Musical genres: a list of what modern works are. Modern musical genres Message on the topic of song genres

The textbook is intended for students and teachers of pedagogical colleges to be used in the lessons "Playing musical instruments". The manual includes theoretical material that introduces students to the main genres of music. The application contains musical material that can be used for listening and performance by students in the classroom.



Music genres

Translated from French, the word genre means type, genus, manner. This word refers to the type of works that have their own distinctive features, content, form and purpose. To better understand what a genre is, let's turn to painting. You well know that if a person is depicted in a picture, this picture is called a portrait. If nature is depicted on the canvas, it is a landscape. The image of fruit, game is called a still life. Portrait, landscape and still life - genres in painting. In literature, this is a story, a novel, a short story, an essay.

Music also has its own genres. Let's start with three musical genres: song, dance and march. A wonderful teacher and composer D.B. Kabalevsky compared them with three whales, on which all music rests.Song, dance and marchhave become part of our everyday life and have become so merged with it that sometimes we do not notice and do not perceive them as art. Which of us thought when listening to our mother's lullaby, walking in a sports formation, or dancing in a disco that a piece of music was being performed? Of course, no one. But they are always with us - song, dance and march.

In opera, in the symphony and in the choral cantata, in the piano sonata and in the string quartet, in ballet, in jazz, pop and folk music, in a word, in any field of musical art, the support of the "three pillars" awaits us.


Long before professional music appeared, folk songs faithfully and artistically reflected the typical features of the national character of a particular people.The birth of a song has long been associated with the life of people, their work, life. Song , like sobbing or laughter, reflects the state of the human soul, which is why they are so diverse and numerous. The peculiarity of the song is in the harmonious combination of words and music.

Very often, the definition of “folk” is added to the word “song”. Each folk song has a pronounced national flavor, because the peoples of all nations and all continents sing in their own way. hard to confuse Russian song from Georgian, Uzbek, Neapolitan or Negro.Like a precious stone, the song was passed from mouth to mouth from one generation to the next. Each performer brought something of his own, individual to it. Often, therefore, the same texts were sung in different villages with different tunes. There are various types of folk songs: labor, play, ritual, family and household, round dance, dance, lyrical, epic and many others.

Most often, the song is performed with the accompaniment of a musical instrument. Using folk themes, composers create new song genres, as well as monumental works: cantatas, oratorios, operas and operettas. The song organically entered symphonic music. And there are many such examples.

Dance - one of the oldest manifestations of folk art. IN

Rhythmic or smooth movement, people sought to convey their feelings

moods and thoughts. So ritual dances appeared, which became

an indispensable attribute of every holiday. Many peoples have kept

And up to our time. People dance, sometimes turning their dance into art

- ballet. They dance, participating in solemn ceremonies or having fun in

free evenings and holidays. Each nation has its own

National dance traditions with characteristic, inherent music.

french dance chimes (courante - “running”, “current”)

Of court origin, but quite fast, different

complex, intricate figures and their corresponding music.

A completely different dance sarabande - slow, majestic. He was born

in Spain and arose from a solemn mourning ceremony. This was reflected in

Name (sacra banda in Spanish - "holy procession").

Gigue - an old dance of English sailors, fast, cheerful,

laid-back. These four dances have long been united by composers

to suites.

Many wonderful dances have long existed in Poland. Most

Polonaise, mazurka, krakowyak became famous among them.

The oldest of them is polonaise . In the old days he was called the great or

walking dance. Its current name comes from the French

polonaise ("Polish"). Polonaise - a parade procession opened

court balls. In addition to the court, there was also a peasant

Polonaise, more calm and smooth. Favorite dance was

mazurka , more precisely - Mazury (from the name of one of the regions of Poland -

Mazovia). Folk mazurka with a cheerful, perky, sharply accented

Melody is a pair dance in which there are no figures invented in advance.

Third Dance - Krakowiak differs from the first two in a clear size.

All these dances are presented in the works of Chopin, We hear them in

Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin.

Polka dance belongs to another Slavic people - the Czechs.

Its name comes from the word pulka - "half", as they danced

his small steps. This is a lively, laid-back dance that

They dance in pairs in a circle. The most beloved of Czech dances, it sounds in

Smetana's opera The Bartered Bride.

An interesting fate of the Austrian peasant dance Lendler. Doubles

The circular dance, named after the Austrian region of Landl, is in

At the beginning of the 19th century, he migrated from villages to cities in Austria and Germany. His

began to dance at balls, and gradually it turned into a well-known and

everyone's favorite waltz.

In Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsodies" and Brahms's "Hungarian Dances"

characteristic melodic turns, sharp, rhythmic figures. They

immediately recognizable by ear, reminiscent of the Hungarian folk dance chardashe.

Its name comes from the word csarda - "tavern", "tavern".

Hungarian taverns have long served as a kind of clubs, where

local residents gathered. In them or on the platform in front of them and

danced. Czardas emerged by the beginning of the 19th century, and not in the peasant

Wednesday, but in the city. This dance consists of two parts: slow,

pathetic and mobile, fire dance.

The city of Toronto is located in southern Italy. He gave the name

national dance tarantelle.

Spanish dances are very colorful. jota - favorite Spanish dance

The provinces of Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia are characterized by a fast pace,

sharp rhythm, which is emphasized by the clicking of castanets. It's double

a dance performed to the guitar or mandolin. The peculiarity of jota

Glinka was captivated during his trip to Spain. His orchestral

"Aragonese Jota" is written on a genuine folk theme.

Another popular dance is bolero (in Spanish volar - "to fly")

more moderate, with a polonaise-like rhythm.

In Russia, purely instrumental dance music has not received such

widespread: Russians have long loved to sing, and all dances - and

quick merry dances, and smooth round dances - usually accompanied by

singing. The most popular perky dance in the 19th century"Lady" even

It got its name from the refrain of the song "Madame-lady". Among

dances of other peoples are known Ukrainian Cossack , fast, perky


Caucasian dance gained immense popularity lezginka. Music

Lezginki - with a clear rhythm and energetic movements - attracted

to the attention of many composers. Stormy, full of elemental power and

passions lezginka sounds in the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Glinka, in the ballet

"Gayane" Khachaturian.

March. The French word marche means "walking". In music, this is the name given to pieces written in a clear, energetic rhythm, to which it is convenient to march. Although the marches differ from each other, they have one thing in common: the march is always written in an even size - two or four quarters, so that those walking do not go astray. But there are exceptions to every rule. Listen to A. Alexandrov's song to the verses of V. Lebedev - Kumach "Holy War". It was written in three-part meter, and yet it is a real march, under which the soldiers went to the front. The march is an important organizing, unifying beginning. It is no coincidence that many revolutionary songs are written in the rhythm of a march. These are the famous Marseillaise, Internationale, Varshavyanka. The king of the march was called the Soviet composer I.O. Dunayevsky. He wrote many famous marches: "March of Enthusiasts", "March of Athletes", "Sports March". There are several types of marches: drill, counter, concert, funeral.

Chaikovsky. March of the wooden soldiers;
Doll Funeral ("Children's Album");
"Wedding March" by Mendelssohn;

Marches from operas: M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila";
G. Verdi "Aida"; Ch. Gounod "Faust";
F. Chopin. Sonata in B flat major;
L. Beethoven. Finale of the Fifth Symphony;
V. Agapkin. "Farewell Slav";
V. Alexandrov. "Holy war";
I. Dunayevsky. Motion picture march" Funny boys ".

Definition of a genre in works of classical music.

Musical genres also differ in the way they are performed. INsymphonic musicit is a symphony, a concerto, a suite.

Symphony - a piece of music for the orchestra, written in sonata cyclic form, the highest form of instrumental music.

Concert - a work for one or (rarely) several solo instruments and an orchestra, as well as a public performance of musical works.

Seasons Venetian composer Antonio Vivaldi - the first four violin concertos from his eighth opus, which is a cycle of 12 concerts, one of his most famous works, also one of the most famous baroque musical works. Written in 1723, first published two years later. Each concert is dedicated to one season and consists of three parts corresponding to each month. The composer prefaced each of the concerts with a sonnet - a kind of literary program. It is assumed that the author of the poems is Vivaldi himself. It should be added that the paradigm of artistic thinking is not limited to a single meaning or plot, and involves secondary meanings, hints, symbols. The first illusion that arises is the four ages of a person, from birth to death (the final part contains an unambiguous allusion to the last circle of Dante's hell). The allusion to the four regions of Italy is just as open, according to the four cardinal points and the path of the sun across the sky. These are sunrise (east, Adriatic, Venice), noon (sleepy, hot south), magnificent sunset (Rome, Latium) and midnight (cold foothills of the Alps, with their frozen lakes). But in general, the content of the cycle is much richer, which was clear to any enlightened listener of that time. At the same time, Vivaldi reaches here the heights of genre and direct depiction, not shying away from humor: the music contains the barking of dogs, the buzzing of flies, the roar of a wounded beast, etc. All this, coupled with an impeccably beautiful form, led to the recognition of the cycle as an indisputable masterpiece .

Suite - a work for one or two instruments from several heterogeneous pieces connected by a common idea.

In chamber musicgenres: trio, quartet, sonata, prelude.

Trio (from Latin tria - "three") - a musical ensemble of three musicians-performers, vocalists or instrumentalists.

Quartet - musical ensembleof four performing musicians, vocalists or instrumentalists.

Sonata - a musical work of three or four parts of different tempo and character.

Prelude (from Latin - before and game) - a short piece of music that does not have a strict form.

In vocal music- romance, oratorio, cantata.

Romance - a vocal composition written on a short poem of lyrical content, mostly love; chamber music and poetry for voice with instrumental accompaniment.

Oratorio - major piece of music for choir, soloists and the orchestra. In the past, oratorios were written only on subjects from the Holy Scriptures. It differs from the opera by the absence of stage action, and from the cantata by the larger size and branching of the plot.

Cantata (Italian cantata, from Latin сantare - to sing ) is a vocal and instrumental work for soloists, choir and orchestra.

To musical and theatrical genresinclude opera, operetta and ballet.

Opera - a work for the theater, which is performed by artists - singers and an orchestra. In this musical genre, poetry and dramatic art, vocal and instrumental music, facial expressions, dances, painting, scenery and costumes are merged into a single whole.

The literary basis of the opera is the libretto. Often the basis of the libretto is some kind of literary or dramatic work. For example, the opera The Stone Guest by Dargomyzhsky was written to the full text of Pushkin's Little Tragedy. But usually the libretto is reworked, as the text should be concise and concise.

Almost every opera begins with an overture - a symphonic introduction, which in general terms acquaints the listener with the content of the entire action.

The music in the opera reveals the innermost feelings of the characters, their character,

talks about their thoughts. In dramatic performances, this is conveyed in

actors' monologues. In the opera, the role of a monologue is played by an aria (translated from

Italian - "song"). Arias are characterized by a wide chant. To more

Fully show the hero, several of his arias are introduced into the opera. In the opera P.I.

Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin" Lensky performs the aria "Where, where have you gone", which shows his emotional experiences, excitement,

uncertainty about the future. Arioso Lensky "I love you, Olga" -

A small aria of free construction of a lyrical character.

Another important component of opera is ensembles. During the simultaneous

Singing several soloists, we not only hear the voice of each

The performer, but we also feel the beauty of such a joint sound.

The largest ensemble, without which not a single opera can do, is the choir.

The orchestra plays an important role in the opera. He not only accompanies the entire opera,

but also is a kind of protagonist, since the music performed by

Orchestra, reveals the idea of ​​the work, reveals thoughts, feelings,

the relationship of the characters, determines the dramatic development of the plot.

An important component of the opera are dance scenes. In the opera M.I.

Glinka "Ivan Susanin" the second act is almost entirely built on

dancing. This is a peculiar characteristic of an arrogant, self-confident

the victory of the Polish gentry. That's why they dance polonaise at this ball,

Krakowiak, mazurka, presented by the composer not folk, but

Knightly dances.

Operetta (from Italian operetta, literally a small opera) -

Theatrical performance in which individual musical numbers

Alternate with dialogue without music. Operettas are written in

comic plot , musical numbers in them are shorter opera houses, in general

the music of the operetta is light, popular, but inherits

directly the traditions of academic music.

Ballet (from Italian ballo - dancing) - a kind of stage performance arts;

performance, the content of which is embodied in musical

choreographic patterns. Most often, ballet is based on

a certain plot, dramatic design, libretto, but there are also

plotless ballets. The main types of dance in ballet

are classical and characteristic dance. An important role here

Pantomime plays, with the help of which the actors convey the feelings of the characters, their

"conversation" among themselves, the essence of what is happening. In modern ballet

Elements of gymnastics and acrobatics are also widely used. Ballet

requires endurance and endurance from any person involved in it.

Continuing the series of articles on music theory, we would like to tell you about how genres in music were formed and developed. After this article, you will never again confuse a musical genre with a musical style.

So, first, let's look at how the concepts of “genre” and “style” differ. Genre- This is a type of work that has developed historically. It implies the form, content and purpose of music. Musical genres began their formation at an early stage in the development of music, in the structure of primitive communities. Then music accompanied every step of human activity: life, work, speech, and so on. Thus, the main genre principles were formed, which we will analyze further.

Style means the sum of materials (harmony, melody, rhythm, polyphony), the way they were used in a piece of music. Usually the style is based on the trend of a certain era or is classified by composer. In other words, style is a set of means of musical expression that determines the image and idea of ​​music. It may depend on the individuality of the composer, his worldview and tastes, approach to music. Also, the style determines the currents in music, such as jazz, pop, rock, folk styles and so on.

Now back to genres of music. There are five main genre beginnings, which, as we said, originated in primitive communities:

  • Motority
  • Declamation
  • chant
  • signaling
  • Sound imaging

It was they who became the basis of all subsequent genres that appeared with the development of music.

Quite soon after the formation of the main genre principles, the genre and style began to intertwine into a single system. Such genre and style systems were formed depending on the occasion for which the music was created. This is how genre-style systems appeared, which were used in certain ancient cults, for ancient rituals and in everyday life. The genre had a more applied character, which formed a certain image, style and compositional features of ancient music.

On the walls of the Egyptian pyramids and in the surviving ancient papyri, lines of ritual and religious hymns were found, which most often spoke about the ancient Egyptian gods.

It is believed that ancient music received its highest point of development in ancient Greece. It was in ancient Greek music that certain patterns were discovered on which its structure was based.

As society evolved, so did music. In medieval culture, new vocal and vocal instrumental genres have already been formed. During this era, genres such as:

  • Organum is the earliest form of polyphonic music in Europe. This genre was used in churches, and it flourished in the Paris school of Notre Dame.
  • Opera is a musical and dramatic work.
  • Choral - liturgical Catholic or Protestant singing.
  • Motet is a vocal genre that was used both in church and at social events. His style depended on the text.
  • Conduct is a medieval song, the text of which was most often spiritual and moralizing. Until now, they cannot accurately decipher the medieval notes of conducts, since they did not have a definite rhythm.
  • Mass is a liturgical service in Catholic churches. Requiem is also included in this genre.
  • Madrigal is a short work on lyrical and love themes. This genre originated in Italy.
  • Chanson - this genre appeared in France, and initially choral peasant songs belonged to it.
  • Pavane is a smooth dance that opened the holidays in Italy
  • Galliard - a cheerful and rhythmic dance also comes from Italy
  • Allemanda is a procession dance that originated in Germany.

IN XVII-XVIII For centuries, rural music - country music - has developed quite actively in North America. The genre has been heavily influenced by Irish and Scottish folk music. The lyrics of such songs often talked about love, rural life and cowboy life.

At the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, folklore developed quite actively in Latin America and Africa. In the African American community, the blues is born, which was originally a "work song" that accompanied work in the field. The blues was also based on ballads and religious chants. The blues formed the basis of a new genre - jazz, which is the result of a mixture of African and European cultures. Jazz has become quite widespread and universally recognized.

Based on jazz and blues, at the end of the 40s, rhythm and blues (R'n'B), a song and dance genre, appeared. He was quite popular among the youth. Subsequently, funk and soul appeared within this genre.

Curiously, along with these African-American genres, the genre of pop music appeared in the 1920s. The roots of this genre are found in folk music, street romances and ballads. Pop music has always mixed with other genres, forming quite interesting musical styles. In the 1970s, the “disco” style appeared within pop music, which became the most popular dance music at that time, relegating rock and roll to the background.

In the 50s, rock bursts into the ranks of already existing genres, the origins of which are in blues, folk and country. It quickly gained wild popularity and grew into many different styles, mixing with other genres.

Ten years later, the reggae genre was formed in Jamaica, which became widespread in the 70s. The basis of reggae is mento - a genre of Jamaican folk music.

In the 1970s, rap appeared, which was “exported” by Jamaican DJs to the Bronx. The founder of rap is DJ Kool Herc. Initially, rap was read for pleasure, to throw out their emotions. The basis of this genre is the beat that sets the rhythm for recitative.

In the second half of the 20th century, electronic music established itself as a genre. It is strange that it did not receive recognition at the beginning of the 20th century, when the first electronic instruments appeared. This genre involves the creation of music using electronic musical instruments, technology and computer programs.

Genres formed in the 20th century have many styles. For example:


  • new orleans jazz
  • Dixieland
  • Swing
  • Western swing
  • Bop
  • hard bop
  • Boogie Woogie
  • Cool or cool jazz
  • modal or modal jazz
  • avant-garde jazz
  • soul jazz
  • free jazz
  • bossa nova or latin jazz
  • Symphonic Jazz
  • progressive
  • Fusion or jazz rock
  • electric jazz
  • acid jazz
  • crossover
  • smooth jazz
  • Cabaret
  • minstrel show
  • music hall
  • Musical
  • Ragtime
  • lounge
  • Classic crossover
  • Psychedelic pop
  • italo disco
  • Eurodisco
  • Hi-energy
  • Nu-disco
  • space disco
  • Ye-ye
  • K-pop
  • Europop
  • Arabic pop music
  • Russian pop music
  • Rigsar
  • Laika
  • Latin American pop
  • J-pop
  • Rock'n'roll
  • Big Beat
  • rockabilly
  • psychobilly
  • neo-rocabilly
  • skiffle
  • doo wop
  • Twist
  • Alternative Rock (Indie Rock/College Rock)
  • Mat rock
  • Madchester
  • grunge
  • shoegazing
  • Britpop
  • noise rock
  • noise pop
  • Post-grunge
  • lo-fi
  • indie pop
  • Twee pop
  • Art rock (Progressive rock)
  • jazz rock
  • kraut rock
  • garage rock
  • Freakbeat
  • Glam rock
  • country rock
  • Merseybit
  • Metal (Hard rock)
  • avant-garde metal
  • Alternative metal
  • black metal
  • Melodic black metal
  • Symphonic black metal
  • true black metal
  • viking metal
  • gothic metal
  • Doom metal
  • death metal
  • Melodic death metal
  • Metalcore
  • New metal
  • power metal
  • progressive metal
  • speed metal
  • stoner rock
  • Thrash metal
  • folk metal
  • Heavy metal
  • New wave
  • Russian rock
  • pub rock
  • Punk rock
  • ska punk
  • pop punk
  • crust punk
  • hardcore
  • crossover
  • Riot folk
  • pop rock
  • Postpunk
  • Gothic rock
  • no wave
  • Postrock
  • Psychedelic rock
  • soft rock
  • folk rock
  • techno rock

As you can see, there are many styles. It will take a lot of time to enumerate the full list, so we will not do this. The main thing is that you now know how modern popular genres appeared and you will definitely no longer confuse genre and style.

The purpose of this article is to acquaint readers with various modern musical genres and the musical means that composers use when creating works within a certain style. The ability to navigate musical genres and subgenres is one of the first signs of professionalism, so this article will be of interest to all those who have already embarked on the path of improvement in the musical field.

Most critics divide modern music genres into three main areas: pop, rock and rap, which in turn are rooted in earlier styles and have spawned a large number of offshoots of their own.

Pop is contemporary popular music. It is a very broad term covering many genres such as disco, trance, house, techno, funk, new wave and others. Let's stop and look at the features of each of them.

  • Disco. Not so long ago, it was the most popular genre of dance-pop music. It has an abundance of effects, the leading role of the rhythm section of drums and bass, as well as the secondary, background sound of strings and wind instruments.
  • Trance. It belongs to one of the genres of electronic music and is notable for its high emotional impact on the listener. This effect is achieved through the use of sad, "cosmic" melodies.
  • house. This is the name of dance, completely electronic music. The main and only instrument is a synthesizer. A distinctive feature of this genre is the presence of looped musical phrases and solo melodies. Effects are widely used.
  • techno. In one phrase, you can say this: futuristic music of the big city. Techno features include fantastic melodies, a gloomy metal sound, "cold", devoid of emotional vocals.
  • Funk. One of the dance genres, which is characterized by clearly defined percussionists dominating all other instruments, low melody, "sloppy" rhythm.
  • New wave. A genre of popular music that has evolved from punk rock and uses the same musical medium.

Rock as an independent genre is rooted in the "black" American blues, which appeared in the 20-30s. Traditional blues consists of 12 measures, that is, sections of a composition consisting of several notes, the first of which has an accent or accent. To the main toolkit blues includes a double bass or bass that sets the rhythm, a solo guitar, drums, often keyboards and brass. To be quite precise, rock emerged from a branch of this genre - the guitar blues, which already has much less keyboards and brass instruments.

Appearance rock And rock and roll, concepts that are often equated with musicians such as Elvis Presley and the Beatles. The former can be called the popularizer of this genre, while the Beatles were the ones who turned rock into art.

Musically, rock has remained almost the same blues, but their semantic content is different: rock is the music of protest against society, power, or something else.

Rock has collected many subgenres, the main ones being soft rock, hard rock, pop rock, folk rock, punk rock, psychedelic rock, heavy metal and thrash.

  • Hard rock. Literally, it translates as "heavy, hard." This style has such a name for a reason, because its sound corresponds to what it is called. Heaviness in hard rock is achieved through the dominant sound of a loud and powerful rhythm section over the rest of the instruments. In most cases, the drummers, bass or rhythm guitar are "weighted". Hard rock often uses Overdrive and Distortion effects.
  • pop rock. Popular rock. This style is well balanced, using all sorts of effects and popular arrangements. Pop rock can be attributed to any rock music that is designed for a wide audience of listeners.
  • folk rock. This is rock music with elements of folk music.
  • Punk rock. This genre includes rough, often unprofessional, but expressive music, which is characterized by simple, unpretentious, but shocking melodies.
  • Psychedelic rock. Complex, unconventional music, overflowing with various effects. This music has a high level of emotional impact on the listener.
  • heavy metal called sharp metal music, which is often not harmonic. It is far from the usual standards.
  • Thrash. This is a very hard genre, which is characterized by the complexity and continuity of melodies, as well as improvisation.

Rap how the genre evolved from dance music. Characteristic features: uneven rhythm, complex experiments with drummers, the presence of looped musical fragments. One of the main features of rap is the absence of vocals, which are replaced by recitative. Rap is read like poetry, not sung. The main instruments are drums and a complex bass, which often leads. Often rap musicians use the scratch effect - the squeak of vinyl records.

Most likely rap originated from reggae- a dance style that originated in Jamaica. These two styles have a lot in common: the same uneven, ragged rhythm, the presence of looped musical fragments, a complex drummer.

musical genres.

Music(Greek μουσική, adjective from Greek Μούσα - muse) - art, the means of embodying artistic images for which are sound and silence, organized in a special way in time.

Musical genre- a kind of music, musical works, distinguished by special stylistic features peculiar only to it. The concept of a genre in music stands on the border between the categories of content and form and makes it possible to judge the objective content of a work based on the complex of expressive means used. Characterizes, as a rule, the historically established genera and types of musical works. In musicology, various systems for classifying a musical genre have developed, which depend on which of the genre-causing factors is considered as the main one. Often the same work can be characterized from different points of view, or the same genre can be attributed to several genre groups. It is also possible to single out “genres within genres”, for example, various genres of vocal and instrumental music included in the opera. Opera, on the other hand, is essentially a synthetic genre that combines various art forms. Therefore, when classifying, it is necessary to keep in mind which factor or combination of several factors is decisive. Genre features can be intertwined: for example, song and dance genres. The composition of the performers and the method of performance determine the most common classification of genres. This is, first of all, the division into vocal and instrumental genres. Some genres have a complex history that makes them difficult to classify. Thus, a cantata can be both a chamber solo work and a large composition for a mixed composition (xop, soloists, orchestra).

Genre- a kind of model with which specific music is correlated. It has certain conditions of execution, purpose, form and nature of the content. So, the goal of a lullaby is to calm the baby, so “swaying” intonations and a characteristic rhythm are typical for it; in the march - all the expressive means of music are adapted to a clear step.

The simplest classification of genres is by way of execution. These are two large groups:

instrumental(march, waltz, etude, sonata, fugue, symphony);

vocal genres(aria, song, romance, cantata, opera, musical).

Another typology of genres is related with performance environment. It belongs to A. Sohor, a scientist who claims that the genres of music are:

1. Ritual And iconic(psalms, mass, requiem) - they are characterized by generalized images, the dominance of the choral principle and the same mood among the majority of listeners.

Psalm(Greek "praise") - hymns of Jewish and Christian religious poetry and prayers from the Old Testament.

Mass- the main liturgical service in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church. Consists of opening rites, Liturgy of the Word, Eucharistic Liturgy and closing rites

Requiem(lat. “dead”) - a funeral service (mass) in the Catholic and Lutheran churches, corresponds to the funeral liturgy in the Orthodox Church.

2. Mass-household genres(varieties of song, march and dance: polka, waltz, ragtime, ballad, anthem) - they are distinguished by a simple form and familiar intonations;

3. Concert genres(oratorio, sonata, quartet, symphony) - characteristic performance in a concert hall, lyrical tone as the author's self-expression;

Oratorio- a large piece of music for choir, soloists and orchestra. It differs from the opera by the absence of stage action, and from the cantata by the larger size and branching of the plot.

Sonata(ital. sound) - a genre of instrumental music, as well as a musical form called sonata form. Composed for chamber composition of instruments and piano. Usually solo or duet.

Quartet- a musical ensemble of 4 musicians, vocalists or instrumentalists.

Symphony(Greek "consonance", "euphony") - a piece of music for the orchestra. As a rule, symphonies are written for a large mixed orchestra (symphony), but there are also symphonies for string, chamber, wind and other orchestras; a choir and solo vocal voices can be introduced into the symphony.

Folk music, musical folklore, or folk music (English folk music) - the musical and poetic creativity of the people, an integral part of folk art (folklore), which exists, as a rule, in oral (non-written) form, passed down from generation to generation.

Spiritual music- musical works related to texts of a religious nature, intended for performance during a church service or at home.

Classical music(from lat. сlassicus - exemplary) - exemplary musical works of outstanding composers of past years, which have stood the test of time. Musical works written according to certain rules and canons in compliance with the necessary proportions and intended for performance by a symphony orchestra, ensemble or soloists.

Latin American music(Spanish música latinoamericana) is a generalized name for the musical styles and genres of Latin American countries, as well as the music of people from these countries who compactly live on the territory of other states and form large Latin American communities (for example, in the USA).

Blues- This is a musical style that was created by black musicians living in the United States of America. The blues was first played at the end of the nineteenth century in the southern states, in the vicinity of the Mississippi River Delta. The music of this style is very diverse, many musicians have created their own style of performance.

Jazz(English jazz) - a form of musical art that arose in the late XIX - early XX century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. Characteristic features of the musical language of jazz initially became improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. Further development of jazz occurred due to the development of new rhythmic and harmonic models by jazz musicians and composers.

Country(English country music from country music - rural music) - the most common variety of North American folk music, in popularity in the United States is not inferior to pop music.

Romance in music- a vocal composition written on a short poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

Electonic music(German Elektronische Musik, English Electronic music, colloquially also “electronics”) is a broad musical genre that refers to music created using electronic musical instruments and technologies (most often with the help of special computer programs).

Rock music(Eng. Rock music) - a generalized name for a number of areas of popular music. The word "rock" - (translated from English "rock, rock, swing") - in this case indicates the rhythmic sensations characteristic of these directions associated with a certain form of movement, by analogy with "roll", "twist", "swing ”, “shake” and so on. Some distinctive features of rock music, such as the use of electric musical instruments or creative self-sufficiency (it is typical for rock musicians to perform compositions of their own composition), are secondary and often misleading.

reggae(English reggae; another spelling is "reggae") - Jamaican popular music that appeared in the 1960s and became popular since the 1970s.

Pop music(English pop-music from popular music) - the direction of modern music, a type of modern mass culture. It is a separate genre of popular music, namely, an easy-to-remember song.

You have landed in the genres of music section, where we will get acquainted with each musical direction in more detail. Let's describe what it is, why it is needed and what features it has. Also at the very end there will be articles of this section, which will describe each direction in more detail.

What are genres of music

Before discussing what genres of music are, the following should be mentioned. We need a certain coordinate system in order to be able to put all the phenomena into it. The most serious and global level in this coordinate system is the concept of style or art-historical system.

There is a style of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque or Romanticism. Moreover, in each particular era, this concept covers all the arts (literature, music, painting, and so on).

However, music has its own categories within each style. There is a system of genres, musical forms and means of expression.

What is a genre?

Each epoch sets musicians and listeners a certain set of stages. Moreover, each site has its own rules of the game. These sites may disappear over time or remain for a while.

New groups of listeners with new interests appear - new stage platforms appear, new genres arise.

Let's say, in the era of the European Middle Ages, approximately, until the end of the 11th century, the church was the only such stage platform for professional musicians. Time and place of worship.

Here are the genres of church music. And the most important of them (Mass and Matet) will go far into the future.

If we take the late Middle Ages, the era of the Crusades, then a new scenic platform appears - a feudal castle, a feudal court of an aristocrat, a court holiday or just a place of leisure.

And here the genre of secular song arises.

For example, the 17th century literally explodes with fireworks of new musical genres. Here things arise that go far ahead of our time and will still remain after us.

For example, opera, oratorio or cantata. In instrumental music, this is an instrumental concerto. There is even such a term as a symphony. Although it may have been built a little differently than it is now.

Appear genres of chamber music. And underneath it all lies the emergence of new stage venues. For example, an opera house, a concert hall or a richly decorated salon of an urban aristocratic house.

Before you, be sure to start exploring various areas. This is then very well reflected in practice. It will be especially useful when creating something new!

musical form

The next level is musical form. How many parts are there in a work? How is each part organized, how many sections does it have, and how are they interconnected? That's what we put in the concept of musical form.

Let's say opera is a genre. But one opera can be in two acts, another in three, and there are operas in five acts.

Or a symphony.

Most familiar European symphonies are built in four movements. But let's say there are 5 movements in Berlioz's Fantastic symphony.

Expressive means

The next level is the system of musical expressive means. Melody in its unity with rhythm.

Rhythm is the deep organizing force of all musical sound. It underlies the existence of music. Because through the rhythm a person's life is connected with reality, with the cosmos.

Very many labor movements are rhythmic. Especially in agriculture. Rhythmically much in the processing of stone and metals.

The rhythm itself appears, perhaps, before the melody. We can say that the rhythm generalizes, and the melody individualizes.

The feeling of rhythm, as some kind of magic, arises in the very early stages of civilization. And later, in the era of antiquity, such a feeling is realized as an idea of ​​the universal connection of phenomena, which is rhythmic.

Rhythm is associated with number. And for the Greeks, the number was an extremely important representation of the world order. And this whole notion of rhythm persisted for a very long time.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the German composer Michael Pritorius spoke of the early experiences of the Italians in opera (there was no ordered rhythm): “This music is without connections and measure. It is an insult to God's established order!"

The nature of the movement is fast, lively, moderate and calm. They also set the tone for any superstructure that takes place on them. There is also a sense of connection here. 4 sides of the character of movement, 4 cardinal directions, 4 temperaments.

If you delve even more deeply, then this is a timbre or sound coloring. Or let's say how the melody is pronounced. Distinctly divided or connected.

Melody, rhythm and everything else appears as a direct emotional response to reality. And they are formed in those infinitely distant times in the primitive communal system, when a person has not yet realized his own self in comparison with other selves or with nature.

But as soon as a class society appears, then there is a distance between one's own and other selves, between the self and nature. And then the genres of music, and musical forms, and styles already begin to form.

Genres of chamber music

Before talking about the genres of chamber music, let's deal with the direction. Chamber music is music performed by a small number of performers for a small number of listeners.

Previously, such music was often performed at home. For example, in the family circle. Hence, they came up with such a name as a chamber. Camera means room in Latin. That is, small, home or room music.

There is also such a thing as a chamber orchestra. This is such a smaller version (usually no more than 10 people) of a regular orchestra. Well, there aren't many listeners either. Usually, these are relatives, acquaintances and friends.

folk song is the simplest and most widespread genre of chamber music. Previously, very often, many grandparents sang various folk songs to their children and grandchildren. One and the same song could be sung with different words. Like adding something of my own.

However, the melody itself, as a rule, remained unchanged. Only the text of the folk song changed and improved.

Many favorite romances is also a genre of chamber music. Usually they performed a small vocal piece. It was usually accompanied by a guitar. Therefore, we are very fond of such lyrical songs with a guitar. Many of you probably know about them and have never heard of them.

Ballad- this is a kind of narration about various exploits or dramas. Ballads were often performed in taverns. As a rule, they praised the exploits of various heroes. Sometimes ballads were used before the upcoming battle to raise the morale of the people.

Of course, in such songs, some specific moments were often embellished. But in fact, without additional fantasy, the very significance of the ballad would have decreased.

Requiem is a funeral mass. Such funeral choral singing is performed in Catholic churches. We usually used the requiem as a tribute to the memory of folk heroes.

- song without Words. Usually intended for one singer as a practice exercise. For example, to develop the vocalist's voice.

Serenade- a genre of chamber music, which was performed for a beloved. Usually men performed them under the windows of their beloved women and girls. As a rule, such songs praised the beauty of the fair sex.

Genres of instrumental and vocal music

Below you will find the main genres of instrumental and vocal music. For each direction I will give you small descriptions. A little more touch on the basic definition of each type of music.

Genres of vocal music

There are several genres of vocal music. It is worth saying that the direction itself is the most ancient in the history of the development of music. After all, it is the main key for the transition of literature into music. That is, literary words began to be used in musical form.

Of course, these words played the main role. Due to what such music began to be called vocal. A little later, instrumental music appeared.

In vocal, in addition to vocals, various instruments can also be used. However, in this direction, their role is relegated to the background.

Here is a list of the main genres of vocal music:

  • Oratorio- a very large work for soloists, orchestra or choir. Typically, such works dealt with religious issues. A little later, secular oratorios appeared.
  • Opera- a huge dramatic work that combines the genres of instrumental and vocal music, choreography and painting. A special role here is assigned to various solo numbers (aria, monologue, and so on).
  • Chamber music- was mentioned above.

Genres of instrumental music

Instrumental music- These are compositions that are performed without the participation of a vocalist. Hence the name instrumental. That is, it is performed only at the expense of instruments.

Very often, many artists in their albums use instrumentals as bonus tracks in the album. That is, several of the most popular compositions can be selected and then their versions without vocals can be recorded.

And they can be selected in full, all the songs of the album. In this case, the album is released in two versions. This is usually done to increase the value of the product and raise the price of it.

There is a list for certain genres of instrumental music:

  • Dance music- usually simple dance music
  • Sonata– used as a solo or duet for chamber music
  • Symphony- harmonious sound for a symphony orchestra

Genres of Russian folk songs

Let's talk about the genres of Russian folk songs. They reflect all the beauty of the soul of the Russian people. Usually in such musical works the nature of the native land, heroes and ordinary workers are praised. It also mentions the joys and troubles of the Russian people.

Here is a list of the main genres of Russian folk songs:

  • labor songs- sang at work to facilitate the labor activity of a person. That is, it was much easier for workers to work with such songs. They set the rhythm in the work. In such musical works, the main life of the working class people was reflected. Labor exclamations were often used for work.
  • Chastushki is a very common genre of folk music. As a rule, this is a small quatrain with a repeating melody. Chastushki carried a great meaning of the Russian word. They expressed the main mood of the people.
  • Calendar songs- used on various calendar holidays. For example, on Christmas or New Year's Eve. Also, this musical genre was well used in divination or when changing the seasons.
  • Lullaby- gentle, simple and affectionate songs that mothers sang to their children. As a rule, in such songs, mothers introduced their children to the outside world.
  • family songs- used at various family celebrations. This genre was reflected very well in weddings. It was also used at the birth of a child, sending a son to the army, and so on. It is worth saying that such songs were accompanied by a certain rite. All this together helped protect against dark forces and various troubles.
  • Lyrical compositions- such works mention the difficult lot of the Russian people. For example, the hard lot of women and the hard life of ordinary peasants are often mentioned.

Genres of contemporary music

Now let's talk about the genres of modern music. There are quite a few of them. However, they all deviate from the three main trends in modern music. Here we will talk about them a little.


Rock is popular these days. Maybe not in the same way as before, but in our time it has been reliably strengthened. Therefore, it is impossible not to mention it. And the direction itself gave impetus to the birth of many genres. Here are some of them:

  • folk rock- elements of folk songs are well used
  • pop rock- music for a very wide audience
  • Hard rock- heavier music with a sharp sound


Popular music also covers a lot of genres that are often used in modern music:

  • house- electronic music played on a synthesizer
  • Trance- electronic music with a predominance of sad and cosmic melodies
  • Disco- dance music with copious rhythmic drum and bass sections


In recent years, rap has been gaining momentum quite well. In fact, this direction has practically no vocals. Basically, they don’t sing here, but read as it were. This is where the phrase rap came from. Here is a list of some genres:

  • rapcore- a mixture of rap and heavy music
  • alternative rap- a mixture of traditional rap with other genres
  • Jazz rap- mix of rap and jazz

Genres of electronic music

Let's take a look at the main genres of electronic music. Of course, we won't cover everything here. However, we will analyze some of them. Here is the list:

  • house(house) - appeared in the 80s of the last century. Originates from the disco of the 70s. Appeared thanks to the experiments of DJs. Main features: repetitive beat rhythm, 4×4 time signature and sampling.
  • Deep house(deep house) - lighter, atmospheric music with a deep dense sound. Includes jazz and ambient elements. When creating, keyboard solo, electric organ, piano and female vocals (mostly) are used. Developed since the late 1980s. Vocals in this genre always take a secondary place. On the first are melodies and sounds to draw the mood.
  • Garage house(garage house) - the same as deep house, only vocals are taken out for the main role.
  • new disco(nu disco) is a more modern musical genre based on the resurgent interest in disco music. Now it is very popular to go back to the roots. Therefore, the basis of this genre is the music of the 70s - 80s. The genre itself appeared in the early 2000s. Synthesized sounds similar to the sounds of real instruments are used to create disco from the 70s and 80s.
  • Soul full house(soulful house) - the basis is taken from house with a 4x4 rhythmic pattern, as well as vocals (full or in the form of samples). The vocals here are mostly soulful and very beautiful. Plus the use of a variety of musical instruments. Such a rich presence of instruments very well enlivens the music of this genre.

Rap genres

Let's move on to consider the main genres of rap. This area is also actively developing. Therefore, it would be nice to touch on him. Here is a short list of genres:

  • comedy rap- intelligent and funny music for entertainment. Has a mix of real hip-hop and casual humor. Comedy rap appeared in the 80s.
  • Dirty rap- dirty rap, characterized by a pronounced heavy bass. Basically, this music is intended to plant the public at various parties.
  • gangsta rap— music with a very hard sound. A genre of music appeared in the late 80s. Elements from hardcore rap were taken as the parent basis for this trend.
  • hardcore rap- aggressive music with noisy samples and heavy beats. Appeared in the late 80s.

Genres of classical music

There are works divided into many genres of classical music. They became especially widespread in the 18th century. Here is a partial list of destinations:

  • Overture- a short instrumental introduction to a performance, plays or works.
  • Sonata- a work for chamber performers, which is used as a solo or duet. Consists of three parts connected with each other.
  • Etude- a small instrumental piece designed to hone the technique of performing music.
  • Scherzo- the beginning of music with a lively and rapid pace. Basically conveys to the listener comic and unexpected moments in the work.
  • Opera, symphony, oratorio- they were mentioned above.

Genres of rock music

Now let's look at some genres of rock music other than those already mentioned above. Here is a short list with a description:

  • gothic rock- rock music with a gothic and gloomy direction. Appeared in the early 1980s.
  • Grunge- music with a solid guitar sound and gloomy depressive lyrics. Appeared sometime in the mid-1980s.
  • folk rock- was formed as a result of mixing rock with folk music. Appeared in the mid 1960s.
  • Viking rock- punk rock with elements of folk music. Such works reveal the history of Scandinavia and the Vikings themselves.
  • trashcore- faster hardcore. Items are usually small.

Genres of sacred and secular music

Let's look at some genres of sacred and secular music. First, let's define these two areas. You will find out what it is and what is the difference. After that, let's go through several genres.

Spiritual music

Spiritual music is designed to heal the soul. Such works are used mainly in the service in churches. Therefore, some also call it church music. Here is a short list of her genres:

  • Liturgy- Easter or Christmas liturgy. It is performed by the choir, and can also additionally connect individual soloists. As a rule, various scenes of events from the Holy Scriptures were inserted into the liturgical drama. Theatrical elements were often used.
  • Antiphon- repetitive music performed by alternating several choral groups. For example, the same verses can be performed alternately by two faces. There are several types of antiphons. For example, festive (on holidays), sedate (Sunday), everyday, and so on.
  • Rondel- was created on the original melody in the form of a special form with the next introduction of vocals to the same motive.
  • proprium- part of the mass, changing depending on the church calendar.
  • ordinary- unaltered part of the mass.

secular music

Secular music is recognized to show the national character of different cultures. Described mainly the main image and life of a common man. This direction of music was very common among itinerant musicians in the Middle Ages.