Nastya's profession is what she does at the bottom. M. Gorky "At the bottom": description, characters, analysis of the play. Composition about Nastya

Nastya in the play "at the bottom" 1) features of speech 2) past 3) fate 4) the hero's protest 5) attitude towards Luka and received the best answer

Answer from GALINA[guru]
Nastya is a fallen woman, a resident of a rooming house.
Life forced this heroine to become a prostitute.
And this is the social bottom.
A romantic and dreamy person who lives in love
Dreaming for a long time of pure and great love,
continuing to practice his profession.
She constantly reads tabloid novels
the contents of which make up a large part of her dreams.
In real life, she is surrounded only by poverty, humiliation and
Therefore, Nastya has only one thing left - to dream.
She tells her neighbors sweet tales about the unfortunate
love, where her lover is called either Raoul or Gaston
For everyone, this causes only laughter and mockery, to which Nastya
does not react:
"Shut up... unfortunate ones! Ah... stray dogs!
Can... can you understand... Love?
True love? And I had it ... real!
Nastya's dreams are unlikely to come true, and in order to forget,
she gets drunk from time to time.
Nastya strive to break free from the "bottom" of life,
but powerless to change anything. She gets a feeling
hopelessness and craving for illusion, which gives hope for
future. When the illusions disappear, such people perish.
It is not difficult to imagine her future fate.
Luke is the comforter of the afflicted. He sympathizes with everyone
unhappy: consoles, deceives, maintains illusions.
Luke is able to awaken something bright in the souls of the overnight stays,
to give hope, there is some revival:
Nastya dreams of true, bright love.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Nastya in the play "at the bottom" 1) features of speech 2) past 3) fate 4) hero's protest 5) attitude towards Luka

Nastya is a fallen woman, a resident of a rooming house. She dreams of romantic love, pure and devoted. In real life, she is surrounded only by poverty, humiliation and hopelessness. She constantly reads tabloid novels, the content of which is a big part of her dreams. Nastya tells the inhabitants of the rooming house about her lover, but calls him either Gaston or Raul:

“Here he comes at night to the garden, to the gazebo, as we agreed ... and I have been waiting for him for a long time and trembling with fear and grief. He, too, is trembling all over and - white as chalk, and in his hands is a left-wing gun ... ”

For everyone, this causes only laughter and mockery, to which Nastya does not respond:

“Shut up… unfortunate ones! Ah… stray dogs! Can... can you understand... Love? True love? And I had it ... real!

Unfortunately, Nastya's dreams are unlikely to come true, and in order to forget, she periodically gets drunk.

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"At the Bottom" is one of the most famous works of Maxim Gorky. In the play, we see several people who, for various reasons, found themselves at the bottom of their lives. They all live in Kostylev's doss house. Maxim Gorky shows the difficult living conditions in which the characters are, tells the story of each character, touching on a bunch of philosophical questions.

Particular attention should be paid to the female images of the play. In my opinion, it was women who played an important role in the disclosure of philosophy. Kvashnya, Anna, Natasha, Nastya - every woman has her own character, her own thoughts, dreams, and activities. I would like to pay special attention to the image of Nastya, since her story is one of the most tragic and controversial.

The image of Nastya is unusual, this twenty-four-year-old girl evokes in the reader a feeling of pity and disgust at the same time. The fact is that Nastya is a degraded woman, she has to sell her body, she often drinks, lives in poverty, dirt, humiliation. What brought her to this life? The writer does not name the exact reason, but one can guess that Nastya, being a dreamy girl, at one moment stopped fighting for her dreams.

The girl loved to read novels about pure, devoted love. She imagined how she would find the love of her life, but the dreams of a young girl were unrealistic, they were not destined to come true. Nastya found herself in a terrible situation, gave up, and found only one way out for herself to forget, to withdraw into herself - to get drunk, invent characters in her head, tell fictional stories to others, sell her body to immoral men. She is surrounded by dirt, but her dreams are sublime, romantic, but alas, unrealizable.

The image of Nastya makes you think about such questions: Is it possible to give up your dream? How not to give up in the fight for her? How to survive in difficult conditions? Is it acceptable to sell yourself, even if it is very difficult? It is difficult to somehow unambiguously relate to the image of this fallen woman. You can sympathize with her, because she found herself in the most terrible conditions, her dreams did not come true, and this drives any person into a prolonged depression. On the other hand, we can say that Nastya is weak, she retreated, did not continue to fight for her romantic dreams, and therefore ended up at the bottom. You can feel disgust for her immoral lifestyle. But is she to blame? Could she keep going towards her unrealistic dreams? Was it worth giving up?

Concluding, I would like to say that Gorky introduces the image of Nastya in order to make the reader think: are his dreams real and what to do if nothing works out?

Option 2

Nastya is one of the heroines of Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom". She, along with the rest of the characters in the work, lives in Kostylev's rooming house for poor, "fallen" people. At the bottom - this means at the bottom of society. All the people who have lost everything valuable in their lives and forgot about morality for completely different reasons have fallen into this deep dark bottom. Nastya is one of those women.

Nastya is about 24 years old, but even at such a young age she managed to lose everything that is possible. The story of Nastya's life, in comparison with other heroines of the play, is the saddest and most paradoxical. A fairly young girl, causes the reader to regret and dislike at the same time. She lives in dirt, constant abuse, applied to the bottle. And the most disgusting thing is that she is engaged in body trafficking.

The girl suffers eternal humiliation and bullying from the other heroes of the play. She is called and discussed. Despite such an external wrapper and the attitude of others, Nastya is a very dreamy and romantic person. True, all the literature that she reads is made up of tabloid novels. The girl came up with a mysterious man who supposedly loves her. In a drunken state, she usually confuses his name, calling him either Gaston or Raoul. Regardless of what Nastya is doing, she dreams of true, eternal, pure and bright love. I wonder how the heroine sank to the bottom, began to live in this way? Gorky does not give the reader an exact answer, but makes a hint that the girl stopped fighting for her dreams, stopped on the way to the goal.

Despite the fact that Nastya is often insulted and humiliated by the surrounding men, she managed not to lose the subtlety of her soul and peacefulness.

The baron, one of the inhabitants of the rooming house, often mocks and calls the girl names, but at the same time she continues to give him money for a drink.

The image of Nastya from the play "At the Bottom", created by Maxim Gorky, makes the reader think about many important questions and answer them for himself. Can you give up on your dreams? How not to give up, fighting for her? How to stay alive, despite the difficult conditions? And is it possible to trade yourself, even if it is very difficult?

Composition about Nastya

This serious work by Maxim Gorky, the play At the Bottom combines the ordinary life of people and the topical problems of that time. The writer skillfully combines life and the difficult conditions of that surrounding world, human characters. A special influence on the disclosure of philosophy in the play is exerted by female images, such as Natasha, Anna, Vasilisa, Nastya and others. Their images are original and interesting, since such a life broke many personalities who sank to the bottom, selling themselves or dying sick. But some women tried to fight fate.

A strong woman Kvashnya is rude and persistent. Her gaze is piercing and frightening. Anna is a gentle nature who suffers pain and humiliation from her husband every day and no one sympathizes with her. And Nastya, a visitor to a rooming house, is engaged in prostitution, while dreaming of love and passion. Looking at it, the reader has various feelings, including pity. For any person, a woman is an image filled with love for life, for motherhood. For many, a woman is a symbol of comfort in the house and family happiness, but the image of the girl Nastya is opposed. Her life is a mirror image of a noble and pure nature. In a difficult moment of life, succumbing to the pressure of problems, she decides to do an ignoble business.

Maxim Gorky presents Nastya as a lover of tabloid novels. Her dreams are lofty and unrealistic. Thoughts are only about finding pure and strong romantic love. All passion makes you dream about unrealistic dreams, but unfortunately they cannot come true. This degraded woman is surrounded by filth, vulgarity and poverty. Caught in extreme conditions, she gives up and starts working selling her body to immoral men. She stops fighting for her life and in order to forget herself, she often touches the bottle, drinking herself unconscious. Dreaming, she tells others about her lover, while constantly confusing his name, either Raoul or Gaston. These stories cause laughter and ridicule from the environment of the dreams of a woman engaged in prostitution. Only Natasha and Luka believe in her stories.

Hopelessness is reflected in the surrounding rags and drunkenness around Nastya. Escape from reality accompanies drunk alcohol. Only after reading and feeling every moment of this play do you begin to think about the inhuman conditions that existed at that difficult time. This is how we feel the whole tragedy of the fate of many residents of the rooming house. After all, a person must maintain courage in all situations, in the same honor.

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  • Bubnov's image

    Kartuznik, one of the inhabitants of the rooming house. We learn that in the past he was the owner of a dyeing workshop. But circumstances changed, his wife got along with the master, and in order to stay alive, he had to leave. Now this man has sunk to the bottom. B.'s position is skepticism, fatalism, he always belittles a person. He is cruel, does not want to retain any good qualities in himself. There is not an iota of compassion in him. To the request of the dying Anna to be quieter, he replies: "noise is not a hindrance to death ...". He believes that "all people on earth are superfluous ...". From B.'s point of view, it is at the absolute bottom of life that the true essence of a person is exposed, the stratification of civilized, cultural life flies off from him: "... everything faded away, one naked man remained." Apparently, by this he wants to say about the animal essence of man. B. sees in him only low, selfish, not wanting to take into account the development of social, cultural life. In this case, his following phrase can be considered significant: "It turns out - no matter how you paint yourself on the outside, everything will be erased ... everything will be erased, yes!" Having sunk to the very bottom of life, B. no longer believes in man, he takes a passive, not only external, but also internal position.

    The image of Nastya

    Nastya is one of the inhabitants of the rooming house in the play "At the Bottom", a fallen woman who dreams of romantic love. Despite the fact that she is engaged in prostitution, she dreams of pure and devoted love. However, she is surrounded by poverty, hopelessness and humiliation.

    In order to somehow forget and get away from reality, she came up with a fictional character, whom she calls either Raoul or Gaston. Much of her dream comes from the pulp novels she constantly reads. She makes up stories about her supposedly existing lover and tells the other guests. They just laugh and mock her. The only people who believe her are Luka and Natasha.

    Despite all the insults and humiliation addressed to her, Nastya managed to maintain a sensitive soul. By nature, she is naive, touching and helpless. She does not despair and continues to believe in the existence of her "prince".

    Image of the Baron

    Dormitory occupant. Previously, he was a baron, had a fairly large social position. Over time, he sank to the very bottom of life, where he still remembers the delights of his past position. He is often laughed at and mocked about by the rest of the roomers.

    Image of Luke

    A very controversial character in the play. This is an elderly wanderer who appears for a while in a rooming house. L. consoles people. But how can you console these people who have been thrown out of life, who have sunk to the bottom of it? L. resorts to lies. But this is a white lie. Dying Anna, who has nothing good to remember in her life, L. says that she will be very happy in the next world. Prostitute Nastya tells everyone that there was a great love in her life. Everyone laughs in response. But Luka says that if she believes, then she really had this love. The thief Vaska Pepla L. persuades him to go to Siberia, because he can work honestly there. Alcoholic Actor L. tells about a free clinic where they treat drunkenness. He persuades him to prepare for treatment, to pull himself together. Justifying the need to feel sorry for a person, L. tells how he himself once felt sorry for the robbers, than he saved them. Otherwise, they would have killed him and perished in hard labor. L. also tells a parable about the "righteous land." One poor man believed in the existence of such a land. But the scientist did not have it on the map. The man became disillusioned with everything and hanged himself. So L. wants to show the need for pity and hope for every person. L. disappears unexpectedly, during the ensuing fight, when Pepel kills Kostylev. Such a disappearance is perceived ambiguously. In the last act, the roommates remember L., expressing different points of view on the comforting lie.

    Actor Image

    The actor is one of the inhabitants of the rooming house. The real name of the hero is unknown; in one scene, he laments that he "lost his name." Stage name A. in the past - Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky. A. is a drunkard who constantly recalls his acting past and quotes various literary works. Luke A., who appeared in the rooming house, tries to read poetry, but cannot remember them and repents that he “drank away his soul”. A. believes Luke's story about an alleged free hospital for alcoholics. He recalls and recites a passage from Beranger's poem that is directly related to the problem of the "comforting lie" posed in the play. A. tries to refrain from drinking, begins to work and save money for the road in order to recover and start life anew. After the disappearance of Luka, A. realizes that there are no real hopes for salvation, and commits suicide - hangs himself. The fate of A. is clearly associated with the fate of the hero of the “parable of the righteous land”, which Luke tells to the shelters.

    The image of Natasha

    Natasha the sister of the host's wife, a kind and soft-hearted girl. She had a hard fate - poverty and constant bullying from her sister and her husband. And yet she managed to maintain spiritual purity and innocence. It is because of this that the thief Vaska Pepel falls in love with her. He calls her to go with him to Siberia. But she honestly admits that she does not love him that much, does not believe his intentions. Vasilisa, having learned that Pepel wants to leave her and leave with Natasha, begins to severely beat her sister and douses her with boiling water. Natasha is rescued in time, but Kostylev dies in the process. In a terrible tantrum, Natasha accuses the owner of the rooming house Pepel and her sister of the murder. Later it becomes known that Natasha was in the hospital. Then she disappears in an unknown direction, just not to return to the rooming house.

    Ash Image

    Inhabitant of a rooming house, a hereditary thief. P. is the lover of the hostess' wife, Vasilisa. This is a very cruel woman who constantly pushes him to steal. But P. was tired of such a life. He wants to be an honest person. He falls in love with Vasilisa's sister Natasha, a good girl, a victim of the masters of life. P. confesses his love to the girl and invites her to leave together. Luke encourages P. to go to work in Siberia. There P. wants to become decent and honest. Vasilisa is jealous of P., locks her at home and beats Natasha. Later, in the ensuing fight, P. kills Kostylev. We understand that now he has a direct path to prison or hard labor.

    Image of Satin

    Konstantin Satin - one of the inhabitants of the rooming house, a former telegraph operator. This is a man with his own philosophy of life. From the very beginning of the play, such words as "macrobiotics", "Sardanapal", etc. are heard from his lips. This hero is different from the rest of the inhabitants of the "bottom". About himself, he says: "I'm tired of human words, brother... all our words are tired! I heard each of them... probably a thousand times...", "I was an educated person...", " I have read many books... Then S. was imprisoned for almost five years for the murder of a man who offended his sister. After prison, he ended up in a rooming house and began to deliberately ruin his life. S. is a skeptic. He is apathetic, passive in life. His protest is a call for "doing nothing". "I'll give you one piece of advice: don't do anything! Just burden the earth!.." S. was not just thrown to the "bottom". He himself came there and settled there. He's so comfortable. And now he lives in the basement and drinks away and loses his opportunities. It is this hero who argues with Luke and his position of "comforting" lies. He speaks of a free Man with a capital letter. S. considers humiliating the compassionate humanism of Luke. "We must respect a man! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity ..." S. condemns the comforting lie: "Lies are the religion of slaves and masters ..." "Truth is the god of a free man!" "man - that's the truth!" "There is only man, everything else is the work of his hands and brain! Man! This is magnificent! This sounds ... proud!" But what is a person for S.? "What is a man? .. It's not you, not me, not them ... no! - it's you, me, they, the old man, Napoleon, Mohammed ... in one!"

    The author in a polyphonic work, according to the definition of M. M. Bakhtin, does not join any of the points of view expressed: the solution of the philosophical questions posed does not belong to one hero, but is the result of the searches of all participants in the action. The author, as a conductor, organizes a multi-voiced choir of heroes "singing" the same theme in different voices.

    Still, there is no final solution to the question of truth - freedom - man in Gorky's drama. However, this is how it should be in a play that raises "eternal" philosophical questions. The open ending of the work makes the reader think about them.

    The play "At the Bottom" is a rather complicated, but very interesting work by Gorky. The author managed to combine everyday specifics and generalized symbols, real human images and abstract philosophy in it. Gorky's skill was especially manifested in the description of the inhabitants of the rooming house, so dissimilar to each other. An important role in the work is played by female images.

    Natasha, Vasilisa, Nastya, Anna, Kvashnya are very interesting and original characters. These women have sunk to the very “bottom” of life, their appearance is depressing and causes bitter feelings in the reader. Usually, a woman is a symbol of the beautiful, pure and bright. The female image is an image of tenderness, love and motherhood. However, Gorky shows the reader a completely different side of life. When a woman finds herself in terrible and cruel conditions, she is forced to behave differently.

    Someone will try to survive by selling themselves, and someone will break down and become mortally ill, unable to withstand the heavy oppression. Consider specific images from the play.

    Kvashnya is a dumpling seller, a free and strong woman, she does not allow any man to treat her freely. Her attitude towards marriage is sharply negative. It turns out that Kvashnya was already married once, but this bitter experience left an indelible mark on her soul for life. One can imagine how cruel her husband was, and how unhappy their family life was, if a woman was so happy about the death of her husband that she simply could not believe her happiness. But, in spite of everything, Kvashnya remained sensitive to the grief of others and did not lose her humanity. She takes pity on the dying Anna and tries to feed her dumplings. But she won’t marry anymore, even for a prince, that’s enough, she has suffered.

    The next heroine of the play is an unhappy woman named Anna. She is seriously ill and near death. Many sympathize with her, pity her and try to alleviate the agony of the last days of her life. Only Klesch, her husband, is still rude and indifferent to Anna. She is accustomed to his cruelty and patiently perceives such behavior of her husband. Anna symbolizes all women who consider rudeness to be the norm in family relationships. Even being on the verge of death, she takes care of her indifferent and callous husband (she offers to eat dumplings that Kvashnya left for her). Anna is only thirty years old, she is dying, and there is nothing bright in her existence.

    The girl Nastya reads tabloid novels, dreams of lofty feelings, of bright love, but in life she is surrounded by baseness and dirt, vulgarity and rudeness. She tells cohabitants sweet tales of love that are born in her imagination. They openly mock her, because Nastya is an ordinary prostitute, she can only dream of pure and true love. The only way for her to forget about all this is to get drunk.

    Vasilisa is a representative of the "masters of life", because she is the wife of the owner of the rooming house. But the owners of the "bottom" are not much different from its inhabitants. Preserving a human form is almost impossible if you are constantly in the menagerie. Vasilisa is a domineering, insensitive and cruel woman who loves only money. Her lover Vaska Pepel, a thief who lacks moral principles, notices that this woman has no soul. Her outer beauty is contrasted with her inner ugliness. She swears love to Ash and pushes him to steal. Then he learns that he loves her sister Natasha and promises to give her to him if Pepel kills Kostylev, Vasilisa's husband. Then the hostess of the rooming house begins to cruelly mock her sister. She is angry with Natasha and takes revenge on her because her lover left her. Natasha cannot answer her anything, she, by nature, is a kind and gentle person, able to sympathize with someone else's grief. Seeing once Natasha with Ashes, Vasilisa becomes furious and, locking her sister in the house, beats her half to death. Natasha is already ready to go even to prison for Ashes, just not to return to Vasilisa's house. She ends up in a clinic, and from there disappears in an unknown direction, fleeing the cruelty of her sister.

    Vasilisa, for sure, will be able to get out and avoid prison. She will continue her former life, because only with such a character as hers can one survive in these monstrous conditions.

    Each heroine of the play is interesting in her own way. It is through female images that the reader is best able to feel the inhuman conditions of life in which the inhabitants of the rooming house found themselves.