Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category. Qualification requirements for teaching staff. Portfolio of the professional activity of the educator. For certification Topic for delivery to the 1st category of educator

Work experience of a preschool teacher

The material may be useful for preschool teachers when writing work experience for participation in competitions.
Surname, name, patronymic Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna
Position Educator
Date of birth 03/15/1977
Full address of residence Rostov region, Volgodonsk, ***********
Contact phone numbers, cell email address. **********
Education, academic degree (level, educational institution)
State educational institution of secondary vocational education Volgodonsk Pedagogical College,
qualified teacher of preschool children
majoring in preschool education
Professional career (total length of service, dates, places of work, positions)
14 years in MBDOU DS "Spring" in Volgodonsk - educator of the highest qualification category

The presence of awards, titles(if available)
City competition "Educator of the Year-2006" - Diploma of the participant in 2006.
The final of the regional competition "The best preparatory group for the study of traffic rules and the organization of work to prevent accidents among preschool educational institutions of the region (2009) - 2nd place in the city stage of the regional competition and 1st place in the final of the regional competition.
Honorary diploma of the Department of Education of Volgodonsk for the successful formation of the intellectual, cultural and moral foundations of the personality of preschool children, 2010.
Certificate of honor of the city organization of the Trade Union of Educational Workers for active work in the primary trade union organization, many years of conscientious work, loyalty to the trade union movement in 2013.
Diploma of the winner (1st place) of the All-Russian competition "Umnata" in the blitz Olympiad: "FSES of preschool education" 2015.
Diploma (2nd place) of the All-Russian network publication "Pedagogue's Portal" in the All-Russian competition
"ICT-competencies of pedagogical workers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" 2015
Diploma (3rd place) of the All-Russian educational portal "Prodlenka.org" in the All-Russian pedagogical competition dedicated to Mother's Day "Native Heart", "Script for Mother's Day" 2016.

Name of the preschool educational institution (in full):
Full address of the institution:
The subject of the Russian Federation: ____________________________________________________________
index: ________________________________________________________________
locality: _______________________________________________________
Street: _________________________________________________________________
house: __________________________________________________________________
federal telephone code of the city: ________ telephone: ________________
fax: ____________________ e-mail: __________________
Head of a preschool educational institution (full name, contact phone number):

I believe that the kindergarten of the future should be a second home for children, where they can find happiness. A happy person is above all a healthy person. Therefore, in the kindergarten of the future, conditions must be created for the full development of the physical, creative, cognitive abilities of each child in accordance with his individual abilities. The kindergarten of the future is a house of positive emotions, smiles and joy, where every child realizes himself as a person and knows how to rejoice, not only in his own, but also in other people's achievements.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten "Spring" Volgodonsk
(MBDOU DS "Spring", Volgodonsk)
I, Gorkovskaya Anna Alekseevna, have been working in the MBDOU DS "Spring" in Volgodonsk for 15 years. Teaching experience 14 years. In 2005, she graduated from the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education, the Volgodonsk Pedagogical College, and was qualified as a teacher of preschool children, specializing in preschool education. In 2015 passed the final certification under the advanced training program at the ANO "St. Petersburg Center for Additional Professional Education" on the topic: "Organization of the educational process in kindergarten in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard". I have the highest qualification category.
At the moment I am working as an educator in a compensatory group preparatory to school with severe speech disorders.

1. Characteristics of the teacher's contribution to the implementation of the main educational program of MDOU
MBDOU DS "Spring" of Volgodonsk carries out educational activities according to the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova. For the first time, it implemented an approach to organizing the holistic development and upbringing of a preschool child. I consider my contribution to the implementation of this program to be the creation of the "Educational Working Program of the Educator" (Appendix No. 1).
The content of the Program, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, includes three main sections - target, content and organizational.
The purpose of the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education: the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics.
Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:
1. Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;
2. Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).
3. Ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education).
4. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world.
5. Combining education and upbringing into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society.
6. Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.
7. Ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of the Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of forming Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health of children.
8. Formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.
9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.
10. Ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of preschool general and primary general education.

2. Characteristics of the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies by the teacher
Implementing this Program, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, I use modern educational technologies in my activities:
1.health-saving technologies;
2.technologies of project activity;
3. information and communication technologies;
4. personality-oriented technologies;
5.game technology

1. Health-saving technologies.
The purpose of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle.
I carry out a complex of sports and recreational activities aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child's health - technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening by walking barefoot on massage mats using sports equipment (gymnastic sticks, balls, dumbbells, etc.), conducting breathing exercises according to the method A.N. Strelnikova, psycho-gymnastics
M. Chistyakova, gymnastics for the eyes, finger and articulation gymnastics, self-massage of the face, the use of outdoor and sports games, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation, etc.
The use of health-saving technologies in my work has led to the following results:
- increasing the level of development of physical abilities of children;
- the stability of the emotional well-being of each child;
- increasing the level of speech development;
- Decreased morbidity.

2. Technologies of project activity
Purpose: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.
For the second year, the priority direction of my work is "The development of the speech of preschool children through moral and patriotic education." In this regard, I have developed and successfully implemented the creative and educational project "Springs of Russia" (Appendix No. 2).
Purpose: the formation of children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people, public holidays in Russia; expanding knowledge about the Don region; education of love and respect for their small Motherland.
As a result, the children developed a feeling of love for their small homeland with its distant past, got acquainted with the Cossack folklore and dialect, with the customs and traditions of the Don Cossacks, with the games of the Cossacks, learned how Cossack household items looked and learned their names; know the State symbols, the capital of our Motherland with its sights, the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the State holidays of the Russian Federation.

3. Information and communication technologies.
The world in which a modern child develops is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. This makes qualitatively new requirements for preschool education as the first link in lifelong education: education using modern information technologies (computer, interactive whiteboard, tablet, etc.).
Informatization of society poses the following tasks for preschool teachers:
- to keep up with the times,
- to become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies,
- mentor in the selection of computer programs,
- to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality,
- improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.
I use ICT in my work to carry out:
1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).
2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarity with the scenarios of holidays and other events.
3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
4. Registration of group documentation, reports.
5. Creation of presentations and films in the Power Point, Windows Movie Maker programs to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

4. Person-oriented technologies.
The technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in relations between the teacher and the child, partnership in the system of relationships "Adult - Child".
Together with children I create conditions for a developing environment, we make manuals, toys, gifts for the holidays. Together we define a variety of creative activities (games, work, concerts, holidays, entertainment).
Pedagogical technologies based on the humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations with a procedural orientation, the priority of personal relationships, an individual approach, democratic management and a bright humanistic orientation of the content. This approach has a new basic general educational program of preschool education "Childhood" edited by T.I. Babaeva,
A.G. Gogobidze, Z.A. Mikhailova.

5. Game technology.
It is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. It includes in sequence:
games and exercises that form the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them;
groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics;
groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real phenomena from unreal ones;
groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, the speed of reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.
I believe that the compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of each educator.

In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes.
Game technologies are closely connected with all aspects of the educational and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks. Implementing the project "Springs of Russia" I use in my work the folk game as a means of pedagogical correction of children's behavior.

The use of all these pedagogical technologies in my work helps me to make the process of solving problems orderly, consistent, thoughtful and conscious, allows me to achieve the planned result, helps me to dress the content of my professional activity in an optimal form for its implementation, build professional actions in a consistent logical chain.

3. The system of activities of a teacher in the education of preschoolers based on patriotic values ​​and cultural and historical traditions of the Don region
The implementation of the national-regional component is carried out according to the program of N.V. Yelzhova "Introducing preschool children to the history of the Don region", as well as through the circle work "Cossack gatherings", which is carried out within the framework of the "Springs of Russia" project.
Purpose: Development of cognitive interest in the history of the Don region and the development of a sense of love for their small homeland.
- To form in children the beginning of moral consciousness and the beginning of self-consciousness of the individual on the basis of the cultural and ethnic norms of the given region, the content of the child's consciousness;
- Continue to expand the content of the child's consciousness through information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to his direct observation;
- Contribute to the enrichment of ideas about the past of the small homeland;
- Maintain a cognitive and creative attitude to the surrounding world of the Don nature;
- Maintain a constant interest in the world of adults;
- Contribute to the desire in children to convey their feelings and thoughts in communication with peers;
- To create conditions for the formation in children of a sense of love for the Motherland;
- To promote the development of productive imagination in children of senior preschool age.

Topic 1: "History of the Don region"
1. Acquaintance with cards.
2. Map of the Rostov region.
3.Our city.
4. Don steppe - "Wild field"
5. Invasion of the Mongol-Tatars.
6. Model of the Don steppe.
Topic 2: "Cossacks are free people"
1. The origin of the Cossacks.
3. Cossack towns.
4. Clothes of the Cossacks.
5. Cossack songs.
6. Traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
7. Creation of a mini-museum.
Topic 3: "Cities of the Rostov region"
6. Compilation of a guidebook of Cossack cities.
Topic 4: "Animal world of the Don region"
1. Animals.
2. Birds.
3. Fish.
4. Donskoy pearls.
5. The Red Book of Animals.
Topic 5: "Plants of the Don region"
1. Trees and shrubs.
2. Flowers.
3. Medicinal herbs.
4. Plants as a means of cosmetics.
5. Red Book of Don Plants.

Topic 6: "How they rested on the Don"
1.Children's games.
2.Orthodox holidays (Easter, Trinity)
3. Sitting on the mound.
4. Hike to the reservoir.
5. Population of the model of the reservoir with animals, plants.

Expected result.
1. The consciousness of children will expand due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to its direct observation.
2. A cognitive and creative attitude to the surrounding world of the Don nature will be formed.
3. A feeling of love for the Motherland will form
4. The desire to learn the folklore of the region.
5. The productive activity of children in the knowledge of their region will be formed.

4. The system for the implementation by the teacher of the principle of individualization in educational activities on the basis of the system of pedagogical assessment approved in the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with the educational program of the preschool institution, according to the annual plan of work in the group, at the beginning and at the end of the school year, the children's achievement of positive dynamics in the results of mastering the educational program is monitored, during which the individual development of children is assessed. The assessment is carried out within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of children associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions, which underlies their further planning).
The results of pedagogical diagnostics are further used to solve the following educational tasks:
1. individualization of education (support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of his development);
2. optimization of work with a group of children.
Pedagogical diagnostics is carried out within the framework of observing children in everyday situations, in order to conclude that the educational process as a whole achieves its result, namely the main goals set by the educational program: health protection, creating conditions for the timely and full mental development of children and joyful during their preschool childhood.
An analysis of the results of pedagogical diagnostics over the past 3 years showed a positive trend in the development of the educational program by my pupils. At the end of the 2013, 2014, 2015 academic year, the number of children with an acceptable level of mastering the educational program was 100%, which confirms the effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies and methods.
5. Characteristics of the interaction of the teacher with specialists: participation in the development and implementation of individual programs for the development of the child

The implementation of the "Educational Work Program of the Educator" takes place in close cooperation with specialists:

Teacher-speech therapist (development of articulatory motor skills, phonemic perception, finger motor skills, consolidation of set sounds in speech, development of coherent speech on lexical topics, consolidation of lexical and grammatical categories);
- a teacher-psychologist (games for the development of communication skills, games for the development of cognitive processes; games that contribute to the development of communication skills, establishing mutual understanding, partnership; development of self-regulation, emotional development, psycho-gymnastics);
- music director (logo-rhythmic classes; singing nursery rhymes, chants; imitation games, dramatizations; automation of staged sounds based on folklore material);
- a physical education instructor and a swimming instructor (development of general and fine motor skills; chants, counting rhymes, outdoor games with speech accompaniment, recitatives, games for coordination of speech with movement)

I take an active part in the development and implementation of individual programs for the development of the child. After the monitoring, data about the child are entered into the card of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social development (Appendix No. 3) according to the following parameters:
- Knowledge, skills and abilities of the program,
- Orientation activity,
- cognitive activity,
- Self-control,
- Orientation activity in new conditions,
- Receptiveness to help,
- Transfer to new conditions.

An individual program of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to a child (Appendix No. 4) is implemented through the following areas: medical (doctor, nurse, exercise therapy instructor), pedagogical (educators, music director), speech (teacher-speech therapist), psychological (teacher-psychologist ). First, teachers identify the problem of the child's development, then describe his rehabilitation potential, choose areas for corrective work, select the necessary technological tools, indicate the predicted result. Actual
The result is written at the end of the year.

6. The creative position of the educator in the transformation of the environment for the development of the child.
The developing object-spatial environment of a preschool educational organization is one of the main means that forms the personality of a child, a source of knowledge and social experience. The object-spatial environment created in the kindergarten influences the development of the child, contributes to his comprehensive development, and ensures his mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, this question is especially relevant for me today.

Zones, centers and microcenters of the group.
Zone of choice and self-determination.
Designed to store materials and equipment that provide the ability to organize all types of children's activities in accordance with the age of the children. These are wall storage cabinets that represent one or another center of children's activity: intellectual, constructive, center of experimentation; socio-emotional; artistic and productive; game; motor; speech, library; duty corner; corner of nature.

Work zone.
It carries out directly the educational activities of the teacher with children and the independent activities of children according to their interests.
The working area contains furniture structures that reflect the specifics of any activity or content, and light furniture structures: transformer tables on wheels.
active zone. Designed to implement the motor activity of children and activities that require movement in space.
Calm zone. Designed for relaxation and solitude. It contains: a small carpet, light banquettes, soft puffs, a light table.
When organizing the teaching staff, they took into account the fact that the boundaries of the zones should be mobile. When building a PPS, I use the so-called mobile modular constructs, screens that are well combined with each other, move, move apart. Such modular furniture is multifunctional and mobile, easily transformed and folded.
I always try to be creative in creating a subject-spatial environment in a group. In my work I use the author's manuals developed by me, author's didactic and educational games, original means of training and education.
The game "Field of Miracles" and "Field of Miracles-2" helps me in my speech development classes:
in the automation of the set sounds (“Name the picture (s) with such a sound”, “Where is the sound hidden?”);
in the development of coherent speech (“Come up with a riddle about ...”, “Come up with a sentence”, “Make up a story about ...”);
in the development of vocabulary and grammar (“Tell me which (what, what)?”, “Pick up a word”, etc.
The manual contains two playing fields of one hundred pictures.
According to this manual, more than 50 game situations have been compiled in various educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.
In the speech therapy corner of our group, I use a number of games and manuals developed by me: kits for modeling fairy tales: "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Zayushkina's hut", d / and "Visiting Tap-Tapych", d / and "Nitkobukovka"
"A chest with fairy tales", sets for the development of an air jet ("Snowflakes", "Flowers", "Leaves"), for the development of fine motor skills "Bunny", "Nimble fingers", "Mom's beads", "Nitkobukovka."
In the security corner: d / and "Put the pictures in order", d / and "Road signs", d / and "Causes of fire in the house", d / and "Find a soul mate", d / and "Dangerous objects in the house" , capes for the role-playing "DPS", "Ministry of Emergency Situations", "Policeman", cards "Dangerous situations", a card index of security games, consultations "For you, parents", memos "How to make a child's life safe".
In the corner of the "Theatre Lounge": the theater on spoons "The Lozhkarev Family", "Kinder-theatre", the theater on the fingers "Legs-stomp", the theater on scarves "Masha and the Bear", "Shadow Theatre".
In the center "Sport and Health" the following games were made: "Traps", "Throw-Catch", "Massage Tracks", a file of outdoor games and exercises.
The center of local history made a visual aid "Don Cossacks", d / and "Say Cossacks", d / and "Cook a dinner for a Cossack", d / and "Dress up a Cossack", a model "Cossack Compound", a visual aid "State symbols of the Russian Federation ", card index of Cossack games.
The object-spatial environment created in the kindergarten and the use of author's manuals, didactic and educational games developed by me, original teaching and upbringing tools have a beneficial effect on the development of children in the compensatory group, contribute to their comprehensive development, and ensure their mental and emotional well-being.

7.Characteristics of the joint activities of the educator with parents and the public to develop the educational environment.
In joint activities with parents, I use various forms and methods of work. The implementation of activities (including the work of the parent club "Holidays of Russia") is carried out according to the plan:
Parent meeting Topic "Features of the development of a child in the 7th year of life"
Questionnaire: "Social passport of the family", "Health of the child is above all"
Conversation "Child and parent"
Briefing "Basics of safe behavior of children in kindergarten and at home"
Theme: Knowledge Day.

Information corner 1.Schedule of work of specialists,
daily routine, class schedule
2. "What awaits us in September"
3. Reminders "Dangerous objects in the house"
4.Consultation on the benefits of vegetables and fruits "Vitamin Calendar"
Festive events Theme: Knowledge Day "Visiting a fairy tale"
Summer birthday.
Campaign: "Don't be invisible, glow in the dark"
Exhibition of children's art "Volgodonsk - the city where I live"
Teacher's Day. "Portrait of a Beloved Teacher"
work with parents
Individual work with parents Conversation "Child and parent"
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Theme: Day of the elderly.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in October?"
2. Memos "How to save yourself from the flu?"
3.Consultation "You have an anxious child"
Festive events Exhibition of crafts from autumn leaves "Tales of autumn leaves"
Photo exhibition "Grandma and I, best friends" (on the day of the elderly)
Autumn entertainment "Autumn Ball"
Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents "Bird of happiness, bird of friendship and kindness"
Exhibition of crafts "Madame Potato"
Autumn entertainment "Autumn gifts"
work with parents
Parent meeting Theme "New Year's holidays"
Individual work with parents

Conversation "Sensory education of children with speech disorders"
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Theme: Mother's Day.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in November?"
2. Reminders "Play with the children"
3Consultation "Teaching a child to communicate"
Festive events Photo contest "My hobby" - among employees, parents and children
Mother's Day Photo Exhibition "Look into Mom's Eyes"
Promotion "Bird Dining"
Exhibition "My mother has golden hands" (for Mother's Day)

work with parents
Individual work with parents Conversation "How to build relationships with conflict children"
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Subject: New Year.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in December"
2. Memos "Advice to parents of closed children"
3.Consultation "Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder."
Festive events Exhibition of drawings "In Search of the Snow Maiden 2016"
Promotion "Christmas Tree of Desires"
Competition of crafts "New Year's toy"

work with parents
Individual work with parents Conversation "Happiness is when you are understood"
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Subject: Christmas.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in January?"
2. Memos "How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?"

Festive events Farewell to the Christmas tree - Vasiliev Day
Production of family photo albums "Family Traditions"
Exhibition of drawings: "So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble."
Entertainment "The adventure of a match"
work with parents
Individual work with parents Conversation "Children are taught by what surrounds them."
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Theme: Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in February?"
2. Stand “Cooperation with the family.
Forms of work.
3.Consultation "Hyperactive child"

Festive events Leisure "Strong, brave"
Exhibition of drawings "Our Army"
Musical and sports entertainment "We are military"
Creative competition "Doll Vesnyanka"
work with parents
Parent meeting Theme "Spring mood"
Individual work with parents

Conversation "Whims and stubbornness of children - preschoolers, their causes manifestation"
Parent club: "Holidays of Russia"
Subject: Day 8 March.
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in March?"
2. Memos “You can’t punish and scold when ...”
3. Consultation "A healthy mind in a healthy body"
Festive events Holiday "Mom - my sun"
Exhibition of works "Spring motives"
Sports entertainment "Girls forward!"
Theatrical Spring Festival
- review of theatrical productions.
work with parents
Theme: Easter.
Conversation "Rules of behavior of children in public places"
Information corner 1. "What awaits us in April?"
2 Memo "On the roads of the city"
3. Consultation “Poisonous plants. Walks in the forest»

Festive events Entertainment for April Fool's Day "Yeralash"
Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia", holiday "We sing about you, my Russia"
Leisure "Protect nature"
Exhibition of drawings "Space travel"
Exhibition of children's works "Bright Easter"
Review competition "The best garden on the window"
Exhibition of drawings "Flower fantasy"
All-Russian action "Attention, children!" - Safe way to school.
work with parents
Individual work with parents Parents' club: "Holidays of Russia"
Theme: Victory Day.
Information corner 1. What awaits us in May
2.Consultation "The sun, air and water are our best friends"
3. Memo "Safety Lessons"
Festive events Exhibition of drawings and crafts "This Victory Day"
Creative contest - greeting card
"Happy Anniversary, My Favorite Kindergarten"
Journey to the school country "Ship of knowledge" Graduation party.
In my work, I also use such a form of activity as “Mail of Trust”, where parents are happy to share their experiences with me, ask questions, and solve problems.

Parents provided charitable assistance in purchasing furniture, educational games, toys and didactic aids.
Within the framework of the project "Springs of Russia" a parent club "Holidays of Russia" was organized
Purpose: the formation of children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history of the emergence and holding of holidays in Russia;
education of love and respect for their homeland;
- Stimulate the desire of children (with the help of an adult) to gain knowledge about holding traditional holidays in Russia.
- To educate in children the features of a citizen of their Fatherland.
- To form the ability of sympathetic perception and understanding of the historical experience of the older generation.
- Raising interest and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia, for the history of the people.

Parent performances are held monthly. According to the indicated topics, each speaker selects information: the history of the holiday, how it has long been celebrated in Russia, what traditions and customs this day carried in itself, games with children on the topic. We collect all the accumulated material in the album "Holidays of Russia".
As a result, the children learned a lot about holding traditional holidays in Russia, began to treat the cultural diversity of Russia with interest and respect, they know many traditions and customs, folk games, they have developed the ability to sympathetically perceive and understand the historical experience of the older generation.

7. Characteristics of the current innovative experience of the teacher.
For the second year, the priority direction of my work is "The development of the speech of preschool children through moral and patriotic education." In this regard, I have developed and successfully implemented the creative and educational project "Springs of Russia" (Appendix No. 2). I believe that project activities in a preschool educational organization are currently relevant and effective modern educational technology.
The project "Springs of Russia" is carried out through the implementation of the national-regional component, the work of the circle "Cossack gatherings", as well as the vigorous activity of the parent club "Holidays of Russia".
Purpose: the formation of children's knowledge about Russia, the characteristics of the population, the history and culture of the Russian people;
expanding knowledge about the Don region;
education of love and respect for their small homeland;
contributing to the formation of grammatically correct coherent speech, expanding the vocabulary.

1. Raise interest in and respect for the cultural diversity of Russia, for the history of the peoples inhabiting our country and the Don region.
2. To form the ability of sympathetic perception and understanding of the historical experience of the older generation.
3. To educate in children the features of a citizen of their Fatherland.
4. Form ideas about the history of the Don region and its inhabitants; to acquaint with the life and work of the Don Cossacks;
5. Improve knowledge about your hometown of Volgodonsk;
6. Activate and enrich their vocabulary with new words.
7. Develop coherent, monologue and dialogic speech.
8. Develop the correct speech exhalation when singing and reading poems.
8. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

The project is implemented during the year in three stages.
№ Action Goals Responsible Dates
Stage 1
Find out the interest of parents in the topic of the project.
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

2nd week of September

Selection and study of literature. Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A. September
Creation of a developing environment: production of didactic aids, games, attributes, selection of consultations for parents, selection of illustrations, creation of albums, presentations on the topic. Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Parents of the children in the group.
Selection of proverbs and sayings on the topic of the project, songs and poems about Russia Implementation of the project Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

Musical director:
Mezheritskaya V.V.
Stage 2 - main

Showing the presentation "Russia is my Motherland."
To acquaint with the peculiarities of natural zones and climatic conditions of our country,
cities of Russia, the main attractions of these cities.

2. Show presentation
"Moscow is the capital of our Motherland"
To acquaint with the main sights of the capital of Russia: buildings, museums, theaters, cathedrals, architectural monuments.
3. Conversation
Topic: State symbols of the Russian Federation: coat of arms, flag, anthem.
Introduce children to the symbols of our country; discuss the content of the text of the anthem of the Russian Federation, introduce new words
("Power", "Sacred", "Property"),
develop patriotic feelings, love for the motherland, develop the speech of Gorbenko A.P.
4. Drawing
Theme: Emblem of Russia
Continue to acquaint children with state symbols, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native country, consolidate the ability to hold a brush correctly, and combine colors.
Gorkovskaya A.A. 11.11.
5. Conversation
Theme: Holidays in Russia. Mother's Day To acquaint children with the features and traditions of Mother's Day. To cultivate feelings of love, tenderness and respect for the dearest and closest person - mother. Parents:
Commissioner O.A.

6. Quiz with a presentation
Subject: My favorite city.
Continue to acquaint children with the sights of our city, cultivate love for their native land, teach them to guess riddles using rhyming words.
Gorbenko A.P.

7. Drawing
Subject: Favorite corner of Volgodonsk. To learn on your own (from memory) to depict the places of your native city that are beloved to your heart; cultivate love for the native land, develop creative imagination.
Gorkovskaya A.A.
8. Chat with slideshow
Theme: Holidays in Russia. Nativity. To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the celebration and traditions of the holiday of Christmas. Learn to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Ivanova L.V.

9. Drawing
Theme: Flag of the Don Cossacks.
To continue to acquaint children with the coat of arms and the flag of the Don Cossacks, to know the meaning of each color on the flag, to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, to develop patriotic feelings, love for the native land.
Gorkovskaya A.A.
10. Conversation
Theme: Holidays in Russia. Defender of the Fatherland Day. To acquaint children with the features of the celebration and traditions of the holiday -
Defender of the Fatherland Day. Learn to preserve and respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Tsipun Yu. A.
11. Participation in the contest "Childhood is a wonderful year, childhood is a holiday forever!" with the song "There beyond the Don, beyond the river." To acquaint children with the forms of Cossack folklore - songs, learn a song, develop a smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory, attention, musical perception, develop patriotic feelings, love for their native land. Gorkovskaya A.A.
Parents' committee of the group Listening and learning the anthem of the Russian Federation.
Topic: Russia is our sacred power.
To acquaint children with the text of the anthem, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words,
learn it by heart
develop a smooth speech exhalation when singing, develop memory.
Gorbenko A.P.

13. Drawing
Topic: "The steppe is wide"
Introduce the concept of "perspective", learn to get new colors by mixing paints, proportionally distribute the details of the drawing on the sheet, learn to admire the beauty of the steppe, develop patriotic feelings, love for the native land.

Stage 3 - final
Presentation of the project "Springs of Russia"
Holiday "Sing about you, my Russia!" To develop creative activity, the ability to expressively read poems, to convey the character of the characters in the scene; develop speech, attention, memory of children. Educators:
Gorbenko A.P.
Gorkovskaya A.A.

Musical director:
Mezheritskaya V.V.

Parents of the children in the group. 05/06/2015

As a result of the project, together with the parents, a mini-museum “My beloved Donskoy region” was created and replenished with items of Cossack life, Cossack costumes were sewn for each child, albums with illustrations “There beyond the Don, beyond the river” were created, a selection of presentations on this topic, regularly the card file of Cossack words, games, songs, proverbs and sayings is replenished. Children annually take part in the city competition "Childhood - wonderful years, childhood - a holiday forever" in the nomination "Folk Song".

The consciousness of children is expanding due to information and events, phenomena that are inaccessible to its direct observation. A cognitive and creative attitude to the surrounding world of the Don nature is being formed. A feeling of love for the Motherland, a desire to learn the folklore of this region is formed. The productive activity of children on the knowledge of their region is being formed.
9. The contribution of the educator to the formation of actual pedagogical practice in the process of working in creative groups, methodological associations, research and experimental activities, etc.

I consider participation in the following events as my contribution to the formation of actual pedagogical practice in the process of work:
Participation in the city methodological association

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Sun "




Bushueva Olga


Date of birth: 08/16/1987

Education: higher pedagogical,

graduated from SHPI in 2013, majoring in Organization Management,

qualification: manager.

Total work experience 6 years

Teaching experience - 6 years

In this institution - 5 years

In this position - 6 years

My pedagogical credo

“I came to kindergarten -

smile at the door!

Everything you give

you get it back in the end!”

Regulatory documents

Convention on the Rights of the Child of 11/20/1989.

Law on Education in the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ

On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ (as amended on December 21, 2004)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Preschool Education".

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated March 24, 2010 No. 209 "On the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions"

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations SanPiN of 05/15/2013.

Charter MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 2" Sun "

"Interactive games and tasks as a means of forming elementary mathematical concepts in older children

preschool age.

Relevance of the topic

The concept of preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education emphasize a number of fairly serious requirements for the cognitive development of preschoolers, of which mathematical development is a part. In this regard, a problem arose: the use of interactive games and tasks in the formation of elementary mathematical representations

at preschoolers.


between the high requirements of the modern education system for the development of logical thinking and creative abilities of older preschool children, on the one hand, and the insufficient attention of pedagogical science to the use of the potential of an interactive game and the search for conditions for its use in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in older preschool children, on the other hand.

Purpose of pedagogical activity: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age through the introduction of interactive games and tasks in the educational process. Tasks: 1. To analyze the features of the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of senior preschool age for the organization of the educational process;

2. To develop and confirm the effectiveness of interactive games and tasks for FEMP in children of senior preschool age;

3. Create conditions for FEMP in children of senior preschool age through the use of integrative games and tasks to create an educational process.

Interactive games and tasks

for older preschoolers.

Center for Mathematical


Enabling environment and implementation

interactive games and tasks on FEMP

in children of preschool age,

had its effectiveness

What do diagnostic results show?

at the end of each academic year.

in May 2013: high - 39%, medium - 47%, low - 14%;

in May 2014: high - 54%, medium - 35%, low - 11%;

in May 2015: high - 73%, medium - 20%, low - 3%

Open classes, photo exhibitions,

folders - movers.

Interaction with teachers

and specialists

Achievements of pupils

at kindergarten.

Achievements of pupils

At school.

Internet resources:

  • Decor: http://skyclipart.ru .
  • Everything for the educator: http://vospitatel.com.ua .
  • Everything for employees of preschool educational institutions: http://www.specialist-detsada.ru .
  • Child development: http://www.razvitierebenka.com .
  • Everything for Kindergarten http://www.leon4ik.com .
  • Children development: http://www.razumniki.ru/razvitie_rechi_detey.html .
  • Educational and methodical office: http://ped-kopilka.ru .
  • For educators: http://www.detsadd.narod.ru .
  • Portal of ready-made presentations and templates: http://prezentacii.com/children/ .
  • Magazine "Preschooler": http://do shkolnik . en / .
  • Journal "Preschool education": http://dovosp.ru/ ;
  • Maam: http://www.maam.ru .
  • Multilesson: http://site.



Preschooler. RF


2015, GAOU DPO SO "Institute for the Development of Education" under the advanced training program "Design of educational activities in the context of the introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" using distance learning technologies, 40 hours.

2016, GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College" under the advanced training program "Subject - pedagogical ICT - the competence of the educator in the context of the introduction of the professional standard of the teacher: work with an interactive whiteboard", 24 hours.

Program "From birth to school"

edited by

N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova,

M. A. Vasilyeva,

and the Federal State Educational Standard.

Purpose of the study:

the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of primary preschool age through the introduction of didactic games.

Thank you

Life does not stand still and constantly makes new demands on the level of training and work suitability of workers. Any specialist should periodically be ready to test their own professional skills. Teachers, educators and other workers in the education system are no exception.

From 01/01/2011, the procedure for certification of kindergarten and school teachers has changed.

What happened?

As you know, there is certification mandatory and voluntary. The task of the first is to confirm the compliance of the teacher with the position he occupies. The second takes place when it comes to raising the qualification category.

According to the rules in force before, if a teacher wanted to increase his salary, he, on his own initiative, filed an application with a request to assign one of the categories - the highest, first or second. This was done by the leadership of the children's institution or the educational authority.

Later, the second category as such was canceled. Certification began to be managed by educational authorities at the level of a subject of the Russian Federation. Most importantly, this procedure is now mandatory. Once every five years, absolutely all teachers, regardless of their length of service, regardless of their own desire, must pass it in order to confirm their compliance with the position they occupy.

Who needs a category

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category (or higher) is optional. Those who wish to receive it have the right to apply accordingly. Its purpose is to be certified. That is, they established the correspondence of the professional level of the categories. Any of them is assigned for a period of 5 years, then requires an extension in the same manner.

If the qualification of the teacher is not confirmed in a timely manner, it is automatically reduced. What then?

A former employee of the first category will have to re-apply for certification (in order to restore it).

What if he doesn't? In this case, among others, to be certified for confirmation of conformity.

Anyone who has lost the highest will have to "go through" all over again. First, certification of the educator for category 1 will be required. And not earlier than after two years he will have the right to pass to the highest.

Categories received before the specified date (01/01/2011) are valid until the end of the assignment period. But the old position - after 20 years the second category remains forever - is now abolished. These educators will also have to confirm their aptitude every five years.

What is certification

Consider both its types - mandatory and voluntary.

The first, as already mentioned, must take place once every five years. Its purpose is to confirm that the teacher corresponds to his position. All employees who do not have categories and have no desire to receive them are required to pass it.

Those who hold positions for no more than 2 years, mothers on maternity leave and pregnant women are exempted from certification. The due date for them will come no earlier than two years after the end of the leave granted to care for the child.

Presentation of the educator for certification is made by the employer. If a teacher occupies several positions at once in one institution, and is not certified for any of them, then it is possible for all at once.

If he works part-time in different places, then each employer is authorized to send him for certification.

How are documents submitted?

The submission to the teacher is drawn up by the employer according to the established model. The document contains all the necessary information for certification of the educator, a detailed comprehensive assessment of the employee's professional skills and the quality of his work in the position. In addition, there is information about all advanced training courses taken and the results of past certifications.

The teacher is introduced to the performance a month before the test against signature. The documents are submitted by the employer to the attestation commission of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, where the date, time and place of the certification are set. The term of its passage should not be more than two months.

How does it go?

Certification of senior and other employees is carried out in accordance with the established procedure. In the course of it, to confirm the qualifications, the subjects are subjected to written examinations or computer testing. Their purpose is to identify the level of proficiency in professional methods of modern education, to confirm the valuable experience of the teacher of the preschool educational institution and the level of their own competence.

The decision taken by the commission is drawn up in the form of a protocol and entered into the employee's certification sheet. The latter is kept in the personal file of the teacher.

If the certification is passed successfully, the commission's verdict is "corresponding to the position held." Otherwise, "does not match".

If you're out of luck

In the latter case, the employer has the legal right to terminate the contract with the employee, but is not obliged to do so. He may suggest that he go to advanced training courses and then re-certify.

Instead of dismissal, the employee can and should be transferred, with his consent, to another position (lower position), if there is a vacancy. They also do not have the right to deprive a temporarily disabled person of work, a pregnant woman and a woman with children under 3 years old, or a single mother with a child under 14 years old or a disabled child.

Voluntary certification

It is organized to assign the first (or highest) category at the initiative of the employee and on the basis of his application. Its purpose is to establish the compliance of the teacher's qualification with the requirements of the declared category.

Employees who do not yet have any are entitled to apply for the first one. Or those whose validity period of the previously received 1 category is coming to an end. For the highest - those who received the first two or more years ago, as well as those who wish to extend the existing one.

An application for attestation of a teacher is submitted by the teacher independently at any time. In order for the previous one not to expire during the period of its consideration, it is recommended to submit it in advance - 3 months in advance.

How to draw up documents correctly

Their complete package must include an application for certification according to the model, the last certification sheet (photocopy) - if available, a completed new sheet, a portfolio of achievements. For the compilation of the latter, there are methodological recommendations.

Documents submitted to the commission for attestation of a local subject of the Russian Federation are usually considered for about a month, then a place and date are set. It should only take place within a certain period of time.

Certification of preschool teachers is carried out in strict accordance with existing rules and regulations. What are the requirements for each of the qualification categories?

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category

The teacher is obliged to own modern technologies of education and be able to use them effectively in practice. Demonstrate the accumulated experience of the teacher of the preschool educational institution. Prove your own personal contribution to quality improvement by improving the methods used. Show the results of mastering the programs by pupils and the dynamics of achievements.

Certification for the highest category of educator: requirements are growing

It requires the presence of the first qualification category, the successful application in practice of new educational methods and technologies, the demonstration of the development of practiced programs by pupils. The results should be stable, and the indicators of the dynamics of success should be above the average level of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The educator will have to demonstrate his personal contribution to the improvement of educational and educational methods, improving the quality of education. And also - the possession of new technologies and the dissemination of personal professional experience.

Pass order

Certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category, as well as for the highest, is carried out in a certain way. His professional achievements, designed in the form of a portfolio, are presented for examination.

Qualification testing takes place at a meeting of the attestation commission, which is conducted both with the teacher and without his participation. A record of the intention to attend the discussion must be included in the assessment application in advance. If after that, for some reason, he does not appear at the meeting, the commission has the right to consider his documents in absentia.

The decision taken is recorded in the protocol, as well as in the employee's certification sheet. After that, it is approved by a higher authority - at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation. The results (an extract from the act of this body and an attestation sheet) are transferred to the employer.

And then what?

If the certification of a kindergarten teacher for the first category (or the highest) was successful, and a decision was made on compliance with the necessary requirements, the date of assignment of the corresponding category is considered the day the decision was made by the commission. From the same moment, the teacher will be produced at a new rate.

A record that a certain category has been assigned is mandatory in the work book.

In case of "failure" of certification, a decision "does not meet the requirements" is made. Then those who applied for the first category remain without it and are required to be certified for compliance with the position they occupy.

Those who have not passed the highest qualification have the first category until the end of the current period. Then the teacher has the right to try again to "earn" the highest category, or he will have to confirm the first one.

Appealing the results of attestation

The right to such an appeal is documented. This is done by filing an application with the labor dispute commission or even with the court, and in the latter case it is important to do this within three months from the date of certification.

But in practice, such situations rarely happen. As a rule, teachers submit documents for certification being thoroughly prepared - having thoroughly studied all the necessary requirements, having prepared a competent and worthy portfolio and being completely confident in their own abilities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia

M O "Bauntovsky Evenki District"

SBEI "Bagdara Evenk Boarding School of Secondary General Education"

Certification materials


Full name

Job title caregiver


General information

Konovalova Natalya Viktorovna

Date of Birth

Place of work

"Bagdara Evenki Boarding School of Secondary General Education"

Position held and date of appointment to this position


24.08. 1992.

The presence of a qualification category and the date of its assignment



Education, name of educational institution, year of graduation, specialty and diploma qualification

Secondary special

Ulan-Ude Pedagogical School No.-2 1992 Educator at the DU


"Buryat State University" social teacher, specialty "Social Pedagogy"

Pedagogical experience

General work experience

22 years 6 months

22 years 6 months

Advanced training (place of passage, year)

2009 - Passing courses at the Belarusian State University under the program "Project activity"

2015 - "Features of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the primary school" GAU DPO RB "Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Policy"

Self-analysis of professional activity

Changes in the social life of our country, changes in the field of education make the problems of spirituality, morality, and ethics especially relevant. The modern strategy for the development of the Russian school is also becoming different: at the center of it is the formation of a spiritually rich, highly moral, educated and creative personality. The most important functions of the school are being restored - educational and ethno-cultural, the emphasis in teaching is transferred from increasing the amount of information to cognition, education and development.

All of the above is taken into account in the federal state educational standards of general education of the second generation, namely in the “Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia”: “The most important goal of modern domestic education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is education, social and pedagogical support formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, creative, enterprising, competent citizen of Russia”.

Undoubtedly, education is a spiritual and practical activity penetrating various areas of application of the professional forces of the educator, associated with creative search, the risk of error, freedom of choice, and individual responsibility. This is an activity that the teacher must build himself, defining its goals, saturating it with values, selecting methods and means, conforming to the educational system of the school, reflecting the process of this activity.

The interaction of equal subjects of education should ensure the realization of the goal of education - the formation of an intellectual, self-actualizing personality with an active civic position.

The purpose of my educational activity – Formation of students' worldview, moral culture, creative thinking, creative development.


    Full development of personality through self-expression and creativity.

    Introduction to the values ​​of knowledge.

    Education of moral and aesthetic qualities.

The key concepts that characterize the essence of my educational system are: individuality, independence, kindness, creativity, activity, team, which simultaneously play the role of the principles of the system and the life of the group.

Achieving a creative level of personal development can be considered the highest result in any pedagogical technology. But there are technologies in which the development of creative abilities is a priority goal, these are:

    identification and development of creative abilities of I.P. Volkov;

    technology of education of social creativity I.P. Ivanova.

They are aimed at the development of various spheres of personality. Accents of goals according to I.P. Volkov:

Identify, take into account and develop creative abilities;

Frontally introduce students to a variety of creative activities with access to a specific product.

According to I.P. Ivanov:

To educate a socially active creative personality capable of multiplying public culture, making a contribution to building a legal democratic society. Based on the above, as its leading technology, I chose a system of developmental education with a focus on developing the creative qualities of the individual.

I build my activities taking into account age characteristics and focus on:

Game forms of creative activity;

Acquaintance (communication) with works of art, technical devices, standards of human relations;

Mastering the elements of creativity in practical activities (pedagogical tests);

Formation of a collective-evaluative attitude to the products of people's creativity, to their results.

My education system is based on the following personality development factors: activity, environment, nature, culture.

Activity I see it as the foundation of education. The system of education in a group is built as a set of collective activities that allow all subjects of educational interaction to update and realize their own creative potential, intellectual, aesthetic and other needs. When choosing a set of cases, the main focus is on taking into account the individual needs and interests of the children of their parents, such cases include: manual labor, modeling, design, exhibitions of children's creativity.

The world . Micro-, meso-, macro-social space create conditions for the development of the child, educational interaction and require active study (knowledge) on his part. Forms of organization of activities for the study of the surrounding world: competitive programs, quizzes, educational programs.

Nature . Based on the fact that a person is born, on the one hand, in nature and has certain inclinations, and on the other hand, he is born in a certain culture, it is legitimate to accompany a child through nature, taking into account its givenness to the world of culture. Guided by this principle, it is important to combine nature and culture in the educational process. Such forms of organization of activities as excursions to the forest, a drawing competition, themed evenings (for example, "Autumn leaf fall") contribute to the upbringing of children in harmony with nature and culture.

culture . Introduction to culture gives a person the criteria for assessing life phenomena, stimulates the development of all aspects of the personality and, ultimately, ensures self-realization. Forms of familiarization with culture: holding national holidays (Maslenitsa, Sagaalgan, Bolder), participation in exhibitions of children's art, educational programs. It is at primary school age that it is advisable to begin introducing the child to the achievements of universal and national culture, to understanding how to live according to the laws of beauty.

Our boarding school is home to children who come from distant parts of the region where there are no schools, children from single-parent and large families. I work for the "Kid" group, which is formed from children of different ages in grades 1-4. There are currently 26 people in the group, 14 girls and 12 boys.

Children from large families - 7 people (26.9%)

Children under guardianship - 1 person (3.8%)

The national composition of the group:

Evenks - 14 people (53.8%),

Buryats - 4 people (15.3%),

Russians - 8 people (30.7%).

I consider the main tasks of my activity to be:

1. Creation of a single, close-knit children's team with its own traditions.

2. Creation in the group of an environment conducive to the comfort of living, maintaining a good, psychological climate.

3. Formation of a culture of behavior.

4. Development of a common culture through familiarization with Russian, Evenk, Buryat

culture, customs and traditions.

5. Formation of interpersonal relations, tolerance, skills among students

self-education and diversified development of their creative abilities.

7. Organization of self-government in the group.

I build the entire educational process in the following areas: educational activities, moral education, health, civic-patriotic education.

Realizing the main mission of the school - educational, I pay considerable attention to the self-training of students, which is part of the boarding school regime.

In self-training, children mostly work independently. Assistants-consultants were selected from the children who had time for 4 and 5, they explain, control, and additionally deal with children who experience difficulties. Children are able to work in a group of constant and variable composition. This teaches them independence, mutual verification, responsibility, forms the ability to use additional material. To relieve static stress, I use physical minutes. I also carry out individual work with each child, with poorly performing students, and work with gifted children to correct individual abilities. In my work I use literature: L. Firsova "Games - fun, tasks - jokes" for the development of mathematical abilities attention”, Yazykanova E.V. “Developing tasks”. The number of good students in the group increased from 23% to 37.5%.


Number of children in the group

good guys





The first grade and the second (the first half of the year) are not subject to assessment, so the performance dynamics for two years is at the same level.

One of the important tasks of the educator is to create conditions for rapid adaptation.

newly arrived children, team building, sociability, the formation of the ability to live in society. At the beginning of the year, first-graders and "newcomers" come to the group. And my task is to help children come into contact with each other. The creation of a good psychological atmosphere in the group, the formation of tolerance, the ability to cooperate, interact, and, in general, the creation of a single, close-knit team with its own traditions, depend on me, as an educator. In order to successfully adapt these children, a large and painstaking work is carried out in a team, since most children have problems in socialization, the ability to live in a team, and obey the rules of the hostel. One of the reasons is separation from home (children come from remote areas), overload with negative experiences (many children from unfavorable families), as well as the regulation of life. During the adaptation period, I introduce children to the daily routine, the rules of living in a hostel, the implementation of sanitary and hygienic skills, and the duties of a duty officer. I spend with them creative, mobile, plot-role-playing games that contribute to the formation of friendly relations and team building, as well as educational minutes on the culture of communication, on overcoming anxiety, and analyzing conflict situations. The group created patronage couples, where older and successful children help first-graders in educational activities - they learn letters with them, read, help to master addition tables. Provide assistance in the development of hygiene skills and self-service skills.

I try to build the educational process, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of my pupils.

In our "Baby" group of SBEI "BESHI", the majority of students (58%) belong to introverts (phlegmatic, melancholic), extroverts (choleric, sanguine) - 42%. Such a distribution of pupils' temperaments is generally harmonious: more active extroverts set the pace of work in a group, less active introverts contribute to meaningful, balanced work.

The reaction speed of the guys is also different: extroverts mostly have a high and medium reaction speed, introverts - medium and low.

I draw your attention to the fact that in the group many students have right-brain thinking (42%), as well as ambidexterity (33%), which indicates the high creative potential of these guys, initiative and versatility. Thus, I build educational work, taking into account the characteristics of right-hemispheric children, and also introduce tasks and exercises on logic into the educational process, teach children structured sequential work for the development of the left hemisphere of pupils.

Most pupils in the "Kid" group perceive information visually, that is, through the organs of vision (41%) and kinesthetically (33%). Thus, when working with children of this group, I pay great attention to the use of visualization (multimedia, posters and diagrams), as well as playful moments in education, theatricalization, and work through the senses.

In general, the psychological climate in the team of pupils of the group is comfortable, the atmosphere is calm. There are clear leaders, mostly older guys who enjoy well-deserved prestige among classmates. Among the boys, these are Egor Molchanov and Stas Dimitrov. Among the girls - Valya Ignashkeeva and Nastya Kantaulova. These students have a high level of communication skills and high learning motivation. It is gratifying that there were no neglected and outcast guys in the group. Thus, all the guys in the group occupy favorable status positions, which also contributes to a comfortable psychological climate and a successful upbringing process.

Of course, as in any other team, emotional outbursts, disputes and conflicts occur in the group, but they are skillfully resolved and regulated by educators.

The self-esteem of the majority of pupils (71%) is adequate. 4 people (17%) have high self-esteem. At a younger age, it is more often associated with family upbringing. 3 people (12%) have low self-esteem, which manifests itself in some isolation and shyness.

For effective activity in the group, a plan of educational work is drawn up annually together with the group's assets. At the beginning of the year, the children themselves choose the headman of the group responsible for educational, sports, labor, cultural activities. We resolve all emerging issues at group meetings, where children themselves make decisions on issues of encouragement, punishment, conflict resolution, and assistance to those in need. Actively take part in the design of their corner of the asset and the group, they themselves organize and hold competitions for the traditional holidays "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "March 8". They are happy to participate in my educational activities. I build my educational hours on the basis of a system-activity approach, which involves:

    orientation towards achieving the goal and the main result of education - the development of the student's personality on the basis of the development of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world;

    reliance on modern educational technologies of the activity type:

problem-dialogic technology,

mini-study technology,

technology for organizing project activities,

technology for evaluating educational achievements (learning success).

In classes with children, I try to make the main emphasis not to give students ready-made knowledge, but to push them to search for an answer that provides an opportunity to express opposing points of view. The children search for a solution in the course of a dialogue specially built by me. This technology forms communicative universal learning activities. Along with this, there is the formation of other universal educational actions: regulatory, cognitive. The implementation of mini-projects is going “with a bang”, when children manage to produce posters, newsletters, and create a booklet in one lesson. So, for example, in the lesson "Drawing on a live stencil", the children were divided into subgroups and performed the functions of technical operators. One group searched the Internet for information on the query "garland", the second group created a booklet on the topic "live stencil, how to do it", the third group made a garland.

Creating creative projects is of great importance for group cohesion, increases children's self-esteem, develops creativity and information skills. Self-assessment of the child's activity is also of great importance. At the end of each session, children evaluate their activities using face cards. If the child understood everything and did the work, he shows a cheerful face. If he didn’t understand, he didn’t like the lesson, he shows a sad face.

I held open educational hours: "Africa - far and near", "We and our health" as part of the school-wide competition of professional skills "Implementation of a systemic-activity approach in the educational process" (February - March 2014) Evaluation of the colleagues present at the lesson: 8.9 out of 10 points.

I pay special attention to the health of pupils, it is at a younger age that it is advisable to start educating a child with respect for his health. Every day I do morning exercises, hygienic and hardening procedures: nasopharynx, mouth and throat using the games: “Magic drink”, “Lyovushka.So - every day I spend games in the fresh air: Russian folk games, games of different nationalities, sports games. During games, motor activity develops, aggression is released, friendly and respectful communication with peers is formed.

Together with the group's activists, they issued bulletins: "Useful and harmful products", "Smoking tobacco is harmful to health", "Baunt's medicinal herbs".In order to improve health and harden the body, as well as to cultivate environmental awareness and respect for nature, I conduct excursions to the forest, to the river. Each excursion has its own theme: either it is identifying the characteristic signs of the season, observing the behavior of birds at different times of the year, animals (chipmunk, squirrels), examining buds on trees, collecting leaves for application, natural material for crafts, viewing autumn, winter landscapes , spring. Previously, I give the task to the children: pick up poems, riddles, sayings, folk signs, related material on this topic.

Excursions are fruitful, intense, fun, the children get a positive charge of emotions, and most importantly, fresh air, an environmentally friendly environment have a beneficial effect on children's health. During excursions, I definitely spend outdoor games, the methodology of which is described by: N.I. Derekleev "Motor games, trainings and health lessons"; V.T. Kudryavtsev "Developing pedagogy of health improvement", G.L. Antsupov let's play.

I keep a notebook for registering the incidence of pupils in my group, where the diagnosis, terms, location during the illness (isolation, hospital, home) are recorded, according to the data, I plan further individual and group work to prevent this or that morbidity. In the final health monitoring, a decrease in colds (ARVI, tonsillitis), impaired posture, caries was revealed. During the last three years, influenza has not been recorded. A positive result shows the dynamics of the general annual medical examination of the children of the group, from which it can be seen that the percentage of children in the first health group increased from 12% to 19%, and the third health group decreased by half, i.e. from 31% to 15%.

Health group




An important emphasis in my work is cooperation with the parents of pupils. To successfully achieve this goal, I use the following forms in my work with parents:

Joint events;

Conducting master classes by parents for children, parents;

Individual consultations;

Communication via telephone and writing letters to parents.

The work of involving parents in the educational process is difficult, since children whose parents live in remote villages of the region live in the hostel. For parents and relatives of children who have the opportunity to visit the hostel, I conduct individual consultations and conversations. The following topics are relevant:

- "Adaptation of newly arrived children",

- "Formation of hygiene skills",

- "Organization of children's leisure during the holidays."

I involve them in holding and participating in events. Every year, parents take part in a group exhibition of children's art, where they present works made together with their children, and conduct master classes themselves. At the exhibition "Zimushka-Winter" in 2013, Vadim Antipov's mother held a master class on knitting potholders, Artem Prokhorov's mother shared her experience in knitting slippers at the "Seasons" exhibition in 2014.

In December 2014, I held a master class "Non Boring Holidays", where parents could get acquainted with the implementation of snowflakes from PVA glue and sparkles. In March 2015, she held a master class “Massage rugs with her own hands” for parents, where they made rugs from fabric and caps from plastic bottles. I constantly invite parents to the traditional events of the group "Birthday", "New Year", "Mother's Day", "Graduation".

Analyzing the work with parents, I would like to note that the joint holding of events contributes to the development of family traditions, forms a respectful attitude towards parents, increases the prestige of the family, as evidenced by the positive feedback parents leave about my work.

Social partnership plays an important role in educational activities. Our school maintains a close relationship with the Center for Additional Education and Evenk Folk Crafts, where children attend hobby groups. Of particular interest to children are circles: "National Cuisine", "Burning", "Magic Loop".I try to involve every child in extracurricular life, taking into account his individual inclinations, interests and abilities.

Coverage of children in additional education

Year /

Number of children

Visiting circles

2 or more

1 circle

Do not visit







The school’s social partner is the Central Children’s Library, where children take an active part in the events “Lights of Sagaalgan”, “Felt Yurt”, “Sounds of the Native Language”, “Toponymy of the Baunt District”, “Book Week”, etc.

Cooperation with social partners makes it possible to diversify the forms of conducting educational hours. Observation of children and questioning of pupils show that cognitive activity has significantly expanded, interest in creativity has increased, knowledge in the field of Russian, Buryat, Evenki folklore has been replenished. Such joint events form children's knowledge about the everyday and festive ritual culture of different nationalities, a sense of pride in their belonging to an ethnic group, and educate the moral and aesthetic qualities of a person.

Education is an integrative property of a person, characterized by

a set of sufficiently formed positive qualities, includes a culture

behavior, etiquette, manners of behavior in society, this is self-awareness, responsibility for one's actions, deeds. To determine the level of upbringing in the group, it is used

N.S. Maslyakov’s methodology “Maps of the level of upbringing of students”. For 4 years, while the child lives in the "Baby" group, input, current and final diagnostics are carried out. The results are recorded in the summary sheet in points. The objectivity of the assessment is achieved by increasing the number of respondents, which includes not only educators, class teachers, but also subject teachers, a school psychologist and a speech therapist.

The dynamics of indicators of the card criteria allow me to track the progress of children in moral and volitional development. In general, the level of upbringing for the group is reflected in the table below.


1st half

2 semester




There is a positive trend from a satisfactory level to an optimal level, the growth in the level of upbringing is due to the fact that at the end of the fourth grade, children move to the 5th grade, and with the influx of first graders and beginners in the first half of the academic year, there is a decline in diagnosing the results, in the second half of the year it increases.

The school conducts an annual survey of students to determine the dynamics of the attitude of pupils to the teacher, on a 10-point scale. My pupils for three years evaluate me like this:

Academic year





pupils to


I half-year -10

I half-year -9.3

II half - 9.8

II half -9.1

The methodological association of school educators annually plans to hold school-wide events for each month, thus, each educator prepares and conducts one school-wide event per year. The events should contribute to the disclosure of the abilities of the children, including their hidden talents, the formation of communication skills, leadership qualities, moral guidelines. Such events are prepared and held in accordance with the technology of collective creative affairs. The following events were held by me: “Journey to the country of Health”, “Commanders and heroes”, “It doesn’t matter to us of the year, if the soul is young!”. All events were positively assessed by children, colleagues, and guests present.

As part of the work of the methodological association, she prepared and conducted a seminar on the topic: "System-activity approach in the organization of educational work", shared her experience with colleagues on the topic of self-education "Development of creative abilities and support for creative activity in children of primary schoolchildren." The theme of self-education is reflected in the work program I developed "Creativity" for students in grades 1-4.

The purpose of the program: Creating favorable conditions for the self-realization of students, for the development of their creativity through the organization of forms of life of the children's team. The program consists of 3 blocks.

1 block - "Firefly".

Block target : Activate the creative potential of children by involving them in a cultural and aesthetic environment that contributes to the formation of communication skills, instilling a sense of beauty.

Block 2 "Everything about everything."

Block target : Assisting students in developing the ability to think rationally, to effectively demonstrate their intellectual skills in the life around them.

Block 3 "Our hands are not for boredom."

Block target : the formation of skills in working in various techniques (appliqué, modeling, working with fabric, etc.)

The priority activity in my program is artistic and creative activity. This activity helps to form the child's personality, develops mental qualities, mental and creative processes: perception, imagination, memory, attention, observation, emotionality, analysis, synthesis, etc.

In classes with children, I try to make the main emphasis not to give students ready-made knowledge, but to push them to search for an answer, help get rid of fear, liberate themselves, open up emotionally, encourage communication and creativity. This is facilitated by such collective activities as: "Pantomime Workshop", "Fruit and Garden Show", the exhibition "Seasons", "Colored Ice Garland", the quiz "Fundamental of Folk Wisdom" and traditional events: excursions to the forest, evenings of favorite songs, national holidays. At the beginning and at the end of the event, I conduct a reflection of the students. This allows you to evaluate both the event as a whole and its individual stages. As a result of the analysis, questions for reflection arise: why not all children were active, why someone remained indifferent, what did not catch on the living. Taking into account the results of the reflection, I conduct individual work with each pupil.

Any educational program is an integrated product. My program interacts with such areas as: technology, fine arts, literary reading, geometry, history.

    Knowledge - ignorance (cognitive activity),



    Order - chaos (at the beginning of the lesson - separate details, and by the end the guys get a single product)


In my work with a group of pupils, I pay the main attention to the formation of the moral culture of the child, because without clearly defined moral rules and stable positive moral qualities, good people with the best civic character traits will not turn out from the pupils.

I consider the annual exhibitions of children's creativity organized in a group and the participation of children in school, regional, Russian exhibitions and competitions as the results of the work under the program.. Creativity is also appreciated in reviews of our exhibitions. The collective work "Snowman" became the winner of the All-Russian competition "Raassudariki".

I track the individual results of the work of schoolchildren using:

    methods of "Finishing figures" (determining the level of development of the imagination, the ability to create original images)

    methods "Simple analogies" (study of logic and flexibility of thinking).

    Methods of Warteg "Circles" (Study of creativity)

    methods "Graphic dictation" D.B. Elkonin (study of orientation in space, the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult)

After the implementation of the program, the level of knowledge of the children increases. The number of children who showed a “low level” during the input diagnosis decreased during the output diagnosis. They move to an average status, and children who were in an average status at the beginning of the diagnosis move to a high one. Therefore, according to the results of diagnostics, a positive trend is visible, at a low level the number of children has decreased, and at a high level it has increased.

The goal of modern education, outlined in the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, is the formation of a diversified personality with a high level of general cultural and personal development, capable of independently solving new yet unknown tasks. This goal is embodied in the educational program of the SBEI "Baghdara Evenk school - a boarding school of secondary general education": creating conditions for the development and education of the personality of a younger student in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education; achievement by students of the planned results in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard through the relationship of classroom and extracurricular activities. I am a member of the creative laboratory "Strategy for the implementation of GEF". The purpose of my work in the laboratory is to support extracurricular activities of 1st grade students. In this class, I teach afternoon classes. In 2013, I compiled and tested the working program of extracurricular activities "In the world of art." The program implements a general cultural (artistic and aesthetic) direction in extracurricular activities in the 1st grade in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of the second generation.

The program is based on the idea of ​​using the potential of theater pedagogy, which allows developing the child's personality, optimizing the development of speech, voice, sense of rhythm, plasticity of movements. Theatrical art, with its multidimensionality, its many-sidedness and synthetic nature, is able to help the child push the limits of comprehending the world; captivate him with kindness, the desire to share his thoughts, the ability to hear others, develop, create and play. After all, it is the game that is an indispensable attribute of theatrical art, and at the same time, if there is a game, children and teachers interact, getting the most positive result. In the classroom, students get acquainted with the types and genres of theatrical art, with the process of preparing a performance, with the specifics of acting.

The program is focused on the development of the child's personality, on the formation of his personal and meta-subject results, is aimed at humanizing educational work with children, and is based on the psychological characteristics of the development of younger students. The novelty of the educational program lies in the fact that the educational process is carried out through various areas of work: education of the foundations of spectator culture, development of performing skills, accumulation of knowledge about the theater, which are intertwined, complemented in each other, mutually reflected, which contributes to the formation of moral qualities in alumni of the association.

The program contributes to the rise of spiritual and moral culture and meets the needs of various social groups in our society, ensures the improvement of the process of development and education of children. The acquired knowledge will allow pupils to overcome psychological inertia, will allow them to develop their creative activity, the ability to compare, analyze, plan, set internal goals, and strive for them. The program has two types of tasks:first type - these are educational tasks that are aimed at developing emotionality, intelligence, as well as the communicative characteristics of the child by means of children's theater;second type - these are educational tasks that are directly related to the development of artistry and stage performance skills necessary to participate in children's theater.

I track the results with the help of creative tasks at the beginning and end of the year according to the main criteria for creative development - “word-plasticity-theatrical play”.

As part of the implementation of this program, open classes were held: "Bee's house", "Fundamentals of theatrical culture". Together with the parents of first-grade students, they prepared costumes for performances, held rehearsals and successfully performed at class events: “Dedication to First Graders”, “Farewell to the ABC”, at school events - “Mother's Day”, “New Year's Kaleidoscope”, “Day of the Elderly Man”, “Tales of the White Month”, at the regional ones - “We need one victory”, “Nothing on earth passes without a trace”.

In my professional life, I face difficulties. The most difficult thing is to educate children's ability to correct their own life activity in the process of changing social conditions.

The teacher works while studying. I improve my professional level through self-education, replenish my previously acquired knowledge by studying the methods offered by the magazines “Class Teacher”, “Education of Schoolchildren”, acquire the necessary methodological literature, and take advanced training courses. I have my own pagewww.ProSchool.en , where I participate in the project "Source of Knowledge". I have my own website. On the site I pass distance Olympiads for teachers on the topics "Pedagogical Excellence", "FGOS". I invite gifted children to participate in the Olympiads on this site. The Olympiads are held in the Online testing mode, which is very popular with the guys because the result is immediately visible. Kantaulova Nastya, Zubareva Katya, Kantaulova Masha take prizes.

For myself, I have determined the goals of further self-improvement: to study and introduce new pedagogical technologies into the practice of work, in particular, I want to master the research method, improve in mastering information technologies. This will make it possible to interest children in modern educational forms of education, which is very important in the educational process.

I really like my work, it brings me satisfaction from communicating with the guys, their successes, failures somewhere, learning new things, accumulating the best and from the very process of activity. I consider the profession of a teacher to be the most noble. Seeing the inquisitive, laughing faces of children every day is probably the happiness of the educator, if only his vocation is pedagogy.

Appendix 4

Psychological characteristics of pupils of the "Kids" group



Speed ​​reaction

Leading hemisphere

Leading channel of information perception

Angela B





Tolya M

phlegmatic person




Alina X




auditory, visual

Masha K





Dasha K




Kinesthetic, visual

Katya Z





Natasha K

phlegmatic person




Ksyusha S

phlegmatic person




Larisa Ch

phlegmatic person




Valya I





Stas D





Lenya D

phlegmatic person




Dari I





Alyosha T





Nastya K





Bair R

phlegmatic person




Sasha M

phlegmatic person




Oktyabrina G

phlegmatic, melancholic




Danil A




visual, kinesthetic

Marina Sh





Egor M

phlegmatic person




Vadim P





Diana M





Danil G





The distribution of temperaments of the pupils of the group "Kids »

The reaction speed of the pupils of the "Kids" group

The type of thinking of the pupils of the "Kids" group

Distribution of statuses in the "Baby" group

Distribution of levels of communicative abilities of pupils

Self-assessment of pupils

Appendix 5




"Finishing Shapes"

"Simple Analogies"




day off






day off






day off




Above average


Below the average


Appendix 6


Low level

Average level

High level


Can't change breathing. Bad articulation. Cannot compose dialogue and storyline.

Proper breathing. Good articulation. Uses not all expressive properties of speech. There are difficulties in building the storyline and dialogue.

Proper breathing. Good articulation. Clear diction. Ability to use the expressive properties of speech. The ability to compose dialogues and build a storyline of a fairy tale.


Does not control muscle tension and relaxation. No sense of rhythm.

Controls muscle tension and relaxation under the guidance of a teacher. Feels the rhythm.

Controls muscle tension and relaxation. Feels the rhythm. Creates a plastic image of what is seen (heard).

Theatrical play

Not developed attention. Only a repetition of the actions of the teacher. Shows no interest in theatrical activities. Cannot name types of theatres.

Does not know the rules of conduct in the theater.

Developed attention, memory. Imaginative thinking is not quite developed. Action with the help of the teacher. Shows interest in theatrical activities. Knows the rules of behavior in the theater. Can name types of theatres.

Developed attention, memory, imagination. Independently creates an image of what he saw (heard). Shows a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Knows the rules of behavior in the theater. Can name different types of theater and knows their differences.

We and our health

Target : To promote the development in children of the need for a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate a negative attitude towards bad habits.


    Create conditions for the formation of concepts: healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, personal hygiene, daily routine.

    Learn to take care of your own health, develop thinking, creative imagination

Equipment: two inflatable balls, “flower-multicolor” (on the reverse side are options for good and bad habits), pictures depicting a cheerful and sad little man., pictures about personal hygiene, daily routine, dictionary

Lesson progress

Hello guys! First, I would like to know in what mood did you come to class? (children show a picture of a little man that matches his mood) thank you. There was a belief in the old days: the one who sneezes during the festive fun was considered a happy person. So I suggest everyone sneeze together ...

Now we will be divided into three groups: the first shouts the word "box", the second - "cartilage",

The third is "matches". At my signal, all three groups shout out their own word at the same time, and it turns out to be amicable: “apchi”

Be healthy! Or as people say: "Be healthy for a hundred years." Today we will talk about our health, good and bad habits, personal hygiene.

I have in my hands a “flower - a multi-colored flower.” Some useful and bad habits are written on its petals on the reverse side. Each of you will choose one petal, read what is written on it, and determine what kind of habit it is. Read the answers and, accordingly, attach the petals with tape to the strings of the balls.

Children unite in two groups and stand up to the balls, which symbolize the country "health" and the country "illness".

Health is the main wealth of a person. And how to save it, what rules to follow, we will now find out. I will give each team an envelope with a task, you read the tasks and get to work.

Task for the 1st team.

    Use the pictures to create a daily routine for a student.

    Calculate how much time the student should sleep and how much is in the fresh air.

    How many times a child should eat.

    Based on this, create rules that must be followed in order to be healthy.

Tasks for the 2nd team

    Look up in the dictionary what the words personal hygiene mean.

    Divide hygiene items into groups

    Formulate the rules of personal hygiene

So, the teams are ready, let's listen to the guys from the first team:

We worked on the topic “daily routine”. We made up a daily routine, answered questions, and made up the rules. We made up such a daily routine. (discussion of the daily routine) and made up the following rules:

    Sleep at least 9 hours.

    Eat 4-5 times a day

    Spend at least 2 hours outdoors.

    Alternate study and work with rest.

Discussion of the rules (What points are you violating? What can this lead to?)

Well done guys brought out the rules that will help each of you lead a healthy lifestyle. And in order not to break the rules, we will change the type of our activity and have a rest.

Riddles on the topic "Sport and health"

Get up early in the morning

Jump, run, push up.

For health, order

People all need (charging).

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels run (bike)

The rain is warm and thick

This rain is not easy:

He is without clouds, without clouds

Ready to go all day (shower).

He is with you and with me

Walked through the woods.

Friend walking behind

On belts with fasteners (backpack)

I have guys

Two silver horses

I drive both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have? (skates).

Do you want to break the record?

So it will help you (sport).

To become a great athlete

There's a lot to know

And dexterity will help here

And, of course, (training).

Conducting a presentation of a physical minute .

Let's listen to the guys from the second team now.

We worked on the topic "personal hygiene" Hygiene is observed in order to keep your body and home clean. The word hygiene comes from the Greek hygieia. Hygieia is the Greek goddess of health. We divided hygiene items into two groups. 1 shampoo, soap, toothpaste. 2- washcloth, comb, toothpaste, towel. On the basis of belonging to someone: on items that each person should personally have, and items that all family members can use. We have compiled rules that will help to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Taking good care of your teeth

    Take care of nails and hair

    Wash with hot soapy water and a washcloth at least once a week

Well done, you all coped with the task, worked together in groups and probably concluded that you need to fight bad habits, and acquire useful ones. Let's share our knowledge with other children and hang our posters at school. What new did you learn? How do we end our lesson? All your people are smiling.

Let's chat, play and be friends,
It's so interesting to live in the world!
Take care of your health from an early age -
It will protect you from pain and trouble.

Educational hour "Drawing with leaf prints"

Target: Introduce children to new drawing techniques.


    Create conditions for the formation of concepts: a print with a living stencil, a garland.

    Develop thinking, creative imagination

    Develop the ability to communicate and work in groups.

Equipment: plain fabric, rope, clean sheets, sheets for touching up, paints, brushes, palette, water, disposable glasses, flower leaves, cabbage, parsley, dill, napkins, rolling pins.

Lesson progress

What is your mood?

Hands up:

Who is in a good mood - point five with your fingers

Who is in a “not very” mood - show your fists.

And now let's work and see how the mood changes at the end of our lesson.

And what are we going to do today? Try to guess.

Game "Make a word" form the topic of the lesson from the letters. "garland" (two groups of children make up words)

The guys from the technical group search the Internet for a query on the topic “garland” and at the end of the lesson they will read the message, and also create a booklet on how to draw with leaf prints. Why do you think the garland? Not a napkin? Tablecloth or something else? At what time of the year do we decorate our house with garlands? Right. The New Year is coming soon, so it will be great if we make a garland today and decorate our group with it. And from what will we make a garland? Look at the table, what do you see? (flower leaves, cabbage leaves, fabric, paints)

Have you ever painted with leaves? No? Then I will be glad to introduce you to a new drawing technique - drawing with a living stencil, this technique is also called drawing with leaf prints, leaf stamps. Let's determine which color corresponds to the season. Autumn - yellow, winter - blue, spring - ..., summer - ...

The choice of paint, fabric, pattern is yours. You can mix paints, come up with your own drawing. So let's get started. Children first try to print on paper, then on fabric flags. While the prints on the fabric are drying, a physical minute is carried out.

The guys from the technical group read out the information they found on the Internet about the meaning of the word garland. Nastya distributes booklets about painting with leaf prints.

Was the lesson interesting for you? What did you like? How would you rate your work?

Those who think they did a great job, pat yourself on the back.

Those who did not succeed, wave your hands.

What rating would you give me?

Now let's see what mood you have now?

Thank you all for your work. Look at what an original garland we got. We will decorate the group with it for the new year.

One of the most effective methods for improving the quality of education is to conduct an attestation procedure for kindergarten teachers. What is the certification procedure in 2019?

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Life in the modern world is constantly changing. Along with the development of society, the requirements for the level of training and professionalism of various specialists are changing.

Education workers are no exception. Any teacher should be ready for certification.

It is especially appropriate to check the professional suitability of kindergarten teachers, since it is they who are involved in the formation of the personality of small citizens. What features distinguish the certification procedure for preschool teachers in 2019?

Basic moments

After receiving education, the teacher should not stop there. He can and should improve his professional level.

It is determined by such qualification. Pedagogical workers differ in degrees and types of professional training.

Accordingly, they are rewarded differently for their activities. The degree of qualification of any teacher is determined by the assigned category.

Until recently, kindergarten teachers could carry out their activities in the presence of the first, second, highest category or without any at all.

The new version of the legislation changed the existing order somewhat. Now the level of wages for specialists of different categories is different.

In addition, if earlier the certification of educators was carried out at their personal request, now this procedure has become mandatory.

Any pedagogical worker is obliged to periodically certify, regardless of his desire and length of service.


Certification is a test of knowledge of the employee and his compliance with the position. Depending on the results of the certification procedure, a specialist is assigned a certain category.

In the case when the educator wants to increase the level of his salary, he independently initiates certification.

For this, he submits the proper one. Mandatory certification is carried out regardless of the desire of the employee.

Applications are submitted by the employer. Each educator once every five years must confirm their compliance with the position.

What is the purpose of the procedure

The immediate goal of mandatory certification of educators is to increase the level of professional competence of employees.

The attestation procedure helps the state to provide societies with highly qualified specialists and professionals in their field.

The quality of the upbringing of the younger generation depends on its compliance with the requirements of the new time in the future. The purpose of voluntary certification is to confirm professional training.

An educator who works without qualifications or who wants to receive a higher assessment of his work has the right to undergo attestation at will.

For a teacher, certification is an opportunity to increase self-esteem, professional growth and setting long-term goals.

The legislative framework

In the process of attestation for the assignment of a qualification category, the compliance of the employee with the level for which he claims is checked.

At the same time, professional competence, performance indicators, skills, knowledge and results of work are checked.

The certification commission, formed by the educational organization, conducts certification of the educator. Evaluation is carried out according to several criteria.

So in the process of certification, the category applicant passes an exam in writing or through computer testing.

This helps to assess the level of proficiency in modern methods of vocational training, as well as to confirm the degree of competence and work experience.

In addition, the certifying teacher of the preschool educational institution submits his portfolio for consideration by the commission, which contains all the most outstanding results of his activity.

The results of passing the exam and reviewing the portfolio help determine the compliance of the educator with a certain qualification category.

The meeting of the attestation commission can take place both with the participation of a teacher, and behind closed doors.

The decision made is drawn up in the form of a protocol, and then entered into the certification sheet of the preschool teacher. After the approval of the document by the higher subject of the Russian Federation, the total is transferred to the employer.


The submission of an application for the presentation of an educator for certification should be drawn up according to the established model.

The package of documents must contain all the necessary certificates for the certification of the employee, a detailed assessment of his professional skills and the quality of work, a description of the pedagogical activity of the educator for certification.

Information about all the results of previous certifications and advanced training courses must also be indicated.

One month before the meeting of the attestation commission, the person being attested must be familiarized with the submission against signature. The employer submits the collected documentation to the address of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, duly filled out, must contain all the necessary data.

Then the date, place and time of the attestation check is assigned. In this case, the period of its passage should not exceed two months.

A complete package of documents for certification of a preschool teacher includes:

  • sample statement;
  • past attestation sheets;
  • a new completed sheet;
  • portfolio of achievements.


The teacher's portfolio is the most effective tool to date, reflecting the quality of the teacher's work.

There are the following types:

It is the attestation portfolio that helps the commission's experts to form an opinion on the professional compliance of the educator of a certain category.

It is allowed to create an electronic portfolio, which is very convenient, since it helps to more clearly justify the methods used and include video materials in it.

  • achievements of the educator;
  • achievements of pupils;
  • expert assessments;
  • recommendations;
  • reviews.

If desired, the teacher is free to include in the portfolio any sections that, in his opinion, will help to create a more complete image of his activities.

These can be a meaningful, autobiographical story or a professional motto.

So the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher for certification for category 1 may contain a brief overview of the formation of the educational methodology used by him.


The portfolio includes mandatory sections that allow you to draw up a description of the educator.

First of all, the necessary information is indicated:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, photograph.
  2. Where and when the profession was obtained, with certified copies of documents attached.

Next, you should specify the length of service. At the same time, it is necessary to describe in detail how many years pedagogical activity has been conducted in total, how many years have been given to the current position, where and in what positions one had to work earlier, what successes have been achieved.

For example, a reference for a boarding school teacher may contain information about the achievements of graduating pupils.

You also need to remember to indicate the qualifications you have, since the portfolio is attestation. You must attach a copy of the previously received attestation sheet.

If any advanced training courses have been completed, then copies of certificates of their completion should be attached.

Self-analysis of professional activity

An important part of the teacher's portfolio for certification is self-analysis of his professional activities.

In fact, this is a brief but meaningful summary of the entire process of his work, the goals pursued, methods of work and results.

So this part of the portfolio may consist of the following items:

  • purpose of personal activity;
  • tasks set to achieve the goal;
  • applied techniques and their consequences;
  • spiritual and moral position;
  • improving professional development;
  • experience exchange.

In principle, when compiling self-analysis, the educator is not limited in any way. Here you should state what the activity looks like from your own point of view.

By compiling a self-assessment sheet, you can note all the best features, results and achievements.

creative report

The creative report of the educator includes information about the achievements of the pupils. This section contains diplomas, diplomas, certificates confirming the professionalism of the teacher.

If the educator participated in innovative or methodological activities, be sure to indicate in which one.

Since the main goal of the educator is to educate children, the creative report can talk about the results achieved.

For example, what children have learned during their time under care can be compared between two studies (at the start of the reporting period and at the end of the reporting period).

If pupils participated in any competitions, competitions, other events, it is necessary to confirm this by attaching certificates, diplomas or letters of encouragement.

You can attach the creative work of children, performed under the guidance of a teacher. One section of the creative report should be devoted to the results of interaction with other participants in the educational process.

For example, working with parents, colleagues, administration. You can attach parental reviews, recommendations from more experienced colleagues and the wishes of the administration.

Analytical reference

The educator's portfolio is summed up by an analytical report. This is a form of presentation of all the results of educational activities since the last certification.

Through the teacher analyzes his activities in general and evaluates the effectiveness of his work.

That is, the educator must evaluate the goals and objectives set for the period between certifications. Analytical reference includes the following sections:

Introduction Briefly analyzes the educational situation, identifies the main problems, indicates the object and subject of research. Set goals and objectives related to the development of the child
Analytical part An overview of educational activities is carried out, and the results are described with indication of specific indicators. The tasks set and the achieved results are compared
Design part The problems that the educator had to face in the implementation of the goals set are indicated. The main directions and stages of activity are also indicated.
Conclusion The result of own analytical activity is evaluated, the main directions of self-improvement and self-development in professional activity are indicated

Topics for certification

Each educator should have a direction of educational activity, to which he pays special attention.

This is a topic of self-education or a methodical topic. During the certification process, this topic is indicated without fail. It is necessary to disclose in detail the content of the declared topic and conduct its analysis.

The methodological activity of the educator must comply with the tasks set for preschool education and comply with the requirements established by law.

It is important to clearly formulate “your” topic, for example:

  1. "Formation of the personality of the pupil in the process of playing activity."
  2. "The development of communication skills in children of primary preschool age through role-playing games."
  3. "The development of speech in children of senior preschool age through the development of cognitive abilities."

The methodological topic for certification is presented in the portfolio as a separate folder with the following structure:

Carrying out computer testing

Computer testing of teachers for attestation assessment was introduced relatively recently. The first such experiment was conducted in April 2019 in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The highlights of this exam are:

During the first test, not all candidates were able to pass the exam. And not only because of the lack of professionalism.

Some teachers did not meet the allotted time, others incorrectly formatted their answers or did not fix them in the system, someone forgot to attach personal documents.

Be that as it may, in the future it is planned to switch to computer testing completely.

If the highest category

When attesting to the highest category, the requirements for the educator increase. First of all, the presence of the first category of qualification is required.

You can apply for the highest qualification only after two years. The applicant is required to:

  • practical application of educational technologies and methods;
  • demonstration of the results obtained on the example of pupils.

At the same time, the results of activities should be more than stable. The dynamics of the teacher's success should be above the average level in this area.

Video: staff appraisal and career promotion

The educator is obliged to demonstrate his personal contribution to the improvement of educational methods and the improvement of the quality of the educational program.

Also important is the possession of innovative technologies and the dissemination of professional experience.

Expert conclusion

Based on all the materials provided, an expert assessment of the activities of the kindergarten teacher is carried out.

This takes into account professional attitudes, personal attitude to the profession of an educator, the level of professional skills and the results of activities.

The attestation commission summarizes its conclusions in the form. Then, within seven days, all materials are processed, the opinions of experts are studied, and a certificate is prepared.

In the process of a collegial decision, the attestation commission decides how the applicant corresponds to obtaining the declared category.

In case of a positive decision is issued. A negative decision is accompanied by a justification of the reasons for the refusal and the application of recommendations for re-certification.

Latest changes for 2019

The key change in the attestation law is the introduction of a two-tier system. First, educators (teachers) must confirm their own compliance with the position.

At the next stage, you can apply for a certain qualification. At the same time, the second category was abolished by legislative amendments.

At the moment, there are only two types of qualifications - the first category and the highest.

Employees with no qualifications or with an expiring qualification period are entitled to apply for the first category.