Never pick berries in a graveyard. Fruits from the cemetery Is it possible to pick berries near the cemetery

A small child is not advised to give an apple as it is. It is advisable to make applesauce, which can sometimes be included in the child's diet.

Before the apple rescue of a mother who lost a child and after a cesarean

Believing mothers who have lost a child should not eat apples until Apple Savior. Everything is justified by the fact that in paradise a dead baby is fed paradise apples, and if a mother on earth eats them at that time, then they will not be given to the child. “As the orchards begin to bloom and before the apple day, mothers of lost children cannot eat apples.”

Child with diarrhea or rotovirus

With rotavirus and diarrhea, you can eat apples without cutting off the skin: it contains healthy fiber that will ease diarrhea. You can also make compotes from apples, but you should know when to stop.

Breastfeeding mother and during pregnancy

You need to eat apples during pregnancy and lactation! More vegetables - more vitamins, which is very useful for a child and mother at any age.

If you have a sore throat, stomach, intestines, liver, or pancreas

Apples are a universal product that has a positive effect on the digestive system, so they can be used in almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And also do not deny yourself this fruit for diseases of the throat and liver.

If on a diet and at night if you lose weight

Apples do not have many calories, so they are often not prohibited during diets, if this is not a completely strict diet. Literally half an apple before bed will not harm your diet, and the body will be pleased.

One hour after eating, exercising, or in the evening after six o'clock

You can eat apples in the evening and after meals. The only thing that may be so is the heaviness in the stomach, if you eat an apple after a meal, even after an hour. After training, it is generally mandatory to take apples and other fruits, since muscle tissue needs to be filled with something.

Patients with diabetes

Patients with diabetes are not forbidden to eat apples. These fruits contain sucrose and fructose, which in acceptable quantities does not harm diabetics.


They can. The problem is different - they may not feel like eating them.

In the morning on an empty stomach

It is useful to eat on an empty stomach, because it helps to start the metabolism before taking the main meal.

Growing near the road and in the cemetery

It is not recommended to eat apples growing near the road, as it is filled with heavy metals and harmful microelements during growth. And at the expense of apples growing near the cemetery, there are no contraindications.

Store in the refrigerator in a freezer and cling film

How to eat apples so that your teeth do not hurt and there is no bloating

Toothache or bloating appears after eating apples only in people who have problems with these organs. Due to the high acidity, the nerves of the teeth react sharply to this fruit, for the same reason swelling may appear. Therefore, such people are advised to eat baked apples, which lose their sourness after processing.

Can you eat waxed apples?

You can eat such apples, but does it make sense? If you look from the side of influence on the body, then there will be no positive effect in this lesson. But only after one or two of these apples, stomach problems may appear, and at best you will get off only with constipation.

Along with kefir

You can eat apples with kefir. Based on these products, there are even special weight loss diets.

Never pick berries in a graveyard! In the summer of 1988, I, a 2nd year student at a medical institute, went to work in a detachment with students of a pedagogical university. They pulled asphalt, I was a nurse with them. We lived in trailers, 2 girls in a room, and the boys lived the same way. There were only four of us girls, 10 boys, all senior students. At lunchtime, the girls walked around the village and wandered into the cemetery, picked up strawberries there and brought them to me. When I found out where it came from, I didn’t eat this strawberry, and even yelled at the girls that no one eats berries from the cemetery. They neighed and ate everything. And then it happened at night. I was sleeping near the window and was the first to hear someone walking around, then there was a howl, creepy, the girls all woke up, began to yell. It was heard that someone was constantly running around the trailer and breathing noisily, and the second jumped onto the roof and began to scratch and howl terribly. The girls all roared with fear, I wanted to look out the window or run to the boys' carriage, but they yelled at me and I did not do anything. It’s good that in summer the dawn starts at 3 o’clock, but with the dawn everything stopped, we fell asleep. In the morning we told everything to the boys, they did not believe us and made fun of us all day. We ourselves had a funny day. But for the night we asked the senior in the ranks to spend the night with us. It's night, chill out. Everything repeated itself, only now not two, but three ran around the trailer, one howled and scratched on the roof, the second cut circles around, and the third began scratching at the door with his nails. The car was shaking, we thought we would not stay alive. Dawn came and everything was gone. We all got up and then one student said that he was not sleeping, he was watching our trailer, but there was no one, no one ran, did not sit on the roof and did not howl. In the morning in the dining room, where we were fed, the cooks began to laugh at us, saying - girls, you are so rumpled, spent the whole night with the boys. And I took and told them what happens at night. Both cooks turned white, one threw off her apron and ran away somewhere, and the second wanted to tell us something, she even started - and you know what happened before in our village ... But then they brought a car of hot asphalt and everyone ran away to lay it. An hour and a half later, a priest arrived on a motorcycle with a censer, the brother of the cook who ran away after my story, and he consecrated everything around, all the trailers, the entire area of ​​the construction brigade camp. Nothing else happened. Many many years passed, I arrived in my hometown, and my mother told me that the girls from the line had all died. One drank herself and froze on the street, the second was beaten by her husband, and the third was hit by a car.

In the summer of 1988, I, a 2nd year student at a medical institute, went to a construction team with students of a pedagogical university. They pulled asphalt, I was a nurse with them. We lived in trailers, 2 girls in a room, and the boys lived the same way. There were only four of us girls, 10 boys, all senior students. At lunchtime, the girls walked around the village and wandered into the cemetery, picked up strawberries there and brought them to me. When I found out where it came from, I didn’t eat this strawberry, and even yelled at the girls that no one eats berries from the cemetery. They screwed up and ate everything.
And that's what happened at night. I was sleeping near the window and was the first to hear someone walking around, then there was a howl, creepy, the girls all woke up, began to yell. It was heard that someone was constantly running around the trailer and breathing noisily, and the second jumped onto the roof and began to scratch and howl terribly. The girls were all screaming with fear, I wanted to look out the window or run to the boys' carriage, but they yelled at me and I did not do anything. It’s good that in summer the dawn starts at 3 o’clock, but with the dawn everything stopped, we fell asleep. In the morning we told everything to the boys, they did not believe us and made fun of us all day. We ourselves had a funny day. But for the night we asked the senior construction worker to spend the night with us.
It's night, chill out. Everything repeated itself, only now not two, but three ran around the trailer, one howled and grunted on the roof, the second cut circles around, and the third began scratching at the door with his nails. The car was shaking, we thought we would not stay alive. Dawn came and everything was gone. We all got up and then one student said that he was not sleeping, he was watching our trailer, but there was no one, no one ran, did not sit on the roof and did not howl.
In the morning in the dining room, where we were fed, the cooks began to laugh at us, saying - girls, you are so rumpled, spent the whole night with the boys. And I took and told them what happens at night. Both cooks turned white, one threw off her apron and ran away somewhere, and the second wanted to tell us something, she had even begun - and you know what happened before in our village ... But then they brought a car of hot asphalt and everyone ran to lay it. An hour and a half later, a priest arrived on a motorcycle with a censer, the brother of the cook who ran away after my story, and he consecrated everything around, all the trailers, the entire area of ​​the construction brigade camp. Nothing else happened.
BUT. Many many years passed, I came to my hometown, and my mother told me that the girls from the construction worker had all died. One drank herself and froze on the street, the second was beaten by her husband, and the third was hit by a car.

Apple Spas 2020 will be celebrated on August 19. Since, according to the old tradition, it was supposed to visit the graves of deceased relatives on this day, many Orthodox are wondering: can I go to the cemetery at Apple Savior?

The unequivocal answer to this question is: it is not possible, but it is necessary. Those who buried their children should especially go to the Yablochny Spas to the cemetery.

It is also necessary on this day to visit all your loved ones and relatives who have left this world.

It is supposed to go to the cemetery after visiting the festive service. To forget about the souls of the dead on this day is considered a great sin.

What you need to carry to the cemetery for Apple Spas 2020

What to take with you to the cemetery at Apple Savior?

  • First of all - apples, especially - consecrated in the church.
  • You can also bring flowers to the deceased - live or artificial, an odd number. Laying flowers on the grave should be with buds to the head of the deceased. For fresh flowers, it is better to bring a vase and fill it with water.
  • Sweets, cookies, favorite food of the deceased - the church does not advise bringing food to the graves, but it does not prohibit it either. After all, if your heart feels this way, then it is quite possible to do it.

You can not eat and drink in the cemetery, as well as bring alcohol to the graves.

What are the beliefs associated with the Apple Savior and the souls of the departed

There used to be a belief that women who buried small children did not eat apples until the Apple Savior. According to legend, on the feast of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin in the other world distributes golden apples to children. They are received by the babies of those mothers who have withstood the “fruit fast”. And the children, whose mothers allowed themselves to eat apples before the Savior, allegedly stand aside and cry, left without refreshments.

Also in the old days there was a belief that the souls of the deceased, whose living relatives ate apples before the Savior, would not be able to enjoy the celebration on the Apple Savior. Of course, to believe or not in such a sign, everyone decides for himself. But, of course, you need to go to the cemetery and visit the deceased relatives.

Happy holiday to you and your family!