What is useful stretching at home for beginners for every day. The most effective leg stretching exercises How to properly stretch your legs

Hello my readers! We have all heard many times that there are 2 types of training - strength and cardio. Each of them has its own advantages, limitations and results. But rarely does anyone remember that for harmonious physical development, the flexibility of the body is also necessary. You say "Why?" And even most likely you will think that body flexibility exercises for beginners are still difficult and you don’t need it. But today I will try to convince you.

The famous Bruce Lee once said: “Even the strongest tree is easier to break than bamboo shoots or willows bending in the wind.” No matter how much strength training you do, no matter how much you do, you will not be able to achieve elegance and smoothness of movement without flexibility.

In addition, it is also useful because:

  1. Helps
  2. Improves blood supply to the muscles and starts recovery processes
  3. Develops coordination and endurance
  4. Has a positive effect on the muscles of the back and spine

Well, in the end, remember how many jokes on the Internet are intended for men, with the image of well-flexible girls in the photo. Many men in their fantasies allow themselves to dream that their life partner would have a wonderful stretch.

Myths about stretching

Myth 1. We need innate inclinations. Of course, for professional athletes they should be, but if you do not plan to perform in the circus, then your muscles are quite ready to perform simple training complexes. And each time you will feel that you can bend a little more.

Myth 2. You need to do such training from childhood, and they are definitely not available after 30. Yes, it is easier for children, they really have greater joint mobility. But the advantage of stretching is that it can be done at any age. Just do it gradually, without trying.

Myth 3. Flexibility exercises are always painful. Also a misconception. In no case should it be brought to pain, it is necessary to stretch to a state of tension.

Myth 4. Such training will not work. Perhaps the effect will not be as pronounced as in the case of cardio training, but such training is also a physical activity, because energy is spent during its implementation, and the body works. This means that calories are also being burned.

Such different workouts

There are a whole bunch of varieties of stretching exercises. But in general, there are only 2 types of stretching training.

Dynamic, with the performance of various amplitude movements (swings, rolls). With each movement, the amplitude should increase due to inertia. It is contraindicated for beginners, as it is quite traumatic.

Static. That's where you need to start training. No sharp jerks are made. It is necessary to stretch the muscles and fix in this position from 20-30 seconds to a minute. Thus, smooth muscle work occurs. In turn, static exercises can be divided into active (self-study, stretching occurs under the weight of one's own body) and passive (when the coach helps).

No matter how unrealistic and difficult it may seem, but flexibility classes are available at home. Should only

  • Be sure to warm up before your workout. The body must be warmed up, and the waste paper must be prepared for work. Jog at a calm pace for 5-7 minutes and do simple tilts, squats and swings
  • Avoid harshness. Remember, you are not in school gym. All movements must be smooth. Feel how your body works
  • Don't do anything through the pain. The state of tension, overcoming is normal, but pain is not. Pain can lead to injury and tissue rupture
  • Practice regularly. Otherwise, your joints will lose mobility again.
  • Don't expect huge results from stretching in 2 weeks. The main thing here is not speed, but the quality of execution. For example, only after 3-4 months of regular classes you can sit on the twine
  • After 1.5-2 months of doing the same exercise, your muscles begin to get used to the load. Try to complicate it or start doing another complex.
  • Consult with a trainer before starting training. If you don’t want to do this, at least watch detailed videos on the Internet and study in pictures which muscles should work during this or that training.

Exercises for beginners

Passed the introductory part. Now you are ready to start training. Below I will give a few simple exercises from which you can make a good workout.

  • Exercise for the back "Kitty". Standing on all fours, gently arch your back up, then also gently bend it down. Lock each end position

We pull the buttocks

We lie down on our back, leave one leg bent at the knee, and pull the other to the chest, keeping it as straight as possible.

Sit on the floor, bend one leg, try to lean forward to the second leg.

calf muscles

Standing, lunge forward with one foot and bend it at the knee. Make sure your feet are pressed to the floor.

Anterior thigh

Standing, bend one leg at the knee, clasping it with your hand, pull your leg to the buttock.

Rib cage

  • Join your hands in the lock behind your back and lift the lock up
  • Standing, back straight, raise your hands up in the castle and stretch

Lateral thigh

From a sitting position, bend one leg at the knee, take the other to the side. Tilt to the side.


Lying on your stomach, put your hands on the floor and lift the upper part of the body.

For the first lessons of these exercises will be quite enough. Gradually, you need to increase the amplitude, load and introduce more complex stretches. And don't forget: no sudden movements! Throughout the session, control your breathing, it should be even and deep. You should enjoy your actions, then you will be not only in excellent physical shape, but also psychologically!

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Why do so many people dream of doing the splits? Is it just to brag to your friends? No, they also strive for it in order to improve their body. It helps maintain the mobility and health of the hip joints and sacrum. It improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and spine, which has a positive effect on digestion, the health of the genitourinary system. Therefore, twine is especially important for women's health. But it’s very difficult for beginners to sit on the twine right away, so it’s worth starting small and gradually improving the stretch, approaching the cherished goal.

What is the twine?

Before you start looking for the answer to the question of how to sit on the twine at home for beginners, you should find out that it can be different, and you can achieve results in several complexes. In total there are several varieties:

  • Vertical (longitudinal or transverse from a standing position).
  • Longitudinal (legs spread back and forth).
  • Sagging or oversplit (longitudinal or transverse from a hill where the angle between the legs exceeds 180 degrees).
  • Transverse (legs spread apart).
  • On the hands (longitudinal or transverse from a standing position on the hands).

Exercises for each type may be slightly different, so you should make sure that the complex is chosen correctly before proceeding with the implementation. You can study at home if you choose video lessons with detailed recommendations.

Exercises for longitudinal twine

One of the simplest and most effective types of twine is longitudinal. You can learn how to perform it in a shorter time than other types, since it involves in the process those muscles that a person uses every day to walk. To make it perfect, it is recommended to perform the following set of exercises 3 times a week.

It is important to remember that stretching for the twine requires an even exercise for both legs. Gradually, with each next workout, the legs will diverge better and better, and one day it will not be difficult to sit on the twine. In addition, such exercises will be useful for other muscle groups, they will gently knead and train them. More details about that in the video story.

Rules for preparing for transverse twine

The dream of many girls is the transverse view of the twine, but it is much more difficult to complete it than the previous version. It is useful for both adults and children, as it allows you to perfectly strengthen the muscular frame in the hip joints, make legs more slender, and improve the lumbar and back. You can learn how to easily perform it by regularly devoting time to the following exercises.

More about that in the video story.

Complex is as useful as the twine itself, so you should be careful about the implementation of each approach. Other types of twine, for example, sagging or on the hands, appear only after the longitudinal and transverse ones have been worked out, therefore, you first need to work on them.

Professionals in fitness or martial arts know what a split stretch should be. They often record on video how to do everything right in order to achieve results in a short time. They usually make the following recommendations in parallel:

  • No need to drive yourself into rigid frameworks or deadlines. For example, make a promise to yourself to sit on the twine in 20 days or for some holiday. This approach often leads to injury. You need to move towards the goal slowly, regularly performing the recommended exercises.
  • Some people are naturally more flexible than others. Therefore, it is worth choosing for yourself the technique that will help you work out problem areas in the best way and achieve results faster. For example, if the hamstrings do not stretch well, gymnastics should contain a set of approaches that will help them warm up and stretch better.
  • Before starting classes, you can take a hot shower to warm up the body and ligaments.
  • During the approach, you can use a stopwatch. To start with 30 seconds for one approach, every day more and more increase the indicator.
  • From the diet for the period of training, it is better to remove meat or reduce its consumption. It negatively affects the elasticity of the ligaments and makes them coarser.
  • Stretching for twine, performed in the evening, will be easier, as the body is sufficiently warmed up. However, do not exclude morning workouts, as they are more valuable. For example, very effective.
  • Before training, you must definitely stretch your legs well, for this you can squat a little. This will allow better stretching of the ligaments and avoid injury.
  • The leg should not slide on the floor during the exercise. Therefore, it is better to practice barefoot. The absence of shoes and socks favorably affects the blood flow.
  • It is better to stretch several times a day, as time permits. It must be remembered that one pass is two steps back. If it is not possible to visit the gym, then you can do the exercises at home, the main thing is to follow the schedule so that over time all efforts bring results.

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In this article, I will tell you the benefits of stretching while exercising and when to do it.

Whether you're bodybuilding in the gym, or you just want to get lean again after having a baby and train at home or in a club, either way you want your workout to be not only effective but also the right one. By knowing how to stretch properly, you increase the benefits of strength training and reduce its risk of injury.

You can see a lot of instructional videos on the Internet, but in order to stretch correctly and not hurt yourself, you need to read the full information about stretching, especially for beginners. By choosing, you can lose weight or pump up, and stretching will help you with this.

Stretching is a type of exercise aimed at increasing the elasticity of muscles, strengthening tendons and joints.

Stretching exercises are useful to perform and strength training, you can do them between sets. It's also good to work on stretching after a light warm-up before starting the workout.

After training, stretching exercises will be very beneficial for your body. Muscles after stretching relax and recover faster. Stretching before exercise increases muscle elasticity, thus preventing injury.

When to stretch?

At the beginning of a workout, stretching, along with a light warm-up, helps to warm up the muscles and increase muscle tone.

After the end of the load, stretching the muscles allows you to relax and gradually switch to normal mode.

Between sets - helps relieve tension and fill the muscles with oxygen and nutrients to quickly restore strength.

Benefit and harm

Stretching exercises will make your body more flexible and your muscles more resistant to tension, both in sports and in everyday life. Stretched muscles will easily allow you to bend over a fallen item or reach the top shelves of a closet. Stretching will also help relieve stress and reduce psychological stress.

At the same time, remember that jerky stretching can lead to negative consequences. Do not continue stretching if you feel pain. Strong tension in the muscle can lead to rupture and serious injury. Only regular classes and a gradual increase in load will help to achieve a better result.


Stretching exercises can not be done in the following cases:

  • You have a spinal injury.
  • In the presence of fractures or cracks in the bones.
  • In case of back pain.
  • With inflammation of the joints.
  • With high blood pressure.

It is forbidden to engage in muscle stretching if you have not done a good warm-up before.

For beginners, it is better to spend a few lessons with a trainer. Children need to do stretching only under the supervision of a specialist. Classes during pregnancy are not prohibited, but you need to carefully monitor your well-being, and at the slightest suspicion of danger, stop training and immediately consult a doctor.

Also, with caution, it is worth doing stretching for girls and women during the cycle.

Types of stretching

  • Static stretches

Performed only after the end of the main workout. They do not involve any sudden movements, and are held over a long period of time. During static stretching, you slowly pull the muscles to the point of slight discomfort, stay in this position for at least 15 seconds, and then gradually return to the starting position.

  • Dynamic Stretches

They are a combination of movement and stretching and are useful both before and after training. Dynamic stretching exercises are performed with a gradual increase in the amplitude and speed of movement. If your goal is to lose weight, they will help you achieve results faster.

You can also use a combination of different types of stretches.

Technique and types of stretching exercises

After warming up, your heart rate increased and blood circulation improved. Now you can start stretching.

Stretch the neck muscles, then work the arms and shoulders, move to the back, then stretch the legs.

Starting a static stretch, reach the phase of a slight tension, stay at this point for 15-30 seconds and release yourself to the starting position. If you are unable to stay in this position, reduce the load and find a comfortable point for you.

After static stretching, move on to dynamic stretching. It is very important not to allow jerks! Increase the scope gradually, carefully listen to your feelings. Your breathing should be calm. If the position of your body does not allow you to breathe, then you are not performing the load correctly. Reduce muscle tension so you can breathe easily.

For joint warm-up, it is necessary to perform circular movements 15–20 times in both directions.

An example of proper stretching

I suggest you learn the best stretching exercises to practice at home or in the gym.

At home

Do the exercises below:

Stretching the neck muscles

Do all exercises 10 times. Make sure you have squared shoulders and a straight back. Look straight ahead. Remember that the movements must be slow.

  1. Tilt your head forward, try to reach your collarbone with your chin.
  2. Turn your head to the right, pull your chin to your shoulder. Do it on the left side.
  3. Tilt your head back.
  4. , try to touch the shoulder.
  5. Perform circular movements with your head, first - clockwise, then - against.

Stretching the shoulders and arms.

Repeat all exercises 10 times.

  1. Stretch your left arm forward, grab it just above the elbow with your other hand, pull your left hand to your chest. Repeat on the other hand.
  2. Lock your fingers behind the back of your head. Pull their hands back.
  3. Put your hand behind your back, bend it up, put your other hand behind your head and bend it down. Lock your fingers together. Pull your upper elbow back.

Stretching the abdominal muscles

Stop for 15 seconds in each position, repeat the exercises 5 times.

  1. Lying on your stomach, place your palms to the left and right of your shoulders. Leaning on your hands, raise your torso, arch your back.
  2. Move to starting position. Without lifting your palms, get on all fours and try to sit with your buttocks on your heels.
  3. Do the bridge exercise. Lying on your back, lift your torso, leaning on your palms and feet.

Stretching the muscles of the back and lower back

Do the exercises 3-4 times.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Rounding your back, bend down, try to reach the floor.
  2. Slowly bend down with a straight back, stretch your fingers towards your feet.
  3. Bend over and grab your knees with your hands. Pull your belly and chest towards straightened legs.
  4. Stand with your knees on the floor, then sit with your buttocks on your feet. Bend over to the floor, stretch your arms forward. This exercise is for .
  5. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward and to the sides. Raise your arms up and bend over to your left leg, trying to touch it with your chest. Repeat on the right leg.

Perform the same torso forward, between the legs.

Stretching the leg muscles

Do exercises 2-3 times.

  1. Stand up straight, step your left foot far forward. Bend your left leg at the knee, keep your right leg straight behind. Strive your pelvis down. Repeat on the other leg.
  2. Sit on the floor, put your feet together, closer to you. Press your hands on your knees to lower them to the sides, closer to the floor.

In the gym

All the exercises described above can be performed both at home and in the gym.

Additionally, in the hall you can use a treadmill or a bicycle simulator for the initial warm-up. Before starting strength training in the gym, it will be useful to do several approaches with light weight on the muscle groups that will be worked out. If you are going to bench press with heavy weight, you can do push-ups from the floor. Do 15 squats with no additional load if you are planning on barbell squats.

To stretch the spine and give the body a rest, in the gym you can do a hang on the horizontal bar.

Always stretch slowly, avoid pain. Begin to pull the muscles as you exhale, and having reached the greatest stretch, hold your breath for a few seconds.

Sets and Reps

Perform all exercises for at least 3 and no more than 10 sets. Hold at the point of maximum load for 15-45 seconds.

How long does it take to stretch?

Do the exercises until you feel tired.

Common mistakes

All stretching exercises should be performed slowly, carefully monitoring the load. Never stretch without warming up. Do not attempt difficult exercises, such as sitting on a transverse split, without special training.

Stretching exercises are available to any athlete, even just starting from scratch. Stretching the muscles is very useful, because it increases resistance to stress, and reduces the likelihood of injury.

Also, do not forget about proper nutrition, drink at least 2 liters of water every day, get enough sleep, and think more about the results achieved, and not about what is not working yet. If you found this article useful, please like and share this information on social networks.

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As you can see, all fitness gurus have a great stretch that allows them to perform the most incredible exercises and tricks, among which the twine is considered the most prominent representative. If you want to master this ability and make your body flexible, then this article on how to learn how to stretch at home is just for you. So, what is stretching at home and how quickly can you master it by doing it regularly?

Stretching (or stretching) is a special set of exercises aimed at stretching muscle and ligamentous fibers. Good stretching is the key to elastic, elastic muscles and strong joints, as well as high mobility and good posture.

Briefly about the most important

Despite the fact that stretching is very useful for the human body, not everyone is in a hurry to do it. Especially beginners, because some of them do not understand how important stretching the whole body is (including at home). There are those who believe that a flexible body is the prerogative of professional gymnasts and athletes. There are also those who suggest that stretching the muscles does not benefit training.

But both are wrong. First of all, stretching is the most affordable and easiest way to keep your body in good shape. In addition, during such exercises, the muscles relax and strengthen, and the effectiveness of the previous workout increases (since stretching is usually performed after the main load).

The most important benefit of stretching, which few beginners are aware of, is working on posture. During the performance of special exercises, each muscle involved in the back area develops and becomes stronger, thanks to which they are able to form a reliable corset that supports the spine and aligns posture.
But, before a beginner begins to perform the complex, he should familiarize himself with all the nuances that will reduce the risk of injury and increase the effectiveness of training.

What types and exercises are there?

In sports, there are two types of stretching, which, in turn, have their own varieties and differences:

  • Static - these are the main exercises to increase the elasticity and flexibility of muscles, which are recommended for all beginners to start with. During the execution of such a set of exercises, all movements are reproduced slowly and smoothly. Having taken the necessary position, you need to linger in it so that the muscle stretches and you feel the tension.
  • Dynamic - a complex that includes mainly high-intensity exercises. These can be transitions from one position to another (for example, from longitudinal to transverse twine), swings, etc. Such exercises require some skill, and therefore they are not recommended for beginners.

Static stretching exercises can be performed without prior training, while to perform a dynamic stretching complex, you must have a certain amount of training experience. However, before performing any of these complexes, it is recommended to do exercises that will warm up the muscle fibers and prepare them for the upcoming load. This is especially true for those who are interested in stretching at home from scratch. And for you, we offer the following video lesson, in which gymnastics is demonstrated by a child, which allows you to warm up the muscles of the whole body before training.

Performing such a warm-up complex every time before training, the athlete will protect himself by reducing the risk of injury and sprains. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to do stretching correctly at home, first be sure to clarify all the nuances of not only the training itself, but also the preparatory stage.

In order for a beginner to be able to learn how to stretch in just a few weeks without risk to health, he needs to start with the simplest exercises. And below we will give the most effective of them, which will allow you to stretch your muscles almost painlessly and efficiently.

Leg stretch

If you are interested in how to stretch at home, you must first prioritize correctly, paying attention to the fact that the legs and spine are the most mobile. Therefore, training must necessarily include exercises that promote the development of muscle fibers in these areas of the body.

So, stretching for the legs and spine may include the following exercises:

This exercise, perhaps, is one of the main ones aimed at stretching the muscle fibers of the legs. Although it seems simple at first glance, at first it is better to perform it in front of a mirror or with a partner. When performing it, it is very important to monitor your own feelings in order to control muscle tension and not overdo it.

The starting position is to stand up straight, placing your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than this distance. Taking one leg back, squat, bending it so that the knee almost touches the floor. In this position, you should feel the muscles in your legs tighten and stretch. It is advisable to do 10-15 repetitions for each leg at the initial stage, and as you learn how to properly stretch, you can increase the load to 20 repetitions for each leg.

Lunges from a kneeling position

Starting position - kneeling on the floor. From i.p. Stretch one leg forward so that it straightens completely, and the heel rests on the floor. Bending over, lower the palms of your hands to the floor in front of you and place them on the sides of the “working” leg. Spring in this position, stretching the muscle of the outstretched leg, for 5-10 seconds. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Hip stretch while lying on your stomach

Stretching the legs while lying on the floor on the stomach is a simple but very effective leg stretch at home. Such an exercise can be performed with equal success by both a woman and a man who decide to lead a healthy lifestyle. To reproduce such an exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and, bending your right arm at the elbow, put it under your head. With the left hand, you need to pull the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. When doing such a stretch, you need to ensure that the pain is moderate, which would indicate high-quality stretching at home. The exercise should only take 3-5 minutes to complete.

How to do leg stretching at home using several effective exercises as an example, the instructor will tell you in the following entertaining video from YouTube.

Stretching for the spine

As a rule, after a warm-up and stretching for the legs at home, you can do it. Having warmed up your muscles enough, you can begin to stretch the fibers that represent the muscular atlas of the back. And the first lesson, which is suitable for beginners, may include the following exercises:

  • Back arch or "cat". This exercise is performed in a standing position on all fours, with an emphasis on the palms on the floor at approximately shoulder level. In this position, the back is first arched with a simultaneous tilting of the head up and a 10-second pause at the top point. After that, you need to smoothly return to the starting position, from which you will then need to arch your back, as shown in the photo below, and also make a 10-second pause.
  • Turns of the lumbar spine in the supine position. This is a good stretch for the spine, which is often used in rehabilitation programs, as well as as part of a complex to increase the flexibility of the whole body. I.p. - lying on your back with arms extended along the body. Tightly pressing the shoulder blades and the entire upper shoulder girdle to the floor, you need to throw one leg over the other and stretch the knee of this leg as far as possible, turning only the lumbar region. Upon reaching the maximum possible point, you need to linger for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return to the i.p. Repeat the same for the other side. Performing such exercises, after a month you will be able to notice the absence of lower back pain and improved well-being.
  • Stretching the spine in a chair. To perform it, you will need a chair, sitting on which you will need to press your buttocks tightly against the seat, and put your feet completely on the floor. From this position, turn to the side at the maximum possible angle and, holding the back of the chair with your hands, make a short pause, avoiding severe pain. Then return to the starting position and repeat the stretch for the other side in the same way.
  • Stretching the spine with a deflection in the lower back. To carry out stretching, the girl should lie on the floor on her stomach, and then raise the upper part of the body, leaning on her palms, as shown in the photo, to get a deflection in the back. Such an exercise, despite its simplicity, is very effective, but it must be performed with the utmost care to avoid back injury and sprains.


These are just a few examples of exercises that will help you improve your flexibility and achieve incredible workout results. Being interested in how to stretch at home, you should not forget about the main components of the success of classes: desire, regularity, a gradual increase in load and smoothness of the movements made. The effectiveness of training will directly depend on how high-quality your physical labor will be. Under this condition, it will take you only a week to see the first shifts towards the desired goal.

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These skills become a sign of sportiness, flexibility, a healthy lifestyle.

Perfect twine is a matter of pride and envy. Training to improve the elasticity of the ligaments does not have to be done in the gym. You can achieve good results at home.


Before starting exercises to stretch muscles and ligaments, you need to warm up thoroughly. Neglecting a full warm-up is fraught with injuries. It should be within 20-30 minutes to prepare the body, do joint exercises, run a little or jump rope, perform a set of yoga asanas.

© fizkes - stock.adobe.com. One of the yoga asanas is a downward facing dog.

Feelings in the body should be light, it is good if you feel warmth in the muscles. Sweating is another sign that the body is ready to stretch. However, you should not get tired even during the warm-up. It is important to pay attention to breathing. It is necessary to ensure that it is deep and even, while the muscles are evenly saturated with oxygen.

Before stretching, you can go to the sauna or take a warm shower. For additional warming up of the ligaments, warm leggings or leggings are suitable.

Twine stretching for beginners

Flexibility depends not only on the level of initial training, but also on age and even on genetic characteristics. Do not despair if the age is already over thirty and by nature the ligaments stretch badly and for a long time. The desired result will be achieved by daily training, it will just take more time than at 16 years old.

There are requirements that you need to consider before you start stretching.

Twine for beginners is:

  • Mandatory thorough warm-up and warm-up of all muscle groups, and not just those on the legs. It is very important to prepare the entire musculoskeletal system for stretching, otherwise the risk of injuring the back, pelvis or shoulders increases.
  • Smoothness and gradualness in training. Beginners should avoid jerking and strong pressure on the ligaments. Pain may be present, but should be tolerable to the point of pleasurable sensations. You can not tolerate cutting and tearing sensations, any unpleasant manifestations in the joints.
  • Regularity of training. Each lesson brings the desired result closer. You need to exercise at least 3 times a week.
  • Patience and perseverance will be needed to get the splits for those who are naturally inflexible or have never stretched. No need to recklessly wait for an instant result, so that, without waiting, get disappointed and quit.

A good motivation would be a diary of achievements, in which progress will be noted. If it is, then the training is carried out effectively and you will definitely succeed in sitting on the twine.

Safety rules for self-training

Stretching at home without the supervision of an experienced trainer requires increased attention to safety rules. The pursuit of fast results can lead to serious injuries to the ligaments and muscles and make further training impossible. You should treat your body with love and care and give it time to adapt.

So, everyone who wants to achieve the perfect twine on their own needs to remember the following important things.


It is unlikely that you will be able to sit on the twine in a week or even in a month if you have never had a good stretch before. Systematic exercises, perseverance and attention to sensations will help to prepare the muscles, ligaments and joints quite well. To avoid breaks and painful sprains, you need to carefully “listen” to your own feelings, avoid overload, do not set yourself any deadlines and try to enjoy the process. It is important to praise yourself for progress and not stop stretching.

Warm up

Warm-up is always necessary. A small charge on all muscle groups, joints and ligaments will help to avoid pain and injury. Do not move too quickly to stretching. The better the preparation, the more pleasant and productive the path to the splits will be.


The schedule of training days is compiled individually. It depends on the goals you set for yourself. A full stretching session lasts about an hour, including a warm-up. For good dynamics, three high-quality workouts per week are enough.

You can alternate them with strength or cardio loads. On those days when full-fledged stretching is not carried out, it is enough just to warm up the ligaments a little with a light workout or perform several yoga complexes. This will help to avoid pain in the muscles.

Technique and rules

Beginners need to avoid sharp jerks, swings and dismounts. Each exercise is performed smoothly with competent and thoughtful load distribution.

For progress, the sprain must go through pulling tolerable pain.

You can't hold your breath. On the contrary, it is better to breathe deeply, concentrating the effort on exhalation.

At the time of the exercise, all attention is concentrated on the sensations in the body, it is important to “hear” yourself and stop in time.

Types of stretching

There are two main types of stretching: static and dynamic. With static exercises, they are aimed specifically at sitting in a twine. Dynamic is a leg swing in which the split is obtained by moving the leg up or sideways. For some, dynamic stretching is easier, while others, on the contrary, achieve results faster in a static version.

For effective training, both types should be combined.

When trying to sit in a longitudinal or transverse twine, you do not just need to statically pull the ligaments. It will be much more effective if you make light swings with a short amplitude.


Clothing should not hinder movement and interfere with the work of ligaments and muscles. It is good to wear socks or slip-on shoes so that the legs move easily and stretch under their own weight.

© fizkes - stock.adobe.com

Time control

To control the time of the workout, it is convenient to use special applications for smartphones or a simple timer to alternate exercises and at the same time give enough attention to each. Feeling the pain and discomfort, many quickly finish and move on to what comes easier. In this case, the twine will have to wait a very long time.


Sit on the twine is more likely to help adjustments in nutrition. Drinking enough water, omega-3 fats and collagen has a positive effect on tissue elasticity.

There are a few more simple tips for those who want to sit on the twine:

  • To stretch the ligaments well, especially those under the knees, the feet should be kept on themselves, and not extended.
  • When performing exercises, the back and shoulders should be straight. If not, it is better to take additional devices, such as bricks or chairs. If during stretching the knees or back begin to hurt, it means that the technique is broken and the load is distributed unevenly.
  • The most productive time for stretching is in the morning. However, at the very beginning of training, it is better to do it in the late afternoon, because by this time the body is more warmed up due to natural movements during the day.
  • It is better to refuse help in stretching from strangers. Only a trainer with knowledge of anatomy and physiology knows how to properly dose the load. Awkward movements can hurt.

Complex for longitudinal twine

With longitudinal twine, the same motor apparatus is involved as when running and walking. There are many exercises for this type of stretch.

Forward lunges

  1. As you exhale, you need to make a wide lunge forward and bend the supporting leg (the one that will be in front) at the knee.
  2. The second leg is straight, the emphasis is on the hands.
  3. At the bottom point, perform several rocking movements with a short amplitude, the head looks forward, then return to its original position and lunge with the other supporting leg. You can help yourself with your hands, starting from the floor.

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Deflection from a lunge

  1. Make a similar lunge forward, but raise your hands and connect to the castle.
  2. The shoulders should be parted and slightly arched in the back. This exercise not only pulls the ligaments of the legs well, but also relieves tension from the spine and pelvis.
  3. After a minute, do the same on the other leg.

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Bend from the knee

Push-ups in lunge

  1. A wide lunge forward is made, the lower leg of the supporting leg is held perpendicular to the floor, the second leg is straight and rests on the fingertips.
  2. The palms fall to the level of the foot on one side of the supporting leg, the chest is kept close to parallel with the floor. With springing movements, the chest is tilted down, the arms are bent at the elbows.

At an advanced level, you can try to put your chest on the floor.

  1. The position of the legs, as in a lunge.
  2. Gradually, with smooth movements, you need to lower the kneecap to the floor. At the same time, try to straighten the supporting leg bent at the knee.
  3. In this case, the palms can be firmly rested on the floor or in special bricks, and the back should be left straight.

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Complex for transverse twine

Cross-stretching is harder to do, but its health benefits are invaluable. Thanks to this twine, the muscles of the pelvic floor are stretched and saturated with blood, which is very useful for the prevention of gynecological and proctological diseases.

The lower back comes into a physiological position, the shape of the legs improves.

Preparation for cross twine may take longer.

You can get into it with the regular implementation of the next complex.

back deflection

  1. Place your feet wide so that they form an equilateral triangle with the floor.
  2. Brushes need to be rested on the lower back and bend back as much as possible. The exercise worked out if you managed to see the floor behind your back.

It doesn’t always work right away, it’s worth continuing to train and over time the back will become more flexible.

  1. Legs in a position wider than shoulders, so that tension is felt on the inner surface of the thigh.
  2. Hands need to be raised up, connected and twisted with palms up.
  3. Next, you need to stretch your arms and head up and in such an extended state, tilt forward until the back is parallel to the floor. The back should be kept straight, do not round the lower back.

  1. Feet in the position from the previous exercise, then a forward tilt is performed.
  2. You can not bend your knees, round your lower back. The coccyx is directed upwards, the back is as straight as possible.
  3. The exercise worked out if you managed to put the top of your head on the floor.

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Folding with support on the elbows

It is performed similarly to the previous one, but the slope is deeper. Place your elbows on the floor, keeping your legs straight.

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Deep knee squat

  1. The starting position of the legs is the same, the arms are raised in front of the chest, the feet are turned outward.
  2. Next, a squat is performed with the maximum abduction of the knees to the side. Ideally, they should look in the same direction as the socks.
  3. You should perform 6-10 squats, then stay in the bottom position for at least half a minute. Thus, it turns out to combine dynamic loads with static ones.

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Weight transfer

  1. Starting position - legs apart as wide as stretching allows, palms resting on the floor.
  2. The body moves to the bent leg, while you need to stretch and straighten the second. Feet should fully touch the floor.

For a more difficult level, you can keep your hands on your ankles and transfer weight only due to the muscles of the legs.

  1. Spread your legs to the maximum width, lean on your palms or elbows and try to lower yourself with each movement.
  2. While inhaling, you should strain the muscles, and while exhaling, try to relax them.

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Errors and contraindications

Not everyone can train stretching on their own.

Stretching at home without the supervision of a qualified trainer is contraindicated:

  • With inflammation of the muscles and ligaments, both during the period of exacerbation and during remission.
  • Injuries of the spine, pelvis and hip joints, especially if there is a history of dysplasia, dislocation or fracture of the femoral neck.
  • Hypertension and cerebrovascular accident.

Osteochondrosis and scoliosis are not contraindications, but before starting training, you should definitely consult with your doctor.