Facial cleansing from spider veins. How to deal with rosacea on the face. Is rosacea dangerous?

A woman is so arranged that every part of her face is examined daily in the mirror. Ideally, when the skin is even and elastic. But this is not always the case...

If something superfluous appears on the face, then this can upset many ladies, and for some even provoke depression. Especially if she has not encountered such a problem before, and does not know how to get rid of it.

Cupirosis refers to diseases on the skin of the face. Due to fragile and dilated vessels, a fine mesh appears on it. This pathology occurs mainly in women. Fortunately, it is treatable, but we will find out how below.

It is ugly when the face is covered with spider veins and a mesh, the skin on it becomes red. All this is rosacea, and it not only does not decorate a person, but also carries the threat of suppuration and spread to other parts of the skin. Therefore, if this pathology has arisen, then, without delay, it is necessary to deal with its treatment.

Often rosacea makes itself felt on the cheeks, chin, wings of the nose. On the forehead, it happens much less frequently. Affected skin changes its color from light red to bluish. In this case, everything depends on the neglect of the disease. Areas of the skin that have developed a disease will have a noticeable contrast with healthy skin.

Before you start treating rosacea, you should know for sure that we are dealing with it. The symptoms of this pathology are:

  • the nose or cheeks are covered with a capillary mesh;
  • against the background of healthy skin on the face, the affected areas will look like unpleasant spots;
  • there are many vascular nodules, their sizes can be different, from half a millimeter or more.

When the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis, complex therapy should be started, and in no case should one deal only with disguising the problem as cosmetics.

As already noted, the pathology develops gradually, in several stages, if this ailment is not treated immediately after its appearance. Each stage has its own symptoms:

  • 1 stage.

It's called erythrosis. Occurs under certain circumstances and provoking factors. Sometimes it happens for no reason at all.

The most prone to the onset of the development of the disease are the wings of the nose, cheeks and chin. The sensitivity of the skin in these areas increases, it becomes red. A sick person complains about the occurrence of heat, itching, tingling. This state can last from a couple of minutes to two hours. This pathology of the skin on the face can also spread to the neck.

  • 2 stage.

In problem areas, there is already a constant state of reddening of the skin. The vascular network and asterisks, as well as pigmentation, begin to appear.

  • 3 stage.

There is a development of congestive dermatosis. The skin on the face has an aged appearance. It takes on a grayish color. These problem areas have inflamed areas, which are sometimes covered with a pustular rash. The disease progresses gradually, and its 3rd stage without treatment occurs in 20-30 years from the onset of the pathology.

  • 4 stage.

The skin becomes rough and thickened. This disease is especially noticeable on the nose of the patient, as it becomes pineal.

Varieties of rosacea and its causes

Before starting therapy aimed at curing rosacea, it is advisable to find out what could serve as an impetus for its occurrence, that is, vasodilation and loss of elasticity.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists say that this could happen for two reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • motivating external factors.

Here are some diseases associated with genetics that definitely cause increased fragility of capillaries:

  1. Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis (Sturge-Weber-Crabbe Syndrome) - characterized by the appearance of angiomas;
  2. Louis-Bar syndrome - associated with immunodeficiency;
  3. Randu-Osler disease - arteriovenous aneurysms occur, bleeding due to increased vulnerability of the vessel walls.

These congenital ailments do not give a chance to completely cure rosacea, therefore, in this case, the patient can only eliminate defects in the salons.

External factors are possible such:

  • long stay in the active sun (visiting the beach or gardening);
  • sudden changes in temperature (from frosty air to heat, stay in baths);
  • overstrain of the nervous system (stress, depression);
  • hot and spicy meals;
  • unbalanced food intake or overeating;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of rosacea on the skin of the face (rosacea);
  • venous insufficiency:
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatosis, hepatitis);
  • changes in the human hormonal background (pregnancy, menopause), as well as dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • other chronic diseases.

As we can see, rosacea is not an independent disease, it acts, rather, as a symptom, symbolizing either the presence of the disease, or the need to change lifestyle.

It is very important to find the real reason, and find out why the walls of the blood capillaries lost their elasticity and began to expand, creating "nets" and "stars".

Treatment of rosacea on the face

But if everyone corrects some of the nuances in behavior and nutrition, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine which disease is involved in vascular fragility.

This means that you should contact the experts. It can be a dermacosmetologist or a phlebologist. The doctor, after diagnosing, will first prescribe treatment for the disease that caused rosacea.

If a person has no diseases that are at risk, then care should be taken to get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. And then use certain procedures, and eliminate defects on the skin of the face.

Therapy on the face with rosacea is carried out both with the help of medicines and cosmetic manipulations. But the best option is to approach the problem comprehensively. They also treat rosacea at home, but we should not forget that a visit to the doctor remains mandatory.

Salon procedures

Today, rosacea on the face can be successfully dealt with by cosmetic manipulations. They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the human body, the stage of the disease and financial possibilities. Salon treatments include:

  • laser treatment;
  • ozone therapy;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy.

All these methods will allow you to painlessly and quickly solve the external problem associated with rosacea.

Laser treatment

This is cauterization of blood vessels on the face with a laser beam. The procedure is relatively painless, after its action the person quickly recovers. There are different types of laser machines. The most tangible effect is possessed by those devices that have yellow and green radiation.

Ozone therapy

Conducting a mixture of ozone with oxygen into a vessel with a microneedle. Couperose goes away without scarring or pigmentation. It is one of the best ways to get rid of this disease.

During the procedure, biochemical oxidation is obtained, because of it the vessels with the presence of pathology disappear. In parallel with the main treatment, the result of skin rejuvenation occurs due to filling it with oxygen.

This is the influence of light energy of powerful force on injured vessels, while their adhesion is observed. The capillaries with which coagulation has occurred become hardly noticeable, and over time they completely dissolve. Using this procedure, you can successfully defeat rosacea, as well as improve the general condition of the skin of the face.


By injection, various agents (biologically active substances, vitamins) are introduced that improve blood microcirculation and strengthen the vascular walls. The method from medicine came to cosmetology. It is used for both treatment and prevention.

In this video, you can see how using a special device you can remove couperose vessels on the face.

Improving the condition of the face at home with cosmetics, cleaning and other means

People suffering from rosacea must be able to properly care for their face. To do this, there are tips aimed at a quick effect:

  • Cosmetics can help you with this.

To solve this problem, there are entire lines of cosmetic products. If you can’t find them, then you can take products designed for sensitive skin. Now there are samples with which you can decide whether the product suits you or not.

  • Means, in this case, are selected very carefully.

First, you should exclude those that have an aggressive effect on the skin. These are such cosmetic products as film masks, lotions and tonics on alcohol, rubbing creams.

Creams and other care items containing menthol, mint, cloves, eucalyptus, natural honey and various fragrances are also contraindicated.

  • When using cosmetics, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the skin.

Apply creams to the face gently, with gentle movements, before typing the product with your fingertips.

  • After washing with a towel, the skin on the face is not rubbed, but you just need to lightly get wet.
  • It is forbidden to use massagers, brushes, rough towels.

And also do not use manual cleaning of the skin. It will be much more useful to go for a massage with rosacea to a specialist - it will have a positive effect on the condition of the face.

  • Trips to the bath and sauna must be stopped, because the harm from these trips, in your case, will be more than good.

If bath procedures are very important for you, and you cannot do without them, then you will have to follow the recommendations to minimize the harm caused to you. During the session, cover your face with a wet towel, and heat the bath slightly.

  • Also applies to contraindications and home steam inhalation.
  • It is necessary to follow the diet prescribed for rosacea (read about this below).
  • It is worth fearing not only bath procedures, but also direct sunlight, as well as a long stay in the cold.
  • Collagen masks for this pathology have a positive effect, they are purchased in pharmacies.
  • With rosacea, sport will also help strengthen the walls of the capillaries. Cycling and hiking, swimming, yoga - these are the types that will be useful to you.

Life convinces us every time that health and behavior are interconnected. It is necessary to avoid those negative factors that can aggravate the disease.

Performing proper skin care will no doubt give a good effect, and if you add optimism and complex treatment to it, then the result will be sure.

The doctor tells about how to get rid of the vascular network on the face.

Medicines that can get rid of the vascular network

Therapy for rosacea on the face with medical drugs does not imply that these are the main means of treatment. When the pathology has already manifested itself, then external signs can be removed using one of the considered methods.

The drugs affect the strengthening of blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation. Here are the main remedies prescribed by doctors for rosacea.

Troxevasin: gel or tablets

The release form can be tablet, or in the form of a gel. Contains rutin and vitamin C. These components strengthen capillary walls and increase their elasticity. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindications - gastrointestinal diseases and renal failure, as well as hypersensitivity to rutosides, the appearance of allergies.

Vitamin Askorutin

This medicine has a composition of components similar to Troxevasin, but the difference is in the ratios. This complex of vitamins strengthens the blood vessels and the body as a whole. Available in tablets.

Among the contraindications is thrombophlebitis. A blood test can show the presence or absence of this disease.

To make a tonic with a therapeutic effect from Askorutin, you need to dissolve several tablets in 200 ml of water.

Heparin ointment

Reduces inflammation of the skin, and makes capillary asterisks less noticeable. There are contraindications for the use of ointment for patients with stomach ulcers and low blood clotting.

Cream Dirozeal

A cream in which the base consists of retinaldehyde and dextran sulfate. It has a calming effect on the skin, enhances cellular metabolism, strengthens the epidermis and capillary walls. It also improves blood microcirculation. Removes heat from problematic skin immediately, at the first application.


This is the powder from which the suspension is prepared. It is made from dried freshwater sponge. The drug acts as an analgesic, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

After its application, an increase in blood circulation occurs, the pores and dead epidermis are cleansed, redox processes are activated.

Contraindication is an allergic reaction, personal intolerance.

Cosmetic recipes for face masks

Among the remedies that alleviate the condition of the skin on the face with rosacea, there are also masks made at home from ingredients that can be picked up in the kitchen.

Oatmeal mask

Flakes from this culture occupy one of the first places in the diet, but besides this, they can make an excellent mask for sensitive skin.

To do this, grind the chamomile and add oatmeal to it in the same amount. Add vegetable oil to this mixture, and stir to get a mass of uniform consistency. Apply to face and hold for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water at room temperature.

Herbal Blend Mask

To do this, you need extracts in equal amounts: calendula, dandelion, Japanese safora and grape seed oil. Pour 100 g of boiling water into this solution, stir well. Apply it 2 hours before bedtime, and after 10 minutes get wet with a napkin.

Apple vinegar

It is mixed with water (1: 4) and the problem areas are wiped with this solution 2 times a day.

It perfectly penetrates the skin pores, cleansing them. With rosacea, red clay will be effective, it has a gentle effect.

It is bred with mineral water or chamomile tincture, or with milk. It is desirable to add a tablet of pounded ascorutin to the solution. On sensitive skin, keep the mask up to 5 minutes, and on oily skin - up to 20 minutes.

Lemon mask with honey. To make it, take 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of talc, 5 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Add some water to this solution. Stir and apply on the face. After a third of an hour, the mask is removed with a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.

Grated raw potato mask

Rub it on a fine grater and spread over the skin. It softens it and smoothes wrinkles. Leave the mask for half an hour. Then wash off with infusion of chamomile or calendula.

Aloe mask

For its manufacture, the pulp of the plant is taken. To do this, place the leaves in the refrigerator.

And before the procedure, the skin is washed with infusion of tea, and then the leaf of the plant is cut lengthwise and the problem areas are rubbed with pulp. Next, apply a nourishing cream.

Chemical peel

Before the peeling procedure, consult with a specialist. Manipulation stimulates regeneration, helps to exfoliate dead skin layers. This improves his condition.

Diet for rosacea

Patients with rosacea should adhere to restrictions in certain types of food:

  • salty and spicy dishes;
  • products containing caffeine;
  • chocolate;
  • spicy marinades and sauces.

And you should also completely avoid alcohol-containing drinks, and minimize the use of citrus fruits, tomatoes, liver, sour cream, legumes.

Vitamin complexes have a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face. Vitamin C must be present in their composition - it increases vascular tone and activates the formation of collagen. Vitamin P is also needed - it increases capillary elasticity, and vitamin K strengthens them.

Preventive measures

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. This also applies to rosacea on the face. Therefore, from the age of 15, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of this pathology.

At this age, many teenagers begin to peel off the skin, and in order to avoid negative consequences, you should use products for a sensitive skin type, if necessary, protect the skin from exposure to wind, sun and frost, monitor its hydration, and wash your face with water at room temperature.

If you follow the rationality of nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle - give up bad habits and unbalanced food intake, then in the absence of hereditary factors, there are good chances to never experience rosacea on yourself. But if the disease has appeared, then an integrated approach to its treatment will help to cope with this pathology, and return the skin to a satisfactory condition.

Cuperosis is a small vascular network caused by impaired blood circulation. These veins are located close to the surface of the skin and resemble cobwebs or tree branches. They are usually red, purple, or blue in color and are most noticeable on fair skin. Such a mesh can be in any part of the body. But most often found on the legs, hips, face. Most of the problems are caused by rosacea on the face. This defect can occur in both men and women. Fortunately, this condition itself does not pose any harm to health.

This skin defect has a scientific name - telangiectasia. It is similar to varicose veins, only the swelling of the veins is less pronounced.

Despite the fact that rosacea is not a disease, but a cosmetic defect, before treatment, be sure to determine the cause that caused the appearance of the vascular network.

Couperosis on the face of the cause

Causes of rosacea on the face may differ from rosacea on other parts of the body. The main reasons for its appearance are:

venous deficit;

Free radical damage;


Venous deficiency is caused by a violation of the backflow of blood in the veins, which causes increased pressure in them and damages the walls of blood vessels. This condition can be caused by:

Prolonged inflammation;

High blood pressure;


Deep peeling of the skin of the face when the capillaries are damaged.

As we get older, our blood vessels become weaker and thinner, more fragile.

Prolonged exposure to the sun;


makes blood capillaries more visible.

Lifestyle also contributes to the formation of the vascular network on the face:


Nutrition (passion for coffee, chocolate, hot or spicy food);

Temperature changes;

visual tension;

Lack of exercise.

In addition, the cause of couperza can be:


hereditary predisposition;

The use of contraceptive drugs;

Some vascular diseases;

Endocrine diseases.

The reasons can also be dry thinned skin, malnutrition, diseases of internal organs.

Remedies for rosacea on the face are not only external agents (ointments and creams), but also oral preparations that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation for the most effective action in all directions.

Coupeprose how to treat at home

Modern medicine and cosmetology offers many remedies for the treatment of rosacea. But instead of buying expensive drugs and going for equally cheap procedures, it may be worth trying to get rid of rosacea with home remedies first. Moreover, the choice of such products is not inferior to those offered by cosmetologists and pharmacists.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural remedies for spider veins. You can either take apple cider vinegar internally once or twice a day by adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water, or you can make masks with it.

For a mask, soak a piece of cloth with natural apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to apply wipes twice a day until the disappearance of blood vessels, at least for two months.

horse chestnut tincture

Horse chestnut is a flowering plant, and extracts from its seeds are widely used to treat circulatory problems, including varicose veins.

Horse chestnut tincture can also be used to remove spider veins. It contains escin, a compound that helps strengthen blood vessels. In addition, chestnut fruits are rich in tannins and saponins, which give them anti-inflammatory properties and help improve blood circulation and vein tone, restore their elasticity.

Horse chestnut tincture also relieves swelling, itching, pain and fatigue in the legs. It can be taken orally as a prophylactic. But there is another way to use it.

Mix chestnut tincture with grape seed oil in a ratio of 1:1 and gently massage the mixture into the skin with massage movements. Leave overnight. Rinse in the morning with water or remove with a tissue.

Instead of grape seed oil, you can use rosehip oil, olive, calendula, comfrey, arnica. They have almost the same effect.

Oils for rosacea

Mustard and sesame oil

Both of these oils are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to improve blood flow to the affected part. They effectively reduce unwanted red and blue lines in the spider veins.

To use this natural remedy, you need to take a few drops of mustard or sesame oil and apply twice to the vein network.

You can use mustard and sesame essential oils. In this case, they must be diluted with a carrier oil.

Grape seed oil

Grape seed oil is the perfect remedy you are looking for to cure rosacea. This oil acts as a very deep moisturizer. It can treat acne, which can be one of the causes of rosacea on the face, as it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Grape seeds contain vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, antioxidants. These substances are also found in the skin of grapes. All these compounds relieve inflammation, improve the structure of blood vessels, protecting them from damage by free radicals, improve elasticity, enhance the synthesis of vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen.

The oil can be applied directly to the affected area twice a day and kept for at least an hour.

If you haven't thrown away the grape seeds, you can grind them up and make a powder that you can eat by simply adding them to any dish.

Another recipe that includes grape seed oil.

Take 3 teaspoons of grapeseed oil

Add 3 teaspoons of jojoba oil and

8 drops of any essential oil (geranium, patchouli, etc.)

Mix everything in a small bottle with a dispenser or sprayer.

Apply a few drops of the mixture to warm hands and gently massage into the skin of the face for 10 minutes. Leave for a couple of hours or overnight.


Massage can also be a useful way to get rid of facial veins. You need to gently and gently massage the affected area, which will help improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and pain.

When performing a massage, be sure to use oil. It can be one of the above oils or olive, unrefined coconut. They also contain antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Massage the affected area of ​​the skin for several minutes several times a day. To improve blood circulation, you can add essential oils: lemon, rosemary, ginger, eucalyptus, peppermint, cypress and others.

Pharmaceutical remedies for rosacea on the face

In the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made remedies for rosacea, which will help you quickly solve the problem. They purposefully eliminate irritation, relieve inflammation, strengthen blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

Drug treatment and prevention of rosacea are based on the use of three forms of external agents: ointment, cream, gel. These tools are fundamentally different. It is necessary to understand the difference in order to choose the right drug for your skin type: ointment - for dry, gel for complex and problematic, cream - for any skin.

Troxevasin for rosacea on the face

The active substance in this medicinal preparation is troxerutin (a derivative of rutin). It is produced in the form of a gel and has a high permeability: after 30 minutes it penetrates into the dermis, after 2 hours - into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It is used to treat varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic venous insufficiency, edema after injuries.

Use 2 times a day, apply to the problem area with a gentle massage until the product is completely absorbed. The first changes with regular use are visible on the 6-7th day. If not, then you should consult a dermatologist.

Dirozeal rosacea cream

Diroseal is a brand of the French laboratory Avene, specially designed for skin suffering from rosacea. Sensitive, thinned, with a pronounced network of capillaries for such skin, the only representative of this line was created - Avene Diroseal cream.

All Avene medicines are created with the active use of thermal water from a source discovered back in the 18th century. Water contains a low amount of minerals, while it has a neutral level of acidity and is characterized by a high level of oligoelements (microelements that can be absorbed at the cellular level).

The French product Avene Diroseal has been discontinued. It was replaced by the even more efficient Avene Antirougeurs. In addition to thermal water, the composition includes safflower extract, butcher's broom root extract (ruscus aculeatus), which has the ability to powerfully affect blood vessels, cleansing and improving their work. The Swiss ointment Stop Cuperoz Cream (Stop rosacea) was also made with it.

Dr. Taffy rosacea cream

A cosmetic line from an Italian who managed to make his products a quality standard - the leader in the world of essential oils (along with Vivisan). The company produces only 100% natural products. Dr. Taffi also has a series of products for rosacea and rosacea. Cream for rosacea contains: shea butter (shea butter), avocado, immortelle, calendula. The line also includes cleansing milk and tonic.

Cream Bark

Cream capillaroprotector Kora of the Russian company is intended for the prevention of rosacea, whitening and strengthening the skin. In the official description of the remedy, there are no promises to remove existing vascular networks. The cream should prevent rosacea. The composition of the product includes: thermal water, vitamin C, phytoextracts, specially selected for the purpose of strengthening the skin tissue, rutin and oils that relieve irritation and inflammation.

Reviews are contradictory: there are high marks, but criticism prevails.

Heparin ointment for rosacea

Antithrombotic drug for the treatment of any external manifestations of vascular problems: from hemorrhoids to subcutaneous hematomas. The ointment does not have a direct purpose to eliminate rosacea. The reviews note its effectiveness against bruises, hemorrhoids, edema, blood clots, varicose veins, and swelling under the eyes. There are some reviews about the quick results of the fight against spider veins on the face, which are visible after three days of regular use.

Vitamins for rosacea

It is equally important to strengthen the walls of blood vessels from the inside. For this, vitamins and vitamin complexes are intended. Anti-couperose agents for external use are obviously weaker than drugs taken orally. This is due to the difficulties of transporting active substances to the vessels through the layers of the dermis.

Askorutin with rosacea on the face

It is a tablet for oral administration. This vitamin complex contains only rutoside (rutin) and ascorbic acid. These two components are:

  1. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The vascular network becomes less pronounced.
  2. They have an antioxidant effect on the entire body: all tissues are rejuvenated.
  3. Reduce the manifestations of allergies and age spots.

In order to make the skin clean, strong, radiant, take 2-3 tablets 3 times a day. Do not vary the dose depending on the size of the spots. Vitamin C is well excreted by the body, but even its excessive use can be harmful:

Menstrual irregularities;

digestive problems;


Sleep disturbance.

Outwardly, askorutin is used for post-acne and spots in the form of a mask.

Face mask with ascorutin from rosacea

  1. Mix 3 crushed tablets with 1 tablespoon of cornmeal (starch).
  2. Add any vegetable oil.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply to the skin 1 hour before bedtime, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Before using it inside, you should take a blood test - with a tendency to thrombosis, ascorutin is prohibited. Other contraindications are kidney stones, diabetes.

The following vitamins will help improve the condition of blood vessels:

  1. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Constricts blood vessels and is involved in the process of collagen synthesis.
  2. Vitamin P. This is the general name for a group of vitamins. Each of them increases the elasticity and density of tissues. Works great in combination with ascorbic acid.
  3. Vitamin K. Its deficiency leads to thinning and fragility of the walls of blood vessels.

Pay attention to dosages! It is impossible to exceed the amount of vitamins. The use of drugs can be replaced with natural products containing the right substances.

Cosmetics for rosacea

Professional cosmetics give more inconsistent results. If pharmacy products act purposefully, then cosmetic products must be selected individually. The advantage of such products: they also relieve other skin problems.

Prophylactic remedies for rosacea

Prevention includes lifestyle changes and cosmetic measures:

  1. Proper nutrition, with the exception of spicy, salty, too hot and alcohol. Include foods rich in vitamins K, C, P, E in the menu. Monitor the uniformity of physical activity.
  2. Do not expose the skin to hot water, air or steam. Likewise, cold. Avoid thermal masks. Medical masks with such components as fresh cucumber, melon, chamomile, raw yolk are shown.
  3. Exclude aggressive cosmetics from care, do not use rough mechanical scrubs.
  4. Be careful with natural products. For example, tea tree oil (to relieve inflammation) greatly dries the skin.
  5. When massaging the face, it is better to do acupressure, or a special therapeutic one.
  6. Do not appear in the sun without a protective coating. Choose a strong enough cream (SPF level from 50).
  7. Look for any cosmetics, including foundation, marked "for sensitive or ultra-sensitive skin."
  8. In addition to special remedies for rosacea, provide high-quality general facial care: sufficient hydration (this is important!), protection in winter (special frost creams) and in summer.

It is not necessary to select special anti-couperose agents. It is enough to properly build care to strengthen the skin and blood vessels. These can be tonics, lotions, masks and creams with vitamin C, rutin, niacin, vitamin K, E.

Be sure to check products for allergenicity, you should choose cosmetic lines for sensitive skin with a soothing effect (for example, TianDe cream and essence with hydrolyzed collagen).

For washing, you should use soft milk or cream, products with alcohol are excluded.

For toning - micellar water.

Remove peels and scrubs - the mechanical effect on the skin should be excluded.

Use oils (for example, Clarins Santal oil for dry and sensitive skin) and cosmetic clay - red strengthens well.

A day cream must have good UV protection and be ideally suited to the type of skin: it can be a Bark pharmacy cream that strengthens blood vessels, an emulsion for sensitive skin from Swissline, at night - horse chestnut oil, tamanu.

Today, many doctors diagnose rosacea on the face in their patients, the causes and treatment of which are of interest to a large number of people. With such a disease, the skin reacts very sharply to external factors.

Especially if she's sensitive. This can lead to the fact that even with a small temperature difference, redness, inflammation, burning sensation, itching and tingling appear on it.

These symptoms indicate that a phenomenon such as is developing. Often, this problem accompanies women with fair skin, but men are also susceptible to rosacea. What is causing this problem? What are the true causes of rosacea on the face?

Couperose on the face - what is it?

Couperosis is characterized by impaired blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. Stagnation of blood leads to thinning of the walls of the capillaries due to the large load on them.

They become brittle and brittle. Expansion of blood vessels on the face, the appearance of a mesh or spider veins on the cheeks - all these are the main signs of facial rosacea.

Other symptoms of the disease are the appearance of hypersensitivity on the skin, the development of irritation, dryness and redness on it. In a more advanced stage, rosacea is characterized by the appearance of a vascular network (telangiectasia) that occurs in the area of ​​capillary damage, but we have described the signs and symptoms in more detail below.

The concepts of "rosacea" and "enlarged capillary" are synonymous, and are only a symptom of a skin disease, and "rosacea" is a diagnosis that means a chronic skin disease, its initial stage is characterized by rosacea.

Symptoms of the disease

We have found a unique organization in the US, the National Rosacea Society, dedicated to improving the lives of the 16 million Americans who suffer from this widespread but poorly understood skin condition.

The organization's website has comprehensive information that not every specialist knows.

Primary signs of rosacea

  • Facial redness(sharp tide)
    Many people with rosacea have frequent redness or blushing cider. This redness of the face can come and go and is often the earliest sign of the disorder.
  • Permanent redness
    Persistent redness of the face is the most common individual sign of rosacea and may resemble a blush or sunburn that does not go away.
  • Seals / swelling / bumps and pimples
    Small red solid bumps or purulent pimples often develop. Although they may resemble acne, blackheads are absent and there may be burning or chills.
  • Visible blood vessels
    In many people with rosacea, small blood vessels become visible on the skin.

Other potential signs and symptoms

  • Eye irritation
    In many people with rosacea, the eyes can be irritated and appear watery or bleeding, a condition known as ocular rosacea. The eyelids can also become red and swollen, and styes are common. Severe cases can lead to corneal damage and vision loss without medical attention.
  • Burning or stinging effect
    The face may often burn or sting. Itching or a feeling of tightness may also develop.
  • dry appearance
    The central part of the face may be rough and apparently very dry.
  • plaques
    Raised above the surface of the entire level of the skin, red spots, known as plaques, can develop without changes in the surrounding skin.
  • Skin thickening
    The skin may thicken and enlarge from excess tissue, most commonly on the nose. This condition, known as rhinophyma (this is a tumor-like benign skin change), affects more men than women.
  • Swelling
    Facial swelling, known as edema, may accompany other signs of rosacea or occur independently.
  • Signs not on the face
    Signs and symptoms of rosacea can also develop outside of the face, most commonly on the neck, chest, scalp, or ears.

Couperosis on the face: the causes of its appearance

Doctors say that the main reason for the appearance of asterisks is a genetic predisposition.

Additional factors that lead to the development of rosacea are:

  1. Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Red wine has a vasodilating effect on the skin. This negatively affects the skin of the face.
  2. Having bad habits. They have a negative effect on the circulatory system and contribute to the development of rosacea.
  3. Eating very hot or spicy foods, which leads to capillary fragility.
  4. Sharp temperature changes. People should avoid staying in an area with an aggressive climate for a long time, exclude temperature extremes and not jump from the bathhouse into cold water.
  5. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the skin. Direct sunlight or a long stay in the solarium destroys the capillaries on the surface of the face.
  6. aggressive products. These include hot chocolate and coffee. They increase blood flow to the surface of the face.
  7. Stress, emotional swings, nervous breakdowns. They increase pressure and negatively affect blood vessels.

Many women often ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to wipe the face with a piece of ice with rosacea?”. Doctors give an unequivocal answer to this question - “NO!”

How is Rosacea treated?

Since the signs and symptoms of rosacea vary from one patient to another, the treatment must be adapted by the doctor for each individual case.

Medical therapy (oral)

Initially, the doctor must determine the cause of the disease. In the event that the disease is associated with a person having problems in the internal organs, then he is prescribed medications that help to eliminate them.

Oral therapy for redness is safe for long-term use.

Dermatologists often prescribe an initial treatment with oral and topical therapies for immediate control of the condition, followed by long-term use of topical therapies to maintain remission.

Medicines for rosacea

Doctors often prescribe such pharmaceuticals as Askorutin, Vikasol, Troxevasin.

  1. Ascorutin is prescribed for severe rosacea. It is also used for the appearance of rosacea on the legs. Askorutin contains such important elements as vitamin C and R. The course of admission depends on the severity and nature of the damage.
  2. Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K. The body requires a small amount, so it is usually prescribed in a small dosage. The drug gives the skin elasticity and improves blood circulation.
  3. Troxevasin capsules are prescribed to achieve the best effect. Often tablets are used in conjunction with ointment. The medicine is prescribed for a large area of ​​damage.

Drugs are sold in pharmacies and their cost is very different.

Ocular rosacea can be treated with antibiotics and other therapies.

Skin care

Patients should check with their physicians to ensure their skin care routine is compatible with their rosacea.

Never pull, rub your face when washing, and do not use a rough sponge to wash.

Patients can apply non-irritating skin care products as needed, and it is also recommended to protect the skin from sun exposure with a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.

Cosmetics can be used to hide the effects of rosacea. To combat redness, you can apply green makeup or green tinted bases. This may be followed by a skin tone base with natural yellow undertones while avoiding pink or orange colors.

How Green Concealer Works

Basically, hues that are opposite each other on the color palette cancel each other out. If the skin is red, a green concealer could neutralize the look, since green and red are opposites. In addition to green concealer, other popular shades include:

  • peach (for dark circles)
  • yellow (to hide blemishes)
  • lavender (to brighten the look)

Green concealer is usually used before foundation and foundation. Once you've covered imperfections with one or more shades from the corrective palette, you won't need to apply the usual amount of foundation.

Modern methods of getting rid of rosacea

If necessary, treatment with lasers, intense pulsed light sources, or other medical and surgical devices that reduce extensive redness or distortion of the nose can be used to remove visible blood vessels.

Ultrasonic face cleaning

Currently, in medicine there are a huge number of methods for getting rid of spider veins. Basically, the treatment is based on the use of special cosmetic devices.

However, before the procedure, a person should cleanse the skin of the face using ultrasound. This will speed up the process of skin regeneration and improve the penetration of nutrients under the skin.

More details about this procedure can be found in the following video:

Carefully study the procedure of ultrasonic facial cleansing, and also analyze patient reviews!

How to remove rosacea with a laser

During the procedure, the laser beam quickly heats up and solders the damaged vessel. The advantages of this procedure are that large areas of the face can be treated with a laser, and after the end of exposure, a person can return to a normal lifestyle.

Skin care after the procedure is not required. It is important to remember that after manipulation, a person should avoid stressful situations and completely abandon alcohol.

You can learn more about the whole process in the following video:

Doctors note that after the removal of spider veins with a laser, a person does not have any scars on his face.

Photorejuvenation - a way to remove the vascular network

This method is based on the ability of human cells to absorb light in separate areas, and not the entire surface of the skin. During photorejuvenation, high-precision light pulses have a point effect on problem areas of the skin.

The advantage of the method is that other areas are not significantly affected, including that they do not heat up. This method removes the external manifestations of the disease, and also removes its main cause.

Sunanda Chew


Couperosis on the face is diagnosed in many people. To get rid of it, I recommend a comprehensive approach to the issue. To do this, you need to follow simple rules, review your diet, eliminate the cause of the disease. Further, drug therapy and the use of special ointments come to the rescue. To definitely remove spider veins, redness, I advise you to pay attention to hardware methods. Perhaps the most effective enemy of rosacea is the laser. But, in addition to it, you can try photorejuvenation, ozone therapy, mesotherapy. These procedures also proved to be excellent in the fight against rosacea. If you manage to get rid of the problem, do everything to protect yourself from the reappearance of the disease. To do this, consider the reasons for its appearance, adjust your lifestyle, give up alcohol-containing products, take care of your skin.

Couperosis on the face, the treatment (drugs) of which depends on the stage of the disease, causes inconvenience to many people, especially women. This disease cannot be considered a cosmetic defect. Couperose is a medical condition that should be taken seriously. Moreover, when rosacea is detected on the face, treatment should be selected after consulting a dermatologist.

Self-medication can lead to the opposite effect, then therapy can be delayed for a very long time. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account the psychological impact that the disease has, loosening the human nervous system.

What is rosacea on the face?

Couperosis on the face has the appearance of skin hyperemia and inflammatory manifestations resulting from impaired blood circulation in small capillaries when they are damaged. The main localization is the cheeks, forehead, chin and wings of the nose. The pathogenesis is based on the fact that in the upper layers of the epidermis, when blood microcirculation is disturbed, capillary blood stasis occurs. This is expressed in the appearance of excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels. The stenotic tissue, unable to withstand the increased load, begins to destruct with loss of elasticity. The resulting fragility leads to deformation and damage to blood vessels, leading to microscopic hemorrhages.

The second direction of pathogenesis is atrophic destruction. As a result of atrophic processes, thinning of the epidermis occurs and increased fragility of capillaries occurs. One of the culprits of destruction is silicon. Its deficiency causes cracking of the vascular tissue.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of rosacea on the face - redness of the skin, protruding through the skin capillary network (red-orange or purple).

According to the severity of symptoms, 3 stages of rosacea are distinguished:

  • Slight redness for no apparent reason, occasionally itching, tightness of the skin. Capillary patterns are almost indistinguishable.
  • Single translucent capillaries, the process of vasodilation and blockage of the lumen develop.
  • A bright capillary network, itching, burning, telangiectasia becomes noticeable.

Etiology of the disease

Couperosis on the face with sensitive skin provokes a number of internal and external factors. The main reasons are genetic predisposition and hormonal imbalance.

Other precipitating causes include temperature extremes (eg, ice compress, cold water after a steam room, going out of heat into frost), extreme weather conditions (scorching sun, frost, wind), improper diet, nicotine, alcohol abuse (especially red fortified wine) , excessive solar ultraviolet, drinking strong coffee, dark chocolate, stress, lowering immunity.

Principles of treatment of rosacea

The treatment regimen for rosacea on the face is selected taking into account the stage of the disease and the degree of tissue damage. At stage 1, preventive cosmetics are applied. Enough moisturizing, protection of the face from ultraviolet radiation and weather influences, stimulants of superficial blood microcirculation. If it is possible to eliminate the etiological causes, then the transition of the pathology to the following stages can be excluded.

When rosacea enters stage 2, effective assistance to blood circulation, elimination of metabolic imbalances, and restoration of affected tissues are needed. In this phase, external therapy will have to be used. Effective treatment is provided by physiotherapeutic methods and various methods of cleaning the skin.

With advanced rosacea, effective clinical measures are needed: coagulation of destroyed capillaries and their sclerosis.

The treatment will not be complete if you do not provide optimal nutrition to the skin of the face. The rosacea diet is based on maintaining a sparing diet and eating regimen. In addition, we should not forget about additional therapeutic and preventive procedures: gentle facial massage, skin cleansing, strengthening of mimic muscles (face gymnastics).

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of rosacea can be carried out with the help of local therapy, i.e. the use of external agents in the form of ointments, creams, lotions, compresses. However, with a significant lesion, external agents are not always effective: they do not penetrate well into small capillaries.

Systemic therapy uses drugs in the form of tablets or injections, and therapeutic ingredients, moving with the blood stream, quietly penetrate even the smallest blood vessels.

The following drugs are widely used as systemic drugs for rosacea:

  • Troxevasin is a drug based on ascorbic acid and rutin. It strengthens stenotic tissues, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, is available in the form of tablets, but can also be used in the form of a gel for external application.
  • Askorutin contains vitamin P and ascorbic acid, strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • Isoflavones effectively help to remove various types of toxins from the vessels.
  • Adrenaline has a vasoconstrictive effect, eliminates redness of the skin.

For the treatment of rosacea on the face, external agents containing vitamins, plant components based on calendula, horse chestnut are used. Of the most common creams, the following can be recommended: Couperose A, Rozelian Uriage, 24 hours, Aven Antiruzher Plus. They are specifically designed to eliminate redness and capillary patterns.

Other treatments

Treatment of the disease should, first of all, ensure the normalization of facial blood microcirculation in the surface layers, reduce pressure in the capillaries, and strengthen vascular tissues. For the complex treatment and prevention of rosacea on the face, a number of specialized techniques are used:

  • Enzyme peeling: facial skin is cleaned with preparations based on enzymes of plant origin - medicinal ingredients penetrate into the deeper layers.
  • Vitamin therapy: an important condition for effective treatment is the introduction of vitamins C, P and K; after cleaning the skin, formulations containing these vitamins are applied to it. The effect is enhanced by the additional application of nutritional mixtures based on grape seed oil, mallow extract.
  • Zinc-based preparations are especially effective for rosacea. Green tea extract has a similar effect.
  • Fat mantle. A mask is made in the form of a water-lipid mantle. Creams containing arnica extract, rutin, peanut oil, grape seed oil, olive leaf extract, fructose, glycine have shown themselves well.
  • Microsclerotherapy: sclerosan is injected into the blood vessels with a special thin needle, which provides a narrowing of the capillaries. The main disadvantage is the impossibility of introducing into the smallest capillaries, which are most often affected.
  • Electrocoagulation: a thin electrode is drawn along the damaged vessel, the electric field of the electrode creates a therapeutic effect, that is, it eliminates capillary patterns and makes the vessels invisible.
  • Ozone therapy: ozone is introduced into the vessels, which has a strengthening and regenerating effect on the vascular tissues.
  • Laser photocoagulation: a laser beam source is passed along the damaged vessels, the tissues are heated, leading to the normalization of blood circulation, restoration of the tissue structure.
  • From folk remedies, compresses from the infusion of pharmacy chamomile, a facial mask from a mixture of lanolin, vegetable oil, and starch are widely used. The face is cleansed with a raw potato, a mask is made from a mixture of rutin, sophora extract, grape seed oil, dandelion flowers and calendula.

Telangiectasia is the scientific name for rosacea. This disease manifests itself at any age in the form of a vascular subcutaneous network on the face. These can be dilated capillaries, venules or arterioles.

You need to reassure women in advance - this manifestation is not a disease. However, from an aesthetic point of view, such spots or stripes do not look very impressive. So how do you deal with this problem on your own?

Couperosis on the face: external manifestations

To choose the right course of procedures, you need to make sure that this redness is really rosacea, and not something else. It is distinguished by the following features:

The appearance of "asterisks" - a lot of plexus of vessels;
First of all, these spots can form on the nose or cheekbones;
As a rule, the changes have a bright (burgundy or red) color, which strongly distinguishes them from the background of the skin tone;
Stars can vary greatly in size. They range in diameter from half a millimeter to one millimeter. If the "asterisk" has already formed, then without appropriate recovery procedures, it will only grow.

To choose the right means for restoring the skin, you need to know the causes of this defect.

If you do everything right, then very soon you will not have to cover up the "stars" with a thick layer.

Couperosis on the face: causes

If you decide to take up the treatment of this problem, analyze your lifestyle. As a rule, it is in the conduct of an unhealthy lifestyle, and in poor nutrition, the origins of the disease. The second reason is congenital skin defects.

Couperose is a congenital defect of the skin.

In this case, telangiectasia occurs as a result of hereditary diseases:

Weakened human immune system;
The thinned walls of the vessels of the circulatory system, which often burst, and cause profuse bruising;
Tumors on small vessels of the circulatory system.

In specific cases, the elimination of the problem of rosacea is impossible. This defect disappears only when the disease is cured. This deficiency can be temporarily eliminated only with regular visits to a beautician.

Couperose as an acquired defect.

In this situation, getting rid of rosacea on the face is not a problem. The main thing is to find out the reason for its appearance. Several factors provoke the appearance of vascular "asterisks":

Genetic predisposition to unreasonable bruising and bruising. The walls of the vessels are so weak that a pressure jump is enough, and the vessels burst;
Acne. This category includes acne rosacea;
Inflammation, swelling or immune deficiency of the vessels caused by vascular sclerosis;
Sudden jumps in temperature or atmospheric pressure;
Not dosed exposure to UV rays. This applies to frequent tanning both outdoors and in a solarium;
Pathologies of internal organs - liver and pancreas;
Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys;
Pregnancy and lactation;
Susceptibility to alcohol and tobacco addiction;
Irrational and improper nutrition. An abundance of spicy, fatty, salty foods, drinks with a high content of gases or dyes;
Stress and exposure to strong emotional outbursts. In this case, blood pressure changes dramatically, and the circulatory system simply cannot withstand these changes.

As a rule, the factors that cause rosacea on the face are not isolated. This could be several reasons.

Therefore, the best thing in this situation is medical examination. The list of doctors passed must include:

Phlebologist. A doctor who will determine the condition of the vessels, patency, and the normal operation of the valves of the circulatory system;
Dermatologist. With this doctor, you will rule out allergies and dermatitis;
Endocrinologist. Reveal the endocrine dependence of your disease on thyroid diseases, etc.;
Neurologist. Determine possible failures of the nervous system that caused rosacea.

If you have a disease, then in the process of treatment, you can use folk remedies to get rid of rosacea. So the process will go faster, and you will soon get rid of vascular spots on your face.

For the correct treatment of this disease, first of all, systematic and consistent facial skin care is necessary. To do this, follow the recommendations of experts:

Decorative and caring cosmetics should be selected taking into account that they do not contain too aggressive components that can cause even more damage to the skin. For the period of restoration of the epidermis, refrain from using film masks, creams with a burning effect, alcohol-containing products, cosmetics, the components of which include honey, lemon, mint, aloe, eucalyptus, from cosmetic clay masks;
At home, use only reliable, hypoallergenic products for skin care;
Apply medical cosmetics to the lesions should be light movements, without pressure and rubbing;
You can not wipe your face in the usual way after washing. Prepare a soft towel made of natural fabric, and blot your face with it;
Eliminate massage devices and products that you use at home every day. It is better to contact a beautician who will do it right, healing and restoring the skin;
It is impossible at this time to do hot inhalations, and poultices;
Cleaning the face with the help of special devices is contraindicated. Try not to do this even in the cabin;

During this period, it is necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of cheese, sour-milk, legumes, citrus fruits, confectionery products (in particular, chocolate). Try not to eat liver (any) and tomatoes;
Refuse to visit saunas and solariums;
Take a complex of vitamins that restore normal vascular activity;
An excellent tool for additional treatment of rosacea on the face is masks, which include collagen in large quantities;
Strengthen the walls of the blood vessels of the circulatory system will help sports. In particular, going to the swimming pool and jogging in the fresh air helps a lot.

From the above list of recommendations, we can conclude that external manifestations on the skin very often directly depend on how a person relates to his health. The main thing - do not postpone the solution of the problem indefinitely. Can't he cope with the disease on his own? Contact the experts. They know exactly how and by what means to help you.

Couperosis on the face: treatment

After examining the patient, the dermatologist will prescribe a course of treatment. As a rule, these are traditional drugs that are suitable for everyone:

Troxevasin ointment. This medicine has only natural ingredients, is hypoallergenic and acts like cement to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Among the components of the product are ascorbic acid and rutin. Troxevasin is also available in tablet form. The complex use of the product allows you to increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, fill thinned areas;
Vitamins Askorutin. This is a wonderful tool for strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It contains the same ascorbic acid and vitamin P;
Preparations based on soy beans (isoflavonoids). With their help, toxins are removed from the body, which accumulate in tissue cells due to impaired blood flow;
The composition of most drugs for the treatment of rosacea includes adrenaline. This is a good blood-thinning agent that allows you to restore the normal functioning of small capillaries.

In beauty salons, a whole range of procedures has been developed to get rid of rosacea:

Facial cleansing (peeling) with. These drugs burn the top layer of the skin, in which the diseased capillaries are located. This procedure stimulates skin cells to actively divide. For some time, the cover is completely renewed, it becomes smooth and elastic. The walls of the vessels return to tone, and for some time, the stars do not appear again. Products containing active fruit acids include fitting, almond with milk, glycolic peeling.
The most popular and painless procedure is the treatment of asterisks with a laser. Its advantages are that the problem goes away in several procedures. However, the problem is that the laser only removes already formed stars, but does not radiate them, and does not prevent the appearance of new formations.

Under the action of a directed beam, the “torn” vessel sticks together and the stars disappear.

Treatment of rosacea with an ozone cocktail involves injections under the skin. This method is applicable for those whose skin has long suffered from this problem. Asterisks of any size and complexity are removed using ozone therapy.
Sometimes cosmetologists recommend ultrasonic procedures. However, this option is intended only for those who have minor skin lesions, and have appeared relatively recently. In the event that the problem is running, treatment in this way may become useless.

Most women use homemade beauty products. No exception and the problem with rosacea. To do this, you do not need to buy expensive cosmetic creams, poultices and lotions, it is enough to follow one rule - to exclude the presence of burning components in the products:

mustard powder;
Ginger in any form;
onion, garlic;
Lemon and other citrus fruits;

The following are suitable components for rosacea masks:

Cool herbal compresses from decoctions of medicinal chamomile, marigolds, St. John's wort flowers;
Fruit gruels from raspberry, sea buckthorn, banana;
Puree from fresh vegetables - cucumbers, potatoes;
Masks made from potato or corn starch;
Rubbing the skin with ice from herbal decoctions.

Some types of essential vegetable oils are also used to treat rosacea:

thyme ether;
Essential concentrate of horse chestnut;
medicinal, rosemary, sage;
Extract from a walnut.

Homemade masks for rosacea

One of the most effective home remedies for rosacea is fruit vinegar. You can buy grape or apple at the store, or make your own.

This tool is used inside. On an empty stomach, this drug should not be taken. It is better to take it in the amount indicated in the recipe an hour after eating in the morning.

Fruit vinegar - 1 tsp;
Boiled water, cooled to room temperature - 1 cup;
Honey - 2 tsp

The bite relieves redness of the skin, and makes them less noticeable. In addition, use fruit vinegar in the form of a skin lotion in the complex before bed. Brew strong green tea, cool it to room temperature and add 1 part of vinegar to 6 parts of tea.

In this case, you remove the upper, dead layer of scales, and stimulate the growth of new, healthy epidermal cells.

Another surprisingly cheap and effective remedy for rosacea is hydrogen peroxide. The action of this drug is not aimed at treatment, but at whitening spider veins. It is especially indicated for those who have oily skin. Only 3% hydrogen peroxide can be used on the skin. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. This should be done in the evening, on clean skin. After that, apply the cream or ointment for rosacea prescribed by the doctor to the affected area.

A wonderful remedy for stars on the face is a scrub with Hercules, prepared at home. To do this, grind in a blender, add kefir or yogurt to them until a slurry is formed, and apply to clean face skin in circular motions, gently rubbing the scrub over your face. Wash off with warm water.

Another option for an oatmeal scrub is to mix their flour with crushed raspberries, kaolin and boiled water. All components are mixed, and with the help of water they are brought to the desired consistency. The tool is used according to the same scheme as for the first version of the scrub.

January 19, 2014, 18:39