Hyperextension. Exercise "hyperextension Hyperextension drawing

The main purpose of the bench for hyperextension is the development of muscle bundles of the back, gluteal muscles, biceps of the legs and abdominals.

What is a design

The hyperextension bench is a machine designed to form a beautiful body and a strong back.

  • iron case;
  • roller for the lower extremities;
  • roller for the anterior surface of the thigh.

The simulator is completely cast, only the only component that can be adjusted is the axis. With its help, the optimal position of the legs is selected depending on the height of the person involved.



"Roman Chair"

Hyperextension refers to the basic exercises that work out the extensors of the back as much as possible.

But with strict observance of the exercise technique, the following muscle fibers are worked out:

  • extensors of the back muscles;
  • biceps muscle of the lower extremities;
  • semitendinosus muscle of the thigh;
  • semimembranosus muscle of the thigh;
  • gastrocnemius;
  • big buttock.

This simulator can be used for training purposes by people of different physiques and degrees of physical fitness. The possibility of getting injured during classes is minimal, which makes it so popular.

When performing exercises, the load is formed due to the personal weight of the person involved.

In order to increase efficiency, additional weights are used in the form of:


The hyperextension simulator has several types of configurations. When buying, you should decide which model you want: horizontal or tilted. But regardless of the modification, any bench must be made of high-quality material and equipped with all accessories. A modern bench should also be equipped with a moving axle, which ensures that the simulator fits the anthropometric data of the person involved.

Overview of the best models

Kettler Tergo

Equipped with a soft lumbar support and reach adjustment. It has a convenient, simple and practical folding design. It has 9 bench heights. The maximum allowable load is 130 kilograms. The cost is 8000 rubles.

Body-solid PCH

Promotes comfortable exercise. The presence of a wide base prevents the simulator from swinging. Used to perform classic hyperextension in a horizontal position. Maximum load up to 150 kilograms. The average cost of rubles.

InterAtletika GYM ST/BT-319

The Horizontal Hyper has a durable stainless steel construction and comfortable multi-layered bolsters. Maximum load 300 kg. The cost of rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of classes

Like any type of exercise machine, the hyperextension bench also has a number of positive and negative points.

Exercises on the bench for hyperextension contribute to the formation of a straight posture.

The benefits include:

  • the lumbosacral spine is being qualitatively worked out;
  • contributes to the constant maintenance of the muscular corset in good shape;
  • with regular exercise strengthens the back;
  • reduces the number of opportunities to injure the spine and tendons;
  • exercise on the simulator is used for preventive actions in case of osteochondrosis and other various congestion in the back, and especially in the lumbar spine;
  • with proper exercise, you can also pump the gluteal muscles, hips and abs;
  • it is allowed to exercise on the simulator with minor injuries of the spine;
  • distribution of physical load during the exercise only on the involved muscles;
  • gradual preparation of the musculoskeletal system for more complex strength exercises.

The only drawback of exercising on the simulator is the presence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lumbar spine. With such violations, permission to perform exercises on the hyperextension bench simulator is given exclusively by a doctor.

How to practice

Hyperextension for these types of training:

  • for training the press, fixing the torso and bending the legs;
  • training of muscle fibers of the back;
  • increase in load due to the inclination of the stop.

There are several types of hyperextension:

Technique for performing classic hyperextension on a horizontal bench

  • Initial position. Position yourself on the machine so that the front roller is slightly below the fold line of the torso and hips, and the lower roller is slightly above the Achilles tendon. Put your hands behind your head, look straight ahead.
  • Performing an exercise. We tilt the body down until an angle of approximately degrees is formed. It is worth bending only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hip joint, while keeping your back as even as possible.
  • Return to the starting position is carried out by raising the body until a straight line is formed with the legs. At the highest point, fix for a couple of seconds.

As for the number of repetitions and approaches, it all depends on the degree of physical fitness and the purpose of the training process:

  • In order to gradually strengthen the lumbar region, it is also recommended for beginner athletes to perform 3 sets of 15 times.
  • When performing hyperextension, 2 sets of repetitions are done as a warm-up.
  • As a finishing exercise, 4 sets of 25 reps.
  • With additional weight, it is recommended to do 15 times in 2 sets, gradually increasing the weight by 5 kilograms. It is not recommended to immediately use heavy weights.

Typical mistakes in class

At first glance, it seems that performing an exercise on a hyperextension bench is quite simple and primitive. But such an opinion is rather erroneous. Many athletes make a number of mistakes when exercising on such a simulator.

  • The body is lowered very low. This technique of execution is permissible only if there is an absolutely healthy back.
  • By lifting the torso at the highest point, a large deflection is made.
  • The exercises are carried out in a large amplitude.
  • Flexion of the lower extremities at the knee joint. When performing exercises, the legs should be tense and perfectly even.
  • Incorrect position of the upper limbs rigidly reduced into a "lock".
  • The use of additional weights with a large weight.

And some secrets.

Have you ever suffered from problems due to being overweight? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

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Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can this be tolerated? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective weight loss? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a comment by the Chief Nutritionist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy for easy weight loss. Read article…

Hyperextension simulator - a universal complex for the whole body

Everyone wants to look attractive, but spending time and money going to expensive fitness clubs and gyms is not always possible. Most of the exercises offered on various specialized portals and in video tutorials are suitable for home use. With their help, you can replace almost any modern simulator. Hyperextension is one of the few ways to keep your body in great shape, and today we will get to know it better.

What is hyperextension?

The word "hyperextension" is often found when communicating with people close to sports. But few people know what it is and what it is eaten with. In fact, everything is simple! Hyperextension literally translates as "overbending". This is a favorite exercise by many, which is able to train the back, abs, legs and buttocks at the same time.

Types of hyperextension

There are many varieties of this exercise, among which are the favorite methods of Hollywood stars. But we will consider only the most popular of all:

  1. The classic exercise is performed on a bench simulator. It is necessary to take a starting position, fix the body well and perform forward bends, followed by straightening of the body. To enhance the effect, you can additionally pick up a disk from the bar.
  2. In addition to the classics, there is also an inclined simulator. Hyperextension in this case is performed on a bench that has an angle of 45 degrees. The execution technique is similar, the only difference is the load that your body receives. With an inclined version, it is less.
  3. Lateral hyperextension - this type of exercise perfectly strengthens the abs and oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as the lower back. It is also done on an incline bench with an angle of 45 degrees. If you want to increase the load, you can use weights or change the angle.
  4. Reverse hyperextension - this method is great for strengthening the muscles of the lower press. Any bench is a great simulator. Hyperextension is performed as follows: the torso is fixed, for example, you can clasp the bench with your hands, while the legs remain “hanging down”. Similar to a regular exercise, do lifts, but not the body, but the legs.

Home trainer. DIY hyperextension

On average, a good trainer costs about $200-400. Agree, the price is considerable, and not everyone can afford such expenses. A subscription for a year to a fitness club will cost you the same amount, depending on the institution itself and the region of residence. But what if you can't afford to shell out a tidy sum? There is a way out - a home exercise machine for the back! Hyperextension does not require special skills in creation. An ordinary bench without a back is suitable, a little higher than the middle of the thigh.

If you are still willing to spend some money, you can pick up an inexpensive bench at a sports equipment store. And for those whose budget is limited, there is a fitball. The main thing is to choose it correctly. It must be an “adult” ball with a diameter of at least cm. You should not take more, because it can be inconvenient.

How to perform hyperextension on a fitball?

At first glance, it may seem absurd to perform such an exercise on a ball, which is intended for children's fun and fitness for pregnant women. But you are greatly mistaken. The use of the fitball is very wide, even bodybuilders use it to warm up and relieve tension after a hard workout. Fitball is a great exercise machine. Hyperextension on it is performed simply:

  • Position yourself on the ball with your stomach and shoulders resting on it and your back straight.
  • Rest your feet against a wall or closet.
  • Perform body raises with a flat back, linger a little at the top point and slowly lower yourself down, then lift again.
  • It is important, when lowering the body down, not to lie down on the ball with the whole body and not to allow the muscles to rest.

Contraindications for hyperextension

No matter how good hyperextension is, the simulator, the photo of which you saw above, can be harmful if the complexes are carelessly or incorrectly performed.

As with any exercise, hyperextension has some contraindications: if you have had injuries or problems with your lower back and back, you should consult a doctor and exercise under supervision. In no case do not continue the lesson if you feel a sharp pain in your back or sacral spine. This may be the first sign of a sprain or more serious injury.

And most importantly, if you want to achieve really good results, remember that you can’t make a figure with one hyperextension. It is important to load the muscles evenly, which means using other exercises, pumping the press, squatting and not avoiding dumbbells. The bench is rather an addition than a full-fledged means of achieving harmony. And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition, taking vitamins and minerals, water balance and good rest. Be healthy!

Exercise "hyperextension"

Exercise hyperextension creates a load on the entire muscle group of the lumbar, and as a result, effectively strengthens the corset of the body. By changing the position of the body, you can shift the emphasis and increase the load on the buttocks and hamstrings. Hypertension refers to basic exercises, when it is performed, a whole group of muscles is involved, which allows you to strengthen your back, correct your posture, tighten your buttocks, and model a beautiful figure.

In the article, we will tell you why hyperextension is so useful, why it is called a unique exercise for the spine, discuss contraindications, and analyze the technique for performing the exercise. Let us dwell on the questions: how to choose the right simulator, and how the hyperextension exercise is performed at home.

Why is hypersthenia needed?

Hyperextension in essence is flexion and extension of the back on a special simulator - in the popular “Roman chair”. During training, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, lower legs, lower back actively work, which has a healing and restorative effect for the lumbar belt, allows you to correct your figure, get a press and a flat stomach, elastic buttocks, an aspen waist, and remove “ears” from the sides.

The body solid ghyp 45 incline trainer is convenient for self-study

Anatomical atlas

The set of muscles that is involved in the hyperextension exercise is very useful for the spine, in addition to the main groups, the muscles connected to the spine column, which cannot be worked out with other movements, are included in the work. This is a universal workout for creating a muscular corset, which will serve as a powerful and reliable protection for the lumbar region and protect you from spinal injuries. The table below shows how the load is created when performing the hyperextension exercise, which muscles work during this:

Muscle groups on which the main load falls

Watch the lesson "hyperextension technique", the video shows in detail how to properly perform exercises on the simulator.

Varieties of hyperextensions

There are several types of exercises, their name determines the essence of the classes:

  • at an angle - inclined hyperextension, the simulator at an angle of 45 °;
  • parallel to the floor - horizontal hyperextension, classic exercise;
  • reverse hyperextension - the body is motionless, the legs are included in the work;
  • hyperextension on a fitball - a big ball.

How to do hyperextension on an inclined simulator

Exercise can be done even on the floor, without a Roman chair. Next, a master class on how hyperextension is performed correctly, video tips from professionals and an analysis of the main mistakes.

Hyperextension Techniques

All classic hyperextension exercises for the back, and only the reverse involves the gluteal region to a greater extent. In addition to special simulators, classes can be carried out on a bench, on a ball, lying on the floor.

Hyperextension simulator torneo g 104 - light and compact, convenient for home workouts

On a special bench

Horizontal hyperextension is performed on the bench, the technique is the same as on the simulator. The legs of the bench are fixed to the floor for stability. The assistant should hold the legs. We lay down on the bench with our stomach and slide down to the end edge so that the torso hangs down completely.

Good to know: The higher the bench, the greater the range of motion, the more effective the workout.

The body is strictly horizontal, the back is straight, hands behind the head or cross in front of you. Slowly, while inhaling, bend down until you feel a strong tension in the hips. As you exhale, slowly rise up. The main condition is that the back must be straight, it must not be arched, rounded, body swaying is prohibited.

Hyperextension, photo of the correct body position during exercises

On the floor

Hyperextension on the floor is performed more often at home, without special devices. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, back straight. While inhaling, we try to slowly tear our legs off the floor, as high as possible, while exhaling, we take the starting position.

Then we fix the legs, the assistant can hold the ear or put the feet under the sofa. We clasp our hands behind the head, inhale and at this time we begin to raise the body up, exhale - we go down.

In the photo, how to do hyperextension at home

On fitball

Exercises on the ball do not allow you to use significant working weight in training. Hyperextension on a fitball is complicated by the fact that coordination of movements is required.

We lie down face down, the ball in the abdomen, hands behind our heads or cross in front of us, keep our legs straight, rest our toes on the floor. While inhaling, we strain the muscles of the lumbar region, straighten the back, to the limit, so that the legs and spine form one straight line. As you exhale, twist down.

Hyperextension, fitball technique

Reverse hyperextension

Reverse hyperextension helps to work out the biceps of the thigh and gluteal muscles, optionally the load is distributed to the long dorsal muscles. This exercise helps to stretch the spinal column. In fact, reverse hyperextension involves the same areas as the classic version of the exercises, but the emphasis is somewhat shifted. It is believed that this training option is safer for the spine.

It is convenient to do the reverse exercise on the folding, weight-block aliv sport al 018

The exercise is performed on a simulator or on a special board, which is fixed exactly at the level of the abdomen. The reference point is the middle and upper abdominal area, up to the navel. We lie down on the board with our chest, hold on tightly with our hands, raise our legs up, ideally above the waist, in order to load the muscles as much as possible. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and slowly lower your legs down. To complicate the exercise, you can tie dumbbells or a pancake to your legs.

Hyperextension for the buttocks, one way to perform a reverse exercise

Important: Work with weights is shown only to already prepared people, in good physical shape.

Hyperextension at home

Hyperextension at home can be performed on the floor, on a fitball, for those who cannot imagine their life without sports, it is better to buy a simulator or make a bench with your own hands. For beginners, it is recommended to start from the floor, exercises can be performed even on a hard sofa or chair.

Here it is important to consider safety precautions and a way to hold the legs without an assistant to perform classic hyperextension. Subject to the technique, the results at home are not inferior to those that can be achieved in the gym. It is better to do several times, the optimal number of approaches is 3 twists.

Is it possible to do hyperextension with a problematic spine

The main contraindication for hyperextension is any problems in the spine. But there are practically no healthy people, so you can do it, except for specific contraindications, which we will discuss below, but in a gentle mode, without additional loads.

  • maintains muscle tone;
  • strengthens the spine;
  • relieves pain symptoms in the lumbar region;
  • is a good prophylactic for intervertebral hernias;
  • increased nutrition of muscle mass.

Important: Lowering the torso by more than 60 degrees is recommended only for trained people with a perfectly healthy and trained back. In any other cases, such a position of the body during training will only bring harm.

Professional bench for hyperextension

It is difficult to track the correct technique on your own; either a stick attached to your back or training in the gym under the supervision of an instructor will help.

It is forbidden to perform hyperextension in case of any pain syndromes in the lower back and spine, even if they appeared during training, the training should be stopped until the pain disappears. The safest option is hyperextension with the involvement of the rectus spinal muscles, when the height of the stop is located exactly at the level of the infragluteal fold, the back of the thigh and buttocks are in dynamics, the extensor muscles of the back are static in this position. This position does not give overextension, the natural deflection is preserved and the back is not rounded, there is no axial load.

The problems of the spine include the following ailments:

  • Stretching of the intervertebral ligaments.
  • Stretching of the back muscles (myositis).
  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc - protrusion.
  • A hernia of the intervertebral disc, an absolute contraindication is a hernia on a thin stalk, from the back of the spine, during training it can fall off, get into the spinal canal, squeeze the nerves.
  • Osteochondrosis without pain, you can do it, you should choose exercises for the rectus muscles of the back, the exercise therapy also includes hyperextension, without bending back.
  • Sciatica - inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve.
  • Mechanical injuries of the spinal column.
  • Curvature of the spine - scoliosis, hyperstension in a gentle mode is useful.

Before any sports activities, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and receive recommendations from specialists.

Choosing a trainer for hyperextension

For more effective training, you need a hyperextension simulator, you can buy it in sports goods or in a specialized online store, the average price is $. Before making a purchase, you need to know a few features of the Roman chair.

Hyperextension body craft f670, leg brace adjustable: 15 levels in height and 5 in length

Horizontal and inclined shells are offered for sale, more advanced models allow you to adjust the bench in height, in accordance with your height. The design also provides on the one hand two pillows for a comfortable location of the hips and rollers to hold the legs.

Convenient folding simulator oxygen hyperpress board, weighs only 13 kg

Good to know: The inclined version can be turned into a horizontal one, if you fit a stand under the rear legs, so you can set the machine at any angle. In addition to the purchased machine, they can serve as a box, board, shield, etc.

Wide professional machine aerofit if45

Before buying, make sure that there is enough distance between the bench and the rollers for fixing the legs for your anthropometric data. If the machine does not fit in size, then it will be inconvenient to practice.

Budget bench for training the muscles of the back and the press dfc sc yw011

Hyperextensions (adjustable)

The approximate location of a person on this particular model of the simulator can be seen in the 3D drawing below.

The sketch of the simulator is modeled on the basis of the store original. The details of the Hyperextension simulator are connected by bolts or, if desired, a one-piece welded structure can be made.

If we consider the simulator below, which is also called Hyperextensions, then it has one drawback in front of the simulator shown above. The angle of inclination from the floor here is fixed in one position, it is constant. Whereas on the simulator above, the angle can be adjusted using rollers that move up and down on a telescopic profile.

Also, with the help of the "Roman chair" you can turn over - and download the press.

The cost of the simulator for Hyperextensions in Moscow is from 4000 rubles, in Kyiv - about 1500 UAH.

Communities › DIY › Blog › Hyperextension Machine!

Greetings to all, fellow needleworkers, craftsmen, craftsmen and all those who read these posts. Once again, I blinded the simulator (previous posts have already been here). This time not by order, but for sale in free hands. Maybe someone will take it.

The amount of materials, equipment, time-costs, etc., will be incidentally at the end of the article. In the meantime, the manufacturing process in photographs.

Dried out for three days. This is followed by the assembly process and testing of the simulator.

What can I say in conclusion. As always - there would be a desire. Taking into account the remaining materials from the previous simulators, I had to spend only on 12 m of a 50x50x3 mm profile, 12 plastic plugs, 2 eye bolts (for fixing), 14 wing nuts, 14 bolts for them.

Everything else was: profile 40x40x3mm, plywood 10 mm, foam 50 mm, vinyl leatherette, electrodes, cutting wheels, grinding, sandpaper, thinner, paint, staples for a stapler and something else. Don't remember everything.


Roman chair

For this complex, a Roman chair is usually used - a special simulator for hyperextension shown in the figure below.

It usually has an iron frame, leg and hip bolsters. You can also adjust it to suit your height. The main direction of this simulator is the development of the muscles of the back and buttocks, but at the same time it does not lose sight of their comprehensive study.

Common Mistakes

In appearance, it is quite simple to perform such an exercise technique, but beginners usually make a number of mistakes. This:

  • Very low lowering of the body - if there are even small defects in the development of the back, this is not recommended
  • A sufficiently large deflection in the lifting phase - this can harm the spine in the first place
  • Taking full amplitude from the very beginning of classes - you need to come to it gradually
  • The most elementary is bending the legs. Often, it is because of this that the complex does not work as it should, and not at full strength.
  • Hands are in the wrong position - they should be behind the head or near the chest
  • And finally - more weight than necessary - this will not bring effect, and may even harm you. In the beginning, it is worth starting small, and only then move on to large ones.

Types of hyperextensions, and execution technique

Types of hyperextensions are also different - at an angle, parallel to the floor, reverse hyperextension, or on a fitball (it will be discussed later). You can see the details of these types in the video with execution techniques.

Performing hyperextension on a fitball

To perform fitball exercises (home version), you need to lie on the ball with your hips and put your feet on a fixed support. The picture below shows 2 positions. In addition, there is an easier option - an exercise that is usually called a boat. It is also a type of hyperextension. It brings almost the same effect as the complex on the simulator.

And in conclusion, we want to say: The main thing is to always strive to be better and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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Do-it-yourself bench for hyperextension

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Hyperextension simulator: how to do

You can order an individual training program from us http://atletizm.com.ua/personalnyj-tr. Do-it-yourself gym https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list. http://atletizm.com.ua/ - a site about athleticism, martial arts and a healthy lifestyle. In this video I will tell and show how you can make such a simulator as hyperextension with your own hands. For the manufacture of this machine, I used an ordinary corner, a drill, a grinder and bolts. The cost of manufacturing such a machine will be 10 times less than in a store. It is quite durable, and people of different heights and weights can work on it. hyperextension simulator, home hyperextension, hyperextension at home, hyperextension video, hyperextension exercise, hyperextensions for the back, how to do hyperextension, do-it-yourself hyperextension, hyperextension execution technique, how to do hyperextension, oblique hyperextension

Strength, sports simulators can be made with your own hands from improvised materials. Yes, they will not be as beautiful as in the store, but they will cost ten times less, and in terms of functionality they will not be much inferior to professional equipment. We will tell you how to make dumbbells and a barbell, a step platform, a Roman chair, a press machine, hyperextension, a bench press, a barbell rack and much more.

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Do-it-yourself benches and exercise equipment for the home: from a simple shop to a multifunctional complex

  • Not only the spirit
  • What to choose from
  • Special benches
  • About sizes
  • different benches
  • About upholstery boards and seats

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most of the natural physical activity; on the other hand, he throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, absolutely everyone needs to keep themselves in good, at least physical shape. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and a carpal expander are not enough; you need to work more with weights on shells and machines, so at least a bench is required.

A healthy body is also necessary for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 twisted the sun on the horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in school textbooks, was a famous football player who played for the Danish national team. It came to oddities with him: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize, in physics, of course, the Copenhagen "Tagebladette" printed a note, they say, that's good, they gave our forward a Nobel prize for football. And the "nerd" in "physics" often turns out to be such in areas of activity that require mental stress.

The abdominal muscles, as you know, are more difficult to pump than others, because. their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, pumping up the press without special equipment does not last long until a hernia. Therefore, a bench for the press is also needed. Structurally, both shells are most often combined into one, with the possibility of transformation for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in RuNet, but more in the key: choose the drawings, and then - like this you need to saw, like this to beat, like this to screw. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to manage the instrument. But how do you choose a prototype to benefit from training? How to modify it for your biomechanics and biometrics? Which sample is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make an exercise bench in the preferred direction of physical development with your own hands according to a reasonably chosen model, and then, on its basis, a home simulator. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by working out on it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for beginner athletes and just for people who understand: it is possible and necessary to use the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn themselves into a twitchy “teapot” or swollen sourdough is wrong.

Note: the problem of home sports has recently become more and more acute in rural areas - “physicists” are decreasing there, stress is increasing, and it is far from a well-equipped gym.

What to choose from

A home bench for bench press is most often part of a compact simulator or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. For those who regularly work out, things will come to a simulator for sure, therefore, when choosing a prototype bench, you should already keep in mind what it will become overgrown with later. The designs of sports simulators are most commonly used 4, 3 and 2 support. “Support” in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (usually there are at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical power connections in the structure, it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support shells, pos. 1 in Fig., are designed for advanced athletes operating with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell that has collapsed on the chest with a barbell is very serious. 4-support simulators are heavy, bulky, and you can’t deal with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instant load of 5-8 of their weights, and the bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg / sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support simulators are designed, simple and with additional levers for loads, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. In order for the bar of the bar in the 3-support simulator to also fall at shoulder level, their benches are made “breaking”: it is dangerous to take the bar with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally not smaller than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the bar is taken from the approach, see below. The allowable working weight in 3-point apparatus is usually taken as kg, including the body weight of the trainee.

A 2-support simulator is actually a bench for the press. For different groups of exercises, horizontal and inclined benches are needed, pos. 4 and 5: on a horizontal bench, the press itself swings, and on an inclined bench, the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6 serves in both capacities.

Note: You can also do the initial sets of hyperextension exercises on an incline bench, see below.

The most perfect type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breaking board, the inclination of the parts of which is regulated separately, pos. 7. The transformer bench can be supplemented with a rack for a block with a load, a school desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do this for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support simulator, only for less weight, pos. 9.

Erroneous design of a transforming sports bench

Note: a common mistake in the independent manufacture of transforming sports benches is to perform them according to the power circuit, as in fig. on right. When performing exercises, significant efforts arise, tending to “spread the bench legs”, and the welds turn out to be unreliable. In order for the projectile of this sample to become durable, its support bars must be connected with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve harmony and flexibility without building excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Benches for hyperextension

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are male and female, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextension exercises on the men's bench, but ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, a slender posture and a flat stomach, only need a women's bench for hyperextension, to the left of the trail. rice. It’s better to start putting yourself in order without risking reproductive health, after all, on an inclined bench with a curved board, in the center, and for “advanced” beauties to do press with a load, also sitting on a special bench, on the right.

Special benches for sports exercises

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with adjustment for height are given in fig. Materials - profile pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; plywood desk. For the lining of the desk, see below.

Bench drawings for hyperextension exercises

Here in fig. the dimensions of 3-support simulators for people of average height are given. On the left - fully functional with a removable desk, hand and foot levers. The main materials are professional pipe 60x40x2 and round 30x2; emphasis for lifting the board - pipe 20x2. The board is 16mm plywood with sheathing as described below.

Dimensions of home exercise equipment for people of average height

On the right is a simple compact one. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, according to the measure from the heel firmly standing on the floor to the inner bend of the knee joint. Basic materials as in the previous case; adjustable back leg allows you to transform the projectile for sitting exercises. But remember: the barbell from this simulator should only be taken from the approach!

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench - “hippolitovka” can be made according to the drawing in fig; flooring - a solid board from 40 mm. Those who took the course of a young soldier in the army are well acquainted with her; at least in the past. "Spirits" - the townspeople soon began to look at hippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many, it turns out, all sorts of exercises can be done on it! And it is also a great part of the 4-support simulator.

sports bench frame

On the trail. rice. - inclined bench for the press. This, due to its compactness and usefulness, does not hurt to have a separate one, if there is enough space in the home. Due to the lack of right angles, the material is weaker - a professional pipe 40x40. Foot rests - a 10 mm rod with threaded ends, rubberized to the desired size. Removable rubber sleeves: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one is removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Drawings of an incline bench for the press

Further on fig. - compact power bench with racks for the barbell. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump the press, deeply bending your back. In this case, the legs will be supported by the cross beam A, and then it must be covered with something soft or put on a rubber sleeve. Materials - professional pipe 40x40, and rod holders made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact strength bench

The next sample is an athletic bench already for strong guys, confidently handling a barbell with a weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. Materials, respectively - professional pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. Neck holders from the same strip as before. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with a desk for exercises with weights

How to tightly connect the “hippolitovka” bench with the barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support simulator, is shown on the left in fig. In the same place on the right - the dimensions and design of the bench-transformer for the same frame. The main material here and there is a professional pipe 40x60. Let's remember about the clamps of the racks with the rod holders below.

Home exercise machine and a transforming bench for it

On the trail. rice. - drawings with a material sheet of a simple 3-support stationary unregulated simulator with a horizontal bench. It is more suitable for private households with a sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam with a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to make a projectile, on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 professional pipe.

Simple tricycle home trainer

Finally, further in Fig. - drawings and specification of elements for a fully functional home simulator with a transformer bench for bench press and abs. Pay attention to the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix the barbell racks for home use. The fixing pins (with a diameter of 12 mm or more) will, of course, wear out a little, but they will never jam or bite.

Full featured home gym

As already mentioned, a barbell not held on weight can cause severe injury, up to a fatal outcome. And to send her neck to the holders in such cases is unrealistic. But it’s realistic - to provide 2 segments of the chain, securely fixed on the racks of the rod. At the other ends of the chains are carbines, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the chain safety links is taken such that, holding the barbell on fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released barbell does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the neck, it is enough to wrap them with tape. Suddenly the bar collapses, the adhesive tape, of course, will not stand it, both carabiners will move to one end of the neck, but the matter will be frightened and, possibly, beaten by the floor.

About wooden athletic benches

It is impossible to practice with a barbell on wooden sports equipment, their design will not withstand. But in situations arising from the awkwardness of the trainee, the tree “gives” through the body much less sensitive than metal. Therefore, it is preferable for beginners and minors to use wooden benches for the press and the press. In addition, wooden sports benches and exercise equipment can be built in the country or in a country house from the remnants of building materials.

Drawings of an inclined wooden bench for the press

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specification for it are shown in Fig., and on the next. rice. - drawings of a wooden simulator with an incline bench and a lever for leg exercises with a load. In order for the tree to hold the operational loads, a block suspension system was used: they hang on the descending branches of the cable A. The transverse beams B are rubber-coated steel.

Wooden home trainer

About upholstery boards and seats

Boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic of a similar purpose on an elastic lining. Such lining is durable, but does not prevent sweat re-absorption, which is not useful in any way; that is why a modern sports uniform is sewn in 2 layers, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of plating does not noticeably affect, because. the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At least, it must be equipped according to sanitary standards. At home, it is not always possible to exercise at a comfortable temperature, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange a VVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out the sheathing of home-made athletic benches in the form of such a “pie”, following from the base outward:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with a density of 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm or more;
  • Sintepon with a thickness of 7 mm;
  • Denim or material like an old-style flannelette soldier's blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with Moment glue or hot glue from a glue gun. The remaining layers of the skin are tucked to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such a sheathing is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not harden, perhaps even within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile sheathing should be reduced to a year.

In conclusion: about the technology of work

It is beyond the scope of this publication to describe the technological details of the manufacture of exercise benches. Nevertheless, even if the reader is a good locksmith and welder, it is necessary to give an idea of ​​​​how to make a home sports simulator with your own hands. Therefore, we offer a video course in 3 parts from the author, who made himself a very good simulator, as they say, from scratch in every sense:

Video: do-it-yourself simulator, manufacturing

Exercise hyperextension creates a load on the entire muscle group of the lumbar, and as a result, effectively strengthens the corset of the body. By changing the position of the body, you can shift the emphasis and increase the load on the buttocks and hamstrings. Hypertension refers to basic exercises, when it is performed, a whole group of muscles is involved, which allows you to strengthen your back, correct your posture, tighten your buttocks, and model a beautiful figure.

In the article, we will tell you why hyperextension is so useful, why it is called a unique exercise for the spine, discuss contraindications, and analyze the technique for performing the exercise. Let us dwell on the questions: how to choose the right simulator, and how the hyperextension exercise is performed at home.

Why is hypersthenia needed?

Hyperextension in essence is flexion and extension of the back on a special simulator - in the popular “Roman chair”. During training, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, lower legs, lower back actively work, which has a healing and restorative effect for the lumbar belt, allows you to correct your figure, get a press and a flat stomach, elastic buttocks, an aspen waist, and remove “ears” from the sides.

The body solid ghyp 45 incline trainer is convenient for self-study

Anatomical atlas

The set of muscles that is involved in the hyperextension exercise is very useful for the spine, in addition to the main groups, the muscles connected to the spine column, which cannot be worked out with other movements, are included in the work. This is a universal workout for creating a muscular corset, which will serve as a powerful and reliable protection for the lumbar region and protect you from spinal injuries. The table below shows how the load is created when performing the hyperextension exercise, which muscles work during this:

Name of the muscle Where is located How it works
Rear end
Biceps femoris or biceps From the back of the thighs, from the outer side Flexes the legs at the knees, extends the hip joint, lifting the torso
Semitendon Located at the back, on the inside
Semimembranosus Located under the semitendinosus muscle
Calf and buttocks
gastrocnemius Ankle, back Fixes the ankle joint, bends the knees
Gluteus maximus Buttocks Raising the torso from the slope, unbends the hip joint

Muscle groups on which the main load falls

Watch the lesson "hyperextension technique", the video shows in detail how to properly perform exercises on the simulator.

Varieties of hyperextensions

There are several types of exercises, their name determines the essence of the classes:

  • at an angle - inclined hyperextension, the simulator at an angle of 45 °;
  • parallel to the floor - horizontal hyperextension, a classic exercise;
  • reverse hyperextension - the body is motionless, the legs are included in the work;
  • hyperextension on a fitball - a big ball.

How to do hyperextension on an inclined simulator

Exercise can be done even on the floor, without a Roman chair. Next, a master class on how hyperextension is performed correctly, video tips from professionals and an analysis of the main mistakes.

Hyperextension Techniques

All classic hyperextension exercises for the back, and only the reverse involves the gluteal region to a greater extent. In addition to special simulators, classes can be carried out on a bench, on a ball, lying on the floor.

Hyperextension simulator torneo g 104 - light and compact, convenient for home workouts

On a special bench

Horizontal hyperextension is performed on the bench, the technique is the same as on the simulator. The legs of the bench are fixed to the floor for stability. The assistant should hold the legs. We lay down on the bench with our stomach and slide down to the end edge so that the torso hangs down completely.

Good to know: The higher the bench, the greater the range of motion, the more effective the workout.

The body is strictly horizontal, the back is straight, hands behind the head or cross in front of you. Slowly, while inhaling, bend down until you feel a strong tension in the hips. As you exhale, slowly rise up. The main condition is that the back must be straight, it must not be arched, rounded, body swaying is prohibited.

Hyperextension, photo of the correct body position during exercises

On the floor

Hyperextension on the floor is performed more often at home, without special devices. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, back straight. While inhaling, we try to slowly tear our legs off the floor, as high as possible, while exhaling, we take the starting position.

Then we fix the legs, the assistant can hold the ear or put the feet under the sofa. We clasp our hands behind the head, inhale and at this time we begin to raise the body up, exhale - we go down.

In the photo, how to do hyperextension at home

On fitball

Exercises on the ball do not allow you to use significant working weight in training. Hyperextension on a fitball is complicated by the fact that coordination of movements is required.

We lie down face down, the ball in the abdomen, hands behind our heads or cross in front of us, keep our legs straight, rest our toes on the floor. While inhaling, we strain the muscles of the lumbar region, straighten the back, to the limit, so that the legs and spine form one straight line. As you exhale, twist down.

Hyperextension, fitball technique

Reverse hyperextension

Reverse hyperextension helps to work out the biceps of the thigh and gluteal muscles, optionally the load is distributed to the long dorsal muscles. This exercise helps to stretch the spinal column. In fact, reverse hyperextension involves the same areas as the classic version of the exercises, but the emphasis is somewhat shifted. It is believed that this training option is safer for the spine.

It is convenient to do the reverse exercise on the folding, weight-block aliv sport al 018

The exercise is performed on a simulator or on a special board, which is fixed exactly at the level of the abdomen. The reference point is the middle and upper abdominal area, up to the navel. We lie down on the board with our chest, hold on tightly with our hands, raise our legs up, ideally above the waist, in order to load the muscles as much as possible. Hold the position for a couple of seconds and slowly lower your legs down. To complicate the exercise, you can tie dumbbells or a pancake to your legs.

Hyperextension for the buttocks, one way to perform a reverse exercise

Important: Work with weights is shown only to already prepared people, in good physical shape.

Hyperextension at home

Hyperextension at home can be performed on the floor, on a fitball, for those who cannot imagine their life without sports, it is better to buy a simulator or make a bench with your own hands. For beginners, it is recommended to start from the floor, exercises can be performed even on a hard sofa or chair.

Here it is important to consider safety precautions and a way to hold the legs without an assistant to perform classic hyperextension. Subject to the technique, the results at home are not inferior to those that can be achieved in the gym. It is better to do several times, the optimal number of approaches is 3 times for 15-20 twists.

Is it possible to do hyperextension with a problematic spine

The main contraindication for hyperextension is any problems in the spine. But there are practically no healthy people, so you can do it, except for specific contraindications, which we will discuss below, but in a gentle mode, without additional loads.

What does hyperextension give?

  • maintains muscle tone;
  • strengthens the spine;
  • relieves pain symptoms in the lumbar region;
  • is a good prophylactic for intervertebral hernias;
  • increased nutrition of muscle mass.

Important: Lowering the torso by more than 60 degrees is recommended only for trained people with a perfectly healthy and trained back. In any other cases, such a position of the body during training will only bring harm.

Professional bench for hyperextension

It is difficult to track the correct technique on your own; either a stick attached to your back or training in the gym under the supervision of an instructor will help.

It is forbidden to perform hyperextension in case of any pain syndromes in the lower back and spine, even if they appeared during training, the training should be stopped until the pain disappears. The safest option is hyperextension with the involvement of the rectus spinal muscles, when the height of the stop is located exactly at the level of the infragluteal fold, the back of the thigh and buttocks are in dynamics, the extensor muscles of the back are static in this position. This position does not give overextension, the natural deflection is preserved and the back is not rounded, there is no axial load.

The problems of the spine include the following ailments:

  • Stretching of the intervertebral ligaments.
  • Stretching of the back muscles (myositis).
  • Protrusion of the intervertebral disc - protrusion.
  • A hernia of the intervertebral disc, an absolute contraindication is a hernia on a thin stalk, from the back of the spine, during training it can fall off, get into the spinal canal, squeeze the nerves.
  • Osteochondrosis without pain, you can do it, you should choose exercises for the rectus muscles of the back, the exercise therapy also includes hyperextension, without bending back.
  • Sciatica is inflammation or pinching of the sciatic nerve.
  • Mechanical injuries of the spinal column.
  • Curvature of the spine - scoliosis, hyperstension in a gentle mode is useful.

Before any sports activities, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and receive recommendations from specialists.

Choosing a trainer for hyperextension

For more effective training, you need a hyperextension simulator, you can buy it in sports goods or in a specialized online store, the average price is $ 60-400. Before making a purchase, you need to know a few features of the Roman chair.

Hyperextension body craft f670, leg brace adjustable: 15 levels in height and 5 in length

Horizontal and inclined shells are offered for sale, more advanced models allow you to adjust the bench in height, in accordance with your height. The design also provides on the one hand two pillows for a comfortable location of the hips and rollers to hold the legs.

Convenient folding simulator oxygen hyperpress board, weighs only 13 kg

Good to know: The inclined version can be turned into a horizontal one, if you fit a stand under the rear legs, so you can set the machine at any angle. In addition to the purchased machine, they can serve as a box, board, shield, etc.

Wide professional machine aerofit if45

Before buying, make sure that there is enough distance between the bench and the rollers for fixing the legs for your anthropometric data. If the machine does not fit in size, then it will be inconvenient to practice.

Budget bench for training the muscles of the back and the press dfc sc yw011

The hyperextension simulator, which today is very popular among athletes of any qualification, is one of the most effective and frequently used sports equipment for shaping a beautiful body. The main purpose of the bench for hyperextension is the development of muscle bundles of the back, gluteal muscles, biceps of the legs and abdominals.

What is a design

The hyperextension bench is a machine designed to form a beautiful body and a strong back.

The design consists of:

  • iron case;
  • roller for the lower extremities;
  • roller for the anterior surface of the thigh.

The simulator is completely cast, only the only component that can be adjusted is the axis. With its help, the optimal position of the legs is selected depending on the height of the person involved.




Hyperextension refers to the basic exercises that work out the extensors of the back as much as possible.

But with strict observance of the exercise technique, the following muscle fibers are worked out:

  • extensors of the back muscles;
  • biceps muscle of the lower extremities;
  • semitendinosus muscle of the thigh;
  • semimembranosus muscle of the thigh;
  • gastrocnemius;
  • big buttock.

This simulator can be used for training purposes by people of different physiques and degrees of physical fitness. The possibility of getting injured during classes is minimal, which makes it so popular.

When performing exercises, the load is formed due to the personal weight of the person involved.

In order to increase efficiency, additional weights are used in the form of:

  • pancakes;

The hyperextension bench is widely used both in professional gyms and at home. Small size and high performance contribute to the versatility of the bench.


The hyperextension simulator has several types of configurations. When buying, you should decide which model you want: horizontal or tilted. But regardless of the modification, any bench must be made of high-quality material and equipped with all accessories. A modern bench should also be equipped with a moving axle, which ensures that the simulator fits the anthropometric data of the person involved.

Overview of the best models

Equipped with a soft lumbar support and reach adjustment. It has a convenient, simple and practical folding design. It has 9 bench heights. The maximum allowable load is 130 kilograms. The cost is 8000 rubles.

Promotes comfortable exercise. The presence of a wide base prevents the simulator from swinging. Used to perform classic hyperextension in a horizontal position. Maximum load up to 150 kilograms. The average cost is 5000-6000 rubles.

The Horizontal Hyper has a durable stainless steel construction and comfortable multi-layered bolsters. Maximum load 300 kg. The cost is 8000-9000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of classes

Like any of the bench for hyperexecution also has a number of positive and negative points.

Exercises on the bench for hyperextension contribute to the formation of a straight posture.

The benefits include:

  • the lumbosacral spine is being qualitatively worked out;
  • contributes to the constant maintenance of the muscular corset in good shape;
  • with regular exercise strengthens the back;
  • reduces the number of opportunities to injure the spine and tendons;
  • exercise on the simulator is used for preventive actions in case of osteochondrosis and other various congestion in the back, and especially in the lumbar spine;
  • with proper exercise, you can also pump the gluteal muscles, hips and abs;
  • it is allowed to exercise on the simulator with minor injuries of the spine;
  • distribution of physical load during the exercise only on the involved muscles;
  • gradual preparation of the musculoskeletal system for more complex strength exercises.

The only drawback of exercising on the simulator is the presence of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lumbar spine. With such violations, permission to perform exercises on the hyperextension bench simulator is given exclusively by a doctor.

How to practice

Hyperextension for these types of training:

  • for training the press, fixing the torso and bending the legs;
  • training of muscle fibers of the back;
  • increase in load due to the inclination of the stop.

There are several types of hyperextension:

  • at an angle;
  • horizontally;
  • lateral hyperextension;
  • reverse.

One of the most common machines is the horizontal bench for hyperextension.

Technique for performing classic hyperextension on a horizontal bench

  • Initial position. Position yourself on the machine so that the front roller is slightly below the fold line of the torso and hips, and the lower roller is slightly above the Achilles tendon. Put your hands behind your head, look straight ahead.
  • Performing an exercise. We tilt the torso down until an angle of approximately 70-80 degrees is formed. It is worth bending only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hip joint, while keeping your back as even as possible.
  • Return to starting position carried out by raising the body until a straight line is formed with the legs. At the highest point, fix for a couple of seconds.

Breathing during the exercises should be such that when lowering the body, inhale, and when lifting, exhale. The exercise is performed smoothly and slowly without rocking the body.

As for the number of repetitions and approaches, it all depends on the degree of physical fitness and the purpose of the training process:

  • In order to gradually strengthen the lumbar region, it is also recommended for beginner athletes to perform 3 sets of 15 times.
  • When performing hyperextension, 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions are done as a warm-up.
  • As a finishing exercise, 4 sets of 25 reps.
  • With additional weight, it is recommended to do 15 times in 2 sets, gradually increasing the weight by 5 kilograms. It is not recommended to immediately use heavy weights.

Typical mistakes in class

At first glance, it seems that performing an exercise on a hyperextension bench is quite simple and primitive. But such an opinion is rather erroneous. Many athletes make a number of mistakes when exercising on such a simulator.

The most common:

  • The body is lowered very low. This technique of execution is permissible only if there is an absolutely healthy back.
  • By lifting the torso at the highest point, a large deflection is made.
  • The exercises are carried out in a large amplitude.
  • Flexion of the lower extremities at the knee joint. When performing exercises, the legs should be tense and perfectly even.
  • Incorrect position of the upper limbs rigidly reduced into a "lock".
  • The use of additional weights with a large weight.

With the right exercise, it is possible to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Modern life, on the one hand, deprives a person of most of the natural physical activity; on the other hand, he throws bundles of psychological and emotional loads at him. Therefore, absolutely everyone needs to keep themselves in good, at least physical shape. To the credit of the current generation, we can say that now most people understand: a healthy mind in a healthy body. They also soon begin to understand: physical exercises, dumbbells and a carpal expander are not enough; you need to work more with weights on shells and machines, so at least a bench is required.

A healthy body is also necessary for a developed mind. Physically undeveloped outstanding scientists, engineers, creative intelligentsia, top managers and businessmen are the exception rather than the rule. Leo Tolstoy at 60 twisted the sun on the horizontal bar. Niels Bohr, the one in school textbooks, was a famous football player who played for the Danish national team. It came to oddities with him: when Bohr was awarded the Nobel Prize, in physics, of course, the Copenhagen "Tagebladette" printed a note, they say, that's good, they gave our forward a Nobel prize for football. And the "nerd" in "physics" often turns out to be such in areas of activity that require mental stress.

The abdominal muscles, as you know, are more difficult to pump than others, because. their ends are not directly connected to the bones. At home, pumping up the press without special equipment does not last long until a hernia. Therefore, a bench for the press is also needed. Structurally, both shells are most often combined into one, with the possibility of transformation for certain sets of exercises.

Sports benches are not technologically complex products. There are enough descriptions of them in RuNet, but more in the key: choose the drawings, and then - like this you need to saw, like this to beat, like this to screw. A person who cares about his physical development, as a rule, knows how to manage the instrument. But how do you choose a prototype to benefit from training? How to modify it for your biomechanics and biometrics? Which sample is more suitable for certain groups of exercises?

This publication is devoted to the questions of how to make an exercise bench in the preferred direction of physical development with your own hands according to a reasonably chosen model, and then, on its basis, a home simulator. Those who intend to prove themselves in sports or bodybuilding by working out on it will not be ashamed to come to a well-equipped professional gym. In the meantime, the material is designed for beginner athletes and just for people who understand: it is possible and necessary to use the benefits of civilization, but letting them turn themselves into a twitchy “teapot” or swollen sourdough is wrong.

Note: The problem of home sports activities has recently become more and more acute in rural areas - “physicists” are decreasing there, stress is increasing, and it is far from a well-equipped gym.

What to choose from

A home bench for bench press is most often part of a compact simulator or is itself a multifunctional sports equipment. For those who regularly work out, things will come to a simulator for sure, therefore, when choosing a prototype bench, you should already keep in mind what it will become overgrown with later. The designs of sports simulators are most commonly used 4, 3 and 2 support. “Support” in this case does not mean the number of points of contact with the floor (usually there are at least 4 of them, for stability), but the number of vertical power connections in the structure, it largely determines the capabilities of the projectile.

Types of home exercise equipment

4-support shells, pos. 1 in Fig., are designed for advanced athletes operating with large, over 100 kg, weights. The racks for the barbell are located in them at the level of the shoulders of the person lying, which greatly reduces the risk of injury: a barbell that has collapsed on the chest with a barbell is very serious. 4-support simulators are heavy, bulky, and you can’t deal with heavy weights in an apartment: falling on the floor, they give an instant load of 5-8 of their weights, and the bearing capacity of the floors is 250 kg / sq. m.

For domestic conditions, 3-support simulators are designed, simple and with additional levers for loads, leg supports, athletic desks, etc., pos. 2 and 3. In order for the bar of the bar in the 3-support simulator to also fall at shoulder level, their benches are made “breaking”: it is dangerous to take the bar with your hands behind your head. Therefore, in terms of dimensions, 3-support simulators are generally not smaller than 4-support ones, excluding those in which the bar is taken from the approach, see below. Permissible working weight in 3-support projectiles, as a rule, is taken 100-120 kg, including the body weight of the trainee.

A 2-support simulator is actually a bench for the press. For different groups of exercises, horizontal and inclined benches are needed, pos. 4 and 5: on a horizontal bench, the press itself swings, and on an inclined bench, the lumbar muscles are also well loaded. A more complex structurally universal bench, pos. 6 serves in both capacities.

Note: on an incline bench, you can also do the initial complexes of hyperextensive exercises, see below.

The most perfect type of sports benches is a transforming bench with a breaking board, the inclination of the parts of which is regulated separately, pos. 7. The transformer bench can be supplemented with a rack for a block with a load, a school desk, pos. 8 and other devices. It makes sense to do this for yourself right away if you have the necessary working skills: then adding a barbell rack to the bench, we get a complete analogue of a 4-support simulator, only for less weight, pos. 9.

Erroneous design of a transforming sports bench

Note: a common mistake in the independent manufacture of transformer sports benches is to perform them according to the power circuit, as in fig. on right. When performing exercises, significant efforts arise, tending to “spread the bench legs”, and the welds turn out to be unreliable. In order for the projectile of this sample to become durable, its support bars must be connected with a longitudinal beam, or two, from the same pipe.

Special benches

A special type of sports equipment is benches for hyperextensive exercises. Their goal is to achieve harmony and flexibility without building excessive muscle mass. In fact, hyperextension can be done on a large ball, or just on a mat, but the best results are obtained on a special bench.

Benches for hyperextension

Benches for hyperextension, due to anatomical and physiological differences, are male and female, see fig. A strong Amazon can do hyperextension exercises on the men's bench, but ladies whose goal is to get rid of riding breeches, a slender posture and a flat stomach, only need a women's bench for hyperextension, to the left of the trail. rice. It’s better to start putting yourself in order without risking reproductive health, after all, on an inclined bench with a curved board, in the center, and for “advanced” beauties to do press with a load, also sitting on a special bench, on the right.

Special benches for sports exercises

Note: drawings of a bench for hyperextension with adjustment for height are given in fig. Materials - profile pipe 40x25x2, 35x15x1.5 and round 25x1.5; school desk made of plywood 12-14 mm. For the lining of the desk, see below.

Bench drawings for hyperextension exercises

About sizes

Here in fig. the dimensions of 3-support simulators for people of average height are given. On the left - fully functional with a removable desk, hand and foot levers. The main materials are professional pipe 60x40x2 and round 30x2; emphasis for lifting the board - pipe 20x2. The board is 16mm plywood with sheathing as described below.

Dimensions of home exercise equipment for people of average height

On the right is a simple compact one. The height of the bench above the floor is selected individually, according to the measure from the heel firmly standing on the floor to the inner bend of the knee joint. Basic materials as in the previous case; adjustable back leg allows you to transform the projectile for sitting exercises. But remember: the barbell from this simulator should only be taken from the approach!

different benches

The simplest, but also remarkably durable sports bench - “hippolitovka” can be made according to the drawing in fig; flooring - a solid board from 40 mm. Those who took the course of a young soldier in the army are well acquainted with her; at least in the past. "Spirits" - the townspeople soon began to look at hippolitovka with amazement and apprehension: how many, it turns out, all sorts of exercises can be done on it! And it is also a great part of the 4-support simulator.

sports bench frame

On the trail. rice. - inclined bench for the press. This, due to its compactness and usefulness, does not hurt to have a separate one, if there is enough space in the home. Due to the lack of right angles, the material is weaker - a professional pipe 40x40. Foot rests - a 10 mm rod with threaded ends, rubberized to the desired size. Removable rubber sleeves: the lower stop is adjustable, and the top one is removed if you need to do exercises in which it interferes.

Drawings of an incline bench for the press

Further on fig. - compact power bench with racks for the barbell. Exercises on it are done mainly while sitting. You can also pump the press, deeply bending your back. In this case, the legs will be supported by the cross beam A, and then it must be covered with something soft or put on a rubber sleeve. Materials - professional pipe 40x40, and rod holders made of steel strip with a thickness of 6 mm.

Compact strength bench

The next sample is an athletic bench already for strong guys, confidently handling a barbell with a weight equal to their own, the so-called. Scott's desk. Materials, respectively - professional pipe 60x60x2.5 and 50x50x2. Neck holders from the same strip as before. case; seat and table made of plywood from 20 mm.

Bench with a desk for exercises with weights

Several simulators

How to tightly connect the “hippolitovka” bench with the barbell rack, turning it into a fairly compact 4-support simulator, is shown on the left in fig. In the same place on the right - the dimensions and design of the bench-transformer for the same frame. The main material here and there is a professional pipe 40x60. Let's remember about the clamps of the racks with the rod holders below.

Home exercise machine and a transforming bench for it

On the trail. rice. - drawings with a material sheet of a simple 3-support stationary unregulated simulator with a horizontal bench. It is more suitable for private households with a sufficient usable area. The highlight of this design is the connection of the far leg of the bench with its supporting beam with a link at 45 degrees. Thanks to the optimal distribution of operational loads, it was possible to make a projectile, on which you can do exercises with weights of more than 100 kg, from a 50x50 professional pipe.

Simple tricycle home trainer

Finally, further in Fig. - drawings and specification of elements for a fully functional home simulator with a transformer bench for bench press and abs. Pay attention to the node highlighted in red. This is the simplest and most reliable way to fix the barbell racks for home use. The fixing pins (with a diameter of 12 mm or more) will, of course, wear out a little, but they will never jam or bite.

Full featured home gym

More about the bar

As already mentioned, a barbell not held on weight can cause severe injury, up to a fatal outcome. And to send her neck to the holders in such cases is unrealistic. But it’s realistic - to provide 2 segments of the chain, securely fixed on the racks of the rod. At the other ends of the chains are carbines, they are thrown onto the bar. The length of the chain safety links is taken such that, holding the barbell on fully extended arms, the chains sag, but the bar of the released barbell does not reach the chest. To prevent the carabiners from slipping on the neck, it is enough to wrap them with tape. Suddenly the bar collapses, the adhesive tape, of course, will not stand it, both carabiners will move to one end of the neck, but the matter will be frightened and, possibly, beaten by the floor.

About wooden athletic benches

It is impossible to practice with a barbell on wooden sports equipment, their design will not withstand. But in situations arising from the awkwardness of the trainee, the tree “gives” through the body much less sensitive than metal. Therefore, it is preferable for beginners and minors to use wooden benches for the press and the press. In addition, wooden sports benches and exercise equipment can be built in the country or in a country house from the remnants of building materials.

Drawings of an inclined wooden bench for the press

The design of an inclined wooden bench for the press and the specification for it are shown in Fig., and on the next. rice. - drawings of a wooden simulator with an incline bench and a lever for leg exercises with a load. In order for the tree to hold the operational loads, a block suspension system was used: they hang on the descending branches of the cable A. The transverse beams B are rubber-coated steel.

Wooden home trainer

About upholstery boards and seats

Boards and seats of industrial sports equipment are covered with leatherette or plastic of a similar purpose on an elastic lining. Such lining is durable, but does not prevent sweat re-absorption, which is not useful in any way; that is why a modern sports uniform is sewn in 2 layers, with a mesh that immediately removes sweat directly from the skin.

In gyms, this lack of plating does not noticeably affect, because. the gym is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (PVV) and air conditioning. At least, it must be equipped according to sanitary standards. At home, it is not always possible to exercise at a comfortable temperature, and it is simply technically impossible to arrange a VVV in many city apartments. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out the sheathing of home-made athletic benches in the form of such a “pie”, following from the base outward:

  • Microporous rubber with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Furniture foam rubber with a density of 45 (grade 45) with a thickness of 8 mm or more;
  • Sintepon with a thickness of 7 mm;
  • Denim or material like an old-style flannelette soldier's blanket.

The rubber damper is glued to the base with Moment glue or hot glue from a glue gun. The remaining layers of the skin are tucked to the underside and pinned with a furniture stapler. The disadvantage of such a sheathing is that it needs to be changed once a year, at the end of spring; the rubber layer remains. The soft layers will not harden, perhaps even within 3-4 years, but according to sanitary and hygienic requirements, the service life of the textile sheathing should be reduced to a year.

About the technology of work

It is beyond the scope of this publication to describe the technological details of the manufacture of exercise benches. Nevertheless, even if the reader is a good locksmith and welder, it is necessary to give an idea of ​​​​how to make a home sports simulator with your own hands. Therefore, we offer a video course in 3 parts from the author, who made himself a very good simulator, as they say, from scratch in every sense:

Video: do-it-yourself simulator, manufacturing
Part 1

Exercises called hyperextension are more popular with girls and women due to the fact that it allows you to develop back muscles, tighten your buttocks and stomach. In addition, it also allows you to improve the shape and physical condition of the legs - in particular, the biceps femoris.

What is it, what is it for and what is the use

Almost every girl, woman, dreams of a beautiful belly, strong and toned buttocks, as well as a beautiful back. However, men have problems, in the trailer the same and not everyone can boast of a strong embossed back, especially at the very beginning of the sports path. This is where the exercise that gives the maximum effect comes to the rescue - hyperextension, which can be performed even at home, with excellent results.

This word translated from English means "overstretching" or "overextension".

Who will benefit from this exercise:

  • Beginning athlete.
  • For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • For those who want to correct their posture.
  • For those who are tired of frequent injuries of the spine and tendons.

In addition, hyperextension is an excellent prophylactic against the following ailments:

  1. Spinal osteochondrosis.
  2. Scoliosis.
  3. Hernias.
  4. Protrusions.

To do this, you need to give a gradual, but regular load of the back muscles.

After such regular and technically correctly performed exercises, the following beneficial factors are evident:

  • Blood circulation is activated in the area of ​​the hips, buttocks and lower back.
  • Muscles respond gratefully to oxygen, fresh blood, and warmth.
  • The metabolism is normalized.
  • Training has a positive effect on blood vessels, joints, tendons, ligaments, tissues and nerves.
  • The mood improves.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • The figure is corrected.
  • Posture improves.
  • The strength of the extensors of the spinal column is getting stronger.
  • Strength indicators of other exercises grow as the back, legs and buttocks are strengthened.
  • The spinal column is unloaded.

Given such a huge number of pluses, the correctness of choosing this particular training is quite obvious.

What muscles are working

Most of the load falls on the following muscles:

  1. The back of the thigh.
  2. Loin.
  3. Buttocks.
  4. shins.

How best to use the exercise

Experienced lifters tend to do heavy compound lifts first, followed by superextensions, despite the fact that this is also considered a compound exercise.

Beginning athletes use it as a basic exercise with a frequency of three times a week.

Types of exercises in the gym and at home

  • Classic. It is carried out with the help of various types of simulators.
  • At an angle. With the use of the so-called "Roman chair".
  • On fitball.

All of the above apply more in the gym.

Methods for home training

At home, hyperextension is done in other ways, and there are three of them.

  1. First. With the use of beds, stools that line up. Too soft a surface is undesirable, as well as too low. In the latter case, in order for the athlete's body to hang freely and the person not to beat his forehead against the floor surface. Here, of course, an assistant will not interfere, who will securely fix the legs of a training person. In addition, a partner is an additional incentive for training, since together things will go more fun, and the presence of a team, even if such a small one, a sense of comradeship, do their good deed.

The starting position will be the position lying on the stomach face down, where the legs and body of the athlete are in a straight line.

  1. Second . The main advantage of hyperextension at home, lying on the floor, is that practically nothing extra is required for this - no shells and devices. Here, even the legs can be fixed, say, under a radiator, a sofa, an armchair or a closet - this is in the absence of a partner.

Inhaling, you need to smoothly raise your head, tearing your torso off the floor with a back arch. In the upper phase of the exercise, a two-second fixation is performed, and then the same smooth return to the starting position follows. Three sets of 15 repetitions are done.

  1. The third method involves the presence of a gymnastic ball called a fitball. In the initial position, the ball is placed in front of the athlete. The stomach and upper part of the pelvis lie on the ball, the legs are straightened, and the foot rests against a wall or other vertical surface. The body and legs are in a straight line, and the back is slightly arched. The torso goes down until it feels like the muscles of the biceps femoris are maximally stretched. This is followed by a return to the starting position through the tension of the muscles of the lower back. 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Benefits of training at home

There are a number of reasons that encourage a person to train at home. Here they are:

  • Distance from the gym. A lot of time is spent on the road.
  • Expensive subscription. Not everyone can afford it, especially if you work with a coach.
  • Complexes about physical imperfection. There are a lot of people in the gym who look more athletic and they are doing much better.

This is what makes me think about doing hyperextension without exercise equipment at home.

Of course, simulators were not invented in vain and the effectiveness of any training on them is much higher than without them. Many, complaining about their absence, motivate their sports inactivity. However, this is just an excuse and justification for their own laziness and inertia. But this is not at all a reason to do nothing at all, anywhere and do nothing.

Many athletes purchase branded or make homemade Roman chairs. A home-made chair is desirable with a welded structure, in order to avoid injuries due to the unreliability of the projectile, and with moderately soft pillows made of foam rubber and leatherette.

Reverse hyperextension at home

There is also the so-called reverse hyperextension, which can also be practiced at home. What is the difference?

The difference is that in this case, it is not the body that rises - it remains motionless, but the legs.

The starting position in this case lies in the fact that you need to lie on the bench in such a way that the stomach lies on it up to the pelvic area, and the legs hang down without touching the floor. At the same time, the shoulder blades should be compressed, and hands should be held on to a bench or some other available support.

While exhaling, the legs should be raised to a horizontal position or slightly higher with a delay of 2 seconds, straining the gluteal muscles. This is followed by a return to the starting position. Weights can be used to increase the load.

And again, three ways to do it:

  1. First. The exercise described above can be performed on two chairs, for example.
  2. Second. Lie face down on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. The head, shoulders and arms are raised along with the legs so that it looks like a boat or a paperweight. After a short delay, the torso, legs lower. To increase the load, you can use the ball, which must be clamped between the feet and try to lift it, not missing in the upper phase of the exercise.
  3. Third. Fitball is used again. You need to lie on the ball with your hips with the support of your hands in front of the projectile. Legs are straight, fingers touch the surface of the floor. They are raised so that they form a straight line with the body, with a delay of 3 seconds. Do three sets of 20 reps.

Exercises for girls and boys: is there a separation

Looking ahead, you should immediately make a reservation that all of the listed exercises are universal, that is, they are suitable for both sexes and almost all ages without any restrictions.

There are contraindications, and they are associated with certain diseases that affect only a small percentage of the population.

What unites girls, women, boys and men in this case? Yes, only one thing: look better, have good health and prevent many diseases. These ailments are directly related to physical inactivity and a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Any sane person dreams of strong and beautiful muscles, a flat stomach and toned buttocks.

That's the whole difference.


Of course, any sport or physical activity in general has contraindications. Here they are:

  • Injuries to the coccyx, lower back or spinal column.
  • Hernias. At the same time, exercise therapy is not recommended in any form, since this will only aggravate the situation, provoking an increase in it. In addition, the pain will increase, and the case may end in a surgical operation.

Exercise in a mild form can be done even in early pregnancy after prior consultation with a doctor.


Home hyperextension (like any other) makes sense only with the right execution technique - this is an axiom. Many people believe that a simulator is indispensable, but this is a very common misconception. Anyone who wants to be healthy and flexible will always find an opportunity to practice, and a skeptic and lazy person is always looking for a reason to do nothing. So, after consulting with your doctor, you can safely move on to home workouts.