Whatman sheet what format. What format does Whatman have. What kind of paper is used where

Any artist or person who is forced to use it for work can tell a lot about the importance and advantages of this type of stationery. It is of high quality and abrasion resistance.

The standard size of whatman paper in centimeters is 59.4x84.1 cm, has A1 format and is called “training”.

What is it and how did it appear

This type of paper differs from others only in quality and manufacturing method. The size of the sheet, it fits the standard format system. Main differences:

    there is no pronounced texture;


    more resistant, images on it last much longer;

    refers to the type of drawing paper.

But, despite all the differences, the main parameter, namely, the dimensions of the Whatman format, is the same as other paper. Just in 1750, a very smart man named James Whatman Sr., who had his own printing business, came up with a technology that could make sheets of paper without traces of a grid. It is in the manufacturing process that the whole secret lies, and the dimensions of Whatman paper have nothing to do with it. As a result, this stationery owes its name to its inventor.

In the vastness of our Motherland, this type of stationery appeared only in the 19th century, and was called "rough" paper. It was mainly used, and is still used now, for drawing or drawing with a pencil, ink or watercolors.


Whatman paper in centimeters has the same length, width and area as standard sheets of a certain format. True, if in relation to ordinary paper, A0 is considered the standard, which has an area equal to 1 m 2, then with whatman paper things are a little different.

What is the standard for Whatman? The next one after A0 is A1. More often GOZNAK products are used for work, as they are of very good quality. Such a sheet in centimeters has a size of 610x860 millimeters. It can be attributed to a separate category of stationery, since the structure is not only different from the usual, it can have a variety of nuances. Moreover, these nuances do not depend in any way on what size of whatman paper you purchase.

The quality of the sheet and its characteristics play a significant role. When choosing them, you need to know exactly why you want to purchase this particular type of stationery. An ordinary drawing paper can be called drawing paper, since it is mainly used to create various plans, diagrams or tables, but in the artistic field it has also taken its place. Today you can buy such a specific type of this stationery as ground paper. It is suitable for several techniques, and is universal, it does not matter what size the drawing paper has.


But, despite the fact that this stationery came to us from Europe, and even as sizes we use international format standards, which are also European, Goznak paper has some differences. The standard size of whatman paper in centimeters is 59.4x84.1, but the same product of the state mark is 610x860, with a density of 200 g / m 2.

But the size of half of the drawing paper, if, of course, you buy it and do not make it yourself, when printed, it coincides with the value of our foreign friends - 420x594 mm. Everyone knows that the ratio of one to the square root of two is used to determine the parameters of paper. Thus, if we fold the sheet in half, we get two other sheets that are identical to the first, but have a smaller area and sides. Having cut a standard A1 sheet in half, we will not get A2, since the paper of the state mark has a slightly larger size than is customary in Europe.

So let's summarize all the differences:

    different standard (A1 and A0);

    different way of manufacturing;

    different characteristics.

Before buying, it is worth clarifying whether the extra millimeters along the edge of the sheet matter.

size table

Height x Length (mm)

Height x Length ( " inches)

Pixels *

2378 x 1682 mm

93.6 x 66.2" inches

28087 x 19866 px

1682 x 1189 mm

66.2 x 46.8" inches

19866 x 14043 px

46.8 x 33.1" inches

33.1 x 23.4" inches

23.4 x 16.5" inches

16.5 x 11.7" inches

11.7 x 8.3" inches

8.3 x 5.8" inches

5.8 x 4.1" inches

4.1 x. 2.9" inch

2.9 x 2.0" inches

2.0 x 1.5" inches

1.5 x 1.0" inches

Whatman paper can be useful not only for people of technical professions, but also for anyone who wants to realize their creative ideas. We will tell you in this article how to correctly determine the size of whatman paper and what color palette it comes in.

What it is?

Whatman paper is a thick paper of the highest grade, the main characteristics of which are:

  • lack of well-defined texture,
  • high strength;
  • the presence of surface gluing;
  • abrasion resistance.

Whatman refers to the type of drawing paper.


In stores you can see several types of this paper:

  1. Universal- suitable for use in various fields.
  2. primed- has a primed surface, on which it is convenient to draw with any paints, as well as with a pencil, pastel, charcoal. This type of drawing paper is very expensive, for this reason it is rarely seen in stores in our country, but it is very convenient to use.
  3. Heavily glued paper. In order to make such paper, a dense base is shed well with special compounds that are very similar to those used in the manufacture of watercolor paper. This type of drawing paper is hard, resistant to high humidity and oil paint bases. In terms of weight, it is heavier than ordinary paper.

A bit of history and purpose

After James Watman, who invented whatman paper, set up his own paper production in the mid-1750s, this paper quickly gained wide popularity.

Artists were the first to become interested in this type of paper. Later it was used for printing books. The quality of the paper was also highly appreciated by people of technical professions.

In everyday life, it is often offered to kids who are just learning to draw. In addition, various wall newspapers and posters are made on it. Often with its help they decorate backgrounds for photographs, wish cards, original congratulations with gifts.

Watercolor drawing paper is an excellent basis for painting. It successfully withstands high humidity without rolling off. Paints do not spread over a dense sheet, which gives the artist the opportunity to create original color overflows and combinations. The finished work dries quickly, this process does not spoil the image quality. This paper is suitable for painting with gouache or watercolor.

For drawing, whatman grade A is used. Drawing paper is ideal for drawing and graphic work with pencils, ink, watercolor or gouache. As a result of frequent erasures, the sheet does not change its properties.


The standard format is the A1 paper format, which is also called educational. This is its difference from ordinary paper - its standard is the A0 format. A1 format used to be called 24 paper size.

According to European international format standards, the size of an A1 paper sheet should be 59.4 * 84.1 cm, however, Goznak paper, which is popular with us, differs in its size. Whatman A1 format from this manufacturer has dimensions of 61 * 86 cm.

By cutting a sheet of Whatman paper from Goznak in half, you will not get a standard A2 format, the parameters of which should be 42 * 52.4 cm, since it is slightly larger than European sizes. The same A2 format standard has been adopted in our country.

Whatman sheet A3 is the largest format that can be used in printers and copiers of an ordinary consumer. Its standard width and length are 29.7 * 42 cm. You can get it by cutting the A2 format in half.

Sheets of A4 Whatman paper are considered standard in everyday life, unless a different size has been agreed in advance. This format is most often used in printers and copiers, office work. The size of this sheet is 21*29.7 cm. It can be obtained by cutting the A3 format in half.

By cutting the A4 sheet, the A5 format is obtained, which is most suitable for printing various brochures. Its parameters are 14.8*21 cm.

These sizes are the most popular. However, whatman paper also comes in other formats. You can get acquainted with them in the table, where series A indicates that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet of maximum size is 1 sq. m., series B - the length of the short side of the sheet of maximum size is 1 m, series C is the format of envelopes, for sheets of series A.

You can also buy roll paper. On sale, it is less common, but it is a more economical and convenient option. From it you can make a sheet of non-standard format that you need for work.


In stores now you can find white and colored Whatman paper, with a wide color palette and various formats. In fact, this colored paper is very similar to Whatman paper, it is quite dense, it is convenient to work on it with pencils and various paints. But in fact, this is not whatman paper at all, because it is customary to call it white paper of the highest grade.

How to pull on a tablet?

A tablet is a board in the form of a square, the dimensions of which can be different. It is made of plywood attached to a frame. The frame base gives rigidity and remains smooth even when in contact with liquid. A tablet may be required for work by an artist or architect.

In order to cover the tablet with whatman paper, you will need:

  • whatman paper, the size of which will exceed the size of the tablet by approximately 5 cm on all sides;
  • tablet;
  • buttons with which we will fasten the sheet, or a furniture stapler;
  • water (this can be a jar of water and a sponge, a shower jet, etc.).

First you need to wet a sheet of Whatman paper with water on both sides. This can be done by holding it under the shower, using a sponge and a jar of water, or by dipping the leaf into a large container (such as a bathtub). Whatman should get wet very well. Be very careful when doing this - a raw sheet is torn very easily.

Next, you need to put a sheet of drawing paper on the table. Without waiting for it to dry, lay it on the paper exactly in the middle of the tablet and begin to fix the paper. To do this, bend it on one side and attach it to the tablet using buttons or a furniture stapler. In the same way, secure the other sides of the Whatman paper.

The next stage will be very responsible. It is necessary to fix the corners of the paper. Crumple the corner with your hands and carefully lay it with the ear up. In this case, the crumpled paper must be turned first to the side, and then up.

When all the corners are fixed, use a few more paper clips to secure the paper to the frame between the center and the corners. All you have to do is dry the paper. Drying must be in a strictly horizontal position.

You should not put the tablet to dry next to the heaters: the sheets can become limp and crack in the place where the water drained from it.

The result of a job well done is a perfectly even sheet of Whatman paper stretched over a tablet. If suddenly the corners are torn after drying, you pulled the paper too tight. If you see waves, this is the result of poor fastening of the drawing paper to the tablet.

How to smooth out?

It happens that there are situations when it is necessary to straighten a sheet of drawing paper. You may need to straighten a rolled paper or straighten a wrinkled document. You can try to deal with such situations on your own. There are several ways to do this. Let's consider in more detail.


Spray water from a distance of at least 30 cm onto the sheet or dampen it lightly with a wet towel. Use only distilled water: plain water is not suitable in this case, as it contains minerals that can make the paper hard and brittle. The water will soften the damaged fibers and make them smooth. Put the wet paper under the press and let it dry and smooth out. It usually takes 2 to 5 days.

Instead of a press, layers of absorbent material ("blotters", wool felt or other absorbent materials) can also be used. You can even use a paper towel as them, but the embossing on it may leave an imprint on the sheet. You will have to replace the absorbent material as needed.

Be careful if your sheet contains work done with watercolors, chalk, pastels, or water-based inks. To prevent water from eroding them, it is necessary to spray the sheet from the back.


Using an iron for these purposes is quite risky, because if the heat is strong, the sheet may turn yellow if the iron is held in one place for a long time, and the ink may also fade or tears may form. It's best to test on a small piece of paper first.

Spread the paper and cover it with a towel. It is necessary to start ironing from the lowest temperatures. After 1 minute of ironing, check the sheet and add heat if necessary.

If the leaf is too hot, moisten it with a light spray of distilled water. You can also use a steam iron for this purpose. Do not spray the sheet over watercolor, chalk, pastels, or other water-based materials.

Rolling the sheet on the edge of the table

This method can be used if you need to straighten the sheet very urgently and there is no time to wait for it to dry. It is suitable only for leveling large folds. You will need to roll the sheet on the edge of the table repeatedly.

Roll up

In this way, you can try to straighten a sheet of Whatman paper, which has been rolled up for a long time and is now being twisted. You can try to twist the Whatman paper in the opposite direction into a roll and let it lie down like that. Of course, no one can give guarantees that this method will be effective in your case, but it's worth a try.

If you accidentally crumpled an important document, then you should not try to straighten it yourself. It will be more reliable to give it to a restoration workshop, where professionals will work with it.


You may need various accessories to work with and store Whatman paper.

A cover is needed to transport the paper. It is very convenient to protect your work done on Whatman paper from the weather in a compact case. Which one you choose depends entirely on your personal preference. It can be a plastic tube, the diameter and length of which should be chosen based on the number of sheets being transported and their format.

Folders are usually made of dense and durable fabric. Sheets are fixed in them with elastic bands. A rigid, stable frame is attached to it by a bar running along the bottom.

The bag is more suitable for one-time transportation of small format sheets. It is not very convenient to use it all the time.

How to pull a drawing paper on a tablet, see the following video.

It is known that the dimensions of the sheet formats A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 according to A10 correspond to the approved Russian standard - GOST2.301-68.

At all plants in the Russian Federation, the main dimensions of paper sheets correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are presented in the table below.

Paper size Paper sizes in millimeters Sizes of formats in centimeters Format description
A0 sheet 841*1189mm 84.1 * 118.9 cm A sheet of this format has an area of ​​1 m². This is the largest format. The remaining dimensions are obtained by dividing the A0 format.
A1 sheet 594*841mm 59.4 * 84.1cm The main scope of A1 sheets is professional design and layout. This format is often called drawing paper, paper sheet or simply paper. This format is obtained by dividing the A0 format in half.
A2 sheet 420*594mm 42*59.4cm The main scope of A2 sheets is the printing of banners, term papers and theses in a printing house, as well as traditional newspapers. This is half of A1 drawing paper cut across.
A3 sheet 297*420mm 29.7*42cm The main scope of the A3 sheet is student work. Sheets of this size are great for floristry, creating decorative panels, collages, paintings. This is the format of tabloid newspapers. In addition, a sheet of this size is the maximum used in consumer class copiers.
A4 sheet 210*297mm 21*29.7 cm The main scope of A4 sheets is the use for children who begin to draw. Paper of this size is ideal for small sketches, as well as for printed products. The format is widely used in printing. This is the most common paper format, on which everything is usually printed and xerified.
A5 sheet 148*210mm 14.8*21cm The scope of A5 sheets is the printing of brochures, manuals of small circulation, which are printed either on a printer or on a copier.
A6 sheet 105*148mm 10.5*14.8cm A6 sheets are the size of a small notebook.
A7 sheet 74*105mm 7.4*10.5cm A8 sheets are the size of a regular pocket calendar.
A8 sheet 52*74mm 5.2*7.4cm
A9 sheet 37*52mm 3.7*5.2cm
A10 sheet 26*37mm 2.6*3.7cm

These formats are immutable. In addition to the Russian Federation, these dimensions are also fixed by international standards. I must say that it is very convenient, of course, because documents are used everywhere.

Paper, in addition to formats and sizes, is divided into a number of series. There are three of them: A, B and C. This division corresponds to international ISO standards.

  • A series paper mainly used for documents. For example, in Russia, A4 paper format is used to process various documents.
  • B series paper used for the production of printed products.
  • C series paper used for envelopes.

Paper size is the standardized paper size.

Standard paper sizes were different at different times in different countries. To date, mainly used:

  • international standard ISO 216 (A4 and related) and
  • North American system.

The ISO 216 standard was created in 1975 from the German DIN 476 standard and defined the A and B series of paper sizes. The standard is based on the metric system of measures and is based on the format of a sheet of paper with an area of ​​1 m². The standard has been adopted by all countries except the USA and Canada.

Any artist or person who is forced to use it for work can tell a lot about the importance and advantages of this type of stationery.

What is Whatman?

It is of high quality and abrasion resistance.

The standard size of whatman paper in centimeters is 59.4x84.1 cm, has A1 format and is called “training”.

What is it and how did it appear

This type of paper differs from others only in quality and manufacturing method. The size of the sheet, it fits the standard format system. Main differences:

    there is no pronounced texture;


    more resistant, images on it last much longer;

    refers to the type of drawing paper.

But, despite all the differences, the main parameter, namely, the dimensions of the Whatman format, is the same as other paper. Just in 1750, a very smart man named James Whatman Sr., who had his own printing business, came up with a technology that could make sheets of paper without traces of a grid. It is in the manufacturing process that the whole secret lies, and the dimensions of Whatman paper have nothing to do with it. As a result, this stationery owes its name to its inventor.

In the vastness of our Motherland, this type of stationery appeared only in the 19th century, and was called "rough" paper. It was mainly used, and is still used now, for drawing or drawing with a pencil, ink or watercolors.


Whatman paper in centimeters has the same length, width and area as standard sheets of a certain format. True, if in relation to ordinary paper the standard is A0, which has an area equal to 1 m2, then with whatman paper things are a little different.

What is the standard for Whatman? The next one after A0 is A1. More often GOZNAK products are used for work, as they are of very good quality. Such a sheet in centimeters has a size of 610x860 millimeters. It can be attributed to a separate category of stationery, since the structure is not only different from the usual, it can have a variety of nuances. Moreover, these nuances do not depend in any way on what size of whatman paper you purchase.

The quality of the sheet and its characteristics play a significant role. When choosing them, you need to know exactly why you want to purchase this particular type of stationery. An ordinary drawing paper can be called drawing paper, since it is mainly used to create various plans, diagrams or tables, but in the artistic field it has also taken its place. Today you can buy such a specific type of this stationery as ground paper. It is suitable for several techniques, and is universal, it does not matter what size the drawing paper has.


But, despite the fact that this stationery came to us from Europe, and even as sizes we use international format standards, which are also European, Goznak paper has some differences. The standard size of whatman paper in centimeters is 59.4x84.1, but the same product of the state mark is 610x860, with a density of 200 g / m2.

But the size of half of the drawing paper, if, of course, you buy it and do not make it yourself, when printed, it coincides with the value of our foreign friends - 420x594 mm. Everyone knows that the ratio of one to the square root of two is used to determine the parameters of paper. Thus, if we fold the sheet in half, we get two other sheets that are identical to the first, but have a smaller area and sides. Having cut a standard A1 sheet in half, we will not get A2, since the paper of the state mark has a slightly larger size than is customary in Europe.

So let's summarize all the differences:

    different standard (A1 and A0);

    different way of manufacturing;

    different characteristics.

Before buying, it is worth clarifying whether the extra millimeters along the edge of the sheet matter.

size table

Height x Length (mm)

Height x Length ( " inches)

Pixels *

2378 x 1682 mm

93.6 x 66.2" inches

28087 x 19866 px

1682 x 1189 mm

66.2 x 46.8" inches

19866 x 14043 px

46.8 x 33.1" inches

33.1 x 23.4" inches

23.4 x 16.5" inches

16.5 x 11.7" inches

11.7 x 8.3" inches

8.3 x 5.8" inches

5.8 x 4.1" inches

4.1 x. 2.9" inch

2.9 x 2.0" inches

2.0 x 1.5" inches

1.5 x 1.0" inches

Size of formats A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 in mm.

Home \ Additional materials \ Size of A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 formats in mm.

Sheet formats Ax defined by international standard ISO216. All of them have an aspect ratio of 1:√2, called the Lichtenberg ratio, reduced to an integer number of millimeters.

Whatman dimensions

The series is based on A0 format sheet, having an area of ​​1 square meter. The remaining sheets are obtained by dividing it in half (to the nearest millimeter).

  • Format sheet A0 has the size 841×1189 mm. This is the size of the so-called "whatman sheet" or "drawing paper" in the drawing business.
  • Format sheet A1 has the size 594×841 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A0 in half minus 1 mm per cut.
  • Format sheet A2 has the size 420×594 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A1 in half minus 1 mm per cut. Approximately this format have sheets of traditional newspapers.
  • Format sheet A3 has the size 297×420 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A2 in half without residues and reserves. Tabloid newspapers have a similar format. A3 (or slightly larger A3+) is the maximum size used in consumer-grade printers and copiers.
  • Format sheet A4 has the size 210×297 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A3 in half without residues and reserves. This is the main writing paper format used in Russia, used in office work, it is the main one for most printers and is considered the standard size of a sheet of paper, unless the format is otherwise specified.
  • Format sheet A5 has the size 148×210 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A4 in half minus 1 mm per cut. In A5 format, small-circulation bound brochures are usually produced, which are reproduced on a printer or copier.
  • Format sheet A6 has the size 105×148 mm and is obtained by cutting sheet A5 in half without residues and reserves.

The density of whatman or paper for printing is very important. This criterion determines their scope, print quality and even the durability of the printer. What is the density of different types of paper, and how to choose the right one for a particular type of work?

Density and thickness are not the same

When talking about density, many people mean the thickness of the paper, but this is erroneous. A thicker sheet of one brand of paper seems to be thicker than another, while their weight values ​​may be identical.

In fact, thicker paper is looser and more porous, wears out more quickly, and has a shorter lifespan. Whereas thin with a higher density is more compressed and will last longer. And the ink lays on it more evenly, which is the key to clear, high-quality printing. Therefore, thin paper may not always be bad.

What kind of paper is used where?

Paper of different weights is used in different fields. For example, printing requires indicators from 60 to 300 g/m 2 . This figure is much less for newsprint - only 45-60 g/m 2 . Drawing paper or watercolor paper, paper for letters and business cards - all these are certain varieties with a specific density, the criteria for which are strictly regulated. And whatman paper even has clear indicators recorded in GOST.

Speaking of whatman paper, it is worth noting that this is the largest paper format used in the field of design and art. It is very popular with people of various professions.

Density and print quality

Paper weight and printer specifications are closely related. In the instructions for each printer, the manufacturer usually indicates the format and recommended density. Marking A4, 64-163 g / m 2, for example, means that such paper is suitable for this device. Whatman paper with a density higher than the permissible one will not work - it can even damage the mechanism and disable the printer.

Typically, standard office printers and copiers use A3 and A4 paper, with an average weight of 80 g/m 2 . It is these indicators that manufacturers are guided by when releasing paper for printing. Each of them produces its own brand, with a guarantee of high quality printing on paper of this brand. For example, products of the domestic brand Snegurochka are very popular in our offices.

Paper weight and GOST indicators

If the density is known, then the weight of a sheet of paper is also easy to determine. For example, an A4 sheet with numbers on an 80 g/m2 package will weigh almost 5 grams. In a standard pack of such paper, there are 500 sheets, which means that the weight of the pack will be about 2.5 kilograms. If the actual weight exceeds this figure, most likely the storage conditions were not observed, and the moisture level of the paper is higher than normal.

Paper for office printing, books and forms, with a density of 160 g / m² will have indicators from 800 to 900 kg per cubic meter. Less than 160 - from 750 to 850 kg/m³ In addition to offset paper, paper is also popular. GOST sets the density for it at the level of 850-950 kg / m³. Newsprint paper has the lowest density - it is also the most inexpensive. The term of its "life" is only a few days, after which the manufacturer cannot guarantee wear resistance: such paper begins to crumble and turn yellow.

Depending on the printing tasks, the density, as well as the rigidity and thickness of the paper, may vary. To date, there are different standards, and it will not be difficult to select all the criteria individually.

Whatman - premium paper

The density of whatman paper is higher than that of other types of paper, so it is considered a first-class product. There are several standard formats: from A1 to A4 (you can also find A5 format paper), each of them has its own density - ranging from 120 to 200 g / m². And there is also A0 paper with impressive sheet dimensions of 841x1189 cm. This Whatman paper will be larger in size than all other formats combined.

In addition to such indicators as the weight and density of whatman paper, the uniformity of the paper mass is also important, which improves the quality of printing. And the sheet's high opacity allows you to print or draw on both sides of it.

How to determine that you have a real high-quality Whatman paper? First of all, in appearance: this paper is white, dense and smooth. If in doubt, put some clean water on the leaf. From it drawing paper should not be deformed. It is this one that is used not only for drawing, but also for drawing - with paints, ink or pencil. Although for these purposes, professional artists often buy special watercolor paper, with high density and excellent moisture absorption.

Where and how much to buy Whatman paper?

So, you know what tasks you need this paper for, you know what the density of whatman paper should be, but where to buy it? Usually in a stationery store or bookstore. Whatman is sold at an affordable price - for A1 you will need to pay no more than 20 rubles. Smaller sheets will cost you even less.