Psychology why a person draws. What do you usually draw? May there always be sunshine

More than a year ago, German specialists began research that lasted a whole year. Scientists observed people who were talking on the phone and those who were bored in meetings. These observations showed that most of them, in the process of talking on the phone or at meetings, draw unpretentious drawings.

Experts carefully studied all the drawings and analyzed them. Next, the study participants were tested. And this is what scientists have come to: unconscious drawings perfectly reflect the character, lifestyle, manners and inner world of the painter. Scientists have deduced some patterns that are characteristic of people prone to certain images.

So, if a person draws hearts, everything is clear - he is all in love, his head is occupied only with this.

Triangles, angles, Christmas trees, other geometric shapes - a person is quite aggressive, hard, stubborn. He will not back down from his decisions and concepts. At the same time, a large number connected in one chain, for example, Christmas trees or many corners, indicate that a person wants to protect himself from deeds and assignments that he does not like.

If a person draws grids and lattices, it means that he is in an awkward or difficult position. He is trying to find a way out. Lattices speak of a person's indecision, but in no case about his stupidity.

Those who draw crosses are worried about something, they have a great responsibility, but they are ready for it and accept it as it is.

Patterns and swirls speak of existing problems and the larger the peak of the drawn wave, the more serious the problem.

As for the circles - they can be twisted into a spiral or separated from each other, it does not matter - the "artist" feels deprived in love, in money or in some other areas of life. He is dissatisfied with others, believing that he deserves more.

Spirals. Here the opinions of scientists differed: some believe that this characterizes a selfish and proud person. Others believe that this speaks of difficult life situations from which it is still impossible to find a way out.

If people draw the sun and clouds, then they are somewhere far away in their illusions and dreams.

Scientists have noticed a certain pattern in people drawing stars and the moon - these are the favorite drawings of the bosses. Such people have a strong, strong-willed character, they are selfish.

Eyes are drawn by people prone to self-criticism, not entirely satisfied with themselves. At that moment, something worries them, they carefully try to understand the situation.

Lips are drawn by creative and reverent people. They are very sensitive and need attention. If teeth are visible through the lips, then the person at that moment is aggressively disposed.

Leaves, trees, flowers depict vulnerable, romantic people. The more rounded shapes, the more a person is prone to fantasies. If there are a lot of sharp corners in the drawings, this indicates neurosis. At the same time, painting flowers can, as it were, say that he lacks warmth and support in relations with a loved one or friends.

Houses are drawn by neat house people. They are disciplined, able to set a goal and achieve it.

Drawing little men, always ready to help, everyone and at any time. He hates pettiness and any restrictions.

If a person constantly draws his signature - this speaks of his vanity. He wants to always be in the spotlight, seeks to improve and transform his style.

It happens that a person does not draw, but circles something, for example, drawings and letters in a newspaper - this is a sign that he is striving to improve his life, his relationships.

The pressure with which we draw also plays a significant role. The thicker and bolder the lines, the higher the intensity of passions. The smaller the drawing, the greater the anxiety and despair. The larger the drawing, the higher the self-esteem.

Even if we don’t know how to draw, when we are bored we draw patterns or shapes on paper. Many do not pay attention to these pictures, but psychologists have found a hidden meaning in them. The fact is that when the brain is busy with other things, the hands are under the control of the subconscious and transmit signals from the depths of the soul.

We often unknowingly scribble when we're on the phone or sitting in a boring meeting. We may not understand it, but these scribbles can actually tell a lot about the personality and mood of the painter.

The size, position, and object of the drawing give us some key clues. In the case of doodles, as in the case of dreams, there are some that occur quite frequently and as such are easier to interpret.

Unlike tests, where a person is given a specific goal to draw a house, family, animal, the choice of the plot of the picture is important here. He will talk about thoughts, hidden fears and dreams that cannot be found out using the usual diagnostic methods.

What do unconscious drawings mean?

More often, unconsciously, a person displays the figures of people. And from how they turn out, they judge the internal state and feelings experienced at the moment.

If the figures come out small and sketchy, then the person feels pressure from the side and helplessness in front of him. He wants to be alone and is afraid of communication. If the figure is depicted directly, then the person who painted does not feel fear of people, but the more she “looks” to the side, the more secretive the person. A disproportionately large head speaks of an intellectual mindset. Small, on the contrary, about the technical.

Eyes often speak of the inner self of the painter. Big eyes are drawn by open people, and small ones are closed. Closed eyes indicate a refusal to look within. Sad or happy eyes are a reflection of how a person feels deep inside.

Eyes are drawn by people who want to be attractive. Many painters immediately assume that perhaps the drawing of the eye is associated with their feeling that they are being watched. In severe cases, the eyes may indicate a person's paranoid tendencies.

The more ears the drawn man has, the more important for the “artist” is the opinion from the outside. Absence says that he is indifferent to social principles. Broad shoulders give strength and authority, and narrow shoulders weakness. A hunched back suggests that a person is controlled by guilt. Hands pressed to the body or covering it speak of conflicts with other people.

If the legs are widely spaced, then the person does not like to listen to someone else's opinion, if they are connected, then he easily obeys orders from the outside. Long legs indicate a desire to be independent, while short legs indicate a sense of awkwardness.

Pay attention to the posture and facial expression, if they are aggressive, the person is overcome by a feeling that cannot be overcome. If at the same time his mouth is closed or his teeth are clenched, then he does not want to talk about it.

The expression of a painted face is a good indicator of the mood and character of the person who painted it. A well-drawn, beautiful face indicates that you see the good in other people.

If you draw strange or ugly faces, then this indicates your incredulity. Comic faces are the desire to be the center of attention. Baby faces are the desire to feel needed. Drawing a human profile indicates that you are an introvert.

The lack of legs is the feeling of having no roots, even if there are roots. It is important how a person painted a face, it speaks of his emotions. The missing parts of the face speak of a person who does not feel complete, whole.

Name or signature

Be careful when leaving signatures on sheets of paper. Not only because scammers will use it, but to maintain adequate self-esteem. Psychologists say that a person who displays his name or leaves an autograph on pieces of paper that accidentally fell under his arm suffers from vanity and is fixated on himself. At the same time, a person can write individual words or phrases that he liked. Do not look for a double meaning in them, they talk about what associations a person has with the place where he is, the people around him and the internal state.

Drawing your name or initials is common for people who like to be the center of attention. Teenagers often draw only their first name, without a last name, thereby demonstrating their desire to break away from the family and do their own thing.

On the other hand, drawing someone else's name says two things: either it's the name of a person you have romantic feelings for, or it's the name of a person associated with a problem that you need to deal with.

It is important to pay attention to whether these shapes have corners, as well as their number. The more sharp details in the drawing, the more determined the "artist". Squares, rectangles, trapezoids and triangles speak of a clear goal and striving for it. If a figure has 6 or more corners, its author is careful and considerate.

Such figures are usually drawn by people who are accustomed to openly express their point of view. They try not to give in to the enemy, have a practical mindset, well-developed logical thinking and are able to occupy a leadership position. Moreover, symmetrical forms mean a commitment to accuracy and order, prudence and the ability to plan everything. At the same time, if the corners of the figures are drawn too sharply, this is a clear tendency to aggression.

Drawing cubes is often a sign that the person is feeling trapped and powerless in the face of the situation.

In combination with circles and spirals, the cubes indicate that the painter would actually prefer to be in a different place now, doing something more interesting.

Circles, ovals and rings indicate softness of character. If several of these figures are interconnected or are located one inside the other, then the person needs support and participation. Filled circles indicate isolation and unwillingness to communicate.

Spirals, waves, chains, lines

A person who draws swirling lines is in the circle of his emotions and experiences. He does not need the sympathy and participation of others, he is immersed in the inner world and he is comfortable in it. If the curls of the spiral are small and frequent, then there is an unresolved problem that causes emotional imbalance. Such a person is unbalanced and can flare up.

Waves, reminiscent of the outline of a female figure, give out the sexual connotation of the picture. Such a person lacks warmth and attention from the opposite sex. Perhaps he has a sexual attraction to a certain person, but this desire remains unfulfilled.

Chains tend to indicate that a person has feelings of limitation, especially in a relationship or at work. Restrictions can also refer to a person's beliefs that prevent him from doing what he wants. If a person appears in one of the links of the chain in the figure, then this indicates a very tense state.

Some people just draw lines. If at the same time they strongly press the handle, then they are overcome by aggression, and they are afraid of something. This pressure determines your mood. The lighter you move your pen across the sheet, drawing the lines, the more calm you have inside.

Hearts on paper are drawn by vulnerable and impressionable people. They are exposed to romantic feelings and emotions. Such "artists" are dreamy and soft-hearted. But outwardly it does not show up. They hide emotions and seem strict and serious.

A star is an indicator of an optimistic nature. Faced with a problem, such a person tries not to give up and tries to quickly cope with difficulties. In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the “draughtsman” to draw attention to himself. Those who want to achieve career heights and social recognition are fond of drawing stars, and they have all the qualities necessary for this. They are purposeful, optimistic and full of energy to fulfill their plans.

sun and clouds

If you saw that someone is drawing the sun and clouds around, know that this person is kind and kind-hearted. He lives in dreams and daydreams, often invents fables and tells them. Such an "artist" loves communication and feels bad when no one is around. Usually, the drawing does not end with one plot, new images and symbols are added to it. It speaks of a rich imagination. The painter will be happy to present his creation and draw more if you ask him about it.

If a person displays crossed lines, there is a difficult situation in his life that has no way out yet. With his drawings, he shows that he wants to protect himself from the hardships of life.

Crosses and bars indicate fear of the situation that has arisen and unwillingness to take responsibility. This feeling arises from self-doubt, unwillingness to compromise and listen to the opinions of experienced people.

Crosses express guilt. Perhaps you offended someone or did not keep a promise, or it seems to you that those around you are reproached for something. Quickly discuss everything that bothers you, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier. By the way, your drawing may contain not just ordinary crosses, but, for example, decorations or patterns containing cruciform elements. As a rule, women give them this look.

Zigzags are a discomfort in life that you want to run away from. They can also talk about the energy of a person who wants to learn how to get along with others. If the zigzag has soft, flowing lines, it speaks of a romantic, feminine approach to things. Zigzags drawn with a large number of straight lines indicate a more aggressive masculine nature.


Drawing a house, a person unconsciously seeks support in life, wants to find support. He is concerned about his current situation, trying to fix it and make his life better. A house surrounded by a fence indicates a lack of support from loved ones. Small windows indicate isolation and distrust.

The smoke from the chimney betrays the good nature of the "artist". The garden and flowers say that he lacks comfort and peace. If a path leads to the house, then a person is waiting for changes in life. The absence of a door and a porch, on the contrary, will suggest that he is afraid of the changes that may occur.

Chaotic, gloomy houses speak of difficult associations for a painter with home life. The house depicted on top of the hill indicates that you are very lonely.

Also, drawing houses shows that you attach a lot of importance to shelter and security. What you paint on houses speaks volumes about the things you value the most. For example, numbers and dollar signs indicate your preoccupation with money.

The image of fish or birds spreading their wings and fins speaks of the author's love of freedom. If he painted a monkey or an animal similar to it, then he has infantile personality traits. Cats and dogs drawn on paper suggest that a person lacks warmth and wants to make friends. If he portrayed a crocodile, then he has an imperious and despotic character.

Those who draw animals are usually very sensitive to any living beings. The type of animal that a person draws speaks of his mood, and, often, the type of personality that he would like to have.

Drawings of small, weak and passive animals indicate slowness, lack of self-confidence, and also that a person is more of an introvert. Images of aggressive animals speak of self-confidence, funny and cute animals are the playful nature of the painter, and slow animals are a brazen, contemplative personality.

Airplanes, cars, ships and other vehicles can indicate your desire to travel, change something in your relationship or change your life.

Flowers, trees

Flowers are the feminine side of a person and the desire to see growth, nature and procreation. If the painted flowers are a harmonious bouquet, then a person is attached to his family and feels complete unity with her. Jung believed that if flowers appear in a dream, then this is due to the need to release emotions that a person cannot express openly.

Unconscious drawing of flowers is femininity. This is the reason why most often it is girls who draw them. In addition, flowers are an understanding of one's personality and the expectation of flowering.

Trees represent our egos and our ambitions, so pay special attention to the health of the tree! Trees with leaves and fruits show that the painter considers love, sexual relations and children to be part of a single whole.

Bare, hanging branches indicate depression and lack of morale. Barren trees may indicate that the painter does not feel his roots.

The tree also indicates a person or thing from the past that you cannot forget. Moreover, you are afraid of getting into trouble and want to be protected if your tree stands alone. If the tree is surrounded by flowers, it indicates happiness and love for the family.

Number parade, bee house, chessboard

Those who like to draw numbers are concerned exclusively with material values. The first option - you figure out where and how you can earn. The second is thinking about how to pay off debts.

“Honeycombs” speak of the desire for an orderly and measured life, tranquility, harmony with oneself and the world around. In addition, such a drawing may mean a desire to start a family, in which often a person does not want to admit even to himself.

You find yourself in an unpleasant or predicament, so you draw a chessboard. And you want to solve all problems by developing your own tactics and strategy, just like chess players do. Meanwhile, if such an image in your notebook is a frequent visitor, then it is possible that you are suffering from hidden complexes.

Large scribbles that take up most of the page show that you are drawn to nature. In addition, this may be a signal that you are closed in on yourself, but you want to communicate.

Small drawings in the corner of the sheet indicate that the person is neat and organized in his own way. Finding scribbles on the sides of a sheet is a sign that a person likes when everything is in its place.

Those who place their drawings in the center of the page are the extroverts most often in need of attention. This is a common feature of people working in areas where you need to constantly speak in public (lawyers, teachers, various officials, etc.). The center of the page is also a need for personal space.

The scribbles at the top of the page demonstrate confidence and an abundance of ideas. If the drawing is drawn right next to the heading of the text on the sheet, this means that the "artist" does not consider what is written on paper important.

Left side of sheet - this is the most common place where scribbles are usually located. This speaks of nostalgic feelings for the past in a person. The use of the right side of the sheet is not so common, mostly left-handers draw on the right. This may indicate a desire to express oneself or reveal secret thoughts.

What the drawing technique will tell

If you want to look deeper and learn even more interesting things about a person, look at how he painted. Strong or weak pressure, the thickness of the line, the tracing of the contours and the color with which the drawing was made, will tell other facts about the psychological state of a person.

sharp strokes

Quick movements, holding a pen along one line several times speak of anxiety that has taken possession of a person. If he draws fuzzy features and it is difficult to understand what is accurately depicted, there is no detail and clarity, there is excitement or another negative factor.

When the strokes are clear and neat, and the drawing is large and detailed, we can talk about the prudence and seriousness of the "artist". He knows exactly what he wants from life and firmly stands his ground.

Smooth lines

If a person draws smooth lines, draws intricate patterns, while barely touching the paper with a pencil or pen, then he is soft-hearted and supple. Such a person is dependent on society. Bright lines will tell you that, despite the kindness and responsiveness, it will not work to manage such a person. He knows what he wants, and does not focus on someone else's opinion.

Color selection

This factor is used to judge if the drawing person has a choice: there are multi-colored pencils, pens or felt-tip pens. Depending on the scale in which the drawing is made, one can judge the mood prevailing at the moment.

Red. He speaks of assertiveness and firmness, internal energy and the desire to act. A person is seized by anxiety and emotional stress that can cause aggressive behavior.

Orange. Indicates a good mood. A person feels a desire to communicate, share his thoughts and ideas.

Yellow. If a person has chosen this color for drawing, he is overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and happiness. He is upbeat and full of new ideas.

Psychologists have long used various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics. In their opinion, the meaning of reflecting the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thoughts, processes, representations in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings, emotions accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper are in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Even the position of the drawing relative to free space on paper can tell a lot about a person.

If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high self-esteem, but at the same time you may be dissatisfied with your position in society, at work, and feel a lack of recognition from others.

The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth.

If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you emphasize your past experiences, focus on past experience.

The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

What do the painted flowers mean?

When a person draws on something that will not retain his drawing for long, such as sand or dust, he puts his innermost thoughts and feelings into the drawing. Flowers are one of the most frequent and common drawings on sand or dust.

If a person constantly draws the same thing on the sand - a primitive flower with petals and a circle in the center on a stem with a leaf, then this does not mean at all that he cannot draw anything else. It’s just that such a person is “fixated” on one state (most likely, this is a state of a personal nature like a love interest or spiritual anguish, and sometimes even depression) and is not able to get out of it on his own.

The same flower, repeated several times, also speaks of the real or spiritual loneliness of a person, of his craving, but the impossibility of communication for some reason.

In a completely different way, psychologists interpret the image of flowers similar to real ones, with accurate drawing of petals, stamens, the shape of leaves and stems - such flowers speak of the extraordinary mind, originality, the inner desire of a person (the author of the picture) for beauty, self-improvement.

The image of several beautiful flowers on one stem is a sign of spiritual openness, sincerity, sometimes even excessive gullibility of a person. Such a person is always easy to communicate, seeks agreement and understanding with people, always tries to reconcile the warring, loves children and animals.

The flower is undoubtedly a confirmation of the benevolent and kind nature of the person who painted it.

Trees of Destiny

Trees symbolize life and destiny. And if during a conversation a person draws trees, then this can tell a lot about his character and the current situation.

The crown is round, like a cloud: a kind person, easily converges with people. Perhaps now he is the happiest in the world!

The sheets trembled, flying around, the clouds of the sky covered the beauty: sometimes you have to restrain emotions. In general, a person is ambitious and knows how to achieve success.

Both leaves and fruits: a simple soul, you like to have a good time. And you are usually in a good mood.

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest: a very energetic person! A person is not like others, and on every occasion he has his own categorical opinion.

Palm: want to escape from duties? Looking for your own adventure?

Something shaggy and shady: most likely, you are now worried or you lack self-confidence. But this is temporary, it will pass soon.

Doodles in the margins: interpretation of drawings

If you draw stars, you want to be in the spotlight, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from her, this may indicate depressive experiences.

When you draw patterns like on wallpaper, it indicates that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, or maybe your whole lifestyle in general. Come up with something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes that are unusual for you, commit an extravagant act - and longing will pass by itself.

Build a honeycomb on paper - you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Spirals, circles, or wavy lines mean that other people's problems don't bother you much or don't interest you at all. Maybe you are even going through a mild emotional crisis: go around the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and break loose on others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes - you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. Usually you are overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

The figure of a circle (especially an empty one) symbolizes a tendency towards secrecy, isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones climb into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly shading something or drawing grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative in your own hands, but agree to everything that is offered to you, endure resentment and hold back your irritation.

The pattern resembles a lattice - you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

Women's drawings: home decor

Many women like to draw furniture, chandeliers, caskets, beautiful curtains... Such drawings say a lot about the inner world and hidden motives.

Sofa or bed - you have low self-esteem, usually people hang their affairs on you, and you, having a gentle character, cannot refuse them.

A table with sharp corners - self-esteem could be higher, there is not enough initiative: it is easier for you to support other people's undertakings, but you are still able to stand up for yourself, sometimes in a very sharp form.

Round table - you try to avoid conflict situations, prefer negotiations to conflicts.

Beautiful vase - you have graceful manners, you strive for a beautiful life, but you lack your own ideas, so you willingly accept advice; separation from a loved one breaks your heart, you endure quarrels for a long time.

Chandelier or lamps on the ceiling - you know how to create a mood for people, but sometimes there is not enough measure; you are afraid to let people close, it is easy to offend you; if a man comes too close, you act decisively, and yet it is difficult for you to resist rude perseverance.

Window - the current situation does not suit you, you are not used to understanding the reasons for what is happening - it is easier to mentally rush somewhere.

Box - you like courtship, perhaps even somewhat old-fashioned, you play with men, luring and eluding, but decisive actions on their part confuse you.

Curtains on the windows (light and transparent) - you need support, a feeling of male power nearby, but sometimes this addiction bothers you; you are easy-going and have a cheerful disposition.

Box with a lock - you like external effects, you like to attract attention, but you are not enough for a long and deep relationship - new adventures attract.

What do the lines of the drawings say?

If the lines of someone's drawings are "shaggy", bold, then perhaps the painter is worried about something or is very worried about some unresolved problem. Weak and thin "spider" lines speak of energy savings, body fatigue and psychological exhaustion.

If the drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is difficult for a person at the moment to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal boldness and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then the person who drew them is a soft, calm, feminine person.

When someone “pulls” one contour for a long time, outlining the figure with one movement, this means that a person needs solitude, he strives for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we hatch some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes - a person is excitable, long - measured and calm.

The strokes are straight and clear - a person is persistent and stubborn, and if they are sketchy and light - a little alarmed and unsure of himself. When a person slowly and rhythmically hatches a fragment, this indicates looseness and a sense of freedom. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Drawings and tendencies to violence

The degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of sharp corners in the drawing, regardless of their connection with one or another detail of the image.

For example, the contour of the drawing is interpreted as a relationship with the outside world, surrounding people. The upper circuit is associated with higher people who really have the opportunity to impose prohibitions and restrictions. The lower circuit is associated with subordinates, or dependents. Lateral contours indicate an indefinite danger and a readiness for defense of any order and in any situation. Sharp corners on the outline of the figure indicate aggressive defense corresponding to the value of the outline noted above.

By the way, the readiness for a vague threat is evidenced by protection elements (like weapons) located not along the contour, but inside it on the body.

If an animal is drawn, then its appearance and the immediate impression of the drawing are very important for distinguishing between direct and defensive aggression. By appearance, one can judge whether it is drawn scary, evil or not at all scary, harmless; it intimidates or coldly kills; attacks and eats or intimidates.

Any obvious accessories of an attack, drawn but not declared as such, are a manifestation of aggression, and it is one's own, and not defensive aggression.

But for the fear of aggression, the gigantic size of the animal is very characteristic. The drawing itself may be small, but in the story about it, the author can report the dimensions of the drawing.

The fear of aggression can also manifest itself in the markedly expressive aggressiveness of the depicted animal. In this case, the author is identified not with the painted animal, but with the danger itself, fear.

A mouth with teeth is a symbol of verbal aggression, usually defensive.

Also, signs of protection and aggression are all kinds of covers (scales, crests, armor) or horns.

When chess fields appear on your sheet of paper, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear often, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Weaving circles - it seems to you that you are outside some important events, you want to participate in something, join some kind of community. But the interweaving of hearts means that you are overwhelmed with feelings and are ready to give love and warmth to the whole world. Do not restrain yourself, and those around you will reciprocate.

If you draw crosses, then perhaps you are worried about guilt in front of a loved one or some kind of problem for which you feel responsible.

The labyrinth expresses the search for life harmony, one's life path.

Often draw sabers, pistols or other weapons - a lot of aggression has accumulated in you, perhaps you are very angry with someone or even angry at life.

Build small houses on paper - you are missing something solid, for example, a strong and strong shoulder, care and support.

If you draw flowers, the sun or something similar, then this does not mean at all that everything is beautiful and cloudless, most likely, you need affection, close relationships, tenderness and friendship. Try to communicate more often with relatives and friends in the near future.

Trying to portray the landscape - you are a sentimental and vulnerable person.

The arrow is the vector by which you navigate in life. The arrow is directed upwards - orientation to other people, downwards - to yourself, to the left - look into the past, to the right - you hope for the future.

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The scribbles we unconsciously draw during a telephone conversation or a lengthy face-to-face meeting can reveal many of the "artist's" ulterior motives. A carelessly made drawing, a word or a line outlined dozens of times is of great importance, because they are determined by our subconscious. What do the careless strokes of the pen that we so often create mean?

figures of people

If figures of people are clearly visible among the author's scribbles and drawings, he probably feels insecure and helpless. Thus, the subconscious gives out attempts to escape from duties. Simple straight lines drawn repeatedly indicate the author's emotional instability. This person longs to isolate himself from other people, and the conversation is given to him with great difficulty.


The drawings, which depict the eyes, give out the inner essence of a person. If the eyes depicted on paper by the author are wide open, this indicates his openness. Squinting means observation, and closed eyes symbolize the rejection of the opportunity to look into your soul.


A person who, when talking with an interlocutor, displays his own signature on a sheet, is unusually selfish, narcissistic and arrogant. If you sign an autograph without hesitation at the most crucial moment, subconsciously, in solving the problem, you intend to pull the blanket over yourself.

Circles and rings

Any circles connected together or placed inside each other indicate the need to seek unity. On a subconscious level, the author feels that he is desperate for a new friend or increased attention from others.


Doodles and drawings depicting animals tell a lot about the current emotional component of the personality. Tigers and wolves indicate hidden anger, the fox indicates cunning designs. The image of cats and squirrels characterizes the search for care and protection, the lions indicate the arrogance of the author. In any case, a person tends to associate himself with a painted animal, drawing parallels with characteristic features.

Spirals and wavy lines

A person who carelessly draws spirals and wavy lines on paper during a conversation is actually not very concerned about the problems of others. If such a person faces an emotional crisis, it will be connected with her own person. The author attaches too much importance to small details in life. If you recognize yourself in this person, try to keep your emotions under control. Sometimes you are groundlessly aggressive with others.

Geometric figures

Love for symmetrical geometric patterns indicates certain goals and beliefs. Such a person will never keep his opinion to himself, he is stubborn and persistent. At the same time, the author is careful and attentive.


Many people unconsciously often depict arrows. Thus, they try to find a vector of direction for their own activities. An upward arrow indicates a concern for other people's problems. If the vector falls down - the author focuses on his own interests. The line leading to the left indicates thoughts about the past. An arrow pointing to the right indicates aspiration for the future.


If a person associates himself with a star, on a subconscious level, he dreams of being in the spotlight. The author enjoys the admiring glances of people and loves it when passers-by turn around after him. However, if there are too many dots in the depicted stars or they are not symmetrical, this may indicate a depressive disorder.

Flowers and natural phenomena

If you like to draw flower buds while you are talking, it indicates your satisfaction with the conversation. At this moment, you fantasize about the good things that await you in the future. Drawings of the sun and clouds indicate the positive mood of the author.


A person who displays crosses during a conversation tends to blame himself for mistakes.

Houses and boxes

The following types of drawings reveal your pathological love of order. The author carefully plans small details and loves to keep everything in its place. This person knows exactly what he wants out of life. Goals are set and priorities are set. Nothing can force you to turn off the intended path.

Chess board

Recently, a person has experienced serious life difficulties. On a subconscious level, he tries to cope with problems by playing a game of chess. If queens and rooks are the constant heroes of the drawings, the person is in search of becoming.


Probably, there is no such person who, at least sometimes during a telephone conversation or at a boring meeting, did not draw strange figures on the margins of the diary. Have you noticed that these figures are often repeated? Look through your notebook, you can find a lot of interesting things there - incomprehensible curls, hearts, spirals, little men, etc. These mechanical drawings can tell a lot about their author.

Spontaneous drawings are a great way to learn something new about a person, because at the moment when they appear on paper, the subconscious mind owns us, namely, it hides the true human fears, complexes and desires. One has only to look closely at your own scribbles, and you will be able to understand exactly what qualities do not allow you to grow in career terms and why lately it has been especially difficult for you to listen to long stories about other people's problems.

Personal Signatures

They are most often drawn by rather egocentric natures. They think of themselves more than anyone else. All their thoughts revolve around one person - themselves. This is especially evident in those cases where the signatures are depicted on entire sheets. If this description suits you, think about it - are you paying too much attention to yourself? Perhaps others are also worthy that you at least occasionally remember them?

Hands folded on your chest speak of your hostile attitude, and hidden behind your back - about the ability to stand your ground to the end.

little people

The standard “stick, stick, cucumber” scheme suggests that you are not averse to building the Berlin Wall around you and not letting anyone get close. If the little man, plus everything, is also small, then most likely you feel like a helpless, small pawn. In the event that a person looks quite realistic, pay attention to the details. Hands folded on your chest speak of your hostile attitude, and hidden behind your back - about the ability to stand your ground to the end. If the hands are spread apart, then this signals that you have lost control of your life. Now about the face: if it is carefully drawn, then it is very important for you what others think of you. In particular, this applies to appearance. By the way, big ears also speak of dependence on the opinions of others, and small ears (or their complete absence) indicate an unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others.


They are drawn by people overwhelmed with feelings. They sincerely love life and the people around them, but they are far from always able to openly declare this. Whether because of the fear of being rejected, or because of the fear that they will not be understood. They just need to broadcast their emotions outside, but they control themselves with all their might, which is why they are often unhappy.

Hearts are drawn by those who love life and the people around them, but are far from always able to openly declare this.


Such drawings say that their author really wants to be in the spotlight, he dreams of recognition, admiration and worship. However, the star of the star is different, and if yours has too many rays, and some seem to be distant from it, then most likely we are talking about a depressive state.


With windows, a roof and a porch - everything is as it should be. They, as a rule, are drawn by those who love order, clearly plan their day, expenses, vacation - in general, everything that can be planned. These people have clear goals and know how to achieve them. It is necessary to try very hard to lead them astray or to convince them of any issue.

Flowers, sun

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely this conversation is to your liking. In addition, while chatting with a girlfriend about nothing, you can dream of a wonderful evening that you will spend with your loved one, and also draw mini-landscapes. Such drawings come out from under the pencil of optimistic and kind natures.

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely this conversation is to your liking.


As well as circles and waves, they mean a certain obsession in emotional terms. Perhaps you are going around in circles with your problems and can not solve them in any way. At the same time, other people's difficulties do not bother you in the slightest, and you can easily break into someone who starts telling you about their troubles.

Geometric figures

Squares, triangles, rhombuses - all these angular figures are characteristic of persistent natures with clear goals and strong convictions. They control their every step and are sometimes too suspicious of others. Sometimes this vigilance really interferes with enjoying life, so it’s worth at least occasionally letting go of the situation and letting events take their course.


By what kind of animal appears in the notebook, you can judge your emotional state. In fact, everything is simple here, like in children's fairy tales: a hare or a squirrel - you need care, a fox - weave intrigues, a lion - you feel like the most important person in your environment. The image of any other animal is also easily interpreted with the help of parables and stories for the smallest.


It is believed that they are mechanically drawn by those who are very worried about the material side of life. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you care about the size of your salary, whether you are going to take an apartment on a mortgage or want to pay off your debts - if you constantly think about money, then the numbers will increasingly appear on paper.