Lesson presentation Eugene Onegin history of creation. The history of the creation of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". He plunged into the soul

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A. S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" In his poem, he was able to touch on so many things, to hint about so many things that he belongs exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society. "Onegin" can be called an encyclopedia of Russian life and an eminently folk work. Belinsky V.G.

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"Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, written in 1823-1831, one of the most significant works of Russian literature. Based on the novel, P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote an opera of the same name. There are also a number of adaptations of both the novel and the opera, as well as many parodies of individual parts of the novel or only of its special meter (the "Onegin stanza").

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From the history of creation, Pushkin worked on the novel for over seven years. The novel was, according to Pushkin, "the fruit of the mind of cold observations and the heart of sad remarks." Pushkin called the work on it a feat. Pushkin began work on Onegin in 1823, during his southern exile. The author abandoned romanticism as the leading creative method and began to write a realistic novel in verse, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially, it was assumed that the novel in verse would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked its structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work the chapter "Onegin's Journey", which he included as an appendix. The novel was published in verse in separate chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in modern literature. The first chapter of the novel was published in 1825. In 1831 the novel in verse was finished and in 1833 it was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from the foreign campaigns of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the Decembrist uprising. These were the years of the development of Russian society, the reign of Alexander I. The novel "Eugene Onegin" reflected the events of the first quarter of the 19th century, that is, the time of creation and the time of the novel approximately coincide.

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Title page of the 1st complete edition of the novel by A.S. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin A.S. Pushkin. Vladimir Lensky

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The plot of the novel begins with a speech by the young nobleman Eugene Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, which forced him to leave St. Petersburg and go to the patient's bed to say goodbye to him. Having marked the plot in this way, the author devotes the first chapter to the story of the origin, family, life of his hero before receiving news of the illness of a relative. The story is told on behalf of a nameless author, who introduced himself as a good friend of Onegin. Gave three balls annually And finally squandered. Onegin received a typical upbringing for many nobles - first the governess Madame, then the French tutor, who did not bother his pupil with an abundance of sciences. Pushkin emphasizes that Yevgeny's upbringing is typical for a person in his environment. Onegin's life in St. Petersburg was full of love affairs and secular entertainment, but in this constant series of amusements there was no place for sincere feelings, which led the hero to a state of internal discord, emptiness, boredom. Eugene leaves for his uncle, and now he will be bored in the village. Upon arrival, it turns out that the uncle has died, and Eugene has become his heir. Onegin settles in the village, but even here he is overwhelmed by the blues.

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Onegin's neighbor turns out to be eighteen-year-old Vladimir Lensky, a romantic poet, who came from Germany. Lensky and Onegin converge. Lensky is in love with Olga Larina, the daughter of a landowner. Her thoughtful sister Tatyana does not look like the always cheerful Olga. Olga, beautiful outwardly, is devoid of inner content, which Onegin notices: “Are you really in love with a smaller one? - And what? - I would choose another, When I was like you, a poet. Olga has no life in features. Having met Onegin, Tatyana falls in love with him and writes him a letter. However, Onegin rejects her: he is not looking for a quiet family life. Lensky and Onegin are invited to the Larins. Onegin is not happy about this invitation, but Lensky persuades him to go. “[...] He pouted and, indignantly, swore to infuriate Lensky, And to take revenge in order.” At a dinner at the Larins', Onegin, in order to make Lensky jealous, suddenly begins courting Olga. Lensky challenges him to a duel. The duel ends with the death of Lensky, and Onegin leaves the village. After some time, he appears in Moscow and meets Tatyana. She is an important lady, the general's wife. Onegin falls in love with her, but this time they reject him, despite the fact that Tatyana also loves him, but wants to remain faithful to her husband.

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Characters "Precisely because the main characters of "Eugene Onegin" did not have direct prototypes in life, they exceptionally easily became psychological standards for contemporaries: comparing themselves or their loved ones with the heroes of the novel became a means of explaining oneself and their characters." (Yu. M. Lotman. Comments on "Eugene Onegin")

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Eugene Onegin - prototype Pyotr Chaadaev. Onegin's story is reminiscent of Chaadaev's life. An important influence on the image of Onegin had Lord Byron and his "Byron Heroes", Don Juan, who is also mentioned more than once by Pushkin himself. “In the image of Onegin, one can find dozens of rapprochements with various contemporaries of the poet - from empty secular acquaintances to such significant persons for Pushkin as Chaadaev or Alexander Raevsky. (Yu. M. Lotman. Comments on "Eugene Onegin")

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Tatyana Larina - one of the prototypes can be considered Avdotya (Dunya) Norova, Chaadaev's girlfriend. Dunya herself is mentioned in the second chapter, and at the end of the last chapter, Pushkin expresses his grief over her untimely death. In this image, you can also find the features of Maria Volkonskaya, daughter of the hero of the war of 1812 N. N. Raevsky (with whom Pushkin stayed in the Crimea during the southern exile) and the wife of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky, a friend of Pushkin, as well as Anna Kern, beloved Pushkin.

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Vladimir Lensky - "The energetic rapprochement between Lensky and Kuchelbecker, made by Yu. N. Tynyanov, convinces best of all that attempts to give the romantic poet in "Eugene Onegin" some unified and unambiguous prototype do not lead to convincing results." (Yu. M. Lotman. Comments on "Eugene Onegin").

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Olga Larina, Tatyana's sister - a generalized image of a typical heroine of popular novels; beautiful in appearance, but devoid of deep content.

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The author of the work is Pushkin himself. He constantly intervenes in the course of the story, reminds of himself (“But the north is harmful to me”), makes friends with Onegin (“The conditions of light, having overthrown the burden, how he lagged behind the hustle and bustle, I made friends with him at that time, I liked his features” ), in his lyrical digressions, shares with readers his reflections on a variety of life issues, expresses his worldview position. The author in some places breaks the course of the narrative and introduces metatextual elements into the text (“The reader is already waiting for the rhyme “rose” - here, take it soon”). Pushkin even portrayed himself next to Onegin on the banks of the Neva.

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Poetic features The novel is written in a special "onegin stanza". Each such stanza consists of 14 lines of iambic tetrameter. The first four lines rhyme crosswise, the lines from the fifth to the eighth - in pairs, the lines from the ninth to the twelfth are connected by a ring rhyme. The remaining 2 lines of the stanza rhyme with each other.

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Translations "Eugene Onegin" has been translated into many languages ​​of the world: into English - by Walter Arndt, Vladimir Nabokov and others; into French - I. S. Turgenev and L. Viardot, Jean-Louis Bakes and Roger Legr, Jacques Chirac and others; into German by Rolf-Dietrich Kail and others; into Belarusian - Arkady Kuleshov; into Ukrainian - M. F. Rylsky; in Hebrew - by Abraham Shlonsky; into Ossetian - Nafi Dzhusoyty."Eugene Onegin" in music P. I. Tchaikovsky - Opera "Eugene Onegin" (1878) S. S. Prokofiev - music for the unrealized performance "Eugene Onegin" of the Moscow Chamber Theater, (1936) R. K. Shchedrin - Stanzas "Eugene Onegin, for a cappella choir based on the novel in verse by A. Pushkin, (1981)

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"Eugene Onegin" in the cinema "Eugene Onegin" (1911). In the role of Onegin - Pyotr Chardynin. "Eugene Onegin" (1958). Screen version of the opera. Onegin is played by Vadim Medvedev, the vocal part is performed by Evgeny Kibkalo. In the role of Tatyana - Ariadna Shengelaya, voiced by Galina Vishnevskaya. In the role of Olga - Svetlana Nemolyaeva. "Onegin" (1999). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Ralph Fiennes, Tatyana Larina - Liv Tyler, Vladimir Lensky - Toby Stevens. "Eugene Onegin" (2007). In the role of Eugene Onegin - Peter Mattei. "Eugene Onegin. Between the past and the future” - documentary (2009), 52 min., directed by Nikita Tikhonov.

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First of all, in Onegin we see a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, taken at one of the most interesting moments of its development. From this point of view, "Eugene Onegin" is a historical poem in the full sense of the word, although there is not a single historical person among its heroes. Belinsky V.G.

Eugene Onegin

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A novel in verse written by one of the great Russian writers, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is Eugene Onegin This work belongs to classical Russian literature.

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A.S. Pushkin wrote "Eugene Onegin" for eight years (from 1823 to 1831). The writer himself called his work a feat. At the heart of the novel, in poetic form, the whole life of the then intelligentsia of the nobility is sharply revealed.

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How the novel was created

In 1823, the first lines of the novel "Eugene Onegin" appeared in Chisinau. At that time Pushkin was in exile. That is why the novel is distinguished by realism. As conceived by the author, "Eugene Onegin" was to consist of 9 chapters. After some improvements, only 8 remained in the novel.

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the novel "Eugene Onegin" reflects the events in Russia in 1p. XIX century. That is, the time of writing completely coincides with the situation and actions in the novel. The novel is based on a love story.

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The main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Eugene Onegin

Tatyana Larina

Olga Larina

The plot of the novel

The plot is based on a love line. Eugene Onegin, the protagonist of the novel, comes from St. Petersburg to a remote village, where he inherits the house of his deceased uncle. Onegin is quite bored after the bustle of the capital, balls and female attention. A young and hot guy Lensky settles next door. He loves Olga Larina. Unlike a cheerful and friendly girl, her older sister, Tatyana, falls in love with Eugene Onegin unrequitedly. She writes him a grateful love letter, but Onegin rejects her.

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Once at the ball, out of boredom, Onegin began to show signs of attention to Olga Larina. The hot-tempered Lensky challenged the offender to a duel. As a result of the duel, Lensky dies from a bullet and Onegin is forced to leave the village. Only three years later he returns from St. Petersburg and meets Tatyana. Only now the main character falls in love with a woman and tries to win her favors. However, Tatyana is already a married woman and therefore rejects Onegin.

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Editions of Eugene Onegin

Pushkin's novel was printed as it was written. Each chapter, except for a separate edition, was published in almanacs and literary magazines. The first chapter was published in 1825. The last single chapter was published in 1824. Already in 1825, the Russian people could read the complete edition of the complete novel "Eugene Onegin"

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"Eugene Onegin" gained great popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad. The novel has been translated into many foreign languages: English, German, French, Czech, Georgian, and many others.

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Influence of the novel on other works. The name "Eugene Onegin" is actively used in music, painting and other areas.

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A novel in verse written by one of the great Russian writers, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is Eugene Onegin. This work belongs to classical Russian literature. www.site

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A.S. Pushkin wrote "Eugene Onegin" for eight years (from 1823 to 1831). The writer himself called his work a feat. At the heart of the novel, in poetic form, the whole life of the then intelligentsia of the nobility is sharply revealed. www.site

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How the novel was created

In 1823, the first lines of the novel "Eugene Onegin" appeared in Chisinau. At that time Pushkin was in exile. That is why the novel is distinguished by realism. As conceived by the author, "Eugene Onegin" was to consist of 9 chapters. After some improvements, only 8 of them remained in the novel. www.site

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The novel "Eugene Onegin" reflects the events in Russia in 1p. XIX century. That is, the time of writing completely coincides with the situation and actions in the novel. The novel is based on a love story. www.site

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The main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Eugene Onegin Tatyana Larina Olga Larina Lensky www.site

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The plot of the novel

The plot is based on a love line. Eugene Onegin, the protagonist of the novel, comes from St. Petersburg to a remote village, where he inherits the house of his deceased uncle. Onegin is quite bored after the bustle of the capital, balls and female attention. A young and hot guy Lensky settles next door. He loves Olga Larina. Unlike a cheerful and friendly girl, her older sister, Tatyana, falls in love with Eugene Onegin unrequitedly. She writes him a grateful love letter, but Onegin rejects her. www.site

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Once at the ball, out of boredom, Onegin began to show signs of attention to Olga Larina. The hot-tempered Lensky challenged the offender to a duel. As a result of the duel, Lensky dies from a bullet and Onegin is forced to leave the village. Only three years later he returns from St. Petersburg and meets Tatyana. Only now the main character falls in love with a woman and tries to woo her. However, Tatyana is already a married woman and therefore rejects Onegin. www.site

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Editions of Eugene Onegin

Pushkin's novel was printed as it was written. Each chapter, except for a separate edition, was published in almanacs and literary magazines. The first chapter was published in 1825. The last single chapter was published in 1824. Already in 1825, the Russian people could read the complete edition of the complete novel "Eugene Onegin". www.pptcloud.ru

  • #1

    Inessa Nikolaevna! I was late at work with the Olympics, the mood is spoiled, tomorrow is "Eugene Onegin". I want to prepare seriously and I understand that there is not enough time. This makes it even worse. And here is your work. Thank you so much for the wonderful material. Lifesaver You! Health to you and success.

  • #2

    Svetlana Ivanovna, thank you!
    Do not give up. To paraphrase a famous phrase, "The Internet will help us!"

  • #3

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! Over the years, you have become a very close and dear person to me! Do not be afraid of such words! You help me to teach at a very high level. Your findings and presentations delight students, and most importantly, they teach you to be thinking. Thank you! I say thank you every day. I wish you happiness and health! God bless you!

  • #4

    Tatyana Ivanovna (Sunday, 12 January 2014 14:40)

    What a labor! Dear Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much. I'm already in my 42nd year of teaching. The mood couldn't be worse: these associations of schools surprise, irritate, discourage the desire to work. And here is such a joy! I looked it over, downloaded it, thought it over and said to myself: "Nonsense, with God's help we'll survive this!" Save you God!

  • #5

    Inessa Nikolaevna, apart from words of gratitude for your work and admiration for your work, I can’t say anything, because the rest is not so important. I don’t really like electronic resources, but yours are really close to me: they teach children to THINK. THANKS A LOT!

  • #6

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you so much for the material on the study of the work "Eugene Onegin". May life reward you for your disinterested help to your colleagues!

  • #7

    Inessa Nikolaevna, conducted an open lesson on "Eugene Onegin", using the materials generously provided by you. Thank you I think that I owe all my luck to you.

  • #8

    Victoria, I am sure that presentations and videos are half the battle. The main thing in the lesson, in my opinion, is the personality of the teacher.

  • #9

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna! I have been following your work for many years! You not only delight with amazing lessons, but also inspire personal pedagogical exploits! In "minutes of painful reflections" your talent is my personal basis for optimism and faith in children! Thank you very much.

  • #10

    Dear colleagues, please forgive me if I suddenly offend someone. Since literature was driven into the test, I do not teach it. And then I looked at the tests on "Eugene Onegin". It hurts me that our literature is driven into the primitive framework of tests.

  • #11

    Dear Irina Alekseevna!
    No one drove our literature anywhere. As we taught, we teach: with immersion in the text, with writing essays, with text analysis. Look, we use the manuals of 1968. And this is not conservatism, but the selection from the methodology of what teaches, helps to think, to answer problematic questions.
    There are practically no tests left in the Unified State Examination and the GIA. There are essays and several questions from the theory of literature. Watch presentations. This is not all that I give in the lessons, but this is a detailed analysis of all chapters. And thinking teachers will teach the way they were once taught. And those who are just starting the path of a teacher, I hope, will determine what is really important and necessary, and what is nonsense.
    You saw one test on the page, it is a pity that you have not read other materials. I am proud of them without false modesty, although I would already change a lot, and not in the direction of tests.
    Our children grow up thinking. Well, in our school, anyway. Maybe they were lucky with the children ... But even after leaving school, they return to the classics, read, think.

  • #12

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you so much for the lessons on "Eugene Onegin", well, just a storehouse of everything !!! Everything that can be found on your site is useful and modern. I never tire of admiring your talent and hard work! Good luck in all your endeavors and "continuations")))
    Sincerely, Guy O.L.

  • #13

    Good evening, Inessa Nikolaevna! I think that many language teachers will soon have to share their salary with you, your help is so invaluable, thank you very much. Happy New Year!

  • #14

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you very much for this site. This is a gem! So much useful and interesting information, I really want to express my gratitude to you for this painstaking work! How lucky are your students! Health and further creative success!

  • #15

    Hello! I am not a linguist, but your site is really a miracle, I found a lot of interesting things for my lessons. I admire your creativity and hard work! History teacher Love

  • #16

    Elena (Wednesday, 02 November 2016 05:49)

    Inessa Nikolaevna! I stumbled upon your site by accident....love it! Thank you so much for your generosity and understanding! This is an invaluable help to writers in preparing for the lessons! Thank you! Health to you, kindness, happiness!

  • #17

    "Run in" lesson today. Very satisfied, everything went smoothly in time. Warm, heartfelt thanks!

  • #18

    Girls, come on. You're driving it into paint!
    Everything is fine: we do, share, learn from each other. This is fine!

  • #19

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna!

    In 2007, I made a report at the Onegin Readings in Mikhailovsky about my approach to the plot chronology of the novel Eugene Onegin. In the same year, I made reports on this topic in the Pushkin House (Moscow), at a meeting of the Pushkin Commission and published a brochure “We honor everyone as zeros, and ourselves as ones, or how I had to open the plot chronology of the novel “Eugene Onegin””, which can be find at https://yadi.sk/i/AL_2Gm88zu8ET and download. In 2011, Honored Teacher of Ukraine Nadezhda Filippovna Zhukovskaya (teacher of Russian language and literature) read this brochure, organized a discussion of my work among teachers of Russian language and literature in her city - Umansk and sent me a very positive feedback from them.
    This feedback prompted me to make a film for students about the plot chronology of the novel "Eugene Onegin", which would help students to perceive this work more deeply within no more than one lesson (the film lasts 32 minutes). The film is located at https://yadi.sk/i/rtkxzRoCmk7tv and is available for download or on YouTube under the phrase "plot chronology of the novel Eugene Onegin".

    It would be my pleasure if you could read my brochure, as well as watch the film, evaluate the usefulness of showing it to students and posting these things on your site.
    I will be grateful if you tell me your opinion about my work and the film, indicating errors, shortcomings and wishes.
    Doctor of Technical Sciences Belyakov-Bodin Vladimir Igorevich

  • #20

    Thank you very much, Vladimir Igorevich!
    It will be very interesting to get acquainted with your work, especially since my students and I are doing a project-website dedicated to "Eugene Onegin".
    It is interesting that in recent years a lot of research on Pushkin has been written by people with a technical background. This is a different view of literature.

  • #21

    Thanks a lot! For a novice teacher - your lessons on Eugene Onegin are a treasure!

  • #22

    Thanks a lot! For several years I have been "feeding" from your site, I recommend colleagues to get acquainted with your wonderful works. Thanks again for your help, ideas, talent!

  • #23

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for such bright, thoughtful presentations. They greatly enlivened our lessons with the children, and in addition, they helped me save preparation time for my household. Now I will wait for the results of our work in essays. Once again, thanks a lot for your help!

  • #24

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thanks for the materials! Thoughtful approach, clear language, clear thoughts!

  • #25

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Your work is unique, understandable and easy to understand. It is not often that we meet people like you, who just so simply, disinterestedly allow us to use their materials. I am amazed at where you only find time to create presentations, videos, projects, write articles, reports and much more! You are smart and hardworking! Thank you very much!

  • #26

    Dear Inessa Nikolaevna, I admire your site and the work that you do and give to your colleagues. Thank you for your talented help. Health to you and further creative discoveries. Sincerely.

  • #27

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much for the interesting information, for your creativity. Good luck, inexhaustible energy, health.

  • #28

    Inessa Nikolaevna, low bow, gratitude for the sample of work with a work of Russian literature. There is a lot to learn! Health to you, your loved ones, success in all endeavors.

  • #29

    super. thank you teacher low bow. for such a great job. God bless you!!!

  • #30

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much and bow low for your invaluable work, for the opportunity to use it! May God grant you and your loved ones health and creative success!

  • #31

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you so much for such rich content! Health to you and creative forces!)

  • #32

    Thank you for being you and your wonderful site. Health. success and happiness to you and your family.

  • #33

    Innesa Nikolaevna! Thank you so much for the very sensible and meaningful teaching materials both in the Russian language and in literature. So consistently, simply and methodically competently systematize the material of the lessons can only be a master teacher. Low bow to you and creative success!

  • #34

    Inessa Nikolaevna! Thank you very much for this site. We get valuable material. Health, prosperity and further success in the new year!

  • #35

    Thank you very much, Inessa Nikolaevna, for the wonderful material. Good luck to you and health.

  • #36

    Where is all the material? I tried to download, some replicas were downloaded, but there was no presentation itself

  • #37

    Elena Leonidovna, everything is downloaded, checked. The problems are on your side. See links on the page. They are active, they lead to Yandex disk. Download from there.

  • #38
  • #39

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much, thank you for your work! I found a lot of useful things on your site and apply them in my lessons. Thanks for sharing!

  • #40

    Inessa Nikolaevna! I admire your titanic work and your creativity! You are a brilliant teacher! Thank you so much for generously sharing your experience! May God grant you and your loved ones health and creative success!

  • #41

    Inessa Nikolaevna, thank you very much! Reading "Eugene Onegin" goes with a bang!

Slides captions:

"... a collection of colorful chapters ..."

Onegin and Lensky
At the Larin estate

Tatyana in Onegin's house


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A.S. Pushkin Roman in verse "Eugene Onegin"
"Eugene Onegin" - an encyclopedia of Russian life. V.G. Belinsky
Chronology of Pushkin's work on "Eugene Onegin"
May 8/29, 1823 - the beginning of work on the novel September 26, 1830 - the completion of work on "Eugene Onegin" We find with the author: 7 years 4 months 17 days
Internal chronology of "Eugene Onegin"
Chapter I - winter 1819 - spring 1820 II, III chapters - summer 1820 IV chapter - summer - autumn 1820 Chapter V - night from January 2 to January 3 - January 12, 1821 Chapter VI - January 13 - spring 1821 Chapter VII - Spring 1821 - February 1822. Chapter VIII - Autumn 1824 - Spring 1825. March 1825 - the end of the novel.
1795 - the year of birth of Eugene Onegin. At 18, he healed on his own. After the duel, Onegin was 26 years old. 1803 - the year of birth of Lensky. When Lensky died, he was 18 years old. 1803 is the probable year of Tatyana's birth. In the summer of 1820 she was 17 years old.
"... a collection of colorful chapters ..."
Sheets of the manuscript of the novel "Eugene Onegin"
Illustrations for the novel "Eugene Onegin"
Let me introduce you: Onegin, my good friend... Ch. 1, stanza I.
... life ... Monotonous and motley. And tomorrow is the same as yesterday. But was my Eugene, Free, happy in the prime of his best years, Among brilliant victories, Among everyday pleasures? Ch.1, stanza XXVI
She liked novels early; They replaced everything for her; She fell in love with deceptions And Richardson and Rousseau. Ch. 2, stanza XXIX And ​​a thought was planted in her heart; The time has come, she fell in love. Ch. 3, stanza VII Imagining the heroine of her beloved creators, Clarice, Julia, Delfina, Tatyana wanders in the silence of the forests alone with a dangerous book, she seeks and finds in it her secret heat, her dreams, the fruits of heart fullness ... Ch. 3, stanza X
So people (I repent first) There is nothing to do friends. Chapter 2, stanza XIII He listened to Lensky with a smile. The poet's passionate conversation, And the mind, still in unsteady judgments, And the eternally inspired look, - Everything was new to Onegin ... Chapter 2, stanza XV Between them everything gave rise to disputes And attracted to reflection ... Chapter 2, stanza XVI
Onegin and Lensky
At the Larin estate
They kept in a peaceful life Habits of dear old times... Chapter 2, stanza XXXV
I am writing to you - what more? What else can I say? Now, I know, it is in your will to punish me with contempt. ... Why did you visit us? In the wilderness of a forgotten village, I would never know you, I would not know bitter torment ...
Enemies! How long have they been separated from each other by their bloodlust? Now it’s vicious, Like hereditary enemies, As in a terrible, incomprehensible dream, They are preparing each other’s death in cold blood in silence ... Can’t they laugh until Their hand is reddened, Can’t they disperse amicably? .. But wildly secular enmity Is afraid of false shame. Chapter 6, stanza XXVIII
Onegin hurries to the young man, Looks, calls him ... in vain: He is gone. Young singer Found an untimely end! Chapter VI, stanza XXXI He lay motionless, and strange Was the languid world of his brow. He was wounded under the chest; Smoking, blood flowed from the wound. A moment ago, Inspiration beat in this heart, Enmity, hope and love, Life played, seethed blood, - Now, as in an empty house, Everything in it is both quiet and dark; It has fallen silent forever. Chapter VI, stanza XXXII
Tatyana in Onegin's house
And in the silent study, Forgetting for a while everything in the world, Finally left alone, And she cried for a long time. Then she began to read books. Tatyana devoted herself to reading with a greedy soul; And another world opened up to her. Chapter 7, stanza XXI Everywhere Onegin's soul Involuntarily expresses itself Now with a short word, now with a cross, Now with an interrogative hook. Chapter 7, stanza XXIII
Hey! Not that she shuddered, Or suddenly turned pale, red ... Her eyebrow didn’t move; She didn’t even squeeze her lips. 8, stanza XIX Is it really the same Tatyana ..? … … … … Could it be that with him now she was so indifferent, so bold? Chapter 8, stanza XX
In the anguish of insane regrets, Eugene fell at her feet; She shuddered and was silent; And she looks at Onegin Without surprise, without anger ... Chapter 8, stanza XLI She does not raise him And, without taking her eyes off him, Does not take her insensible hand from her greedy lips ... Chapter 8, stanza XLII
Opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin"
Lensky's ariaAria (Italian) - an episode in an opera completed by construction, performed by one singer.

Onegin's Arioso Arioso (Italian) is a small ariana of a chanting and declamatory nature.
Themes and problems of the novel.2. Read 1,2, 3 chapters.3. Answer questions.4. Compose a quotation description of the heroes (Tatyana, Onegin, Lensky, Olga).