How the history of one city is described. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of one city": description, heroes, analysis of the work. Worship of mammon and repentance

Year of publication of the book: 1870

Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City" is one of the most famous works of the writer. Based on his motives, the film "It" was shot, as well as two animated films. The plot of the novel more than once formed the basis of theatrical productions and is included in the school curriculum. And among the contemporaries of the writer, he caused a lot of rumors, because the main characters of the novel clearly trace the emperors of the Russian Empire of different years, as well as the first persons of the state.

The plot of the novel "The History of a City" briefly

In the summary of the "History of a City" you can read about the history of the fictional city of Glupov from 1731 to 1825. Four chroniclers are narrating. They describe the life of the city through the biographies of the mayors who ruled the city in different years. The story begins with a story about the prehistoric times of the bungler tribe. They defeated the tribes of onion-eaters, thick-eaters, walrus-eaters and others. But their lives were not getting better. Then they decided to look for a prince. But someone did not want to be the prince of fools. Then they turned to a thief-innovator. He found them a prince, but the prince himself did not want to go to their city and sent them a viceroy of a thief-innovator. Since then, the bunglers have become Foolovites, and the city itself has become known as Foolov. But the innovator thief quickly stole. Then the prince sent him a noose. But the innovative thief got out of the situation and "killed himself with a cucumber." The new governors were even bigger thieves. Then he appeared in the prince in the city with a cry: "I'll screw it up!" Since then, a record of historical time has been kept in the city. During this time, 22 rulers ruled the city.

In 1762, Dementy Varlamovich Brudasty began to rule in the city of Glupov. In addition to two phrases: “I will ruin!” and "I won't stand it!" he didn't say anything. The secret of the mayor came to light when the clerk saw how his body was sitting at the table, and his completely empty head was lying on the table. It turned out that there was a musical organ in my head, which could only perform two songs. Now the organ has broken down and watchmaker Baibakov has already ordered a new organ from St. Petersburg, but it is somehow delayed. Brudasty was replaced by two impostor mayors at once. They were exactly the same and the messenger took them with him. Then came a week of anarchy. During this week, as in, six mayors at once tried to seize power in the city. Their claims were based on the fact that the mayor was their father, husband, or were completely unfounded. But the townspeople drowned each other and threw unwanted people from the bell tower.

Further in the book "History of a City" you can read about how the arrival of Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov put an end to anarchy. He ruled the city for eight years. During this time, he instilled in the city beer and mead production, the use of mustard and bay leaves. He was replaced by Petr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko. For six years everything was fine in the city, but then he fell in love with Alena Osipova. She was the wife of the coachman Mitka. Only after Mitka was exiled to Siberia, Alena answered Ferdyshchenko in return. But since then, the city has experienced a drought. All the requests of the townspeople to get rid of Alenka, Petr Petrovich ignored. Then Alenka was thrown from the bell tower. The soldiers came and crushed the rebellion. Ferdyshchenko found a new love for himself - archer Domashka. But after the drought came fires, which burned down three settlements. But even this was not enough for Pyotr Petrovich. He went to the pasture and began to demand that he be presented with food. But on the third day he died from overeating.

A week later, Vasilisk Semyonovich Borodavkin appeared in Shchedrin's novel The History of a City. He studied history and decided to look up to Dvoekurov. He decided to revive the tradition of sowing mustard. The people rebelled on their knees. Then he undertook a military campaign to the source of all troubles - Streltsy settlement. The campaign lasted nine days, during which, in complete darkness, their own fought with their own. Then, referring to some directive, part of the troops was fired, replacing them with tin soldiers. But Borodavkin completed the campaign, and the Streltsy Sloboda surrendered when he began to pull their houses into logs. Then there were three more wars. The first is for the benefit of stone foundations, the second is for the cultivation of Persian chamomile and the third is against the construction of the academy. The city became impoverished, and Wartkin himself died when he decided to burn the city.

Further in the story "The History of a City" you can read about a whole series of mayors. Under Captain Negodyaev, the city became impoverished in general. He was fired for disagreeing with the imposition of a constitution. But according to the chronicler, this was only a pretext. The real reason lies in the captain's belonging to the democratic principle. He was replaced by Mekeladze. He did not deal with the city, but was only interested in the fair sex. Benevolensky Feofilakt Irinarkhovich became his successor. He adored legislation, but his position did not allow it. Therefore, he wrote such laws as “Let every soul tremble”, “Let every cricket know the hearth corresponding to its title” and the like, and scattered them around the city at night. He was fired for suspecting connections with Napoleon. He was replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Pimple. He was not at all interested in the city, but the city lived in abundance. His reign continued until a representative of the nobility smelled that the head of the mayor exuded the smell of truffles. Then he attacked and ate Pimple's stuffed head. State Councilor Ivanov, who arrived to replace Pimple, was so small in stature that he could not contain anything spacious. Viscount Shario, who replaced him, did nothing but arrange masquerades. He was expelled because the townspeople were mired in paganism. As it turned out later, the mayor was a special female.

Further in Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City" you can read about how Erast Andreevich Sadtilov came to rule the city. By that time, the inhabitants of Glupovsk had become idolaters, they completely stopped sowing, and famine came in the city. But Melancholy was only interested in balls. The wife of the pharmacist Pfeyer changed everything. She instructed the mayor on the true path, as a result of which the holy fools became the main ones in the city. The Foolovites repented, but did not start working. Instead, they began to read the works of Mr. Strakhov, for which Sadtilov left his post. He was replaced by "the purest type of idiot" - Grim-Grumbling. He decided to make the city of Nepreklonsk out of Foolov with straight streets, houses of the same type and spies assigned to each house. He began the implementation of his plan with the total destruction of the city. But as it turned out, the river interferes with the plans of the new mayor. Then all the forces were thrown into the construction of dams, but they were all washed away by the current. Then Moody-Grumbling decide to build the city of your dreams on a flat lowland. How the construction ended is not known for certain. It is only known that “It Came,” and the mayor instantly disappeared. But since then the story has stopped flowing.

The novel "History of a City" on the Top Books website

Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel "The History of a City" is popular to read largely due to its presence in the school curriculum. This allowed the satirical novel to take a high place in ours. At the same time, interest in the work is quite stable and for sure we will see it more than once among.

You can read the novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City" online on the Top Books website.

"History of a City" is essentially a satirical history of Russian society. I.S. Turgenev “It is necessary to know the history of the city of Glupov - this is our Russian history, and it is generally impossible to understand the history of Russia in the second half of the 19th century without the help of Shchedrin - the most truthful witness to spiritual poverty and instability ... Maxim Gorky

Leaving the service in 1868, Saltykov-Shchedrin is working on the creation of a literary work Leaving the service in 1868, Saltykov-Shchedrin is working on the creation of a literary work. - Impressions accumulated over the years of service - Impressions accumulated over the years of service are reflected in this work. found in this work. - The image of the city of Glupov as an incarnation - The image of the city of Glupov as the embodiment of the autocratic-landowner system arose from the autocratic-landlord system in the writer's essays of the 60s. writer in the essays of the 60s. In January 1869, the satirist creates the first chapters of the "Inventory for Town Governors", "Organchik", which are published in the first issue of the journal "Domestic Notes". In January 1869, the satirist creates the first chapters of the "Inventory for Town Governors", "Organchik", which are published in the first issue of the journal "Domestic Notes". Work on the work was continued by the author in 1870. Work on the work was continued by the author in 1870.

A satire on autocracy? The greatest dystopia on the topics of Russian reality? The greatest dystopia on the topics of Russian reality? A philosophical novel about the paradoxes of human existence? A philosophical novel about the paradoxes of human existence?

Before us is a historical novel, grotesque. The main character is the city of Foolov The main character is the city of Foolov The plot is a change of rulers The plot is a change of rulers The main artistic device is the grotesque. The main artistic technique is the grotesque. The city itself is conditional, it either looks like the "northern Palmyra", or it looks like a city on seven hills, like Moscow. The city itself is conditional, it either looks like the "northern Palmyra", or it looks like a city on seven hills, like Moscow. The narrator sees the task of the chronicler in "being a depiction" of the "touching correspondence" between the authorities, "daring in moderation", and the people, "giving thanks in moderation." History, therefore, is the history of the reign of various city governors.

Gloomy-Grumbling, "former scoundrel." He destroyed the old city and built another in a new place. Scoundrel - distorted from prof. (This was the name under Peter I of the executioners in the army, and then the caretakers of military prisons.) Peter I of the executioners in the army, and then the caretakers of military prisons.)

Wartkin Vasilisk Semyonovich. This city government was the longest and most brilliant. Again he petitioned for an institution in the Foolov Academy, but, having received a refusal, he built a movable house for an institution in the Foolov Academy, but, having received a refusal, he built a movable house.

What common features can be identified in the description of mayors? What common features can be identified in the description of mayors? What generalized image of autocracy is created in the chapter? What generalized image of autocracy is created in the chapter? What can be said about a city with such rulers? What can be said about a city with such rulers? What methods of satirical depiction of characters does the author use? What methods of satirical depiction of characters does the author use?

The main problem of the work is the problem of the relationship between the people and the authorities. What is this relationship What is this relationship? “... for me, it is not the details that are important, but the general results; the general result, in my opinion, is passivity ... " M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Utopia (from ancient Greek τοπος “place”, υ-τοπος “not a place”, “a place that does not exist”) is a genre of fiction close to science fiction, describing a model of an ideal, from the point of view of the author, society. Anti-utopia is a genre in fiction that describes a state in which negative development trends prevail (in some cases, not a separate state is described, but the world as a whole). Dystopia is the exact opposite of utopia. Dystopia is a genre in fiction that describes a state in which negative development trends prevail (in some cases, not a separate state is described, but the world as a whole). Dystopia is the complete opposite of utopia. The History of a City is not a grotesque satirical novel, not a satirical historical chronicle, not a parody. This is a dystopia, a warning to the future (the most important function of the dystopia genre) "The History of a City" is not a grotesque satirical novel, not a satirical historical chronicle, not a parody. This is a dystopia, a warning to the future (the most important function of the dystopian genre)

“... Who could have thought that in this case I would be a prophet - but, however, it turned out that I foresaw all this and depicted it.” M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Shchedrin kept pace with life, not a step behind her, he gazed into her face and bitterly prophetically laughed at everyone and everything" M. Gorky M. Gorky

"The history of one city", a summary of which is given in this article, is an ironic, grotesque chronicle of the city of Foolov. The satire of Saltykov-Shchedrin is transparent, so the face of modern Russia is easily guessed in the text.

Only at first glance it seems that the story, like an inventory of city governors, is a gallery of madness and human moral deformities. In fact, each image is recognizable in its own way.

Unfortunately, the work does not lose its uniqueness to this day.

The history of the creation of the "History of one city"

The idea of ​​the work was nurtured by the author for several years. In 1867, a story appears about a mayor with a stuffed head, eaten with appetite at the end. This hero was transformed into a governor named Pimple. And the story itself became one of the chapters of the story.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889)

A year later, the author began writing the chronicle of Glupov. The work lasted over a year. Initially, the work was called "Glupovsky Chronicler", the final title appeared later. The name change is due to the fact that the second carries a wider semantic load.

In the year of graduation, the story was first published in the almanac "Notes of the Fatherland", where Mikhail Evgrafovich signed with the pseudonym N. Shchedrin. A self-published edition comes out six months later. The text is somewhat different. The sequence of chapters has been changed, and the characteristics and descriptions of the governors have been rewritten in abbreviation, but have become more expressive.

Main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the work are the mayors and townspeople - the inhabitants of Glupov. Below is a table with specifications. A brief overview of the main characters is given.

Amadeus Manuylovich Klementy Italian. At home he served as a cook. His signature and most delicious dish was pasta. The Duke of Courland, admiring his culinary skills, took him with him as a family cook. After Amadeus Manuylovich received a high status, which helped him to take the post of mayor. Klementy forced all the Foolovites to make pasta. Sent into exile for high treason.
Fotiy Petrovich Ferapontov He was the personal hairdresser of the Duke of Courland. Then he began to rule the city. Big spectator. Never missed public punishments on the square. He was always present when someone was flogged with rods. In 1738, the manager was torn to pieces by dogs.
Ivan Matveyevich Velikanov He is famous for drowning the director responsible for the economy and the economy in a pond. For the first time introduced a tax from the townspeople. From each, a few kopecks to the treasury of the board. Often severely beat police officers. Seen in an indecent relationship with the first wife of Peter I (Avdotya Lopukhina). After that, he was taken into custody, where he remains to this day.
Manyl Samylovich Urus-Kugush-Kildibaev Brave soldier, guardsman. Control methods are appropriate. He was remembered by the townspeople for his courage bordering on madness. Once even took the city of Foolov by storm. There is little information about him in the chronicle. But it is known that in 1745 he was dismissed from the post of governor.
lamvrokakis A fugitive Greek citizen of unknown origin, name and family. Before becoming a mayor, he traded soap, oils, nuts and other small things in the market of a neighboring city. He died in his own bed in an unequal battle with bedbugs.
Ivan Matveyevich Baklan He is famous for his height of more than two meters. Died during a hurricane. A strong wind broke the man in half.
Dementy Varlamovich Brodysty The role of the brain in his head was performed by a peculiar mechanism resembling an organ. But this did not interfere with the performance of the duties of the governor, the preparation and execution of papers. Therefore, the inhabitants affectionately called him Organchik. He did not contact the public, but constantly uttered the only formidable phrase “I will not tolerate!” Why the inhabitants of the city were in perpetual fear. Actively collected taxes and taxes. After his reign, there was anarchy for about a week.

The image symbolizes the stupidity, emptiness and limitations of most officials and managers.

Semyon Konstantinovich Dvoekurov Active and proactive manager. Paved roads (as many as two). Organized local production of beer and honey drinks. He forced the inhabitants to cultivate and use mustard, as well as bay leaves. He collected arrears more actively than others. For any infractions and without them, stupid people are beaten with rods. The only one who died of natural causes.
Petr Petrovich Ferdyshchenko Former soldier. He was Potemkin's batman himself, which he was pretty proud of. The first six years passed quietly. But then the brigadier seemed to be crazy. The depth of the mind did not differ. He had a speech impediment, so he was tongue-tied. Died from overeating.
Vasilisk Semenovich Borodavkin Appears in the Enlightenment Wars chapter.

The portrait of the hero corresponds to the surname.

The longest reign in the history of the city. The predecessors launched arrears, so Wartkin took it sternly. In the process, more than 30 villages burned down, and only two and a half rubles were saved. Equipped one area, planted trees on one street.

Constantly fastened with all the buttons, put out fires, created false alarms. Solve problems that didn't exist.

He forced the Foolovites to build houses on foundations, plant Persian chamomile, and use Provence oil.

He dreamed of annexing Byzantium, and then renaming Constantinople to Ekaterinograd.

Tried to open an academy, failed. So he built a prison. He fought for education, but at the same time against it. True, the inhabitants of the city did not see the difference. Could do a lot more "useful", but suddenly died.

Onufry Ivanovich Negodyaev Man of the people. He served as a stoker in Gatchina. He ordered the destruction of the streets paved by his predecessors. And from the resulting stone to rebuild the monuments and memorials. Foolov fell into decay, devastation was all around, and the townspeople became wild, even overgrown with wool.

He was fired from his post.

Gloomy-Grumbling In the past, a military man, therefore he is obsessed with the army and military operations. Empty limited, stupid, like most of the characters in the book. He preferred to destroy Foolov and rebuild another city nearby, making a military fortification out of it. He forced the inhabitants to walk in military uniform, live according to the army schedule, carry out absurd orders, line up and march. Ugryumov always slept on bare ground. Went missing during a natural phenomenon that no one could explain.
Erast Andreevich Sadilov He always looked offended, upset, which did not prevent him from being depraved, vulgar. During his reign, the city was mired in debauchery. He wrote melancholy odes. He died of inexplicable anguish.
Acne Like many rulers of the city, from the former military. Was in office for several years. Decided to take over management to take a break from work. The Foolovites unexpectedly became rich under him, which aroused suspicion and unhealthy reactions among the masses. Later it turned out that the governor had a stuffed head. The ending is deplorable and unpleasant: the head was eaten.

Minor characters

prince A foreign ruler whom the Foolovites asked to become their prince. He was stupid but cruel. He solved all questions with the exclamation: “I’ll screw up!”
Iraida Lukinichna Paleologova An impostor who appeared during the period of unrest after the death of Brodystoy (Organchik). Based on the fact that her husband reigned for several days, and her historical surname (a hint of Sophia Paleolog - the grandmother of Ivan the Terrible) demanded power. Rules for a few days outside the city.
Interception-Zalkhvatsky He appeared victorious on a white horse. Burned down the high school. Zalikhvatsky became the prototype of Paul I.
Foolovites City dwellers. The collective image of the people, blindly worshiping the tyranny of power.

The list of heroes is not complete, it is given in abbreviation. Only in times of turmoil, more than ten rulers were replaced, of which six were women.

It is a summary of the work by chapters.

From the publisher

The narrator assures the reader of the authenticity of the document. To prove the absence of artistic fiction, an argument is made about the monotony of the narrative. The text is entirely devoted to the biographies of the mayors and the peculiarities of their government.

The story begins with the address of the last clerk, setting out a chronicle of events.

About the origin of fools

The chapter describes the prehistoric period. A tribe of bunglers waged internecine wars with their neighbors, defeating them. When the last enemy was defeated, the population was confused. Then they began to search for a prince to rule them. But even the most stupid princes did not want to take power over the savages.

They found someone who agreed to "go free", but did not go to live on the territory of the estate. He sent governors who turned out to be thieves. I had to appear to the prince in person.


The reign of Dementiy Brudasty began. The townsfolk were surprised by his lack of emotion. It turned out that he had a small device in his head. The mechanism played only two short compositions: “I will ruin” and “I will not tolerate”.

Then the unit broke down. The local watchmaker was unable to fix it himself. We ordered a new head from the capital. But the package, as is often the case in Russia, was lost.

Because of anarchy, unrest began, and then a week-long anarchy.

The Tale of the Six Mayors

During the anarchist week, six impostors changed. Women's claim to power was based on the fact that their husbands, brothers, or other relatives once ruled. Or they themselves were in the service of the families of the mayors. And some had no reason at all.

The news about Dvokurov

Semyon Konstatinovich stayed in power for about eight years. Ruler of progressive views. Main innovations: brewing, honey brewing, planting and use of bay leaves and mustard.

Reformatory activity is worthy of respect. But the changes were violent, ridiculous and unnecessary.

hungry city

The first six years of the governorship of Petr Ferdyshchenko were measured and calm. But then he fell in love with someone else's wife, who did not share her feelings. A drought began, then other cataclysms. The result: starvation and death.

The people rebelled, caught and threw the chosen one of the official from the bell tower. The uprising was brutally suppressed.

thatched city

After the next love affair of the steward, fires began. The whole area burned down.

fantasy traveler

The governor went on a journey to homes and villages, demanding that food be brought to him. This was the cause of his death. The townsfolk are frightened that they will be accused of deliberately feeding the boss. But everything worked out. A new one has arrived to replace the fantastic traveler from the capital.

Wars for enlightenment

Wartkin approached the post thoroughly. Studied the activities of predecessors. I decided to look up to the reformer Dvoekurov. He ordered to sow mustard again, to collect arrears.

The inhabitants rebelled on their knees. Wars "for enlightenment" began to be waged against them. Power has always been the winner. As a punishment for disobedience, it is ordered to use Provence oil and sow Persian chamomile.

The era of dismissal from wars

Under Negodyaev, the city became even more impoverished than under the previous ruler. This is the only manager of the people who previously served as a stoker. But the democratic principle did not benefit the population.

The Pimple period is noteworthy. He did not engage in any activity, but the people grew rich, which raised doubts. The marshal of the nobility revealed a secret: the chief's head was stuffed with truffles. A quick-witted henchman personally feasted on her.

Worship of mammon and repentance

The successor of the stuffed head, State Councilor Ivanov, died from a decree that he could not understand, burst from mental strain.

The Vicomte de Chario took over. With him, life was fun, but stupid. Nobody was involved in administrative affairs, but there were many holidays, balls, masquerades, and other amusements.

Confirmation of repentance and conclusion

The last manager was Ugryum-Burcheev. Dumb-headed type, martinet. The author calls him "the purest type of idiot." He believed to destroy the city and recreate a new one - Nepreklonsk, making it a military fortification.

supporting documents

Notes created by foremen as a warning to followers and successors are given.

Analysis of the work

The work cannot be classified as a small literary form: a story or a fairy tale. In terms of content, composition and depth of meanings, it is much wider.

On the one hand, the syllable, style of writing resemble real summaries. On the other hand, the content, description of the characters, events, brought to the point of absurdity.

The retelling of the history of the city covers about a hundred years. Four local archivists took part in writing the chronicle in turn. The plot even covers the history of the nation. The locals are descended from an ancient tribe of "thugs". But then they were renamed by neighbors for savagery and ignorance.


The history of the state is reflected from the time of Rurik's calling to the principality and feudal fragmentation. The appearance of two False Dmitrys, the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the turmoil after his death are highlighted. He appears in the form of Brody. Dvokurov, who becomes an activist and innovator, establishing brewing and mead production, symbolizes Peter I with his reforms.

Foolovists unconsciously worship autocrats, tyrants, carrying out the most absurd orders. Residents are the image of the Russian people.

The satirical chronicle could be applied to any city. The fate of Russia is ironically conveyed in the work. The story does not lose its relevance to this day. A film was made based on the work.

Leaving work on the cycle "Pompadours and Pompadours" for a while, Saltykov set about creating the novel "The History of a City", thematically related to "Pompadours and Pompadours".

The sixties of the last century, which were difficult for Russia, turned out to be the most fruitful and important for M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. For ten years (from 1858 to 1868), excluding two and a half years (1862-1864), Saltykov served as vice-governor in Tver and Ryazan, chairman of the state chamber in Penza, Tula and Ryazan. Public service did not prevent the writer from seeing the truth and serving it all the years. Saltykov was a fair, honest, incorruptible, demanding, principled man, he fought against the abuses of officials and landowners, and therefore he did not develop relations with "high society". In addition, the bitter "experience" of the Vyatka exile, during which the young Saltykov fought bribery and abuse of power, became a school of life.

In 1868, Saltykov left the public service, disappointed in her appointment and realizing his inability to change anything in the life of the people. The accumulated impressions are reflected in a bright, unusual and bold work, which differs sharply from a number of works created in these years by Russian writers, and even by Saltykov-Shchedrin himself.

The "History of a City" caused a lot of interpretations and indignation, which forced Saltykov to respond to an article by the well-known publicist A. Suvorin. The author of the critical article "Historical Satire", which appeared in the April issue of the journal "Herald of Europe" for 1871, accused the writer of mocking the Russian people and distorting the facts of Russian history, without penetrating into the depth of the idea and the essence of the artistic originality of the work. I. S. Turgenev called the book remarkable and believed that it reflected "the satirical history of Russian society in the second half of the past and the beginning of this century." ….

“Provincial life is a great school, but a dirty school,” the writer told his brother in December 1852. It was in the northern city that Saltykov defended the peasants, and later, characterizing the essence of the state system of autocracy, he argued that “in the provinces there is no action, but the arbitrariness of the police power, completely convinced that it does not exist for the people, but the people for it.”

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin ridiculed the Russian government with his novel and described all its flaws in a satirical manner. The novel is written about a city that has changed a large number of bosses, but none of them could do something good for the city. Saltykov-Shchedrin highlighted in his work reality intertwined with fantasy.

In such a light and satirical form, the writer was able to fully express his thought and conceived idea. The novel "The History of a City" depicts the problem of the whole of Russia. In a city in which bosses are constantly changing and cannot normally lead the state. All bosses are very stupid and each of them pursues his goals.

Saltykov-Shchedrin writes about the city of Foolov as about the capital, as about a provincial small town, or generally calls it a village. The author gathered all segments of the population and described different times for the city. Mikhail Evgrafovich writes that the city stands on a swamp, and at other times it stands on seven hills.

In the novel "The History of a City" the main part is occupied by the description of the mayors who were sent to manage the city. Here Saltykov-Shchedrin also approached with great exaggeration and a satirical note. Each of the mayors did nothing to make the city flourish, but only destroyed it and dragged it to pieces. Some of the chiefs had an empty head in the corner, and there was only an organ in the corner, while others had a head smelling of minced meat that they even ate it.

But the novel also describes the inhabitants of this very city, who are inactive. They do absolutely nothing to make a difference in their hometown and in their lives. The people simply watched how a myriad of chiefs were replaced and how they destroyed the city and, in parallel, their lives. Residents of the city only adapt to each new boss and did not want to get out of this circle of injustice. You might think that the residents themselves do not want a good mayor for themselves, but are content with those that they have.

Each boss is despotic to the people in his own way, and the people, in turn, have already come to terms with their fate. The last mayor who decides to destroy the city and build it anew. Glum-Grumbling's gaze terrifies the townspeople, and they follow him unconditionally. Construction began just like that, and the townspeople remained on the ruins of their own city.

In his novel, Saltykov-Shchedrin was able to vividly describe the problems of society and the state.

Option 2

Most of the writers of this or that era tried to convey their dissatisfaction with this or that situation through their works, trying as best as possible to convey them to the general mass of people. Someone tried to identify a problem that is inherent only in the period of their life, someone tried to convey their feelings about a topic that is inherent not only to their generation, but also to previous ones. One of these writers was Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Many of his works were educational in nature, trying to help people see the problem and suggest ways to solve it. Reading such works, people were aware of what was happening around them and tried to do at least something, and this is exactly what the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin are good for, they gave reason to think.

The work “The History of a City” told the reader about a city in which people lived who can, without exaggeration, be called the personification of a particular period in the life of our country. The city was called Foolov, and its inhabitants called themselves the Foolovites, most likely by this Saltykov-Shchedrin tried to convey their ignorance and narrow-mindedness as much as possible. Further in the course of the story, we see that the city and its inhabitants are the literal personification of everything that a person would like to hide in himself and not let out. All those vices that are in it. The city is full of stupid people who try to obey and not think for themselves.

The works reveal many problems that were inherent in a particular period. For example, the problem of excessive corruption of officials is clearly visible in the work. Also in the work we see the problem of human exclusion from society, the inhabitants of the city do not care about everyone except themselves, they only care about their loved ones, which makes us think about human indifference in our society.

Also in the work you can see the obvious comical superiority of bureaucracy over the common people, as it was in the time of the writer.

One way or another, the work tells us about the most important things in human life, which we need to adhere to and follow. Saltykov-Shchedrin tells us that spiritual things are much more important for a person than material values. The author tells us to stick to ourselves and not to go along with the surrounding opinion, which can often be erroneous. Saltykov-Shchedrin recommends being guided by this generalized opinion throughout his life, which, in fact, he did.

Also for his works, he experienced pressure from the authorities for his seemingly revolutionary impulses and oppositional themes.

In this essay, I analyzed the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a City”, from which I concluded that the work has a number of issues that the author reflected on in the work, and the problems of which are described above. The opinion described in the essay is subjective and does not claim to be true fidelity.

Composition based on the story The history of one city

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote his work for several years, from 1869 to 1870. Initially, the novel was called "Glupovsky Chronicler". Later it was renamed into "History of one city" and published in parts in the journal "Notes of the Fatherland" and caused stormy emotions among readers.

Most readers compare a written book to a short story, but in fact it is not. The genre of "History of a City" is "A satirical novel", which describes the life of the fictional city of Glupov, but the chronological events taking place in it take place from the annals found by the writer.

The action of the novel takes place in the city of Glupov, whose name speaks for itself. The novel describes the life of city governors, their "great deeds": bribery, imposition of tribute, collection of various taxes, and much more. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his work raised the main problem - the essence of the history of the Russian state. He assessed the past and present of Russia quite critically, since he considered the majority of the country's inhabitants "stupid". Which in translation from the language of the ancient people means "headshoes". For his ignorance and lack of understanding, he renamed them.

The action of the novel begins with small warring tribes. Tired of the constant war among themselves, they decided to choose a person who would lead the affairs of the tribes and command their people. So the first prince in Rus' and the city of Foolov appeared.
By this he described the formation of Ancient Rus' and the rule of the Rurik dynasty.

First, the prince, called to power, entrusted part of the affairs to his landowner. But he turned out to be a thief, the ruler himself had to take tough measures. Then the writer lists the majority of the rulers of the Russian state, their contribution to history and the deeds that distinguished him. The bosses changed one after another, their worldview and the absurdity of government, which the author points out in his work, also changed.

Madness and unnecessary reforms created chaos and disorder in the country, people became poor, devastation ensued. And the monarchs were in a constant state of either drunkenness or war, and they had nothing to do with the common people. A gradual series of mistakes on the part of the authorities led to grave consequences, which the author narrates with sarcasm and satire. In the end, the death that overtook the last ruler of Ugryum-Burcheev, because of which the story ends, gives hope to the Russian people to change their lives for the better.

In the novel "The History of a City" the writer touched on many topics important for the history of Russia, such as war, power, ignorance, religion, servility and fanaticism. Each topic is important in its own way and carries great meaning in the life of the common people.

The main problem described in the work, which Saltykov-Shchedrin wanted to emphasize, is the inaction and humility of the common people in relation to power, their agreement that the monarchs infringe and oppress their rights, infringe on them. The writer is inclined to believe that people are afraid to become without their ruler. The fear of falling into anarchy is so strong that they are driven by force, and the desire to obey their superior.

The essence of the novel "The History of a City" is that society does not want to make responsible decisions on its own, putting everything on the shoulders of one person who cannot change the history of the country. The author wants to show that without the will of the people, their awareness and desire for a better life, nothing will change. The writer does not call for an open rebellion or revolution, but he tries to convince the people that one cannot have blind obedience, only people and their will can influence changes for the better, one should not be afraid of power, but on the contrary, turn to it with their problems.

Sample 4

Perhaps Saltykov-Shchedrin is one of the few satirical writers in Russia in the 19th century. Yes, there were many classical authors, but in order to poignantly ridicule, to present reality from the other side, then, of course, this is for Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The history of one city" - the pinnacle of satire at that time. This novel will now be discussed.

He caused a lot of controversy and controversy in his time. Critics sometimes gave absolutely opposite assessments. Some did not hide their admiration for the author's skill, others branded him in every possible way, calling him a Russophobe. Which side should be taken?

Rather, the side of the former, since it is known for sure that the writer loved his country. He simply described the current reality "without cuts" in a humorously absurd tone. The censors most often took pro-government positions, and they could not like the emphasis on the corruption and lawlessness that was then rampant.

The novel has an interesting structure. It was based on some fictitious chronicle of the city of Glupov. It is scrupulously described how the mayors and their mental and external features were replaced. The work is replete with allusions to various rulers of Russia. That is, these chiefs were presented in the image of one of the emperors.

Some bosses looked like robots at all. Their stubbornness is emphasized. Someone constantly carried out reforms that only worsened life in the city. Someone's head looked like minced meat and one day it was eaten.

The novel contains a general outline of the description in that not a single boss has shown himself to be a smart official. All their activities were reduced to tyranny and arbitrariness. They dishonorably robbed the people, taking their last from them. Corruption and bureaucracy have reached unprecedented proportions.

The worst thing is that the work had a real historical background, and the typical Foolov differed little from the typical Kostroma, for example. That is why censorship got so angry at him: she perfectly understood what the author was trying to convey and who he was laughing at.

In fact, the city of Glupov is a collective image of any Russian provincial city of those years. And the author between the lines reminded that it was high time to start reforms and eliminate the negative consequences of borocracy.

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