How to work with a pendulum correctly so that it responds truthfully. The main function of a pendulum for fortune telling

Fortune telling using a pendulum has been known since ancient times; more than four thousand years ago, its tasks were limited to the search for water and ores. Today, this method of prediction helps answer a complex question, make a choice, or solve a problem. The simplicity of fortune telling attracts both experienced people and beginners in this matter.


For fortune telling you will need a pendulum. Choose it carefully; you can buy a magical accessory or make it yourself at home.

The attribute itself represents a small object suspended on a thread or chain. For convenience, the thread is not made too long; a length from shoulder to elbow is sufficient.

Form matters too. Often a ring is chosen for fortune telling, but it is better to take a thing with a pointed end - then the answers will be more accurate. It should be shaped like a drop.

When the choice is made, the magical attribute must be cleared. Let the pendulum lie under running water, then hold it over the fire for a while. After this, carry it with you for several days so that the artifact gets used to you and absorbs your energy.

Store the pendulum separately from other things; you can sew a bag or buy a box. Like all magical items, your assistant must have its own permanent location. And remember, you cannot give the accessory into other hands, even for a short time - someone else’s energy will have a bad effect on its work.

The second part of the preparation is the field for predictions. To do this, you will need an ordinary sheet of paper and any writing object. Draw a circle on the sheet of paper and divide it in half. Write “Yes” on one half and “No” on the other. Sometimes the circle is divided not into two, but into four parts, and in this case additional phrases “Maybe” and “Probably” are included.

How to make a pendulum with your own hands

To make a pendulum, there are enough things that everyone has on hand.

The basis can be: a nail, a bead, a needle. A thread or chain is threaded into the selected item, or you can even just tie it. That's all, the magical assistant is ready.

Popular fortune telling with a pendulum - step-by-step instructions

There are only two main types of fortune telling using a pendulum.

Simple fortune telling without a field

When you are waiting for a simple answer “yes” or “no”, you can do without a magic field.

  1. Focus and decide what exactly you want to ask. And do not forget that the question must be formulated unambiguously. For example, a pendulum cannot answer questions starting with the words “when” or “why”.
  2. Hold the tip of the thread in your hand and observe the artifact. If the weight makes circles clockwise or counterclockwise, this means a positive answer. If it starts to sway from side to side, the answer is no.

This interpretation is considered the most common, but not the only correct one. Much depends on the fortuneteller’s own feelings. If you feel a positive or negative element in the movements of the pendulum, most likely it is so.

Skeptical people may say that there is nothing magical, and all the “answers” ​​of the pendulum are nothing more than the movements of one’s own hand. Experienced magicians do not deny that this is indeed the case. In fact, fortune telling can be considered working with your own energy, because in your subconscious you already know the answers to the questions. Prediction is the only way to understand them, to bring them out.

Fortune telling using a pendulum and field

  1. Hold the pendulum string between your thumb and index finger and bring it to the pre-drawn field so that it is slightly above the center of the circle. Formulate a question and say it to yourself or out loud.
  2. Try to keep your hand still. Watch the position of the pendulum. The word in the direction in which the weight moves means the answer.

If the assistant starts spinning in a circle, it means your timing is wrong. Try rephrasing the question and asking for the accessory again. If you fail again, check whether you did everything correctly. If you are sure that there are no errors, postpone the process until the next day or try another method.

Often fortune tellers, especially those who perform the ritual for the first time, have questions.

Fortune telling on a pendulum is highly accurate and does not come true only in a few cases.

  • If the preparation or the ritual itself is carried out incorrectly. If something is missed during or before the process, prepare for the answers to be wrong.
  • If you ask the same question too often. Esotericists warn that you should not ask about the same thing more than two or three times in a row. This can confuse the pendulum and it will start to make mistakes.

How often can you guess?

You can guess as much as you like if the pendulum answers. If the magical assistant begins to rotate chaotically and spin in one place, it means that he needs to rest.

Thus, the pendulum is a fairly accurate and convenient tool in magical rituals. Practice, over time you will definitely get used to it and learn to understand. When this happens, the pendulum will become an excellent assistant and adviser in everyday affairs.

A pendulum made by yourself will be closely connected with the energy of its owner, however, it is almost impossible to make some types of pendulums yourself. If you are interested in trying your hand at dowsing, start by making or purchasing this tool.

In the article:

How to make a pendulum or choose a ready-made one

The pendulum can be used to find necessary things and places, diagnose diseases and solve many other problems. Also enjoys considerable popularity. Most experts in dowsing believe that a person already knows the answers obtained during fortune-telling, but the fortune-teller’s tool helps him unconsciously use this knowledge.

There is no consensus on which magical tools are better - those made by the magician personally or purchased in a store. Each of these options has both pros and cons. Both of them have fans and critics. Only you can decide which pendulum you will be most comfortable working with. From this follows the main rule when purchasing or selecting accessories for it - the instrument should only evoke sympathy.

At the initial level of learning fortune telling and dowsing, many parameters and varieties of pendulums are not of particular importance. Later, when you intuitively understand which tools you work best with, you can choose the appropriate option or make one yourself. Many masters of their craft have several pendulums - different ones for different purposes. They are distinguished by shape, color, material and other parameters.

It is advisable that your version of the pendulum should be affordable. If you decide to buy it, you should not wait for several months for delivery, arrival at the store, and in other ways delay the moment of receiving the desired instrument. Need a pendulum? Make or buy it right away. No need to waste time choosing the right thing. Trust your intuition and don’t delay the process, because in a few months you will simply forget about everything you wanted to learn. This is a sign that many modern esotericists believe in.

If you decide to purchase an item, you need to clean it. Imagine how many hands your magic item has passed through - someone mined the metal for the chain, someone carved a pendant from the stone, and then it was touched by the seller and many customers of the store. Choose any suitable method of cleansing objects - holy water, salt, prayers, smoke of incense or specially selected herbs.

Types of pendulums

Types of pendulums are distinguished depending on their shape. Some of the most popular are teardrop pendants from various materials. This is the classic form that was given to pendulum pendants back in the Middle Ages. It is suitable for fortune telling on any question, and for dowsing.

Merme pendulum, invented by a European abbot and named after his surname, is good because it has a cavity. What needs to be found is usually placed into the cavity of the instrument. For example, when searching for water, drop some water into the container. If you need to find gold, even a small piece of valuable metal will help you find a treasure or a missing ring.

Oblong pendulums, which looks like a pencil, is easy to use and looks unusual. The same applies to crystalline types of instruments for fortune telling and dowsing. Ball-shaped options make it much more difficult to work with the Ouija board, which is often used in conjunction with a pendulum, as well as cards. The range of modern variations of this instrument and pendants for them is striking in its diversity. It's easy to find what's perfect for you.

DIY pendulum - main rules

You can make a pendulum with your own hands in just a couple of minutes, if you have everything you need at home. But, again, if you just decide to try yourself in a new business, you shouldn’t waste time selecting accessories. This is something you'll do later, when you feel you understand the differences between different tool shapes and materials, in practice rather than in theory.

Before making a pendulum for dowsing, we measure the thread. It should be of such length that the tool is comfortable to use. The exact length depends on the size of the hand, usually 25-30 cm is enough. It is desirable that the thread be natural, but wool is considered unsuitable. No threads? A light chain made of any metal will do.

You have to hold the pendulum at one end of the thread and attach a weight to the other. If we are talking about thread, tying is the easiest way. The weight of the weight matters; the higher it is, the less sensitive the instrument is. But a weight that is too light will confuse the beginner with unclear predictions. Nuts of size M6-M10 are ideal. If you don't have nuts, take bolts, rings, paper clips and even needles. In fact, there are no strict canons about what a pendulum should be. The main thing is that it is convenient to use. Ideally, the suspension is symmetrical.

The end of the thread where you will hold the pendulum may have knots. Don't overdo it with them. It is acceptable to tie 2-5 knots. The knots prevent the thread from twisting, and this will also make it more convenient to hold and use the tool.

Don't forget that all things need a special place to store them. Tools for fortune telling and magical search techniques are no exception. You can store the pendulum in a bag sewn or purchased for this purpose. Small boxes are also suitable.

Rock crystal pendulum and other materials

Before you make a magic pendulum, you should think about the material from which you should make or buy a weight. Due to their attractive appearance and low cost, metal options are very popular. However, copper and aluminum rarely live up to their expectations. These are the metals with the worst reputation for making pendulums, they are considered to conduct energy without giving any signals.

This also applies to wood, glass and plastics. However, glass pendants are used relatively often, and among non-standard materials for them they enjoy the best reputation. Pendulums made of stone, ivory and ceramics are considered the best. If you take it into account, you can get the most powerful magical tool. They also allow you to select options for different purposes and combine various magical properties of materials with each other.

A rock crystal pendulum develops the intuition of the person who works with such an instrument. The material is neutral, and a tool made from it is perfect for simple fortune telling, for searching on a map, and for determining energy flows in an apartment and other places. Rock crystal will be a good assistant when working with chakras, diagnosing diseases and finding people.

An amethyst pendulum imparts insight to its user. This is a stone of sobriety, and not only in the literal sense, we are also talking about sobriety of judgment. The stone perfectly fights negative thoughts and irritation, helps control emotions. Such properties make it suitable for a person who has difficulty concentrating. The pendulum will contribute to the development of clairvoyance. It is well suited for spiritualism, working with chakras, diagnosing diseases, determining the direction of energy and searching for people, objects and natural resources.

Pendulums have been used by people since ancient times. Ordinary people used them to search for water, but magicians use them everywhere. In this article we will talk about a pendulum that you can make at home yourself, as well as the very definition of a pendulum and the principles of its operation.

So what is a pendulum?
This is a kind of conductor between you and the stone (the ring, and any other symmetrical load.) This weight should suit you - it should be pleasant to wear. Magicians wore it around their necks and, if necessary, took it off and worked. Thus, the pendulum absorbed the energy of the owner.

How does a pendulum work?

The pendulum works better - the cleaner your energy is. If a person is polluted, it is unlikely that he will be able to get a clear answer from the pendulum (i.e. from his subconscious). To get the answer, the pendulum is brought up and held by a thread in a suspended state above a given object. When the pendulum has completely calmed down, they look in which direction and with what amplitude it swings.

What is a pendulum used for?

First of all, it is a search for people, things, energetically dirty places, as well as diagnosing any objects for negative or positive energy. The pendulum is asked questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

Getting started with the pendulum. In order to start working with a new pendulum, you must tune in to it and it must absorb your energy. So keep it near you for a while. Sit back, sit back and relax. Extend your lead arm forward, holding your pendulum by the string with your index finger and thumb. Wait until the pendulum has completely calmed down and say - “Show me the answer YES.” The pendulum will begin to swing, (most often back and forth) this movement of the pendulum will mean a positive answer. Then say “Show me the answer NO” and also remember this movement, which will later mean a negative answer.

After setting up the pendulum is completed, check its operation by asking it about your background. If the pendulum does not move or rotates, then the answer, as a rule, is not determined. If the pendulum rotates clockwise, then the answer is a little closer to positive, if counterclockwise, it’s closer to negative.

Note: If possible, keep your elbow on the table to prevent spontaneous vibrations of your arm. When asking your question, think about your question and not about extraneous things. You can't cross your legs.

Making a pendulum at home

A pendulum for fortune telling can be bought in specialized stores (however, it is better to clean it after that). The pendulum itself is not magical; it consists of a weight with a thread tied to it. Personally, I use a cone-shaped pendulum - it’s easier for me to work with. But the use of all forms and compositions is not excluded. However, metal can still be exposed to magnets, and therefore its use is not always justified. Instead of thread, I use a thin rope (the thread is not durable and can break). A lot also depends on the weight - lighter weights are suitable for home use, heavier ones for outdoor use (the wind affects them less) However, I would advise using a heavier weight.

To make a magic pendulum yourself, you must find a suitable weight, which must be symmetrical and not weigh in one direction. This weight can be a ring, a nut, a stone, etc. However, these objects themselves may contain negative energy. The ideal first pendulum would be a pendulum made of beeswax; it will definitely be clean, and its energy will be very positive, and with its help you can already select a load for a stronger permanent pendulum.

With constant practice, your fortune telling pendulum will show clearer results.

In this article:

To use most methods of predicting the future, additional objects and attributes are required, such as fortune telling on cards, on runes, on a pendulum, on a witch’s board, and others. In addition to these items, in order to obtain truthful information, the performer is required to have a deep belief in magic in general, and the means of divination used in particular.

Fortune telling with pendulums

In these methods of predicting the future, the main element is the pendulum. Pendulums come in a wide variety; some esotericists use special products made of semi-precious stones attached to a long chain.

Such pendulums can be called professional; simpler objects are also suitable for home fortune telling. For example, you can make a working pendulum from almost any thing valuable to you, it could be a ring made of precious metal, your personal amulet or talisman, any pendant with a precious or semi-precious stone. As a last resort, you can use a simple needle suspended on a thread.

The second important element of fortune telling is the “prediction field”. A field is any surface on which special marks are applied. In the simplest versions of fortune telling, the performer uses his palm and interprets the result depending on the place where the pendulum points. For more complex techniques, the field is simply necessary, as it greatly simplifies the interpretation of the responses received.

The easiest way is to make a field for fortune telling on a piece of paper or some item of clothing, for example, on a T-shirt, jacket or even a scarf. Special circles are applied to the surface of the field in one color or in different colors. The circles can contain words, letters, symbols and any other elements necessary to obtain the answers you are interested in.

Rules for manufacturing and working with a pendulum

The pendulum thread or cord can be any length convenient for you, but you must remember that the weight should not make too many unnecessary movements. That is why the ideal length for a pendulum thread is considered to be in the range of 20-30 centimeters. If the cord is shorter, it will simply be inconvenient to work with. A cord that is too long will be unreliable and too mobile, which will significantly complicate the process of getting answers to the questions asked.

The pendulum needs to be held by the thread between the thumb and forefinger, however, this rule is not mandatory; if this method of holding seems uncomfortable to you, you can take the object the way you like best.

Before working directly with a pendulum, you need to get used to it and connect yourself with its energy. To do this, hold the object in your palm for some time, try to feel the vibrations emanating from it. You can use this attribute only after you “feel” it; usually unity with the energy of the object is expressed in the fact that the magician begins to feel the heat emanating from it.

This phenomenon is called a positive response, that is, the attribute responded to you and gave its consent to help and work. When this happens, you can safely use it in any method of predicting the future.

In simple forms of fortune telling, when you want to receive a “Yes” or “No” answer to a question asked, a prediction field is not required. The meaning of the answer received is interpreted depending on the movement of the pendulum. If the attribute moves in a circle clockwise or counterclockwise, this is usually regarded as a positive response.

Moving from side to side - the answer is no. At the same time, this rule can hardly be called strict and the only true one; experienced magicians believe that only a fortuneteller can understand the movement of a pendulum, that is, in order to correctly interpret the answer, you need to trust your own intuition and sensations. If you feel that there is some positive element in the movements of the load, then there is so.

The pendulum is an incredibly interesting and effective technique

Skeptics will say that any movement of the pendulum occurs from your hand and no higher forces take any part in this. Experienced esotericists will not deny this statement; on the contrary, they will agree with it, because there is nothing in this that contradicts the principle of fortune telling.

Working with a pendulum has the same operating principle as, for example, working with Tarot cards, because the performer also shuffles the deck and pulls out some cards with his own hands. In addition, any fortune telling is primarily working with your own subconscious. The fact is that deep inside, you already know the answers to all the questions that interest you, the main task of predictions is to bring these answers out.

You should know that the pendulum will give you correct and truthful answers only as long as you believe in its effectiveness, as long as you act confidently and until you begin to break the rules of fortune telling. In addition, you can throw off the pendulum settings if you ask the same question several times in a row. By doing this, you will simultaneously break several important rules, because if you lack one answer for confidence, it means that you do not trust fortune telling and your own feelings.

Prepare in advance and formulate all the questions that interest you in such a way that they correspond to the chosen prediction method. For example, if you guess according to the “Yes or No” principle, then the questions should be unambiguous and imply just such answers.

The question must be correct and as precise as possible. There is no need to ask, for example: “When will Vasya pay attention to me?” Not only does the question “When” itself not imply a “Yes or No” answer, it also does not indicate which particular Vasya, what kind of attention you mean, etc. The question should be: “Will person (full name) invite me to a meeting this month?”


Fortune telling "Yes or No" with a sheet of paper

For this simple fortune telling, you will need to prepare not only a pendulum, but also a simple prediction zone. Such a zone can be a simple sheet of paper in A4 format. In the center of this sheet, draw a small circle with a diameter of 5-6 centimeters. On the left side of the circle, write the word “No”, and on the right side, “Yes”.

Now take the pendulum in your right hand and bring it to a sheet of paper so that the load is at a height of 2-2.5 centimeters above the very center of the circle. Focus on the question that interests you, say it in your mind several times, and then say it out loud.

Your hand should be completely still so as not to create false predictions. Watch the movements of the pendulum. If at this time the weight shifts towards the written word “Yes”, then the answer to the question asked is positive. If there is a shift to the left, the answer is negative.

If the pendulum begins to move in a circle, it means that you have chosen the wrong time to perform this ritual. You can try to formulate your question differently and ask it again. If even on the second attempt you did not receive a clear answer, it means that higher powers do not want to give you an answer to this question and you simply need to try another method of predicting the future. It is better not to try to ask the same question more than three times (even if each next time you rephrase the question), do not test the patience of higher powers and the pendulum helping you.

Life throws up very difficult questions, the answer to which must be found out at this very second. In most cases, fortune telling on a pendulum helps to determine a difficult life situation and solve an important problem. It is a thin thread with a small weight at the end.

Fortune telling using a pendulum will help you find out the answers to all questions

To make such a thing yourself, just take a ring and tie a thread on it, or perform a similar action with a needle.

What is a pendulum used for?

A pendulum for fortune telling is used by specialists and sorcerers to predict and anticipate future events, and to find out answers to questions that interest them or their clients.

The most difficult option is considered to be magical attributes made from a special chain with a semi-precious stone or crystal.

They must be stored separately from other jewelry, or better yet, in a box or bag. They are also used as ordinary jewelry, without being used for fortune telling or searching for an answer to a question.

Fortune telling using a pendulum helps a person in obtaining an unambiguous answer to a particular question, in case of internal problems and imbalances. Anyone can use this item and learn not only about future events, but also about what is happening to them at the moment.

The most common use of a pendulum is when a person has an internal conflict with his other self. Using the pendulum, you can find out the answer to everyday, ordinary questions that require attention.

Rules for using a pendulum independently

Mainly, to work with a homemade or purchased pendulum, you need to completely cleanse yourself of the negativity inside and try to fill your entire essence with positivity: to do this, it is better to imagine yourself in a cocoon consisting of bright snow-white light.

  1. Once your inner self becomes ready for fortune-telling, follow simple rules.
  2. Hold the pendulum only by the edge of the thread or chain, without touching the “weight”. Choose a length that allows the pendulum to swing in the air without obstruction. Traditionally, the length of the cord does not exceed 25-30 cm, which allows the pendulum not to make unnecessary movements.
  3. When asking questions, hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger, watching for the slightest change in the direction of the pendulum. So, in a stationary state, it is necessary to change the wording or the entire question.
  4. Don't rush things. You need to use the pendulum without haste in order to get the most accurate answer. With strong and energetic swinging, the answer means being too categorical.
  5. For simplification and greater efficiency, it is recommended to use the so-called predictive field; any surface with special marks applied appears. Which option to choose is up to you. This could be your palm, a regular sheet of paper with possible answers like “yes” or “no,” a specially lined card, or even any item of clothing. It all depends on what is convenient to work with; the chosen “field” serves to simplify interpretation.
  6. Before you start asking questions, try to fully “connect” with the magical attribute. Place it in your hands and squeeze it tightly with your palms, trying to feel the vibration. Only the emanating heat from the pendulum indicates its readiness for contact. When choosing a complex and precious attribute, be prepared to spend more time interacting.

To receive truthful answers, you need to be very careful when choosing (manufacturing) a pendulum

In order to get a truthful answer, be very careful when choosing and making a pendulum. By carefully reading about how to make a pendulum and applying all your knowledge in practice, you will be able to find out the whole truth about exciting problems.

Features of fortune telling by pendulum

Many beginners believe that a pendulum can in no way give a person the correct answer; the movements of the attribute depend on your hands. The energy of the hands can influence the course of fortune telling. Remembering the usual fortune telling on cards, the participation of the questioner’s hands is mandatory.

Do not forget that fortune telling is work aimed at the subconscious. Therefore, fortune telling with this magical device is completely harmless; all the necessary words and answers have long been hidden in the depths of the subconscious. That’s why fortune telling has good and neutral reviews.

In order for the answers to be as true and truthful as possible, it is important to believe in the power of the attribute as much as you can afford. Whether the prediction comes true or not depends on the multidirectionality of the questions. For example, if you ask the same question several times, you risk losing the attribute’s trust and not getting the answer you need.

Working with a pendulum does not have any special instructions on how to behave correctly and what to say along the way.

It is enough to wait for privacy, make a list of exciting questions in the most accurate formulation, predicting an unambiguous answer: “Yes” or “No”.

Yes/No: fortune telling on a piece of paper

For this fortune telling you will need a special field or a lined map. Everything will depend solely on the movement of the pendulum. Prepare any predictive field in advance; inside you need to draw a small circle not exceeding a diameter of 6–7 cm. The left circle means “No”, the right one means “Yes”. How to guess further?

  1. The pendulum should be in your right hand, then position it so that the weight rises a couple of cm above the circle.
  2. Formulate your question in your head. Say it out loud and clearly.
  3. Watch for the immobility of your hand and the beginning shocks of the pendulum. Depending on which side of the circle he moves, the answer is determined.

It happens that the pendulum moves in a circle. Do not be alarmed, this means that the ritual must be postponed until another day. You can rephrase the question, but the truth will not be reflected. Do not try to deceive the pendulum by asking the same question, changing the form, 5-6 times: you can incur the wrath of the magical attribute.

Fortune telling of this type is an interesting and ambiguous method of prediction. It takes practice and experience to see if it works. Do not rush to draw conclusions without significant evidence. The answers of the pendulum have more than once come true with one hundred percent accuracy among those who trusted its power and can confidently say: “Yes, I use the pendulum.”