If a woman gives her soul to the unclean, what happens. About witchcraft. What to do with the gift

The soul is the totality of human energies responsible for the general tone of life, the ability to enjoy the processes of life and love. The presence of these subtle energies leads to the fact that a woman knows how to maintain relationships, please men and keep warmth at home.

How to Determine Soul Loss

In Indian mythology, the subtle energies called “soul” are called “hekura”, in African “lembi”. “Loss of the soul” is the giving away of these same energies.

Most often, “loss of soul” is a situation when they say something like this: “He left and took his soul.”

With “loss of soul” there is complete dissolution in the partner. Her whole life is sacrificed for his sake, there are practically no interests of her own - the woman lives in the interests of her partner.

The state of a broken relationship in such cases is perceived as death. Yes, in general, that’s how it is. Someone who has “lost their soul” has to learn to live for themselves, and this is very difficult. It's hard to find a hobby, job, study...

“Loss of the soul” is often confused with a love spell, although the difference is huge.

A love spell is a violent magical action, and “loss of soul” is a voluntary surrender.

In the case of “loss of soul,” there is no happy outcome: either the partners separate, or the one who “lost the soul” becomes seriously ill...

Symptoms of no soul

The symptoms of a person who has “lost” their soul are very similar to the consequences of a love spell.

  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Loss of attractiveness.
  • Dull look.
  • Oddities in behavior and clothing.
  • Morbid jealousy: he came home from work half an hour late, and the man “with a stolen soul” is hysterical.
  • Inability to exist without a partner for more than three days.
  • Tendency to doping (alcohol).

Who is susceptible to “soul loss”

As a rule, people with a weakened “I” or sluggish personal energy are susceptible to such a misfortune.

Such people are artists, writers, poets, dancers and all those who are forced to try on someone else's life.

This happens because creative people put their “whole soul” into their creations, and their own personal power fades away.

This is why suicides so often occur among creative individuals due to unrequited love.

Teenagers are also susceptible to this kind of trouble - they have weak personality and no fear of death.

Naturally, people who completely dissolve in their partner also try on someone else’s life and as a result are susceptible to such a disease as “loss of soul.”

How to get your soul back

Alchemists believed that the state of the will is determined by the stomach: a flat, pumped up stomach is an indicator of a strong will, and the presence of an abdomen is a weak one.

To strengthen the will and, therefore, learn to control the circumstances of life, alchemists advised strengthening the abdominal muscles. Pump up your belly.

Alchemists characterized the state of mind by the state of hearing. Excellent hearing is an indicator of readiness to perceive new information.

If you have a bad memory or don't like to study, correct your hearing. Only then will the circumstances of a happy life turn towards you.

Alchemists determined the presence of a soul by the eyes. Eyes that radiate radiance, sparkling like diamonds, are an indicator that everything is okay in life.

A dull look is a sign of serious problems.

You have a dull, sad look - problems with the soul. To restore the lost soul and shine to the eyes, it is useful to do special breathing exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

  • Fix your eyes on the sky, strewn with stars.
  • Enjoy the twinkling stars for a while.
  • Imagine that the eyes have a “mouth”.
  • Breathe in the energy of the stars with your eyes.
  • Feel that your eyes are full of starlight.
  • Let this blue light spread throughout your entire body.
  • Exhale what makes your look dull and dull.
  • After doing this exercise ten times, feel that your eyes are shining like diamonds, and you yourself are radiant and bright. You glow with happiness, and this glow attracts normal people to you.

A way to return a lost soul

What to do if you lose your soul? Imagine that you are sitting in the auditorium and watching a black and white film with your participation. You and your partner are in the lead roles, and this film is about your life, or rather, about your relationship with him:

  • You are watching the film from the very beginning.
  • You start shooting in slow motion, and then frame by frame.

In the process of such recollection, you will definitely notice the time when your soul migrated to your partner. This, as a rule, is not a one-time stage, but a long one.

The process of such recollection is very long and laborious, but you will be able to return the lost soul.

Now the question is: if the “stolen energy” returns to you, will it be worse for your partner?

More likely! After all, the energy is not his, but “stolen,” even though in most cases women give up their souls voluntarily.

A complex way to return a lost soul

This is also a “cinema” technique, but only in color. Moreover, you need to try to see not only yourself, but also your aura on the movie screen. As a rule, it is represented as a silvery halo enveloping the body.

You are watching a film with yourself in the leading role and suddenly you see how the silver halo is torn! Freeze! This is the moment when the “loss of soul” begins.

With a deep breath, mentally restore the integrity of your aura and continue to remember.

Such work of returning a “lost soul” cannot be done in one or two times! This is not an idle activity. You need to take it seriously: plan to do the practice every day for twenty minutes.

If it helps: write down the chronology of events on paper.

Within two to three months, with intensive work, you can partially return the subtle energies called “soul”.

This, of course, takes a long time, but “loss of soul” is a serious trauma. The main thing is that now you know what to do if you lose your soul.

HELP! Is it possible to return a soul sold to the devil? I'm scared! One day, my mother's blood pressure rose very high, they called an ambulance... And I thought, you know what, just so that everything would be fine with my mother... But after these thoughts, a chill went through my whole body... I ran to the icons . Now I’m scared, I don’t want to be his servant... Once I wanted to say that I give my soul to God, but I said, either out of excitement, or I don’t know what... completely the opposite. I don't see a way out of this situation!
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Jane, age: 18 / 04.12.2013


The Lord is stronger than the devil, pray to Him, ask for forgiveness. Pray for a long time - at least 40 days, morning and evening. Read “Our Father”, “Holy Mother of God”, “Guardian Angel”, and then ask for forgiveness on your own. And also go to church and take communion. What you did was very bad, no matter what anyone says, and your young age is not an excuse. But the Lord is all-merciful and will forgive you if you sincerely repent. The devil tempts us in every possible way so that we fall into his power and play by his rules. Your mother may have been very ill, but her soul was safe, and her body will still die someday. This is difficult to understand and accept, but such is life, such is the will of the Lord. You went against his will and asked for help from the evil one, promising him in return your soul, which in his hands would be doomed to eternal torment. Pray, do everything I wrote above.

Your soul is priceless, understand, and earthly attachments, even the people dearest to you on Earth, should not have such strong power over you. It is unlikely that you will now understand the words of Jesus: “those who come to me and do not hate father and mother, wife and children, loved ones and relatives, as well as their whole life, cannot become my disciple.” When you pray and ask for something, pray “in the name of Jesus Christ.” He sacrificed himself for us

Alexander, age: 26 / 12/04/2013

Anything is possible as long as we are alive. Do not be afraid of anything. There is no one stronger than Jesus Christ. Remember this for the rest of your life. And there is no sin that He could not forgive. Christ is ready to come to earth again for each of us and again endure the crucifixion, that’s how He loves us. Each individually. And all together.
To begin with, wear a pectoral cross if you are baptized. And never take it off. Neither in the shower, nor in the bathhouse. Then - to the temple for confession and communion. Find out in the temple how this is done. “He” is not afraid of anything more than confession and communion. And confessed sin no longer has power over a person. Read Orthodox literature. There are libraries in churches. You violated the commandment: “Do not make yourself an idol,” i.e. no one can be loved more than God, even the most wonderful person, because people are imperfect, only God is perfect. In the situation with my mother, I should have asked God for help, and not sought friendship with God’s enemies. But you understood everything, right? And this is the most important thing. Now let’s get to work. We need to fix this. And now you know how. Be wiser in future. God help you.

Nadezhda, age: 38 / 12/04/2013

Your soul cannot belong to anyone except yourself.
You will read this in any book of Orthodoxy, in the Bible, and in the Ladder, and in Ephraim the Syrian, and in the books of the Elders...
These fairy tales from Hollywood films certainly have an effect on young people, but these are only Hollywood fairy tales... And they are worth no more than the reality of Batman...
Americanization apparently hit you hard on a subconscious level - “HELP” instead of “help” says a lot...
But this is the only way to become a servant of the dark forces...
But it’s not necessary, you’re 100% right here.
The most powerful prayer in the world is the Jesus Prayer.
Read it tirelessly, aloud and mentally. And no dark forces will dare to touch you.
They run away from the Jesus Prayer without looking back...
I see you are a brave girl, kind,
be even stronger -
don't believe in nonsense
and boldly read the prayer.

Jur, age: 36 / 05.12.2013

Hello Jane!
While we are still alive, we have time for correction and repentance. Don't believe foreign films that tell you there is no turning back. True repentance renews a person, and confessed sin ceases to exist for God. God's mercy is so great that there is no sin that He will not forgive if a person sincerely asks Him.
Pray, ask the Lord for forgiveness, realize what you wanted to do.
Go to confession and tell the priest about everything that torments you, just as I wrote here. Confession is a great Sacrament, it is a person’s step towards God. Take this step! The Merciful Lord, He wants us to confess.
Do you want to serve God? Then try to learn more about Orthodoxy, read the Gospel, the New Testament. Walk quietly towards Him. He is waiting for each of us.

hedgehog, age: 24 / 05.12.2013

Don't be afraid, Jane! The Lord forgave the Apostle Peter, although he denied Him three times - he will forgive you too! Go to confession, take communion - and live in peace. I wish you happiness and God's help!

Mikhail, age: 44 / 12/05/2013

Dear Jane, only God can give life, no one else, and it was He who helped your mother, even if you said something different. You didn’t sell your soul for expensive clothes, a luxury car or something like that, your case is different. But you need to pray, Jesus said: “Whatever you do not ask the Father in my name will be given to you.”
Ask for forgiveness in the Name of Jesus, with all your heart, and promise to devote your life to the Lord, that is, to live according to His Commandments and everything will be fine with you.

Vera, age: 46 / 12/10/2013

You need to pray, confess, even if you don’t feel the presence of spirit, you need time and sincere repentance. As my father told me using the example of the flu, it only takes seconds to catch it, but it’s not easy to cure. What can we say about subtle matters and compare them with the soul. IF YOU BELIEVE, EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT, THE LORD WILL FORGIVE!

Irina, age: 38 / 02/17/2014

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Signs of possession will help you identify victims of evil spirits and provide them with all possible assistance. Demons and demons often come into our world with certain goals that cannot be called good. For their embodiment, evil spirits often need physical carriers, which serve as sinners deprived of God's help.

In the article:

Signs of possession by demons and demons - the spiritual side of life

Many people do not even suspect that they have fallen under the influence of evil spirits. Possession by the devil is not a myth originating from the Middle Ages and not an invention of inquisitors who were busy with sorcerers and demons. Even now, in the 21st century, cases are frequent. Priests are confident that such cases are now occurring more and more often. Probably the point is the sinfulness of new generations of humanity, because it is known that the devil can only take possession of a sinful soul. A person living according to Christian laws cannot become a victim of evil spirits.

The most reliable symptoms of obsession are those associated with the church and church paraphernalia. The fact is that the demon or demon sitting inside the possessed person receives serious damage from something that is directly related to his eternal enemy - God. The fear experienced is that of the demon, not of its victim. The evil spirits are trying with all their might to avoid the threat, whichever way they can manifest themselves.

Thus, it is known that the possessed do not want to enter the church of their own free will, much less confess. It can be quite difficult to get such a person to cross the threshold of the temple. He is unable to stay in church for a long time - he becomes ill or scared. The behavior of the possessed inside the temple is almost always noticeable - at best, he is nervous, looks around tensely and tries to escape at the first opportunity. It is quite difficult for him to be in the temple; the demon is trying with all his might to force the victim to leave a place that is destructive for any evil spirits.

The situation is similar with Christian attributes - he is simply afraid of their possessions, and in the immediate vicinity of crosses or icons he may feel ill. Holy water causes symptoms similar to serious poisoning, and an allergy suddenly appears to the smell of incense. This, of course, also happens, so the presence of one or two signs is not proof of obsession. Regarding holy water, you can arrange a test - give the suspect a choice of several glasses of water, one of which will contain consecrated water. The evil spirits sitting inside it will not make a mistake and will not choose a glass of holy water - it will easily distinguish it from the rest.

Sometimes the matter is not limited to fear of church attributes. Often the evil spirit cannot restrain itself, because patience is not at all characteristic of it. Then she forces the person subordinate to her to blaspheme against his will. Sometimes the church remains the only factor that can identify a demon or demon. Evil spirits may not manifest themselves, but the temple will bring them to light.

they say that many victims of evil spirits are afraid of priests. Some of them recognized the clergy even outside the temples, when the latter were dressed not in robes, but in ordinary clothes. The demon always recognizes his enemy, who is able to banish him back to hell.

If a person avoids Orthodox rituals, in particular baptism, one may decide that he is possessed by evil spirits. Unless he prefers another religion, of course. The argument is controversial; there can be many reasons for refusing to baptize a child, the role of a godfather, or the baptism of the person himself. However, together with other signs of demonic possession, it is worth paying attention to.

Signs of demonic possession - emotional state and personal life

Signs of obsession sooner or later appear in a person’s emotional state. However, in order to be sure that these are exactly them, and not symptoms of a serious mental disorder, it is better to undergo an examination by a specialist before considering yourself a victim of evil spirits. However, many believe that schizophrenia and demonic possession are the same thing.

Signs include frequent and unreasonable negative emotions. They are often associated with a desire to commit suicide. At the same time, a person cannot explain what is the matter and what such desires are connected with, but they are present. Many people manage to resist the evil one, but attempts at suicide hint that he is really trying to take over your soul.

Depression can be a constant companion of a victim of evil spirits. It is present with any negativity, even the evil eye or damage. The feeling of being tired of life when attacked by evil spirits is not associated with any events; it appears for no apparent reason. There may also be causeless fear and anxiety, nightmares and hallucinations.

Relationships with others almost always suffer if dark forces interfere in a person’s life. The demon is smart, and he understands that people close to him may notice the changes that have happened to him and suspect something is wrong. Therefore, his victim is always offended by relatives, friends and colleagues. She often gets angry and envious, and far from “white” envy. This can push a person to the most unpredictable actions.

When communicating with people with whom the victim of darkness does not agree, he becomes angry and irritable. Even if in the past this person was tolerant and knew how to value and respect other people’s opinions, then after the possession of a demon or demon, these qualities disappeared. The possessed person does not like those who argue with him. Irritability is a consequence of the loss of vital energy that the demon consumes.

Hatred towards others can be subconscious, expressed only in irritability and damaged relationships. However, the goal of the demon may be to create a new maniac, and then he pushes the victim to commit crimes. Anger, aggression, a tendency to hysteria, loss of self-control - this should be alarming.

Often the demoniac destroys everything during attacks, and Christian symbolism often suffers in the process - this is how the demon gets rid of what threatens his safety. The tendency to violence can manifest itself in a change in preferences. For example, the possessed person begins to enjoy films with violent scenes. Later, he may begin to feel the desire to cause suffering and pain to someone in real life.

The speech of the possessed person changes - he begins to use swear words more often, his voice may change. He may become addicted to drinking, drugs, or gambling. In family life, such a person often becomes unbearable - betrayal, quarrels, drunkenness, reluctance to support a family and have children. The demon never tells the truth, so the possessed person often lies and takes pleasure in it.

Devil Possession - Physical Manifestations

Weakness and fatigue are frequent companions of people who have suffered in some way at the hands of evil spirits. The fact is that a demon or demon can act as a kind of energy vampire, feeding on a person’s feelings and emotions. Weakness and fatigue are a normal reaction to loss of vital energy. All physical manifestations of the devil can be regarded as such only if medical examinations do not confirm illnesses corresponding to the symptoms.

Seizures and convulsions, as well as tremors of the limbs, were often considered the main sign of possession in children and adults. If it's not a medical condition that only a doctor can identify, it might actually be a demon attack. In the Middle Ages epilepsy considered the main sign of obsession. Tourette's syndrome and obsession are often confused, because the symptoms are quite similar.

Anneliese Michel

Sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain should alert you. In the latter case, the demon tries to enjoy one of the sins - gluttony, because without the material body of a person this pleasure is inaccessible to him. And in the first case, the matter is the outflow of vital energy that he needs. There are cases where exhaustion caused the death of the possessed. Everyone knows Anneliese Michel died precisely from this, claiming that the demon did not allow her to eat.

Sweating and coldness of the skin, paralysis, as well as sleepwalking and somnambulism, irregular heartbeats can also be grounds for suspicion of the existence of a demon inside a person. Skin diseases and allergies may also raise suspicions. It is known that evil spirits do not have pleasant aromas, so the skin, hair and clothes of the possessed person can emit a stench, regardless of whether he takes care of himself or not. The same applies to bad breath, which resembles acetone.

One way or another, evil spirits will definitely manifest themselves physically. Sometimes she manifests herself in this way only after meeting with a priest or visiting a church, as well as contact with Christian shrines.

Possession and sects

It is known that a person himself goes towards such a problem as obsession. Only a soul sufficiently prepared for a sinful lifestyle can enter Satan. Possession and sects are a rather complex topic. If a person chose the path of a Satanist and decided to worship dark forces, he himself opened the door for demons. Their path to the soul leads through man’s sinfulness, which he himself condones.

Members of satanic sects often suffer from possession. Often they themselves do not want to notice the obvious. Such people are usually brought back into the church by relatives who want to help. By the way, the general principles of the worldview of Satanists are quite consistent with the signs of possession - perhaps this is not an accident. Regarding the occult, trance and similar states often become the cause of obsession. Mediumship and even automatic writing are all just its forms. Who do you think controls your hand during an automatic writing session?

The creation of sects, the publication of occult and ungodly literature, the promotion of a sinful lifestyle - often these are the goals of a demonic entity that appeared in the human world and took possession of the human body and mind. Judging by the situation in the country, this is indeed a serious problem. If you do nothing, one day the world may change even more - just as Satan wants.

Obsession - symptoms that are hard to believe

Some symptoms of obsession may appear exactly as they are shown in feature films.
It's hard to believe, but a demon can give a person supernatural abilities. True, he does this not at all out of the kindness of his heart. If evil spirits decide that the carrier’s physical body is in danger, he will protect it, because otherwise it will have to look for another sinner in order to achieve a certain goal. Such abilities appear if the possessed person is seriously frightened or endangered.

That is why those possessed exhibit unprecedented physical strength, the ability to levitate, mentally suggest, read thoughts and other unusual skills. With their help, the demon achieves goals known only to him or protects the physical body he needs, nothing more.

Pronouncing phrases or entire speeches in a language unknown to the victim is another sign that can be hard to believe. This can happen both in reality and when the victim is sleeping. In the latter case, she will talk in her sleep. A common sign of obsession in children is gnashing of teeth and howling in their sleep.

Those who are possessed often have the feeling that someone is nearby, although no one is there. They can hear voices that no one else can hear, communicate with an invisible interlocutor. The inner voice can give orders, and what follows is often covered in crime stories.

Anneliese Michel - before and after obsession

Another sign that can seriously frighten an unprepared person is a huge, protruding belly that was not there just a minute ago. The smell of sulfur can indicate the activity of a demon - it is secreted by almost all evil spirits. Almost everyone has seen horror films in which

- Tell us about yourself. How did you get into shamanism?

I had a difficult period in my life. I became seriously ill. In general, in the vast majority of cases, people begin to think seriously about spiritual life only after going through difficult trials, adversity and misfortune. Before this, a person doesn’t really think about the fact that he himself is responsible for his own destiny. Patients rely on doctors. But a person must take care of his own spirit.

- Having fallen ill, did you turn to shamans?

No, when I got sick, the first thing I did was start doing yoga exercises. I came across a book in English, “Treatment with Yoga”. I started translating it into Estonian. For myself, to practice it myself. Then it turned out that this was almost the first book on yoga translated into Estonian. All this happened in deep Soviet times. With the help of yoga, I quickly improved my health. A little later the opportunity arose to publish this kind of book. I thought that if this book helped me, it could help others. And so it happened.

– What, in your opinion, is the advantage of yoga over traditional treatment?

For example, Muslims offer help to a person, but only if he becomes a Muslim. Christians operate on the same principle. They take your soul to help you. You must become a member of a large organization. They need a large community over which they can dominate. And you can only rule over the weak. To subjugate someone, you need to take his soul. For example, fear of God is very suitable for this. Therefore, it is impossible to return a piece of the soul to sincerely believing people, because their souls are in the possession of others, and they receive help for this. And shamans don’t need other people’s souls. They have no organization and do not need a community over which they would seek to dominate. They strive to return the souls of people who have lost them.

- How?

The shaman can see a wandering piece of the soul. He can go after her and convince her to return back to the human. Talk to her, tell her how bad it is for a person without her, that he is sick and cannot cope with life. Quite often the soul agrees to come back because it itself feels bad without a person, it is also unhappy because it was not because of a good life that it left the person.

- Your words should be understood to mean that the soul does not always agree to return back to the person?

The soul agrees to return only if the person himself wants to change and, therefore, change something in his life. The soul will never return to a person who does not want to change, who does not want to eliminate the reasons why the soul left him.