Ivan Dorn - biography, information, personal life. Ivan Dorn: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Where is Dorn

Music critics call him “the new undisputed star of our stage”, “the best performer of Russian-language mass pop music in the world”, “a person who makes the most adequate to global trends, the most memorable and catchy pop songs in Russian”, he is singled out “on against the backdrop of the eternal provincialism of the local pop scene.” It appeals to different categories of listeners. But he himself does not chase fame, tries to run away from stereotypes, loves to collect music boxes, is afraid of the moment the electricity turns off on stage, is afraid to jump with a parachute, is afraid of the dentist, operations, heights, turning off the hot water, is afraid of falling asleep at the wheel and losing his voice.

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Biography of Ivan Dorn

And he is Ivan Dorn. Born on October 17, 1988 in Chelyabinsk. But two years later, due to the work of his father, a nuclear scientist, the family had to move to the Ukrainian Slavutich, where he took a position at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

When the boy went to school, his parents divorced, and he stayed with his mother, who decided not to leave Ukraine. Until the second grade, Vanya bore his father’s last name – Eremin. And then, because of his mother, Lydia, Dorn replaced her, since she really did not want her son to have anything even formally connected with his father.

Hardly anyone could have thought that the boy would become a pop star. Rather, he was predicted to have a future as an athlete. While still at school, he received the title of Master of Sports in sailing, candidate for Master of Sports in ballroom dancing, had a second rank in swimming and a third rank in athletics. He also achieved significant success in the field of football, tennis and chess. Where does this zeal come from? The love of sports was instilled in Ivan by his stepfather, who was in charge of various sections in the city of Slavutich.

But it is worth noting that in parallel with conquering the heights of sports, Ivan also developed a love for music. He first appeared on stage at the age of six at the “Golden Autumn of Slavutich” festival. And then he graduated from a music school with a degree in piano and became a laureate and winner of numerous music competitions and festivals. Among them is “New Wave - 2009”, in which he took second place as a member of the “Pair of Normal” group.

And Dorn’s fans are probably incredibly happy that he chose music instead of sports. How would they live without him? Although this favorite theme still appears in his songs.

“At some point I had to choose: either sing songs or play sports,” Ivan recalled in an interview. - So now I only write texts about sports. In general, I watch football championships with pleasure, I am interested in the matches, and I love the Olympics. Now I’m only physically concerned with sailing: when summer comes, we take yachts and start sailing. I have been watching him since childhood, because my father is an Honored Master of Sports and an Honored Coach of the Soviet Union, all the terminology is familiar to me. When they say “vira spinnaker” to me, I immediately know what it is. But I still wouldn’t want to do it professionally - I’d rather sing about it.”

Apparently, Ivan does not regret his choice at all. As well as the fact that one day I didn’t get to the star house of the previously super-popular Channel One show. If fate, the villain, had turned a little in the other direction, then in 2006 all the girls in the country would have gone crazy over the charming Dorn, a participant in “Star Factory 6.” But then Konstantin Ernst was not impressed by the guy’s talent, and at the last stages of the casting he did not let him into the show. Then the eleventh-grader was terribly offended, but now he recalls this episode of his creative biography with joy, says that he is happy that the project did not give him “bad producers and nothing more, like Dmitry Koldun.” A clear example: everything that is done is for the better!

Oh, and that’s not all. Dorn never had to give up anything, believing that doing what he loved - music - would begin to bring him success. So, after graduating from school in 2006, he entered the cinematography department of the Kyiv National University of Theater, Film and Television named after Karpenko-Kary. And there was a big competition! But it was not easy for Ivan to study: the process was too burdensome. However, the singer found the strength to deal with him to the end.

Next is another step away from the intended goal. After graduating from university, Ivan undergoes a casting for the TV presenter of the M1 music channel and for some time becomes his face. But the craving for the stage never ceases to leave him, and then he resolutely leaves the heated position and rushes, so to speak, to the utmost in search of his place in the sun.

And he doesn't have to wait long. In 2007, at a concert of the British group Jamiroquai in Kyiv, Dorn met his future colleague Anya Dobrydneva and together with her decided to create the duet “A Pair of Normals”, which very quickly gained popularity not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. On October 4, 2008, the group released its debut album “I’ll come up with a happy ending”: the first lines in the Russian and Ukrainian charts were guaranteed.

But this was their first and last joint record. In the summer of 2010, despite the wild popularity of the team, Ivan decides to leave it. Why? The contract ended, the contract expired, and he decided not to continue because he felt that he needed to go one step higher. His place was taken by a graduate of the Ukrainian “Star Factory - 3” Artem Mekh, and he continued to move on, not feeling much longing for either the group or Anna.

“We still have friendly relations with Anya, I respect and love her, but, to be honest, I don’t have much desire to communicate,” Ivan shared in an interview. “We didn’t fight, it’s just that before that we were connected more by business relations than by friendship.”

And so Dorn successfully goes on a solo voyage and, quite by accident, assembles a team, with which he later achieves unprecedented success. How? It's a matter of chance! One fine day, a girl just calls him and asks him to perform at the birthday party of a fourteen-year-old guy. Preparation time is a week. Ivan agrees at his own peril and risk. And he doesn’t fail.

“I quickly started scratching the surface,” Dorn recalls in an interview, “I came across both Roma BestSeller, who long ago offered me to do something together, and Pahatam, in which I immediately suspected my DJ and beatmaker. Lemonade Joe got involved later, by the time of the second album. In ten days we shot a bunch of material and performed at a corporate event. Then a week later, by the way, we also played for a twelve-year-old child’s birthday with the same program.”

That’s how it all began, and then hit after hit: “Stytsamen”, “Curlers”, “Northern Lights”, “Moreover”, “Blue, Yellow, Red” and others. And on May 25, 2012 in Kyiv, and on May 26 in Moscow, Ivan officially presents his first solo album Co’n’dorn. Then, in the fall, he recorded the soundtrack for the U Channel reality show “Top Model in Russian” with Irina Sheika and a version of the song “The Holiday is Coming to Us” for a Coca-Cola commercial. In November 2014, his another new studio album, Randorn, was released, which includes such compositions as “Ill-mannered,” “Bear is Guilty,” “Number 23,” “Actress” and others.

But the most interesting thing is that Ivan promotes himself. To all offers from eminent producers to work on his project, he says a firm “no”. The promotion of his work was and still is through the Internet and social networks. And it works! It was even impossible to get tickets for his first concerts in Moscow clubs, despite the fact that they were practically not advertised. All the paperwork is handled by his mother, with whom Ivan has had a very warm relationship since childhood.

“She is the one who believed in me, who took me to competitions, who forced me to study music and all that stuff,” Ivan recalled. - Now my mother is already involved in contracts. It seems to me that the most durable enterprise is one where everything is tied to family.”

By the way, in 2013 and 2014, Dorn apparently decided to diversify his creative activity and tried himself as an actor, starring in the films “12 Months” and “Jolly Fellows ;).” And it seemed that he did well, but it seems that his maximalism made itself felt.

“I think that my roles are my mistake,” he commented in one interview. - I wanted to try myself in cinema: after all, I studied at the institute, they taught us acting. In the end, I realized that it was better not to: I can’t understand from reading the script whether it will be good or bad. It was only during filming that I realized that I had found myself in some kind of swamp and was slowly, slowly plunging into shit. I’ll just keep quiet about the fact that I was filming somewhere. I’m incredibly ashamed of all this.”

Therefore, Ivan, according to him, decided to give up cinema for now. But nevertheless, he still does not refuse to appear on the screen. He has already managed to judge the Ukrainian show “X-Factor 5”. But again, not for long: due to a conflict situation that arose on the set, he did not stay for the next season. But he was immediately invited to the sixth season of the Ukrainian show “The Voice”.

“The difference between the TV shows is colossal,” Ivan shared in an interview. - In “The X Factor” they pay less attention to the voice, more to eccentricity, freakiness, and “The Voice” is a vocal competition. In the first case, anyone could take the stage, the main thing was that it was either funny or interesting. Only a person with good vocal abilities can appear on the “Voices” stage, and within the framework of this project, it is much more interesting for me, as a professional musician: I can now do crazy things with the voices in my team. I finally discovered Ukraine as a singing nation. Thanks to the TV project, we had the opportunity to act as sound producers for several participants, and it doesn’t matter whether they are from my team or not.”

Dorn's personal life

This topic is quite sensitive for Dorn. He tries in every possible way to keep everything under seven locks. From his words, we only know that he fell in love a huge number of times in his life. With great trepidation, he remembers his first love - a girl Irina from his native Slavutich, as well as his youthful resort relationship with Daria Kolomiets (a participant in the Ukrainian “Star Factory - 3”), which began in “Artek” when they were fourteen years old. After the separation, the guys were connected by correspondence for a long time, but, apparently, the distance and such a young age made themselves felt. And when Ivan saw the girl on the screen, he probably completely lost hope.

Dorn is now married to his classmate Anastasia Novikova. Together with her he is raising a daughter (born in June 2014) and a son (born in 2015). But everything is kept so secret that sometimes it seems that Ivan’s family is some kind of myth. However, no matter how much he wants to hide everything that happens in his personal life from the media and fans, information still leaks out here and there.

So, Anastasia’s mother Elena said that until the moment the guys went to the registry office, Ivan lived with her daughter in a civil marriage for five years. By the way, she is happy with her son-in-law and considers him a very kind and charming boy.

Anya Dobrydneva, a former colleague of Dorn, a member of the group “Pair of Normal”, also confirmed the rumor about their relationship.

“He treats her very tenderly,” she said. - She always tries to surprise her with something: either he will edit a film especially for her, or he will prepare a culinary delight. And if we had intimate conversations with him, then I can say that most of all he was worried about the relationship with his girlfriend.”

And the world was still able to see the face of this mysterious Anastasia! In 2014, Ivan’s close friend, designer Bichola Tetradze, published photographs of his wife from his birthday celebration in Paris on social networks. And recently, the first photos of Dorn’s daughter from the birthday of producer Walid Arfush’s son were leaked online. And although you can’t really see the face of the little girl sitting on her dad’s shoulders, it is clear that she is as blond as Ivan himself.

So, apparently, the cup of Dorn's family life is filled to the brim. And advice and love are entirely his situation.

Dorn Ivan Aleksandrovich (b. 1988) – Ukrainian singer, television presenter, DJ. He began his musical career in the Ukrainian group “Pair of Normals”.

Now he continues his solo career, often shocking the public with bright songs, unusual videos and bold images.


Ivan was born on October 17, 1988 in the city of Chelyabinsk.
His father, Alexander Eremin, was a nuclear scientist by profession. When Vanya was two years old, the family moved to Ukraine to the city of Slavutich, and dad was offered a job there at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Two years later, another boy, Pavel, was born into the family.

In Slavutich, Ivan went to kindergarten, where he began his vocal career at the age of four. The boy sang “Let there always be sunshine”, English-language songs, since the kindergarten had an English bias. At the same time, Vanya fell in love with the melodic, beautiful Ukrainian language. The child sang very well, so he often took part in city music competitions. Once in the city the festival “Golden Autumn of Slavutich” was held and among the invited guests were the group “Na-Na”, Latoya Jackson, Patricia Kaas. Ivan managed to see them very close, after which his fear of the big stage disappeared forever.

Once a singer from Belarus came to Slavutich and needed a little boy saxophonist for her performance. Having learned about this, my mother dragged Vanya to the casting, and he passed. The child went on stage with a saxophone, which he absolutely did not know how to play. At the same time, he also mixed it up - when the saxophone was accompanied, the kid danced, and when he had to dance, he imitated playing the instrument. But Ivan did everything so charmingly that the audience was delighted with him.

School years

Perhaps Vanya’s desire to become an artist would not have been so strong if his mother had not constantly fueled it. The woman really wanted her boy to become a famous singer. She contributed and helped her son in every possible way at competitions, concerts, festivals, and was his producer and first critic. At one time, Ivan even did parodies, sang songs by Boris Moiseev and Shura. Mom sewed matching suits. Now it’s fun to watch videotapes from that time.

When Vanya was in second grade, an unpleasant event occurred in the family. Dad fell in love with another woman and left his wife with their children, after which his connection with his sons was interrupted. Before this, the boys bore their father’s surname – Eremin. After the divorce, mother Lydia Dorn did not want her sons to have anything to do with their father, and suggested that they take her maiden name. This is how Ivan got a German surname - Dorn. His grandfather, Emil Dorn, was German, and after the war he ended up in Ukraine. Translated from German into Russian, “Dorn” means “rose thorn” or “thorn”. This is a noble surname, and Ivan really likes it; he feels German blood in himself.

The absence of his father caused only a bitter resentment for his mother in the boy’s heart; otherwise, Vanya remained the same cheerful and charming child. He tried, probably, in all the circles and sections that were at that time in Slavutich - chess, ballroom dancing, tennis, football. In sports, Ivan achieved special results - the third adult category in athletics, the second category in swimming and a master in sailing. Received a musical education in piano.

At school, Dorn was not an excellent student or an exemplary student, but his teachers loved him for his wit and amazing charm. Vanya had irrepressible energy, which was enough not only for sports and music, but also for numerous school events. He was the first activist and leader in the class, played in KVN, organized holiday programs. And in my senior year I made a film about school, which turned out to be quite ironic.

The beginning of a musical journey

As a teenager, Ivan began to take music more seriously; parody numbers with dressing up became a thing of the past. In 2001, after the Black Sea Games festival, where Dorn took third place, he developed some special flair for songs, and the guy began to write music himself.

Then there were numerous participations and victories in musical competitions:

  • 1st place in the Moscow competition “Light up your star”;
  • Audience Award at the “Pearl of Crimea” competition;
  • 2nd place at the Black Sea Games in 2005.

While still a student in the eleventh grade, Ivan attempted to break into the television project “Star Factory-6,” the producer of which was composer and influential person in the world of music Viktor Drobysh. Together with his mother, Ivan went to Moscow, where he passed the casting and made it into the top twenty. But when sixteen final participants in the project were selected from these twenty, Ivan was rejected by the General Director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst. Dorn believes that Konstantin Lvovich was probably embarrassed by the guy’s independent behavior and his deliberately careless appearance. However, a few years later, Ivan still sang in the concert of the “Star Factory” project. Return" and was even recognized as a musical discovery.

"A couple of normal ones"

Having such a track record of victories, Dorn did not intend to completely connect his life with music. In 2006, after school, he entered the Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television named after Karpenko-Kary at the Faculty of Cinematography. Everything in his life was decided by a chance meeting.

As a freshman, at one of the concerts in a Kiev club, Ivan met Anya Dobrydneva. At first he thought that the girl was a foreigner, originally from Asia, and for a long time he did not decide what language to speak to her. When I asked in Russian and she answered, I thought that Anya was Russian. Imagine his joy when he learned that Dobrydneva was Ukrainian.

That evening they sang along with the performing group. And after the concert, almost simultaneously they said to each other: “You sing great!” After such words, there was only one step left before cooperation, and the guys took it. They went to parties, made acquaintances with musicians, and offered their compositions and lyrics. And some people from the music world responded and decided to help.

For a long time, Dorn and Dobrydneva could not come up with a name for their group. One day, while working on another song, the guys were composing the lyrics, and they had to come up with a continuation of the line: “a couple of scandalous news, you and I...” The phrase “a couple of normal ones” came up. Anya suggested using these two words as the name of their team.

Both Anna and Ivan were full of ambitions, had plenty of experience, and both became prize-winners and laureates of music festivals more than once. Dobrydneva had already performed with other musical groups and knew how to work in a team. The guys wanted to make a high-quality musical product that would surpass even Western analogues. That is why they never used phonograms at their performances, promoting exclusively live sound.

The public received their first musical compositions favorably, but without much enthusiasm. Anya and Vanya became famous in 2008 after the release of the song “Happy End,” which literally blew up the Ukrainian charts. In an instant, the guys woke up famous, the song became a hit and stayed at the top of the charts in Ukraine and Russia for several months.

Critics called “A Couple of Normals” a group of one song, but they were wrong. The duo continued to delight fans with new compositions:

  • "Don't fly away";
  • "Get up";
  • "Scandal";
  • "Come back."

In the fall of 2008, the group's first album, entitled “I'll Come Up with a Happy Ending,” was released. It turned out to be quite successful and collected a lot of positive reviews, moreover, it opened the way for the guys to the New Wave competition in Jurmala, where Ivan and Anya received the Muz TV award. After such success, “A Pair of Normals” went on their first tour of 29 Ukrainian cities.

At the peak of his popularity in the summer of 2010, Ivan decided to leave the duo. For fans, this step came as a complete surprise. But the singer said that the group was initially just a stepping stone for him on the path to a solo career. Dorn remained on excellent terms with his partner, and his place in the group was taken by the young and promising singer from “Star Factory” Artyom Mekh.

Solo career

Ivan’s solo career began in the fall of 2010 with the appearance of the musical composition “Stytsamen” on radio stations.

He was offered cooperation by producer and composer Igor Krutoy, but Dorn refused, citing the fact that he wanted to establish himself in the musical field on his own. He did not resort to the help of producers; he did not want anyone to dictate their terms. Ivan invested all his savings into working on new songs, and his mother also provided financial assistance.

When promoting his songs, Dorn relied on the Internet and was right. After “Stytsamen”, his other compositions began to gain momentum in popularity on the stages of fashionable youth clubs:

  • "Northern lights";
  • "Curler";
  • "Idol"
  • “Blue, yellow, red”;
  • "Especially";
  • “I hate it.”

Using his contacts in the world of show business, Ivan shot videos for these compositions and launched them online and on television channels. The young singer gradually gained fame, and they began to talk about the emergence of a new, original creative personality in the musical world.

In 2012, Dorn's first solo album, Co'n'dorn, was released. His official presentation in Moscow took place in May, and already in December the singer was nominated for the Muz TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category. True, this time the victory did not go to him; another singer from Ukraine, Max Barskikh, beat Ivan.

Dorn's second studio album was released in the winter of 2014, it was called “Randorn”, it included the following compositions:

  • "Ill mannered";
  • “The bear is guilty”;
  • "Sports";
  • "Penguin Dance"

The Ukrainian singer was favorably received in Russia by both critics and listeners. His concerts are always full of houses, and in numerous positive reviews Ivan is called:

  • “the most catchy performer of Russian pop songs”;
  • “new Russian pop star”;
  • “one of the most highly professional musicians in domestic show business.”

Dorn often shocks the public. For example, at the New Wave, performing the song “Attempt No. 5,” Ivan went on stage wearing women’s high-heeled sandals.

In 2012, according to “Viva!” Ivan Dorn won the “Most Handsome Man of the Year” nomination. The singer himself dedicated this victory to his mother and thanked her for her beautiful face. Although, when receiving the award, he admitted from the stage that such a nomination came as a complete surprise to him, because as a child he was often teased as a freak in the yard. Ivan said that, probably, this time they were assessing not external, but internal beauty. To which the host of the ceremony replied to Dorn: “This is not a beauty contest, here the success of a person and the level of his popularity are assessed.”

So Vanya was truly worthy of this award. In just two years, he managed to become the most expensive singer in Ukraine; his 40-minute concert in a club or at a corporate party costs 25,000 euros.


Ivan's television career began in 2008. He was invited to host the program “Guten Morgen” on the M1 music channel.

We can say that since then Dorn has not left television screens:

  • In 2011, in the second season of the Ukrainian show “Zirka + Zirka”, Ivan won in tandem with TV presenter Vasilisa Frolova.
  • In 2011, he was invited to the Ukrainian “Star Factory 4” as a presenter.
  • In 2014, in the fifth season of the music talent show “X-Factor,” he replaced rapper Seryoga at the judges’ table.
  • In the sixth season of the Ukrainian vocal TV show “The Voice of the Country,” Dorn was a coach.
  • After the end of the project, he continued working with one of his wards, Ivan became the producer of the young singer Konstantin Dmitriev.

Ivan also tried himself in cinema; it was not in vain that he received a higher cinematic education. In 2010, at the Monaco Film Festival, the premiere of the almanac about love in the modern metropolis “Lovers in Kyiv” took place, where Dorn played the main role in the short story “The Last Night of December”. In 2013, the Russian comedy fairy tale film “12 Months” was released, Ivan got one of the main characters - Shurik.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer was considered the most eligible bachelor in Ukraine. But Ivan simply skillfully hid and did not advertise his personal life. Since 2013, he has been happily married to his classmate Nastya Novikova. In the summer of 2014, the couple had a daughter, Vasilisa, and in 2015, the family also welcomed a son.

As for hobbies, Ivan loves football and supports the Turkish club Galatasaray.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Dorn was born in 1988 in the city of Chelyabinsk. Since 1990, Ivan lived with his parents in the Ukrainian city of Slavutich - his father was sent there to work. Later, Ivan’s parents divorced, and he changed his father’s surname “Eremin” to his mother’s “Dorn”.

From early childhood, Ivan showed a penchant for music and singing - at the age of 6 the boy was already singing at the Golden Autumn of Slavutich festival. In addition to singing, Ivan was also active in sports, he had several very serious sports titles - candidate master of sports in ballroom dancing, master of sports in sailing, 3rd adult category in athletics, 2nd in swimming. In addition to all of the above, Dorn played football, played chess and played tennis professionally.

In 2006, Dorn became a student at the Faculty of Cinematography at the Kyiv National University of Theater, Film and Television named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary. Soon Ivan already became a presenter on the M1 channel of Ukrainian television.

In 2007, Ivan met Anya Dobrydneva, with whom they soon created the duet “Pair of Normals”. In October 2008, the group's debut album entitled "I'll Come Up with a Happy End" was released. The group's song turned out to be a hit on the radio - "A Pair of Normal" was included in the list of the most popular songs on Love radio, as well as in the top ten of Russian radio.

The group’s second album, “Scandal During Advertising,” was released in 2010. It was in 2010 that Dorn left “Pair of Normals”, Artem Mekh came to his place, and Ivan himself decided to develop his solo activities.

Thus, fans of the Ukrainian musician soon heard his songs “Stytsamen”, “Curlers”, “Northern Lights”, “Moreover” and “Blue, Yellow, Red”. Dorn made video clips for many of his compositions. In May 2012, Dorn's official first album, entitled "Co"N"Dorn", was released. The album received many nominations for awards like MuzTV-2012. Billboard Russia placed Dorn's photo on the cover, and subsequently Dorn's album topped the magazine's chart.

It is noteworthy that both spectators and critics treated the Ukrainian musician with great favor - his concerts certainly attract full houses, and all sorts of critics call Ivan “a new Russian pop star,” “one of the most highly professional musicians,” “the most catchy performer of Russian pop music.” -songs." According to many, Dorn compares favorably with many modern pop artists - he does something more than the traditional "three chords", his songs are a very interesting mix of funk, neo-disco and house.

In 2012, Dorn won the RU.TV Award in the “Best Start” category.

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Having started his solo career, Ivan Dorn not only gained numerous fans who loved his fiery compositions, but also repeatedly won various music awards.

His creative biography also includes work on television and producing young talents, which speaks of his popularity and professionalism.

Parents' divorce and passion for vocals

The future singer was born in 1988 in Chelyabinsk. Two years later, the whole family moved to Slavutich in connection with the new job of his father, Alexander Eremin, who, due to his profession, was sent to the Chernobyl station. His mother, Lydia Dorn, ran the household and raised children (his younger brother Pavel also grew up in the family). However, his parents soon divorced, and his mother registered Ivan under her last name. For a long time the boy could not forgive his father, who had a second family and a daughter. Only in 2017 did the singer meet with him and normalize relations.

In the photo Ivan Dorn as a child

His passion for vocals arose at the age of six, when the future performer performed on the stage of the Golden Autumn of Slavutich festival. At the same time, he attended sailing and athletics sections, ballroom dancing and swimming pool, Ivan won many awards and high ranks. He also studied piano at a music school and took part in many music competitions, in which he managed to win first place and audience awards. It is not surprising that the owner of multilateral creative abilities after graduating from school chose the University named after I. Karpenko-Kary, where he successfully entered.

Beginning of a career and participation in the group “Pair of Normals”

At the age of 17, Dorn managed to visit the Star Factory-6 project. To participate in this show, he went with his mother to the capital, and then managed to pass the casting. However, then the competition jury did not appreciate the talent and abilities of the young Ukrainian singer. During his student years, the young man met Anya Dobrydneva, as a result of which the group “Pair of Normals” appeared in 2007.

The young musicians quickly found their audience, whom they captivated with their voices, bright stage image and live performance. A year later, their first album, entitled I'll come up with a happy ending, was released, which brought them popularity. Soon the members of the group gave concerts in many cities of Ukraine, in addition, they managed to take part in the “New Wave” competition, receiving a well-deserved prize. However, already in 2010 it became known that Ivan left the group and went solo.

Career as a solo singer and work on television

Ivan decided to work without producers, and a year later his songs such as “Stytsamen”, “Curlers”, “Moreover” and others were born. When the young singer shot the videos, they quickly hit the Internet and TV channels. In 2012, his first solo album “Co’n’dorn” was released, and the singer himself became a nominee in various categories for the MuzTV Awards. It took Dorn two years for his second album “Randorn” to be released, consisting of songs such as “Ill-mannered”, “Number 23”, “Guilty Bear” and others. At the beginning of 2017, his live album Jazzy Funky Dorn was released, and the single “Collaba” captivated Ukrainian music lovers, becoming an overnight hit. In the same year, the singer presented his first English-language album, Open the Dorn, during which the musician did not shave and cut his hair.

His collaboration with television began in 2008. Ivan, as a presenter, visited the project “Guten Morgen” on channel M1, took part in the show “Zirka + Zirka” on channel 1+1, was a member of the jury on “X-Factor”, as well as a coach of the 6th season of the show “The Voice” countries". At the moment, the musician continues his television career and is trying his hand at a new field, becoming the producer of the Ukrainian singer Konstantin Dmitriev.

Personal life: family and raising children

Dorn's personal life was hidden from prying eyes for many years, so various rumors often arose. At one time they talked about his gayness, as the musician sometimes appeared on stage in a rather strange image. However, it became known later that in 2013 he married his classmate, Anastasia Novikova, with whom he had a long-standing romantic relationship.

In the photo is the wife of Ivan Dorn - Anastasia Novikova

In 2014, his wife gave birth to a daughter, Vasilisa, however, Ivan was in no hurry to disclose this event. The singer rarely went out with his wife, but in 2015, journalists nevertheless noticed that the couple were again expecting a new addition to the family. Soon their son was born. Despite his busy schedule, Dorn tries to be with his wife and children more often. The 29-year-old handsome man is in excellent physical shape (he is 187 cm tall and weighs about 80 kg). Dorn maintains a healthy diet and makes time to work out at the gym.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Dorn (born Eremin). Born on October 17, 1988 in Chelyabinsk. Ukrainian singer, DJ, TV presenter, actor. Former member of the group “Pair of Normals”.

Father - Alexander Eremin, nuclear engineer.

Mother - Lydia Dorn.

Has a brother, Pavel.

Until the age of 8 he bore his father's surname. But after her parents separated, her mother insisted that Ivan take her maiden name.

Since 1990, the family lived in the Kyiv region, in the city of Slavutich - the father was sent to work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

From an early age he began studying music and vocals. Already at the age of six, he made his stage debut at the “Golden Autumn of Slavutich” festival.

He was actively involved in sports - swimming, athletics, sailing (he is a master of sports). In addition, according to Ivan, he played chess well.

At some point, his main occupation was ballroom dancing, which he practiced professionally, performed at competitions and competitions, and received the title of candidate master of sports.

He studied at secondary school No. 1 in the city of Slavutich. As his teachers told reporters, Dorn was a very talented guy. In particular, his history teacher Valentina Bachinina noted: “He studied well. Most of all he loved Russian literature. He always went to class in a formal suit. His photograph hangs on the honor board. He was interested in ballroom dancing, singing, athletics, and was involved in a theater club.”

He graduated from a music school in piano, was a laureate and winner of numerous music competitions, including: Moscow competition “Light up your star” - 1st place, “Pearl of Crimea” - audience choice prize; “Black Sea Games”: 2001 - took 3rd prize place, 2005 - took 2nd prize place; "Jurmala 2008".

In 2006, he sang in a Moscow a cappella duet, but soon decided to return to Ukraine and enter the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. Karpenka-Kary (workshop of Vladimir Oseledchik).

Since 2006, he has been a TV presenter on the M-1 music channel.

In 2007, at a Jamiroquai concert, he met Anna Dobrydneva, with whom he formed a duet "A Pair of Normals". Anna Dobrydneva is a choirmaster by training, a laureate of choral and major rock festivals, academic vocal and piano music competitions, was a member of the doom metal band Mournful Gust, the nu metal teams "Stan" and "Karna", was the regent of a church choir, performed with a program fire-show.

The duet “Pair of Normals” quickly gained popularity. On October 4, 2008, the group released their debut album “I’ll come up with a happy ending”, which for a month remained in 1st place on the Sheremetyevo-Boryspil hit parade on Gala Radio, and spent 2 weeks in the top ten hits on Love- radio, was in hot rotation on Russian Radio for more than 4 months and did not leave the top 20 songs of M20 on the M1 TV channel for one month. During the year of the group’s existence, the songs of “Para Normalnykh” were released on 15 collections in all CIS countries, with a total circulation of more than 500 thousand discs. The second album, “Scandal during Advertising,” appeared in April 2010.

In the summer of 2010, Dorn left the group, and Artyom Mekh took his place.

In 2010, Dorn began his solo career, releasing the songs “Stytsamen”, “Curlers”, “Northern Lights”, “Moreover”, etc. Together with Apollo Monkeys, Ivan presented the composition “Blue, Yellow, Red”.

In 2012, the presentation of the first solo album Co"N"Dorn took place. At the MuzTV 2012 awards he was nominated in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category. The album was also nominated in three categories - “Debut”, “Video” (“Stytsamen”) and “Design” (official website) - at the 2012 Steppenwolf Award. In June 2012, Billboard Russia magazine placed Ivan Dorn on the cover as “the main hero of young musicians.”

In the fall of 2012, Dorn recorded the soundtrack for the reality show of the U channel “Top Model in Russian” with, taking the chorus from his song “Curlers” as the basis for the musical theme, as well as a version of “The holiday is coming to us” for a Coca-Cola commercial .

His studio album Randorn was released in November 2014. The release of the album was supported by such singles as “Ill-mannered”, “Mishka is guilty”, “Number 23”, etc.

During the period of work on the English-language album, Dorn changed his image, shaving his head bald and growing a beard. In February 2017, the live album Jazzy Funky Dorn was released. Dorn called the single “Collaba” “an ode to prostitutes.” “Collaba” became one of the key hits in Ukraine in the first half of 2017, along with the compositions “The Ice Is Melting” by Gribov and “Vitya Needs to Go Out” by Estradarad.

Ivan Dorn - Collaba

Ivan Dorn in cinema

Since 2008, he has been acting in films, making his debut in the film “How to Find the Ideal.”

In 2013, he played one of the main roles (Alexander) in the fairy tale film “12 Months” directed by.

Ivan Dorn in the film "12 Months"

In 2014, he played the main role in the musical comedy “Jolly Guys;)” directed by Valery Todorovsky. His hero is the aspiring musician Kostya Potekhin. To win the affection of a beautiful girl, he agrees to participate in a music television competition. But you only need to participate with your own musical group, which he doesn’t have. In a few days he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet true love.

Ivan Dorn in the movie "Jolly Guys;)"

Socio-political position of Ivan Dorn

As Dorn said, in 2015, through his friend Sergei Prytula, he gave money to Ukrainian volunteers for medicines for the military, participants in the so-called. ATO in Donbass. According to Prytula himself, Dorn made donations exclusively from fees received in Russia, and they were used to purchase uniforms and equipment for the Ukrainian military. In 2017, Dorn stated that the money was intended for victims of shelling in Mariupol, but Pritula allegedly used it unauthorizedly. The performer himself at his concerts advocates the unity of peoples and abstracts himself from politics.

"I would never have thought
That all the slaves in the country
They will reduce the cause of all conflicts
And all the politics are on me.
Although everything is natural here
I don't say it like everyone else
Which means they will certainly
Turn me around...

In June 2017, a planned concert by Ivan Dorn in Odessa was canceled due to threats from radicals.

Ivan Dorn's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Ivan Dorn:

Married. His wife is Anastasia Novikova, his classmate, an interior designer by profession. Since 2008 they lived in a civil marriage. We got married in 2013.

In June 2014, the couple had a daughter, Vasilisa, and a son in 2015.

He is a fan of the Istanbul football club Galatasaray.

Discography of Ivan Dorn:

2012 - Co"n"dorn
2014 - Randorn
2017 - Open the Dorn

Video clips of Ivan Dorn:

2011 - “Stytsamen”
2011 - “So Much”
2011 - “Northern Lights”
2012 - “Blue, yellow, red”
2012 - “Idol”
2013 - “Ill mannered”
2014 - “Penguin Dance”
2014 - “Sports”
2014 - “The bear is guilty”
2015 - “Number 23”
2015 - “Teleport”
2015 - “Rowing”
2016 - “You are always in the black”
2017 - “Collaba”
2017 - "OTD"
2017 - “Beverly”

Filmography of Ivan Dorn:

2008 - How to find the ideal
2012 - Lovers in Kyiv (film almanac)
2013 - 12 months - Alexander
2014 - Funny guys;) - Kostya Potekhin

Ivan Dorn's vocals in the movie:

2012 - Love with an accent (film almanac)