Description according to the painting by N. Krymov winter evening. Description of the painting by N. Krymov “Winter Evening. Description of the painting Krymov's Winter Evening

I am looking at the painting "Winter Evening", which was painted by the famous landscape painter N. P. Krymov. It depicts a village in winter colors. Looking at this picture there is a feeling of calmness and peace. It seems that, despite the huge amount of snow, this winter evening is warm and sunny.

In the foreground of the picture, the artist brought a frozen river, clean and transparent, because the ice is depicted on it as smooth. Near the shore, from under the ice, you can see dark spots, they are also called islands of shallow water. And near the shore we see a growing bush. Several birds perched on the edge of the ice and on the bush itself. It seems to me that the artist, painting his landscape, was on the opposite bank, perhaps even on a hillock.

In the background are village huts, and behind them a growing forest. It can be assumed that oaks and poplars grow in the forest. The artist singled out the forest, creating a contrast between the light yellowish sky and dark houses. In front of the houses there are expanses with snowdrifts, but the snow does not seem heavy. On the contrary, it seems light and airy, because the artist depicted it in blue. In the window of one of the huts, you can see a flickering light, a little to the left you can see the domes of the bell tower. At one of the houses there are two wagons, probably with hay, the inhabitants of this village are moving along a narrow path.

To depict snow, the author uses different shades of both white and pale blue. I think the artist wanted to convey to us the mood of the village atmosphere in his picture. Looking at the work, I have a feeling of peace and tranquility. I want to become one of those residents who walk along the path. Breathe in the frosty air and plunge into the atmosphere of village life. Thanks to Krymov for giving a few minutes of a fantastic journey into the fantasy world

Composition - description based on the painting by N. P. Krymov

"Winter evening"

1. Information about the artist.

2. Description of nature.

3. Why did I like the picture?

N. P. Krymov is a famous artist. Some of his paintings are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of Crimea's favorite states of nature. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” said N. P. Krymov. I know only one of his paintings - "Winter Evening".

The painting "Winter Evening" depicts nature. It might be cold outside. We see that the snow is snow-white, it sparkles in the frost. The day is coming to an end in the evening... In the foreground of the picture is a field, it is completely covered with snow. Next we see houses. Lights are already on in the windows. There is also snow on the roofs. People are walking along the path, probably after a hard day's work. The picture shows trees with lush crowns. This is a deciduous forest. In the distance of the forest, the upper part of the church is seen. The sky is greenish gray. It is low and pure.

I really liked the picture! She seems alive. All feelings and emotions are conveyed. The author wanted to say with this picture that the winter in the village is very good and beautiful. He did it!

Kostina Angelina, 6th grade

1. A word about the artist.

2.Painting description:

a) fine weather;

b) a small village.

3. The main idea.

4. My opinion about the picture.

Before us is a picture of the famous Russian artist - landscape painter N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening". In the history of painting, N.P. Krymova is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscape, as a poet of modest Russian nature. Several winter landscapes created by Krymov are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of his favorite states of nature.

Snowdrifts are drawn in the foreground. Bushes with withered leaves peep out of them. The picture shows beautiful weather. There is not a cloud in the sky, it is greenish-gray and sometimes mauve.

In the background of the painting, the artist depicted a small village. Behind it is a deciduous forest consisting of pines. To the left, a little away from the residential buildings, you can see the dome of the bell tower. The locals walk along the narrow path.

The artist wanted to show how beautiful the weather is in winter.

I really liked this picture!

Pronina Anastasia, 6th grade


1. A word about the artist.

2. Description of the winter landscape.

3. My opinion about the picture.

Love nature, study it,

write what you really

love. Be true, for

beauty in truth.

N.P. Krymov

N.P. Krymov is an artist, an excellent master of lyrical landscape. Several of his paintings are in the Tretyakov Gallery. Evening is one of Crimea's favorite states of nature.

The painting "Winter Evening" makes me feel wintery. I want to immediately find myself in the village, sit by the warm stove or, on the contrary, lie in the snowdrifts. In this picture, the time of day is evening. This can be seen in the color of the sky. It is greenish-gray, and in places mauve. This can also be seen in the fact that people return home after a hard day's work. The trees in this picture are domed and have a lush crown. If you look closely, you can see pine and larch. It can be seen that people in the houses are already turning on the light and there are many people living in the village, because the church is visible not far away. And they build it, if only a lot of people live in the village.

The artist uses warm colors to describe the winter evening. For example, reddish-brown trees, yellowish-brown walls of houses and barns. There are also cool colors. For example, blue, silver-blue color of snow. I think that the artist managed to convey the beauty of the winter evening.

I liked the picture "Winter Evening" very much. I immediately imagined the sounds of village life. Such as the urging of the driver or the barking of dogs. And I wish there were more pictures like this.

Chugunova Svetlana, 6th grade

1) A word about the artist.

2) Winter landscape:

a) a church

b) trees;

3) Sounds of village life.

N.P. Krymov was known as an excellent master of the lyrical landscape, as he sings of modest Russian nature. “Love nature, study it, write what you truly love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth,” he said. His landscapes are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The painting depicts a winter evening. In the distance, next to the deciduous forest, you can see a small church. And next to it are domed trees - all different and branched. The sky is greenish-gray, but in some places it is mauve. People are walking on fragile snow, and some are riding in a cart on horseback. Winter sounds are very mysterious and unusual. If you listen closely, you can hear dogs barking, bells ringing, and even horses snoring.

This picture is very rich in various shades of nature. I really liked it, because the artist put all his soul and love into this picture!

Russian Soviet artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov was born in 1984, died in 1958 in Moscow.

He painted the painting "Winter Evening" in 1919.

The picture shows a small village in winter, all covered with snow.

This fluffy whitest snow takes up most of the picture. He is on the ground, in the foreground of the picture, and on the roofs of houses. The color of the snow changes throughout the picture - from dark blue to bright white, depending on whether the snow lies in the shade or is illuminated by the bright winter sun, which greatly decorates the picture. The artist depicted the snow not as heavy, but as if light and airy.

In the foreground of the picture, under the snow, we see a river bound by ice. Along the banks of the river we see bushes covered with snow, next to which birds scurry in search of rare food or simply sit, ruffled from the frost. In the middle of the river we see dark spots from under the ice. It is in the shallow water of the river that bushes stick out, not covered with snow.

The sun is sinking over the horizon, evening is approaching the village, changing the color palette of the picture, which the artist so masterfully depicted.

In the center of the picture, several peasant houses are depicted along with yards, sheds and other outbuildings for livestock and storage of food for them for the winter.

Reflections of light are visible in the windows of the houses, this is either the last rays of the sun, which is setting, or the light of the lanterns that were lit in the house in connection with the upcoming darkness.

On the left, in the snow, you can see the road on which the villagers pass on sledges, and a path has been trodden to each house. People are walking along the path, in front is a family of three with a child, in the back the woman seems to have stopped, as if admiring the winter beauty. They rush home, into the heat, before dark. They are warmly dressed, the crunch of snow seems to be heard under their feet. Their long shadows are visible, also testifying to the onset of evening.

From the opposite side, two sleighs with haystacks are moving towards the village, bringing in the last hay, stocking up for their herd for the coming long winter. People walk next to the sleigh, driving the horses. They walk in the direction of a barn adjacent to one of the houses, where they will put this hay. They also rush home, to their warm home, where a hot hearty dinner awaits them.

In the background behind the village begins a dense forest. Behind the lush crowns of trees, the bell tower of the village church is visible. The bell tower is also covered with grayish snow.

When you look at this picture, there are feelings of calm and peace. And, despite the large amount of snow, the picture seems warm and sunny.

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Theme description: it is winter and rather cold outside, when it is very cold outside, and the windows of the houses let in a cozy warm light. Artistic description of Krymov's painting "Winter Evening".

Simple essay

In front of me is a painting by N. Krymov “Winter Evening“. I look at it, and everything depicted on it seems familiar to me.

For most of the picture, the artist depicted snow. Fluffy, thick, snow lies everywhere: on the ground, on the roofs of houses, it almost hides under itself small bushes and weeds in the foreground. It seems to me that it was important for N. P. Krymov to emphasize the abundance of snow, because it is snow that is the main sign of the Russian winter.

The artist depicted a winter evening in his painting. At sunset, the snowy space no longer shines, the colors are muted. The sun disappears behind the horizon, its last rays change the color of the snow. In the shade, it is bluish, and you can clearly see how deep and lush it is. Where the sun's rays still reach, the snow looks pinkish. Paths trodden in the snow are visible from afar. Their depth shows us that winter has already come into its own, the snow had been falling for quite some time before.

In the central part of the canvas, we see a picture familiar to village life: people are returning home, trying to have time to enter their homes before dark. Along a narrow path, two adults are walking with a child to the village, a little behind, another person is moving in the same direction. On the way to the village, two horse-drawn sleighs are driving, on which large haystacks are loaded, the horses are driven by a driver. The figures of people are not clearly drawn, they are small and almost shapeless, because people are dressed in winter and are not located in the foreground.

Black birds sit on the border of evening light and shadow. They do not fly, probably in such a cold, save their strength. I can well imagine their rare cries, in the winter silence they can be heard far away.

Composition based on the painting by Krymov winter evening Grade 6

Before me is a picture of the famous Russian landscape painter N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening". This canvas depicts a small village in winter. Looking at the picture, the viewer has a feeling of peace, tranquility and warmth, despite the fact that the author depicted winter.

In the foreground of the landscape, the artist depicted a frozen river. It is clean and transparent, the ice on it is smooth, snowless. Near the shore of the reservoir, islands of shallow water peek out from under the ice, and bushes grow on the very shore. Several small birds perched on the edge of the ice and on a bush. We can assume that the picture was drawn by the artist from the opposite bank. At this moment, Krymov was on a hill.

In the background of the canvas, the painter depicted a winter village. Behind it, a forest is drawn, consisting of oaks or poplars. It stands out in a dark mass against the background of a light, greenish-yellow sky. It is low and pure. By its color, it can be assumed that the sunset will be pink. A vast expanse of snow spreads out in front of the houses. The artist masterfully uses the color palette to convey various shades of snow: from dark blue diagonal shadows to the purest white snow on the roofs of houses. But in general, the entire snow mass seems to be pale bluish. The village is one of the main objects of the canvas. This is a small group of buildings sunk in dense snowdrifts. Reflections of the sun are visible in the windows of one of the houses. To the left, a little away from the residential buildings, you can see the dome of the bell tower. A barn is attached to one of the houses. Two wagons of hay are heading towards him. Local residents walk along a narrow path in front of the buildings.

The author uses in his work various shades of white to depict snow. Turquoise colored ice on the river. The artist conveys the color of the evening sky with the help of light greenish and yellow tones.

I think the main feeling that the painter wanted to evoke in the viewer is a sense of peace and tranquility. "Amazing nearby!" - I could pick up such an epigraph for the picture of N.P. Krymov. The artist admires the evening twilight. He wants to show how beautiful our Russian nature is! I really like his canvas, it evokes the warmest feelings.


Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a Russian landscape painter. He was fascinated by the discreet beauty of his native Russian nature. He was especially fond of snow, frost, and the calm majesty of winter. Although the painting is called "Winter Evening", it is very bright, apparently, the evening is just beginning. This is probably why the sky, which occupies most of the picture, is bright green. Agree, a green sunset is rarely seen. And most of all in the picture of snow. It seems that the winter is very snowy and the snowdrifts are high. It's amazing what colors the artist uses to depict white snow. This is gray, and blue, and blue, and pure white on the roofs. These different colors convey the feeling of frost, cold and purity of snow covering the whole earth.

Krymov's painting "Winter Evening" is a landscape, but it does not just depict nature and a beautiful view. This is a landscape with the presence of people, their dwellings, and therefore emanates special warmth from it. In the middle ground, we see a thin path trodden in snowdrifts, along which a string of people is walking. These are peasants who live in wooden huts nearby. Among the wrapped figures, one can also distinguish children who are sure to enjoy such a winter. In the foreground there are several dark dots, they are also guessed by the village children - children are sledding down the hill. Soon it will be dark and mothers will call them home.

On the left side of the picture, a dirt road crosses diagonally, two horse teams with haystacks move along it. The day is drawing to a close and people need to have time to finish their work before dark. The trees and houses look dark, almost black, but it's still not black, but a dark brown warm color. These houses are certainly warm and cozy. On the slope you can see the dome of the church, it is a symbol of light, goodness, hope. It can be seen that the artist painted the picture with great love.

For 6th grade

These poor villages
This meager nature
Land of native long-suffering, Land of the Russian people!

F. I. Tyutchev

From the very first glance at the painting by N. P. Krymov “Winter Evening”, we understand that its author is a master of a harmonious landscape. His landscape of central Russia is notable for its realism and subtle ability to display the natural colors of nature. The artist accurately recreated both nature and the very life of the peasantry. “Winter Evening” is not only a picture of nature, but also a “portrait” of Russia, which the painter saw in a modest, ordinary landscape.

Winter nature in Krymov's painting is quiet, as if asleep. It seems that everything around is sleeping until spring. The impression of complete peace is broken only by moving female figures and a pair of horses harnessed to a sleigh carrying hay. Pushkin's lines are involuntarily recalled:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow...

The everyday picture of the life of a peasant village looks peaceful, and the life of people under the author's brush seems unhurried, measured. We see people busy with their own business.

In the foreground of the picture is a river covered in ice. We see bushes along the river and a flock of ducks that have come in search of a hole.

Women walk along a frozen river along a trodden path towards the village. And on the left side, a pair of sledges accompanied by a man are moving along the road to the huts. Long shadows from human figures indicate that it will soon get dark, as it happens in winter.

In the center of the picture are peasant huts with yards, sheds and other buildings. All buildings are wooden. Snowdrifts lie on their roofs. In general, deep snow lies everywhere. In the background of the picture are huge trees, and on the left side of the canvas, a church can be seen between the trees.

It can be assumed that the artist depicted January - the snow is white and deep, the ice on the river is blue, and the sky is greenish. We usually see such a landscape in January. The colors of the picture are cold - the artist thus conveys the January cold.

Short essay

Krymov's painting "Winter Evening" depicts people walking slowly along a thin path home. They make their way through the snowdrifts, and the house is still a long way to go. A little further away we see houses that are at a decent distance from each other. They exude warmth and comfort, but this comfort still needs to be reached. And in the distance you can see two carts carrying hay. In general, the picture is kind and a little idealistic. Just everyone knows that winter has many faces. She can pat a traveler in a terrible snowstorm, and then reassure with the cool rays of the winter sun.

The artist has chosen a nice combination of colors, which shows that a winter evening can be beautiful. Crystal clear, white snow sparkles in the rays of the setting sun. And behind all this beauty, an ideal, fantastic sky is watching, which is so only on special days. True, there are several dark spots in the picture - these are trees. They are clearly drawn in dark colors, as they have not yet received new outfits.

Krymov's painting "Winter Evening" evoked in me a slight feeling of sadness over the passing time, which cannot be stopped. Although the creator of this magical canvas managed the impossible - he forced time to obey him.

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High school students have more and more tasks related to creativity and independent thinking. One of these is an essay based on the painting "Winter Evening". If such a task was given home, then parents should tell the child the main aspects of the presentation of thoughts, so that it would be as simple as possible for a son or daughter to write an essay.

What is an essay on the painting "Winter Evening"

The very word "composition" speaks for itself. This task involves listing your own thoughts that arose when looking at the picture. An essay based on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov) will open up the opportunity to put ideas into action even before those students who have an uncreative mindset. The most important thing in this task is to clearly understand what the author of the work of art wanted to convey and what emotions he wanted to convey with his drawing.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of such a creative task, because an essay based on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov in the 6th grade is not difficult. One has only to delve into the details of the image on the canvas, and thoughts will flow like a river.

Work writing plan

To make it easier for a child to write an essay based on the painting “Winter Evening”, you can tell him in what order to express his thoughts. Approximate may be the following.

Introduction. Here you should talk about what the whole picture evokes. What emotions and mood in his work did the author want to convey.

Main part. A colorful and bright essay on the painting “Winter Evening” will turn out if you reveal in detail everything that is drawn. The correct description structure is to list what is shown in the foreground and in the background. Do not be smart and write complex phrases or incomprehensible sayings. For a sixth grade student, the main thing in this task is to freely describe what he sees in the image.

Conclusion. At the end of the essay, you can write whether the artist managed to touch the feelings with his creation on canvas. It is also worth voicing what aftertaste is left after what you see.

Such a plan will help the child express his thoughts.

What to focus on to convey what you see as vividly as possible

Of course, every teacher wants to see an essay that is meaningful, filled with emotions and understanding of the author. In order to convey your feelings from this perspective, it is worth describing every detail seen when viewing the picture.

It is also worth paying special attention to the main idea of ​​the artist.

A beautiful composition based on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov)

Of course, it is worth taking on board examples of descriptions in order to fully understand the essence of the work. To do this, you can read the finished essay on the painting “Winter Evening” (N. P. Krymov). Grade 6 is already quite adult children who can fully express their inner feelings and understand the essence of the image drawn on canvas. For example, you can take the following creations.

At first glance, the painting "Winter Evening" may seem quite simple. But it is not. In fact, Nikolai Petrovich fully reflected the mood that arises in the winter, and in all colors he transferred these feelings to the canvas.

In the foreground, huge snowdrifts are visible, enveloping the countryside and completely blocking the way for the villagers. Along the well-trodden paths, people go towards their homes in order to have time to return before dark.

In the background, it can be seen that all the houses and huts are covered with silver snow shimmering in the sun. Carts with horses are brought to the huts with brushwood to warm the inhabitants of the houses in this cold. From the picture and the clothes of people it is clear that the frost is very strong. The brilliance of the visible sunset seems to embrace the trees and gives the snowdrifts a mystery and fabulousness.

When I look at the picture of Nikolai Petrovich Krymov, it seems as if I am one of the heroes of this story. I immediately feel the smell of freshness, frosty air and children's fun in the snowdrifts of snow marks.

In the foreground, Nikolai Petrovich emphasized the beautiful, magical season, reminiscent of a fairy tale. Hills covered with silver snow, bushes covered with a white blanket, paths trodden to the huts - all this plunges into the atmosphere of the events depicted.

The winter in the picture is real, filled with emotions and experiences of the inhabitants of the village. In the background, people can be seen heading home to meet the sunset near a warm stove that will be warmed up with brushwood brought from the forest. One feels the onset of a holiday filled with winter festivities and entertainment.

Despite the fact that it is very cold outside, strong and desperate village people are not afraid to do their usual things and fully enjoy the gifts of nature.

Composition based on the work of art "Winter Evening" for grade 6

It is important that children convey all their emotions that appeared when looking at the picture. Therefore, it is worth paying their attention to the details that will help to fully open their experiences and convey their thoughts. An approximate essay on the painting “Winter Evening” by Krymov for the sixth grade may be as follows.

This picture reminds me of a plot from one popular poem:

Where are the firewood from? From the forest, of course,

Father, you hear, cuts, and I take.

It is these lines that come to mind when looking at the work of art "Winter Evening".

In the foreground, you can see the real winter, sweeping everything with silver and white carpets. Real Russian winter! The beauty of the coming sunset is reflected in the snowdrifts. The snow shimmers and glitters under the evening rays of the sun. I really want to get into this atmosphere, it seems that the snow will cover you with your head if you lie down in a snowdrift.

In the background, village huts are visible, which sparkle from the snow. The owners are approaching the houses, apparently after evening walks and work. Hard-working horses, plunging their hooves into the snowy flooring, carry firewood home.

Everything in the picture breathes the freshness of frosty air and inspires. It makes you want to ride a sleigh from the hills, which are densely covered with shiny snow.

How to write an essay on a painting

There are no standards for essay writing. After all, that’s what an essay is for, in order to fully convey your personal experiences and emotions. It is worth discovering the depth of fantasy and immersing yourself in what the artist was trying to show in his work.