered the landing net into the water and let's beat the reeds with their feet, drive the prey . They hear something heavy hitting the net, they raise the landing net, but what they saw was far from being a fish. In the light of the moon it seemed to them that it was a beaver, well, why do they need a beaver? They took him by the scruff of the neck and threw him further into the water. And this shaggy "something" sailed about ten meters and let's laugh with would-be fishermen. What can I say, the guys rushed, not feeling the ground under their feet until the very village, everyone abandoned both the landing net and the bag with prey. The uncle says that he remembered this piercing laugh for the rest of his life. They don't go to the river at night anymore.
These are the stories for your judgment, believe it or not.

My friend Lena and I were very fond of calling all kinds of evil spirits. Whom we just did not call: brownies, mermaids, spirits, but, being children, we did not see anything terrible in this. With each call of the "evil spirits", we waited for what would happen next, and our childhood fantasy made us afraid. And it seemed that with every second something unusual, mystical would happen. But every time nothing happened. And little by little it began to bore us.

But then one fine evening everything changed. It happened in February. On one of the winter days of this month, it turns out that it was impossible to summon evil spirits (I don’t remember which one exactly), because. on this day, all evil spirits roam our world. As always, not noticeable to people, but busy with something special on our Earth, if you disturb her, she will get very angry.

But Lena and I were not timid girls, and we obviously didn’t want to sit at home that day, when so many adventures were walking around you. She did not know about this day and I really wanted to tell her about it. I remember how my eyes burned then, how strongly my heart beat, I remember those emotions that overwhelmed and overwhelmed me all!

When a friend found out about this day, we, without thinking twice, began to look for something special that we could call, risking our own lives. Our choice was the Queen of Spades and Lucifer, but after reading the consequences that could await us, we changed our minds and decided to call the usual brownie.

We read a new way to call a brownie, went to her room, which was located on the second floor (she lived in a private house), and began to prepare. They spread a white tablecloth on the table, put gingerbread cookies there, when suddenly her younger sister Katya flew into the room. The girl just amazed us with her behavior. She sat down on the floor next to the table and started shouting something unintelligible (she was then 1.5 years old). We soon figured out what these words were: “Where is my porridge?”. She shouted it very loudly, began to hysteria and cry, while repeating these words all the time. Soon Lena's brother came (he was 8) and took the baby with him.

When everything calmed down, Lena plopped down on the sofa. She was kind of pale, I asked her: “What is wrong with you?”, To which she replied: “Katya has never had such tantrums, and the most amazing thing is that she can’t stand porridge, and only this The word already disgusts her. Especially since she is small, then how could she open the doorknob?”

Of course, we got a little creepy, because we knew that brownies were very fond of porridge and perhaps we should put some porridge on the table. But it was too late to think about it - it was time to start the ceremony. We held hands and as soon as our mouths opened, a light flickered in the room. Lena's house was new and of course the light bulbs were also new, and it was an ordinary winter evening outside. Lena yelled at her brother if he noticed the light flickering, but he said he didn't notice anything. She went downstairs to her parents, but they also said that there was nothing mystical.

Then we got really scared. We again returned to that room, but, having approached the table, we froze and turned pale: there was no plate with gingerbread. We already decided that it was her little sister who stole the sweets, and began to read the words, when suddenly a snowball crashed through the window. We looked out into the courtyard, but there was no one there ... After that, we did not dare to call evil spirits ...

Reading time: 2 min

The tricks of the forest spirit.

When my grandfather Agzyam Karimov was 18 years old, he and his 16-year-old brother went to the forest to get firewood. Let's go at night. The fact is that the next day there were many things to do, and the night was so moonlit - as bright as day. But they did not manage to bring firewood.

Unknown being.

When we entered the forest, the horse neighed and stopped as if rooted to the spot, not wanting to go further. The brothers looked ahead and saw that a ball was rolling towards them along the forest road. At some distance from them, the ball stopped and turned around like a hedgehog. In front of them was some unknown forest creature. Grandfather and brother, frightened, turned the horse around and went the other way. There were many roads in the forest - all the locals prepared firewood for the winter and traveled to different places. And now they are riding the other way, and again the horse snorted and stopped - and again the same ball rolls on them. The horse stopped - the ball also stopped, then turned around, and again a mysterious creature rose on its paws in front of them. The brother began to beg Agzyam to leave the forest as soon as possible.

Lost branches.

They began to leave, they noticed a tall curly birch on the outskirts of the forest. They decided to chop birch branches for brooms, so that there would be something to bathe in the bathhouse. Grandfather, taking an ax in his hands, climbed a tree. He began to cut branches, instructing his younger brother to pick up and put them on the cart. Having cut a decent number of branches, he asked his brother how much more to cut, but he replied that he had not yet caught a single branch. All the branches, not reaching the ground, were carried away with a rustling somewhere by an unknown force.
So the brothers returned home with nothing: the forest spirit did not want to give away their wealth.

(mystical stories about evil spirits)

Gelfirya Khaidarzkanovna.

Night strangler.

This story happened not to me but to my friends - three or four years ago. In an ordinary apartment in the city of the hero of Volgograd, an ordinary Galya family lived - a young pretty girl, her husband Grisha and their little son Sashenka.

Couldn't wake up.

Weekday, not foreshadowing any trouble, came to a close. Having finished their dinner, the family settled down in front of the TV. After the end of the film, mom put Sashenka to bed. And soon the couple fell asleep. At night, Grisha woke up from a strong push in the side and saw that his wife was writhing, as if from unbearable pain. He turned on the light: Galya was pale, her lips were beginning to turn blue, and red marks and shallow scratches appeared on her neck. Grisha began to wake up his wife, but she only moaned barely audibly and did not wake up. Then the man rushed to the kitchen, where they had a bottle of holy water brought from the church. He poured it into a glass, splashed it on his wife's face. Galya woke up, began to greedily swallow the air.

The nightmare recurred.

Catching her breath, the woman, with tears in her eyes, told her husband about the nightmare she had experienced. Through her sleep, she felt some small creature sitting on her chest, and his small hands getting closer to her neck. Then Galya felt a terrible suffocation, small hands squeezed her neck more and more. The woman tried to free herself, struggled, moaned, but could not scream. Galya experienced such horror for the first time. Grisha, as best he could, reassured his wife. He said that she had an asthma attack, had a nightmare, and she scratched her own neck. Grisha calmed his wife, and he suddenly remembered the story of his grandmother. A similar story happened to her in the same apartment. Grandmother claimed that it was a brownie. And to appease him, you need to sprinkle holy water around.

(mystical stories about evil spirits)

Arina Pavlovna Kolotnikova. d Kiselnyal Leningrad region

"Everyone has already heard about the village evil spirits. Brownies, kikimors, goblin, middays and ghouls - all these representatives of the non-human family seem to be annoying flies at noon, who decided to annoy the owner of the house a little. It is much worse when the evil spirits themselves, without the knowledge of the owner, enter the house and begins to rage and frighten all household members. They are the most arrogant ... and the most dangerous. "

1946 My great-grandfather, God rest his soul, lived in a village. Or rather, in the most often Siberian taiga. There was a period of recovery of the country from the consequences of the Second World War. Therefore, my great-grandfather did not get bored. From Novosibirsk, to the village, I traveled every day. And once, on a spring evening, my great-grandfather was sitting on the porch and smoking. He sat to himself, did not touch anyone, but then there was fuss in the bushes opposite. He looks closely, but nothing is visible, it is twilight on the street, and what can you see. He spat, finished smoking, and returned home. He comes in, and after him such a strong draft burst in that the hanging curtains on the stove almost twisted into a tube. Great-grandfather went nuts from such, even crossed himself, closed the door and stands on the threshold.

It is worth it, but somehow it became hard for yourself, as if someone had sat on your neck. And then the curtains on the stove would fly up, how they would dance, as if someone intensely wants to rip them off. Great-grandfather was taken aback, he began to pray, he was baptized, and then, as someone yelled in bass from his bedroom.
- Go away!
My grandfather flew out of the house like a bullet, and to the former father in a direct move. The former father was a drunken, swollen muzzle. After the Bolsheviks plundered the church and dismantled it brick by brick, and kicked him out of the clergy, he earned a reputation as a drunkard. Pitiful fate. But he was still a priest.

Grandfather got to his house, let's bang on the door. The priest opened it for him and in a low voice asked what he supposedly needed. Grandfather described the situation to him, they say:
- I have devilry, father, kicked me out of the house, won't let me.
After looking at the grandfather for half a minute, the drunken priest hid behind the door, and a minute later he was upstairs with an icon and holy water. Grandfather was surprised, they say:
- Where did you get the icon from? They've all been torn apart! - The priest muttered something and went straight to the grandfather's house.

They approach his house, and outside they hear how something is being smashed, broken, thrown. They come in, and there is real bedlam. The stove was scratched, the furniture was shattered, the carpet on the wall hung from it in shreds, the doors were all wide open, the mirrors were beaten, the chandelier rested on the floor like a defeated animal. Seeing this, the grandfather turned pale, and this drunken priest began to bawl out a prayer, waving his brush, splashing every corner. What started here.

At first there was silence, and then the broken chair suddenly took off on its own and immediately rushed towards the priest. As if someone had thrown it. He jumped back and a chair right out the window. Glass fell down, some right on my grandfather. And the priest himself, with an imperturbable air, further bawls out a prayer and further sprinkles the corners. From the corridor they shouted in bass:
- You bastard, what are you doing to me, shut your mouth brute!
And he reads further and sprinkles holy water. Then such a sigh was heard, as if someone was dying and the front door was knocked out, the wind rose and rushed to the exit. The drunken priest finished bawling and turned to his grandfather.
- Everyone, kicked out the evil spirits.
- Thank you, father, anything you want to ask!
- A bottle of moonshine - and in the calculation.

Then grandfather removed all the destruction that was the fault of this black force for a whole week. And damn it, after such a story, the last thing you want to be sure is that the other world does not exist. That's it. Thank you for attention.