A.T. Tvardovsky, "Vasily Terkin": analysis of the poem. Vasily Terkin Ivan Terkin Tvardovsky read

Literature work. A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

1. What does the poem "Vasily Terkin" tell the reader about?

A.T. Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War becomes the spokesman for the spirit of the soldiers, the common people. His poem "Vasily Terkin" helps people survive a terrible time, to believe in themselves, because the poem was created in the war chapter by chapter. "Vasily Terkin" - "a book about a fighter." The poem was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in the years of difficult trials. Therefore, the main character, Vasya Terkin, dances, plays a musical instrument, cooks dinner, jokes. The hero lives in the war, and for the writer this is very important, because in order to survive, any person needs to love life very much.

2. What is the main idea of ​​the chapter "Crossing"?

The chapter "Crossing" describes how Terkin accomplished the feat when, once on the right bank, he returned by swimming to the left to ask for support. The crossing is dangerous both for Vasily Terkin's comrades and for himself:

people are warm and lively
Going down, down, down...

Vasily Terkin bravely agrees to swim across the icy river, and when he finds himself on the opposite bank, frozen and tired, he immediately begins to report, showing his responsibility and sense of duty:

Allow me to report...
The platoon on the right bank is alive and well

to spite the enemy!

The title of the chapter "About the Reward" reflects the event being described.

About the modesty of Terkin, the poet says in this chapter:

- No, guys, I'm not proud.
Without looking into the distance
So I will say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.

In the chapter "On the Reward", Terkin comically talks about how he would behave if he returned from the war to his native village; says that for representativeness he absolutely needs a medal. Terkin's dream of an award ("I agree to a medal") is not a vain desire to become famous or stand out. In fact, this is a desire to see native lands and native people free.

4. In the chapter "On a halt" the poet talks about Sabantuy. What it is?

Terkin himself answers this question:

And who among you knows

What is Sabantuy?

- Sabantuy - some kind of holiday?

Or what is there - Sabantuy?

- Sabantuy is different,

And if you don't know, don't interpret

Here under the first bombardment

Lie down from the hunt in bed,

He remained alive - do not grieve:

- This is a small sabantuy.

Relax, eat hard

Light up and don't blow your mouth.

Worse, brother, like a mortar

Suddenly, the sabantuy starts.

He will penetrate you deeper, -

Kiss mother earth.

But keep in mind, my dear,

This is an average Sabantuy.

Sabantuy - science for you,

The enemy is fierce - he is fierce.

But it's a completely different thing.

This is the main sabantuy.

5. It is known that many soldiers considered Vasily Terkin to be their fellow soldiers and never parted with the book. How can this be explained?

The poem "Vasily Terkin"Was written by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War and was published chapter by chapter in various newspapers. This work supported the fighting spirit of the soldiers, gave them hope, inspired and, most importantly, it could be read from any chapter. This is due to the fact that each chapter in the poem is a separate story, which is full of deep patriotism, optimism, faith in the future.

The image of the Soviet soldier Vasily Terkin was conceived as a feuilleton image, designed to make the soldiers at the front laugh, to raise their morale.

Throughout the Great Patriotic War, the image of Vasya Terkin remained the most beloved among the fighters. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that this hero captivated the hearts of readers with his reality and authenticity.

6. Characteristics of Vasily Terkin.

The image of the main character Vasily Terkin, a simple Russian soldier, is an example of human dignity, courage, love for the Motherland, honesty and selflessness. All these qualities of the hero are revealed in each chapter of the work.

Since the work was written during the war, it goes without saying that the main qualities of the hero, on which the author focuses, are selfless courage, heroism, a sense of duty and responsibility.

He is a symbolic image, a man-people, a collective Russian type. It is no coincidence that nothing is said about his personal biography. He is "a great hunter to live up to ninety years", a peaceful, civil man, a soldier by necessity. His usual life on the collective farm was interrupted by the war. War for him is a natural disaster, hot work. The whole poem is permeated with the dream of a peaceful life.

Already at the first mention, the surname Terkin outlines the boundaries of character: Terkin means an experienced, grated person, "grated kalach", or, as it is said in the poem, "a grated person".

The world heard through a terrible thunder,

Vasily Terkin repeated:

- We'll endure. Let's grind...

Terkin - who is he?

Let's be frank:

Just a guy himself

He is ordinary.

The image of Terkin is a generalized image, for all its realism and ordinariness. Tvardovsky endows his hero with an "all-Russian" appearance, avoiding portrait signs.

("Beauty endowed / He was not excellent. / Not tall, not that small, / But a hero-hero.") Terkin is a bright, unique personality, and at the same time he includes the features of many people, he is like would be repeated many times in others.

It is important that Terkin belongs to the most massive branch of the military - the infantry. The hero is an infantryman. "In it - the pathos of the infantry, the troops closest to the earth, to the cold, to fire and death," Tvardovsky wrote at the very beginning of his plan. Terkin is one of the laborers of the war, on whom the country rests, who bore the brunt of the war on their shoulders.

7. What brings Vasily Terkin closer to the heroes of folk tales, Russian heroes Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, and others?

The image of Terkin has folklore roots, it is “a hero, a fathom in his shoulders”, “a merry fellow”, “an experienced person”. Behind the illusion of rusticity, jokes, mischief, there is a moral sensitivity and an inherent sense of filial duty to the Motherland, the ability to accomplish a feat at any moment without phrase and pose.

In the image of Terkin, Tvardovsky portrays the best qualities of the Russian character - courage, perseverance, resourcefulness, optimism and great devotion to his native land.

Mother Earth is yours,
In days of trouble and in days of victory
You are not brighter and more beautiful,
And there is no more desirable heart ...

It is in the defense of the Motherland, life on earth that the justice of the people's Patriotic War lies (“The battle is on, holy and right, a mortal battle is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth ...”).

Terkin lives, as it were, in two dimensions: on the one hand, he is a very real soldier, a staunch fighter of the Soviet Army. On the other hand, this is a Russian fairy-tale warrior-hero who does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.

The hero is not the same as in a fairy tale -
carefree giant,
And in a hiking belt.
A simple sourdough man...
Hard in torment and proud in grief
Terkin is alive and cheerful, damn it!

Terkin enters into single combat with a strong, physically superior opponent. On the one hand, the author enlarges this episode:

Like an ancient battlefield Chest to chest, like a shield to a shield, - Instead of thousands, two fight As if a fight would solve everything.

Tvardovsky writes at the intersection of pathos and irony, epic scope and sober reality.

Terkin in the book is not only an epic, nationwide type, but also a personality. Folk heroes in epics remain the same from the beginning to the end of the story. The image of Terkin is given in evolution: the closer to the end of the work, the more sad thoughts appear in the poem. In the first chapters, the hero is a joker, cheerful, but not careless, not lost in any circumstances, and this was very important in the difficult days of the war. At the end of the chapter "On the Dnieper", Terkin silently smokes aside from his rejoicing comrades, and the last lines of the chapter show him from an unexpected side:

- What are you, brother, Vasily Terkin, Are you crying like... - Guilty...

The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the military theme of the poem: the attitude towards death, the ability to stand up for oneself and others, a sense of responsibility and duty to the motherland, the relationship between people at critical moments in life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about the sore, uses a special artistic character - the image of the author. Chapters "About myself" appear in the poem. So the writer brings his main character closer to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author empathizes, sympathizes, feels satisfaction or resents:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of the native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

We made friends with you ...

The war is depicted by Tvardovsky in blood, labor and deprivation. Endless night, frost. But a bit of a soldier's dream, not even a dream, but heavy oblivion, whimsically mixed with reality. In the minds of those who remained on this, the left bank, there are pictures of the death of comrades. Their possible death is depicted in mundane - but all the more terrible - details. Reflections on the soldiers who died at the crossing, and not only about these soldiers, the poet ends with pathetic lines.

The dead are immortal, and the land where their traces “frozen forever” becomes a monument of soldier's glory.

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader to be a universal catastrophe, an inexpressible horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, support a friend, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be a different life, people will start laughing heartily, singing songs loudly, joking - peacetime will come . The poem "Vasily Terkin" is full of optimism, faith in a better future.

The author argues that the most important thing in war is not food, but a foolish joke, a good saying and saying, as well as the real truth, albeit bitter. The author introduces the reader to Vasily Terkin, his hero, a fighter. He is dear in war, because in difficult times there should be a place for jokes and fun. The author defines the form of his narrative as a book without beginning or end and starts it right from the middle.

On a halt

Terkin gets into the first infantry platoon and immediately becomes his own. On the very first night after this, the platoon does not sleep, listening to the stories of an experienced soldier Vasily Terkin. His jokes help his comrades survive the hardships of military life: sleeping in wet overcoats, on bare roots, dirt, hunger and cold.

The author argues that there is such a Terkin in every company. He is unprepossessing himself: of medium height, not particularly handsome, fought, but was not awarded, was wounded, was surrounded three times, but survived under any fire and in any position.

Before the fight

Terkin tells how he, in a group of 10 people, got out of the environment, was a political instructor, whose only conversation was the words “do not be discouraged.” On the way, the soldiers entered the village of the commander.

The commander's wife prepared dinner for the fighters, carefully put them to rest. The owner was waiting for her in the corner, but she still did not go, clinking dishes, sewing. Terkin could not sleep, it was embarrassing, he went out onto the porch, made a bed out of an overcoat, a faithful friend of a soldier.

The owner did not go to his wife, he chopped wood until light to help her. At dawn, the children woke up and cried, as if realizing that their father was leaving. Terkin dreams of visiting that mistress after the war in order to "bow to a simple good woman."


During the crossing of the river in winter, soldiers of the first, second and third platoons plunged onto the pontoons. When the first platoon was to reach the opposite right bank, shelling began, killing many fighters. The crossing failed, but everyone was worried about the men of the first platoon.

At dawn, the lookouts saw in the distance a small dot on the river. They mistook the swimming man for a dead man from those who died yesterday, but the sergeant through binoculars made out a living swimmer. Someone joked that it was Terkin, but it really turned out to be him. They dressed him, ordered him to run, then laid him on the bed and began to rub him with alcohol. Terkin asked to warm up from the inside and reported that the first platoon was asking for a light. The holy and right fight continued, not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth.

About war

Vivacious Terkin talks about the war. When war comes, you need to forget about everything, because everything is "responsible for Russia, for the people and for everything in the world." In war, one must forget oneself, be one with one's people. Everyone must fight, beat the German, be ready to carry out the order at the cost of life. One can only hope for the gratitude of posterity.

Turkin is wounded

On a winter day, Terkin was ordered to make contact. Vasily followed the rifle company. Suddenly, a projectile hissed nearby. Everyone fell to the ground in fear. Terkin was the first to get up, noticed that the shell was damp, and relieved him of a small need. Having handed over the coil to the fighters, Terkin decided to check if the enemy was shooting from the cellar. There was no one in the cellar, it was made for glory. Terkin decided to defend him with two available grenades.

The fighter saw a German soldier two steps away. When a German officer jumped into the ditch and fired at Terkin, wounding him in the right shoulder, Terkin hit with a bayonet. Then heavy artillery began to beat on the moat.

Bleeding Terkin was found by tankers when he was already losing consciousness. An unfamiliar tanker carried him in an embrace, warmed him with his breath. There is no more holy and purer friendship than in war.

About the award

Terkin argues that he does not need an order, he agrees to a medal, and even then he needs it after the end of the war, when he goes on vacation, goes to the village council and finds a party in one of the collective farms. Terkin dreams that he will tell the girls how he went on the attack. The author laments that Terkin has no road to his native village council, to evening parties, because he is a participant in a terrible, mortal, bloody battle not for glory, but for the sake of life on earth.


Terkin returned after being wounded and hospitalized to the first company of his rifle regiment. He was picked up by a truck, also going to the front. The column stopped due to a snow jam. Two tankers allowed Terkin to play the accordion of their commander, who died in yesterday's battle.

From an orphaned harmonica, everyone becomes warmer. It seems to the tankers that they are familiar with Terkin, he was brought up somewhere. The accordion helps people to forget about the fear of death and the killed loved ones, the fighters even dance. Tankers give Terkin an accordion in memory of the commander.

two soldiers

Three miles from the war, Terkin is resting in a hut with old people. Grandfather is a soldier of the last war. Terkin helped his grandfather to set up the saw, cleaned it of dust and repaired the clock. With jokes, he lures lard and even two eggs from the grandmother. After having dinner and drinking from a flask for life, two soldiers compare the everyday difficulties of the two wars. Terkin promises his grandfather that the German will be beaten.

About loss

The fighter lost his pouch and is very upset by this, because he lost his family, his native land. Terkin, as a consolation, takes out a second hat from the duffel bag and says that it was given to the wounded Vasily by the girl doing the dressing. This hat has become a very expensive fighter. He hopes to meet that girl someday and give her the "headdress". Terkin gave his comrade his pouch and noted that it is bitter to lose a family, life, and even a pouch, but you can’t lose Russia, your old mother, because “we are responsible for everything.”


Terkin fights the German to the death. The German is large, strong, dexterous, "well-fed, shaved, protected." Terkin's teeth have already been knocked out, the German's left eye has been knocked out. Terkin already has poor control of his right wounded hand, he was exhausted and killed, but the enemy’s entire muzzle was also beaten. Finally, the German hit Terkin with a helmet, and he hit the German with an unloaded grenade.

Turkin is enjoying his military fortune as the terrible, bloody mortal combat continues.

From the author

The author decided to take a breather in the "fairy tale about the war." It is good to hear about war for a man who has defeated the enemy and returned home. The author recognizes the desire of the reader-soldier in the war to listen to a peaceful fairy tale. But while the native land is in captivity, the author, "a lover of peaceful life", "sings war in war." This also explains the form of the book about the soldier: “without beginning or end, without a special plot,” because in war a soldier only follows orders, his life does not belong to him.

Who fired

After yesterday's battle, the soldiers are sitting in the trenches not far from the enemy. A summer evening reminds of peacetime, of peasant labor and recreation. The sound of an approaching plane torments the soul. No one wants to die at any time of the year, especially in the spring. A guy of twenty incomplete years, lying face down and waiting for shelling, recalls a peaceful life, friends, relatives, his home. But one fighter decided to meet death face to face. He stood up and kneeled with a rifle at the plane. “A high-speed, military, black, modern, twin-engine aircraft” fell. Terkin became a hero, he was given an order.

About the hero

Terkin tells how in the hospital he met a hero-order bearer, a boy from near Tambov. Vasily is offended by his Smolensk side, he is not proud, but he is glad that he will receive the order. But more important to him is the Motherland, the native side, which he cherishes.


In the second summer of the war, Terkin "tanned on the defensive." He washed in the river and dried his tunic and trousers when he was called to the general to be awarded the order.

In front of the general, Terkin was shy, but looked like an eagle. He refused a week-long vacation home, then the general promised that he himself would go with Terkin to the Smolensk side, where the war was going on. The general warmly, as with his son, said goodbye to Terkin.

About Me

The author talks about how he left his father's house in his youth, but kept it in his soul. The author recalls a forest not scarred by war, a summer day, “a courtyard, a stitch at a well” and many details of home life. A year ago, the hero could return to his homeland and hug his old mother. But now its land is suffering in captivity, and the author promises to come and return it. The author identifies himself with all people who have a family and everything native beyond the front line. Terkin is a countryman of the author, both of them are responsible for everything.

Fight in the swamp

The unknown battle in the swamp for the destroyed settlement of Borka seems pointless. It's damp, hungry, you can't even smoke - everything is limp. But Terkin encourages, telling that now the fighters are in their swamp and among their fighters, they have weapons, they are protected by artillery and tanks. Each person is the embodiment of Russia itself, it is a fighter. And a year ago, in the rear, Terkin was hiding in a shock from the Germans who occupied Moscow. Terkin's words amused the comrades, and they easily took the village. That long battle is not mentioned anywhere, but Russia will pay tribute to all the fighters who died in the war.

About love

Each soldier was led to war by a woman. The love of a wife encourages, warns, condemns, and glorifies. Wives do not complain in letters about a hard life. The love of wives survived the war, so the author encourages them to write more often. But no one accompanied Terkin on the road. The author asks the girls to look at the hero, love him and give him a heart.

Terkin's rest

Terkin got "straight to heaven", a vacation home, with a warm stove, a bedroom, a bed with clean linens. But in this “paradise” there are restrictions: you can’t sit in your clothes, chop bread with a bayonet, hold a rifle at your feet, hide a spoon behind your bootleg. Terkin is uncomfortable in such cleanliness, it seems to him that he is back in the hospital. The fighter thinks about those who are now at war, and cannot sleep.

At the end of the first day, Terkin thought that the war was not over, therefore, after having a bite and getting ready, he went to his front line. In the meantime, you can rest only on the way, "where the case will lead us," before the next battle.

On the offensive

The soldiers got used to the defense, but the order was received to go on the offensive. Young fighters look up to Terkin, although he is just as scared to lie in the snow and wait for a break. When the general behind the battlefield gave the order to attack for the Motherland, the lieutenant running in front was seriously wounded and died on the battlefield. Then Terkin led a platoon to attack and was also seriously wounded.

death and warrior

Terkin was left unselected in the snow, and death came to him, began to call him with him, but Terkin refuses to give up. Death frightens him with injury, and Terkin, freezing, asks Death to see victory, return home and "walk among the living."

The fighter was found by the funeral team. While he was carefully carried to the medical battalion, death was nearby. When she saw how the living care for each other, she fell behind.

Turkin writes

Terkin writes from his ward that he survived, although he recovered for a long time, that his leg was healing, that he wanted to get to his native part, which during the war became his native side, family and hut. Terkin would like to reach the very border with his unit, or at least die among his own.


Having recovered, Terkin found himself at home again, at war, but after the absence he feels like a stranger. Suddenly, another, red-haired fighter responded to someone's question, where is Vasily Terkin. Terkin old, holding a grudge, decided to find out who the real one is. It turned out that the new Terkin Ivan, that he is also a hero, that he has two orders, that he knocked out one more car and is sure that the book is about him, and another name for rhyme. The new Terkin turned out to be a skillful harmonica player and the same joker, so Vasily Terkin even agreed to give him the championship, and he himself decided to be considered a namesake. Their dispute was resolved by the foreman, who announced that, according to the charter, each company would soon "be given its own Terkin."

From the author

The author refutes rumors that Vasily Terkin, who was so fond of readers, has died. Terkin, like a hero, went through all the land that was given away, and now returned with blood. The author refers to mother Russia, whose victory is close, because the “holy and sinful, Russian miracle man” - Terkin, is going into battle.

grandfather and grandmother

In the third spring, our troops came to the village, where once, during the retreat, Terkin repaired grandfather and grandmother’s watches, and then the Germans took them off the wall like a trophy. The grandfather and the woman were sitting in the cellar when the sound of the shots subsided and the old people heard the voices of the scouts, in one of which they recognized Tyorkin. The old people accepted Terkin as a son, fed even with bacon. Terkin promised that the army would not retreat again. He undertook to bring two watches from Berlin instead of those taken by the German.

On the Dnieper

Throughout the war, Terkin felt guilty before his native land; it was not he who liberated his native village. The front advanced to the Dnieper. At the end of the Indian summer at dawn there was a battle on the Dnieper. And now the “trash of war” is still at the bottom. Vasily Terkin, like the rest of the infantry, crossed by swimming to the right bank. A little further south, the Germans were crossing over to the right bank, ready to surrender. They only made people laugh. But Terkin, feeling guilty before the now liberated Motherland, even began to cry.

About the orphan soldier

All the soldiers who liberated the city outside the city had relatives waiting somewhere, and the orphaned soldier had nowhere to write. When they advanced near Smolensk, this soldier asked to go to his native village of Krasny Most, but the inhabitants said that his wife and son were no longer alive. Returning to the battalion, the soldier wept for his family and himself. His tears are holy for us, we must exact retribution and remember the orphan soldier on the bright day of victory.

On the way to Berlin

The road to Berlin is a foreign land, an unfavorable side, in which red tiles, signs in a foreign language and someone else's speech are unusual. For soldiers, mother earth is desirable, on which it is even better to die. But the warriors, servants of the people, dream of returning alive from a four-year campaign.

On the roads to the east, “like from the gates of hell,” people flow. The French, the British, the Poles look at the Russian soldiers in a friendly way. The soldier-liberator, having met a countrywoman, a soldier's mother, who was returning across the Dnieper to her ruined yard, gave her equipment, a horse with a full harness, a cow, a sheep, household utensils.

In the bath

At the end of the war, in the depths of Germany, a bathhouse is a father's home in a foreign land. The soldier undresses, and all the healed wounds that he received in different battles become visible. The soldiers rejoice that the war is ending and the holiday is not far away. Having taken a steam bath, the soldiers complete the “desired bath work”. The fighter puts on clean clothes and a tunic with orders and medals, and his comrades compare his jokes with those of Terkin.

From the author

The author says goodbye to Terkin, who became unnecessary after the war, because now is the time for a different song. This book about a fighter is dear to the author, because Terkin is his pain, joy, rest and feat. The author wrote these lines to please the reader. Now the author hopes that the soldiers who went through the war will remember Terkin. The author dedicates this book to all the fallen, to all "friends of the military era."

This poem in the work of Tvardovsky is one of the main ones. It is dedicated to the fictional character Vasily Terkin, a soldier of the Great Patriotic War. A summary of the poem "Vasily Terkin" chapter by chapter will help the reader understand what the Russian soldier is famous for and why the author treats him with special respect.

Chapter 2

Vasily Terkin decided to tell the soldiers about Sabantuy. Everyone listens to the stories of an experienced warrior with bated breath.

Chapter 3

Retreat. Terkin took on the duties of a political instructor. The commander is sad. On the way home village. The commander's wife fed everyone. The commander did not close his eyes all night. At dawn the soldiers left. Terkin promised himself that he would return to these parts and bow to a simple, Russian woman.

Chapter 4

Shelling. Some of the soldiers drowned. The first platoon survived. They managed to get to the other side. Turkin is one of them. The soldiers think their comrades are dead. Terkin, at night, dives into the icy water and swims to the other side. It turned out the platoon was intact. The soldiers are waiting for orders. Terkin promises to help the others with the crossing.

Chapter 5

The fight is holy and right.

Mortal combat is not for glory,

For life on earth.

Chapter 6

Turkin receives an order to make contact. While pulling the wires, a shell falls nearby, but miraculously does not explode. Terkin, as always, grins, seeing how scared the soldiers are. Vasily sees the dugout. According to his assumption, the Germans are inside. He goes there, but there is no one in the dugout. Terkin took a wait-and-see attitude. The Germans are on their way. A German officer wounds him in the shoulder, but he himself dies. Terkin stabbed him with a bayonet. A day later, the wounded Terkin was found by tankers.

Chapter 7

Vasily was awarded an order for being wounded. Terkin already imagines how he will return to his native land, and all the girls will enthusiastically look at the hero.

Chapter 8

After recuperating in the hospital, Terkin tries to catch up with his people. Passenger picks him up. Column ahead. The driver must let her pass. While waiting, he fell asleep. Turkin is bored. He regrets that there is no accordion. The tanker gave him the accordion of the deceased commander. The tankers recognized the harmonist as a wounded man who had recently been rescued. As a keepsake, they decided to give Terkin an accordion.

Chapter 9

I had to stop in one of the huts where my grandfather and grandmother lived. The owner of the former warriors. Turkin fixed the broken clock. Got the saw in order. The hostess fed the soldiers. In parting, Terkin promises his grandfather that they will definitely beat the Germans and return with a victory.

Chapter 10

Comrade Vasily is in sorrow. He lost his beloved pouch. Turkin reproaches him. In his opinion, these are insignificant losses. Everything in life can be lost, except for Russia. Under no circumstances should she be lost.

Chapter 11

Terkin clashed with the German in hand-to-hand combat. He manages to stun him and tie him up. Turkin is proud of himself. He managed to return from reconnaissance alive and bring the "language" with him.

For any soldier, the main thing is to return home safe and sound, but so far this is far from it. Thoughts about the native land will have to be pushed aside and think only about the war.

Chapter 13

Death is circling nearby in the form of an enemy aircraft. Terkin manages to knock him out, for which he soon receives an award from the general himself - an order. He encourages his comrades, saying that they can follow his example. After all, it was not the last enemy aircraft.

Chapter 14

Terkin shares his memories of being in the hospital. He remembers his native land. She says she loves him very much and is proud of him.

Chapter 15

Terkin took up defense. Crouched on the shore. In a dream he sees his mother and so he wanted to go home. The general promises to let him go to his mother for a week, but later.

Chapter 17

It was the third day of the battle in the swamp. The weather is vile. There is no chicken. The soldiers were cold. Turkin cheers everyone up, which is a thousand times worse.

Chapter 18

Soldiers remember their beloved women: mothers, brides, sisters. They miss their warm letters and kind words. Only Terkin has no one to receive news from. He doesn't have a loved one. Girls do not like infantry, give them pilots.

Chapter 19

You can't sleep in a war. Always in suspense, and you have to sleep where you have to and on what you have to. Soldiers can only dream of a good dream.

Chapter 20

During the offensive, the regiment takes the village. Beginners are the hardest. For them, the main thing is that Terkin is nearby. So the soul is calmer. The lieutenant dies in battle. Vasily takes control of the regiment. He himself is badly wounded.

Chapter 21

Death is near, Terkin feels her breath. She chirps in his ear that it's time, but Vasily wants to defeat the old woman, fight for life. He's completely numb. Nearby were the guys from the funeral team. They picked up the dying Terkin and carried him to the infirmary.

Chapter 22

Terkin is scribbling a letter from the hospital to fellow soldiers. He was tired of lying on hospital beds. The soul is eager to fight. He feels that victory is near.

Chapter 23

Vasily meets a namesake. The guy's name is Ivan. The foreman gives the order that each company will have its own Terkin.

Everyone has heard about Terkin. Fellow soldiers had not received news of him for a long time and decided that he was dead. The author knows for sure that Vasily is alive. Serves he truth now in the west.

Chapter 25

Three years from the beginning of the war. Vasily's regiment liberated the village where he once helped the elderly. Grandfather recognized him. The German took the watch, but Vasily promises to bring new ones from Berlin.

Chapter 26

Terkin with a regiment near his native land. The detachment crosses the Dnieper. Terkin became a real fighter, experienced and wise. He has seen a lot and lost many over the years of service.

Chapter 27

The capture of Berlin is a popular topic among soldiers. In European capitals, the winners are happy, but the native village is dearer to the soldier. The author's countryman is saddened. He has no relatives left. The author asks the soldiers to take revenge for his tears and to remember him on the day of victory.

Chapter 28

Europe is free. Soldiers dream of a home. A Russian woman came across. They were so glad to her that they surrounded her with care, like a mother.

Chapter 29

The soldiers are steaming. For the first time in a long time. On the body of each scars and scars. The gymnasts of children in orders and medals.

The most famous work of A.T. Tvardovsky was the poem “Vasily Terkin”, beloved by the Russian people since the Second World War. This is proved by the fact that in 1995 a monument was erected in the writer's homeland, in the center of Smolensk. As if alive, Alexander Trifonovich cast in bronze and his famous hero with an accordion in their hands are talking. These sculptures are a symbol of memory for a strong Russian character, capable of surviving everything for the sake of saving the Motherland.

Genre features of the work

In literature, it is customary to attribute "Vasily Terkin" to poems. However, the writer himself was not so categorical on this issue.

First, you need to pay attention to the subtitle "A book about a fighter" made by the author. This already suggests a certain unconventionality of the work. Indeed, the content lacks, as such, the plot connection of the chapters, there is no climax, and the question of completeness is rather controversial. The main reason is that the work "Vasily Terkin" was written in chapters, which became an instant response to the events taking place at the front.

Secondly, Tvardovsky's notes have been preserved, where he speaks about the genre: "... a chronicle is not a chronicle, a chronicle is not a chronicle ...". This confirms the fact that the work was based on real events played by the author.

Thus, this is a unique book, which is an encyclopedia of the life of the people in the terrible war years for them. And the main thing in it is that the writer managed to masterfully describe the hero, who embodied the best features of the Russian character.

Composition and plot

The poem "Vasily Terkin" had a special purpose: it was written in 1942-45 and was addressed primarily to an ordinary soldier who fought in the trenches. This determined its composition: independent chapters (in the post-war edition, the author left 29, including 5 "author's" chapters) with a separate plot. “Without a beginning, without an end, without a special plot” - this is how Tvardovsky defined the features of the “Book about a fighter”. This approach was explained quite simply: in wartime conditions it was not possible to fully read the poem "Vasily Terkin". The chapters, which were united by the image of the protagonist, who always found himself in the center of events, told about some important moment of the soldier's everyday life. This made the work valuable in terms of its scale and nationality.

Vasily Terkin: image analysis

The first chapters appear in 1942. The image of an ordinary soldier arises in them, who appears either as a joker and a merry fellow, or as a jack of all trades and a skilled harmonist, or as a courageous and devoted fighter to his homeland. Tvardovsky does not give a detailed hero: his features are as realistic as possible and are characteristic of most people. There is no clear indication of his place of residence either, although it can be understood from the author's digressions that Tvardovsky and Terkin are countrymen. This approach deprives the hero of individuality and gives the image a generalized character. That is why every reader found familiar features in Terkin and took him for his own.

The hero, a former worker of the earth, perceives the war as an important job. He is shown either on a halt, or in a peasant hut, or swimming across the river, or talking about a well-deserved reward, or playing the harmonica ... It doesn’t matter in what situation Vasily Terkin, who experienced a lot (the connection of the surname with the word “grated”) for his life, found himself. An analysis of his actions and behavior shows that even in such difficult conditions he retains a love of life and the best sacred faith in victory and in his comrades. The rhyme "Vasily-Russia" is also interesting, which is used several times in the text and emphasizes the truly folk features of the created image.

Depiction of war

The author also had a special approach to describing the scene of the poem "Vasily Terkin". An analysis of the text shows that there are practically no specific geographical names and an exact chronology of events in it. Although the type of troops is quite definitely indicated - the infantry, since it was she who happened to experience all the hardships of front-line life to a greater extent.

An important role is played by the description of individual details and items of soldier's life, which add up to one living and large-scale picture of the war against the Nazis. At the same time, quite often the image of Terkin is associated with a warrior-hero of all "companies and times."

Image of the author

An important person in the poem is not only Vasily Terkin. The analysis of the chapters "From the Author" allows us to imagine the narrator and at the same time an intermediary between the hero and the readers.

This is a man who himself experienced the full extent of the hardships of the war (A.T. Tvardovsky went to the front as a correspondent from the first days). In his reflections, the characterization of the hero is given (in the first place is the psychological aspect) and the people's assessment of the terrible events. The latter is especially important, especially since the front-line soldiers became the addressee of the poem (L. Ozerov described it as a book-assistant in the war), and those who remained in the rear. The appearance of new chapters was eagerly awaited, and their individual parts were memorized.

The language and style of the poem "Vasily Terkin"

The theme of war is usually revealed through the use of sublime vocabulary. Tvardovsky departs from this tradition and writes a poem about an ordinary soldier, a man from the people in an easy, simple language. This gives the whole story and the image of the hero naturalness and warmth. The author skillfully combines colloquial, sometimes even vernacular, and literary speech, resorts to turns and oral creativity, paraphrases small ones. These are numerous sayings and jokes (“your hut is on the edge today”), words with a diminutive meaning (son, falcon), constant epithets ( “bitter year”), expressions like “the bright falcon started up”, “grab-praise”.

Another feature is the abundance of dialogues, in which there are many short ones. They easily recreate pictures of everyday soldier life and make the characters simple and close to the reader.

Monumental work about the fate of the people

The poem became a decisive event not only in the work of A.T. Tvardovsky, but also in the entire literature of the war period. The author managed to show in it the heroic path of an ordinary fighter, what was Vasily Terkin. Analysis of combat events by their direct participant makes the narrative believable. Three parts of the poem tell about the decisive stages of the war: the retreat, the turning point and the victorious march on Berlin.

The action of the work ends simultaneously with the victory, since its main task is to tell about the incredible courage of the Soviet people during the war against fascism - A.T. Tvardovsky fully complied.

In the war, in the dust of the march,
In summer heat and cold,
There is no better simple, natural -
From a well, from a pond,
From a water pipe
From the hoof trail
From any river
From the stream, from under the ice, -
Better not cold water
Only water would be water.
In war, in harsh life,
In the difficult life of combat,
In the snow, under a coniferous roof,
At the field parking lot, -
There is no better simple, healthy,
Good food frontline.
It is only important that the chef
There would be a cook - his boyfriend;
To be listed for nothing,
So that sometimes I do not sleep at night, -
If only she were with a fat
Yes, it would be from the heat, from the heat -
Better, hotter;
To go into any fight
Feeling strength in the shoulders
Feeling cheerful.
It's not just about the soup.
You can live without food for days
You can do more, but sometimes
In a one minute war
Can't live without a joke
Jokes of the most unwise.
Do not live, as without shag,
From bombing to another
Without a good saying
Or some kind of saying, -
Without you, Vasily Terkin,
Vasya Terkin is my hero,
And more than anything else
Not to live for sure -
Without which? Without the truth,
Truth, straight into the soul beating,
Yes, she would be thicker,
No matter how bitter.
What else? .. And that's all, perhaps.
In a word, a book about a fighter
No beginning, no end.
Why so - without a start?
Because time is short
Start it over.
Why no end?
I just feel sorry for the young man.
From the first days of the bitter year,
In the difficult hour of the native land
Not joking, Vasily Terkin,
We made friends with you
I have no right to forget
What do you owe to your glory,
How and where did you help me.
Cause time, hour of fun,
Dear Terkin at war.
How can I suddenly leave you?
The old friendship is correct.
In a word, a book from the middle
And let's start. And it will go there.

On a halt

- Delicious, what to say,
There was the same old man
What came up with the soup to cook
On wheels straight.
Soup first. Secondly,
The porridge is normally strong.
No, old man he was an old man
Subtle - that's for sure.
Listen, throw another one
A spoon like this
I am the second, brother, war
I fight forever.
Evaluate, add a bit.
The cook squinted.
"Wow eater -
This guy is new."
Puts an extra spoon
Says angrily:
- You would, you know, in the fleet
with your appetite.
He: Thank you. I just
Haven't been in the Navy.
I'd rather be like you
Chef in the infantry. -
And, sitting under a pine tree,
He eats porridge, stooping.
"Mine?" - fighters among themselves, -
"Mine!" - exchanged glances.
And already, having warmed up, slept
Strongly tired regiment.
In the first platoon, the dream was gone,
Contrary to the statute.
Leaning against the trunk of a pine tree,
Not sparing the shag,
At war 'bout war
Led the conversation Terkin.
- You guys, from the middle
Start off. And I will say:
I am not the first shoes
I wear it here without a fix.
Here you have arrived at the place
Guns in hand - and fight.
And who among you knows
What is Sabantuy?
- Sabantuy - some kind of holiday?
Or what is there - Sabantuy?
- Sabantuy is different,
And if you don't know, don't interpret
Here under the first bombardment
Lie down from the hunt in bed,
He remained alive - do not grieve:
This is a small sabantuy.
Relax, eat hard
Light up and don't blow your mouth.
Worse, brother, like a mortar
Suddenly, the sabantuy starts.
He will penetrate you deeper, -
Kiss mother earth.
But keep in mind, my dear,
This is an average Sabantuy.
Sabantuy is science for you,
The enemy is fierce - he is fierce.
But it's a completely different thing.
This is the main sabantuy.
The guy was silent for a minute,
To clean the mouthpiece
As if by someone
He winked: hold on, my friend ...
- So you went out early,
He looked - into your sweat and trembling;
The rod of a thousand German tanks ...
- A thousand tanks? Well, brother, you're lying.
“Why should I lie, my friend?
Consider - what is the calculation?
- But why immediately - a thousand?
- Fine. Let five hundred
Well, five hundred. Tell me honestly
Don't scare like old women.
- OK. What is there three hundred, two hundred -
Meet at least one...
- Well, in the newspaper the slogan is accurate:
Do not run into the bushes and into the bread.
Tank - it looks very formidable,
In reality, he is deaf and blind.
- That's blind. Lying in a ditch
And on the heart of the maet:
Suddenly, as if blindly crushed, -
After all, he doesn't see a thing.
Repeat agree again:
What you don't know, don't interpret.
Sabantuy - just one word -
Sabantuy!.. But Sabantuy
Might hit your head
Or simply, in the head.
We had one guy...
Give me some tobacco.
They look into the mouth of the joker,
The word is eagerly caught.
It's good when someone is lying
Fun and challenging.
In the direction of the forest, deaf,
In bad weather,
Well, how is there
Guy on a hike.
And timidly with him
They ask: - Come on, for the night
Tell me something else
Vasily Ivanovich ...
The night is deaf, the earth is damp.
The fire smokes a little.
- No, guys, it's time to sleep,
Start creeping.
Face down on the sleeve,
On a warm hill
Between fellow soldiers
Vasily Terkin lay down.
Heavy, wet overcoat,
The rain worked kindly.
The roof is the sky, the hut is a spruce,
The roots press under the ribs.
But it is not visible that he
Was upset by this
So that he does not sleep in a dream
Somewhere in the world.
So he pulled up the floors,
Covering your back
He mentioned someone's mother-in-law,
A stove and a feather.
And clung to the damp earth,
Overwhelmed by languor
And he lies, my hero,
Sleep like at home.
Sleeping - even hungry, even full,
At least one, at least in a bunch.
Sleep for the previous lack of sleep,
Sleep in reserve taught.
And hardly a hero dreams
Every night a heavy dream:
Like from the western border
He retreated to the east;
How did he go, Vasya Terkin,
From the reserve private,
In a salted gymnast
Hundreds of miles of native land.
How big is the earth
Greatest land.
And she would be a stranger
Someone else's, but it's their own.
The hero sleeps, snores - period.
Accepts everything as it is.
Well, its - so it's for sure.
Well, the war - so I'm here.
Sleeps, forgetting about the difficult summer.
Sleep, care, do not rebel.
Maybe tomorrow at dawn
There will be a new sabantuy.
The fighters are sleeping, as a dream caught,
Under the pine vpo? Kat,
Sentinels at posts
Wet lonely.
Zgi is not visible. Night around.
And the fighter will feel sad.
Just suddenly remember something
Remember, smile.
And it's like the dream is gone
Laughter trembled yawns.
- It's good that he got it.
Terkin, to our company.