Conclusion of the comparative characteristics of Troekurov and Dubrovsky. What are the similarities and differences between the characters of Kiril Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky? A mini-essay on literature, based on the novel "Dubrovsky". Comparison between Andrei Dubrovsky and Kirila Troekurov

Dubrovsky is a novel about the clash of ideals. Already at the very beginning of the novel, the views of the two characters clash. It is on this conflict that the whole plot of the work is born. Why did the conflict between the characters appear? Perhaps because of the difference in characters and views on the life of these characters. The characterization of Dubrovsky and Troekurov will help to understand the issues of clash of views.

Characteristics of Dubrovsky

Andrei Dubrovsky is a descendant of an old noble family, but at the same time he is rather poor. The estate is all he has. But a man is not rich in this. The main advantage of Dubrovsky is his honesty, directness and courage. He did not drop his honor in a conflict situation. He is proud and independent. But at the same time, he is a little quick-tempered, hot, imprudent.

According to the novel, Andrei Dubrovsky is a widower. He has a son, for whom he regrets nothing, ready for anything for him. Although she and Vladimir know each other little, the relationship between them is very good.

The situation of a quarrel with Troekurov knocks him down, squeezes strength out of him. When Troekurov sued him for the estate, the old man's health completely let him down. He gets sick and dies.

Characteristics of Troekurov

Troekurov is a tyrant and a dissolute person. He is intoxicated with the consciousness of his own greatness, power. He is absolutely disrespectful to people whose class is below his status. He spends his life in drunkenness, gluttony, idleness. He has traits of cruelty. For example, one of the favorite entertainments is the persecution of a gaping guest by the Bear. For him, this is really fun and funny entertainment, although we are talking about people's lives.

Having quarreled with a friend, he not only stops communicating with him, he does everything to destroy him. He sues the estate from him, and does it in a completely dishonest way, just to take revenge, because as such this estate does not belong to him by law and there is no special need for it.

Comparative characteristics in the table

The table characterization of Dubrovsky and Troekurov allows you to visually see the similarities and differences between the characters. The comparison table makes it possible to compare the features of the characters,

Comparisons of the two heroes let the reader understand how important it is to be honest with yourself, to maintain honor and dignity in any situation. Dubrovsky dies, but his life continues with his son. He is ready to avenge the ruined life of his father, since honor and dignity must always win. For Vladimir, honor and love are above all, and this is reflected in the upbringing of his father.

This article will help you correctly write an essay for grade 6 on the topic “Characteristics of Dubrovsky and Troekurov”, describe similar and different features in their life, worldview, views.

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Comparison of Troekurov and Dubrovsky (senior)

    They both belonged to an old noble family, were rich, educated, served in the army, married for love, were widowed early. All this was in the distant past. By the beginning of the story, the characters are in different positions, and there is nothing in common between them.

    Dubrovsky, retired lieutenant, poor nobleman, 70 serf souls, Kistenevka village. Dubrovsky, in an upset state, was forced to retire and settle in the rest of his village. What made him do it? Assumptions: Maybe the son's illness. After the death of his father, when Vladimir was sorting through papers, he found a letter in which his mother wrote to the army about her son's illness. Or maybe Dubrovsky was forced to return to the village because his wife died, because he was widowed early. Dubrovsky, as an honest and direct person, did not want to serve in the tsarist army and serve anyone.
    Troekurov - general anshef, wealthy landowner, 3,000 souls, estates in several provinces. Troekurov went uphill after participating in Catherine's coup. He made himself a brilliant career, received a high rank.
    Troekurov was very rich, he always got everything he could wish for, and, moreover, he was poorly educated. This wayward Russian gentleman did not trouble himself with sciences. A cruel despot and does not recognize the need to be an intelligent and educated person, he says: The main wealth is not the mind, but money. Lordly idleness and ignorance - these are the sources of his inhuman amusements; when a guest was locked in the same room with a bear, reprisals against the recalcitrant and insane drinking. Troyekurov showed all the vices of an uneducated person, and the entertainments of a petty fool were the inventions of a rather limited mind. No one dared to object to him, refuse his invitation or condemn his addictions, only Dubrovsky senior could argue with the formidable feudal lord, he challenged him with his disobedience and thereby ruined himself.
    Troyekurov was distinguished by an ardent disposition, and Dubrovsky was unbridled arrogant and quick-tempered.
    Dubrovsky and Troekurov are irreconcilable opponents and antagonists.
    2 years ago

  • Troekurov was rich, and Dubrovsky was poor.
    Both widows, have a child each.
    Troyekurov is a rich and proud man who thinks only of himself and his daughter. All the people are afraid of him except Dubrovsky. they were friends. Troekurov was always amazed at Dubrovsky's perseverance, courage, and fearlessness.
    Dubrovsky is financially poor, but rich in soul. he gets everything he wants. people have always loved him. he was never afraid of Troyekurov.
    It seems to me that Troekurov and Dubrovsky are two opposite personalities.

Dubrovsky and Troekurov are two personalities, two human destinies, who have much in common. For example, the fact that they belong to a noble family and the pre-revolutionary era of the nineteenth century.

Dubrovsky and Troekurov, when they were young, served with the tsar, after which they were awarded with honors, and, as a result, received an officer's rank.

They married Andrei Gavrilovich and Kirill Petrovich for love, but, unfortunately, quickly became widowers.
There were children from the marriages. Dubrovsky had a son, whose name was Volodya. Troyekurov had a daughter, Maria.
After serving the tsar, Dubrovsky and Troekurov retired. They settled on their estates.

In Pushkin's work, the main characters have the same powers, the right to dispose of rights and privileges, but due to their lifestyle and character, they use them in completely opposite ways.
The strong temperament of the two landowners helped not only to create a position in society, but also to become friends with each other.

Domineering, arrogant Troekurov loves to always be in the spotlight. In front of the guests he is boastful, showing his rich mansions. With his subordinates, he is especially demanding and strict. He keeps everything under control and does not allow outsiders familiar, impudent communication, which he forgives Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.
Dubrovsky himself is a closed, hidden person who does not like to be in society, in plain sight. Not so rich, but won the sympathy of Troekurov's arrogant and arrogant friend.

Kirill Petrovich saw in Dubrovsky: independence, determination, courage, straightforwardness of statements. These main features attracted Troekurov to Andrey Gavrilovich.

Friendship between neighbors cracks during another everyday conversation. In it, Andrey Dubrovsky touches on the vanity of his comrade, and he, as a quick-tempered person, cannot forgive him for this.
The conflict provoked by Dubrovsky has an unpleasant turn of the situation.

Troekurov threatens to take revenge on his comrade for such insolence, promising to deprive him of everything he has.
Kirill Petrovich hoped to disgrace Dubrovsky so that he would come to him with an apology, and in the future, he would obey him.

The usual conflict worsens the life of Andrei Gavrilovich and destroys friendship between the landowners.
The novel contains revenge, cruelty, which affect the fate of two people. Morality and morality, in the novel, fade into the background.

Comparison between Andrei Dubrovsky and Kirila Troekurov

We cannot imagine Russian literature without the poet and prose writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the founder of the realistic movement. Each person, having familiarized himself with the work of the writer, does not remain indifferent to his creations. One of the masterpieces of the classic is the novel "Dubrovsky". When writing, Pushkin was guided by the true story of Pavel Voinovich Nashchokin, who was a close friend of the writer.

In this novel, Pushkin touched on topics that worried many in those years: the lack of rights of serfs, the permissiveness of wealthy landowners, the injustice of the royal court and robbery as a protest of the common people.

The essence of the plot of the novel is about how a conflict arises between two landowners Kirill Troekurov and Andrei Dubrovsky after many years of friendship. The wealthy landowner Troyekurov allowed his kennel to speak freely, in which he offended the honor and dignity of his friend Dubrovsky. The case goes to trial. Due to the false testimony of the legislator Spitsyn, Kirill Petrovich is given the estate of Kistenevka Andrei Gavrilovich. Dubrovsky did not live in grand style anyway, he led a modest lifestyle compared to Troekurov. And here such a misfortune - the best friend takes all the property. A strong nervous shock affects the health of Andrei Gavrilovich. He is afflicted with an ailment that leads to death. Vladimir, the son of Andrei Dubrovsky, leaves military service due to his father's illness and returns home. Having learned all the circumstances that have developed with the father's estate, he cannot stand it and sets fire to his house. At the same time, the clerks die. He becomes a highwayman with one desire to take revenge on his father's former friend.

Kirill Troyekurov is one of the main characters of the novel. Very rich. Strong, strong man. Despite his lack of education, he has great influence in secular circles, which allows him to do whatever he wants. To achieve their goals shamelessly allows himself to lie. Respects only wealthy people, and expresses obvious disdain for the poor.

Andrei Dubrovsky is not a rich man, but with a sense of his own dignity. By origin belongs to the noble family. Proud, independent. It does not matter to him the presence of a fat wallet in dealing with people. Honest, direct. Not afraid to speak your mind. Believes that justice will always prevail. But, unfortunately, Russia of that time lives according to Troyekurov's laws. And all his positive qualities do not keep him alive.

6th grade. Characterization and comparison

The friendship that ended never actually began.

Pushkin A.S. - A person to be proud of. We should be grateful to him that we can enjoy the great works of this unique writer. He is the heritage of our country. "Dubrovsky" is one of the many novels by A.S. Pushkin. The plot of the novel is based on real events, which makes it more exciting and touching.

In the center of the work are two people, Kirila Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky. With the help of these heroes, A.S. Pushkin showed the problems of a noble society and the human qualities inherent in the nobility of that time.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky are characters of the same age, belonging to the nobility, and therefore received the same upbringing. They had a slight similarity in character and inclinations. Fate, at the beginning of life, also developed the same way. Both have a love marriage, early widowhood and small children in their arms. But, despite this, these characters are completely different in temperament and goals in life.

Troyekurov is a character with a "rather limited mind." A.S. Pushkin gathered in one person all the terrible vices of mankind. Kirila Petrovich considers himself the center of the universe, he is used to everyone being afraid of him. He doesn't know what rejection is. He has the power to open all doors for him. His ardent disposition extends to everyone. He does not understand who is in front of him. His very name terrifies people. They experience an overwhelming fear, people even in the thought do not contradict him. Everyone, on the contrary, tries to please him even if it goes against the law. He is the law itself. One word from him can destroy a person. Troyekurov tyrant. His cruel attitude extends to his servants, despite their loyalty to him. His hobbies are of a primitive nature: gluttony and drunkenness. Kirila Petrovich does not spare even his only daughter, he does not marry her out of love.

Only one person was respected by Troekurov. It was Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Once they were united by service in the guard. Then the paths of friends diverged and they met years later. Dubrovsky was ruined and forced to leave the service. Andrei Gavrilovich settled not far from Kiril Petrovich, who "offered him his patronage." But Dubrovsky preferred to remain poor and independent. Pride took over the fear to go around the world.

Dubrovsky, the only one who could express his opinion under Troekurov. This is what ruined him. Andrei Gavrilovich could not stand the insult from the kennel worker in his address. Pride and temper took over. Andrei silently left the estate. Troekurov and did not return after a serf was sent for him. After another mistake was made, Dubrovsky demanded that Troekurov send him an employee who insulted him. For which his already former friend decided to take away Dubrovsky's estate. Troekurov wanted unconditional power over Dubrovsky.

The tragedy of this novel lies in the fact that Troekurov realized his mistake late. He decides to make peace with his friend and return the estate to him, but it was already too late. Dubrovsky is dying.

A.S. Pushkin showed with his novel how easy it is to destroy another person. To do this, you must have money and be a dishonest person. Unfortunately, nothing has changed and today you can meet a person with the same vices as the character of this novel has.

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Comparative characteristics Andrey Dubrovsky - Kirila Troekurov
The hero of the novel, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, is a retired lieutenant of the guard, a poor landowner.
He lives very modestly, but this does not prevent him from maintaining good neighborly relations with Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, a well-known gentleman throughout the district, a retired general-in-chief, a very rich and noble person with numerous connections and significant authority. Everyone who knows Troekurov and his temper trembles at the mere mention of his name, they are ready to cater to his slightest whims. The eminent gentleman himself takes such behavior for granted, because, in his opinion, it is precisely such an attitude that his person deserves.
Troekurov is arrogant and rude even to people of the highest rank. No one and nothing can make him bow his head. Kirila Petrovich constantly surrounds himself with numerous guests, to whom he demonstrates his rich estate, kennel, and whom he shocks with crazy fun. This is a wayward, proud, conceited, spoiled and perverted person.
The only one who enjoys the respect of Troekurov is Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Troekurov was able to discern in this poor nobleman a courageous and independent person, capable of ardently defending his dignity before anyone, able to freely and directly express his own point of view. Such behavior is a rarity among Kirila Petrovich's entourage, therefore, his relationship with Dubrovsky developed differently than with others.
True, Troyekurov's mercy quickly changed to anger when Dubrovsky went against Kirila Petrovich.
Who is to blame for the quarrel? Troekurov is power-hungry, while Dubrovsky is resolute and impatient. This man is hot and imprudent. Therefore, it would be unfair to lay the blame only on Kirila Petrovich.
Troekurov, of course, behaved incorrectly, not only allowing the dog keeper to insult Andrei Gavrilovich, but also supporting the words of his yard with loud laughter. He was also wrong when he got angry at the demand of a neighbor to extradite Paramoshka for punishment. However, Dubrovsky is also to blame. He gave a lesson to the captured Pokrovsky peasants who were stealing wood from him with rods, and took away their horses. Such behavior, according to the author, contradicted "all concepts of the law of war", and a letter written a little earlier to Troekurov was "very indecent" according to the then concepts of etiquette.
The scythe found on a stone. Kirila Petrovich chooses the most terrible way of revenge: he intends to deprive his neighbor of a roof over his head, even in an unrighteous way, to humiliate, crush him, force him to obey. "That's the strength," says Troekurov, "to take away the estate without any right." A rich gentleman bribes the court without thinking about the moral side of the matter, or about the consequences of the lawlessness that is being committed. Willfulness and lust for power, ardor and ardent disposition in no time destroy the friendship of neighbors and the life of Dubrovsky.
Kirila Petrovich is quick-witted, after a while he decides to reconcile, since "by nature he is not greedy", but it turns out to be too late.
Troekurov, according to the author, always "showed all the vices of an uneducated person" and "used to give full rein to all the impulses of his ardent disposition and all the undertakings of a rather limited mind." Dubrovsky did not want to come to terms with this and suffered a severe punishment, dooming not only himself, but also his own son to poverty. Heightened ambition and wounded pride did not allow him to take a sober look at the current situation and compromise, seeking reconciliation with his neighbor. Being a deeply decent man, Andrei Gavrilovich could not imagine how far Troekurov could go in his desire for revenge, how easily the court could be bribed, how they could be put out on the street without legal grounds. He measured those around him with his measure, was confident in his own rightness, "had neither the desire nor the opportunity to pour money around him," and therefore "was a little worried" about the case initiated against him. This played into the hands of his detractors.

Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - one of the main negative characters in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", a rich landowner-tyrant, father of Masha Troekurova. Troekurov is so spoiled by money and his noble position that he behaves loosely and at ease. He is aware of his power over people and likes to push them around. All his neighbors are afraid of him, except for the retired lieutenant Dubrovsky. He is on friendly terms with him and does not fawn over him, for which Troekurov respects him. However, Troekurov's tyranny leads to their subsequent quarrel. In the first chapter, one of his psars openly speaks to Andrei Gavrilovich, thereby quarreling two friends. When Dubrovsky asks in a letter to punish this ignoramus, Troekurov ignores his request, which is why a serious enmity flares up. The hero spends his free time in drunkenness, gluttony, kenneling, humiliating people, etc. One of the chapters tells how he decided to poison the careless teacher Deforge with a bear. However, he turned out to be a nervous ten and immediately shot the beast.

At the same time, Troekurov cannot be called a notorious villain. Before the quarrel with Andrei Gavrilovich, they were good friends with him. And even when, in revenge for Dubrovsky's insolence, he decided to take away his estate, he later regretted it for a long time, wanted to return everything and make peace with his friend. Circumstances were different. Dubrovsky Sr. died, and they never managed to reconcile. Thus, the author showed that the point is not in the landowner himself, but in the social structure that has developed in Rus', which gives omnipotence to the nobles and humiliates the serfs. It was society that instilled in this nobleman a belief in impunity and his limitless possibilities. Even his love for children is distorted. Despite the fact that he loves his daughter Masha very much, in the end he makes her unhappy by marrying a fifty-year old man -