Reflection on the pages of the play Ostrov thunderstorm. What does the play Thunderstorm make you think about. Ostrovsky. A.i. Zhuravlev, M.S. makeev

The play by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is historical for us, as it shows the life of the bourgeoisie. "Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. It is the only work of the cycle "Nights on the Volga" conceived, but not realized by the writer.

The main theme of the work is a description of the conflict that arose between two generations. The Kabanihi family is typical. The merchants cling to their old ways, not wanting to understand the younger generation. And because the young do not want to follow the traditions, they are suppressed.

I am sure that the problem raised by Ostrovsky is still relevant today. Many parents do not want to see their children as individuals. It is very important for them that their children think as they do and repeat their actions. The father and mother believe that they have the right to decide where their child will study, with whom he should be friends, etc.

While reading The Thunderstorm, I experienced ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, I was shocked by the accuracy of the transfer of images of the era. Stunningly bright and vicious Boar. Ostrovsky very clearly conveyed the contrast of the image, the main vice of which is hypocrisy. On the one hand, she is pious and ready to help everyone, a kind of Samaritan, on the other hand, at home she behaves like a tyrant. In my opinion, this is a very scary person. Kabanova completely crushed her son Tikhon. He is presented in the play as a miserable, helpless creature who does not command any respect.

On the other hand, I was shocked by the hopelessness of the situation in which Catherine, a pure and bright woman, found herself. In her soul, she is very strong, as she was not brought up in the traditions of the society of the city of Kalinov. She is opposed to society, to the foundations that, like a monolith, stand in the way of her freedom. She lives with a poor husband who is simply impossible to love. He is not a person, he is just an empty space. While reading, I felt pity for Catherine and joy for myself that I live in a completely different world. Although there are still features of the past in our world.

Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" showed the crisis of society, when the sprouts of a new, more enlightened consciousness sprout. The old consciousness seeks to trample on everything that does not correspond to its ideas.

A thunderstorm is a symbol of the elements, which will soon sweep away everything that seems unshakable. The world will change. Unfortunately, Katherine doesn't know about it anymore. Her soul could not bear the contradictions tearing her apart, forcing the woman to commit a terrible sin.

    • In The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky shows the life of a Russian merchant family and the position of a woman in it. The character of Katerina was formed in a simple merchant family, where love reigned and her daughter was given complete freedom. She acquired and retained all the beautiful features of the Russian character. This is a pure, open soul that does not know how to lie. “I don’t know how to deceive; I can’t hide anything,” she says to Varvara. In religion Katerina found the highest truth and beauty. Her desire for the beautiful, the good, was expressed in prayers. Coming out […]
    • Dramatic events of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" are deployed in the city of Kalinov. This town is located on the picturesque bank of the Volga, from the high steepness of which the vast Russian expanses and boundless distances open up to the eye. “The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices, ”the local self-taught mechanic Kuligin admires. Pictures of endless distances, echoed in a lyrical song. In the midst of a flat valley”, which he sings, are of great importance for conveying a sense of the immense possibilities of Russian […]
    • Katerina Varvara Character Sincere, sociable, kind, honest, pious, but superstitious. Gentle, soft, at the same time, decisive. Rude, cheerful, but taciturn: "... I don't like to talk a lot." Determined, can fight back. Temperament Passionate, freedom-loving, bold, impetuous and unpredictable. She says about herself “I was born so hot!”. Freedom-loving, smart, prudent, bold and rebellious, she is not afraid of either parental or heavenly punishment. Upbringing, […]
    • "The Thunderstorm" was published in 1859 (on the eve of the revolutionary situation in Russia, in the "pre-storm" era). Its historicism lies in the conflict itself, the irreconcilable contradictions reflected in the play. She responds to the spirit of the times. "Thunderstorm" is an idyll of the "dark kingdom". Tyranny and silence are brought in it to the limit. In the play, a real heroine from the people's environment appears, and it is the description of her character that is given the main attention, and the little world of the city of Kalinov and the conflict itself are described more generally. "Their life […]
    • Let's start with Catherine. In the play "Thunderstorm" this lady is the main character. What is the problem with this work? The issue is the main question that the author asks in his creation. So the question here is who will win? The dark kingdom, which is represented by the bureaucrats of the county town, or the bright beginning, which is represented by our heroine. Katerina is pure in soul, she has a tender, sensitive, loving heart. The heroine herself is deeply hostile to this dark swamp, but is not fully aware of it. Katerina was born […]
    • The Thunderstorm by A. N. Ostrovsky made a strong and deep impression on his contemporaries. Many critics were inspired by this work. However, in our time it has not ceased to be interesting and topical. Raised to the category of classical drama, it still arouses interest. The arbitrariness of the "older" generation lasts for many years, but some event must occur that could break the patriarchal tyranny. Such an event is the protest and death of Katerina, which awakened other […]
    • The critical history of "Thunderstorm" begins even before its appearance. To argue about "a ray of light in the dark realm", it was necessary to open the "Dark Realm". An article under this title appeared in the July and September issues of Sovremennik in 1859. It was signed by the usual pseudonym of N. A. Dobrolyubova - N. - bov. The reason for this work was extremely significant. In 1859, Ostrovsky summed up the intermediate result of his literary activity: his two-volume collected works appeared. "We consider it the most […]
    • Whole, honest, sincere, she is not capable of lies and falsehood, therefore, in a cruel world where wild and wild boars reign, her life is so tragic. Katerina's protest against the despotism of Kabanikha is the struggle of the bright, pure, human against the darkness, lies and cruelty of the "dark kingdom". No wonder Ostrovsky, who paid great attention to the selection of names and surnames of the characters, gave such a name to the heroine of "Thunderstorm": in Greek, "Catherine" means "eternally pure." Katerina is a poetic nature. IN […]
    • In "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky, operating with a small number of characters, managed to uncover several problems at once. Firstly, it is, of course, a social conflict, a clash of "fathers" and "children", their points of view (and if we resort to generalization, then two historical epochs). Kabanova and Dikoy belong to the older generation, actively expressing their opinion, and Katerina, Tikhon, Varvara, Kudryash and Boris belong to the younger one. Kabanova is sure that order in the house, control over everything that happens in it, is the key to a good life. Correct […]
    • A conflict is a clash of two or more parties that do not coincide in their views, attitudes. There are several conflicts in Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", but how to decide which one is the main one? In the era of sociologism in literary criticism, it was believed that social conflict was the most important thing in a play. Of course, if we see in the image of Katerina a reflection of the spontaneous protest of the masses against the shackling conditions of the “dark kingdom” and perceive the death of Katerina as the result of her collision with the tyrant mother-in-law, […]
    • Katerina is the main character in Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm", Tikhon's wife, daughter-in-law of Kabanikhi. The main idea of ​​the work is the conflict of this girl with the "dark kingdom", the kingdom of tyrants, despots and ignoramuses. You can find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic by understanding Katerina's ideas about life. The author showed the origins of the character of the heroine. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. Here is an ideal version of patriarchal relations and the patriarchal world in general: “I lived, not about […]
    • In general, the history of the creation and the idea of ​​the play “Thunderstorm” are very interesting. For some time there was an assumption that this work was based on real events that took place in the Russian city of Kostroma in 1859. “In the early morning of November 10, 1859, the Kostroma bourgeois Alexandra Pavlovna Klykova disappeared from the house and either threw herself into the Volga, or was strangled and thrown there. The investigation revealed a dull drama that played out in an unsociable family living with narrowly trading interests: […]
    • In the drama "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky created a very psychologically complex image - the image of Katerina Kabanova. This young woman disposes the viewer with her huge, pure soul, childish sincerity and kindness. But she lives in the musty atmosphere of the "dark kingdom" of merchant morals. Ostrovsky managed to create a bright and poetic image of a Russian woman from the people. The main storyline of the play is a tragic conflict between the living, feeling soul of Katerina and the dead way of life of the “dark kingdom”. Honest and […]
    • Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky was endowed with a great talent as a playwright. He is deservedly considered the founder of the Russian national theater. His plays, varied in subject matter, glorified Russian literature. Creativity Ostrovsky had a democratic character. He created plays in which hatred for the autocratic-feudal regime was manifested. The writer called for the protection of the oppressed and humiliated citizens of Russia, longed for social change. The great merit of Ostrovsky is that he opened the enlightened […]
    • Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky was called the "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", a district of Moscow where people from the merchant class lived. He showed what a tense, dramatic life goes on behind high fences, what Shakespearean passions sometimes seethe in the souls of representatives of the so-called "simple class" - merchants, shopkeepers, petty employees. The patriarchal laws of the world that is fading into the past seem unshakable, but a warm heart lives according to its own laws - the laws of love and kindness. Heroes of the play "Poverty is not a vice" […]
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    We studied many works of Russian classics in literature lessons. I would like to talk about one of the works. This is a drama by Ostrovsky Groz. She interested me with her content, especially the main character of the drama, Katerina, fascinated and attracted my attention. The development of the action of the drama is built on the relationship of people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky emphasized, using the example of the main character Katerina, a feeling that lives forever and on which life, love is based. ...Love is a wonderful dream that only the chosen ones dream, wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking of Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement. Pure, tender love is given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up inaudibly, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he plunges into his feeling, plunges into emotions. This is how love captured Katerina, made her happy and at the same time the most unhappy woman. The image of Katerina is the most vivid and complex of all the images in the play Thunderstorm. Her husband Tikhon cannot, and rather, does not try to understand her spiritual world. Katerina tolerates the tyranny of the Kabanikh (Tikhon's mother). Katerina's character is strong and freedom-loving. Katerina is a free bird in her spiritual mood. ...Why don't people fly? she says to Varvara. You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. Having met Boris in every way, she gives herself to love to the end, without demanding anything in return, and ... dies. Who is to blame for her death? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this; You can name many reasons, among which there will be one such as the way of life in which Katerina lives. She dies because the world is ruled by a dark kingdom, where rudeness, violence, ignorance and indifference to others rule. Katerina is very different from the representatives of the dark kingdom, even from Boris, whom she fell in love with, feeling happy for a moment, and who leaves her. I think Katerina's death is a challenge to everything dark in human life. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide, because it is a sin, because she could have stayed to live in a dark kingdom, resigned to its orders and laws, but this is not her character. With her death, she probably wanted to protest against the cruelty surrounding her and to some extent justify herself, her relationship with Boris, her love. After all, Katerina is a religious woman, and love for Boris is a sin for a married woman. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina a Russian, a strong character, a ray of light in a dark kingdom. Throughout the play, the approach of a thunderstorm is felt, which broke out at the end of the drama. It seems to me that a thunderstorm is a symbol of freedom, and Ostrovsky has it not just as a natural phenomenon, but as a shock to the existing foundations. Thinking about the actions of the characters in the play, following the changes in the events in it, I noticed a change in the feelings and views of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. The death of Katerina affected the heroes of the play in different ways, especially Tikhon, and for the first time in his life he expresses his opinion, enters for a moment (even for a moment) in the fight against the dark kingdom, exclaiming: You ruined her, you, you .. He seems to forget with whom he is talking, before whom he has been trembling all his life. Tikhon says for the first time that he cannot live in this family: Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer! Ostrovsky's work, in my opinion, has taken a step forward in all of our literature. It aroused and arouses the interest of readers. I believe that this drama certainly deserves the attention of both readers and critics and gives us a reason to reflect on human relationships, to develop a sense of kindness to others, as well as an opportunity to appreciate all-consuming love and discover new qualities of the soul and new spiritual qualities in ourselves. aspirations.

    Essay text:

    We studied many works of Russian classics in literature lessons. I would like to talk about one of the works.
    This is a drama by Ostrovsky Groz.
    She interested me with her content, especially the main character of the drama, Katerina, fascinated and attracted my attention.
    The development of the action of the drama is built on the relationship of people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky emphasized, using the example of the main character Katerina, a feeling that lives forever and on which life, love is based.
    ...Love is a wonderful dream that only the chosen ones dream, wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking of Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement.
    Pure, tender love is given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up inaudibly, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he plunges into his feeling, plunges into emotions. This is how love captured Katerina, made her happy and at the same time the most unhappy woman.
    The image of Katerina is the most vivid and complex of all the images in the play Thunderstorm. Her husband Tikhon cannot, and rather, does not try to understand her spiritual world. Katerina tolerates the tyranny of the Kabanikh (Tikhon's mother). Katerina's character is strong and freedom-loving. Katerina is a free bird in her spiritual mood.
    ...Why don't people fly? she says to Varvara. You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird.
    Having met Boris in every way, she gives herself to love to the end, without demanding anything in return, and ... dies. Who is to blame for her death? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this; You can name many reasons, among which there will be one such as the way of life in which Katerina lives. She dies because the world is ruled by a dark kingdom, where rudeness, violence, ignorance and indifference to others rule. Katerina is very different from the representatives of the dark kingdom, even from Boris, whom she fell in love with, feeling happy for a moment, and who leaves her.
    I think Katerina's death is a challenge to everything dark in human life. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide, because it is a sin, because she could have stayed to live in a dark kingdom, resigned to its orders and laws, but this is not her character.
    With her death, she probably wanted to protest against the cruelty surrounding her and to some extent justify herself, her relationship with Boris, her love. After all, Katerina is a religious woman, and love for Boris is a sin for a married woman. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina a Russian, a strong character, a ray of light in a dark kingdom. Throughout the play, the approach of a thunderstorm is felt, which broke out at the end of the drama. It seems to me that a thunderstorm is a symbol of freedom, and Ostrovsky has it not just as a natural phenomenon, but as a shock to the existing foundations. Thinking about the actions of the characters in the play, following the changes in the events in it, I noticed a change in the feelings and views of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov.
    The death of Katerina affected the heroes of the play in different ways, especially Tikhon, and for the first time in his life he expresses his opinion, enters for a moment (even for a moment) in the fight against the dark kingdom, exclaiming: You ruined her, you, you .. He seems to forget with whom he is talking, before whom he has been trembling all his life. Tikhon says for the first time that he cannot live in this family: Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer!
    Ostrovsky's work, in my opinion, has taken a step forward in all of our literature. It aroused and arouses the interest of readers.
    I believe that this drama certainly deserves the attention of both readers and critics and gives us a reason to reflect on human relationships, to develop a sense of kindness to others, as well as an opportunity to appreciate all-consuming love and discover new qualities of the soul and new spiritual qualities in ourselves. aspirations.

    The rights to the essay "Reflections on the drama of A. N. Ostrovsky Thunderstorm" belong to its author. When citing material, it is necessary to indicate a hyperlink to

    Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky became the first playwright in Russia who began to portray the merchant class. Almost until the beginning of his work, Russian literature was the literature of the nobility, with a few exceptions. Ostrovsky takes the environment, which was not studied and almost not illuminated. It is not by chance that he touches on the topic of the merchant class, the fact is that the situation in Russia has changed not only in literature, but also in social terms, so far people from the merchant class have hardly entered the writer's environment.

    The first such representatives of educated merchants were Goncharov, who wrote Oblomov and Ostrovsky, since he himself was a representative of the Zamoskvoretsk merchants, and he knew perfectly well what he wrote from the inside. Therefore, the plots of merchant plays were not difficult for him. All the stories were played out in front of his eyes. In addition, his father believed that the most advantageous position among lawyers is the most respected and prestigious profession, so Nikolai Ostrovsky also gave his son a law degree. And for some time Ostrovsky worked as a clerk in court, where he received many plots for his merchant plays.

    The drama "Thunderstorm" is considered to be the main milestone in the work of A.N. Ostrovsky. The plot of the play is not limited to Katerina Kabanova's betrayal of her husband Tikhon and a love affair with Boris. There are many storylines, many conflicts. These conflicts are realized not only against the background of the behavior of the main characters, but also secondary ones. They also give an idea of ​​the end of the merchant society of that time. The play corresponds to typification, that is, to the principle of realistic generalization. Ostrovsky easily masters the method of realism, and by the end of the play one can draw a conclusion about the nature of the conflict and the content of this conflict.

    Thunderstorm is, in fact, the only real Russian tragedy, a tragedy, because there are no people to blame for what is happening, because worlds collide in a person, and not just everyday situations.

    The main character of the play transgressed her own moral law, and, in my opinion, she punished herself. If Katerina's husband had been a different person, with different moral values, smart, handsome and not stupid, if relations in the Kabanovs' house had developed differently, Katerina might not have committed treason. If Tikhon had managed to connect two women, mother and wife, then the “beam of light” would not have fallen on Boris. Katerina lives in anticipation of a "thunderstorm", lives in a "dark kingdom", and if she had not met Boris, then there would have been someone else. She was looking for a way out of her imprisonment.

    When he left on merchant business, she, anticipating evil, asked to take her with him, but was refused. The same thing with Boris, after everything that happened, she wanted to leave with him, but again she was abandoned. I think that the play shows weak, weak-willed men, incapable of action.

    The text of the play "Thunderstorm" was written a century and a half ago, but still causes a lot of emotions and questions. Should a woman, just like a man, while in marriage, fight with her feelings if these feelings lead to the destruction of marriage. Although it seems to me that it depends on the moral values ​​of a person, and not on the time in which he lives.

    The play by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" was written by the playwright in 1859. Consists of five actions. Events unfold in the Volga town of Kalinovo. To understand the plot, it is necessary to take into account that ten days pass between the third and fourth acts.

    The plot is quite simple: the merchant's wife, brought up in strict moral rules, fell in love with a visiting Muscovite, the nephew of another local merchant. With him, she cheats on her husband, then, exhausted by guilt, publicly repents and dies, throwing herself into the pool of the Volga.

    It is known that the play was written at the request of the actress Lyubov Pavlovna Kositskaya, with whom the author had tender feelings. And the main character's monologues were created by the playwright under the influence of this woman's stories about her dreams and experiences. In the performance, which immediately gained great popularity with the public, the actress brilliantly played the role of Katerina.

    Let us analyze the summary of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" in action.

    Act one

    Events begin to unfold on the banks of the Volga, in the city square.

    At the beginning of the play, the self-taught inventor of the perpetual motion machine Kuligin, Vanya Kudryash (the clerk of the merchant Diky), and Boris (his nephew) discuss the character of the tyrant merchant and, at the same time, the mores prevailing in the town.

    A "warrior" with a "speaking" surname Dikay swears every day with everyone and for any reason. Boris has to endure, because under the terms of the will, he will receive his share of the inheritance from him only by showing respect and obedience. The greed and tyranny of Savel Prokofievich is well known to everyone, so Kuligin and Kudryash inform Boris that he most likely will not see any inheritance.

    And the morals in this philistine town are painfully cruel. Here is how Kuligin says about it:

    In philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and bare poverty. And we, sir, will never get out of this bark! Because honest labor will never earn us more daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, he tries to enslave the poor, so that he can make even more money from his free labors.

    Then the self-taught scientist runs away to seek funds for his invention, and Boris, left alone, admits to himself that he is unrequitedly and platonically in love with Katerina, the wife of the merchant Tikhon Kabanov.

    In the next phenomenon, all this family is walking along the boulevard - the old Kabanikha herself (Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova), her son Tikhon, his wife (who is the main character of Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm") and her husband's sister named Varvara.

    The boar, faithful to Domostroy, teaches and grumbles, calling her son a "fool", demands gratitude from the children and daughter-in-law, and, by the way, immediately reproaches all those close to her for disobedience.

    Then she goes home, Tikhon - to wet his throat to Diky, and Katerina, left with Varvara, discuss her difficult lot.

    Katerina is a sublime and dreamy person. Here (the seventh phenomenon) her monologue sounds about how she lived in girls, and these words that have become famous:

    Why don't people fly? I say: why don't people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you are drawn to fly. That's how it would have run up, raised its hands and flew. Try something now?

    Katerina admits to Varvara that she is tormented by bad forebodings and disturbed by dreams about her imminent death and some still imperfect sin. Varvara guesses that Katerina is in love, but not at all with her husband.

    The heroine is very frightened by the arrival of a crazy old lady who prophesies hellish torments for everyone. Besides, a thunderstorm is about to begin. Tikhon returns. Katerina begs everyone to go home.

    Action two

    Events take us to the Kabanovs' house. The maid collects the belongings of Tikhon, who is going somewhere on a maternal mission.

    Varvara sends secret greetings to Katerina from Boris, the object of her love. She is frightened even at the mention of his name and says that she will love only her husband.

    The boar directs his son: he orders to be strict and convey his instructions to the young wife he is leaving: to honor the mother-in-law, to behave modestly, to work and not to stare out the windows.

    Katerina, left alone with her husband, tells him about a heavy presentiment and asks either not to leave or take her with him on a trip. But he has only one dream - to escape as soon as possible from under the maternal yoke, even if for two weeks, and celebrate freedom. What he, without hiding, informs Katerina.

    Tikhon leaves. Varvara comes and says that they were allowed to sleep in the garden, and gives Katerina the key to the gate. She, feeling doubts and fear, still hides it in her pocket.

    Third act

    Scene one. Evening. At the gate to the Kabanovs' house, Kabanikha and Feklusha are sitting and talking about the fact that time has begun to "belittle" from the bustle of the city.

    Wild appears. He is tipsy and asks Kabanova to "talk" himself, as she alone knows how. She invites him into the house.

    Boris approaches the gate, attracted by the desire to see Katerina. He thinks aloud that a woman who was given in marriage in this city is considered to be buried. Barbara, who has appeared, informs him that at night they will be waiting for him in the ravine "behind the Boar Garden." She is sure that the date will take place.

    In scene two, it was already late at night. Kudryash and Boris are standing by the ravine. Diky's nephew confesses to the young clerk that he is in love with Katerina. Curly advises to get her out of your head:

    Look, don’t make trouble for yourself, and don’t get her into trouble either! Suppose, even though her husband is a fool, but her mother-in-law is painfully fierce.

    Katerina comes out on a date with Boris. At first she is frightened, and all her thoughts are about the upcoming retribution for sin, but then the woman calms down.

    act four

    Walking townspeople from the beginning of the rain gather under the roof of a dilapidated old gallery, examining and discussing the murals with images of battle scenes still preserved on its walls.

    Immediately talking Kuligin with Savel. The inventor persuades the merchant to donate money for a sundial and a lightning rod. Wild, as usual, scolds: they say that a thunderstorm is given as a punishment from God, and this is not electricity, from which you can protect yourself with a simple piece of iron.

    The rain stops, everyone disperses. Barbara and Boris, who have entered the gallery, are discussing Katerina's behavior. Varvara says that after her husband's arrival, she

    she trembles all over, as though she were beset by a fever; so pale, rushing about the house, just what she was looking for. Eyes like a lunatic! This morning she began to cry, and sobs.

    A thunderstorm starts. People are gathering again under the roof of the gallery, among them are Kabanova, Tikhon and the distraught Katerina.

    Just then a crazy old lady appears. She threatens Katerina with fiery hell and hellish torments. Thunder rumbles again. The young woman does not stand up and confesses to her husband in treason. Tikhon is confused, the mother-in-law gloats:

    What, son! Where will the will lead? I told you so you didn't want to listen. That's what I've been waiting for!

    Act Five

    Kabanov, meeting on the boulevard with Kuligin, complains to him about the unbearable situation in the house: Katerina, meek and quiet, walks like a shadow, mama, they say, eats her. She sharpened and sharpened Varvara, put her under lock and key, and her daughter ran away from home - most likely with Kudryash, because he also disappeared.

    Boris Wild is sent out of sight - for three years in the Siberian town of Tyakhta.

    The maid Glasha comes, informs that Katerina has gone somewhere. Boris, worried about her, together with Kuligin go in search of her.

    Katerina enters the empty stage, dreaming of seeing and saying goodbye to Boris for the last time. She remembers him, crying:

    My joy, my life, my soul, I love you! Respond!

    Hearing her voice, Boris appears. They mourn together. Boris has completely resigned himself to fate: he is ready to go wherever he is sent. Katerina does not want to return home. What is home, what is in the grave, she reflects. And it's even better in the grave. If only they didn’t seize it and bring it back into the house by force. Exclaiming:

    My friend! My joy! Goodbye!

    In the next apparition, Kabanova, Tikhon, Kuligin, and a worker with a lantern appear. They are looking for Katherine. More people with lanterns come up. Most assume that, they say, it's okay, the lost one will return soon. A voice behind the scenes demands a boat, reporting that a woman has thrown herself into the water.

    From the crowd they say that Katerina was pulled out by Kuligin, noticing her dress in the pool. Tikhon wants to run to her, but his mother does not let him in, threatening with a curse.

    Carry out the body of Katerina. Kuligin says:

    Here is your Katherine. Do what you want with her! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is no longer yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!

    Tikhon tries to blame his mother for the misfortune, but she, as always, holds firm. "There's nothing to complain about," she says.

    But the last in the play, nevertheless, are the words of Tikhon, who exclaims, referring to his dead wife:

    Good for you, Katya! And why did I stay in the world and suffer!

    Below we list the main characters of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" and give them, including their speech characteristics.


    Young woman, wife of Tikhon Kabanov. The nature is impressionable, sublime, subtly feeling people and nature, God-fearing. But at the same time with higher aspirations, yearning for real life.

    He tells Varvara that "he will endure as long as he is patient", but:

    Eh, Varya, you don't know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens! And if it gets too cold for me here, they won't hold me back by any force. I'll throw myself out the window, I'll throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, so I won’t, even if you cut me!

    It is not by chance that the main character was named Katerina by the author (the common version, the full form, more common among the nobles - Catherine). As you know, the name owes its origin to the ancient Greek word "Ekaterini", which means "pure, immaculate." In addition, the name is associated with a woman who lived in the 3rd century and became a martyr for accepting the Christian faith. She was ordered to be executed by the Roman emperor Maximinus.


    Husband of Katherine. The name of the character is also "talking" - he is a quiet hero and by nature is soft, compassionate. But in everything he obeys a stern mother, and if he protests, then as if not seriously, in an undertone. He does not have an opinion, asking everyone for advice. Here even Kuligin:

    What should I do now, tell me! Teach me how to live now! I'm sick of the house, I'm ashamed of people, I'll get down to business - my hands fall off. Now I'm going home; for joy, or what, I'm going?


    Among the characters in Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, this one is the most colorful. The image embodied in Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is a fairly common image in literature of an authoritarian "mother" who knows everything about everything. He relies on traditions and observes them, "under the guise of piety", scolding the young for their ignorance:

    What does youth mean? It's funny to even look at them! If not my own, I would have laughed to my heart's content. They know nothing, no order. They don't know how to say goodbye. It’s good, whoever has elders in the house, they keep the house while they are alive. And after all, too, stupid ones, they want to go free, but when they are released, they get confused for the shame and laughter of good people. Of course, who will regret it, but most of all they laugh. ...So that's the old something and displayed. I don't want to go to another house. And if you go up, then you will spit and get out as soon as possible. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, I don’t know.

    Kuligin, who aptly and succinctly characterizes many, tells Boris about her:

    Hypnotize, sir! The beggars are clothed, but the household is completely jammed!


    "A decently educated", as it is said about him at the beginning of "Thunderstorm", a young man who expects mercy from his uncle, the merchant Wild. But the presence of education does not contribute to his decisiveness and does not play any role in shaping his character. Just as Tikhon is dependent on Kabanikhi, so Boris is dependent on the "shrill man" Diky. Realizing that he will never get an inheritance, and the merchant will eventually just drive him away, laughing, he continues to live as he lived and go with the flow:

    And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum ...


    Sister Tikhon. The girl is cunning, secretive with her mother, practical.

    Her characterization can be expressed in one of her phrases:

    But in my opinion: do what you want, if only it was sewn and covered.

    At the end of the play, Barbara, not wanting to be locked up punished, runs away from home.


    A self-taught inventor, also with a difficult surname, clearly echoing Kulibin. He feels both the beauty of nature and the vices and injustice of human society.

    Disinterested, idealistic and believes that people can be improved, one has only to keep everyone busy. When Boris asks him what he would spend the reward he received for the invention of the "perepetu-mobile", Kuligin replies:

    How, sir! After all, the British give a million; I would use all the money for society, for support. Work must be given to the bourgeoisie. And then there are hands, but there is nothing to work.

    The plot of Kuligin is clearly necessary for the author. To this minor character, the main characters tell all the details of their lives - and what happened and what else can happen. Kuligin seems to hold the whole plot together. In addition, this image carries the same moral purity as the main character. It is no coincidence that it is this character who at the end of the play carries the drowned Katerina out of the river.

    This is a summary of Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm" and its main characters.