Andrey Malakhov for the first time frankly told why he left the first channel. The real reason for the dismissal of Malakhov from Channel One Dismissal of Andrei Malakhov from Channel 1

"Andrey Malakhov. Ernst kicked me out of Channel One for touching on medical corruption in the issue! I filmed a program about how doctors cripple people with sore joints, hiding the truth from them! And a drug from the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after V .A.Nasonova, which can save millions of lives, while spreading for FREE.
The episode was never aired, and I was forced to leave. But I still publish this program in an abridged version and in text. The main meaning of the transmission is conveyed correctly.

Why do pharmacies offer outdated and dangerous drugs, while hiding from people the truth about the new drug from the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after. V.A. Nasonova, which is distributed FREE OF CHARGE. How is it that the pharmacy mafia makes hundreds of millions for the health of people, ruining their health?

For a conversation, we invited the chief specialist of the Research Institute of Rheumatology, Lyudmila Antonova, to the studio.

Andrei Malakhov: "Lyudmila Viktorovna, how do you assess the situation with the danger of joint diseases?"

Ludmila Antonova : Many people think that diseases of the joints are not a very dangerous type of disease, which threatens only with a crunch of hands with legs and pain. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Joint diseases are extremely dangerous and even at an early stage of development can kill a person or turn him into a disabled person.

Firstly, any joint disease is a precancerous disease. Even at an early stage, arthrosis or arthritis can lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Most often it is cancer of the bone marrow or blood cancer. Both are extremely difficult to treat and fatal. This is perhaps the most underestimated complication in its danger that occurs in people with sore joints.

Secondly, joint diseases often lead to disability. A suddenly stopped working arm, a failed leg or complete paralysis is a very common complication that occurs in many patients. Paralysis dooms the patient, in fact, to existence as a "reasonable vegetable." Which is not much different from death.

Third, banal osteochondrosis can "close" the nerve endings to the spine and cause complications of any internal organ - from the liver to the heart. The spinal cord is the backbone of the central nervous system. And with its violations, there are malfunctions in the work of internal organs, which can lead to a wide variety of complications.

Andrei Malakhov: "So everyone with joint pain is in mortal danger?"

Ludmila Antonova : Among specialists, diseases of the joints are considered one of the most dangerous. Unlike many other diseases that occur in humans, they do not lead to some temporary health problems, but develop only on an increasing basis, gradually leading a person to the grave. Joint diseases are the cause of millions of painful deaths. It's like a time bomb that doesn't necessarily go off right away, but has a 100% chance of going off sooner or later. In addition, the situation with joint cancer is such that at the first stage, the patient cannot distinguish pain due to a cancerous tumor from the usual symptoms of the disease. He is aware of the problem when metastases have already gone through the body and it is essentially too late to treat it.

Every year in Russia, hundreds of thousands of people die from cancer of the bone marrow and blood, provoked precisely by diseases of the joints. Each of them suffers terribly. Patients over 40 years of age are at particular risk. The worst thing is that until recently there was no effective way to prevent the onset of cancer. If a person had a disease of the joints in the middle or severe stage, then the maximum that medicine could offer him was drugs that relieve symptoms. No more.

So that you understand exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about complications, here are some photos from hospitals:

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Joint necrosis (most often of the hands)

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Intervertebral hernia, leading to paralysis and treated only by surgery;

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Deformity of the knee joint, requiring the implantation of an artificial joint (the price is about 500 thousand rubles);

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Cancer tumors of the spine and other joints;

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Destruction of the joints of the feet;

Andrei Malakhov: "How are joint diseases treated now?"

Ludmila Antonova : In most cases, patients are offered treatment with chondoprotectors and other drugs, which, with the best result, can slow down the development of a particular disease, nothing more. In some cases, people are treated with injections or surgery. The first option (chondoprotectors and other pills) is essentially useless. The second and third are extremely dangerous. Injections can only remove pain, while in no way affecting the disease itself. As a result, a person does not feel pain and believes that everything is in order, while a cancerous tumor may already be growing in the body. And operations on the joints in general very often end in disability or other serious complications. They are shown to be carried out only in the most extreme cases.

It is precisely because of the low efficiency of the classical approach to treatment that the minds of specialists have always been occupied with the development of a drug that can really treat diseased joints and restore people to health. At the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after V.A. Nasonova, we have created the first drug of its kind that can really restore joints.

Andrei Malakhov: "Can you tell about him?"

Ludmila Antonova : Certainly. This is "Artropant" - a unique drug that has no analogues both abroad and in Russia. In its form, it is a cream that is created from the antlers of a deer - a species of reindeer, whose horns have long been used by northern peoples to treat their diseases. We stumbled upon it by chance, when one of the specialists took part in an expedition in the north and brought to the research institute a trial batch that he had bought from local residents.

At the moment, "Artropant" has passed clinical trials and showed extremely high rates of effectiveness. It helps even in advanced and severe cases, restoring cartilage tissue and returning joints to a healthy state. According to its performance, the medicine is unique. No other drug is able to effectively restore diseased joints, returning a person to a completely healthy state.

In addition to Russia, Artropant has successfully completed clinical trials in Switzerland and the USA. But until we provide them with the entire population of Russia, it will be available only within the country.

Andrei Malakhov: "How did it happen that such a drug is not allowed in pharmacies?"

Ludmila Antonova : The fact is that the Research Institute of Rheumatology is not engaged in commercial activities. AND we do not sell the drug, but distribute it for FREE under a special program. This is precisely the main conflict with pharmacy chains. They want to make money on sick people, squeezing the maximum money out of them. Old and ineffective medicines are ideal for this. While our cream not only solves the problem forever, it is also distributed free of charge.

However, we found a way out - the specialists of the research institutes created special site where you can leave an application for "Artropant" and get it for free. All you have to do is just leave your name and contact details. After that, you will be contacted to clarify a convenient delivery time. We tried to make everything as simple as possible so that everyone can get a medicine, even if they have not ordered anything via the Internet before.

Andrei Malakhov: "In addition to you, Viktor Sedelnikov, the chief rheumatologist of Russia, is present in the studio today. A question for you, Viktor Fedorovich, is why it happens that a unique medicine created in Russia and distributed free of charge does not reach the population?"

Viktor Sedelnikov : Andrey, I want to note that despite the position, the chief rheumatologist is mainly involved in the coordination of scientific research and strategic issues. I have no influence on commercial pharmacy chains. All I can do is recommend some drug to them. Of course, "Artropant" was recommended on my part. Actually, the entire scientific community understands what a colossal breakthrough in the field of joint treatment has been made. To my deep regret, pharmacy chains did not react in any way. Which is generally understandable and logical, since in the case of mass and free distribution of Artropant, they will suffer multimillion-dollar losses.

Now we are working on the issue of free distribution of "Artropant" through state clinics and hospitals. There are indeed bureaucratic problems, but I hope that the issue will be resolved within the next 10-12 months.

Andrei Malakhov: "It turns out that at least another year will pass before the appearance of "Artropant" in clinics. What should people do until it appears at the doctors?"

Viktor Sedelnikov : The Research Institute of Rheumatology has an official website of the project, where everyone can leave an application and get "Artropant" for free. For now, the only way out is to use it. Moreover, as far as I understand, they deliver the drug very quickly and are able to cover any number of people.

Ludmila Antonova : A small note about "any number of people." At this point in time, the research institutes do not have enough production volumes to cover the entire country. Therefore, we alternately hold promotions in different regions of the Russian Federation. At the current time, the drug can be obtained free of charge in the city and region. The program will run until September 13th. After that, it will be continued on the territory of another region of Russia.

Andrei Malakhov: "What can you say goodbye to our viewers?"

Ludmila Antonova : I want to draw the attention of readers that diseases of the back and joints are “getting younger”, and even mild periodic pain is a reason to pay attention to the problem. You don't have to wait until bone marrow or blood cancer appears and you just wait for your death.

Important! It was concluded that August and September are the best time to start treatment for diseases of the spine and joints. Due to the stabilization of the average temperature, the metabolism is accelerated, the blood circulation in the body increases, the flow of blood and oxygen to the internal organs increases, the effect of using the cream increases. Recovery from pain in the back and joints, as well as related diseases, is 67% faster than it would be at other times of the year. Restoration of body functions occurs at 100% during the entire course of treatment.

The well-known presenter Andrei Malakhov had a conflict with the leadership of the first channel. The disagreements turned out to be so significant that the TV presenter filed an application and decided to change the channel.

While the audience was wondering why the producers removed Andrey Malakhov from the air of Channel 1, the media, citing anonymous sources, published several versions:

  1. Conflicts within the team.
  2. Reduced TV ratings.
  3. The discrepancy between the views of Malakhov and Natalia Nikonova (producer) on the subject of the program.
  4. The unwillingness of the producers to provide the presenter with maternity leave (the showman's wife is about to give birth).

On the First, they filmed the release of the show about the departure of the star presenter. The media reported that there were a couple of candidates for Malakhov's place - Borisov and Shepelev. As a result, the issue about Malakhov was led by Dmitry Borisov.

It is no secret that it is problematic to work effectively and make a quality product for the air in the conditions of intra-team hostility and discontent.

The presenter himself noted that a lot has changed over the years. He was not pleased with the change in the filming location of the program (earlier episodes of the show were filmed at the Ostankino television center) and he was tired of following the management commands, not being able to influence the subject matter and the filming process.

The film crew of the program "Let them talk"

Discontent peaked by mid-summer 2017. Although at the beginning of the summer, in an interview with GQ, the presenter stated that the only reason could be an offer to do something completely absurd and immoral on the air to raise the ratings.

Malakhov fired - the main reasons

The TV presenter himself refuted the theory about the insufficient amount of the fee and stated that if this were the only thing, he would have left Channel 1 a few years ago.

Theoretically, the reason for the decline in ratings could be a sharp shift in topics towards politics. The program "Let them talk" is an analogue of the popular show for housewives in America ("The Jerry Springer Show"). Considering such an audience, it is not surprising that the departure from social and everyday topics did not make a splash.

Malakhov VS Nikonova

One of the most plausible reasons for the presenter to leave the channel is the conflict between Malakhov and the new producer of the first channel, Natalya Nikonova.

Ms. Nikonova, in the conditions of the election race, began to introduce broadcasts of “Let them talk” on the air with clearly political topics. Malakhov did not agree with such a decision and expressed his dissatisfaction, but the channel's management refused to meet the showman and give him the opportunity to choose topics for the programs himself.

Malakhov is no longer the host of the program "Let them talk"

Speaking about the real reasons for leaving, the presenter noted that he had long become popular with the audience and over the years he was tired of blindly following instructions at a time when less experienced and well-known presenters get the opportunity to engage in their own projects.

For a creative person with such a colossal experience in TV broadcasting behind him, such an attitude of leadership is a serious reason to think about leaving for a place where his initiative and experience will be appreciated and his opinion will be listened to.

This is not the first time on television when producers do not take into account the presenters, do not try to compromise and lose talented channel staff. It is not known how the change of the host “Let them talk” will turn out for the ratings of the program.

The change in the theme of the show caused dissatisfaction not only with Malakhov, but also with some other members of the team. Producer Natalya Nikonova previously worked on the program "Live" on channel Russia 1, and the ratings of this program, due to its seriousness and obvious political bias, were significantly lower than those of "Let them talk."

Andrey works as the host of the program "Live" on the channel "Russia"

There was no open conflict, but the whole team was at a loss and tense, no one wanted to turn the popular talk show into a clone of Live.

There were even rumors that this was the real reason for the departure of not only Malakhov. In the press, there was an assumption that the presenter would take part of the team with him to the Russia channel 1. An anonymous source denied this information, saying that there were no statements about leaving someone from the team working on the Let Them Talk program.

Family is the most precious thing

The wife of the showman, Natalya Shkuleva, who holds the position of publisher and brand director of Elle magazine in the Russian Federation, is expected to replenish in the family of the TV presenter soon. In this regard, the real reason for Malakhov's departure from the channel, according to Elle, was the refusal of the producer of the show, Natalya Nikonova, to give the TV presenter a vacation to help his wife care for the baby.

Moreover, it became known that Ms. Nikonova refused the presenter the legal right (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 256) to take maternity leave in a rather rude form, stating that working on the show is not a kindergarten and Malakhov must decide who he is in the first place - nanny or TV presenter.

The showman was dissatisfied with this attitude of management and cynicism towards him. Given the many years of his work on the First, experience and popularity with the audience, the producers could be more loyal and polite.

A quarter of a century is no joke

The talented TV presenter began working on Channel One about 25 years ago, and since 2001 he was approved as the host of the Big Wash show, which was later renamed 5 Evenings, and then became the well-known program Let They Talk.

The host himself said that over the long years of cooperation, everyone is so used to the fact that he is always on Channel One, that since December 2016 they even forgot to renew the contract with him, although Malakhov continued to work and host the show.

The program "Let them talk" is hosted by Dmitry Borisov

Considering how many years Malakhov has hosted the show on Channel One and how many fans he has acquired during this time, we can safely say that viewers will watch his programs on any channel.

For a week now, the media have been discussing the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the program “Let them talk”. Rumors, speculation, assumptions ... But the TV presenter himself remained silent, confirming only that he would become a father in November. Now Malakhov decided to dot the “and” and in a frank conversation with journalists of one of the publications he spoke about his career plans.

The TV presenter revealed a secret: now he will become an employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Russia1" and will host his own program "Andrey Malakhov. Live”, which he will also produce part-time. According to Malakhov, he has long "outgrown" both "Tonight" and "Let them talk", in addition, he has long dreamed of his own project, his own TV show.

“Although you have become a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who treat you like the son of a regiment. This is a situation where your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you still have the same status. You're expected to be the "leader in the ear", but you already have a lot to talk about with your viewers. It’s like in family life: at first there was love, then it turned into a habit, and at some point it’s a marriage of convenience, ”said Andrey.

When it comes to age, it is important to make sure that our choice of clothing, and therefore style, plays into our hands, and in no way emphasizes possible shortcomings, and certainly does not add a couple of dozen extra years.

“I want to grow up, become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program is about. The TV season is over, I decided that I need to close this door and try myself in a new capacity in a new place, ”the popular showman added.

Malakhov did not expand on the conflict with Natalya Nikonova, who returned after a long break to Channel One and who once came up with “Let them talk”, noting only that “you need to be consistent in love and dislike”.

It turns out that Malakhov warned the leadership of the "First" about leaving a long time ago, but they did not believe him for a long time. As the TV presenter says, he had a serious conversation with the general director of the channel, Konstantin Ernst, in which they discussed the prospects for the program in the new season.

“This conversation was superimposed on the fact that in November I should have a child, and I said that I need to devote at least a day a week to what I had dreamed of for a long time. But this whole story is not a conflict with the channel's management. I have deep respect for Konstantin Lvovich. Moreover, he understands what happiness it is to become a father and that there is life apart from the daily struggle for rating, ”concluded the TV presenter.

Talk about the departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One actually proved one thing: television as a factor in determining public opinion is too early to discount. A simple replacement of a popular presenter, his transition from one channel to another, can cause something close to panic in society and in the media. What happened, why did Andrey Malakhov suddenly decide to leave Channel One? There are so many rumors and conjectures about this that we decided to find out.

I do not exclude that the “trigger” of the conflict between Andrei Malakhov and the leadership was some kind of careless word, hint or just a tough conversation. This happens in creative teams. Colleagues from the “Let them talk” team, with whom I had a chance to talk, confirm: “Yes, there is a conflict. But the details are known only "at the top". Perhaps they want to lure Andrey with money to another channel, or there is a human factor. There are only two options. Either everything is resolved peacefully and Malakhov remains, or he switches to another channel - most likely to Rossiya. Several people from his team have already moved there, who once started the “Big Wash” with him.

The new producer put an end to Malakhov's plans

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Ernst appointed a new producer of the talk show "Let them talk" - Natalya Nikonova. Nikonova is a famous person on TV. Twice winner of the national award "TEFI", founder of the programs "Let them talk", "Lolita without complexes", "Malakhov +", "Judge for yourself". In general, a kind of "godmother" show for Russian housewives. Recently, she has produced the show "Live" with Boris Korchevnikov on "Russia-1". However, sources at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company confidentially reported that Nikonova may have left "by pike" after a financial audit. Violations were allegedly discovered by Alexander Mitroshenkov, president of the Transcontinental Media Company, which includes the New Company - the producer of "Live". Allegedly, Nikonova for a long time paid the salary to her protégé, Dmitry Shepelev, who actually did not go on the air. If so, what serious ideas could Nikonova offer to the leadership of the "First" so that she was taken to a leadership position after such a scandal?

It is no secret that Malakhov for a long time asked Ernst for the opportunity to produce his own programs. Indeed, at the age of 45, running around the hall with a microphone and having a haircut “like a boy” is somehow no longer solid. But Ernst stubbornly did not go towards the "face of the channel", and the arrival of Natalia Nikonova on the "First" finally put an end to Malakhov's plans to produce the program on his own. One of the editors of “First” commented on the situation: “The channel returned the producer to the program, who worked there nine years ago, hoping that she would help raise the program’s greatly fallen ratings. But Malakhov did not work well with her and demanded to return the previous colleague. Since the channel did not make concessions for a long time, the host began to declare that otherwise he would leave.

And indeed: back in 2013, the rating of Malakhov's talk show was 9%, it was ahead of the program "Voice", "Time", "Let's Get Married", "News" and "Ice Age". However, Let Them Talk has recently been heavily criticized for the monotony of topics and some kind of morbid interest in finding out the authenticity of the paternity and motherhood of other people's children (evil tongues even dubbed Let The Speak a "branch of the DNA laboratory"). Accordingly, the ratings fell - for example, in April they were only 6.2%.

Policy for housewives?

On this topic

I have never been on the program "Let them talk", despite the annoying invitations of the editors. The fact is that I know the technology of this project too well. Once there, the unfortunate "invited" fall into a trap. An escort is required to leave the studio. The invitee, who has gone through the "psychological treatment" of the editors, goes to share the trouble under the camera lenses and can no longer leave the studio. And so that the hero did not find out that his illegitimate children, neighbors and colleagues were called to the show, they were escorted through other entrances. The effect of surprise turned out to be the strongest, but not always pleasant and, you see, correct. Now the program will be filmed in the former factory shop on Liza Chaikina Street. In the so-called "Teledom" there will be fewer "setups". They say that Andrei Malakhov was categorically against the relocation of the studio, and this was one of the reasons for the conflict.

However, there is another reason, which is whispered on the sidelines of television, but people close to political structures are discussing it with might and main in social networks. For example, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky writes on his Facebook: “It is quite obvious that I should be the one to host the program “Let them talk” instead of Malakhov. In turn, I am ready to give Andrei Nikolayevich his place in the programs "Direct Line" and "Panopticon" at the OTC "Rain". It's a subtle hint that the housewife show Let Them Talk is now rumored to favor politics. However, according to our information, Andrei Malakhov spoke out categorically against this, while using harsh expressions in relation to a person who was clearly not worth talking about to the host of the country's main channel. But, as you know, "he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones." This proverb is very much loved on TV, where any careless word can cost a person a career. By the way, the fact that "Let them talk" is going to be politicized indirectly confirms one more fact - Andrey Borisov, the host of "News" of the information editorial board, was tried for the role of the new leading project. However, according to reviews, he left a weak impression. As for Malakhov, then, again, according to rumors, his careless words cost him not only his work in “Let them talk” - it is even stated that he allegedly will not be on the screen at all now.

There are other points of view on the situation. Malakhov's colleagues, for example, express the version that, they say, the presenter "starred" - 25 years of television fame "teared the roof off." Maybe. But all these are concomitant circumstances, as well as the declared desire of Andrei Malakhov to go on maternity leave (his wife Natalya Shkuleva is in the last months of pregnancy). Disturbing another. As it became known, at the same time as darling Malakhov, the handsome Alexander Oleshko, the host of Minutes of Glory and Just Like It, was fired from the First. No matter how we treated these people, they were the "faces of the channel." The conclusion suggests itself: "First" is weakening its position against the backdrop of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Is it by chance? In professional circles, they do not exclude that the transition to the “second button” of strong personnel is only the beginning of the surrender of positions by Konstantin Ernst. Will absorb VGTRK "First" or not - this issue is now being discussed in the television environment with might and main. On the eve of the elections, as we know, anything is possible.

Why Malakhov was fired from the first channel is a question that has been heard in the public for several weeks. For a long time there was no decent answer to it. But more recently, all the points were placed, and the whole truth surfaced.

Andrey and his successes on the "First"

It should be canceled that the famous TV presenter gave Channel One a significant part of his life. The man worked there since 1992, and managed to get wide popularity, and most importantly, the love of millions of people.

His show "Let them talk" exists for about 10 years, during which he was able to reach the top, having won high ratings. So why Malakhov was fired remained a mystery to many. Moreover, the TV channel and Andrei himself did not comment on this for a long time.

Malakhov was fired from the first channel: reasons

Recently, new information appeared in the media why Malakhov was fired. As the Air Force service reported, the man leaves for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company because of his conflict with the leadership of the first. Recently, it was decided to slightly change the format of the well-known program. Instead of discussing social and domestic problems, take up politics. But this decision was not to the taste of the guy. He wanted to create a program plan himself, and not receive clear decrees. The role of the host bored him a little, he wanted something more.

Another reason why Malakhov was fired was the return of Natalia Nikonova. As many know, the woman previously worked on the show, but left, becoming the producer of the program in Russia. Her next debut at the first seriously hit a man who does not intend to tolerate such antics. How can a competitor come quietly from another channel and set their own rules. The girl definitely came to shake up the socio-political bloc, especially since the presidential elections are approaching ahead, which she still has her sights on.

We have not yet had time to finally confirm the information, for what reason the first channel fired Malakhov, as they began to look for a replacement in his place. The feeder was empty for a short time. At the tests, they saw Dmitry Borisov and Dmitry Shepelev, the second and received the role of the host.

Why Malakhov was fired from the channel became serious news, which the TV presenter himself finally commented on in one of the newspapers. The man said that he had always been just a pawn in the hands of the authorities, who constantly expressed their demands.

“I have always been subordinate. A soldier who follows orders, ”Malakhov said after a long silence. He stated that he wanted career growth, he wanted to open his own program, as many of his colleagues did.

We must not forget about money. Guessing why Malakhov was fired from the first, it should be understood that competitors offered him a higher salary, and this has always been a weighty argument. Moreover, the future father seriously needs additional funds.