Asia (TV presenter). TV presenter Asia about how she was kicked out of Muz-TV, work with Arkady Novikov and Buddhism And what is her favorite dish

Asia has been in the media since the age of 16, and during this time she managed to try herself as a presenter on several TV channels and radio stations, and then she nevertheless went behind the scenes and is very happy about it.

Now Asia, in partnership with Arkady Novikov, leads Novikov TV. Especially for the fifth anniversary of the channel, Asia told us how her career began, what Novikov TV is and what it is like to work with one of the main restaurateurs in our country.

You got on Muz-TV at the age of 16, how did it happen?

I entered the faculty of journalism in Irkutsk, and in the first year my friend invited me to go with him to the casting. Ironically, as it happens, the guy was not hired, and I was invited to work. As a result, the channel lasted only six months, after the closure, part of the team went to the holding, where the regional Muz-TV broadcast. True, at first they didn’t take me as a presenter, only as a correspondent. Six months later, they were still allowed to make their own program.

It was called "BlogBastaz. Diaries of scum”, a video blog in which my co-host and I went to different parties in the city and reported insight to each other from different places. But this is Siberia, as they say, high up to God, far from the king, and we were not particularly edited. It was quite truthful, humorous, sometimes viciously and cynically, which is probably why it came up. The program was among the TEFI laureates. We made seven releases, then the Muz-TV channel. Irkutsk ceased to exist, and I was fired from the holding for ... an unpleasant voice.

What did you do after?

I went into free swimming, worked as a stylist. Whom I just did not work. And then the chief director of Channel One called me. I was sure it was a prank. But it turned out that they were really recruiting a team for the seventh Star Factory, launching the Internet television of Channel One, and they needed young and talented guys. It turns out that thanks to TEFI they noticed me and decided to contact me. As a result, in the summer I went to the casting. Just at the same time, I was scheduled to attend a course on Buddhism in the Moscow region. I looked then, of course, strange: extended braids to the priests, piercings, wide pants, in general, a little “pankot”. But they took me, and as a result, in September, I already moved to Moscow and started working in the directorate of creative planning and Internet broadcasting on the First.

That is, such “Moscow does not believe in tears”?

Certainly! For the first three years, he does not believe at all. ( laughing.) At that time I had just turned 20, and mentally I was just a child. Plus, I had a completely tiny salary, but I had to rent an apartment with this money, somehow look decent and have something. I still don't understand how I lived like this. But I was happy just to heaven and back.

How did you get the pseudonym Asia?

When I came to work on Channel One, I was supervised by the chief director, and he believed that it was better not to work under his own name, because anyway, it’s not you in the frame, but your alter ego, and for mental health it’s better to separate these two characters. He gave me a couple of weeks to come up with a pseudonym for himself: we went through everything and eventually settled on Asia. Then there were four years of Muz-TV, during which this name grew strongly.

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Why now, when you started doing business, didn't you change your name to your real one? (In fact, Asia's name is Anastasia).

Oops, I didn't catch that moment myself. I started this business with those people who know me as Asia. Then we met Arkady and introduced herself to him as Asia.

Suit, trousers, Alexandr Rogov; top, Studio 29; sandals, Casadei;

How did Novikov TV start?

I had a friend who worked on fundraising for the Novikov Group and was involved in attracting investments. He told me that he had an idea to start a channel. At that time, I had already worked at Channel One for eight years, four at MUSE, and I had a good understanding of the profession. I thought it had some potential. We made a demo of the project and presented it to Arkady, and he believed in this idea.

And all at once it turned out?

Not really. In three months we launched the channel, but six months later the team fell apart, only Arkady and I remained. So for the first three years it was some kind of Sparta. Plus, it was difficult to explain to the market what kind of product it was, advertising agencies did not fully understand what Indoor is, how it works, what KPIs are. For me, this is my first business. Then these two financial crises, when the ruble simply died. People around said: "Baby, you're going to tear," or simply: "Hold on." And we held on, and it was definitely worth it. This year we are celebrating our fifth anniversary, and now I can say for sure that this is an incredibly cool experience. With such a team and Arkady, you can even go to the ends of the world.

Shirt, 12 storeez; trousers, Studio 29; mules, Zara

For those who do not understand what Indoor is and what Novikov TV is, explain in a nutshell what it is, why and for whom?

This is such a simplified model of television, in fact, a video magazine that broadcasts inside establishments and shows different stories: about beauty, about travel, about fashion, about food, about contemporary art. This is a kind of dynamic picture, if you want - you observe, if you want - no. And I like this format, in my opinion, it is quite eco-friendly in terms of communication with the audience and allows you to interact with people unobtrusively.

Over the past year, our company has grown by almost 30%, we now have more than 170 monitors, a chic audience of more than a million people, and we broadcast in the best institutions in Moscow, not only, by the way, restaurants.

How do you work with Arkady?

Arkady is a genius. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together. I learn from him every second. He has a very cool brain, incredible intuition and a very clear vision of processes, a real visionary. Over these five years, I managed to work with him not only as a partner, but also as a creative director of the Novikov Group, and as a development director for his international brand Novikov Restaurant & Bar, and I can say after all this - he is just a rock star, and this is a big honor and fortune to work with such a person.

I know that you lived in a Buddhist center for four years, why?

Yes, from the age of 16 to 20, before I moved to Moscow. I have this family, my grandmother practiced Buddhism, she introduced me to this religion as a child. Therefore, when as a teenager I found a Buddhist center in my city (the school is called "Karma Kagyu", one of the main classical schools of Buddhism), it was love at first sight, I immediately realized that it was mine and that I wanted to live and study there . This is such a modern view of the monastery. It looks like a good European-style mansion. In the evening they meditate there, give lectures, and go about their business during the day. There are some activities on Saturday and Sunday, people from all over the world come to finish building this center. This is such an international, very cool hangout. I talked to my parents, they went, made sure that this was not a sect, and miraculously allowed me to move. Now, by the way, they also practice.

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Suit, trousers, Alexandr Rogov; top, Studio 29; sandals, Casadei;

How do you take care of yourself?

For the body - yoga or stretching. For the face - about a year ago I decided on an investigative experiment and subscribed to one well-known beauty blogger, God forgive me, before that I went exclusively to cosmetologists for five years. In general, I bought myself the entire recommended arsenal and was stunned! Life is divided into before and after. I always thought that cosmetics are a marketing fake. But after two months of experimenting, I realized that home care works great. The beauty routine is simple - the Korean brands Erborian and Dr. Jart+, they have bomb cleansers and skin care masks, this is how I start and end the day. I do light exfoliation and cleansing masks two or three times a week. For every day, the set is standard: moisturizer, sun protection, base and light makeup. Erborian Korean BB and CC creams are very helpful if you need a transparent make-up. When there are no important meetings, I don’t paint my eyes, only eyebrows, lips and tone. In general, I got hooked seriously, the list of funds is actually long. God bless chemists and the modern cosmetics market!

There is very little information on the Internet about your personal life, are you married?

Yes, I was married, now we are divorced. But I'm not a big fan of flaunting my personal life. First, by nature I am a sensitive person. Even while working as a TV presenter, when I received an avalanche of messages from different people, for some reason I was always upset if there were outright haters among them. In general, I am painfully sensitive to open aggression, rudeness and rudeness. And personal life is a very tender and sensitive space, and you don’t want to let strangers in there.

Do you have a motto that helps you?

Yes, I even got a tattoo on both my arms about this. Here and now. The deep meaning is this: the most important moment in life is always current - the past does not exist, it is already in the past, the future does not exist, it has not yet come, the world around you is only at the point now, and it is beautiful. This idea personally relaxes and inspires me a lot.

This girl travels the world, shines at social events and smiles at us from television screens. But most of us do not even realize that her homeland is the glorious Tunkinskaya Valley.

The own correspondent of Inform Polis in Moscow managed to meet and take an exclusive interview with Asia, one of the brightest and most famous Buryats in the world .

About Alias

Many of our readers already know that you grew up in Irkutsk. Finished school there, studied at the university. Where are your parents from? Tell us a little about your roots.

My parents are from Buryatia. Close relatives live in Tunka, near the Mongolian border. So my whole childhood was spent there. I know these places and love them very much. The only thing is that I do not have a very good connection with Ulan-Ude. I've only been there once, and that was when I was a kid. And this despite the fact that in Ulan-Ude I just have a huge number of relatives! My dad is the fifth child in the family, there are nine brothers and sisters in total, so we have a lot of relatives. Therefore, in the near future I want to plan a trip specifically to Ulan-Ude and visit everyone.

- Do you often get to visit your parents in Irkutsk?

No, not very often. One, maximum twice a year.

- How did your beautiful sonorous pseudonym - Asia - appear?

When my boss, the chief director of Channel One, Andrey Boltenko, and I were thinking about the technique of working in the frame, the question arose of a pseudonym. It seemed to him that he needed to come up with some kind of brand, something short and memorable, not boring. We thought for a long time, I searched and offered many different options. And then, here's what they came up with. They shook hands and began to introduce Asia, first on Channel One, where I worked as a correspondent for the creative planning department of Internet broadcasting, and then on MuzTV.

- What do your friends call you? How do you introduce yourself to new acquaintances?

Now it's mostly Asia. It's been 10 years and I'm comfortable with this name. I like that I don’t have to introduce myself again: everyone remembers the first time. And in Moscow it is very convenient, since there are a huge number of people, every day I have several meetings.

- Anastasia is also a very beautiful name.

Beautiful, beautiful name. I love him very much, but now it is more for very few people, the closest ones. And it suits me too - it is important for me that there is some kind of line between my two lives - personal and public.

About travel, TV and business

- Judging by your page inInstagramyou travel a lot. Do you visit Southeast Asia often...

Yes it is. I travel a lot, this year I visited 14 cities. The last "point" I had was Korea, and before that I was in Mongolia. Moreover, I managed to go to Mongolia twice in a short period of time, my first trip was more tourist-esoteric, so to speak. My brother's teacher lives there, to whom he periodically travels, and I was simply amazed at how different everything is in this country, it is truly mystical. The second time, just before Seoul, I managed to see Ulaanbaatar, also under great impression.

- That is, you were in Mongolia for the first time? And what are your impressions?

Yes, for the first time. As I said, this trip was spontaneous, and I'm just delighted! I don't even understand why I've been ignoring this direction all this time. After all, I often visit relatives in Tunka, and from there Mongolia is within easy reach. Only 120 kilometers, and in front of you is a completely different world.

Let's talk work. You left the screen and now you are doing business most of the time, working together with the famous restaurateur Arkady Novikov. Your main direction is Novikov TV?

Yes, for the past four years this has been my main business. True, some time ago I combined it with the Digital. PR. Marketing". She headed this department at Novikov Group. Then Arkady and I thought that this could have a fruitful effect on our common business. But then it turned out that this is a completely separate direction, which simply takes a huge amount of effort. And at some point we decided that I would still go into business. Because there was a possibility that I simply would not have enough for both at once. But the experience was amazing! This is a very interesting field of activity, I got acquainted with a completely different world. After all, before that I had nothing to do with the restaurant business, gastronomy, and very roughly understood the laws by which all this exists.

- In general, was it not difficult to take everything and change everything like that? Leave the screen, immerse yourself in gastronomy ...

You know, at that moment it was already somehow developing in itself in this way. I lacked any responsibility for the product that I make. Well, then, I've always worked part-time as a producer. I have always liked not only to stand in the frame, but also to directly participate in the creation of a product, create working mechanisms from scratch and watch how they bring in money. Working in the frame is very cool and exciting. But at that moment it seemed to me that I wanted to develop the other side of my personality. Everything worked out, the Muz TV channel switched to cable broadcasting at that time, a number of reshuffles took place, and I decided to focus on my business.

- Business takes a lot of energy from you?

Undoubtedly. Especially in the beginning, while all this was being created, and while we were rebuilding these processes, all my time was spent there. At the moment, the work does not take as much time as at the very beginning. There was some sort of a twist. But it's still very exciting for me. It's a big thrill to understand that you created a living mechanism.

- Is it comfortable to work with Arkady Novikov?

In fact, I am lucky and I meet really great people on my way. Thanks to one such person, I moved to Moscow under the Star Factory-7 project and eventually worked with him in the team for 8 years. In Irkutsk, I made a program that was nominated for TEFI-Region, and at this award my program was noticed by the chief director of Channel One, Andrey Boltenko. He invited me for an interview and I passed. He taught me a lot - and I am incredibly grateful for this experience, because he is the most talented television director in Russia. Arkady Novikov is a guru in his field. He is the best in Russia. And working with him is a great honor and an absolutely priceless experience for me. In general, I think they are the real stars of rock and roll! Brave, talented with crazy energy. Arkady is super-clear, incredibly talented, he is definitely a businessman with a capital letter, and he has a great sense of humor. One can only dream of such a partner.

Work is work, but how is your personal relationship with gastronomy? Now, after such a gigantic experience in this field.

You know, given that all my life I worked as a journalist and I always had several projects at a time, there was some minimum time left for gastronomy. All this time, public catering saved me from starvation. I always thought that cooking takes a lot of time. And if you do not do it professionally, then why do you need it at all. But constantly looking at how professionals do it, how cool they do it and what the result is, what pleasure and joy it can bring to people, I myself slowly began to practice. Now for me cooking is a kind of meditation. I realized that if you do it with love, you can get tremendous pleasure.

- What is your favorite dish?

I love meat very much. It's probably genetic. About once every three weeks, some kind of call goes off in me, and I go to eat poses. I also love cheeses, especially ricotta and buratta. Recently, the restaurant "Syrovarnya" has opened in Moscow, there is a salad, an amazing salad with ricotta. I also love very cool burgers in the Farsh Burger, there are always queues, but for the sake of these burgers I am ready to stand. At the No Fish restaurant, I like stewed meat: beef that comes straight from the bone, it's just some kind of space! In general, I really like food. I guess I'm becoming a foodie.

- Not so long ago you openedPOP- U.P.- SHOPin the Atrium. How did it happen?

Oh, this is another adventure that I got involved in. I have friends Masha Ivakova (host of the Eagle and Tails program, author's note) and her sister Alena. They have a common business, a clothing and accessories store "22:16 Store". Alena from time to time travels as a buyer to different countries, selects collections for purchase. And this topic has always been close to me: in my youth, in parallel with journalism, I entered the Faculty of Design. My studies didn't work out, but I'm still interested in fashion and design. I live a parallel life (laughs). And there were even thoughts to approach this area from a business point of view. And once Alyona invited me to go with her to Korea as a buyer, to understand and feel how it is. I went to Seoul and bought a collection. But we did not begin to make some kind of full-fledged store history, since it is all very long and expensive. And at this stage, I don’t have time to do it fully as a business. Masha and Alena gave me the opportunity to invite guests to their store and show the collection.

- And how, the collection was a success?

Honestly: I brought a very cool collection. Asians in this regard are generally just mad! They are so trendy! Korean girls are just wow! They know how to combine the incongruous and it all looks so organic! They all follow the trends and know what is happening in the fashion world. For me it was a pleasant surprise, as well as the fact that the products manufactured in Korea are of very good quality. Well, given that my circle of friends is mostly creative people, they liked the collection.

- So, there is a possibility that soon we will hear again that Asia has changed jobs?

No, I don't think I'll be doing it anytime soon. But it would be nice in the future.

- You dress amazingly stylish, always look good. How do you manage to take care of yourself?

If it so happened that nature created you as a woman, then self-care is a full time job. That is, you have to do it all the time. I am sure that if there is a desire, then time and money for oneself can always be found. Everything else is just excuses that I don't believe in.

Personally, I have long decided that it is impossible to forget about yourself in any case. Self care is a big part of my life. Cosmetologists, home care and, of course, sports at least three times a week. I recently took up Pilates and also Chinese Qigong, which impressed me a lot. In general, Eastern practices are very close to me, and the Chinese know a lot about this.

About Buddhism

- Speaking of Eastern practices! I know that you lived in a Buddhist center for four years. How did it come about?

I deliberately went there to live. This is the Karma Kagyu school in Irkutsk. She is quite famous, our native lama is Ole Nydahl. And from this path I have not turned anywhere until now. I practice, I go to courses whenever possible. Recently I was in the German Alps in the largest center of Buddhism in Europe. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the courses there, this year one of the strongest Tibetan lamas was able to come. The initiation went on for four days, this is the most powerful thing that cannot be described in a nutshell. This is a separate layer of life. Buddhism is part of my worldview, and if I have free time and the need to "breathe fresh air", then I have such a secret door.

Do you manage to follow the canons of Buddhism in everyday life? Teachings and courses are great, but in the ordinary world it's not easy.

For the most part, yes, it does. Because it depends on awareness. There are only two options here. Either you are constantly in the grip of emotions, you are not aware of what is happening to you and you simply react to stimuli. Or you choose whether you want to experience now, for example, anger or jealousy, irritation. Mindfulness is what Buddhism teaches. And it's great that there are such methods, and such teachers who are able to teach a person to look at things differently.

- Do you often go to datsans?

No, not often. The last time I was in a datsan was in Buryatia with my grandmother.

You were born in Buryatia, grew up in Irkutsk, now you work in Moscow. What city do you consider your home? What city would you like to live in in the future? Not one of the above, but in general.

At this time, I consider Moscow to be my home. After all, I came here at the age of 20 and spent most of my adult life here. I like the pace of life in the capital, I feel good here. Hypothetically... I'm comfortable in Barcelona, ​​but I don't want to live there. I'm comfortable in New York, but I don't want to live there either. Therefore, probably, in the future my city will be Moscow or Silicon Valley.

- That is, there are no plans to move to live abroad?

In fact, I once actively thought about it. Considered different options. But the question arose as to what I would do there. You can leave, but you will need to do something, you need a profession, some kind of adaptation to this whole society. You can fantasize about any topic, but actually moving to move, I think it's strange. At 20, I would have had enough gunpowder. Then I would love to move, for example, to New York and everything would be cool. But now, at 30, you look at things differently.

Help site
Asia - real name Anastasia Tsydenova. She was born on June 10, 1986 in the village of Kyren, Tunkinsky district of Buryatia. From birth to the age of 20 she lived in Irkutsk. Parents - Nima and Nadezhda Tsydenov, has an older brother Vyacheslav. Asia began her professional career as a child: in 2001 she worked as a freelance correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, and from 2002 to 2007 she was a presenter and correspondent for MuzTV. Irkutsk. In 2006, she was nominated for the TEFI-Region award with the Blogdastazz.Live program. Since 2007 she has been working on Channel One. Since 2009, she has been a VJ on Muz-TV and hosted such well-known programs as Russian Chart, Sofa Bed, Pro-news, Pro-fashion, Dreams come true and others. Currently, Asia is a co-owner of the NovikovTV channel.

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Anastasia Nimaevna Tsydenova

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Name at birth:

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Date of Birth:

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Nima Tsydenov


Nadezhda Tsydenova


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Awards and prizes:

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Asia (real name Anastasia Nimaevna Tsydenova)(June 10, 1986, Irkutsk) - TV presenter ("Muz-TV"), producer.


  • 2013 - Co-founder and General Producer ""
  • 2014 - Creative Director of the Group of Companies Arkady Novikov


  • September - the film "Pregnant" dir. Sarik Andreasyan - TV presenter Asia
  • August - “Turn the page” group “Batista” dir. Evgeny Nikitin
  • 2012 - the series "Creatives" - Nastya (Creative Systems)

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An excerpt characterizing Asia (TV presenter)

That is why the only way for the church to somehow save its reputation in the case of the Cathars was only to pervert their faith and teaching so much that no one in the world could distinguish truth from lies ... How easily they did this with the life of Radomir and Magdalena.
The church also claimed that the Cathars worshiped John even more than Jesus Radomir himself. Only now, by John, they meant “their” John, with his fake Christian gospels and the same fake manuscripts ... The real John of Catara, indeed, was honored, but, as you know, he had nothing to do with church John - “ baptist."
- You know, Sever, I get the impression that the church has distorted and destroyed ALL world history. Why was it necessary?
– In order not to allow a person to think, Isidora. To make obedient and insignificant slaves out of people, who, at their discretion, were “forgiven” or punished by the “most holy”. For if a person would know the truth about his past, he would be a person PROUD of himself and his Ancestors and would never put on a slave collar. Without the TRUTH, free and strong people became "God's servants", and no longer tried to remember who they really are. Such is the present, Isidora... And, to be honest, it does not leave too bright hopes for change.
The north was very quiet and sad. Apparently, observing human weakness and cruelty for so many centuries, and seeing how the strongest perish, his heart was poisoned with bitterness and disbelief in the imminent victory of Knowledge and Light ... And I so wanted to shout to him that I still believe that people will wake up soon !.. Despite the anger and pain, despite the betrayal and weakness, I believe that the Earth will finally not withstand what is being done to her children. And he would wake up... But I understood that I would not be able to convince him, since I myself would soon have to die, fighting for the same awakening.
But I did not regret... My life was just a grain of sand in an endless sea of ​​suffering. And I had only to fight to the end, no matter how terrible it was. Since even drops of water, falling constantly, are able to hollow out the strongest stone ever. So is EVIL: if people crushed it even by a grain, it would someday collapse, even if not in this lifetime. But they would have returned to their Earth again and would have seen - after all, THEY helped her to survive! .. It was THEY who helped her become Light and Faithful. I know that the North would say that a person still does not know how to live for the future ... And I know - so far this has been true. But it was precisely this, in my understanding, that stopped many from making their own decisions. Because people are too accustomed to think and act “like everyone else”, without standing out or interfering, just to live in peace.
“I'm sorry I made you feel so much pain, my friend. The voice of the North interrupted my thoughts. “But I think it will help you meet your destiny more easily.” Helps you survive...

This girl travels the world, shines at social events and smiles at us from television screens. But most of us do not even realize that her homeland is the glorious Tunkinskaya Valley.

The own correspondent of Inform Polis in Moscow managed to meet and take an exclusive interview with Asia, one of the brightest and most famous Buryats in the world .

About Alias

Many of our readers already know that you grew up in Irkutsk. Finished school there, studied at the university. Where are your parents from? Tell us a little about your roots.

My parents are from Buryatia. Close relatives live in Tunka, near the Mongolian border. So my whole childhood was spent there. I know these places and love them very much. The only thing is that I do not have a very good connection with Ulan-Ude. I've only been there once, and that was when I was a kid. And this despite the fact that in Ulan-Ude I just have a huge number of relatives! My dad is the fifth child in the family, there are nine brothers and sisters in total, so we have a lot of relatives. Therefore, in the near future I want to plan a trip specifically to Ulan-Ude and visit everyone.

- Do you often get to visit your parents in Irkutsk?

No, not very often. One, maximum twice a year.

- How did your beautiful sonorous pseudonym - Asia - appear?

When my boss, the chief director of Channel One, Andrey Boltenko, and I were thinking about the technique of working in the frame, the question arose of a pseudonym. It seemed to him that he needed to come up with some kind of brand, something short and memorable, not boring. We thought for a long time, I searched and offered many different options. And then, here's what they came up with. They shook hands and began to introduce Asia, first on Channel One, where I worked as a correspondent for the creative planning department of Internet broadcasting, and then on MuzTV.

- What do your friends call you? How do you introduce yourself to new acquaintances?

Now it's mostly Asia. It's been 10 years and I'm comfortable with this name. I like that I don’t have to introduce myself again: everyone remembers the first time. And in Moscow it is very convenient, since there are a huge number of people, every day I have several meetings.

- Anastasia is also a very beautiful name.

Beautiful, beautiful name. I love him very much, but now it is more for very few people, the closest ones. And it suits me too - it is important for me that there is some kind of line between my two lives - personal and public.

About travel, TV and business

- Judging by your page inInstagramyou travel a lot. Do you visit Southeast Asia often...

Yes it is. I travel a lot, this year I visited 14 cities. The last "point" I had was Korea, and before that I was in Mongolia. Moreover, I managed to go to Mongolia twice in a short period of time, my first trip was more tourist-esoteric, so to speak. My brother's teacher lives there, to whom he periodically travels, and I was simply amazed at how different everything is in this country, it is truly mystical. The second time, just before Seoul, I managed to see Ulaanbaatar, also under great impression.

- That is, you were in Mongolia for the first time? And what are your impressions?

Yes, for the first time. As I said, this trip was spontaneous, and I'm just delighted! I don't even understand why I've been ignoring this direction all this time. After all, I often visit relatives in Tunka, and from there Mongolia is within easy reach. Only 120 kilometers, and in front of you is a completely different world.

Let's talk work. You left the screen and now you are doing business most of the time, working together with the famous restaurateur Arkady Novikov. Your main direction is Novikov TV?

Yes, for the past four years this has been my main business. True, some time ago I combined it with the Digital. PR. Marketing". She headed this department at Novikov Group. Then Arkady and I thought that this could have a fruitful effect on our common business. But then it turned out that this is a completely separate direction, which simply takes a huge amount of effort. And at some point we decided that I would still go into business. Because there was a possibility that I simply would not have enough for both at once. But the experience was amazing! This is a very interesting field of activity, I got acquainted with a completely different world. After all, before that I had nothing to do with the restaurant business, gastronomy, and very roughly understood the laws by which all this exists.

- In general, was it not difficult to take everything and change everything like that? Leave the screen, immerse yourself in gastronomy ...

You know, at that moment it was already somehow developing in itself in this way. I lacked any responsibility for the product that I make. Well, then, I've always worked part-time as a producer. I have always liked not only to stand in the frame, but also to directly participate in the creation of a product, create working mechanisms from scratch and watch how they bring in money. Working in the frame is very cool and exciting. But at that moment it seemed to me that I wanted to develop the other side of my personality. Everything worked out, the Muz TV channel switched to cable broadcasting at that time, a number of reshuffles took place, and I decided to focus on my business.

- Business takes a lot of energy from you?

Undoubtedly. Especially in the beginning, while all this was being created, and while we were rebuilding these processes, all my time was spent there. At the moment, the work does not take as much time as at the very beginning. There was some sort of a twist. But it's still very exciting for me. It's a big thrill to understand that you created a living mechanism.

- Is it comfortable to work with Arkady Novikov?

In fact, I am lucky and I meet really great people on my way. Thanks to one such person, I moved to Moscow under the Star Factory-7 project and eventually worked with him in the team for 8 years. In Irkutsk, I made a program that was nominated for TEFI-Region, and at this award my program was noticed by the chief director of Channel One, Andrey Boltenko. He invited me for an interview and I passed. He taught me a lot - and I am incredibly grateful for this experience, because he is the most talented television director in Russia. Arkady Novikov is a guru in his field. He is the best in Russia. And working with him is a great honor and an absolutely priceless experience for me. In general, I think they are the real stars of rock and roll! Brave, talented with crazy energy. Arkady is super-clear, incredibly talented, he is definitely a businessman with a capital letter, and he has a great sense of humor. One can only dream of such a partner.

Work is work, but how is your personal relationship with gastronomy? Now, after such a gigantic experience in this field.

You know, given that all my life I worked as a journalist and I always had several projects at a time, there was some minimum time left for gastronomy. All this time, public catering saved me from starvation. I always thought that cooking takes a lot of time. And if you do not do it professionally, then why do you need it at all. But constantly looking at how professionals do it, how cool they do it and what the result is, what pleasure and joy it can bring to people, I myself slowly began to practice. Now for me cooking is a kind of meditation. I realized that if you do it with love, you can get tremendous pleasure.

- What is your favorite dish?

I love meat very much. It's probably genetic. About once every three weeks, some kind of call goes off in me, and I go to eat poses. I also love cheeses, especially ricotta and buratta. Recently, the restaurant "Syrovarnya" has opened in Moscow, there is a salad, an amazing salad with ricotta. I also love very cool burgers in the Farsh Burger, there are always queues, but for the sake of these burgers I am ready to stand. At the No Fish restaurant, I like stewed meat: beef that comes straight from the bone, it's just some kind of space! In general, I really like food. I guess I'm becoming a foodie.

- Not so long ago you openedPOP- U.P.- SHOPin the Atrium. How did it happen?

Oh, this is another adventure that I got involved in. I have friends Masha Ivakova (host of the Eagle and Tails program, author's note) and her sister Alena. They have a common business, a clothing and accessories store "22:16 Store". Alena from time to time travels as a buyer to different countries, selects collections for purchase. And this topic has always been close to me: in my youth, in parallel with journalism, I entered the Faculty of Design. My studies didn't work out, but I'm still interested in fashion and design. I live a parallel life (laughs). And there were even thoughts to approach this area from a business point of view. And once Alyona invited me to go with her to Korea as a buyer, to understand and feel how it is. I went to Seoul and bought a collection. But we did not begin to make some kind of full-fledged store history, since it is all very long and expensive. And at this stage, I don’t have time to do it fully as a business. Masha and Alena gave me the opportunity to invite guests to their store and show the collection.

- And how, the collection was a success?

Honestly: I brought a very cool collection. Asians in this regard are generally just mad! They are so trendy! Korean girls are just wow! They know how to combine the incongruous and it all looks so organic! They all follow the trends and know what is happening in the fashion world. For me it was a pleasant surprise, as well as the fact that the products manufactured in Korea are of very good quality. Well, given that my circle of friends is mostly creative people, they liked the collection.

- So, there is a possibility that soon we will hear again that Asia has changed jobs?

No, I don't think I'll be doing it anytime soon. But it would be nice in the future.

- You dress amazingly stylish, always look good. How do you manage to take care of yourself?

If it so happened that nature created you as a woman, then self-care is a full time job. That is, you have to do it all the time. I am sure that if there is a desire, then time and money for oneself can always be found. Everything else is just excuses that I don't believe in.

Personally, I have long decided that it is impossible to forget about yourself in any case. Self care is a big part of my life. Cosmetologists, home care and, of course, sports at least three times a week. I recently took up Pilates and also Chinese Qigong, which impressed me a lot. In general, Eastern practices are very close to me, and the Chinese know a lot about this.

About Buddhism

- Speaking of Eastern practices! I know that you lived in a Buddhist center for four years. How did it come about?

I deliberately went there to live. This is the Karma Kagyu school in Irkutsk. She is quite famous, our native lama is Ole Nydahl. And from this path I have not turned anywhere until now. I practice, I go to courses whenever possible. Recently I was in the German Alps in the largest center of Buddhism in Europe. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the courses there, this year one of the strongest Tibetan lamas was able to come. The initiation went on for four days, this is the most powerful thing that cannot be described in a nutshell. This is a separate layer of life. Buddhism is part of my worldview, and if I have free time and the need to "breathe fresh air", then I have such a secret door.

Do you manage to follow the canons of Buddhism in everyday life? Teachings and courses are great, but in the ordinary world it's not easy.

For the most part, yes, it does. Because it depends on awareness. There are only two options here. Either you are constantly in the grip of emotions, you are not aware of what is happening to you and you simply react to stimuli. Or you choose whether you want to experience now, for example, anger or jealousy, irritation. Mindfulness is what Buddhism teaches. And it's great that there are such methods, and such teachers who are able to teach a person to look at things differently.

- Do you often go to datsans?

No, not often. The last time I was in a datsan was in Buryatia with my grandmother.

You were born in Buryatia, grew up in Irkutsk, now you work in Moscow. What city do you consider your home? What city would you like to live in in the future? Not one of the above, but in general.

At this time, I consider Moscow to be my home. After all, I came here at the age of 20 and spent most of my adult life here. I like the pace of life in the capital, I feel good here. Hypothetically... I'm comfortable in Barcelona, ​​but I don't want to live there. I'm comfortable in New York, but I don't want to live there either. Therefore, probably, in the future my city will be Moscow or Silicon Valley.

- That is, there are no plans to move to live abroad?

In fact, I once actively thought about it. Considered different options. But the question arose as to what I would do there. You can leave, but you will need to do something, you need a profession, some kind of adaptation to this whole society. You can fantasize about any topic, but actually moving to move, I think it's strange. At 20, I would have had enough gunpowder. Then I would love to move, for example, to New York and everything would be cool. But now, at 30, you look at things differently.