Evgeny Petrosyan: biography, personal life, wife, family, children. Evgeny Petrosyan: biography of an artist-humorist, TV presenter and director rolled into one What is the last name of Petrosyan’s wife

Evgeny Petrosyan does not like to talk about his personal life. And yet, one day he said: “True family happiness came to me the fourth time.” Everyone knows his current wife and stage colleague Elena Stepanenko. Who were her three predecessors?

The artist was never a ladies' man and did not set himself the goal of conquering as many women as possible. He just wanted family warmth and a strong rear. And fate, although not immediately, gave Petrosyan this happiness.

First the second one, then the first one

Evgeniy met his second wife earlier than his first. This happened while studying at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art (VTMEI). In fact, he wanted to get into the Moscow Art Theater School and was sure that he would be accepted: in his native Baku, Evgeniy Petrosyants (this is what is written in the artist’s passport) was a rising star, local newspapers even wrote about him. While still at school, Zhenya began performing with a variety troupe and playing in the theater.

In addition, on the advice of his actor uncle, he carefully studied the Stanislavsky system. However, the Moscow Art Theater selection committee hinted to Evgeniy that he had overdone it: “You, young man, have already developed your own acting style, but we need raw material.” Undeterred, Petrosyan went to the exams at VTMEI, passed them brilliantly and began studying.

Charming and liberated, in comparison with his fellow countrymen, Moscow girls seemed like celestial beings to the young Bakuvian, but at first sight his heart was won by the languid brunette Anna Kozlovskaya, the daughter of a famous opera singer. She was seven years older than Yevgeny Petrosyan and came to the workshop to get a second education.

Evgeniy became Anna’s faithful knight: he carried her suitcases when they went on tour, took her to the cinema and cafes, gave flowers and asked for nothing in return. She could not help but guess what feelings he had for her Petrosyan, she even liked him: from an intelligent family (father is a professor of mathematics, mother is an engineer), well-mannered, noble, intelligent, with a spectacular appearance. But for Anna he was just a friend, and besides, the girl was embarrassed by the age difference. True, later she nevertheless decided to bestow her favor on him: they began a short, stormy romance, which stopped after a couple of months at Anna’s insistence.

Hasty marriage

Evgeniy began working part-time in line with his future profession from his first year, fortunately he gained experience while still in Baku. He hosted various events and worked as an entertainer at concerts. One day Leonidov Utesov himself noticed Petrosyan and called him to announce the numbers of his orchestra. It was incredible luck...

At one of the concerts, Evgeniy was introduced to an attractive girl, the sister of the famous ballerina Victorina Krieger. The young man, who had recently experienced a difficult breakup with Anna, threw himself headlong into the pool. On the very first evening, he made a date, and a couple of weeks later he proposed marriage to a new acquaintance.

The young family huddled in a dorm room for a long time: Evgeny Petrosyan was scrupulous and did not want to ask anything from his new relatives. But his career was taking off, and soon the couple, who by that time had already had a daughter, Victorina, named after the famous aunt, moved into their own apartment.

Evgeniy adored his daughter. He often took her to performances, and when the girl turned six, she made her debut on the big stage. Quiz read a poem dedicated to her dad, which caused a storm of applause in the audience. However, he subsequently dissuaded his daughter from becoming an actress. And not only because this profession takes a lot of energy: I simply understood that the girl did not have any bright talent in this area.

It was only thanks to her daughter that the hasty marriage lasted for several years. The young couple, who did not know each other at all before the wedding, very soon discovered that they had practically nothing in common. Eugene’s wife did not like his constant absences, tours, concerts, and especially the fans who appeared as soon as he began to gain popularity. Tired of tense relationships in the family, Petrosyan suggested that his wife separate. She agreed, especially since he left the apartment to them and their daughter.

The divorce did not spoil the relationship with Victorina: Evgeniy still took her on tour, brought her gifts, helped in every way he could. A serious quarrel between father and daughter occurred at the moment when Victorina decided to marry a foreigner and go to America. Petrosyan was categorically against it. The thought that his only daughter would live overseas, and his grandchildren would speak a foreign language, was unbearable for him.

Then, for the first time in their lives, they quarreled and said hurtful words to each other. Victorina left, and for several years the connection between them was broken. Both regretted what they had said in the heat of the moment, but neither father nor daughter dared for a long time to take a step towards reconciliation. Over time, of course, they made peace, and today they often visit each other, and the artist has the opportunity to communicate with his two grandchildren.

And again the fatal brunette

After the divorce, Petrosyan again began to seek the favor of Anna Kozlovskaya. He set up a chance meeting, said that he was free and that his feelings had not cooled down. Anna hesitated: she was flattered by his devotion, his attention and care were pleasant. During this time, she also experienced an unsuccessful marriage, she wanted peace and stability, and Evgeny offered just that. Everything was decided by chance.

One day Anna and Evgeny went to a restaurant. At that time, Petrosyan's hair was dyed fiery red - it was necessary for the role. Three tipsy men at the next table began making dirty jokes about this, hinting at his gayness. Evgeny rushed at them with his fists. Anna was terrified: she had no doubt that he would get the fullest punishment. But her enraged boyfriend forced the entire company to flee. It was after this incident that Anna, admiring Eugene’s courage, agreed to marry him.

And yet she did not love him; Petrosyan felt this and suffered greatly. However, he did not lose hope that over time feelings would appear, that he would be able to win the heart of his beautiful wife. Instead, another man won her heart: Anna fell in love with a famous neurosurgeon and went to him. “Why did you marry me if you didn’t love me?” - Evgeny asked when Anna was packing her bags. She just shrugged. Kozlovskaya’s relationship with the neurosurgeon ended in a scandal: he raised his hand against her, she called the police...

Anna married twice more, and both marriages ended in divorce. In moments of melancholy and loneliness, she called Evgeniy. He listened, reassured, but did not offer to renew the relationship, although Anna may have hoped for it. She had hurt him too much to start over again.

Nuclear tests and a bouquet of lilacs

After his divorce from Anna, Evgeniy married a lady who in no way resembled his former lover. Her name was Lyudmila, she was distinguished by a soft, calm character and aristocratic manners. An art critic by profession and vocation, she did not tolerate anything rude or familiar. With her, Evgeny Vaganovich came to his senses after the storms he experienced...

In 1979, Petrosyan fulfilled a long-time dream - he opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. When he was recruiting artists, GITIS graduate Elena Stepanenko came to audition. Petrosyan liked the lively girl with an amazing talent for transformation, and he took her into the troupe. For several years she remained for him just a colleague, a ward, for whom he needed to find funny numbers, with whom they rehearsed and went on tour.

In her youth, Elena Stepanenko was a fragile girl with a wasp waist, and Petrosyan always liked ladies with curves. Maybe that’s why he didn’t perceive her as a woman for a long time. Elena, secretly in love with her leader, just sighed and thought about how to attract his attention. She was already completely desperate when, during a tour in Semipalatinsk, he unexpectedly gave her a huge bouquet of lilacs. “At that time, nuclear tests were going on at the Semipalatinsk test site, so our love bomb exploded,” jokes Elena Stepanenko. Since then, lilacs have been her favorite flowers.

By that time, Evgeniy and Lyudmila were already living separately from each other. She could not stand his rhythm of life, his frequent absence and the turmoil associated with concerts and tours.

She was also offended that her husband was surrounded by attractive women who looked at him with undisguised admiration. Constant calls from Anna's ex-wife also added fuel to the fire. Lyudmila left.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko: Applause for two

Elena Stepanenko became an ideal life partner for Petrosyan. Unlike previous wives, she perfectly understood all the features of his profession. Moreover, from the very beginning they worked in pairs and still do not stop creating joint performances. Endless concerts, spectators, traveling - this is their common reality, in which they always support each other.

Petrosyan’s friends say that Elena found a way to his heart, including through his stomach. Having grown up in a family of cooks, Stepanenko knows hundreds of recipes from many cuisines of the world. And Evgeniy Vaganovich always loved to eat deliciously. In the old days, he often had to make do with scrambled eggs, especially on tour. But now his menu includes tasty and healthy dishes - his wife is trying to monitor his health.

Another task that she does not trust to any housekeeper is her husband's shirts. Elena Grigorievna always strokes them with her own hands, because only she can do everything right, as Evgeniy Vaganovich loves.

The tabloid press divorced them more than once, writing about the comedian’s mistresses and his wife’s new hobbies. In response, Petrosyan simply shrugs it off: “They write, it means we haven’t gone into circulation yet.” To spite all their ill-wishers, they have been together for more than thirty years and still never cease to surprise and delight each other. Evgeny Vaganovich goes to all his wife’s concerts, despite the fact that he knows her numbers by heart. He worries about her when she performs alone, and after the concert he always gives her a luxurious bouquet, if the season allows - lilacs.

Sometimes during joint performances, Petrosyan and Stepanenko receive notes: “Is it true that you are getting a divorce?” Having received a negative answer, fans breathe a sigh of relief.

The couple does not hide the secret of their marital happiness: “In our family there is no main thing. We are two halves of one whole and are always ready to give in to each other.”

Evgeniy Petrosyants

Variety artist, humorist and TV presenter.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/25/1985).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (03/04/1991).

From his school years he began to participate in amateur performances - in Baku clubs and cultural centers.

He graduated from VTMEI, where his teachers and mentors were Rina Zelenaya and A. Alekseev. Since 1962 he began performing on the professional stage.

From 1964 to 1969 he worked as a compere in the State Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of Leonid Utesov, from 1969 to 1989 - at the Mosconcert.

In 1979, the Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures was founded. Under him, he created the Center for Pop Humor, which collected unique materials on the history of pop music in the 19th-20th centuries: magazines, posters, photos.

In 1985 he graduated from the department of stage directors of GITIS.
Since 1988, he has been a leading artist and artistic director of the Moscow Concert Ensemble of Pop Miniatures.

In 1973, together with L. Shimelov and A. Pisarenko, they prepared the program “Three on the Stage.” At the Moscow Variety Theater he staged the following plays: “Monologues” (1975, authors G. Minnikov, L. Izmailov, A. Khait); “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat” (1980, author A. Hight); "How are you doing?" (1986, authors M. Zadornov, A. Khait, A. Levin); “Inventory-89” (1988, authors M. Zadornov, A. Khait, S. Kondratyev, L. Frantsuzov and others); “We are all fools” (1991, authors A. Khait, G. Terikov, V. Koklyushkin and others); “Benefit performance”, “30 years on the stage”, “Country of Limonia, village of Petrosyaniya” (1995, authors M. Zadornov, S. Kondratyev, L. Frantsuzov); “When finance sings romances” (1997, authors M. Zadornov, L. Frantsuzov, L. Izmailov, G. Terikov, N. Korosteleva, A. Novichenko and others), “Family joys” (1999, authors M. Zadornov, N Korosteleva, L. Natapov, A. Tsapik, L. Frantsuzov, G. Terikov, G. Bugaev and others).
Among the concert programs: “Passion-Mordasti” (2001) and “Jokes Aside” (2011).

In these performances, the artist acted not only as the main performer of monologues, but also as a stage director.

Since 1994 - host of the weekly “Laughter Panorama”.

As in the field of politics, the most discussed and interesting to the public is the person of V.V. Putin, and on the humorous stage for more than fifty years, Yevgeny Petrosyan has held the leadership. The biography of this amazing man interests more than one generation of his fans. Why has he managed to remain energetic, interesting and inimitable for so many years?

Biography of Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich: the dream of becoming an artist

The future comedian saw the light of day in 1945 on September 16. From early childhood, he loved to sit for hours with a book in his hands in his father’s library. I went with my parents to the circus, drama theater, and various concerts. And from the age of twelve, he himself actively participated in the school amateur group and performed in cultural centers. As a schoolboy, he began working at the People's Theater, and immediately after graduation he set off to conquer Moscow, without even waiting for his certificate. Yevgeny Petrosyan passed with flying colors and became a student at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Pop Art.

Artist biography: life on stage

In 1962, for the first time as a professional entertainer, he hosted a VTMEI program called “Once in a Lifetime There Are 18 Years.” It lasted for several years. During this time, the artist learned a lot and created a good repertoire for himself. After completing the series of VTMEI programs, Petrosyan went into “free swimming.” From 1964 to 1969 he worked in the orchestra of Leonid Utesov himself. Then he worked at the Mosconcert for twenty years, first as a leading entertainer, then as a performer of monologues. In 1985, Evgeny Petrosyan became an Honored Artist of the USSR. The artist’s biography is rich not only in many humorous programs. He is the author of eight books, a comedian, actor, satirist, parodist, and director of all his solo concerts. Over half a century of pop activity, the artist managed to participate in almost all possible humorous competitions and stage performances at most venues in the country. But, not surprisingly, Yevgeny Petrosyan also has enemies. His biography contains facts indicating that once, at the request of ill-wishers, they wanted to remove all of his television programs from broadcasting. At the same time, the term “Petrosyanit” appeared, which meant “to joke badly.” Probably, people who wanted to annoy the artist did not know that most of the texts for him were written by the respected Mikhail Zadornov, Arkady Khait and In 1991, Evgeny Petrosyan was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia in spite of all his ill-wishers.

Evgeny Petrosyan. Biography: family

The artist led an active personal life and was married four times. Since 1985, his wife has been the famous humorous artist Elena Grigorievna Stepanenko. From his first marriage, Evgeniy Vaganovich has a daughter, Victorina, and two grandchildren who live in the USA. Only those close to him know what an artist is like in real life, without a stage mask. It can be said with confidence that he is a very sensitive and vulnerable person. He was once nominated for the Silver Galosh award for some of the most dubious achievements in show business, but shortly before the award ceremony, Mikhail Zadornov persuaded the organizers not to award it to Petrosyan. He justified his request by saying that Yevgeny Vaganovich is such a vulnerable person that he could get a heart attack because of such a joke.

The name of Elena Stepanenko is familiar today to everyone who loves Russian pop humor. For decades, the name of this talented artist was associated with the name of the even more popular comedian Evgeny Petrosyan, who was not only Elena Grigorievna’s stage partner, but also her husband.


Elena was born in 1953 in the city of Stalingrad into a simple family - the same as thousands of others. Dad worked at a chemical plant, mom worked at a hairdresser. The family did not live well, and the parents had to work a lot, so during the holidays little Lenochka spent her days walking in the yard with other children. The acting talent of the future star was evident even in children's games. Lena did not let her friends get bored; the guys played with her, joked around and laughed heartily. And, of course, from an early age she became interested in theater.

It all started with a school theater studio, in which young Stepanenko, as a tenth grade student, played her first role.

The material chosen for the production was complex: they staged the play “Before Dawn” by playwright Ida Ewald. The play tells the story of four revolutionary women who are sitting in prison dungeons and awaiting execution. Elena also got a difficult role in this performance, with a sharp character. She played a young prostitute - a heroine that all the girls in the studio embarrassedly refused to play. The future actress didn’t like her either. But the head of the drama club nevertheless persuaded Lena to play this role, and she did it brilliantly. The audience gave a standing ovation.

Meeting Evgeny Petrosyan

After finishing 11 classes, Elena Stepanenko became a student at the art school in Volgograd, but a year later she decided to go to the capital. The aspiring actress made a bold decision thanks to the famous Moscow tenor singer Tuboltsev in those years. One day he walked into the classroom where Stepanenko was practicing vocals, and, hearing her sing, advised her to try her luck at Moscow creative universities. No sooner said than done. Literally a few months later, Elena passed a competition at the famous GITIS and began studying to become a musical theater actress. The pretty petite girl quickly won the love of the audience. While still a student, she performed in pop numbers, and after graduating from university she became an artist at the Mosconcert, often went on tour and occasionally starred in television shows.

But Elena gained real fame after she accidentally got to audition (or, as we would now say, casting) with Yevgeny Petrosyan.

It was 1979, and the satirist was still planning to fulfill his secret dream - to open his own pop theater. Evgeny Vaganovich immediately noticed the young artist and took her into the troupe. Just a year later, the bright, lively Stepanenko became one of the most famous artists in the theater and successfully played leading roles in productions.

It was then that the creative union of Elena and Evgeny arose. The actors often performed together, and the audience always liked such a duet. Life in the theater was in full swing, it became more and more popular, and the troupe went on tour throughout the Soviet Union.

With Petrosyan’s daughter and grandson

However, Stepanenko’s work was not limited to performances in the theater. In 1980, she showed herself excellently when dubbing cartoons. It is in her voice that the young heroine from “Scarecrow-Meowchel” and the charming tiger cub in the cartoon “Gift for an Elephant” speak. Later, Elena revealed herself as a satirist writer. In 1985, she began to independently write scripts for her numbers and at the same time took first place in the All-Union competition of humor writers.

In the early 1990s, when the actress was already recognized by the whole country, she began giving full-fledged solo concerts. In those years, Stepanenko often acted in films and participated in holiday programs on television. Sometimes she appeared in the once famous “Full House” and other humorous programs. Finally, at the beginning of the 2000s, the author’s programs “The Elena Stepanenko Show” and “Kyshkin House” were broadcast for the first time.

Family and children

Many believe that Elena Grigorievna became popular thanks to her affair with Yevgeny Petrosyan, but both of them claim that this is not true. When Stepanenko appeared in Yevgeny Vaganovich’s troupe, they were both married. Elena was then married to Alexander Vasiliev, a pianist whom the artist met while still a student. The couple performed joint numbers: Elena showed skits, and Alexander accompanied her.

Elena Stepanenko's first husband Alexander Vasiliev

Elena Stepanenko's second husband Evgeny Petrosyan

As for Petrosyan, at the time he met Stepanenko he was already in his third marriage - with Lyudmila, a Leningrad art critic. His only child, daughter Victorina, was given to him by his first wife.

From the day the artists met until the start of their romance, six whole years passed. Elena said that it all started in the city of Semipalatinsk, where their theater came on tour. It was in those days that the future spouses first looked at each other in a new way. By that time, Elena’s marriage had practically fallen apart, since her husband could not come to terms with his wife’s busy touring schedule and demanded that she spend more time at home. Petrosyan was also experiencing similar family difficulties at that time, and immediately upon returning from Semipalatinsk he suggested that his wife separate.

In 1986, Elena and Evgeniy got married. Their home turned into a cozy family nest, full of love and warmth. The star couple never had any children together, and Stepanenko herself, when asked by journalists about the reason, always laughed it off with the words:

“I already have one child - Evgeniy Vaganovich.”

Elena Stepanenko with her husband Evgeny Petrosyan, his daughter and grandchildren

On the 65th birthday of Yevgeny Petrosyan

Family problems

Unfortunately, Elena's family happiness ended several years ago. Then it turned out that Evgeny had started a secret affair with a young artist and his assistant. The blow for Elena Grigorievna was enormous. The couple were officially married for a long time, but apparently they no longer lived together.

There was no official confirmation of the separation then; only attentive viewers noticed that the usual creative duo no longer performed together.

After the alleged separation, Elena lost a lot of weight, it is still not clear whether this was due to severe stress or the result of diet and hard training.

Elena Stepanenko in Blagoveshchensk (2017)

Elena Stepanenko in the Blue Light (2017)

At his concert in honor of March 8

Divorce of Stepanenko and Petrosyan

The news of the divorce became the loudest and most discussed event in show business in 2018. Court proceedings and details of the personal lives of artists attracted close attention from fans and the media.

Elena Grigorievna’s claim for the division of jointly acquired property with Evgeniy Vaganovich was registered in the Khamovnichesky District Court of the capital in July 2018. But information about this was leaked to Internet news sites on August 3. For Russians, the news was shocking.

The couple seemed harmonious and strong. Petrosyan lived in an official marriage with Stepanenko (his fourth wife) for about 33 years. Rumors about the comedian’s infidelities appeared in the press before. But the couple called them “ridiculous, based on nothing.” They rarely went out together, but they explained this because they were busy.

The news of the divorce did not come as a surprise to friends. Sergei Drobotenko talked about the frequent conflicts between spouses. He admitted that in public they behaved impeccably. Colleague of comedians Natalya Korostyleva said that “there could be no talk of any normal family.” On the air of the “Exclusive” program, the famous TV presenter Angelina Vovk confirmed the fact that rumors about the separation of comedians beloved by millions have long circulated in the television environment.

Yevgeny Vaganovich's representative, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, said that the couple have not lived together for about 15 years. Stepanenko’s confidant Elena Zabralova claimed that they separated only in 2017.

Divorce and division of property

The former spouses have no children together. Therefore, according to the law, they could get a divorce at the registry office. Elena Grigorievna was the first to go to court. Petrosyan filed a counterclaim. At the initiative of S. Zhorin, divorce was separated into a separate proceeding. The marriage was dissolved on November 16, 2018.

In the episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, all the details of the divorce were discussed in detail:

The stumbling block was jointly acquired property. Evgeny Vaganovich is one of the highest paid comedians in the country. In 2006, his name was included in the Forbes list (income of $1.5 million). He owns the Crooked Mirror brand and runs the Theater of Variety Miniatures. Journalists calculated what the artists would have to share:

  • 12 apartments;
  • country house in the village of Zhavoronki (Moscow region), with an area of ​​380 m2;
  • 5 places in Zachatievsky Lane for cars, with a total cost of 20 million rubles;
  • a collection of paintings (including paintings by Roerich, Aivazovsky), icons, old books, antiques;
  • rights to joint performances.

Zhorin stated that Stepanenko demands 80% of the jointly acquired property. But Zabralova denies this. She claims that Elena Grigorievna is offered, for example, the largest apartment, with an area of ​​512 m2, as the only asset. It houses the Petrosyan house-museum. The parties cannot come to an agreement. The property has been described (about 5 thousand cultural values), the process of dividing it continues.

Reason for separation

29-year-old Tatyana Brukhunova is called the homewrecker and new love of Yevgeny Vaganovich. The girl has been the director of the Theater of Miniatures since 2012. The yellow press reported that she purchased two luxury apartments in 2016-2017. in the capital. Journalists also claimed that the comedian’s new muse was expecting his child. These facts were subsequently not confirmed.

Petrosyan and Stepanenko did not comment on what was happening. Statements to media representatives were made by their proxies. Court hearings were held behind closed doors.

The divorce took place in 2018, but the division of property is still ongoing. Meanwhile, in December 2019, information appeared in the media that Petrosyan married his young beloved. If this is true, then this is the comedian's fifth marriage.

Rumors about problems in the relationship between spouses Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko appeared several years ago. Back in 2008, the media wrote that the comedians did not live together, and the reason for the separation was the spectacular 26-year-old blonde Tatyana Podolskaya, who was Petrosyan’s personal assistant.

However, no official divorce followed. But ten years later, there was still a claim for divorce and division of property.

Elena Stepanenko became Yevgeny Petrosyan’s fourth wife. They lived together for 32 years. Relatives said that it was with her that Petrosyan found his happiness.

“Reedus” decided to remember the ex-wives of the famous comedian and the reasons for their separation.

When Evgeny Petrosyants (his real name) came to Moscow from Azerbaijan, he began working as an entertainer at concerts. There he met his first wife. The girl was sister of the famous ballerina Victorina Krieger. The couple hastily entered into a marriage, but it was short-lived. Soon after the birth of his daughter, who was named Victorina in honor of a famous relative, Evgeny Petrosyan met a new love.

Now the comedian’s daughter is 49 years old. She lives in the USA, has two sons and runs a company producing exclusive glass toys, Mark Andreas Collection.

Petrosyan's new hobby was Anna Kozlovskaya, daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky. The girl was very beautiful and worked as an entertainer together with Petrosyan. The young couple spent a lot of time and did not notice how they fell in love with each other.

Kozlovskaya and Petrosyan

Petrosyan's second marriage was also short-lived. She and Kozlovskaya lived together for a couple of years, then the woman met someone else and went to Greece with him.

Two years ago, 68-year-old Anna Kozlovskaya, in an interview, called Petrosyan a decent person. She remembered how in their youth they went together to a restaurant on the Ostankino Tower. Later, Kozlovskaya became interested in prose and began to write. At the Writers' Union she met the Greek Kostas Varnalis and fell in love with him.

Zhenya suffered a lot, but I couldn’t help myself. This is my unforgivable guilt before Zhenya... On my initiative, our marriage with Petrosyan broke up. I went to Greece with my new husband. I recently returned to my homeland and did not follow the fate of Zhenya Petrosyan. “We don’t maintain a relationship with him,” Peoples quoted Kozlovskaya as saying.

Later Petrosyan met art critic Lyudmila. The resident of St. Petersburg was a very intelligent woman. The comedian's friends called her an aristocrat. For some time she even performed on the same stage with Yevgeny Petrosyan, but then she began to be annoyed by her husband’s excessive busyness.


In 1979, the already famous artist Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. Came to the casting Elena Stepanenko.

They got married to the GITIS graduate seven years later. People around the couple said that over many years of marriage, the couple never quarreled. They were united by work and hobbies.

Petrosyan and Stepanenko have one passion - they collect antiques. Their friends who entered the house compared the artists’ apartment to a museum: antique furniture, paintings by famous artists, antique vases.

Obviously, spouses have something to share during a divorce. On August 6, the Khamovnichesky Court of Moscow will consider Elena Stepanenko’s claim on the division of jointly acquired property.

According to some media reports, the couple owns five apartments in elite areas of the capital, two foreign cars, a snowmobile and a dacha in the village of Zhavoronki - all this is registered in the name of 72-year-old Petrosyan. Stepanenko only has a dacha in Lyubertsy.

For Russian comedians who have known Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko for many years, their divorce turned out to be. Artist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko admitted in a conversation with Reedus that “if people decided to break up, it means it’s already difficult for them to be together.”