Description and characteristics of the heroes of the story by Alexander Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm. The main characters of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Characteristics of Tikhon ("Thunderstorm") The main characters of the work of a thunderstorm


One of the key characters of the work is Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova, a rude and despotic woman by nature. She was brought up according to ancient customs, which laid in her the concept of the existence of only relationships based on tyranny and fear. The heroine is convinced that a husband cannot love his wife, on the contrary, he must be her and the children, completely dominate the family. Marfa Ignatievna is a widow, in whose house everyone is afraid of her and therefore obeys the will and orders. She raised her son as an absolutely weak character, the so-called "sissy". Her daughter-in-law is subject to eternal reproaches and threats.

Tikhon Kabanov

Son of Marfa Ignatievna. Raised by a tough mother, which formed him a weak-willed and weak-willed person. In this regard, he did not attempt to somehow get rid of the influence of his mother. I found a way out in humility and drunkenness.


The girl is the wife of Tikhon, but does not have any feelings for the young man, except for pity and sympathy. He is under pressure from his mother-in-law, because she is afraid that she will lose her influence over her son. Katerina, in an attempt to find salvation, starts a love relationship on the side. She is later overcome with regret and ends her life by suicide.


Daughter of Marfa Ignatievna, sister of Tikhon. He is the complete opposite of his brother. The girl is not subordinate to her mother, but lives according to her convictions. Bold and strong, she adapts to life in her father's house.


A young man with whom Barbara is in a relationship. Curly is a character of the "dark kingdom", he is rude and impudent.


The hero, whose image and character, as well as an inquisitive mind, evoke only positive emotions in the reader. The mechanic is self-taught with a kind and open heart, dreaming of changing the world for the better.

Savel Prokofievich Wild

A rich merchant, whose heart is callous, and whose true pleasure is capable of bringing him the humiliation of people. This hero is of great importance in society. Does not recognize progress and development.


Nephew of the Wild. The young man appears educated and well-mannered, but how later this delusion turns out. He is a hypocrite, unable to take responsibility for his actions (leaves Katerina to her fate).


The old woman, Marfa Ignatievna's hanger-on, like a fox is able to ingratiate herself with people, leads a pretty good, measured and prosperous life. There is no place for culture and change in her world.


The young girl is a complete copy of Felusha, has a primitive way of thinking and does not have a craving for self-development and self-knowledge.

Essay 2

The play by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is one of the most popular and favorite works of the writer. The work was written before the beginning of the social reforms expected in the Russian Empire.

The main idea of ​​the play was to reveal the true moral values ​​of the merchant class. The problems raised in the work "Thunderstorm" are relevant to this day.

Katerina is the main character of the play. It is her image that is the key to the work. She was a young and well-mannered woman, with a docile nature and a strict outlook on life.

Katerina was a very kind and believing girl. She had a happy childhood, so the girl thought that her whole life would be like that, but it did not come true.

Katerina's marriage was not a happy one. The girl married a weak-willed and spineless man, with whom there was no question of love. Relations with the mother-in-law were also strained.

But one day Katerina's life changed - she met her love. The girl really thought that happiness had finally found its way to her, but no. Katerina's life ended tragically.

Martha Ignatieva Kabanova or Kabanikha- a character in the play "Thunderstorm". This is a rather rude, despotic, widowed rich woman. She was brought up according to the old traditions and believed that everyone should obey her.

The boar is a negative character. She was the mother-in-law of Katerina and believed that all relationships are built on fear and tyranny, and the wife should be the slave of her husband.

Tikhon Kabanov- Katerina's husband and Kabanikh's son. This is a very kind, gentle, but weak-willed person. He had a weak temper and never tried to stand up to his mother.

barbarian- sister of Tikhon and daughter of Kabanikhi. The girl was the complete opposite of her brother. Despite the fact that her mother considered her submissive and obedient, Varvara was a very brave girl.

She led a free lifestyle, did not think about how her behavior would look in the eyes of society, and did not care at all about her moral principles.

Ivan Kudryashch- Beloved of Barbara. This is a daring, cheeky and ambitious young man with the simplest appearance. Vanya was strong and smart, and really loved Varya.

Boris- the most controversial character in the play "Thunderstorm". This is a very educated young man. At the beginning of the work, he seems to be a fair and honest guy, fashionable and well-read, but over time, his character was revealed in a completely different way.

Boris turned out to be a weak-willed, cowardly and irresponsible person. He was the very love that should have made Katerina happy, but instead killed her.

Kuligin- Another character in the play "Thunderstorm". He was a mechanic and at the same time a tour guide. He had a noble heart and a lively mind. Kuligin dreamed of world peace and was one of the most positive heroes.

All the characters presented by Alexander Ostrovsky are very different and unlike each other. Each of them personifies either human vice or virtue. It is the characters that make the play so sharply social and vital.

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A. N. Ostrovsky is a playwright who not only continued in his work the traditions of Fonvizin, Griboedov and Gogol, but also founded the "Russian nationalOstrovsky Theatre.

In his plays, Ostrovsky revealed the most acute problems of contemporary reality, exposed human vices. One of his most striking creations is the drama "Thunderstorm", which I. S. Turgenev described as "the most amazing, most magnificent work of a Russian, I can-what, a talent that has completely mastered itself."

The action of the play takes place in the province, in one of the cities on the banks of the Volga, Kalinov. The main conflict of the work is based on the love of Katerina and Boris Grigorievich.

Katerina is the wife of Tikhon Kabanov, a young beautiful woman. This nature is strong, free. She has a pure and bright soul. Previously, Katerina's life flowed differently, and she herself was different. "What a frisky I was!" - says the heroine about herself. Before her marriage, Katerina lived "like a bird in the wild." She was surrounded by love, care, attention. Everything changed when, as a young wife, Katerina entered the house of the Kabanovs, where the stern Kabanikha is in charge, and her weak-willed son, Tikhon, obeys her in everything. In the world that now surrounds Katerina, no one understands her. Even Barbara, who is unlike the others and who has made friends with the heroine, remarks: “You are somehow wise ...”. The character of Katerina is difficult to understand for the inhabitants of the "dark kingdom".

Katerina's soul is full of poetry. Remembering her girlhood, she enthusiastically talks about washing with spring water, admires the beauty of flowers, folk singing and stories. The heroine is endowed with a passionate, ardent soul. The episode she mentioned from her childhood speaks very eloquently about this, when, offended, she ran away from home, got into a boat and pushed her away from the shore. "... I was born... hot!" - says the heroine.

Catherine is dreamy. “A dream comes into my head,” she says. Having married Tikhon, Katerina finds herself forced to live with a man whom she does not love and has never loved, alien and completely distant to her. She is surrounded by an oppressive atmosphere of lack of freedom, humiliation of the human person, tyranny. Wildness and darkness are visible in everything that her mother-in-law, Kabanikha, does. Katerina's world, the harmony that reigned in her soul, begin to collapse. The position of Katerina in the Kabanovs' house is tragic.

The only light in her life with the Kabanovs was a sudden outbreak of love for Diky's nephew, Boris. Katerina is a nature who knows how to love passionately, with all her heart. People like her love only once and only with all their hearts. Being a highly moral and religious person, she experiences deep pangs of conscience from the realization of the sin she has committed. Katerina suffers deeply. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything,” she says. It is easier for her to endure death than to continue to endure this moral torture. The heroine cannot lie, pretend. Barbarian science does not suit her. “Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing! ... If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment? she says to Boris. Unable to hide her feelings, Katerina confesses everything to her husband and, unable to withstand the contempt and ridicule, and for the most part the torment that torments her from the inside, dies.

Critic E. Kholodov wrote: “No, it was not a thunderstorm, not the prophecies of a crazy old woman, not fear of fiery hell that prompted Katerina to confess. For her honest and whole nature, the false position in which she found herself is unbearable.

If the mother-in-law and husband had forgiven Katerina, if Boris had agreed to take her with him, she would hardly have become happier. Her position in that environment was tragically hopeless.

The playwright showed that in his contemporary society, such gifted and pure natures as Katerina are doomed to death. N. Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in a dark kingdom."

The action of the play "Thunderstorm" takes place in the fictional town of Kalinov, which is a collective image of all the provincial towns of that time.
There are not so many main characters in the play "Thunderstorm", each must be said separately.

Katerina is a young woman married without love, "in a strange direction", God-fearing and pious. In the parental home, Katerina grew up in love and care, prayed and enjoyed life. Marriage for her turned out to be a difficult test, which her meek soul opposes. But, despite outward timidity and humility, passions boil in Katerina's soul when she falls in love with a strange man.

Tikhon - Katerina's husband, a kind and gentle person, loves his wife, pities her, but, like all households, obeys his mother. He does not dare to go against the will of the "mother" throughout the play, as well as openly tell his wife about his love, since the mother forbids this, so as not to spoil his wife.

Kabanikha - the widow of the landowner Kabanov, mother of Tikhon, mother-in-law of Katerina. A despotic woman, in whose power the whole house is, no one dares to take a step without her knowledge, fearing a curse. According to one of the heroes of the play, Kudryash, Kabanikh - “a hypocrite, gives to the poor, but eats homemade food.” It is she who tells Tikhon and Katerina how to build their family life in the best traditions of Domostroy.

Varvara is Tikhon's sister, an unmarried girl. Unlike her brother, she obeys her mother only for the sake of appearances, while she herself secretly runs on dates at night, inciting Katerina to do so. Its principle is that you can sin if no one sees, otherwise you will spend your whole life next to your mother.

The landowner Dikoy is an episodic character, but personifying the image of a “tyrant”, i.e. those in power who are sure that money gives the right to do whatever your heart desires.

Boris, Diky's nephew, who arrived in the hope of receiving his share of the inheritance, falls in love with Katerina, but cowardly runs away, leaving the woman he seduced.

In addition, Kudryash, Wild's clerk, is participating. Kuligin is a self-taught inventor, constantly trying to introduce something new into the life of a sleepy town, but is forced to ask Wild for money for inventions. The same, in turn, being a representative of the "fathers", is sure of the futility of Kuligin's undertakings.

All the names and surnames in the play are "speaking", they tell about the character of their "masters" better than any actions.

She herself vividly shows the confrontation between the "old" and "young". The former actively resist all sorts of innovations, complaining that young people have forgotten the orders of their ancestors and do not want to live "as expected." The latter, in turn, are trying to free themselves from the yoke of parental orders, they understand that life is moving forward, changing.

But not everyone decides to go against the parental will, someone - because of the fear of losing their inheritance. Someone - accustomed to obey their parents in everything.

Against the backdrop of flourishing tyranny and precepts of Domostroy, the forbidden love of Katerina and Boris blossoms. Young people are drawn to each other, but Katerina is married, and Boris depends on his uncle for everything.

The heavy atmosphere of the city of Kalinov, the pressure of the evil mother-in-law, the thunderstorm that has begun, force Katerina, tormented by remorse because of her betrayal of her husband, to confess everything in public. The boar rejoices - she turned out to be right in advising Tikhon to keep his wife "strict". Tikhon is afraid of his mother, but her advice to beat his wife so that she knows is unthinkable for him.

The explanation of Boris and Katerina further aggravates the situation of the unfortunate woman. Now she has to live away from her beloved, with her husband, who knows about her betrayal, with his mother, who will now definitely exhaust her daughter-in-law. Katerina's piety leads her to think that there is no more reason to live, the woman throws herself off a cliff into the river.

Only after losing the woman he loves does Tikhon realize how much she meant to him. Now he will have to live all his life with the understanding that his callousness and obedience to his tyrant mother led to such an ending. The last words of the play are the words of Tikhon, pronounced over the body of his dead wife: “Good for you, Katya! And why in the world did I stay to live and suffer!

The play "Thunderstorm" is the most famous creation of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Each hero of this work is a unique personality that takes its place in the system of characters. Noteworthy in this regard is the characteristic of Tikhon. The Thunderstorm, a play whose main conflict is based on the confrontation between the strong and the weak, is interesting for its oppressed heroes, including our character.

The play "Thunderstorm"

The play was written in 1859. The scene is the fictional city of Kalinov, which stands on the banks of the Volga. Time of action - summer, the whole work covers 12 days.

According to its genre, "Thunderstorm" refers to the social drama. Ostrovsky paid much attention to the description of the everyday life of the city, the characters of the work come into conflict with the established orders, which have long become obsolete, and the despotism of the older generation. Of course, Katerina (the main character) expresses the main protest, but her husband also occupies not the last place in the rebellion, which is confirmed by Tikhon's characterization.

"Thunderstorm" is a work that tells about human freedom, about the desire to break out of the shackles of outdated dogmas, religious authoritarianism. And all this is depicted against the backdrop of the failed love of the main character.

Image system

The system of images in the play is built on the opposition of tyrants who are used to commanding everyone (Kabanikha, Dikoy), and young people who want to finally find freedom and live by their own mind. Katerina leads the second camp, only she has the courage to open confrontation. However, other young characters also strive to get rid of the yoke of dilapidated and meaningless rules. But there are those who reconciled, and not the last among them is Katerina's husband (below is a detailed description of Tikhon).

"The Thunderstorm" draws the world of the "dark kingdom", only the heroes themselves can destroy it or die, like Katerina, misunderstood and rejected. It turns out that the petty tyrants who seized power and their laws are too strong, and any rebellion against them leads to tragedy.

Tikhon: characteristic

"Thunderstorm" is a work where there are no strong male characters (with the exception of Wild). So, Tikhon Kabanov appears only as a weak-willed, weak and intimidated by his mother man, unable to protect his beloved woman. The characterization of Tikhon from the play "Thunderstorm" shows that this hero is a victim of the "dark kingdom", he lacks the determination to live with his own mind. Whatever he does and wherever he goes - everything happens according to the will of the mother.

As a child, Tikhon was accustomed to follow the orders of the Kabanikh, and this habit remained in him in his mature years. Moreover, this need to obey is so ingrained that even the thought of disobedience plunges him into horror. Here is what he himself says about this: “Yes, mama, I don’t want to live by my own will.”

The characteristic of Tikhon ("Thunderstorm") speaks of this character as a person who is ready to endure all the mockery and rudeness of his mother. And the only thing he dares to do is the desire to break out of the house to have a spree. This is the only freedom and liberation available to him.

Katerina and Tikhon: characteristics

"Thunderstorm" is a play where one of the main storylines is love, but how close is it to our hero? Yes, Tikhon loves his wife, but in his own way, not in the way that Kabanikha would like. He is affectionate with her, does not want to dominate the girl, intimidate her. However, Tikhon does not understand Katerina and her mental suffering at all. His softness has a detrimental effect on the heroine. If Tikhon had been a little more courageous and possessed at least some will and ability to fight, Katerina would not have needed to look for all this on the side - in Boris.

The characterization of Tikhon from the play "Thunderstorm" exposes him in a completely unattractive light. Despite the fact that he reacted calmly to his wife's betrayal, he was unable to protect her either from his mother or from other representatives of the "dark kingdom". He leaves Katerina alone despite his love for her. The non-intervention of this character was largely the cause of the final tragedy. Only realizing that he lost his beloved, Tikhon ventures into an open rebellion against his mother. He accuses her of the death of the girl, no longer fearing her tyranny and power over him.

Images of Tikhon and Boris

Comparative characteristics Boris and Tikhon ("Thunderstorm") allows us to conclude that they are in many ways similar, some literary critics even call them twin heroes. So, what do they have in common, and how are they different?

Not finding the necessary support and understanding from Tikhon, Katerina turns to Boris. What was it about him that attracted the heroine so much? First of all, he differs from other residents of the city: he is educated, graduated from the academy, dresses in a European manner. But that's just the outside, what's on the inside? In the course of the story, it turns out that he depends on the Wild in the same way as Tikhon depends on the Boar. Boris is weak-willed and spineless. He says that he keeps only his inheritance, having lost it, his sister will become a dowry. But all this seems like an excuse: he endures all the humiliations of his uncle too humbly. Boris sincerely falls in love with Katerina, but he does not care that this love will destroy a married woman. He, like Tikhon, worries only about himself. In words, both of these heroes sympathize with the main character, but they lack spirit strength, to help protect her.