Useful and harmful properties of cholesterol in shrimp meat. Shrimp and cholesterol, is there a connection? Will cholesterol change if there is only shrimp

"Death under the shell" - so in 2010 Elena Malysheva called shrimps in her television program. This nickname was given to shrimp because of its high cholesterol content. It turns out that such healthy seafood is actually dangerous to health? Let's figure it out.

How much cholesterol is in shrimp?

Shrimps are indeed the leaders in the content of cholesterol among seafood. 100 grams of crustaceans contain approximately 150-190 mg cholesterol is a relatively large value ().

But at the same time, shrimp have very little fat - no more than 2.2 g per 100 g. For comparison, chicken fat is 18.4 g. And the content of saturated fatty acids in shrimp is generally minimal - about 150-200 mg. This means that crustaceans do not provoke the synthesis of cholesterol in the body.

Shrimps also contain a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iodine, many vitamins and well-known Omega-3 acids.

It turns out that shrimp are a source of many useful substances, but the cholesterol content in shrimp is also very high. So do they exist or not?

Shrimps and cholesterol

To answer this question, let's move from theory to practice. In the 90s of the last century in the West, they actively started talking about the dangers of crustaceans due to their high cholesterol content. And in 1996, scientists from the Rockefeller University published a very interesting study on this subject.

Every day for three weeks, 18 people ate 10 ounces of shrimp (just under 300 grams). Do you know what was the result? Everyone's cholesterol is up!

It turns out that shrimp are really dangerous for blood vessels and the heart? Not so simple. Scientists measured not only the total cholesterol level, but also the amount of LDL and HDL (you read the article recommended above :)?). It turned out that the level of "bad" cholesterol increased by 7%, and the level of "good" - by 12%. That is, the ratio of LDL / HDL, called has become less. This means that the risk of atherosclerosis has decreased slightly. In addition, triglycerides were reduced by 13%.

Of course, 18 people is a very small group of people and it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion based on this study. However, in the US, shrimp are now fully rehabilitated.

Another indirect proof of the innocence of shrimp is the fact that the Japanese, who eat a considerable amount of shrimp, are on the list of countries with minimal mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

A few words about cooking

Keep in mind that the benefits of the product largely depend on the way it is prepared. Shrimp can be cooked in a variety of ways, and some of the methods will greatly diminish their benefits.

Probably, many are familiar with the method of cooking shrimp in batter. In this case, they are dipped in a mixture of eggs and flour, and then fried in a large amount of oil. It turns out a very tasty snack for beer, but the benefits of such a dish are in question.

Brains are valuable for their high phosphorus content. In addition to the above, they contain the necessary for proper metabolism in the human body. However, apart from this product contains 2000 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams. Probably, it is not in vain that people use very rarely (kalorizator), to say the least - they do not eat them at all. However, in restaurants such a dish is served and gourmets value veal and beef brains more because they are larger and more tender.

Brains are consumed fried.

They, like brains, belong to category 1 offal. The kidneys have a specific taste and smell, however, with proper preparation, they can be disposed of. To do this, they are soaked or blanched.

For a healthy person, properly cooked will be an extremely useful product. The main harm lies in the content of cholesterol. They contain about 1126 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams.

In the presence of chronic diseases, you should not use the kidneys or only after consulting your doctor. I am glad that culinary dishes with kidneys, even if they are very tasty, are not particularly popular with the consumer.

However, in many restaurants, the kidneys are used to make hodgepodges, pickles, main courses.

All shellfish (,) contain a large amount of cholesterol, which can bring fat into the cell, and can also bring it out. Shrimp cholesterol brings fat into the cell. Therefore, of all seafood, shrimp is the most dangerous product in terms of high cholesterol levels. do contain a lot of cholesterol compared to others.

If your cholesterol level is normal, then you can eat a small portion of shrimp 2 times a week, but if you have it elevated, then shrimp are forbidden to you, or allowed in very small quantities.

4. Fish caviar. An interesting fact is that the cholesterol content is the same, what's in, what's in, what's in. 100 grams of fish contains approximately 100 mg of cholesterol.

But the good news is the high content of omega-3, omega-6 and lecithin, which neutralizes the fatty alcohol found in the eggs themselves. Caviar contains a rich set of vitamins and minerals, which makes it a healthy dish.

However, it is worth remembering the content of cholesterol in caviar, and the presence of vegetable oil and other preservatives when it is salted (,). This means that a person should not eat more than three tablespoons of caviar per day.

Pork meat is the most consumed type of meat worldwide, with the exception of some countries. It contains a lot of proteins and fats, and, accordingly, cholesterol. Having eaten one - standard, 200 grams, we get 200 mg of cholesterol, i.e. 100 grams of pork (medium fat) contains 100 mg of cholesterol, leaner meat - 88 mg.

When choosing pork, try to give preference to leaner pieces, trying to cook it without frying. The best option for cooking pork is in the oven in foil or in a slow cooker. You can boil it, but in this case, the meat will give some of the nutrients to the broth.

Only animal products are rich in cholesterol. But you should not completely abandon animal products, they contain many vitamins and minerals that are useful and necessary for the body. You just need to limit their consumption.

6. Carp fish. It is considered fatty fish that raises cholesterol. However, it also contains fish oil, which is beneficial to the body. In addition, carp has a lot of vitamins and minerals, which makes it even more useful. contained in carp is involved in the construction of numerous enzymes ( phosphatase) - the main engines of chemical reactions of cells. The tissue of our skeleton consists of phosphate salts.

Fans of this fish will certainly be upset to learn that they are not recommended to eat more than 100 grams of carp per day, because by eating only 100 of this fish, they will get as much as 250 mg of cholesterol. By the way, from and we also get a lot of cholesterol (see table below). But this amount will be quite enough for the body to receive useful substances.

It is made from lactic acid bacteria. Cheeses are high in protein, milk fat and minerals. Cheeses are rich in vitamins and others. Praises are sung about the benefits of cheese.

That's how it is, but if you look at the cholesterol content in 100 grams of hard cheese, then it is already 120 mg there, in soft and salty cheeses - about 70 mg. The high cholesterol content is due to the fact that any cheese is made from milk fat. It is estimated that a kilogram of cheese contains more of it than a kilogram of meat.

And therefore, more than 160 grams per day of this wonderful product cannot be eaten. But even this amount is able to give the body all the necessary useful vitamins and minerals.

8. Egg yolk. Most often eat, and. But eggs of other birds are also eaten.

The chicken egg contains neutral fat - 23%, - 16%, phospholipids - 11%, cholesterol - 1.5% and minerals - 3%. At the same time, 100 grams of egg yolk “give” us about 1200 mg of cholesterol. Of course, this is a lot, but the weight of a chicken yolk is only about 16-18 grams, respectively, 1 yolk contains about 200 mg of cholesterol, so yolks can be consumed in moderation.

To reduce the level of cholesterol consumed with eggs, it is worth using 1 yolk from 2-3 eggs, take only protein from the rest. The appearance and taste of such a dish will not change much, but the benefits will be higher.

And remember, you should not eat only raw eggs, always subject them to heat treatment.

9. Cream with a fat content of 20%. They contain several groups of vitamins in their composition: A (RE), (TE), and the chemical elements presented. Butter contains 185 mg of cholesterol in 100 grams. To get the daily norm of cholesterol, it is enough for a person to eat one large cake with butter cream.

However, along with harmful properties, butter also benefits the body, it is rich in fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins, as well as vitamins and. Butter has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Therefore, moderate consumption of butter is not harmful to health. Every day you can eat 10-20 grams of oil, both as a separate meal and as part of meals.

We looked at the 10 foods with the highest cholesterol content - these are some kind of "record holders". But how much cholesterol is contained in other foods that we use every day or occasionally, only on holidays? Let's start with the worst ones.

Cholesterol content in staple foods

Drawing a conclusion from the information read, we can say the following: the most dangerous for a person are not those products in which cholesterol “goes off scale”, but those that we use most often, believing that they only bring benefits, without taking into account such an indicator, as the amount of cholesterol in this product. It is necessary to learn to eat right yourself and teach your children to choose more “correct” and healthy foods, to know the measure in foods rich in cholesterol.

Sitting down at the table to have lunch or just a snack, we never think about the cholesterol contained in our meals. Eating as much cake as you want, or drinking, for example, a couple of glasses of heavy cream, does not seem dangerous to us. Meanwhile, it is the acquired cholesterol that becomes the culprit in the development of many terrible diseases. We hope that this article will help you build your diet more correctly and be always healthy!

Sea products are recommended to be consumed by all people without exception, as they contain many useful substances. Sea plants are rich in iodine, and in addition to this trace element, animal food contains a lot of valuable protein. In addition, seafood has a specific delicate taste, many types of dishes are real delicacies and are loved by many people.

Recently, with the development of logistics and international trade relations, on the shelves of our stores you can find a variety of products with an abundance of products from the most exotic countries. Marine crustaceans have gained great popularity among the population, which are consumed both in their natural form and are included in various dishes, for the most part being components of salads.

But for those who have problems with blood vessels due to deposits of fatty plaques on the walls, they are interested in whether cholesterol can be consumed in shrimp, which is contained in sufficient quantities. Therefore, in this article we will focus on the nutritional attractiveness of these crustaceans and their impact on human health.

Cholesterol content in seafood

Since the article is devoted to shrimp, we will naturally pay more attention to them, but for comparison, we will stop a little on the quantitative indicators of cholesterol in other seafood that are most often consumed by people.

In the second half of the last century, the topic of expediency was actively discussed in the press about whether or not to eat popular seafood because biochemical analyzes showed the cholesterol content. Fears arose because the high content of this substance in the body provokes the development of atherosclerosis and causes serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

If you look at Table 1, you can see that shrimp have a sufficient content of this substance, and among the most favorite seafood products, they also occupy a leading position in this aspect.

Table 1. The amount of cholesterol in seafood.

Seafood Cholesterol content (mg/100g)








The table shows seafood in ascending order, which are considered healthy, but some of them have a high cholesterol content, but their use is considered safe for heart and vascular diseases.

Note. Shrimp, fish oil, some types of red fish are high in cholesterol, but due to the fact that they contain a significant amount of unsaturated lipids, they can and can be useful to use when blocking blood vessels with sclerotic plaques.

In the future, we will take a closer look at how such concepts as: shrimp cholesterol harm and benefit are combined, since these queries are the most popular when searching for information on the Internet.

Shrimp increase or decrease cholesterol

Cholesterol or its more correct name - cholesterol (as biochemists often call it) is a lipid, without which it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the mammalian body. It is an essential component of cell membranes, takes part in the work of the endocrine system, in hormonal synthesis, ensures the stable functioning of the organs of the digestive system and the brain.

It is important that the balance of this substance is observed in the body. If cholesterol is not enough, this can cause the development of cancer, and when the amount exceeds the norm, a person develops atherosclerosis, and fatty plaques begin to deposit on the walls of the veins and arteries.

Most cholesterol is synthesized in hepatocytes of the liver, the rest comes from food. Moreover, these processes in a healthy body are in a correlation: if a lot of cholesterol was received during a meal, then hepatic synthesis decreases, and if it is deficient, on the contrary, it increases.

When something is wrong in the body, this balance is disturbed and the person becomes ill. It has not yet been possible to find out the exact mechanisms for the development of pathology, scientists have put forward several hypotheses, all of which to some extent explain the genesis of the disease.

Therefore, for those who love shrimp, the benefits and harms of cholesterol will depend on the state of the body itself and the amount of food eaten. In general, it can be argued that this lipid is useful, but with its excess, a person begins to experience serious health problems.

There are products, the regular use of which allows you to lower cholesterol because they contain a sufficient amount of good cholesterol, which displaces bad cholesterol or substances that can bind cholesterol and remove it from the body. Therefore, the presence of cholesterol itself in a product does not automatically make it harmful.

The note. In order to reduce the likelihood of developing pathological changes in the circulatory system leading to strokes or heart attacks, you should regularly eat foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in abundance in some seafood and especially fish.

If we consider small marine crustaceans from this point of view, then shrimp contain very little fat - only two grams per 100 g, which is nine times less than chicken meat, which is considered the most dietary product of animal origin.

But crustaceans contain a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids - 540 mg / 100 g, therefore, despite the significant cholesterol content in shrimp, their use will not adversely affect the deterioration of health. Simply put, the fact of the presence of cholesterol in this seafood will not cause clogging of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis, but on the contrary, unsaturated lipids help to reduce this lipid, so the vessels are cleansed.

Scientific research

The belly is the edible part of the shrimp.

Information about the high content of a harmful substance in shrimp meat prompted a number of researchers to study the question of whether there really is cholesterol in shrimp, what is its nature and quantity. Western biologists and physicians took up the study of this problem with particular care.

For example, one of the first publications in the scientific literature appeared (in 1996) by doctors from the world-famous American Rockefeller University, but the truth was that a small number of people took part in it. People in the experimental group ate shrimp meat (about 0.3 kg) daily for a certain period of time.

The result showed that the amount of cholesterol in the analyzes of the study group was higher than in the control group. Based on this, we can confidently say that shrimp and cholesterol have a direct proven correlation, provided that this product is eaten daily in significant quantities.

At first glance, you might think about the dangers of these crustaceans for the cardiovascular system and stop reading the article further, but not everything is so simple. University doctors measured not only total cholesterol, but also the amount of high and low density lipoproteins (LDL - dangerous to health and HDL - useful).

It turned out that the content of LDL increased by 7% of the initial indicators, and HDL increased to 12%. This ratio (LDL / HDL) in medicine is called the atherogenic index, which in this case has decreased, which in simple words means a decrease in the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, the quantitative indicators of the content of triglycerides, which take an active part in lipid metabolism, were studied, which also decreased by 13% from the initial indicators.

Thus, these marine crustaceans are fully rehabilitated in the eyes of consumers. Therefore, knowing what kind of cholesterol in shrimp, we can safely say that the benefits from them are much greater than the harm.

Please note that the high content of cholesterol in shrimp does not lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In confirmation, one should look at the state of health of the inhabitants of Japan and coastal cities, where people eat a lot of marine crustaceans for food. In these regions, the lowest rates of deaths associated with diseases of the heart or blood vessels are recorded.

An active stance to protect shrimp as a valuable food product was once championed by the popular dietitian David Haber, who published the bestseller What Color Is Your Diet. He was able to convincingly prove that despite the amount of cholesterol in shrimp (and other seafood), they cannot cause the accumulation of harmful substances on the walls of blood vessels, and do not lead to atherosclerosis.

Useful properties of shrimp

The daily requirement for cholesterol in an average person is approximately 400-500 mg, so it initially seems that eating marine crustaceans will not bring anything good. But this is not a reason to refuse a delicacy.

When considering the issue, one should always consider what density the lipoprotein is contained in the product. There are two types of cholesterol: low density and high. It is the first type of lipid that causes the development of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and the good one belongs to high-density lipoproteins and performs many useful functions in the human body, which are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Useful properties of "good" cholesterol.

Since HDL prevails in shrimp, you can eat them, preferably cooked without frying, which will be discussed below.

But if you look at the chemical composition of shrimp meat, then doubts about the usefulness of this product will completely disappear.

These crustaceans contain:

  • natural iodine, without which the thyroid gland is disrupted;
  • calcium is good for bones and tooth enamel;
  • potassium strengthens the cardiac myocardium;
  • selenium is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system;
  • B vitamins are needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system;
  • vitamin A is useful for immunity, vision and epithelial cells, due to it the skin and its derivatives (nails, hair) improve;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) has a protective effect on cells, protects against the harmful effects of radiation and toxins, neutralizes the negative effects of stress;
  • omega-3 fatty acids reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, they are needed for the full functioning of the brain;
  • astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals and radiation, which is a good preventive measure in the fight against strokes and heart attacks, helps fight rheumatism and varicose veins;

Note. The presence of astaxanthin can be indicated by the red color of the meat of some marine fish and the pink stripes separating the segments on the abdomen of crustaceans.

Is it possible to eat shrimp with high cholesterol

Marine animals are classified as low-calorie foods, so they are included in various types of diets. Their meat is a high-quality protein that is perfectly absorbed by the body, and the carbohydrate content is contained in minimal quantities.

In addition to these useful substances, the tissues contain: phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, C, PP and D, which is rarely found in food products. In order to get the maximum benefit from shrimp, they must be cooked correctly, which can be read in the appropriate section of this article.

Please note that sea animals often appear on the table of professional athletes. They are needed for quick replenishment of strength, replenishment of high-quality protein in the body, their use has a positive effect on a good mood and gives vigor.

Due to their high palatability, shrimp are classified as delicacy products, so they are included in the culinary traditions of many countries of the world. They are most popular in Norway and Japan where people are distinguished by good health and high life expectancy. This product is recommended for children and even pregnant women, provided that they are not allergic to seafood.

Therefore, you can reassure those people who are often afraid to eat them, constantly wondering if there is a lot of cholesterol in shrimp and how harmful it is. We can safely say that these marine crustaceans, just like other food donated by the sea, are not only safe, but also useful when properly prepared and used.

How to eat shrimp

Shrimp is a healthy seafood, but for this they need to be cooked in a certain way and consumed in moderation. Excessive amounts and diligent zeal when eating any food do not bode well, everywhere you need to know and observe the measure.

In order to extract the maximum amount of benefits from seafood, they must be skillfully combined with other types of food:

  • no need to eat shrimp at the same time as ethanol and flour products;
  • do not drink cola, tea, coffee and highly carbonated drinks immediately after shrimp;
  • in order for most of the useful trace elements and vitamins to be absorbed by the body, it is advisable to eat shrimp with any kind of fresh greens, besides, this helps to eliminate “bad” cholesterol;
  • it is possible, but not desirable, to eat animal seafood with other types of protein foods due to the fact that some of the proteins will not be absorbed with their excess;

The above recommendations will help you get the most benefit from eating marine crustaceans.

But in some cases, shrimp can be harmful:

  1. Excessive eating in large quantities can cause allergies and cause kidney disease;
  2. They can be dangerous if they were caught in ecologically unfavorable areas because harmful toxic substances will accumulate in their body;
  3. You should not eat stitched foods or those that have been repeatedly frozen because in this case they may contain harmful components;
  4. When choosing a product, you should opt for well-known brands, since unscrupulous manufacturers often treat crustaceans with special substances and antibiotics for longer storage. Such products may be hazardous to your health.

In order for you to be able to choose the right quality products, we have prepared several recommendations on how to decide on the choice of shrimp. First, you need to pay attention to the country of the exporter and choose the one where there is a high control over product quality, for example, the Nordic countries. If the product has been defrosted several times, this can be seen upon close inspection.

This is indicated by the presence of ice in the package without crustaceans, they will stick together in irregularly shaped lumps. If you have previously bought unfrozen shrimp, the difference will be noticeable immediately.

Important. Only boiled or steamed seafood is recommended for people with atherosclerosis. Shrimps fried in batter are strictly prohibited for such people.

In order for the food to be tasty and healthy, we recommend choosing freshly frozen products. Shrimp can be raw or ready to eat, and all you need to do is just defrost them, and if you want to eat warm shellfish, you can pour boiling water over it or just heat it in the microwave, a couple of minutes is enough for this. If the product is raw, it must be boiled for 3-5 minutes. pre-salt the water and add spices to it to taste.


Shrimp, if used correctly, is a very useful low-calorie product. High cholesterol is not reflected in the increase in fatty plaques in the vessels, so they can be eaten by people suffering. Due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, they affect the excretion of bad cholesterol from the body, thereby cleansing the blood vessels.

To get the maximum benefit from eating shrimp, you should take into account the possible harm from the quantity and quality of food consumed, and calmly enjoy the natural delicacy presented by nature.

"Death under the shell" - such a nickname was given to shrimp because of the high amount of cholesterol contained in them. To find out why these crustaceans are so guilty and whether there are good reasons to call them that, let's turn to a sensational study conducted at the Rockefeller University in 1996.

The essence of the experiment is simple: volunteers ate 300 g of shrimp a day for three weeks. This increased their blood cholesterol levels. It would seem that everything is clear, but "bad" cholesterol increased by 7%, and "good" - by 12%. Consequently, the possibility of developing atherosclerosis has decreased.

Nutritionist David Heber states that the presence of cholesterol in crustaceans eaten is not the cause of its excess in the blood.

This statement is confirmed by new studies conducted in Australia and America. The American Heart Association has published a rebuttal to its statement about the health risks of including shrimp meat in the diet. It turned out that they even contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol. The harmlessness of shrimp is evidenced by the fact that Japan and Norway are on the list of countries with minimal mortality from heart disease. And the Japanese and Norwegians eat crustaceans a lot and often.

The shrimp combines useful properties and exquisite taste. It has almost no fat and calories. This product is recommended for both pregnant women and children. It is included in diets for diabetes and obesity. The appearance of shrimp is deceptive, large and beautiful warm-water crustaceans are less useful than their small cold-water relatives. Some microelements in the shrimp contain more than in beef, about 50 times.

In order not to get confused in the beneficial properties and understand the effect of microelements on the body, you can study the presented table, which includes far from all, but only the most useful substances contained in shrimp.

ingredient in shrimp Benefits for the body
Kalium (K) Included in the mechanism of the sodium-potassium pump.

Normalizes water and acid-base balance.

Creates conditions for muscle contractions.

Calcium (Ca) Regulates intracellular processes.

Participates in the secretion of hormones and the work of neurotransmitters.

Improves blood clotting.

Strengthens the skeleton and teeth.

Phosphorus (P) It is part of the enamel of the teeth.

Prevents bone diseases.

Chromium (Cr) Reduces cholesterol levels.
Zincum (Zn) Promotes the removal of carbon dioxide.

Needed for the formation of sperm and testosterone.
Important for the normalization of the prostate.
Helps to synthesize insulin, testosterone and growth hormone.
Breaks down alcohol.

Sulfur (S) Included in amino acids, vitamins, enzymes.
Manganum (Mn) Affects growth, blood formation and gonadal function.
Ferrum (Fe) Prevention of anemia.

Participates in the transport of oxygen.

Cuprum (Cu) Required for the conversion of Fe to hemoglobin.

Participates in the growth process.

Takes part in the formation of collagen and elastin and the synthesis of endorphins.

Cobaltum (Co) Takes part in the synthesis of DNA and amino acids.

Stimulates the growth and development of red blood cells.

Regulates the activity of adrenaline.

Participates in metabolism.

Molybdenum (Mo) Prevention of impotence.

Prevents gout.

Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Tocopherol (E) Immunomodulator.



Affects protein synthesis.

Protects cells from toxic and radioactive influences.

Prevents cancer.

Relieves stress.

Vitamin A The main component of the visual pigment.

Stimulates growth and development.

Structural component of cell membranes.


Improves eyesight and skin condition.

Moisturizes the cornea.

Enhances immune function.

Folic acid (B9) Prevention of megaloblastic anemia.

Promotes the correct formation of the fetus.

Normalizes the production of spermatozoa.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) Reduces cholesterol.

Activates metabolism.

Helps restore liver function.

Strengthens the nervous system.

Increases the ability of tissues to regenerate.

Ascorbic acid (C) Converts cholesterol to bile acids.

Prevention of scurvy and premature aging.



Nicotinic acid (PP) Participates in the synthesis of enzymes.


Cholecalciferol (D) Provides absorption of Ca and P.

Improves the development of bones and teeth.
Increases blood clotting.
Reduces the risk of diabetes.
Strengthens immunity.

Other substances
Astaxanthin Antioxidant.

Stabilizes the hormonal background.

Strengthens immunity.

Renews and regenerates tissues.

Benefits and energy value

Obviously, dietary shrimp meat has a beneficial effect on all people, regardless of gender and age:

  • women (stabilizes estrogen production);
  • men (normalizes the formation of sperm and testosterone);
  • children (promotes growth and development);
  • pregnant women (has a positive effect on the formation of the fetus);
  • older people (increases collagen production and slows down aging).

Shrimps also have the ability to smooth out the psychological discomfort of the menstrual cycle and reduce the associated pain and cramps.

Shrimp is a low-calorie product, 100 g of shrimp meat contains:

Proteins are also present, which are the source of amino acids. There are almost no carbohydrates. For clarity, let's compare the fat content:

Shrimp meat Chicken
per 100 g
2 g 18.4 g

The obvious benefits of shrimp are overshadowed by the pressing question of whether there is cholesterol in shrimp. Yes, I have. The same 1996 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated this fact: 160 mg per 100 mg of shrimp meat. Such indicators brought shrimp to the top in terms of cholesterol content among crustaceans and placed them on the list of foods banned by WHO for a healthy diet.

There is really quite a lot of cholesterol in this product. But it is important to understand what kind of cholesterol is contained in shrimp. It is the presence of its useful form that is the reason to recommend their inclusion in the preventive diet in the treatment of heart disease. This is due to the fact that shrimp are saturated with fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart pathologies, prolong the patient's life after a heart attack. Their presence in the diet maintains a normal level of good cholesterol and reduces the risk of blood clots, making blood vessels more elastic and durable.

Types of cholesterol

Modern research has debunked the myth of cholesterol in shrimp, which can harm human health. After all, it is not cholesterol itself that is dangerous, but the way it is combined with lipoproteins, which can be either low (LDL) or high density (HDL). In the first case, transportation to the vessels is successful, and in the second, failures may occur during its withdrawal, as a result of which cholesterol will accumulate on the walls of the vessels, narrowing their lumen.

Transportation is disrupted in such a way that the number of lipid complexes that bring cholesterol into the arteries exceeds the number of compounds that take it away from there. As a result, atherosclerosis occurs. It becomes clear why the Rockefeller experiment with the final readings of 7% lipoprotein introductory and 12% efferent lipoprotein proved to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis when eating shrimp.

Prejudices about the dangers of cholesterol in shrimp originate in such works as the experiments of N.N. Anichkov over rabbits, which he fed foods containing cholesterol. This fact only says that their food was of animal origin, because cholesterol is found in all animal forms, but is absent in plants and fungi.

As a result, the rabbits died from blockage of the coronary arteries by cholesterol plaques. For unknown reasons, it was concluded that cholesterol is also dangerous for humans. But, in fact, this experiment proved only one thing: herbivorous rabbits are not physiologically adapted to food of animal origin.

Having dealt with misconceptions and familiarized yourself with the useful composition of shrimp, you can not worry about the cholesterol contained in it, and feel free to enjoy the exquisite taste of this delicate seafood.

Use in hypercholesterolemia

Diverse fats, once in the human body, are broken down by the corresponding enzymes, “captured” by red blood cells and transformed into chylomicrons. With the bloodstream, they transport cholesterol through the body, which is insoluble in the blood. But to penetrate into the organs, "transport" needs the help of lipoproteins - complexes of lipids and protein.

Strictly speaking, hypercholesterolemia is not a disease. Rather, it is a pathological syndrome, that is, a symptom that biochemically manifests itself in a failure of the lipid metabolism mechanism.

Hypercholesterolemia has no pronounced signs and may be asymptomatic for some time. With the development of this pathology may appear:

  • gray stripe along the edge of the cornea;
  • yellow-orange spots on the eyelids;
  • xanthomas on the joints;
  • angina.

Cholesterol accumulates and settles on the walls of blood vessels, clusters form, narrowing the lumen for blood flow. Its deposits cause atherosclerosis.


Disputes about the benefits and harms of shrimp and the cholesterol contained in them in excess may take place in the prevention of heart pathologies. But with a diagnosed disorder in the mechanism of removing excess cholesterol from the vessels, which can be hereditary or acquired, it is worth refraining from eating not only shrimp meat, but also foods less saturated with cholesterol. At the same time, you should not be afraid of its deficiency in the body, because 80% of cholesterol is produced by the liver.

Rules of use

There are many different shrimp recipes. However, most of them negate all the benefits of shrimp meat. They are focused only on achieving interesting flavors. For example, shrimp fried in egg batter are unacceptable for a healthy diet. The best option is to just boil them. Minimal heat treatment without the use of products that change the composition of the dish preserves valuable gastronomic and dietary qualities.

The presence of cholesterol in shrimp does not mean that by including them in your diet, a person puts himself at risk of atherosclerosis. On the contrary, free from saturated fats and enriched with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, they help cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. However, it is worth refusing to eat shrimp meat if hypercholesterolemia is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and consult a nutritionist.

Shrimp meat has a unique composition that can be useful, but can also be harmful to health. It is important to follow the simple rules for the preparation and use of this delicacy.

Many people know about the beneficial effects of seafood on human health. As for shrimp, until quite recently they were inaccessible and were considered a delicacy. Now, shrimp are increasingly appearing on our table and, although they do not make up the main part of the diet, it is very important to know about the possible limitations, about the beneficial and harmful properties of this product.

Shrimps are 80% liquid saturated with vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, they have a high content of iodine, zinc, sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, chromium, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein. Shrimp meat contains a significant amount of valuable protein. Fats and calories in it, on the contrary, are record low.

100 g of this product contains about 2% fat and, accordingly, 90 kcal.

In addition, shrimp meat contains a unique antioxidant - the carotenoid astaxanthin, which gives it a red color when cooked. The benefits of this antioxidant have been proven by scientists: it is ten times more powerful than fruit antioxidants, and hundreds of times stronger than vitamin E.

The benefits of shrimp have been proven in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, anemia, diabetes, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, psoriasis, varicose veins. Shrimps help improve eyesight and memory.

Cholesterol in shrimp meat

It should be noted that shrimp have another interesting feature. The meat of these crustaceans contains a very large amount of cholesterol: 150-190 mg per 100 g of product, while it is almost absent in other seafood. It is known that cholesterol, being a component of the cells of the human body, nerve sheaths, is necessary to maintain health.

However, accumulating in the body, cholesterol can cause serious harm to health: provoke the development of atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, cholelithiasis. Theoretically, such high levels of cholesterol in shrimp meat exclude the product from the list of useful or dietary. The daily norm of cholesterol for a person is 300 mg. But in practice, everything is not so simple.

There are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein (LDL and HDL). An excess of LDL in the body can be harmful to health, because, being deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it impedes blood flow, leading to the formation of so-called atherosclerotic plaques. The second type, HDL, on the contrary, prevents their formation. And its deficiency can cause harm to the cardiovascular system, even if the total cholesterol level is normal.

Studies conducted by American scientists have confirmed that shrimp really increase cholesterol levels (publication in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1996), while the HDL content increases by 12%, and the concentration in the blood LDL only by 7%. Thus, the index (LDL / HDL), which doctors use to determine the risk of atherosclerosis, decreases.

This happens due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in shrimp, which remove cholesterol from the body. Magnesium contained in shrimp also lowers blood cholesterol. As mentioned above, the amount of fat per 100 g of these seafood does not exceed 2 g. As for saturated acids, their content in shrimp meat is negligible, which is why when eating shrimp, cholesterol is not synthesized in the human body.

Harm and contraindications

There are no medical contraindications to eating shrimp, but they are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. It is widely believed that shrimp is a strong allergen, but individual intolerance to this product occurs only occasionally, meaning protein intolerance, which shrimp is very rich in. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing the symptoms of a seafood allergy:

  • skin rashes;
  • swelling of the oral cavity;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • anaphylactic shock (with severe course).

The main reason why shrimp can be harmful to health is their unsatisfactory quality. Since shrimp are able to absorb various toxins, you need to be wary of little-known producers of this seafood.

It is also better not to eat artificially grown shrimp, since manufacturers very often resort to chemical feed additives, antibiotics - this accelerates their growth.

When purchasing shrimp, you need to pay attention to the color: from the head to the tail, they should be of a uniform pink color, slightly moist. A dry shell or white stripes on a shrimp is a sign that it has been frozen. A dark head color means the shrimp is spoiled and should not be eaten.

Shrimp Cooking Rules

The benefits of shrimp can only be achieved if they are cooked properly. So, a very popular recipe is when shrimp, pre-coated with batter from flour and eggs, are fried in boiling oil. Of course, this way of cooking seafood can be harmful for people who need to control their cholesterol levels.

The maximum benefit from shrimp is achieved if they are simply boiled for no more than 3 minutes after they have completely thawed. Boiled shrimp can become both an independent dish and an ingredient for salads.

As for the rules for storing shrimp, when purchasing a frozen product, put it in the freezer as soon as possible. At the same time, fresh shrimp are recommended to be pre-washed and put in ice for 2 hours, after which they can be frozen. Shrimp should be defrosted on their own, you should not use a microwave oven for this purpose.

However, along with the opinion that shrimp is not harmful to human health, it is widely believed, even among doctors, that shrimp is a product that is not allowed to be consumed by people with high cholesterol. In any case, it should be understood that cholesterol is contained to a greater or lesser extent in almost all foods.

Therefore, with its increased content, the essence of any diet should be reduced to alternating foods in which cholesterol is present in reasonable quantities with foods that help reduce it. The latter include, for example, fish. But shrimp, nevertheless, it is better not to abuse it. Such a diet must be combined with physical activity, avoid stressful situations and stop smoking.