Corporate KVN: a guide for beginners. How to prepare for a warm-up Joint meetings of like-minded people

Good day, dear reader of the site site! In the previous article, we learned about who should be on the KVN team. Today we will continue to find out other aspects of preparation for this game. We'll talk about the best way to have meetings with team members, how to come up with really funny jokes, and you will also learn how to write a screenplay and find musical accompaniment for a performance. Are you interested in knowing this? Then read this article carefully and write it down.

Preparation plan for the KVN festival

1. Search for like-minded people to play KVN.

2. Joint meetings of like-minded people.

3. Writing a script and preparing musical accompaniment for KVN.

4. Preparation of stage props for KVN.

5. Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals.

6. "Serious" conversation before the performance.

7. Performance that "breaks" the auditorium.

Today we will analyze points 2 and 3. In the final article, I will tell you in detail about the last points. So, let's begin.

2. Joint meetings of like-minded people.

After you recruit a team of like-minded people, you need to get everyone together to discuss the upcoming event. Where to meet? Since I am writing, to a greater extent, for students, then, accordingly, I will talk about those places where students can gather.

The first thing that comes to mind is some office at the university. It is best to arrange meetings of like-minded people at the end of the school day, when all the lectures have already been held and the classrooms are free. In order for you to be provided with an office for use, agree on this with the leadership of your department or faculty. I think this shouldn't be a problem.

Don't want to get together at the university? Nobody is forcing you! You can safely go to the nearest cafe, and, gobbling up some food, washing it down with latte, discuss various issues related to KVN. In order for your meetings to be productive, the team leader (I really hope that it will be you, because only the leader is interested in how to organize a group of people to work together) must write a certain program at least on a piece of napkin before each meeting, those. a list of those issues or problems that need to be addressed at the upcoming meeting.

At the first meeting you must:

1) get to know each other (you never know who doesn’t know whom yet);

2) find out who can and is ready to be responsible for what (music, acting on stage);

3) distribute roles in accordance with the desires and capabilities of team members.

Accordingly, at subsequent meetings, this program will change in accordance with the need to solve certain or other tasks.

Naturally, I advise you to do as few of these meetings as possible, because. they are, in essence, simple conversations. We only need “meat”, i.e. concrete steps towards the goal. In our case, these actions are, first of all, inventing jokes for scenes.

How to come up with really funny jokes? In order for your jokes to be truly funny, your joke must meet, to one degree or another, the following criteria:

1) well-known fact;

2) proximity of the fact to local realities;

3) bright play of actors.

public knowledge of the fact. When you come up with a joke, you must understand that in addition to being funny for your team, it must be funny and understandable to the audience in the audience. Of course, at the student KVN, most of the spectators are the same students, who for the most part “cut the chip”, i.e. "suck" the joke that you show.

With the development of memes on the Internet, today you can come up with a lot of jokes on this topic. For example, you can take such common phrases as: “You can’t just take it and ...” or “It seems to me or am I alone ...” and beat them. Those who are in the subject will understand.

However, the problem is that KVN is often judged by teachers who, for the most part, are far from all this. Accordingly, you should take this into account when generating jokes for KVN. Try to use well-known facts in your jokes that will work for most people. At the same time, it is worth observing the fine line between well-known and “cool” jokes. With all this, jokes should be funny - this is the basic rule of KVN.

Now about the proximity of the fact to local realities. It often happens that KVN is timed to coincide with some university holiday. For example, to the anniversary of the university. At the same time, this fact simply needs to be beaten in some way. Being local to your joke will give you a big head start over the rest of the teams.

What can be played here? Yes, anything! Maybe there is some extravagant teacher at the university that everyone knows. Or on the territory of the campus there is a local attraction - the dog Tuzik, which everyone loves and feeds. It could be anything. All you have to do is come up with some kind of funny skit, in which the main role will be played by local "sights". Here, of course, you should not go too far, but you should not make the number stiff either. It's still KVN!

Brilliant acting. Well, here, I think everything is clear. In fact, the most unfunny joke can be played in such a way that everyone will just fall down. See, for example, how Alexander Gudkov speaks. Watch the video with his game at the end of the article. He already knows how to make a real masterpiece out of nothing.

After your team generates a bunch of jokes, you need to organize everything in some way, bring it into a system, so to speak. So the next step is to write the script.

3. Writing a script and preparing musical accompaniment for KVN.

Your presentation should be in the form of a script. What is a script? In essence, a script is a plan for a performance, i.e. the script contains all the numbers that will be presented by your team.

The script is usually written by the same person who does secretarial work in the team. However, before writing the script, all team members should discuss each number in order to leave "the juice" for the performance. You can also “drive out” all the jokes you invented according to the criteria presented above (the well-known fact, the proximity of the fact to local realities, the possibility of a vivid play of actors).

In addition, after you select the most interesting, in your opinion, jokes, it would be nice for the whole team to think about the musical accompaniment. You can, of course, put all this on the shoulders of the musical director, but it's better if the whole team thinks about which melody in which number is preferable to use.

By the way, I will give you advice about the music at the exit and between the scenes. For these purposes, it is best to use invigorating music that will not let the viewer “fall asleep”. For example, the song Justice Vs Simian - We Are Your Friend can be such a melody.

After you have discussed all these questions, you can write a script. To do this, I recommend creating a table with two columns. In the first column you will write about all the actions taking place in the room, and in the second - the musical accompaniment. Then it will be very convenient to work according to this scenario - it has been tested on our own experience.

Conclusion: As part of this article, I told you about how to come up with funny jokes, through what criteria you need to “drive” your jokes in order to select the most adequate and funny things. In addition, the article went into detail about how best to write a script for a performance.

Now you know, how to win in KVN.

Sincerely, the site team website

Here is the promised video with Alexander Gudkov. Mega-kvnschik, learn :).


Secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow


Vasilyeva I.A., Yakushina E.N..

for holding KVN

(groups 21MP, 21EU)

for specialties:




  1. Check, consolidate and summarize knowledge on the material covered.
  2. To interest students in economic disciplines through the game.
  3. To intensify the cognitive activity of students, contributing to the formation of students' needs for a deeper study of the subject.
  4. Contribute to the development of economic outlook and thinking among students.


  1. Continue developing teamwork skills.
  2. To promote the development of communication skills of students.

Lesson form: Simulation competition game

Technology: activity, technology of starting diagnostics

Equipment: laptop, screen, MMP, calculators, auxiliary handout, stopwatch, bells, paper, felt-tip pens, elements of distinctive clothing

Game time: 90 min

Number of participants:12 people (2 teams of 6 people)

Preparatory stage of the event

The key element of the intellectual game is the presentation, which contains multi-level questions on the discipline "Economic theory"(Annex 1) . The leaders are students of the second year. Jury members are teachers of economic disciplines, college administration. Participants are students of the second year (students who have studied the discipline at the moment).

The game is played in the following stages:

Game stage


I stage

Greetings. The group presents its emblem, slogan, as well as appearance

10 min

II stage

Connoisseur Competition. 4 people from each team participate, answer questions

20 minutes

Stage III

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip"

20 minutes

IV stage

Homework. Anthem of the profession.

Fans of their teams earn points for their team between stages, if desired. It can be a song, a skit, an advertisement, etc.

Preparatory stagefor the game is as follows:

  1. A team of 4 people (from each group) a week before the game receives a list of the names of the game topics from the teacher.
  2. Consultations are conducted by the teacher.
  3. A captain is appointed in each team, whose duties include preparing the team for the game.
  4. Homework: prepare a business card for your team (name, emblem, team image, representation of your team).
  5. Homework: compose the anthem of the profession.

Event progress

Introductory word of the teacher: (Determining the goals and objectives of the game)

- Today I welcome the best experts and lovers of the subject "Economic theory" to our KVN game in economics - these are representatives of two second-year teams and their fans. I invite all of you to participate in our competition under the motto “Knowledge is power!”. Today you must prove to yourself and prove to us that for a young person entering an independent life, the main wealth is knowledge.

Representation of teams, jury, presenter.


Teams are given a task. Whoever answers the question more fully and correctly within 1 minute, he gets the right to be the first to represent his team.


Make economic terms from syllables:

Ex, cre, nor, cent, ka, pan, dit, to, races, becoming, this, ma, amis, pro, this, zhet, hoz, log, cis. byud, on, ac.

Group 21EU gets the right to be the first to represent his team.

21MP group teamfeels confident. It's the team's motto. Presentation prepared.

Fans support their teams.

The jury evaluates the first stage of KVN.

Leading: To start the second stage, you must adhere to certain rules of our game. They are the following:

  • Each round has several participants from each team.
  • Spectators do not suggest answers to questions from the spot, otherwise the question will be removed
  • No more than 1 minute is given for each question.
  • The team that answered the question correctly receives a number of points equal to the cost of the question, and the wrong answer - points are deducted in the amount of the cost of the question.
  • First, the team answers by lot, if it answers incorrectly, the other team can answer, if the answer is correct, points are awarded to it
  • The faster the teams answer the question, the more opportunity they have to earn more points.

Stage 2 KVN

- At this stage, in the first round, you will be offered 4 topics, in each topic there are 5 questions of different cost, a total of 20 questions, which must be answered in a competitive spirit, thereby earning your initial capital in the form of points. Topics are as follows:

  • National Accounting System
  • Money
  • Market equilibrium
  • Banking system

The cost of questions is from 10 to 50 points, depending on the complexity of the question. The first team to start is the one that drew the number 1 by lot. The team that answered the question correctly chooses the question, if the answer was wrong or no one answered, then the question is chosen by the next team in order, which last chose the topic(this is followed by the chairman of the jury). So the time has come:

Topic 1: National Accounting System

10 - the total market value of final goods and services produced domestically during one year /GDP/

20 - the net national product differs from the gross one by the amount of ... /depreciation deductions/

30 - under his leadership, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the system of national accounting was organized / Simon Kuznets /

40 - the ratio of the growth rate for a certain period of time to the initial value / growth rate /

50 (own game) - gratuitous payments to citizens from the state (pensions, benefits) / transfer payments /

Topic 2: Money

10 (musical question) - what monetary unit is referred to in this musical composition /US dollar, Seryoga/

20 - the first name of money in Rus' /kuns/

30 (own game) - issue of securities, banknotes in all forms / issue /

40 - during the reign of this sovereign, the first monetary reform took place / Ivan the Terrible /

50 - this city is depicted on a banknote with a face value of 100 rubles / Moscow /

Topic 3: Market Equilibrium

10 - the law stating that with an increase in price, the quantity demanded decreases ceteris paribus / law of demand /

20 is the minimum price at which producers are willing to sell their product /offer price/

30 (pig in a poke: Economic system, 40) - the basis of this economic system is the existence of private property, competition / market system /

40 - market situation in which demand is greater than supply / shortage /

50 - goods that are an exception to the law of demand / Giffen goods /

Topic 4: Banking system

10 - it is called the bank of banks / Central Bank of the Russian Federation /

20 - a commercial organization of a non-bank type, which gives money on credit secured by property /pawnshop/

30 – bank profit /margin/

40 - they are considered the first bankers / usurers /

50 (pig in a poke: Competition, 50) - a situation where there is one buyer in the market /monopsony/

The jury and accountants sum up the results, and for the audience there is a musical pause.

II round


– At this stage, you will be offered 4 more topics, in each topic there are still 5 questions of different cost, a total of 20 questions that must be answered in a competitive spirit, thereby increasing the initial capital that your team members earned in the first round games. Topics are as follows:

  • Inflation
  • Unemployment
  • Teachings
  • Tax system

The cost of questions is from 60 to 100 points, depending on the complexity of the question. The team with the most points at the moment starts first. Otherwise, the rules remain the same as in the first round. So the time has come:

Topic 1: Inflation

60 - a steady decline in the price level for all goods and services in the country, which is of a long-term nature / deflation /

70 - at any level of inflation, people with this type of income always suffer / people with a fixed income /

80 - this type of inflation corresponds to a rise in prices within 1000% /hyperinflation/

90 - complete the sentence of Boris Kretner: “Money spoils people, and money spoils ...” /inflation/

100 - this scientist deduced the equation of money circulation: MV = PQ / Irving Fisher /

Topic 2: Unemployment

60 - a state institution that helps the unemployed find work / employment center /

70 - this type of unemployment is associated with such reasons as job change, job search /frictional/

80 - a law stating that if the actual unemployment rate exceeds the natural one by 1%, then the actual GDP lags behind the potential one by 2.5% / Okun's law /

90 (pig in a poke: Economic cycle, 70) - this phase of the economic cycle is characterized by an increase in market prices, a decrease in unemployment, an increase in investment / recovery phase /

100 - complete the sentence: “The unemployment rate is 100% if the unemployed ...” /you yourself/

Topic 3: Teachings

60 - which economic school this Russian revolutionary belongs to / Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - a follower of Marxism /

70 (musical question) - which economic school correspond to the words of this musical composition /mercantilism/

80 (pig in a poke: Currency, 100) - the ability of the currency of one country to be exchanged for the currency of another country / convertibility /

90 - the founder of microeconomics, who gave the modern name of the economic theory "economics" / Alfred Marshall /

100 - under the influence of his works at the beginning of the twentieth century, macroeconomics was formed as a separate science / John Maynard Keynes /

Topic 4: Tax system

60 – government agency that works with taxpayers /tax office/

70 - a document that is annually filled out by taxpayers at the tax office / tax return /

80 - with an increase in income, this tax rate also increases /progressive rate/

90 - a curve that displays the relationship between the percentage of the tax rate and tax revenues to the state budget / Laffer curve /

100 - “Taxes for those who pay them are not a sign of slavery, but of freedom” - name the author of this statement / Adam Smith /

Stage 3 KVN

Leading: The next stage of our game will be the staging of the fairy tale "Turnip" using economic terms.

Teams are invited to choose an envelope with the terms:

  1. Bank, creditor, bill, liquidity, margin, market, gold standard;
  2. Inflation, budget, tax, competition, monopoly, unemployment, pension.

The team of the 21EU group offers its own version of the tale "Turnip".

Variant of the fairy tale "Turnip" of the team of the 21MP group.

The jury and accountants sum up the results. The results are announced. An entertaining break for spectators and fans.

4 stage KVN.

Leading: The next step in our game will be homework. Presentation of the anthem of the profession.

The anthem of the profession of accountant and manager sounds.



- This game is over. Accountants count points. The team is announced - the winner is the team of the 21MP group, which scored the most points according to the results of the whole game. The chairman of the jury, members of the jury, and the presenter make a congratulatory speech. Teams are rewarded (diplomas and valuable souvenirs). The teacher sums up the results, noting the great preparatory work for the game, and thanks the students for their active participation. Team members who take 1st place get excellent grades in the magazine, 2nd and 3rd places get good grades.

Evaluation protocol of economic KVN between groups 21MP, 21EU

No. p \ p

Competition name



Average score 21MP

Average score 21EU

Team business card

(motto, emblem, team slogan, appearance) maximum score - 50 points

economic quiz

1 question -

2 question -

3 question -

4question -

5 question -

6 question -

7 question -

8 question -

9 question -

10 question -

11 questions -

12 question -

13 question -

14 question -

15 question -

1 question -

2 question -

3 question -

4question -

5 question -

6 question -

7 question -

8question -

9 question -

10 question -

11 questions -

12 question -

13 question -

14 question -

15 question -

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" maximum score - 50 points


"Hymn of the Profession" maximum score - 50 points

for holding KVN

in the disciplines of the economic cycle

(groups 21MP, 21EU)

for specialties:

080501 "Management" by industry;

080110 "Economics and accounting"


Vasilyeva Irina Anatolyevna, Yakushina Elena Nikolaevna - teachers of socio-economic disciplines of the SAEI SPO TK No. 28

Submitted to print 01/12/2012.

Paper size 60x90/16

Circulation 7 copies.

State autonomous educational institution

secondary vocational education

For a number of years, KVN has been one of the most popular games in all educational institutions. The options for preparing and holding competitive programs are very different, but the classic version remains the same: the visiting card of the teams, warm-up, captains' competition, homework. We offer the most common option for preparing and conducting KVN.

Two to five teams can play in one game. The formation of teams is carried out in different ways: from among students of the same class, school (lyceum, gymnasium), from boys and girls of the same class team, by interests, by age, etc. The number of participants in each team, as a rule, should be the same . A few days before the start of the game, the organizing committee of the KVN game (creative group) is formed, which selects the jury members and gives each team certain tasks of the competitive program.

Competitive KVN programs are usually thematic or mixed (creative, developing). The themes of the KVN competition can be, for example, the following: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, “Without friends, I’m a little bit, but with friends a lot!”, “Ah, cinema, cinema!” and others. Depending on the general theme of the meeting of the KVN club, the names of the competitions are selected.

Usually, teams prepare for participation in the competitive program in the following scope:

1. Business card-greeting:“Grow big - don’t be a noodle!”, “We are glad to see you again!”, “How heavy is the granite of science”, etc. (up to 4 minutes).

- "Let me introduce myself";

- game (reprise) block;

- Greetings to the jury, fans, opposing teams;

- the end of the business card.

2. Warm up. This block can be the most diverse. For example, teams prepare 2 questions for their opponents in advance and their own answers to them. Questions and answers must correspond to the subject of the competitive program. It is possible to hold a blitz tournament for each team. For example, each team in turn is asked the following questions:

The glorious defender of Mother Rus', who spent 33 years sitting motionless in a hut. Kaliki passers-by helped him gain heroic strength. (Ilya Muromets)

The villain. He whistled like a nightingale, shouted like an animal, hissed like a snake. (The nightingale the robber)

Brother of Ilya Muromets, who freed Zabava Putyatichna, the niece of Prince Vladimir. (Nikitich)

The monster that lived on Mount Sorochinskaya. (Dragon)

The famous gusler, who visited the bottom of the sea-ocean at the Sea King. (Sadko)

The owner of Lake Ilmen, who helped Sadko catch golden-finned fish. (Water)

Bogatyr, priest's son. Defeated Tugarin Zmeevich. (Alesha Popovich)

A strong man who easily pulled a plow out of the ground, which the entire squad of Volga Svyatoslavovich could not pull out. (Mikula Selyaninovich)

A mighty hero who could not raise a bag of change. (Svyatogor)

A hero who forced a single-headed serpent to bring living water. (Mikhailo Potyk)

What was the name of the hero of the fairy tale S. Lagerlef, who made a wonderful journey with wild geese? (Niels)

What is the name of the protagonist of A. Gaidar's story "Military Secret". (Alka)

What is the name of a friend of Electronics from a fantastic story by E. Veltistov. (Syroezhkin)

3. Competition of captains. The content of the competitive tasks is determined by the organizers of the competitive program. Here again, there can be a variety of options: an intellectual blitz tournament, situational tasks, a “competition of literates”, etc.

4. Homework:“With a song for life”, “What is snow for me, what is heat for me, what is pouring rain for me when my friends are with me!”, “In the world of unlearned lessons”, etc. (up to 7 minutes).

5. Criteria for evaluating the performances of KVN teams:

1. Reflection of the theme of the competition, screenwriting.

2. Originality of the director's performance of the team's performance:

— theatricalization (creating an image);

- musical solution;

- artistry;

- wit and resourcefulness;

— costumes of the players;

stage and speech culture.

3. Fulfillment of the requirements for the performance (observance of time limits, the quantitative composition of the team, participation in all tasks of the competitive program).

To evaluate the performance of teams, a certain scoring system is usually established. For example, the maximum score:

- for the competition "Business card-greeting" - 5;

- "Warm-up" - 5;

- "Competition of captains" - 5;

- "Homework" - 6.

6. Summing up the results of the KVN game. This is the most difficult stage in the entire competition program. Refereeing must be objective, excluding any preferences and personal sympathies. Usually the jury members are seated at separate tables, equipped with signs on a five- or six-point system. The chairman of the jury (secretary) summarizes the total (sum of points) after each competition and calculates the final result. It is desirable to include well-known and respected people in the jury (the participation of only the administration or teachers of an educational institution is not always justified).

Explanatory note.

Difficult and contradictory times bring a great many problems into our lives - these are the economic crisis, epidemics, social insecurity and other negative phenomena that negatively affect a person, his emotional state, when faith in one's strength is lost, apathy and pessimism appear. All this has a particularly negative impact on children, who, due to the lack of social experience, cannot withstand difficulties and find a way out of the current difficult life situation. Therefore, one of the urgent and socially significant pedagogical tasks is assistance and support in the adaptation of children in our society. A teenager comprehends the world by playing and really living situations of real life. The social and psychological atmosphere that is created around him largely determines him as a person, as a socially oriented person, as a creative individual. And right now, in our troubled times, the popular expression “Laughter prolongs life” is relevant. Optimism, positive mood, good humor, creativity - these are the terms that can help a modern young person to resist negative negative trends. It is necessary to teach children to see the difficulties of real life through the prism of humor and creativity.

KVN has become a unique means of organizing productive, fun leisure and creativity for teenagers, students and many adults, which stepped from television screens into our lives half a century ago, very quickly gained popularity among viewers and united interesting and creative youth around itself. Today KVN unites people all over the world.

KVN obliges to be cheerful and resourceful not only on stage, but also in life. Sociability, spontaneity, a positive attitude to life, the ability to look at any difficult life situation with a certain amount of humor are the qualities necessary for a kvnschik. This program is aimed at developing these qualities.

The pedagogical expediency of the program is to ensure the formation of creative activity, training in stage movement, stage speech, acting skills, training in vocal and choreographic art, development of speech, memory, imagination, attention, artistic taste; and also forms the ability to work in a team.

According to the method of organizing the pedagogical process, the program is integrated, because it provides for the interaction of KVN with other types of art. Such a complex development of the material optimizes the imagination and artistry, i.e. forms universal abilities that are important for many areas of activity.

Program goals:

  • creation of the necessary conditions for the creative realization of adolescents by means of the KVN game;
  • popularization of the KVN movement among teenagers in the city of Yakutsk.


  • teaching schoolchildren the basic laws of KVN;
  • teaching the basics of stage movement, stage speech, acting skills;
  • teaching the basics of vocal and choreographic art.


  • development of intellectual abilities;
  • development of creative imagination and fantasy of adolescents;
  • development of speech, memory, imagination, attention, artistic taste.


  • development of the personality of each young kvnschik, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities;
  • to form the ability to work in a team, to instill the skills of behavior and confidential communication.
  • introducing teenagers to good humor;
  • creating a “success situation” for each participant in the program.

The program uses developmental learning technology:

  • gradual complication of the material;
  • person-centered approach.

Key Ideas - The Four C's:

  • principle Self-organization - the ability of a teenager to properly allocate their own time;
  • principle Self-realization - the opportunity of each participant to realize himself in the activities available to him;
  • principle Amateur activities- the realization of each teenager's creative abilities;
  • principle Self-government- implementation of organizational skills.

Theoretical justification:

The program was created on the basis of my own experience, because there is no methodology for teaching children to play KVN. The experience of A. Chivurin (editor of the Major League of KVN of the ORT TV channel, a famous KVN player in the past, captain of the KhAI team) and M. Marfin (captain of the MKhTI team) is used

The main principles of the program:

  • The principle of nurturing education - in the course of the educational process, not only to give knowledge, but also to form a personality;
  • The principle of scientific character - the content of training includes only objective laws and rules that reflect the current state of the direction of creative activity, in this case, KVN;
  • The principle of linking learning with practice - the educational process is built in such a way that the theoretical knowledge gained is immediately reflected in practice.
  • The principle of consistency and consistency - the content of the educational process is built according to a certain logic, order, system;
  • The principle of creativity: the development of fantasy, imaginative thinking, self-confidence;
  • The principle of different levels: the choice of topics, methods of work in accordance with the age of children;
  • The principle of integration: combining in one program the KVN game with various types of art;
  • The principle of an individual-personal approach: taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of each child;
  • The principle of cooperation between participants in the educational process and the availability of education;
  • The principle of strength - the knowledge gained by children should become part of their consciousness, the basis of behavior and activity.
  • The principle of integrity is the observance of the unity of education, upbringing and development on the one hand, systemicity on the other.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

The age of pupils is from 12 to 18 years. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, classes are held in groups of different ages, where differentiated learning methodology: with such an organization of the educational process, the teacher presents the material to all pupils in the same way. And for practical activities, it offers work of different levels of complexity (depending on the age, abilities and level of training of each).

This program is designed for 4 years. It has four levels of education.

1st stage (preparatory) - the basics of the KVN game. Disclosure and development of creative abilities. Building a cohesive team

2nd stage (initial) - improving the techniques of playing KVN. The development of acting skills, the development of intellectual abilities.

3rd stage (main) - is the next link of the 1st and 2nd stages of training, when there is a transition from the assimilation of simple fundamentals to more complex, independent ones.

4th stage (final) - independent work on the script and its stage implementation. The task of the teacher is to edit and correct the work of pupils.

Each step includes the following sections:

What is KVN? KVN contests, their features;
Stage skills;
Preparing for the game;
Directing and dramaturgy in KVN.

Forms of work:

1. Classes in the classroom (studying or repeating one educational topic, watching video), conversation-dialogue.

2. Classes in the hall:
- complex or integrated (studying one topic using 2-3 types of creative activity); individual sessions;
game (improvisational KVN).

3.Outside classes.

Performances in schools, clubs, concert venues in the city.

4.Final - KVN games.

  • verbal: story, conversation, explanation, explanation, etc.
  • visual: video materials;
  • visual-visual, motor (showing jokes, numbers);
  • practical:
  • classes in stage speech, stage movement, acting, choreography and vocals;
  • exercises (multiple repetition);
  • sequential (learning the repertoire, taking into account its complexity);
  • a specific method - “brainstorming” (group work on creating a joke);
  • stimulation: (encouragement, setting perspectives, public opinion);
  • creating a situation of success.

Control diagnostics:

The most important link in the activity is accounting, verification, assessment of knowledge, skills, skills of pupils. In the classroom, various types of control are used:

- current - carried out by observing the activities of a teenager in the process of classes;
- intermediate- improvisational KVN, performances in schools, clubs, etc.;
- final– open classes, participation in city, republican, all-Russian KVN games.

Expected results:

Pupils who have passed all stages of training under the program should receive general information about the history of KVN, theoretical knowledge:
– methods of writing jokes;
- ways to use jokes correctly;
- to determine the similarities and differences of KVN - competitions.

Practical skills:
– the ability to independently work on the KVNO script and its stage implementation;
- the ability to edit your own script;
– the ability to analyze their own game and the game of other teams;
- Ability to work in a creative team;
- the ability to appreciate the culture of humor.

1st year of study.

The basis of the first year of study is the development of a sustainable interest in the KVN game - motivation, team building. Disclosure of creative abilities, acquaintance of children with the basics of KVN: what is a joke? How to write a joke? What competitions exist in KVN, what is their difference? In the acting classes, tongue twisters, articulatory gymnastics, work on the power of the voice, training in working with microphones, and a screen are used. Teaching the basics of vocal and choreographic art. In the first year of study, children understand the need to work in a team, without a team there will be no result.

2nd year of study.

Children of the second year of study accumulate a certain experience of playing KVN. At this stage of education, children improve the skills and abilities acquired in the first year of study. Tasks for improvisation are given individually and collectively. Work continues on stage movement, stage speech, acting, vocals and choreography.

3rd year of study.

In the third year of study, much attention is paid to the independent work of adolescents: improvisation, script writing, script editing, work on the stage embodiment of a joke, number, work on musical design, dance staging, songwriting. The basis of creativity here is that teenagers come up with, create and embody their creative imagination on stage, the ability to direct is formed.

4th year of study.

Fourth or more years of study - independent preparation of teenagers for games. Application of all acquired skills and abilities. On the part of the teacher, editing the script is required, one or another adjustment of the stage action.

1. Questioning.
It is carried out for the purpose of primary acquaintance with children, identifying the initial level of knowledge, skills and abilities of the child in creativity (KVN).

2. Identification of creative abilities.
KTD "Academy of cheerful sciences". Microgroups need to derive and prove the following scientific assumptions: “What is the mustache of a cockroach?”, “A cat has 9 lives”, “A counselor is 49 years old?” etc.

Game practice.

KTD "Speak soon". Allows you to identify the ability of children to correct, competent speech, the level of diction of each child. The group is divided into several microgroups, each of which receives the task: to come up with a new tongue twister and depict it with the help of a certain speech defect (lispingly, with a whistle, without pronouncing some letters of the alphabet), and everyone must speak at the same time.

KTD "Silent Cinema". Allows you to identify the creative abilities of children, the ability to work in a team. The group is divided into microgroups, each has a task: without the help of sound, using only gestures, facial expressions and plasticity, depict something. Gives an idea of ​​the child's knowledge of stage movement.

KTD "Fabler". Allows you to identify the level of development of the imagination and motivate for the quality performance of any work. The group, divided into microgroups, is given a task consisting of two lines from a classical work. Each group needs to compose a story or a poem based on these lines. The authors of the best work should be noted with award products.

KTD "Queue". The group is divided into several microgroups. Each group needs to imagine a queue at different stores, for example: a hypermarket, a hunting store, a Japanese equipment sales store with a 50% discount, a newsstand at a bus stop in the early frosty morning.

Four sources of KVN.

Kapustnik - theater parties with parodies of public people, popular songs and practical jokes.

The propaganda team is a “performance theater” brought to its logical end. The propaganda team invented: a “line” - a line of people standing on the proscenium facing in the hall, representing a single image, the structure of “literary montage”, which allows the actors on the stage to speak for both the actor and the author, and at the next moment break the monologue into ten, arranging a script from separate pieces and even cues that are not connected to each other. The propaganda team is the genre basis of KVN.

STEM is a student theater of variety miniatures. A traditional production of STEM is a pop miniature - a humorous scene played out by a small number of actors. The action of STEM is based on an absolutely real worldly conflict and within a few minutes is brought to complete insanity or, to phantasmagoria, in which, as a rule, the performers are already taken out of the field of a more or less thought-out text into frank improvisation. STEM must be up-to-date. Both the characters and the situation should be recognizable to the viewer. And the more specific this recognition is, the greater the likelihood of success.

The game is a simulation of the situation. But the more important aspect is the competitive aspect. In any competition, a tough dramaturgy is initially laid down, which variety divertissement does not imply in itself. And in the competition there is a natural connection, development and apotheosis. That is, any competition, be it on stage, on a sports ground or even at a family table, is a performance.

In addition, the competition has another indisputable advantage - its "one-time" and, therefore, fundamental originality. In this sense, KVN is a theater of one performance, a theater in which there is always a premiere.

A joke for KVN is fundamental and absolute. A joke understood as an independent funny phrase, as the smallest cell of humor that can only exist. In KVN, it is often called a “reprise”, which in this case should not be confused with a circus or pop reprise, which, like in STEM, is a funny scene.

Jokes, jokes, and just jokes. Everything else is just their frame. And the Kvnov audience, feeling this, perceives any performance discretely: from joke to joke. And no matter how well you play on stage, no matter how well you sing and dance, if you haven’t told 20 decent jokes in 5 minutes, you won’t see a win.

If half of the students are absent from the lessons in the classes, and the one that remains loses all efficiency, if in every corner of the school corridor they sing, dance, recite, and the line of rehearsals on the stage of the assembly hall is scheduled two days in advance, if the class teachers are “quietly” go crazy in search of funny phrases and phonograms, i.e., if the whole school is “on its ears”, know that the KVN games have begun!
Not just one game, but games. After all, everyone without exception wants to compete in wit and resourcefulness, to feel like “Burnt by the sun” or “Not golden youth”.

The warm-up is considered a very difficult competition. After all, it is in him that resourcefulness is manifested, the ability to find a funny answer, an interesting play on words in just thirty seconds. The warm-up, as a rule, is played by two or three people in a team, the most cheerful players who can find non-standard answers.

We are starting KVN!

Yes, KVN has become popular. In addition, this is the most developing game form of school educational events, no matter how dry the phrase may sound in relation to KVN. It contains everything: intelligence and logic, morality and morality, musicality and artistry, the ability to communicate and be an individual. Everything that we develop in children at school. KVN is the creativity of individuals in a team for the benefit of everyone, in the name of a common cause: with a smile, a good good joke, to make our complex life brighter, richer, more interesting. I will not continue to advocate for the mandatory holding of this game within the walls of any school. Just for those who are interested in creating a school KVN team or in holding a school championship within the school, I will try to answer some questions that may arise during preparation. I think that I have the right to do this, although giving advice is the most thankless task in KVN! For several years, I myself have been the leader, screenwriter and director of the KVN student team “Own Game”, through which more than one generation of teenagers has passed. The team repeatedly won school city championships, played on equal terms and with students.

Questions and answers

So, question one : what class is better to start playing KVN?
The optimal start age is sixth grade. The guys become more independent, and cool teams are formed.

Question two: how to organize KVN games at school, i.e. holding a school championship?
Games are best played according to age parallels, for example, among sixth graders, eighth graders, etc. Often senior classes are combined into one team: tenth graders play against graduates. This is a breathtaking sight!
Do not forget that the approximate date of the games should be known to the class teachers in advance, even from September. After all, the selection of material, the search for phonograms is not a matter of one day.

Question three: where to get the theme of KVN and what tasks to include?
Topics and tasks are distributed in advance. It is better to develop them together with students on the council of the school asset. But if there are problems in this matter, below are the possible options for topics and tasks for them.
Remember, topic titles should reflect school life! Do not take too global problems and, at the same time, do not play within narrow subject limits. Often, mathematical, environmental, literary and other KVN are held among the classes, resembling more quizzes and class competitions in subjects. But these are not real KVN games!
Tasks vary, include greeting, warm-up, homework. This is a normal set for school games. In addition, there is also a musical competition in KVN, and a competition for captains, and STEM, and homework can take a musical form.
Of course, if these are junior classes, then you can limit yourself to the traditional greeting and warm-up or homework. Older classes can be offered a competition of captains.
Be sure to limit each task in time!
The optimal length of the greeting is four minutes and ten minutes of homework. Add half a minute to the exit, departure, applause. There is a penalty for going over the time limit. In the warm-up, determine the number and type of questions. There should be no more than two of them, and in terms of form, these are either traditional, or musical, or artistic questions.

Question four: What are the criteria for selecting material, speeches? That is, how to determine the content?
Remember, the main goal of the school KVN is to introduce teenagers to the beautiful, to develop the style of an intellectual, aesthetically savvy optimist! Therefore, in school games, jokes are encouraged on the topics of school, family, children's leisure, their activities, youth fashion, communication, that is, the range of interests of adolescents!
Never in KVN of any level are unacceptable jokes on the topic of drugs, alcohol, sex. At consultations on preparing for the games, it is with this question that one should start a conversation with young “KVN players”.

Question five: where to get jokes for programming?
This question is the hardest to answer!
Look for funny things around you: in the classroom, in the work of children, in school corridors, canteens, transport. A joke can be verbal, musical or mimic. The main thing is that she be ... her own! Never take hackneyed jokes, jokes that sounded from famous teams. Although, if the games are held within the walls of the school, then this is quite acceptable, but in moderation. However, if you go to a higher level with the school team, try to find your style, your humor, your unique ideas and jokes!

Question six: how to evaluate the performance of teams?
She herself has never judged any games, although my experienced "KVN players" do it with pleasure. Quantity and quality are valued first.
jokes, how funny, interesting, original in concept, how they are received by the audience. The integrity of the performance, the balance of musical and dance passages, the quality of preparation, the ability to stay on stage, to control the hall and the situation, in a word, artistry are important. Of course, the team must have its own “personality”: style in costumes, presentation of content, and so on, which distinguishes it from others.
In judging, it is better to adhere to the five-point system native to students.

Question seven: how many people should be on the team?
The number is not limited, but the best option is from five to eight people of the main team, and more guys who can sing or dance. Although the main load falls, as a rule, on two - the three most artistic members of the teams. Do not forget about the team captain, who should be an authoritative player.