Stretching for beginners. Stretching secrets. Stretching exercises for beginners: simple, effective, safe How to stretch yourself at home

Stretching exercises improve muscle recovery after strength work. They are a necessary part of a weight loss, health, or strength training plan. Athletes, dancers and simple office workers need to pull muscles. Hypodynamia, an unnatural posture when working at a computer, “walking” while sitting in a car - all this enslaves the muscles, deprives the joints of the natural range of motion and requires a person to include stretching exercises in the training program. You can stretch every time after strength or cardio, devoting 30 seconds to the main muscle groups, or you can highlight stretching training in one day. For beginners, exercises are shown in a natural amplitude, without “springs” and pushing the body into a pose through pain. Such movements can be performed at home on your own.

In short, stretching is the only chance for the body to compensate for all those overloads and axial loads that we experience during strength work and everyday activity. Only during stretching, the joints do not experience compression, which is the best prevention of inflammation. In addition, stretching improves mobility in everyday life and relieves pain.

The benefits of stretching are:

  • Relieves muscle stiffness, gives the opportunity to move freely;
  • Helps with plasticity and grace even for those who have obvious problems here;
  • Improves mobility in joints;
  • Helps to perform strength exercises with the correct technique;
  • Provides muscles with blood and oxygen for recovery;
  • Relaxes the central nervous system;
  • Strengthens ligaments and neuromuscular connections;
  • Works with coordination of movements;
  • Helps to move more smoothly and accurately in dance and martial arts;
  • Removes posture imbalances

The inhabitants know only one type of stretching - this is when a person himself stretches the muscle, calmly and smoothly. Few people know, but besides this, there are exercises that are generally not associated in the minds of the masses with stretch, but nevertheless, they are stretching. So, by type, exercises can be divided into:

  • ballistic stretching- these are fast sweeping movements that can be seen in the arsenal of fighters and gymnasts, it is prohibited in fitness, since with little joint mobility and lack of control over the center of the body it can lead to injury;
  • Passive stretching- the trainer or massage therapist pulls the client's muscles while he is just trying to relax. Despite the cute description, it is painful and unpleasant. The success of the event depends entirely on the qualifications of the coach and the ability to relax;
  • Active- we stretch "the old fashioned way" ourselves, taking a stretching position and putting pressure on the stretched muscle group, the most popular type of stretching available to beginners, at home and for self-mastering;
  • static- in general, it is a synonym for active stretching in a static position. But in Russian-language sources, the phenomenon is associated with the training of yogis and gymnasts. In fact, any exercise can be called static, in which the movement occurs only due to the natural stretching of the muscles;
  • Dynamic- Stretching exercises are movements performed in full amplitude, but without weights. An example is the warm-up before an aerobics class, where the client shifts weight from one leg to the other, or does a series of deep squats to warm up the legs. Dynamic stretching also includes types of stretch, when the tension of the muscles is slightly weakened, in order to then strengthen it due to the greater amplitude in the muscles.

Beginners should not stretch aggressively in a ballistic or dynamic style. Dynamic elements are allowed, but they must be performed in an anatomically natural plane and under control. For example, you should not “push” yourself into a cross split on the floor, you can only spring a little in a position when the legs are raised up against the wall and spread apart.

Important: beginners should follow a simple rule - stretching is performed either after a workout or after a thorough warm-up. The warm-up should gently raise the heart rate with simple aerobic exercises, and then perform a series of movements that involve the whole body. Universal warm-up - exercises for the press, push-ups and squats.

  • Don't start with splits. It's great and impressive, of course, but you can easily get hurt. If the goal is a cross split, first stretch the adductors and abductors of the thighs, as well as the back of the legs, then stretch the legs raised up in the “corner” for a while. Gradually, from workout to workout, you can move on to a smooth stretch on the twine. But usually you need to devote 3 months to this work to see serious progress. The cross split is technically easier for many, it requires a good stretch of the back and front of the thighs, and this is what you need to concentrate on;
  • back muscles- the most underestimated group in terms of stretching. Not only cat-dogs, but also reverse backbends should be in the program. A training program supplemented with good back stretching is more effective than a plan in which only the legs and arms are stretched. There is an opinion that it is easier to sit on a twine for a person whose back is flexible and mobile than for someone who does not have the ability to bend his back;
  • Warm up well- without a preliminary warm-up, you do not need to do even simple stretching. And they do not replace warm-ups by themselves. Stretching helps to get rid of muscle clamps and spasms only under one condition - a person does not reach for cold muscles;
  • Having severe pain, especially in a joint, ligament, or muscle - a signal to stop the stretching exercise. Discomfort and a slight feeling of resistance are normal, severe pain is not. You need to stretch gently, not aggressively, and not exceed the capabilities of the body in order to achieve a result without “kickbacks” due to injuries;
  • You don't need to hold your breath, perform exercises from bodyflex or other gymnastics with a breath hold, if the body is not ready for this. Hypoxia has a bad effect on the elasticity of muscle fibers and only the human body can “forgive” this, which does not stretch too deeply, or does not hold the breath for long;
  • Copying others involved, competitive spirit and other joys of social life in joint training, leave those who have been practicing for a long time. You need to pull the muscles, listening to your own feelings, and not force events;
  • sliding, stretching “on the minus”, putting pieces of fabric under your feet to glide better are also bad ideas when it comes to fitness beginners. It is worth working only with your own body until the flexibility and mobility of the joints improves, and the muscles become more elastic.

There is an opinion that stretching exercises should be done by everyone. It is based on the popularity and accessibility of yoga. In fact, stretching is contraindicated throughout the recovery period after injuries, during an exacerbation of hypertension, with heart rhythm disturbances, during pregnancy, if there is a risk of placental abruption, and during exacerbation of chronic diseases. The wrong choice is to replace the workout with stretching if you have a cold or you need to reduce the intensity of the session.

Before you start training, dispel prejudices and misconceptions about stretching:

  • Stretching in adulthood is useless. Yes, it is easier for children to reach out, but perseverance and perseverance will solve the problem for adults as well;
  • Stretching is not necessary for weight loss. In fact, stretching exercises improve metabolism, speed up all processes, including fat burning. To lose weight, you need only one condition - a calorie deficit. Stretching also helps increase calorie expenditure. And it indirectly affects the quality of strength training and the speed of movement during cardio;
  • Stretching is a painful process. Not always, sometimes muscle stretching delivers only mild discomfort, you need to concentrate not on it, but on breathing, and the sensations will become more pleasant;
  • Stretching is not suitable for some people due to the body structure and lack of flexibility. In fact, even such people need to relieve tension and muscle clamps in order not to get injured during normal training.

"Cat" for the back

Stand up straight, get down on all fours, palms under the shoulders, in the projection of the joint, knees under the hips. With an inhalation, raise the center of the back up, bend, with an exhalation, as if arching in the opposite direction, allowing the stomach to “sag”. Start with a small period, about 20 seconds in each position, continue, increasing the stretch time.

Starting position - lying on your back, the stomach is tucked up so that the natural deflection in the lower back is preserved, but the back remains stable. Stretch one leg perpendicular to the body, grab it with your hands and pull towards the shoulder. If the range of motion is not enough, you can use a belt, rope, towel or belt to put it on your leg. There should be no discomfort in the back, you need to actively stretch, but do not tear your buttock off the floor. Twisting in the spine is also not allowed. It is also recommended to follow the time that is spent under load, so that the stretch is symmetrical, you need to make it the same on both sides.

Variation: sit on the floor on the buttocks, bend the supporting leg so that the heel is close to the groin, bend over to the stretched thigh, grab the sock with your hands

This is a calf stretch against a wall. You need to lean on the wall with your hands, and move away from it, as if you were about to perform a lunge. The “back” leg stretches with the heel back, the “front” leg bends at the knee joint.

Stand right at the support, grab the support with your hand, transfer the weight to the leg of the same name, free - grab the ankle with your hand. Pull the heel to the buttock, and push the pelvis forward.

Clasp your hands in a lock in front of you and stretch them out behind your head. At the same time, you need to draw in your stomach, and, as it were, lower your shoulders from your ears so that the trapezius muscle does not take on all the work.

Sit up straight, stretch both legs forward, and fold heel to heel, bending your knees. Stretch your body forward so that your knees drop to the floor. Hold your ankles with your hands so that they do not part.

Lie on your stomach and assume the cobra position, that is, push off the floor with your hands and stretch the front surface of the body so that the chest and stomach come off the floor.

Stretching for beginners on video

When choosing a stretch for a video, you should first view the complex from beginning to end, and, if necessary, stop recording to clarify the movement. Only then, after a warm-up, you can start exercising at home under the video. The beauty of stretching workouts is that they allow you to do as much as you want, even in the smallest apartment.

Most people, when they say stretching, mean exercises for splits. But, in fact, all the muscles of our body require proper stretching: back, arms, buttocks. Let's talk about why our body needs stretching, how to properly perform it.

What is stretching for?

Many fitness enthusiasts ignore this type of workout, not understanding why it is needed. If running and strength exercises, in the understanding of most people, serve to form a beautiful toned body, then the meaning of stretching remains incomprehensible to them. However, we need it both after a hard workout and in everyday life. Why is stretching so beneficial?

  1. Good stretching helps to avoid damage to muscles and ligaments.
  2. The range of motion increases.
  3. Well developed muscles, perform more work, get tired less.

In addition, proper stretching, like fitness, helps to form a beautiful proportional figure.

Thanks to high-quality stretching, posture is leveled, excess fat is removed from problematic female areas: hips, abdomen, waist.

In order to properly stretch, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. You can start stretching the muscles only after a preliminary warm-up.
  2. To do stretching at home, it is recommended to choose those exercises that you can do correctly without the help of an instructor. Do not choose too difficult poses. There will be no result from this.
  3. For an effective workout in each position, you need to linger from 30 seconds to two minutes. Beginners begin to stretch their muscles with a minimum delay of half a minute, gradually increasing it.
  4. Avoid sudden movements. This leads to injuries and torn ligaments.
  5. The whole complex of exercises is performed in the direction from above: neck, shoulders, back, legs.

Stretching time will depend on the type of workout. If you decide to conduct a full-fledged stretching lesson, be prepared to spend up to an hour and a half on it. When we talk about stretching as the final stage of a different kind of training, it will take about 20 minutes.

Stretching exercise "Twist"

If you do not have time for a full workout, then choose two exercises to work out each muscle group. Thus, it will take about 20 minutes, and the body will not have time to forget the previously acquired skills.

When not to stretch

Types of leg stretching

The secret to good stretching is the right combination of exercises and their regular performance. It is best if you attend full-fledged stretching classes 1 - 2 times a week. Soft stretching is quite suitable for homework.

How to prepare mentally

How to psychologically tune in to a good workout? You must understand that the result obtained from classes depends entirely on the efforts made. Before starting, try not to think about what worries you. Leave all worries and problems behind the doors of the sports class. Take this time to shine only on yourself and your body. It is very important to concentrate on what you will be doing.

If you train at home, think carefully about the set of exercises to be performed. First, mentally repeat each movement, and only then proceed to the implementation.

Remember that we are all different. Someone is endowed with good natural flexibility, and someone is not. Therefore, someone stretches faster, and someone much slower. The main thing is not to stop and go to your goal.

Set yourself up for regular workouts. Think about the result you want to achieve: develop natural flexibility, improve body functionality, etc. Visualization will stimulate you and will not allow you to miss classes.

How to prepare physically

In order to physically prepare for a muscle stretching workout, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Pick the right clothes. It is very important. In an uncomfortable, restricting form, it will not be possible to perform all the exercises technically correctly. The discomfort caused by such clothing will distract from training. Therefore, pay attention to tight-fitting trousers and tops made of modern sports materials. They wear well, look beautiful, and do not cause any negative sensations during training. As for shoes, traditionally stretching is performed barefoot, or in special socks for yoga or Pilates.

They can be purchased on any thematic site:

  1. Don't forget to warm up. This is a must before stretching. To avoid injury, the muscles must be well warmed up. For a warm-up, running, jumping, burpees, air squats and other active exercises are suitable.
  2. For home or independent training in the gym, it is important to choose the right set of exercises. Choose only those options that you can do correctly. It is enough to choose 3-4 exercises for each muscle group.
  3. If stretching your muscles is the final stage of your strength training, then more attention should be paid to those muscle groups that most actively participated in the training process. And those groups that were not involved should not be touched. They may not be warm enough for stretching and may be easily injured.

The body of a modern person needs proper training. The back, shoulder girdle, muscles of the body and legs, in the daily life of the average city dweller, move little and most of the time are in a constrained position. Regular stretching will help return the ease and joy of movement to your everyday life.

Reading time: 16 min

Stretching after a workout is a set of exercises for relaxing muscles after physical exertion.

Final stretching is an important part of your workout, which improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility. Stretching exercises not only protect your body from injury, but also help you train more efficiently.

Why stretch after a workout?

Stretching helps relieve tension from the muscles and relax them, as well as return the body to a calm state after the end of physical activity. Regular stretching is an excellent prevention of injury, and also helps you recover faster if you already have injuries. Stretching exercises are very simple and affordable - absolutely everyone can do them, even those who are very far from sports.

  1. It is very important to stretch after each workout for 5-10 minutes to relieve muscle tension.
  2. At least once a week, it is necessary to perform a longer stretching of all muscles, lasting 20-30 minutes.
  3. Muscle stretching is needed by everyone: both women and men, regardless of age and lifestyle.

During exercise, your muscles contract, in other words, shorten. After the exercise is completed, the muscles lengthen, but not completely, remaining slightly shorter than before the exercise. In order to return the original length to the muscles, it will take several days - this is called recovery.

Until the muscle returns to its original length, it will not recover and will not be able to work to build new strength. Therefore, if you do not stretch after a workout, then you yourself delay your recovery, which means you reduce the effectiveness of training. During muscle stretching, you lengthen your muscles, returning them to their original length. Without stretching, muscles recover much longer.

In addition, muscles remember their shortened length, so if they "forgot how" to lengthen, they will contract worse. The enslavement of muscles reduces the amplitude, and this already entails a drop in strength indicators. And not only! Muscles control our joints, and their lack of elasticity disrupts joint biomechanics, which can lead to injury and inflammation.

    improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility. This speeds up muscle recovery, reduces the likelihood of injury, helps to avoid stagnation in training.
  • Stretching stimulates the growth of new muscle fibers, and after them, strength. Stretching has been shown to increase the effectiveness of your workout by 10%.
  • Stretching after a workout will help improve blood circulation in the muscles. This will reduce crepitus (muscle pain after exercise), will reduce the recovery time of muscles and joints, as well as improve overall health. Blood circulation promotes cell growth and the maintenance of organ functionality.
  • Stretching exercises develop your flexibility and mobility, thereby reducing the risk of injury during training or during daily activities. Besides, this will help improve strength performance by increasing the range of motion.
  • Stretching after a workout lowers your heart rate and restores blood pressure.
  • Regular stretching of the back, chest and shoulders straightens the spine, improves posture, and helps to get rid of back pain.
  • Stretching exercises reduce tension and reduce stress caused by intense exercise. Stretching after a workout also encourages the release of endorphins, providing a feeling of calmness and satisfaction.

Do not confuse warming up before exercise and stretching after exercise. The task of the warm-up is to wake up the body, prepare the body for the load, warm up the muscles and joints. The warm-up should include dynamic stretching, joint exercises, and cardio warm-ups. The purpose of stretching after a workout is to lower your heart rate, calm your body, and stretch your muscles after exercise. This is the final stage of the workout, stretching is always done at the end of the session.

How is stretching performed?

The duration of the stretch is usually 10-15 minutes. If you are limited in time, then you can reduce the duration of the stretch to 5 minutes. (this is the required minimum), but in this case, you will either do it fluently and poorly, or pay attention only to individual muscle groups. Ideally, in addition to regular stretching after training, once a week, perform a general stretching of the whole body for 30-45 minutes.

If you have had an intense workout, then before stretching you need to restore the pulse. Walk at a calm pace for 1-2 minutes, taking deep breaths in and out to restore breathing. Then proceed to stretching exercises, consistently stretching all muscle groups. The order of the muscles does not play a fundamental role, you can perform the exercises in any order.

Take a pose, slowly stretch the muscle until you feel slight discomfort (but not pain!) And stay in this position for 30 seconds. If you want to deepen the stretch and improve flexibility, then you can linger in each position for 45-60 seconds. Stretching is performed statically, do not swing or put pressure on the muscle. Stretch slowly and gradually, accompanying the stretch with deep breathing.

Pay special attention to those muscle groups that participated during the workout. But stretching the rest of the muscle groups will not be superfluous. Stretching relaxes your muscles, so cannot be done before or during class. Stretch after every workout: do not neglect stretching exercises if you want to maintain health and improve your physical abilities.

Features of stretching after training:

1. Stretching after a workout should be static. Avoid pulsation, springs, pressure on the working muscle. Even soft tensile force is the defining condition for a quality lesson.

2. Stretching should be accompanied by deep breathing. This will help you relax and stretch your muscles in a better way.

3. Do not practice paired exercises, in which the other person puts additional pressure on the muscles and ligaments . This stretching can damage joints or stretch ligaments.

4. Try not to round your back while bending to the legs. If you do not have enough flexibility, do not try to jerk to your feet, arch your back, stretch your head down. The back must remain straight, otherwise you risk injuring the spine.

5. That is why it is very useful to do stretching exercises in front of a mirror. So you can see all your mistakes and shortcomings.

6. To facilitate stretching, you can use a chair, for example, when bending over, if you do not reach the floor, or as a support:

7. Also, for convenience during stretching, you can use a strap, towel or elastic band:

8. Stretching should be pleasant and comfortable, you can not reach through the pain. Your body should be relaxed, your muscles should not be tense.

9. Stretching does not replace massage, so we recommend using a massage roller for regular workouts. This inexpensive useful equipment will help you avoid injuries and pain in the muscles.

We offer you a ready-made selection of stretching exercises that will help you pay attention to all the muscles in your body. You can perform the exercises in any order, but traditionally stretching is performed from top to bottom. The proposed stretching exercises can be performed both after cardio loads and after strength training.

Stretching exercises for the upper body

1. Biceps and forearm stretch

2. Shoulder and arm stretch

3. Stretching the chest and arms

Body Stretching Exercises

1. Stretching the obliques and upper back

2. Stretching the back and arms

3. Stretching the back, lower back and buttocks

4. Stretching the lower back and the press

5. Stretching the back, shoulders and hamstrings

Stretching exercises for the lower body

1. Stretching the legs and buttocks

2. Stretching the hamstrings, hamstrings, buttocks

3. Stretching the adductor muscles (inner thigh)

4. Stretching the gluteal muscles and lower back

5. Quadriceps stretch

Thanks for the photo youtube channels: MFit, Allison Van Fossen, Love Sweat Fitness, FiT Global Fitness Network.

Stretching video after workout

As you can see, all fitness gurus have a great stretch that allows them to perform the most incredible exercises and tricks, among which the twine is considered the most prominent representative. If you want to master this ability and make your body flexible, then this article on how to learn how to stretch at home is just for you. So, what is stretching at home and how quickly can you master it by doing it regularly?

Stretching (or stretching) is a special set of exercises aimed at stretching muscle and ligamentous fibers. Good stretching is the key to elastic, elastic muscles and strong joints, as well as high mobility and good posture.

Briefly about the most important

Despite the fact that stretching is very useful for the human body, not everyone is in a hurry to do it. Especially beginners, because some of them do not understand how important stretching the whole body is (including at home). There are those who believe that a flexible body is the prerogative of professional gymnasts and athletes. There are also those who suggest that stretching the muscles does not benefit training.

But both are wrong. First of all, stretching is the most affordable and easiest way to keep your body in good shape. In addition, during such exercises, the muscles relax and strengthen, and the effectiveness of the previous workout increases (since stretching is usually performed after the main load).

The most important benefit of stretching, which few beginners are aware of, is working on posture. During the performance of special exercises, each muscle involved in the back area develops and becomes stronger, thanks to which they are able to form a reliable corset that supports the spine and aligns posture.
But, before a beginner begins to perform the complex, he should familiarize himself with all the nuances that will reduce the risk of injury and increase the effectiveness of training.

What types and exercises are there?

In sports, there are two types of stretching, which, in turn, have their own varieties and differences:

  • Static - these are the main exercises to increase the elasticity and flexibility of muscles, which are recommended for all beginners to start with. During the execution of such a set of exercises, all movements are reproduced slowly and smoothly. Having taken the necessary position, you need to linger in it so that the muscle stretches and you feel the tension.
  • Dynamic - a complex that includes mainly high-intensity exercises. These can be transitions from one position to another (for example, from longitudinal to transverse twine), swings, etc. Such exercises require some skill, and therefore they are not recommended for beginners.

Static stretching exercises can be performed without prior training, while to perform a dynamic stretching complex, you must have a certain amount of training experience. However, before performing any of these complexes, it is recommended to do exercises that will warm up the muscle fibers and prepare them for the upcoming load. This is especially true for those who are interested in stretching at home from scratch. And for you, we offer the following video lesson, in which gymnastics is demonstrated by a child, which allows you to warm up the muscles of the whole body before training.

Performing such a warm-up complex every time before training, the athlete will protect himself by reducing the risk of injury and sprains. Therefore, for those who are interested in how to do stretching correctly at home, first be sure to clarify all the nuances of not only the training itself, but also the preparatory stage.

In order for a beginner to be able to learn how to stretch in just a few weeks without risk to health, he needs to start with the simplest exercises. And below we will give the most effective of them, which will allow you to stretch your muscles almost painlessly and efficiently.

Leg stretch

If you are interested in how to stretch at home, you must first prioritize correctly, paying attention to the fact that the legs and spine are the most mobile. Therefore, training must necessarily include exercises that promote the development of muscle fibers in these areas of the body.

So, stretching for the legs and spine may include the following exercises:

This exercise, perhaps, is one of the main ones aimed at stretching the muscle fibers of the legs. Although it seems simple at first glance, at first it is better to perform it in front of a mirror or with a partner. When performing it, it is very important to monitor your own feelings in order to control muscle tension and not overdo it.

The starting position is to stand up straight, placing your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than this distance. Taking one leg back, squat, bending it so that the knee almost touches the floor. In this position, you should feel the muscles in your legs tighten and stretch. It is advisable to do 10-15 repetitions for each leg at the initial stage, and as you learn how to properly stretch, you can increase the load to 20 repetitions for each leg.

Lunges from a kneeling position

Starting position - kneeling on the floor. From i.p. Stretch one leg forward so that it straightens completely, and the heel rests on the floor. Bending over, lower the palms of your hands to the floor in front of you and place them on the sides of the “working” leg. Spring in this position, stretching the muscle of the outstretched leg, for 5-10 seconds. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

Hip stretch while lying on your stomach

Stretching the legs while lying on the floor on the stomach is a simple but very effective leg stretch at home. Such an exercise can be performed with equal success by both a woman and a man who decide to lead a healthy lifestyle. To reproduce such an exercise, you need to lie on the floor on your stomach and, bending your right arm at the elbow, put it under your head. With the left hand, you need to pull the left leg, bent at the knee, to the buttocks. When doing such a stretch, you need to ensure that the pain is moderate, which would indicate high-quality stretching at home. The exercise should only take 3-5 minutes to complete.

How to do leg stretching at home using several effective exercises as an example, the instructor will tell you in the following entertaining video from YouTube.

Stretching for the spine

As a rule, after a warm-up and stretching for the legs at home, you can do it. Having warmed up your muscles enough, you can begin to stretch the fibers that represent the muscular atlas of the back. And the first lesson, which is suitable for beginners, may include the following exercises:

  • Back arch or "cat". This exercise is performed in a standing position on all fours, with an emphasis on the palms on the floor at approximately shoulder level. In this position, the back is first arched with a simultaneous tilting of the head up and a 10-second pause at the top point. After that, you need to smoothly return to the starting position, from which you will then need to arch your back, as shown in the photo below, and also make a 10-second pause.
  • Turns of the lumbar spine in the supine position. This is a good stretch for the spine, which is often used in rehabilitation programs, as well as as part of a complex to increase the flexibility of the whole body. I.p. - lying on your back with arms extended along the body. Tightly pressing the shoulder blades and the entire upper shoulder girdle to the floor, you need to throw one leg over the other and stretch the knee of this leg as far as possible, turning only the lumbar region. Upon reaching the maximum possible point, you need to linger for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return to the i.p. Repeat the same for the other side. Performing such exercises, after a month you will be able to notice the absence of lower back pain and improved well-being.
  • Stretching the spine in a chair. To perform it, you will need a chair, sitting on which you will need to press your buttocks tightly against the seat, and put your feet completely on the floor. From this position, turn to the side at the maximum possible angle and, holding the back of the chair with your hands, make a short pause, avoiding severe pain. Then return to the starting position and repeat the stretch for the other side in the same way.
  • Stretching the spine with a deflection in the lower back. To carry out stretching, the girl should lie on the floor on her stomach, and then raise the upper part of the body, leaning on her palms, as shown in the photo, to get a deflection in the back. Such an exercise, despite its simplicity, is very effective, but it must be performed with the utmost care to avoid back injury and sprains.


These are just a few examples of exercises that will help you improve your flexibility and achieve incredible workout results. Being interested in how to stretch at home, you should not forget about the main components of the success of classes: desire, regularity, a gradual increase in load and smoothness of the movements made. The effectiveness of training will directly depend on how high-quality your physical labor will be. Under this condition, it will take you only a week to see the first shifts towards the desired goal.

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It doesn’t matter why you needed to sit on the twine - for showiness for a special occasion, perfect stretching or health benefits (yes, her twine also brings, and considerable). Whatever you think, know that doing the splits is actually not that difficult. If you regularly perform several effective exercises - even more so.

1. Tilts with hands "in the castle" behind the back

Stretching, which is usually painful and therefore not very pleasant, is best started with a simple and slightly relaxing exercise, such as this one. It will stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs well and, as a bonus, improve the flexibility of the back, straighten the shoulders and chest.

How to do. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bring your hands behind your back, connect them “into the lock” and lift them up - the back should arch. In this position, bend over and pull your chest towards your hips. Keep your legs straight, they should not bend at the knees. After standing like this for 5 breaths, slowly return to the starting position.

2. Tilts to one leg

Do it very carefully. The “pull” will be under the knee and lower back, but then the twine will become a couple of centimeters closer.

How to do. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Bend the right knee and lay it on its side, thereby opening the hips halfway. Strive with your right hand to touch the outer side of your left foot, and try to put your torso on a straight leg. Pull your left hand forward, towards the foot. Relax your shoulders - they should not rise. Stay in this position for 5 breaths. Raise the body, change legs, repeat the exercise.

3. Forward bend with legs open

Lying with your body on the floor in this position will not work right away. But when it does work out, it will mean that there is nothing left before the twine (and not longitudinal, but transverse).

How to do. Sit and spread your legs apart, but not to the maximum width. Move your pelvis slightly forward, but make sure your legs don't move with it. Straighten your back. Feed the body forward, towards the floor, until you feel a "burning" under the knees - this is stretching the tendons. Stay in the lowest position for 5 breaths, then return to the starting position.

4. Deep lunges forward

What could be easier and more convenient than pulling the leg muscles in such a lunge? In addition, this exercise even helps to stretch too well.

How to do. Step forward with your right foot. Put your hands on the floor. The leg should be between them. Place your left knee on the floor. If you can, get down on your elbows. Press your body against your right leg. Stretch your hips towards the floor. Stay as low as possible while taking 5 breaths. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

5. Deep lunge with calf raise

Having worked on stretching the knees, let's move on to the hips, or rather, to the muscles of their back and front surfaces.

How to do. Walk up to the wall, stop a step away from it, turn your back to it. Get on your knees. Right leg, bent at a right angle, put forward. Lift the foot of your left foot up and “put” it on the wall. Stretch your hips down until you feel a stretch in the muscles. Place your hands on your knee to keep your position stable. Keep your back straight. Stay in this position for 5 breaths, then relax, switch legs and repeat.

6. Power stretching in a standing position

Stretch the muscles with the strength of your arms - this can be more effective than pressing on them with your own weight.

How to do. Stand up straight, close your feet. Shift the weight to the left leg, and lift the right leg, bent at the knee, so that it is easy to grab it with both hands, lift it up. Stand straight on your left foot. Slowly straighten your right leg to the side, holding the big toe with your hand. If this is easy for you, pull your hip towards your stomach, lifting your foot towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 breaths. Slowly lower your right leg to the floor. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

7. Side Plank Stretch

To stretch in such a shaky (in the truest sense of the word) position, you need to be able to keep your balance. Despite the complexity, this exercise is worth a try - it significantly lengthens some muscles, and gives a static load to others.

How to do. Stand in a side plank position with your arm outstretched and resting on your right leg. Carefully, while maintaining balance, grab the big toe of the left foot with your left hand and, bending the leg at the knee, pull it up, gradually straightening it. Stand still, trying not to lose your balance. If you can, straighten your leg and pull it as high as you can. After 5 breaths, gently release your left leg, put it on the floor, take a sitting position. Change sides, repeat the exercise.