Does real magic exist in our world? Evidence of the existence of magic. How do magical herbal infusions work?

This is one of the eternal questions that has haunted humanity for thousands of years. A mystic or occultist will say that magic exists, that he has experienced its capabilities firsthand. The skeptic will object - where is your magic, show it to me! I only believe in what can be seen or touched! But which of them will be right?

To understand whether magic exists, you need to try to understand this issue as impartially as possible. And we should start with the origins of the origin of magical techniques. I invite you, dear reader, to mentally travel back to prehistoric times.

Why did magic arise?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, the world was truly huge. And frightening... People had to face dangers every day that we cannot even imagine. Predators roamed the earth, stronger than modern tigers and lions. Thunderstorms, storms, hurricanes and other natural phenomena brought superstitious horror to our ancestors.

The man did not know whether he would return from the hunt alive, whether he would be able to survive another attack by a hostile tribe. Any illnesses were perceived as machinations. Of course, a person needed protection that would allow him to feel more comfortable in this huge, hostile world.

Humanity has always been distinguished by an inquisitive mind. Some people began to study the properties of herbs and try to interact with the “forces” and “spirits” that personified the natural elements. This is how the first shamans appeared - cult ministers who devoted themselves to the study of magic.

What did shamans do?

The sorcerer was responsible for the fate of his tribe. He had to ensure a successful hunt, appease the gods, who could send the people both a bountiful harvest and all sorts of disasters. The shaman was consulted when important decisions had to be made, for example, changing a campsite, starting to prepare provisions, or going on a military campaign.

To receive something, you need to give something equally valuable in return. Ancient sorcerers used this principle in their rituals. They sacrificed part of the harvest and animals obtained from hunting to the gods. The Aztecs and many other tribes widely practiced...

Our ancestors did not question whether magic exists. They believed unconditionally in the power of witchcraft. However, if the shaman was unable to “agree with the gods” and troubles befell the tribe, then he could simply be killed. The position of supreme sorcerer passed to the next candidate.

Mystical practices of the peoples of the world

It would seem that scientific and technological progress should put an end to magical practices and other superstitions. But judge for yourself, magic in one form or another still lives in various parts of the globe:

Shamans of Mexico and Siberia. Their rituals allow the use of hallucinogens - psilocybes, fly agarics, peyote. In a state of trance, the shaman visits other worlds and interacts with their inhabitants, performing rituals. A common technique is ritual using a tambourine.

Yogis of India. These wonderful people completely control the capabilities of their body. For example, a yogi can safely swallow a bag of needles and then force the needles to come out of his fingertips. Yogis voluntarily stop breathing and fall into. Some are even able to levitate.

Followers of the Voodoo cult. These are mainly inhabitants of the African continent. The Voodoo religion involves turning to the invisible spirits of Loa, who act as an intermediary between man and God. widely known thanks to the volt - a doll made for the death of an enemy.

Rosicrucians (Masons). The Knights of the Rose and Cross, whose descendants now make up the Masonic lodge, possessed sacred knowledge. Their power caused concern among the authorities of that time. To get rid of the Rosicrucians, King Philip IV of France (Philip the Handsome) entered into a secret conspiracy with Pope Clement the Fifth.

Anchorites of Tibet. These mystics are famous for their ability to not freeze in the most severe Himalayan frosts. They practice (inner warmth). Anchorites specially wrap themselves in wet sheets and dry them with the warmth of their bodies. They also perform the tshed sacrament, which is included in the list.

Theosophical lodge. Very common in America, despite the fact that one of the founders of the movement was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, born in the Russian Empire. Theosophists can only be conditionally called magicians, although among their practices there are astral travel and spiritualistic seances.

Village magic is widespread in almost all corners of Russia. Its variety is gypsy dark magic, which includes various methods of inducing damage and the evil eye.

Exists or not?

But does magic exist? You can say that there are many historical examples, but this will not convince any skeptic. Come true or Vanga? Manipulation of facts, mere coincidence! The curse of the pharaohs that overtook the tomb robbers? Nonsense, it’s just that stale air has accumulated inside the pyramids! And what's about ? It's just a mass hallucination! And so on…

Dear reader, if you really want to know whether magic exists, then try to study it from the practical side. This is the only way you can gain personal experience and form your own idea about this issue. Indeed, in real life you cannot meet a magician who can summon a dragon or throw a fiery fireball at his opponent. But this does not mean at all that the centuries-old knowledge of shamans, sorcerers, magicians, mystics of different countries is just a meaningless dummy.

For many centuries, our civilization has been looking for answers to the question: does magic exist? However, there is still no consensus on this matter.

Some outspoken materialists argue that everything in this world is material, and there cannot be other ways to influence the natural course of things. Many people firmly believe that with the help of simple manipulations with photography they can cure a person.

So believing whether magic exists or not is a personal matter for everyone. And what will Feng Shui adherents say to this, who, through the correct placement of symbols in certain areas of the apartment, are trying to influence the development of a specific area of ​​life? What is this? Many questions remain.

In ancient times, people believed unconditionally in the existence of witches and dark forces; they even burned at the stake unwanted people who were considered representatives of otherworldly forces.

Currently, there are even programs on television where people turn to psychics asking them to help them understand their problems. Someone's child died under mysterious circumstances. Someone’s floors and doors in their house are creaking, and at night it’s as if someone is walking. All this is nothing but magic and paranormal phenomena, so there is no need to wonder whether magic exists.

It is conventionally accepted to divide magic into white and black, into, so to speak, good, light magic and dark - evil. In the same way, it is believed that there are black witches and sorcerers who practice dangerous love spells and spells that can subjugate a person’s will.

There is an age-old dispute about who is considered a more powerful magician - white or black. It is implied that black magicians are helped by dark forces that terrify the average person, while white magicians talk about their connection with God and the forces of light.

Often magicians use similar auxiliary tools. They use Tarot cards, stones, feathers, bones. Each of them can have their own talismans, which help him tune in to the desired “wave” and hear the promptings of the spirits from

The most famous magicians also had their own characteristics that were unique to them. For example, in the Middle Ages there lived a druid girl, Cliodna, who knew how to put the sick into deep sleep with the help of her magic birds and heal them.

There was also the famous dark sorceress Morgana le Fay, who was considered the strongest magician opposing Merlin, who, in turn, was also a powerful wizard. Both magicians had enormous power, could transform into animals and understood their speech.

There were also quite unusual sorcerers. For example, Urik the Strange was an eccentric magician and wore a jellyfish on his head instead of a hat.

Just as before, people continue to turn to various kinds of magicians for help. Especially when it comes to events in life that they cannot influence. Thus, women whose husbands have left for their mistresses are able to turn to some kind of magicians for help and ask them to return their beloved to the family.

Unfortunately, few people think about what methods witches use. Therefore, sometimes such “cooperation” can have very negative consequences. The fact is that any witchcraft should not subjugate the will of others, and people believe that they have the right to decide for themselves - for whom and what will be best.

Whether magic exists or not is up to you to decide. To this day, many questions remain, the answers to which no science can give.

Only one thing is known for sure: each person has his own energy and biofield. And intervention against a person’s will can have very negative consequences both for himself and for the one who decided on such intervention.

Miracles - you can call all this whatever you like, but as long as it is not known exactly what it can be, everyone has the right to believe in what they want.

Modern man is accustomed to the fact that there are two opposing views on reality, two types of consciousness - scientific and magical. Sometimes it seems that in the modern world it is ridiculous to think that miracles happen. Scientific methods of influencing reality seem solid and logical, and belief in magic remains in childhood, when it was so easy to believe in fairy tales and.

"Inexplicable" does not mean "does not exist"

But maybe it’s just easier for people to think that everything in the world is predictable and explainable? In fact, this is far from the case. Even in the familiar reality surrounding everyone, there is a lot that people cannot feel with the help of their senses: electromagnetic waves, electrons running through wires, the speed of light. But they can observe and record these and other phenomena using special instruments.

But until quite recently, concepts such as, for example, were not recognized by official science and unconditionally belonged to the field of esotericism. Perhaps the methods of explaining and recording phenomena that today are usually classified as magic will in the near future become familiar and completely scientific?

What is magic?

But before deciding whether it exists or not, it's good to understand that . We can say that magical rituals are actions that carry a certain energy impulse, performed in a certain sequence and the desired result. Thus, the magical effect is not too different from the ordinary one in its essence, except for one component - the energy one.

But this component turns out to be the most important in the magical action. The mood that a person receives as a result of performing the ritual helps him change his behavior, see the situation from a new perspective, discover new resources in himself, and believe in himself. And belief in yourself and your success is a powerful force.

The stronger the energy of the person performing magical actions, the more obvious the result will be.
Modern psychologists recognize this, and theologians have been talking about this since ancient times.

As for the ritual itself, successive manipulations, words of the conspiracy, pronounced in a strictly specified order, create the desired mood and help internal resources to mobilize. You can create rituals yourself.

One of the areas of psychology - Simoron - is built on the creation of fun rituals that help change reality.
The only problem is to believe in their effectiveness. That is why most prefer traditional, proven magical methods.

The existence of magic is a question that interests many, but many use it very effectively for their own purposes. Development has always taken place on a fine line between the human world and the other world, and witches and various kinds of clairvoyants, who received their gift from above, have always stood guard over this fine line, protecting it from destruction, and providing assistance to people, predicting their future and offering various useful drugs.

Magic is the study of otherworldly phenomena and things

Some skeptics continue to argue that there is nothing magical or otherworldly in this world, that there are no people with supernatural abilities. The answer to this skepticism can be the centuries-old history of magic, which has left its mark on the entire process of human development.

How magic was viewed in different eras

Does magic really exist? This question can be answered with confidence in the affirmative, since white and black magic have been used by man for as long as he himself has existed on the planet. Magic is a teaching about otherworldly phenomena and things that are based on beliefs in gods and higher powers, therefore the existence of such a teaching cannot be subject to any doubt. It should be noted that people changed their attitude towards magic depending on the general trend:

  • in the times of primitive man, it was magic that played the role of a panacea for all kinds of troubles and misfortunes;
  • in the Middle Ages, when the peak of the popularity of the Christian religion was observed, a large number of people who were related to magic and magical rituals were simply burned at the stake: both those who preferred white magic and followers of dark forces were persecuted;
  • In our world, society is divided into two types of people: those who believe in the existence of magic unquestioningly and those who consider it complete nonsense.

Even the existence of disputes about the truth of magical rituals and teachings, which have a long history in our age of global computerization, when even modern equipment cannot give an intelligible answer to some events, suggests that occult teachings have behind them real knowledge about human life.

Moreover, the question of whether black magic exists is, in principle, not a mystery to many people, since they have had to encounter it at least once in their lives.

Basic types of magic

In reality, according to numerous descriptions, there are several types of magic, which are distinguished by the goal pursued by a person who turns to otherworldly knowledge. These types include:

  1. Light magic (good), the main meaning of which is to help people. Sorcerers who practice this direction are able to help cure ailments, remove damage, and are also able to convey forces that help to survive the trials that life puts before a person.
  2. Dark magic (evil) is used for their own enrichment by those who have comprehended it. Most warlocks are happy to take on the dirtiest jobs, often using magic to cause evil.
  3. Elemental magic is a teaching that is based on the belief in the four main elements of the human world - fire, water, earth and air. Spells are used by specialists of this teaching depending on the direction in which a person is experiencing difficulties.

Features of magic

Every person is capable of comprehending the basics of white magic, since its foundations are laid in everyone, without exception. In order to master it, you just need to believe in your own strength, as well as the existence of the otherworldly. Particular success in this matter in the real world can only be achieved by those who have a pure mind, free from fear, which ensures constant personal growth, including magical growth, which in turn makes it possible to help others and make wishes of kindness and light come true.

Every person is capable of comprehending the basics of white magic.

Followers of evil black magic, without any questions asked, take on such vile deeds as:

  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • curse;
  • love spell;
  • crown of celibacy and much more.

The use of negative magical rituals is the main work of such magicians.A huge number of proven cases of the use of black magic have been recorded on earth throughout the history of human existence, so the question of whether such power actually exists is not worth it. Prominent representatives of this trend in magic are shamans of many tribes who actively use the Voodoo technique in their practice, as well as witches who use various curses, love spells and more in their practice.

Magicians who use the power of the elements in their work undergo a complex and lengthy procedure of training and initiation, since in order to use it they must be able to concentrate and have a strong character. These magicians can provide invaluable assistance to suffering people in solving the problems that a person faces every day. Anyone who has been to a reception with real magicians has no doubt that magic exists and is a very powerful tool for solving various problems that lie ahead on everyone’s path.

The struggle between the two main types of magic dates back to the period BC and continues to this day - for several millennia. Considering the fact that good always ultimately triumphs over evil, we can be sure that in the end it is white magic that will become the winner, since it is already several steps ahead of dark magic, due to the fact that there are many more representatives of this direction more. They are getting stronger every day.

To believe in the existence of magic or not is a personal matter for each person. Look around and you will have no doubts.

Magic is an invisible force controlled by a trained person, or someone born with unusual abilities. Used to achieve goals or desires through the use of spells and rituals. There are long-term debates in the world of science and practice - whether magic exists or not. Everyone is willing to provide a range of evidence that supports their theory. Since childhood, a person perceives the magical and inexplicable, looking for a definition of incomprehensible facts.

To the question whether magic and its practices actually exist or not - everyone answers in their own way.

The first sorcerers appeared a long time ago. They caused rain, sun, or caused damage. They stood out, they were respected and feared.

The direction of shamanism appeared - communication with invisible forces as a result of falling into a trance. They helped people through natural forces.

Development can be divided into 5 stages:

  1. Primitive - finds from prehistoric times tell of inexplicable symbols engraved on rocks, objects or rituals of communication with nature.
  2. Antiquity - Homer talked about magical objects that protected from influence or rituals. In his time, it was used - belief in the protective properties of amulets, making a potion or casting a curse.
  3. Middle Ages - in those days, witchcraft, witches and rituals spread. The authorities fought them in every possible way, using fire as a weapon. Witches at the stake became a symbol of the Inquisition era.
  4. Renaissance - renewed interest in magic and mystery. Science is developing, trying to answer incomprehensible questions and phenomena using the power of reason.
  5. Modernity - people interpret it as an artistic genre - science fiction or fantasy. It is a tool for achieving goals, with the help of specialists.

How magic was viewed in different eras

In ancient times, there were healers and sorcerers in Rus'. Healers protected from damage and the evil eye, and healed diseases. Sorcerers cast evil eyes, damage, and performed dark rituals.

In the Mediterranean, explorers were divided into scientists and magicians. The first explored the physical world and phenomena, the second kept knowledge secret.

In the Middle Ages there was a fierce struggle against the unknown, the unknown, the incomprehensible. The man was burned alive, trusting the words of the informer. This did not prevent the emergence of organizations and communities. Then the first signs of division into white magic appeared - it was practiced legally, through religion, black magic was prohibited, punishable by death.

At the beginning of the 18th century, science and the study of physical matter developed in Europe: intangible means magical. Mages improved on a personal level. Blindly repeating spells is a thing of the past, and opinions about the use of energy have changed. The primary task becomes: to delve into and understand the origin of force and energy.

Directions developed:

Totemism is the endowment of a plant or animal with supernatural power;

Animism is the belief in the existence of spirits;

Fetishism is the assignment of extraordinary properties to an object;

Necromancy is a magical way of communicating with the dead.

Modern people have found an explanation for hypnosis or telekinesis. Researchers willingly make contact with sorcerers to conduct a series of studies and explain illogical laws and phenomena.

Over time, one may encounter incomprehensible events either as rumors or personally. Fiction becomes reality.

Basic types of magic

Views, directions, types changed. There are 3 types of magic defined:

  1. Light - called white and pure. Aimed at helping and good purposes, without causing harm. White practitioners resort to the help of gods and angels, mythological creatures - the main thing is with the coincidence of principles.
  2. Dark - black or evil. Used to satisfy desires by causing harm to others. In practice, the sorcerer turns to dark entities for help: demons, demons, devils.
  3. Elemental - depending on the area of ​​problems and failures, the magic of fire, water, earth and air is used to resolve them. The sorcerer resorts to the help of the elements, as close as possible to the problem, using spells or rituals. Capable of eliminating natural anomalies and disasters.

With evolution, the directions of using magical powers, methods of influence, and paraphernalia changed.

  1. Astrology is the science of the Universe, the structure and human involvement in it. A specialist in this field can talk about the stages of life, expected changes, and energy distribution.
  2. Ayurveda - nature comes to the rescue. He can see, cure the disease, regardless of the patient.
  3. Fortune telling is a way to find out about upcoming changes. The instrument used is a deck of cards or freshly brewed coffee. It is not enough to know the designation of cards, symbols, coffee lines. Due to limited experience, errors or misinterpretations are possible. Someone who has experience in conducting, listening and seeing the other world, signs, and clues will be able to truthfully perceive and convey information.
  4. Extrasensory perception - a specialist is called a psychic. He will see, hear or smell things that the average person cannot. Looks into the future and past, into what is happening at a distance or behind an obstacle. He has the ability to work with energy and direct it in the right directions.
  5. Numerology is the science of numbers. Numerologists predict the upcoming life, some desirable adjustments for a happy existence, based on the date and time of a person’s birth.

How the canons were formed

If you take a closer look or dive deeper into the study of history, the fact of the actual crossing of the path of the magical with the religious becomes obvious. Since the birth of religion, there have been moments when one follows the path of another.


In the primitive age, issues and problems were resolved through rituals. The person who conducted them, whispered spells, knew how to communicate with invisible spirits, and reside in the astral plane - was revered and valued.

During the time of the Gods of the Pantheon, servants were ranked as sorcerers.

There was no religion separately from magic; they intersected and united many times.

The medieval period became famous for the persecution of sorcerers and their burning at the stake. The period of the Inquisition gave the authorities the opportunity to personally take part in the sacrifices. From a religious point of view, everything was done in the name of good, the fight against evil, but Christian basic laws were violated - about love for one's neighbor, about the sin of murder.


Belief in the effectiveness of application differs. One is predisposed to recognize, study, and receive evidence of the existence of magical powers, the other blindly believes in them.

An effective method of influence is the use of the subconscious, the power of thought to move an object. It was called telekinesis, anyone can master it, but you need to study long and hard.

This applies to magical abilities. If desired, they can be discovered and developed. Efficiency will manifest itself over time, with the condition of hard work.


The existence of magical abilities is perceived as a contradiction to God's laws, and terrible punishment awaits wizards. If you look at the rest of humanity's sins, they occur more often, reducing the likelihood of punishment for magic.

The number of philistine sins exceeds the magical ones. Magic will not be judged more harshly than extramarital affairs or abortion.


Abilities may not be useful when using the power of suggestion or self-hypnosis. She is able to subjugate a person’s thoughts and actions, help or puzzle.

When discovering inexplicable objects in things, such as a black candle or a damaged photograph, a person instills in himself a black or unclean origin. As a result, life becomes more difficult for yourself and those around you - effective magic in real life.

Evidence of the existence of magic

There are laws of nature and life situations that cannot be explained.

You can think about a person you know with whom you haven’t communicated for a long time; the next day he will call, or meet, or learn something new about him. This proves the presence of a spiritual or energetic sphere, the result of influence on it.

The appearance of the betrothed in a dream on the night of fortune telling, if the person is unfamiliar, is proof of the presence of higher powers.

Research has determined the existence of a biofield and energy.

When organizing a wedding, the newlyweds check how successful the chosen date or month will be. It’s worth taking a closer look at your partner, from the point of view of astrology and space – whether they are suitable for each other, whether the marriage will be happy.

Real magic in the modern real world is a terrible weapon. It influences us, regardless of our desire or attitude towards it.

Is it possible to learn witchcraft

If a person decides to learn how to use hidden abilities, he needs to choose a type. Recently, there is such a thing as gray magic; experts say that in the end you will have to make a choice. The choice must be conscious, and changing the scope of application of abilities is not an easy task. Neither light nor dark entities welcome running from one to another.

White magic can be mastered by those who have good intentions. Every person has a good beginning, therefore, everyone can develop a number of abilities.

In this direction it is necessary to grow, develop, study theory, and master spiritual practices. This will give the student the opportunity to help people, bring light and kindness to the masses.

The peculiarities of black existence lie in atrocities. These include: damage, evil eyes, curses, love spells. Over time, cases of magic being used for evil have been recorded at different times.

To learn spontaneous, you need to work on yourself: develop character and fortitude. As a result, it will be possible to solve a number of problems and life troubles through the power of nature.