Presentation - Composition-description based on the painting by F.P. Reshetnikov "Boys. Reshetnikov's painting "Boys". Description and reasoning Reshetnikov's painting "Boys" - essay description

This artist has a lot of paintings, which he dedicated to the children's theme. For example, they include such masterpieces as “They took the tongue”, “I came for the holidays”, “Boys”. I would like to stop in more detail and consider the picture "Boys". She was drawn in 1971.

In the picture we see three boys, at night they climbed onto the roof, probably secretly from their parents. They look at the sky dotted with stars. One can imagine that they vied with each other to show each other the constellations and tell the secrets of the starry sky. Or maybe they are arguing about a star galaxy or other planets. Their faces express delight, with such enthusiasm they are looking for something there.

It seems that the guys do not notice anything that is happening around. I like this picture, it comes alive in my eyes. I want to be there, on the roof, next to the guys, and just like they discuss the night sky. And you can discuss not only the galaxy and planets, but also share your secrets and innermost secrets. And it doesn’t matter to us at all how the artist depicts the city, for us it merges with the starry sky, and to the fore, displacing the boys.

The artist managed to show the mystery of the starry night, especially in combination with children. You involuntarily remember yourself in the summer, how you loved to admire the sunset or sunrise with friends, and also make a wish when a star falls. Few people believe in this sign, but once I made a wish. I believe in the wonders of the starry night. Thanks to the author for his work, it made me plunge into the world of childhood, feel its carelessness. It seems to me that it is precisely such pictures that make us experience repeatedly the moments that connect us with childhood, give us the strength not to give up and move on.


The painting "Boys", like most of the paintings by F.P. Reshetnikov, dedicated to children. This is one of the most poetic works of the artist.

In the center of the picture are the guys who climbed to the roof of a multi-storey building. Their spiritualized faces are especially brightly highlighted by the artist. Boys, so different, differing from each other in hair color, eyes, height, are similar in one thing: their eyes are directed upwards and, perhaps, in dreams they are in a distant galaxy. And this is no coincidence, because the picture was painted ten years after the first manned flight into space, and astronauts were the idols of every boy.

It can be seen that they differ from each other in character. The white-headed boy tensely holds on to the railing, perhaps the first time he has risen to such a height. Everything seems new to him, as evidenced by a naive look and a slightly open mouth in surprise. The second guy feels much more confident and, putting his hand on his friend's shoulder in a friendly way, points to something interesting: a bright star or a meteorite. It seems that of the three he is the most well-read. The boy is enthusiastically talking about something. It can be assumed that these are entertaining stories about stars or about the first astronauts, whose fame stirred the hearts of teenagers. The third boy, with his cap cocked to one side, sat comfortably on the ledge of the roof. The dreamy expression on his face betrays in him a dreamer who is already traveling in a spaceship in his thoughts.

In the background of the picture is an evening city. The boundless starry sky and the lights of lanterns scattered in the darkness, the light of the windows in the houses fascinate and evoke memories of the same moments of admiring the stars, which everyone undoubtedly experiences. The artist used dark colors: shades of dark blue, gray, black. But, despite this, the picture evokes bright and joyful feelings, because it is all permeated with the light of dreams and faith in a wonderful future.

The artist Reshetnikov painted the painting "Boys" in 1971. The first man has already gone into space. And humans have already landed on the moon. Active exploration and development of new space is already underway. And every boy dreams of being an astronaut when he grows up.

So in the picture, we see three boys who climbed onto the highest roof in the city to admire the night starry sky. This is noticeable by the way the rest of the houses are far and low in the background.

One is clearly interested in the stars more than anyone and enthusiastically explains to his friends which star is where and what is the name. And maybe he shares his fantasies about how humanity will fly through space to distant planets and galaxies.

His friends enthusiastically listen to him, also peering into the starry space. One of them even opened his mouth in surprise and admiration for what he heard. And the third boy dreamily threw back his head and hovers in his thoughts already far from the earth, flies in a starship to conquer new spaces.

The artist very accurately described the daydreaming of the boys. The viewer sees this in the poses, as they threw back their heads to the sky. In eyes and facial expressions. I also want to throw my head back and dream of distant stars and planets.

Composition based on the painting Boys Reshetnikov

The work of the wonderful Soviet artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov allows everyone to completely immerse themselves in the wonderful world of childhood, regardless of the age of the viewer. The most famous of his paintings is “Again the deuce”, but the “Boys” written in 1971 are in no way inferior to her.

The plot of the picture is quite unusual: night, children, the roof of a multi-storey building and a huge dark blue summer sky spread over a sleeping city.

What prompted three teenagers to go up to the roof on a summer August night? The desire to get off the ground and get closer to the stars, or to admire the August meteor shower? Be that as it may, three boys look into the boundless sky with enchanted eyes, delight is read on their young faces, and one even opened his mouth from overwhelming emotions. A handsome teenager in a white shirt with his story helps his comrades take a tour of the vast starry sky. He points his finger at the celestial bodies and, together with his comrades, admires their remoteness, beauty and mystery.

The boys do not look down at the beautiful city, sparkling with lights, they are attracted to other planets, other galaxies. It can be seen that this quiet beautiful night will remain forever in their tenacious boyish memory.

It is not known who the guys will become in the future, what they will decide to devote their lives to. The main thing is that they always remain the same inquisitive and enthusiastic, and the craving for unknown space distances does not decrease over the years.

In the picture, all her young heroes are united by one thing - the fascination with the endless expanses of space, admiration, amazement and awareness of the wonders of the universe.

In general, the picture evokes positive emotions in the viewer, evokes reflections on the versatility of life, children's curiosity and the unknown space.

Description of the painting Boys

The teacher told us to carefully look at the picture "Boys", think and write an essay. I looked long and carefully. I like the picture!

She has a beautiful blue color. So thick, as it happens late-late in the evening. If suddenly my mother was carried away by cooking dinner or watching Malakhov and forgot to call me home ... Then you can still sit in the yard - not to look at the stars. They are so beautiful! I think mommy forgot to invite the boys to dinner too. Or even the guys got away! To look at the stars.

In general, it's great to climb onto the roof - high! The whole city is visible. They probably have Moscow there - the windows in tall buildings are lit up. In general, just a city! On the roof it is beautiful, clean, safe - there is a railing. And so my friends (guys of the same age, they can study in the same class) are watching. One of them saw something - shows it to a friend. "Won, look!" What is there?

For example, it could be a shooting star. Rare, but important. You can make a wish. Then he - well done, shares a miracle with a friend. Or there is an airplane! So beautiful… You always think where he flies. Or Mars or Saturn. More precisely, one boy saw it and shows it to another. Suddenly this boy is fond of astronomy? Then he can, like a teacher, tell his friends everything about the starry sky.

A cunning artist - makes you guess what they see there. Couldn't draw!Although it's more interesting.

The second one looks and listens very attentively. And his sweater is beautiful. The third - completely dreaming! Sitting, watching the stars. All the guys are lovable!

The boys could climb onto the roof just as a joke - to look at the city, but then the sky turned out to be so close. Now they definitely do not notice anything but the beautiful sky. They all, for sure, dream of becoming astronauts! Although it is possible for artists ...

This picture even looks like a photograph! Of course, I wouldn’t be able to draw like that, even my mother couldn’t, even our art teacher ... But in this picture everything is as simple as life. It is even strange, but the stars are not visible - clouds, some kind of haze. It's like a man and space! That is, everything is still vague, but soon Mankind will begin to conquer distant stars, build cities on other planets and rest on the Moon. I think it will definitely be! And soon!

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Fedor Reshetnikov is a famous Soviet artist. Many of his works are dedicated to children. One of them is the painting "Boys", it was painted in 1971.

It can be divided into three parts. The main characters of this picture are three boys. It can be seen that they climbed onto the roof to be closer to the sky and the stars. The artist managed to depict the late evening very beautifully. The sky is dark blue, but no stars are visible. Maybe that's why the boys climbed onto the roof to see how the first stars appear.

In the background, windows in multi-storey buildings glow. Guys boys live big in the city. Even at night it is light here, because there are street lamps. To see the stars you need to climb to the top floor or to the roof of the house.

The boys are in the center of the picture. They are about the same height, the same age. They can be classmates, friends or neighbors. They look up into the dark sky.

One of the boys is wearing a white shirt and has dark hair. He points to the sky and seems to be telling his friends some interesting story. He is the most active of the whole company and serious. It is evident that he knows a lot and is ready to share knowledge with friends.

In the foreground is a boy with blond hair. He is dressed in dark clothes with a white T-shirt peeking out from underneath. This boy is also looking at the sky. He opened his mouth in surprise. He must be scared, because he holds on tightly to the railing with one hand.

The third boy is wearing a blue shirt and a tight waistcoat. His face turned to the sky, his head rested on his hand. He listens to a friend and dreams of the sky, space flights.

I really liked the picture "Boys", which was painted by Fyodor Reshetnikov. There are only three heroes here, but the author managed to show both their appearance and characters. Small details help us understand where the boys live and that the sky is their dream.

Composition based on the painting by Reshetnikov Boys Grade 5 Option 2

This artist has a lot of paintings, which he dedicated to the children's theme. For example, they include such masterpieces as “They took the tongue”, “I came for the holidays”, “Boys”. I would like to stop in more detail and consider the picture "Boys". She was drawn in 1971.

In the picture we see three boys, at night they climbed onto the roof, probably secretly from their parents. They look at the sky dotted with stars. One can imagine that they vied with each other to show each other the constellations and tell the secrets of the starry sky. Or maybe they are arguing about a star galaxy or other planets. Their faces express delight, with such enthusiasm they are looking for something there.

It seems that the guys do not notice anything that is happening around. I like this picture, it comes alive in my eyes. I want to be there, on the roof, next to the guys, and just like they discuss the night sky. And you can discuss not only the galaxy and planets, but also share your secrets and innermost secrets. And it doesn’t matter to us at all how the artist depicts the city, for us it merges with the starry sky, and to the fore, displacing the boys.

The artist managed to show the mystery of the starry night, especially in combination with children. You involuntarily remember yourself in the summer, how you loved to admire the sunset or sunrise with friends, and also make a wish when a star falls. Few people believe in this sign, but once I made a wish. I believe in the wonders of the starry night. Thanks to the author for his work, it made me plunge into the world of childhood, feel its carelessness. It seems to me that it is precisely such pictures that make us experience repeatedly the moments that connect us with childhood, give us the strength not to give up and move on.

Composition based on the painting by Reshetnikov Boys 3 option

The painting "Boys" was painted in 1971 and belongs to the brush of the famous Soviet artist Fyodor Reshetnikov. The artist often depicted children on his canvases.

After sunset, the young heroes of the picture climbed to the roof of a residential multi-storey building. F. Reshetnikov managed to perfectly convey the tones of the late evening. The sky had already turned a dark plum blue, but the stars had not yet lit up. Perhaps the guys climbed so high to be among the first to see how the first star lights up.

Behind the boys, only the dim lights of the windows are visible, coming from other apartments of high-rise buildings. In addition to them, nothing is visible only the muddy silhouettes of houses, which are shrouded in the twilight of the night.

The center of the canvas are three boys of the same age. They may be in the same class or just be friends living next door. The attentive glances of the guys are directed to the sky.

One of the boys with dark hair is wearing a white shirt. He raised his hand and points to something in the sky, as if telling an exciting story. Apparently, this is the most active and knowing a lot of interesting things, a boy who is ready to share all his knowledge with friends. Viewers can only guess what he is talking about. Maybe about the stars and constellations, maybe about the boundless space and other galaxies, or maybe about comets and asteroids, or about the conquest of outer space by brave astronauts.

Among friends there is a boy with blond hair. He is dressed in a dark-colored suit, from under which the collar of a white T-shirt peeks out. Listening carefully to his friend, he follows his gestures. He was so interested that he opened his mouth in surprise.

The third boy is standing with his head resting on his hand. He wears a dark vest and a blue shirt. Apparently, the stories that he heard inspired him with dreams of the sky, stars and space flights.

The painting by Fyodor Reshetnikov gives us the opportunity, together with the boys, to plunge into dreams and thoughts about the secrets of the night sky. "Boys" is a wonderful example of Soviet art, simple and inspiring.

The painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov "Boys" depicts three boys. The painting was painted by the artist in 1971.

Most likely, the picture depicts summer. Probably the end of August. Nights at this time of the year are already getting dark. Three friends are depicted in the very center of the picture. They stand on the roof of a multi-storey building and enthusiastically look at the sky. High-rise buildings can be seen below, which indicates that the boys are in the city. In the windows of houses, in almost every window there is a light. From this it follows that this is not a very late time of day. Two of the boys are wearing long-sleeved sweatshirts, which indicates that it is cool outside. The boys in this picture are about 9 years old. All children, and especially boys, love adventure at this age. Walking in the dark is also very interesting and mysterious.

One of the guys, the one in the white T-shirt, points up, and the rest of the guys carefully peer into the sky. He probably tells them about what he recently read in a book, or maybe his dad told him some interesting story about space, planets or stars. Maybe even at school, in the classroom, the teacher talked about the different constellations of our universe. And now they are trying to find them in the starry sky. And at this time of the year you can see the rain of stars and make your most cherished wish. At the time this picture was painted, the cherished desire of almost every boy was to become an astronaut and fly into outer space. After all, the picture was painted just 10 years after Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. And of course, all the boys wanted to at least fly on a rocket and look out the window at our planet from space. These boys are looking at the sky with their eyes burning with curiosity and dreaming about the future. It can also be assumed that they are studying the moon. Indeed, during the full moon, it is very beautiful and even interesting drawings are visible on its surface. Or to dream that there, on the moon, perhaps the same three boys are looking at our planet.

The artist pays special attention to these boys. He placed them in the center of the picture and depicted them as completely different. He endowed each of them with his own emotions. Looking at them, you immediately get the impression that they are true friends. This is evidenced by the hand placed on the shoulder of his friend by one of the boys. And it is immediately clear that these are not hooligans. The boys are neatly dressed, and in their eyes one can see the desire for new discoveries and knowledge.

2nd version of the essay

The unique world of childhood, which is shown in the famous paintings of the Russian artist F. P. Reshetnikov, is the basis of his creative activity.

The picture "Boys" is no exception. From the first minute, she evokes positive and tenderness of the viewer. After all, everything related to the topic of children always inspires the most sincere and kind feelings. The artist depicted three children. The backdrop for their actions, he chose the sky in the late evening period.

In the central part of the picture, the guys settled closer to the celestial bodies. To do this, they climbed to the roof of a multi-storey building. Each of them took a comfortable position, but his eyes were fixed in one direction. Judging by the gestures and facial expressions of the children, their emotions are at their peak. On the faces of the boys, F. P. Reshetnikov depicted with special care and love the enthusiasm, interest in space, the phenomena that occur in the night sky.

One of the boys in the standing position has a special interest in looking up. This can be said, judging by the way he, with his mouth slightly open in surprise, as if not breathing, listens to his comrade. Grasping the railing, located to the right of him, it seems that he forgot about everything in the world. His blond hair is slicked to the side for an affectionate look. The dark-haired comrade, judging by the picture, has more knowledge in the field of celestial space exploration. He confidently points to the blue space, sharing the experience with his friends. The third boy, leaning on his arm, silently listens and looks up.

The eyes of each of the guys express genuine interest in what is happening in the night sky. There is a feeling that this topic will become the meaning of their life in the future. They mentally conquer the heavenly spaces, despite the fact that almost the entire city is asleep.

Behind the guys, the night triumphs. This is evidenced by thousands of small lights shining from the windows of multi-storey buildings. The rest of the space is occupied by the blue sky.

The author of the canvas does not resort to the use of different shades. However, despite the dark tones of blue, brown, the picture evokes feelings of joy and pride for the children, who may become famous scientists.

The author of the picture showed himself to be a subtle psychologist of the child's soul, a connoisseur of the ongoing events of that time, when all the thoughts of the younger generation were turned to what is in heaven. In general, the picture of F. P. Reshetnikov looks mysterious, interesting and bewitching.

Description 3

The painting "Boys" arose from the brush of the recognized Soviet artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov. The path to art for the future painter was predetermined from the very beginning. He was born and raised in the family of an icon painter. He received his first skills as an apprentice from his older brother. He honed his skills at the Workers' Faculty of Arts and at the Higher Artistic and Technical Courses of the capital. One of his teachers was Dmitry Moor, the author of widespread posters. The student also did not become a "free artist", he worked within the framework of social realism, Reshetnikov's paintings illustrated school textbooks, and were distributed in large-circulation postcards.

Fyodor Pavlovich was not known as an "office worker". He is one of the heroic Chelyuskinites, on a ship squeezed by ice, a twenty-six-year-old graduate of the Higher Art School supported the spirit of the expedition members with his drawings, publishing the wall newspaper “We Will Not Surrender”. His painting "The Death of Chelyuskin" is incredibly documentary. The theme of the heroism of the Soviet people runs like a red thread through the artist's work.

At the same time, Fedor Reshetnikov is better known for his paintings, where the heroes are children. His “Again the deuce” and “Arrived for the holidays” are familiar to almost everyone, and the boys from the lesser-known picture of the same name evoke a feeling of admiration.

On it, three boys climbed onto the roof of a high-rise building on a dark night, watching the stars. They most likely came here secretly from adults, it is unlikely that they would have been released alone at night. August. Starfall time. The eyes of the children are directed to where the stars flash and go out. They definitely know the basics of astronomy in order to find familiar constellations among the myriad of luminaries. Especially the one in the center. It is he who shows his friends something interesting. Perhaps, on this mysterious night, hovering over the lights of the streets and houses of a big city, he paves his future route through the expanses of the Universe. The boy on the left faithfully follows his comrade, he is quite satisfied with the role of the co-pilot. And the third boy is dreamy and thoughtful. He would agree to sing the stars and star flights in verse. It is likely that poetic lines are already born in him.

"Boys" was written in 1971, every self-respecting boy then dreamed of becoming an astronaut. They prepared themselves for this difficult profession, diligently playing sports, tempering their will and body, and studied diligently. Losers, the path to astronauts is ordered!


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Description of the painting by Reshetnikov “Boys”

This artist has a lot of paintings, which he dedicated to the children's theme.
For example, they include such masterpieces as “They took the tongue”, “I came for the holidays”, “Boys”.
I would like to stop in more detail and consider the picture "Boys".
She was drawn in 1971.

In the picture we see three boys, at night they climbed onto the roof, probably secretly from their parents.
They look at the sky dotted with stars.
One can imagine that they vied with each other to show each other the constellations and tell the secrets of the starry sky.
Or maybe they are arguing about a star galaxy or other planets.
Their faces express delight, with such enthusiasm they are looking for something there.

It seems that the guys do not notice anything that is happening around.
I like this picture, it comes alive in my eyes.
I want to be there, on the roof, next to the guys, and just like they discuss the night sky.
And you can discuss not only the galaxy and planets, but also share your secrets and innermost secrets.
And it doesn’t matter to us at all how the artist depicts the city, for us it merges with the starry sky, and to the fore, displacing the boys.

The artist managed to show the mystery of the starry night, especially in combination with children.
You involuntarily remember yourself in the summer, how you loved to admire the sunset or sunrise with friends, and also make a wish when a star falls.
Few people believe in this sign, but once I made a wish.
I believe in the wonders of the starry night.
Thanks to the author for his work, it made me plunge into the world of childhood, feel its carelessness.
It seems to me that it is precisely such pictures that make us experience repeatedly the moments that connect us with childhood, give us the strength not to give up and move on.