Trading warehouse. Program for trade Accounting program for goods in retail trade Scanner

Computerization of a commercial enterprise is not even a trend, but an established norm in modern business. But what does it include? What software for a retail store improves its efficiency? What type of software can be considered mandatory, and what type is recommended? More on this later.

What you might need store software for

The computerization of retail is a rather new process (and so far it has not affected all segments of trading activity). By historical standards, not so long ago, stores even in the largest cities completely managed without specialized software, or even without computers at all. In connection with what did the retailer have a need for this? What does the corresponding specialized software give to retailers in practice?

The organization of the work of a modern trading enterprise is a rather complicated process. It includes the following key procedures:

  1. Acceptance of payment for goods from buyers (in the stipulated cases - issuance of funds to them, for example, when returning low-quality goods) at the checkout.

Carrying out the procedure in question, the store:

  • uses in a certain way the cash register itself for punching checks (or an analogue of cash registers allowed for use by law - for example, a receipt printer);
  • fixes, in accordance with the established procedure, incoming and outgoing transactions in incoming and outgoing cash orders, and then in the Cash Book;
  • reflects information about cash transactions in tax and accounting registers (in order to subsequently draw up tax or accounting reports based on this information).

What operations can the software be used for in the store:

  • to automate the filling of cash registers, cash registers and the cash book - on the basis of information about the revenue that is "collected" from the cash register;
  • to automate accounting for cash transactions and reporting generated on the basis of information on cash receipts;
  • at the level of using the cash register - to facilitate the procedure of settlements with customers (and reduce the time to resolve complex cases - for example, when it is necessary to correct a preliminary check or apply a discount on certain commodity items).

Is it possible to do without software: yes (the exception is the cash desk), but the corresponding automated operations will have to be done manually, which will take a lot of time and require significant labor efforts.

As for using the cash register, you can get by with the software that is installed on the cash register by default (in fact, in most cases there is no alternative to it - since its replacement with other software, as a rule, is carried out by the manufacturer of the autonomous cash register). As a rule, standard cash register firmware is adapted for subsequent integration with external accounting software - however, the minimum amount of data for processing is usually transferred to the modules of this software - in fact, this is only basic fiscal data, which in its composition meets the minimum legal requirements.

If an online cash register is represented by a combination of a fiscal registrar and a computing module - for example, a computer at the cash register, then an alternative appears in terms of using cash register software. On the one hand, a standard software module from the CCP manufacturer can be used at the checkout. On the other hand, proprietary software from the KKM supplier can in many cases be replaced by a third-party cash register program - as an option, the one that is included in the accounting software. The use of alternative cash register software, which is integrated with accounting software, “automates” the settlement process even more - since in this case, along with “normal” fiscal data, other information useful for accounting will be collected from the cash desk.

  1. Accounting for the movement of goods:
  • from the supplier to the store (and vice versa - for example, if the product turned out to be of poor quality and had to be returned);
  • between different parts of the store (showcase, warehouse);
  • from store to customer (and vice versa).

Why do you need software:

  • to systematize information about the movement of goods;
  • again, to automate the considered direction of accounting.

Is it possible to do without software: yes, but in this case, systematization and automation will have to be done manually. This will be an incomparably more laborious and time-consuming procedure.

  1. Accounting for commodity documentation.

It can be represented by a variety of data carriers. For example:

  • accounts, invoices;
  • waybills;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer of goods;
  • limit fence cards;
  • acts of inventory, write-offs.
  1. Actually, tax accounting - revenue (profit) and other taxable objects, as well as accounting - all business transactions.

Note that accounting is carried out precisely on the basis of the data reflected in the commodity documentation, which is mentioned above - these are two inseparable procedures.

Individual entrepreneurs are not required to keep accounting records - but they can if they wish. Economic companies - lead in all cases.

Why do you need software:

  • automation of revenue (profit) calculation, tax calculation based on revenue and other business indicators that may affect it;
  • automation of preparation of declarations and other reporting documents.

Is it possible to do without software: yes, and in this case all operations will have to be done manually, which will take incomparably more time.

  1. Human Resources, which includes:
  • payroll accounting, payment accounting;
  • accounting of working time, compliance with the work schedule by employees;
  • accounting for production indicators that affect wages.

Why do you need software:

  • to systematize information on personnel;
  • to automate settlement and accounting procedures.

Is it possible to do without software: yes, and in terms of personnel, the rejection of it may be the least sensitive for the enterprise (especially for a small retail outlet where literally a few people can work, and the total amount of data taken into account is relatively small).

However, personnel accounting, as a rule, is closely related to tax and accounting: for example, the payment of wages affects the taxable base of an enterprise and is a business transaction subject to entry in accounting registers. And if payments are recorded manually, then it will be quite difficult to integrate it with tax and accounting registers.

  1. Accounting for business documents, archiving.

Even a small trading enterprise in the form of an ordinary retail store deals with a wide range of documentation - not only accounting, tax and personnel, but also formed as part of the company's participation in various civil law relations. Such documentation may be provided by letters to and from counterparties, commercial offers, presentations, preliminary agreements, transcripts).

In cases stipulated by law (and determined by local regulations of the enterprise) documentation can be transferred to other persons, archived, removed, destroyed. All these procedures require accounting.

Why do you need software: for the same systematization and automation - produced in this case in relation to documents and archival records.

Is it possible to do without software: yes, but the appropriate systematization and manual automation will take much more time.

  1. Accounting for personalized data.

It can be data:

  • about employees;
  • about counterparties;
  • about customers (for example, as information used to identify a person as a discount card holder).

Why do you need software:

  • systematization and automation of the circulation of permits for the processing of personalized data (the main document here is consent to the processing of data, which is issued by their carrier);
  • ensuring the protection of personal data (including in order to comply with legal requirements).

Is it possible to do without software: in many cases, yes, but only if the volume of permits for the processing of personalized data is small in terms of the labor costs of the store owner to manually record such documentation. At the same time, manual registers, most likely, will be significantly inferior to automatic registers in terms of the speed of obtaining access for one or another interested person to the necessary permissions.

If the processing of personal data of employees is expected, then the procedure for controlling permits will obviously be related to personnel records. When choosing and configuring software, this nuance must be taken into account.

It will be obvious that it is undesirable to refuse to use software to protect personal data. The consequences of their leakage can be much more serious for the enterprise in financial terms than the costs of installing such software.

Essentially similar types of software can be used by an enterprise in a situation where it is required to keep a trade secret. The firm can use programs to organize "secret" documents, as well as to protect them from unauthorized access.

  1. Analytical procedures.

Their nature can be varied. The objects for analytics are most often:

  • indicators of revenue, profit, expenses;
  • employee performance indicators;
  • goods turnover indicators.

Why you need software: the analysis of indicators is based on software algorithms implemented in specialized analytical solutions.

Is it possible to do without software: in terms of achieving the results of an analysis carried out in accordance with special algorithms - no.

The fact is that these algorithms, as a rule, are practically impossible to reproduce manually due to the complexity of the calculations. In addition, the visualization of analytics results - in the form of graphs, diagrams and textual explanations - is also problematic to produce using improvised methods.

  1. Integration procedures.

So, the store can integrate:

  • with your site - as a showcase or a catalog of goods;
  • with a bank account;
  • with other chain stores;
  • with infrastructure;
  • with infrastructure for remote sales management.

It is possible to combine these areas for integration and various accounting procedures. For example, when payment for goods is made on the site, then information about this should fall into the tax and accounting registers, and the proceeds represented by such payment should be fiscalized at the checkout.

Software role: irreplaceable. These integration procedures and most of them are almost always carried out using specialized software.

So are programs for retail needed or not?

Thus, on the one hand, when performing most of the procedures we have discussed above, which characterize the organization of the store, you can do without the use of software. On the other hand, it is practically counterproductive in modern business. Manual accounting of trade and cash transactions, manual accounting and tax accounting will require a huge amount of time and labor from the owner of a trading enterprise - in fact, he will only have to deal with such red tape, instead of paying attention to the business itself.

There is an alternative - to hire a person or several people for "manual" accounting. And it was precisely this option that was practiced in those days when the computerization trend had not yet affected retail: the procedures we considered were relevant for organizing the work of the store even then, and they had to be implemented. However, even the most qualified and experienced worker, firstly, will process documents slower than a machine, and secondly, he may make unintentional errors in his work. With the current speed of business processes, such scenarios significantly reduce the competitiveness of a trade enterprise in the market.

It turns out that in modern conditions the use of software for a retail store is an indispensable condition for compliance with the level of technological development of the segment. It is becoming more and more dynamic, requiring more and more effective "systematization and automation" of various procedures carried out in the course of supporting the activities of a trading enterprise.

Let's consider what specific types of software a modern trading enterprise can use - having agreed that we will talk about a small or medium-sized retail store. Large network retailers, as a rule, can afford, in principle, the most expensive and effective solutions - including those developed for the individual needs of the company (and therefore not placed on the open market). We will study the main categories of software products for retail and get acquainted with popular solutions that are available to any interested entrepreneur.

What types of retail programs can be used

The software with which a retailer can perform the procedures we have discussed above can be implemented in a variety of configurations.

Very conditionally, they can be divided into the following varieties:

  1. "Minimal" configuration- one that allows you to meet the most basic criteria for competitiveness in the market (that is, when practically none of the stores in a more or less large settlement uses a smaller volume and functionality of the software).
  1. Balanced Configuration- the one that is common in most modern retail outlets and can be considered typical for the segment.
  1. Perspective configuration- the one that is designed to prepare the store for the subsequent expansion of retail space, assortment, possibly - for the expansion of the brand across the network.

Within each configuration, solutions suitable for its properties are selected. Their purpose may be different, but in any case, a trading company must have:

  • cash register software;
  • inventory software;
  • programs for accounting and tax accounting.

In turn, all types of solutions can be divided into:

  • into complex - equally well adapted to any segments of activity (or lines of activity within one segment);
  • into specialized ones - those that are adapted to a specific segment (type of activity within the segment.

Let's consider what kind of software solutions can be applied by a small trading enterprise - in relation to the types of software configurations for the store listed above.

Choosing software for the store: an overview of free and paid options

"Minimal" configuration

Within the framework of the "minimal" configuration, the enterprise may limit itself to using:

  1. Software for accounting and tax accounting, which is represented by free entry-level solutions.

These solutions include the following programs:

  • "Business Pack" (LINK);
  • "Info-Accountant" in the free version (LINK).

Note that the last program in the list also has the functionality:

  • for commodity accounting;
  • to automate the workplace of an employee at the checkout.

Thus, when using Info-Accounting, the store does not have to worry about finding alternative inventory and cash register programs. Accordingly, the next two points for an enterprise using this program will be of secondary importance.

  1. Free accounting software.

Examples of such solutions:

  • free version of Cloudshop cloud platform (LINK);
  • shareware program Subtotal (LINK);
  • free version of the Light-Accounting program (LINK);
  • "Trading warehouse" module of the "Info-Enterprise" program in the free version (LINK).

In turn, we note that the Info-Enterprise software also includes full-fledged modules for accounting. If you use them, then the company, in turn, will not need to use third-party ones.

  1. Cashier software:
  • offered by the default online checkout provider;
  • implemented at the level of software used for accounting, tax and warehouse accounting (it is important that the corresponding cash register software be compatible with specific cash register models that are used in a trade organization - you need to look at the description of the programs in detail and consult with the developers).

If the accounting, tax or warehouse software used, in turn, does not have modules for accounting for fiscal transactions, then you need to make sure that this software is adapted for integration with factory cash programs (and vice versa). Otherwise, you will have to enter information about fiscal transactions into the accounting modules manually, which will unnecessarily slow down your work.

Balanced Configuration

As part of a balanced configuration, the store can install specialized software for accounting and tax accounting, which is represented by free solutions with an extended set of functions or paid solutions with functionality that meets the needs of a small or medium-sized retail enterprise.

As a rule, this functionality includes both the cash register and commodity accounting. There is no need, as well as special sense - to install separate modules for accounting and cash registers. On the contrary, the more they are integrated, the faster and more efficiently the process of applying each of them will go.

Thus, we will consider complexity as the main criterion for choosing a balanced configuration - when both accounting and cash functionality that meets the needs of the business is implemented on a common platform. As a rule, it makes no sense for a small and even medium-sized store to go far beyond its scope and look for alternative highly specialized solutions.

Among the examples of free software for accounting and tax accounting with extended functionality, it is legitimate to include just those free versions of products under the brands "Info-Accountant" and "Info-Enterprise". In fact, they allow the retailer to "test" the automation of key areas of the production process - and prepare the store for the implementation of professional accounting solutions on a commercial basis. The implementation of such solutions within the same line with free products can significantly reduce the time spent by the enterprise and associated financial costs. At the user level, no significant changes are expected at all: the person responsible for accounting will simply begin to use an extended set of functions of familiar software.

So, the first option for implementing a balanced software configuration for a retail store is to purchase products from the Info-Accountant or Info-Enterprise line, which include accounting and cash functionality that fully meets the needs of a small or medium-sized trade enterprise. Alternatively, this purchase may be preceded by the use of free versions for such programs.

An alternative may be one or another cloud scheme for using software with similar functionality.

Among the most universal solutions - in terms of supporting accounting and cash functionality, is the My Business product (LINK). Its capabilities also meet the needs of small and medium enterprises in terms of accounting and fiscalization.

The key advantages of the MoeDelo platform are the ability to use specialized solutions for retail, warehouse, online stores, as well as the ability to receive qualified expert assistance when using a cloud-based software solution.

Perspective configuration

As part of the choice of a promising configuration, complexity, as in the case of a balanced scheme, can also be a priority. But this is not always the case - because with a growing business, the private needs of an economic entity for a certain functionality of the software in certain areas of its application come to the fore. Of course, many complex technological platforms are ready to satisfy a significant part of such needs by default. But it is possible that, for example, it will be more comfortable for an enterprise to conduct accounting and tax accounting in one program, and commodity and cash accounting - using third-party solutions.

There is a risk of making a mistake with the correct prioritization if, at the time of making a decision to implement software in a “promising” configuration (which, as a rule, involves a significant amount of investment in software products), the store does not yet know what is better for it - “complexity” or "distribution" of functions. But in order to minimize the risk, the store can acquire a certain software core - around which the necessary components of the accounting and cash infrastructure can be built - both included with such a core in the general complex, and independent, but adapted to integrate with this core in the prescribed manner.

There are not so many corresponding software cores on the Russian market, and all of them are generally well-known. Among them:

  1. Solutions from the brand 1C.

The undeniably leading platform for complex purposes is 1C. Many businesses focus on it in the first place - as one of the most functional and versatile, and therefore the best suited for implementing software in the store as part of a promising configuration.

As part of the product line under the 1C brand, the 1C:Enterprise platform can be called one of the most versatile solutions. Its main feature is the ability to fine-tune the functionality by programming it using special built-in language tools. Thus, the program can be adapted to meet the needs of a trading enterprise of almost any scale - in terms of solving problems related to accounting and cash procedures and not only.

There is also a well-known program 1C: Accounting - a more highly specialized solution designed to automate, in fact, accounting and tax accounting. Also refers to the number of programs without a fixed configuration - that is, it can be programmed to the needs of a particular enterprise.

Various configurations can be implemented on the 1C:Enterprise platform - adapting it to the specifics of a particular segment of economic activity. As for the retail store, the Trade and Warehouse configuration is best suited for it. Its most notable features include:

  • the possibility of keeping records for several business entities at once;
  • the possibility of accounting for several warehouses (and within each warehouse);
  • the ability to build a flexible pricing policy for goods.

The functions and advantages of the "Trade and Warehouse" configuration for 1C can be listed for a long time.

It can be noted that products under the 1C brand are supplied in 3 main modifications:

  • single user;
  • multi-user;
  • network (PROF versions).

The larger the economic entity, the higher its need for more expensive modifications of products from 1C. For a small retail store, a single-user version is suitable, a large chain supermarket should focus on the PRO version.

All 1C products, as we already know, can be configured to the needs of the end user using a special programming language. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that this language is comparable in complexity to software development languages ​​at a professional level, and therefore an ordinary user without special training as part of a fairly long course will not be able to fully use the options provided by the program for configuring the product. Therefore, to finalize the 1C platform to the required characteristics, you will have to contact developers with the necessary competencies. But if the user managed to learn the 1C development language, then later he will be able to configure any products related to the 1C line without much difficulty.

  1. Solutions from the BukhSoft brand.

In turn, they are delivered as finished products - without the possibility of configuration. But these solutions are characterized by an exceptional degree of functionality and versatility: in most cases, the user simply does not need to modify them.

Traders can pay attention to the following products:

  • BukhSoft: Enterprise;
  • BukhSoft: Trade.

The first product can be classified as complex. It is suitable for all types of business entities - including trade organizations. The developer claims that the product provides automation of "all areas of accounting and reporting" (including personnel records - for which a special block of the program - "Salary and Personnel" is responsible). The BukhSoft program: The enterprise is issued in the form of a distribution kit and in the form of a cloud version - the use of which is carried out through a browser.

The solution is positioned as one of the most "automatic": it is assumed that without the participation of the user (or with minimal participation), the following procedures will be carried out at the enterprise:

  • formation of accounting entries;
  • tax accounting (including tax calculation);
  • reporting (in fact, the user's actions will be reduced to their approval - since the documentation is generated automatically).

The user also receives:

  • the ability to integrate accounting modules with the Client-Bank system (and receive data from a current account);
  • free and regular program updates;
  • the ability to write credentials to the archive (as an option - for subsequent transportation on a USB-drive or for sending by mail);
  • free service and technical support.

By purchasing the distribution kit of the program (or paying for access to it through a cloud server), the user will be able to provide access to it from any computer on the local network.

The second program - BukhSoft: Trade, according to the main features - is specialized. It is ideal for commercial use. It is also available as a distribution kit and as a cloud product. Has functionality:

  • for integration with online cash registers;
  • for quick filling of primary documents based on the data read by the barcode of the goods;
  • to download the product database into Excel;
  • for data exchange in the EGAIS system;
  • for pricing in accordance with established criteria;
  • to record orders;
  • for stock control.

It can be noted that in terms of integration with online cash registers, the program can ensure the use of one fiscal registrar at several cash desks at the same time. At the same time, information on transactions at each cash register is reflected in accounting registers.

  1. Solutions under the Info-Accountant brand familiar to us - in a commercial version.

This developer offers different types of products: among them, in fact, you can find both those that have a fixed configuration and those that can be significantly changed by the user to suit their own needs.

So, the solution Info-Accountant 10: Accounting can be attributed to the number of programs with a fixed configuration, and the product Info-Accountant 10: Trade and warehouse accounting can be classified as software with a partially fixed configuration. The second solution allows the user, in particular, to customize the appearance of the program, conveniently arrange the tools used on it, set the necessary parameters for reports and logs.

  1. Programs related to the Turbo Accountant and Turbo 9 lines (published by the DIC - Dolgoprudnensky Research Center).

Note that the Turbo 9 line is more innovative. In fact, it has replaced the traditional Turbo Accountant platform (at the same time, it remains possible to buy distribution kits of the traditional platform by contacting the DIC directly).

The programs of the Turbo-Accountant line are classified into 3 main modifications:

  • "Basic";
  • "Prof";
  • "Network".

They are designed to meet the needs of, respectively, start-up enterprises, developed small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large network trade brands. The functionality of the program allows you to solve problems that are mainly related to the automation of accounting and tax accounting. For warehouse accounting, it makes sense to purchase more highly specialized products from the DIC - they already belong to a different line, Turbo 9.

It is noteworthy that the manufacturer positions the products belonging to this line as developed without any foreign participation - and therefore suitable for state and other enterprises that cannot use software of foreign origin (such a ban may be due, for example, to the import substitution policy in one or other industry).

A merchant may benefit from the following Turbo 9 branded solutions:

  • universal program Turbo 9 Accounting - for complex automation of accounting at the enterprise in any segment;
  • Turbo 9 Trade program - designed to automate, first of all, warehouse accounting.

On the basis of the Turbo 9 platform, solutions from third-party software vendors can also be developed - but so far among them there have not appeared those that can be unmistakably called specialized in relation to the retail segment.

  1. Solutions under the BEST brand.

The main product produced by this brand is the BEST-5 program. It belongs to the number of complex software solutions for accounting - since it affects almost all of its varieties that are relevant for a modern enterprise (including in the retail segment).

The main advantages of the BEST-5 solution include:

a) suitability for recording business transactions on the basis of related documents (none of the transactions are recorded just like that - without an obvious connection with other production procedures);

b) adaptability to configuration within two modes:

  • custom - in which the program is configured within the framework of standardized algorithms that do not require professional qualifications in the field of programming;
  • using the development environment - which, in turn, configures the program for the needs of the enterprise through the use of internal language tools.

Own development environment, available to the buyer of BEST-5 software, allows you to write the necessary functional blocks of the program, actually from scratch - of course, if you have the necessary qualifications in terms of knowledge of the languages ​​that are used within this environment.

So, we've explored what the software for a retail store can be, which is necessary for the implementation of key accounting and cash procedures. At the same time, as we already know, a trading company needs computerization also in terms of:

  • personnel management;
  • processing of personal data;
  • organization of document circulation;
  • integration with external platforms;
  • analytical work.

Let's consider what software products related to the indicated areas of activity within the framework of organizing the work of the store, you can pay attention to - again, a small or medium-sized enterprise.

Personnel management

Software solutions for personnel accounting, like the above classification of software for accounting, tax, warehouse and cash accounting, we can classify:

  1. For free - optimal for a novice entrepreneur.

Some of the most popular programs of this type include:

  • free version of the HR Plus program (LINK);
  • free version of the Enterprise Employees software (LINK);
  • demo version of Crocotime cloud solution (LINK).
  1. On paid - optimal for a developing small or medium-sized commercial enterprise.

Here you can not invent anything original - just get more functional paid versions of the programs listed above. A store owner who already has experience in using the basic functions of the HR software in the free version will be able to continue using the full edition of the program without any problems.

  1. For paid ones - optimal for a trading enterprise seeking to grow into a large business.

Here you can pay attention to the following well-known products:

  • 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 (LINK);
  • Contour-Personnel (LINK);
  • Personnel management: Personnel accounting - from the company "Compass" (LINK).

Work with personnel is closely connected with the circulation of personal data. The respective business line of the merchant - not only as an employer, but also as an entity that processes personal data on a regular basis (probably most often when interacting with customers) - can also be improved with the help of software tools.

Processing of personal data

The personal data collected by the store (for example, when registering the procedure for returning goods, such data will be the full name and passport number of the buyer, which he indicates in the application), are subject to:

  • non-disclosure;
  • protection against unauthorized access.

The first condition is ensured mainly by organizational and legal mechanisms. For example, employees of a retail store that process the personal data of customers may enter into a non-disclosure agreement for such data. at a trading enterprise may be regulated by separate local regulations.

Ensuring the second condition will already require the use of various automation tools. Customer data is somehow entered into a computer and then stored for later use. The same can be said about registers for maintaining permits for the processing of personal data.

The systematization of permits, as a rule, does not require the use of complex and expensive software. In the general case, the case is limited to the use of a fairly simple in structure Personal Data Log (LINK). It can be electronically maintained as a regular Word file or in Excel.

Another thing is to ensure the protection of the Journal, as well as, in fact, personal data that is used by a retail store for various purposes. Which personal data protection tool a merchant should use depends on various factors. One of the main ones is a potential source of threat to the security of personal data, which is typical for the environment in which such data is circulated. Examples of such environments:

  • corporate network - and to protect it, you can use programs like Traffic Inspector (LINK);
  • offline media - flash drives, disks;
  • Internet (web, e-mail, instant messengers).

To protect data from threats that are typical for offline media and the Internet, there is no alternative to using anti-virus programs - Kaspersky, NOD32, DrWEB, Avast and their analogues. At the same time, specifically for the protection of personal data, an antivirus certified by the FSTEC should be used.

Document flow

First of all, it should be noted that document management as a procedure can be part of various accounting procedures. In particular, a significant part of legally significant data sources (for example, it can be contracts between an enterprise and counterparties) forms primary documentation - which is used in accounting.

The optimal solution is selected based on the scale and real needs of the business. At the same time, such a need is extremely difficult to model - it is revealed in practice, taking into account the intensity and content of the documents used in the enterprise.

Again, it makes sense to take into account the fact that the transition from a free to a paid version of the same program is the least problematic procedure for “transforming” a workflow system to a more complex level. Therefore, if a merchant plans to expand, then it makes sense to start using software with the potential for rapid deployment to the functionality of a commercial version. This will improve the workflow infrastructure without significant changes in the existing order of its application.


The integration of a store with external platforms can be carried out according to a variety of scenarios - which obviously depend on the purpose and specifics of these platforms. And here it is even more difficult to model any patterns than in the case of workflow: if, with a special desire, you can select at least lists of documentation typical for an enterprise, then in terms of integration, the list of possible external platforms, in principle, cannot have strict restrictions.

Therefore, in terms of integration, we confine ourselves to some general formulations - in general, relevant for most of its areas. So, it can be noted that the integration of the store with various external platforms:

  1. Should be evaluated primarily in terms of the compatibility of the functionality of these platforms with the infrastructure of the store - and not vice versa.

You should not purchase integration solutions without making sure that they really fit the hardware and software objects of the current trading infrastructure.

  1. It should take into account not only the priorities of the user - in the face of the store owner, but also the requirements of the law.

So, for example, in terms of integrating the offline cash infrastructure and the site of the store where the sale is carried out, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ in terms of ensuring the established duration of the use of the fiscal accumulator. Offline and online sales may be subject to different taxation systems. With DOS, you can use the drive for 13 months, with special mode - for 36. It is important that the drive purchased for DOS is not mistakenly used in special mode.

In addition, the procedures for ensuring the compliance of the store with the requirements of personal data legislation can be carried out in different ways - offline and online. Therefore, when integrating two sales channels, it is necessary to work out both of them in order to fulfill the procedures provided for by Law No. 152.


Almost the same - in terms of the theses about the absence of basic scenarios under which the spectrum of tasks solved at a trading enterprise could be modeled, can be said about the software for analytics. You can, of course, talk mainly about sales analytics - as it is likely to be the most in demand in terms of evaluating the effectiveness of a retail store. And in this case, it makes sense for its owner to pay attention to such products as, for example:

There are solutions of a different specialization - for example, the CoMagic platform, which analyzes the effectiveness of advertising (LINK). There are programs for cost effectiveness analysis in an enterprise - such as SmallData (LINK).

The range of potentially useful analytics solutions for a trading enterprise can be extremely wide. And when choosing a particular one, it makes sense to focus on the following criteria:

  1. The degree of coverage of target indicators by the tools that are implemented in the analytics program.

If the target indicator is the number of repeat purchases or, for example, the conversion of cold calls, then it should be provided in the analytical module.

  1. Availability of interpretation of analytics results.

The program should not be limited to the issuance of beautiful graphs and diagrams - explanations on them are also needed. Very well - if they are issued not by "machine text", but by a person - as an option, a consultant partner of the developer of the analytics program.

  1. Technological compatibility of the analytics system and the current accounting infrastructure of the trade enterprise.

So, many analytics programs require the indispensable identification of the client - for example, to include his profile in the algorithm for analyzing consumer behavior. But on the side of the store, there may simply not be the necessary tools for such identification: you will have to acquire them (the role of such tools can be played by discount cards, personalized promotional codes).

Also, some platforms involve the analysis of business indicators using only "permitted" data exchange channels. For example, in which correspondence with the buyer is made only in a corporate chat, and a call is made only through a special call center server. Here, the store will also have to ensure the necessary technological compatibility with the analytics program.


So, software for a modern store can be presented in an exceptionally wide range of varieties. The main argument in favor of its use is to maintain competitiveness in the market. The use of various accounting automation tools, sales analytics, integration of trade infrastructure with external platforms is becoming the norm for modern business. Similar procedures performed manually will be slower and with regular errors.

When choosing software for retail, first of all, the scale of the business matters. For small businesses, leading providers of such software offer free solutions that are as close to commercial as possible in terms of functionality. Such solutions can be a "starting point" in the implementation of inventory accounting infrastructure based on basic principles, but at the same time with good potential for its subsequent improvement through the purchase of a commercial version of accounting software.

When choosing any type of software - accounting, analytical or designed to integrate inventory accounting infrastructure with various external platforms, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with the current business model of a trading enterprise - both in the organizational and technological part. It should not happen that expensive software will not be fully utilized just because the store does not perform the accounting procedures necessary for the use of such software (or does not collect the required data - if, for example, we are talking about analytics).

The store owner needs to be prepared for the fact that he will be able to evaluate the real effectiveness of the software implementation only after acquiring sufficient experience in using the relevant products. And in practice, it may turn out that a certain solution is not very optimal for a particular enterprise. In turn, an alternative to it from among competing products may turn out to be the most effective and useful in practice.

Which one is suitable and what tariffs of mobile operators you can pay attention to.

Even small shops use terminals for accepting bank card payments.

How is the cash register re-registered at a new address or for other reasons.

Video - software for a retail store based on 1C:

Appoint category managers. Manage your assortment with a separate directory of product categories. Create and analyze assortment matrices. Create item statuses, specify and control the planned and actual assortment depth, set an unlimited number of price ranges and associate them with product categories.

Optimize your inventory

Get data on purchases, sales, balances of goods in warehouses, turnover of goods. Form a centralized order. Analyze supplier service.

ABM Retail will provide control in the field of inventory management and help you:

  • reduce the dependence of capital on reserves
  • reduce inventory levels by up to 35%
  • reduce workload through automation: restocking can be done automatically or manually
  • avoid excess.

Manage pricing

Set up retail price calculation rules and set selling prices for goods, maintain supplier specifications and control delivery prices. Customize and print price tags and labels. Control the price of the price tag and receipt. Monitor and analyze competitor prices.

Manage production

Increase production efficiency with: planning, order calculation for production, selection of materials. Make accounting of the use of raw materials in production transparent, using technological maps (specifications for production). Keep records of cutting, cooking, defrosting and dismantling of finished products.

Reflect all the necessary operations for working with raw materials and finished products in the production module: shop management, shipment of finished products to retail outlets, reflection of inventory results at production units, write-off and posting of items for production purposes.

Increase sales opportunities, attract customers

Get information about sales of goods, the cost of goods sold, as well as indicators of profit and realized trade margin in real time.

ABM Retail supports and optimizes your sales and marketing strategies aimed at attracting new customers and retaining existing ones through:

  • loyalty module
  • promotional offers
  • analysis of sales and balances
  • detailed check reporting

Manage your warehouse

Carry out posting, write-off, inventory, perform re-grading of goods. Work with negative balances. Use TSD offline and online to record receiving operations, move goods, conduct inventories, print price tags, and check price and balance on the trading floor.

Manage cash and settlements with suppliers

Set up the conditions for receiving marketing payments (retro bonuses) of the supplier and automatically generate certificates of completion. Pay for the goods received on time according to the payment schedule, taking into account payment deferrals. Maintain multi-company records and conduct internal resales. Exclude internal resales from the company's financial result.

Manage personnel and keep records of working hours

Maintain personnel records of employees using the Personnel Order. You can hire, rotate internally, and fire employees.

Use interactive analytics

Now data analysis will be a real pleasure. You can use the following reports: KPI indicators of the company, sales by outlets, sales by product groups, customer report, ABC analysis, payment of checks, brand sales, supplier statistics - and make the right decisions.

Exchange with external systems

Upload primary documents 1C: Accounting. Exchange documents with suppliers via EDI

It is still possible to take into account sales in a small kiosk using a notepad, but as the business expands, this method of accounting begins to generate many problems:

  • accumulation of residues of slow-moving goods;
  • lack of time to adjust sales prices when the purchase price changes;
  • losses due to the difficulty of controlling product expiration dates;
  • the occurrence of incomprehensible shortages and surpluses during the inventory;
  • untimely purchases of running out of goods;
  • the need for the owner to be constantly at the outlet when receiving a new product;
  • lack of convenient analytics for daily sales;
  • the complexity of accounting for the movement of goods between structural divisions;
  • spending a lot of time on receiving goods during the day;
  • the need to manually enter the names of the supplied goods.

More and more entrepreneurs faced with such problems decide to automate trade accounting. But how to choose the right warehouse program if you are faced with this for the first time? Most of the offers are paid and there is a risk of wasting money by choosing a program that is not suitable for your business.

We decided to help entrepreneurs understand the specifics of the popular ones by writing this article. It will cover the following hot topics:

  • types of accounting programs, and how they differ from each other;
  • N important criteria when choosing a program;
  • functionality of popular Russian programs in accordance with the proposed criteria;
  • rating of warehouse accounting programs.

After reading the article, you can easily decide on the choice of a warehouse accounting program that will best suit the type of business and help solve most of the tasks facing the manager.

Compiling a list of the most popular programs

There are dozens of programs on the Internet that allow entrepreneurs to keep records in retail, but most of them are “raw” or of little functionality. So how do you shortlist the best apps?

The red line of the shortlist can be the maximum acceptable monthly subscription fee

We have undertaken the task of compiling such a list. The resulting rating consists of nine warehouse accounting programs:

  • "EKAM";
  • "My Warehouse";
  • "";
  • Litebox;
  • qasl;
  • cloud shop;
  • "Circuit";
  • "1C: Trade and Warehouse".

After compiling a list of suitable programs, an entrepreneur faces a difficult question: by what criteria should they be evaluated? This will be discussed in the next section.

Important features of warehouse accounting programs that you need to consider when choosing

Businessmen do not like to invest in a pig in a poke. But having bought a random accounting program for a warehouse, there is a risk that it:

  • inconvenient for development;
  • does not support work with the equipment available in the warehouse;
  • prone to frequent freezing;
  • does not contain critical functionality;
  • does not have 24/7 support
  • reveals sufficient opportunities only at the maximum rate.

To avoid these problems, screening out programs that are not suitable for your business at the stage of their selection will help. Let's see how applications can differ.

The following are the criteria for choosing accounting programs that an entrepreneur needs to consider:

  1. List of supported operations. Some people just need to know income/expenditure, while for someone additionally price accounting and sales analytics are important.
  2. The cost of implementation and maintenance. It makes no sense to delve into the inventory management program overview in detail if the entrepreneur is not willing to pay the minimum monthly payment.
  3. Availability of additional optional modules (CMS, accounting, logistics). When planning a discount system, a CMS is essential.
  4. Networking capabilities. For example, for space-distributed warehouses, only a cloud-based warehouse accounting program will be relevant.
  5. Ease of development. A new employee should master the main features of the program in a few hours.
  6. Work stability. The program should not freeze and restart, because this can lead to the loss of the last entered data.
  7. Availability of a fully functional demo version. It is much easier to choose a program by downloading its full-featured version and trying out the possibilities
  8. An open API that allows you to modify the program for the individual needs of the client.
  9. Convenient interface. Switching between menus during operation should take the staff a minimum of time.


It is one of the leaders in the Russian market in its niche and occupies high positions in the ratings. To register with EKAM, enter your email below and try all the features of the system for free.

The interface of the warehouse accounting program "EKAM"

The program works through the "cloud" and is intended for the integrated automation of small and medium-sized businesses in the field of trade and services. allows you to automate the following operations:

  • inventory control;
  • sales;
  • purchases;
  • management reporting;
  • creation of loyalty and discount programs;
  • receiving and fulfilling orders in cafes and restaurants;
  • money movement.

Also, the warehouse accounting program "EKAM" is integrated with accounting applications, simplifying the preparation of tax reporting.

Advantages of the EKAM cloud service:

  1. Operative and accurate control over warehouse balances.
  2. Automatic setting of the sales price based on the specified margin.
  3. Convenient and fast stocktaking.
  4. Intelligent procurement system.
  5. Remote work with the program.
  6. A wide variety of customizable analytical, financial, commodity and management reports.
  7. Possibility of simultaneous accounting of goods in several structural divisions.
  8. Loading suppliers' prices into the program, which facilitates the creation of the nomenclature.
  9. Multiplatform: the program can be used on computers through a browser and on mobile gadgets through a special application.
  10. Small business-friendly pricing plans.
  11. A friendly, understandable interface that allows you to independently configure the program and quickly train new employees to work with the program.
  12. The presence of a practical client base module with the ability to link discount cards.
  13. Automatic transfer of sales data to 1C.
  14. High work stability
  15. Open API for customization to customer requirements.

Cons of "EKAM":

  1. There is no delivery management functionality.
  2. There is no calendar block and tasks.

Tariff plans of the EKAM warehouse accounting program

One of the advantages of EKAM is prompt and professional technical support. Its specialists solve the problem both with hints and with the help of a remote connection to the user's computer.

EKAM is set up by the company's employees. After that, entrepreneurs can enjoy all the benefits of the application.

« My Warehouse »

Rating of the cloud warehouse accounting program « MySklad” among businessmen is quite high. This is due to the stability of the application and the sufficiency of its functions for small entrepreneurs.

The interface of the warehouse accounting program "MySklad"

In addition, the application developers did not limit themselves to trading support and added production operations to the functionality.

Advantages of the "My Warehouse" program:

  1. Wide functionality suitable for retail, wholesale, catering and small industries.
  2. Support for discount cards, creation of a client base, formation of a sales funnel.
  3. Stable work.
  4. Friendly interface and ease of learning the program for new employees.
  5. The presence of a demo version with full functionality.
  6. Multiplatform: the program can be used on Windows, macOS, Android, Linux, iOS.
  7. Open API.

Cons of "MySklad":

  1. Lack of templates for sales.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program "MySklad"

It can be said that the MySklad program was created for small stores and companies, and representatives of larger businesses are also acquiring it. But the developers are in no hurry to take into account the wishes and comments of customers, which leads to dissatisfaction with technical support and the program as a whole.


The cloud warehouse accounting program has been distributed since 2011, so its functionality is wider than that of most competitors. The application can be used in retail, in the provision of services, in wholesale, in the sale of goods through an online store.

"" allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Inventory control.
  2. Sale through online cash desks.
  3. Formation of loyalty programs.
  4. Setting up the rights of the cashier.
  5. Integration with 1C.
  6. Sales analysis.
  7. Banking control.
  8. Mass mailings by Email and SMS.
  9. Calendar and tasks.

Despite the wide functionality, the application has both positive and negative sides.

Program advantages:

  1. The widest functionality suitable for retail and network business.
  2. Having a loyalty program.
  3. High work stability.
  4. Convenient interface.
  5. Demo version available.
  6. Detailed video instructions on the site.
  7. Multiplatform, the program can be used both on computers and on mobile gadgets.
  8. Open API.

Cons "":

  1. Lack of 24/7 support.
  2. The cost of the monthly subscription is higher than the market average.
  3. Limited space in the "cloud" for information placement.
  4. Difficulty learning new employees.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program ""

The developers of the application had enough time to adjust the program to the needs of small businesses. Therefore, this application occupies a rather high place in the ranking of warehouse accounting programs.


The LiteBox cloud service is designed for trade and financial accounting by small businesses. The functionality of the program is represented by six areas:

  1. Trade management
  2. Inventory control.
  3. Analytical reports.
  4. Procurement management.
  5. Documentation.
  6. Marketing tools.

In fact, the LiteBox accounting program has a typical functionality for its class: it allows you to trade and analyze sales.

The software base is located in the cloud, which allows you to work with it anywhere where there is an Internet connection.

The advantages of LiteBox include:

  1. Multiplatform: the program can be used on a computer, tablet, laptop.
  2. Affordable pricing plans for small businesses, including a fairly functional free plan.
  3. The presence of a fully functional demo version that allows 14 days to use all the features of the program.
  4. Extended functionality for sellers of alcoholic products.
  5. Availability of 24/7 technical support phone.
  6. Functional warehouse accounting, including, among other things, the reservation of goods and the movement of goods and materials between stores and warehouses.
  7. Support for the formation of primary accounting documentation (form TORG-12, TORG-16 and others).
  8. Cloud data is backed up in modern data centers with Tier3 security certification.
  9. The possibility of renting an online cash register.

Cons of LiteBox:

  1. Confusing interface that requires learning and long getting used to.
  2. The complexity of the initial self-configuration of the program.
  3. Support for individual discount cards is not supported by the presence of a customer base. Cards are not linked to full name or phone number.
  4. The impossibility of adding arbitrary characteristics in the product card.
  5. Lack of support for the Mac OS family.

Based on the analysis of the functionality of the LiteBox program, we can say that it is worthy of the attention of entrepreneurs working in the trading field. But the application lacks many important elements (a full-fledged client base, a clear interface, etc.), so developers still need to create and change a lot to achieve market leadership.


The Subtotal warehouse management program entered the market not so long ago, is at the stage of active development, therefore it occupies an average position in the rating. The application is a typical cloud service for organizing sales at retail outlets.

Subtotal is focused mainly on trade; this program is not suitable for services.

Benefits of Subtotal:

  1. Detailed sales analytics by product groups, cashiers, customers and other categories.
  2. Available tariff plans.
  3. Intuitive interface, easy training of employees.
  4. Integration with 1C and "My business".
  5. It is possible to form a customer base and a loyalty system.
  6. Open API.
  7. Availability of a demo version

Cons of Subtotal:

  1. No support for discount cards.
  2. Maintenance work on the site is often carried out during the daytime, which negatively affects the stability of the program.
  3. No 24/7 support.
  4. The program does not work in the absence of the Internet.

Thus, Subtotal is a program with good functionality, but technical problems scare away many customers even at the stage of application testing.


In 2017, the Qasl trade automation service acquired an important strategic investor - the manufacturer of cash registers ATOL. Shortly after the deal, Qasl presented a "boxed" solution for retail and catering, which was sold as a bundle with the ATOL Sigma 10 smart terminal.

As for the provision of services, the extended functionality for this area is still under development.

Advantages of the Qasl warehouse management program:

  1. Automatic transfer of sales data to 1C, and vice versa, transfer of information about goods from 1C to the Qasl cloud database.
  2. The presence of detailed video and photo instructions for working with each menu of the program.
  3. Annual service rates are below the market average.
  4. Drawing up technological maps for public catering.
  5. A simple, intuitive interface that allows you to quickly train new employees to work with the program.
  6. A full-fledged client database module with the ability to link discount cards.
  7. The presence of a trial version with a free two-week period.
  8. Connection of several shops and warehouses.

Cons of the Qasl program:

  1. Warehouse functionality is not available at the lowest rate, although these functions are basic for each store.
  2. Lack of support for sales through online stores.
  3. Work on the computer only through the browser.
  4. The program maximizes its capabilities only with the online cash register of the ATOL manufacturer, although it supports devices from other companies.
  5. ATOL Sigma 10 only works with Qasl software.
  6. There are no functions of goods reservation, delivery management.
  7. Impossibility of email-mailings.
  8. No phone support.

The Qasl retail program is just starting to take over the market, so it tries to attract customers with low rates and good functionality. The main problem for users is that integration with 1C, support for loyalty programs, warehouse functionality are available only in expensive tariff plans. In addition, users still have a lot of complaints about the work of the technical support service.

cloud shop

The CloudShop program is designed for online accounting of retail sales. The application provides support for the following basic operations:

  • sale and return of goods;
  • purchase;
  • loading nomenclature from tabular files;
  • import and export of bases of suppliers and buyers;
  • registration of income and expenditure of money;
  • setting up discounts;
  • sales statistics and analytics;
  • connection of an online cash register, a barcode scanner and an online store.

The CloudShop application is universal, not oriented to national legislation, therefore it is used by users in many countries.

Program advantages:

  1. Multiplatform: the program can be used both on computers and on mobile gadgets.
  2. Connecting an online store.
  3. Friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to carry out the initial setup of the program yourself.
  4. Affordable pricing plans for small businesses.
  5. Availability of a convenient client base module.
  6. The presence of a fully functional demo version that allows 14 days to use all the features of the program.
  7. Connection of several shops and warehouses.

Cons of the program:

  1. Only a limited list of models of cash equipment is connected to the program.
  2. Lack of telephone support, which significantly complicates the solution of technical problems.
  3. The base rate is useless, as it involves the introduction of only one supplier and one buyer into the base.
  4. Lack of analytics for cashiers and assortment groups.
  5. There is no possibility of finalizing programs for a specific client.

In general, the CloudShop program can be recommended to small stores that operate on a simple buy-sell scheme. If we talk about restaurants, the need to customize the program, sales on order, then in such cases the capabilities of the application will no longer be enough.


The product for trade automation of the Kontur company is a whole set of accounting programs. The basic application is "Contour Accounting", which interacts with the online cash register through the software "Contour Market". To send check data to the OFD, the program "Kontur OFD" is additionally used.

The interface of the warehouse accounting program "Contour Accounting"

The accounting module is an analogue of 1C and is responsible for maintaining full-fledged accounting, warehouse and tax accounting. It is problematic to use it with third-party cash register programs, so it is better to immediately purchase a set of online cash registers with the Kontur Market and Kontur OFD software installed on them. The program can work both in the cloud and offline.

Advantages of the software "Contour":

  1. All accounting, including bookkeeping, takes place within one application.
  2. The program allows you to keep records of several retail outlets and warehouses.
  3. 24/7 technical support.

Cons of the program "Contour":

  1. The high cost of a license and a subscription to updates, which is not available to some entrepreneurs.
  2. The complexity of training, the need for regular communication with the support service.
  3. Users must have basic accounting knowledge.
  4. There is no management analytics that is not directly related to accounting.
  5. There is no possibility to create loyalty programs.
  6. There is no free demo version.
  7. Proprietary code limits the ability to customize the program to the needs of the client.

Tariff plans of the warehouse accounting program "Contour Accounting"

Due to the presence of accounting functionality, the program interface is rather overloaded with menus, so a novice entrepreneur is unlikely to like this application. For a small store or auto repair shop, it is better to pay attention to simpler inventory control programs.

"1C: Trade and Warehouse"

1C software products are known to every entrepreneur, but high cost is often the reason for choosing less expensive competitor applications.

Interface of the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse"

The recommended price of the 1C: Trade and Warehouse configuration for April 2019 was 15,200 rubles. A few thousand more will cost monthly product support.

Such a high cost makes the program attractive only for retail chains and large stores. Why do entrepreneurs appreciate this application?

Advantages of the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse":

  1. Availability of functionality for full-fledged accounting, tax and warehouse accounting.
  2. Integration with any cash and trade equipment.
  3. Automatic generation of all unified trade documents.
  4. Consolidated accounting in several outlets.
  5. High work stability.
  6. The ability to adjust the menu and functionality for a specific client.

Cons of the program "1C: Trade and Warehouse":

  1. High price.
  2. Difficulty in training new employees.
  3. Long period of implementation and customization.
  4. The need for constant software updates.
  5. Lack of 24/7 support due to its provision by third parties.
  6. Lack of a CMR system.
  7. No demo.

Tariff plans for the warehouse accounting program "1C: Trade and Warehouse"

1C company products are mainly focused on medium and large businesses that are on the OSNO or STS taxation regimes and can pay for the high cost of software. For small entrepreneurs who often work on a patent or UTII, accounting functionality is not so important, so for them the use of the 1C: Trade and Warehouse program is inappropriate.

The evaluation took into account that the accounting program will be used mainly by entrepreneurs on special taxation regimes. For them, the functionality of most of these programs is sufficient for tax reporting. Therefore, functionality and comfort of work come first in the evaluation. The final choice of a warehouse accounting program for a business remains with the entrepreneur himself.

Today, there are many tools for managing trade and accounting for goods. But many people have a question: how to choose a program that allows you to keep records? Internet service "MySklad" is ready to help you sort out some points. We offer several programs to help:

  • increase the efficiency of the store;
  • generate reports;
  • keep records of current sales, on the basis of which to form applications for the supply of goods, and so on.

Accounting software is a smart solution that allows you to keep track of goods. You can download the manual for it for free on the support portal. The main advantages of the program:

  • simple interface;
  • hint and help system.

Even inexperienced users can quickly understand the program. You can download the program for free directly on the site of the Internet service "MySklad". We also provide remote support for users of our programs via the Internet.

Goods accounting program: main features

If you decide to automate the store, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • install free special programs from the Internet service "MySklad";
  • download to a laptop and connect a fiscal registrar and a barcode scanner to it.

The program is completely ready to work. It was created specifically for entrepreneurs - people who want to know and control the revenue and product balances for each outlet. The program does not require complex settings and has a convenient simple interface:

  • sales registration;
  • change calculation;
  • work with returns;
  • closing shift.

Thanks to this service, you can download the necessary reports without even leaving your home. The program will remind you in time about the deadlines for submitting reports. What else can our free program do?

  • Show balances, arrival, movement of goods, generate reports on the movement of goods.
  • Compile orders for the supply of goods, taking into account the balance on the day of preparation.
  • Carry out inventory and audit of balances in the warehouse according to the reports of responsible persons.
  • Manage any number of outlets.
  • Print price tags and labels with barcodes.
  • Maintain customer database.
  • Work both on one PC (single-user mode) and on multiple computers connected to a local network using a database server.
  • Import data from Excel price lists and vendor invoices.
  • The program can work with almost any trading and fiscal equipment.

If you have any difficulties, contact the MySklad Internet service support service - we will help you get started with the service. Our programs are reliable, time-tested tools for efficient business management.

The program for accounting for goods in the store - download for free

Just yesterday, it was very difficult to keep track of the state of affairs of the enterprise. I had to store disparate documents, constantly be aware of legislative changes, and find the necessary templates to fill out. We have created a simple, but at the same time convenient, reliable and understandable service for automating all trading processes. Using our program, you will appreciate how convenient it is to keep records of products.

In general, the program for accounting for goods in a store will greatly simplify all accounting at your point of sale, bringing financial and commodity order, which will naturally improve the efficiency of stores. MySklad cloud service is constantly improving its software products, so that our customers can get the highest quality for the lowest price.

The program for accounting for goods in a store is successfully operated in many stores in Russia and the CIS - from small kiosks to large grocery supermarkets.

The deeper business processes are automated in the online store, the better. Notebooks, spreadsheets and Excel spreadsheets are a thing of the past even in small shops. Today we have prepared for you an overview of 8 popular warehouse management programs for an online store. Read and keep warehouses with goods under full control, without wasting a minute.

What a good warehouse management program should be able to do

When choosing an accounting system, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. System must download supplier price lists and import them from the largest possible number of formats (csv and xls - at least). At the same time, it is desirable to be able to optionally import only new positions and skip existing ones.
  2. Goods movement report. You should see when, from which warehouse (from the supplier) and how many units of goods went into shipment, sale, and so on. Available reports on this topic.
  3. Report on the availability of goods in warehouses showing their status (shipped, reserved, sold). Allows you to avoid ordering goods that are not in stock. You will not find yourself in a situation where the client has already paid, and then it turns out that this item is not available.
  4. System should work in conjunction with online cash registers. The ideal case is when the service provider, along with the inventory system, also provides cash register equipment.
  5. Database update online. The system should immediately remove the items sold or shipped from the warehouse, and not do it after some time.
  6. Automatic order picking from different warehouses and from different suppliers.
  7. Product demand report, including . The system should allow sorting popular and slow-moving positions with the issuance of a report. This will make it possible not to be left without popular goods at the height of the season. And vice versa, sell stale positions.
  8. Inventory system should be able to work with returns, including partial. Ideally, if the program sees what is stuck in courier services, shopping malls or at pick-up points and is not claimed by the client. All this should be reflected in the general map of the movement of goods, preferably with accompanying documents.
  9. Tracking changes in purchase prices and automatic retail adjustment.
  10. Displaying sums by segments: goods cost, courier service and so on. You should see how much and where the money is stuck.
  11. Formation of accompanying documents. It's just super when the program, simultaneously with the application to the supplier, generates a payment order for the bank. Or invoice the buyer.
  12. Maximum number of integrations. A smart program must be compatible with, online accounting and other programs. Sometimes you have to buy additional compatibility modules for correct operation.
  13. The ability to load and unload the database to other services. For example, if you set up the joint work of the program with the CRM system, then you can personalize discounts and.
  14. Use of cloud technologies. It is better if the data is stored on the service provider's server. This allows you to access information from any device connected to the Internet. Boxed versions of inventory systems are installed on one computer and access to the database is carried out only from it. The program has crashed - the database is unavailable.
  15. Often a good inventory system is part of the overall business automation program. In this case, you do not need to connect additional integrations - everything is done in one window.

TOP-8 warehouse accounting programs:


Personal account of the EKAM program with indicators

ECAM - a popular cloud-based warehouse and trade accounting system. In addition to the inventory system, the developer offers equipment for trade automation - online cash registers and software. To get started, just register on the site and get a free trial access to your personal account.

To register with EKAM, enter your email in the form below