Happy birthday to your best friend until you cry (in verse). Touching happy birthday greetings to your best friend Great touching happy birthday greetings to your friend

How many years have already flown by?
We're still friends
When my heart was heavy,
You healed the wounds!

Happy Birthday dear,
Stay the most beautiful
And fortune helps,
May it bring one success!

I wish you women's happiness,
Be chic and slim
I am sending an angel
Protect you from adversity!

Touchingly congratulate your friend on her birthday

Congratulations my dear!
Even though the years have flown by,
You are beautiful and young.
Stay happy always.

I wish not to know, girlfriend,
Pain, resentment, sadness, cold.
And also for tears on the pillow
You would never give it.

Beautiful touching birthday greetings to a friend

Let it be, my friend, on this birthday
Your cherished dreams come true,
Let inspiration bloom in your heart,
And let happiness add warmth.

Let the spouse carry it in his arms, of course,
The kids just make you happy,
May success never leave you
And there will be tenderness and peace nearby.

The most touching birthday greetings to a friend

Dear, beloved friend!
On this glorious birthday of yours
I wish that winter and blizzard
Don't run over your head.

I wish you joyful moments
Every day you live!
So that always, not only on your birthday
Lilacs bloomed in your soul!

To be cherished and loved
Relatives, family and friends!
There is no more valuable friend in the whole world
For me than you! Love you!

Touching birthday wishes for a friend

You came into my life
Like a light breeze from a wave.
You gave me greetings
Winter, and summer, and spring.
You tried to brighten up life
And she brought a wonderful light into them.
You gave me that drop of happiness
The one I've been waiting for for many years.
We are two friends... And, probably,
There is no stronger friendship in the world.
Let me tell you on my birthday -
You, (Name), are a “star” person!!!

Very touching birthday greetings to a friend

Dear friend, on your birthday
Please accept only sincere congratulations!
May your endeavors be wonderful
Let your dates be enchanted by bright romance,

A lot of passion, love and, of course, luck,
The unearthly beauty of fleeting moments,
So that you never regret anything,
May Fortune remain with you forever!

Touching birthday greetings to a friend in verse

I want to give you a fairy tale -
So that life blossoms more and more beautifully,
And my eyes sparkled with joy
Our dear birthday girl!

I want to give you the stars
So that the night never frightens you,
And it wasn't too late to dream
And there was not enough love!

I will neither joke nor dissemble -
But I’ll just say, raising my glass:
I want to give you a miracle
You deserve it, darling!

Touching birthday poem for a friend

Dear friend, Happy Birthday!
Let joy be reflected in your eyes!
I'm glad to see happy moments
To whom pain and fear are unknown!

So don’t let you know about them either,
Be happy, love, be loved!
Let success in business help you,
And let the most faithful one show the way!

Touching birthday greetings to your best friend

Whenever I turn to you -
You will always come to the rescue,
You will share trouble and joy
And you will find the right words.

Congratulations to you, friend
I'm happy birthday now,
Let there be joy - without end,
Filled with happiness every hour!

Touching birthday greetings to your beloved friend

I want to wish you
So that you never lose heart,
So that things are at “5”,
You grew prettier and blossomed.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Smiles, joy, luck!
May all your dreams come true.
My dear, happy birthday!

Touching birthday greetings to a close friend

I want to wish you happy days,
So that you smile more often
And so that you will always be in your life
Luck, luck and happiness!
Friend, let the house be buried in flowers,
Love will warm you with gentle light,
And everything that is in your hopes and dreams,
Let it come true soon!

Beautiful touching birthday greetings to a friend in verse

Planet of love for you
Let it become dear and close,
I want to wish you
Find love very quickly.
My golden friend
There's no need to be sad, darling,
I believe that dawn is coming soon
It will give you happiness, dear!
Happy birthday and new day,
I want to wish you happiness
Let adversity burn with fire,
They will bypass adversity!

Today is a holiday - a birthday.
Day of smiles and friends.
Good mood day
And risky undertakings.
On this day I congratulate
Your best friend
From my heart I wish her
Star round dance in a circle.
So that there is a sea of ​​love in life,
Fulfillment of dreams,
So that I don’t know tears and grief,
May your eyes always shine!

What should I wish for you?
Poverty is probably unrecognizable.
What should I tell you my friend?
How to get rid of separation?
Let all troubles pass by,
May you be breathtakingly beautiful.
Every moment is wonderful
Affectionate and relentless.
I raise a glass to you,
I definitely don't know a better friend.
All tears, congratulations for you,
As if God is the best creation.

With all my heart and with all my soul
I wish you peace, unchanging sunshine,
Let luck and success rush,
May happiness come instantaneously.
My dear and beloved friend,
I wish you goodness and happiness,
May you forever be beautiful
Let problems and bad weather pass by,
I wish you always to be successful,
I wish you priceless joy,
So that everything is always great,
To become the queen of the universe.

I wish you flight of the soul,
Get lost in the starry wilderness
Waltz with the stars,
Return to earth the happiest,
And on earth love will not forget,
Spin around in the dance again and again,
All the flowers will spin together,
All the birds will make friends with you,
Enjoy your youth
Look to the future, be brave,
The Guardian Angel will not abandon you,
He will ask God for forgiveness for you!

May your dreams come true on your birthday,
I wish you to be happy.
My beloved and best friend,
You know - we can’t live without each other!
Let the sun shine in your eyes,
And your chosen one carries it in his arms.
I heartily congratulate you,
Let all the flowers bloom just for you!
Be sweet, affectionate and rejoice in fate,
Everything is for you now, and everything is for you alone -
Gifts and bouquets of scarlet roses…
Live, friend, without melancholy and tears!

Congratulations to my beloved friend,
I wish you good luck and luck!
May you always be lucky in everything,
And the year will be generous with purchases.
Let whatever you wish come true,
Love and passion will meet on the road.
Let your chosen one carry you in his arms
And fulfills all your wishes!
I also wish to live in a huge house,
So that there is a lot of good there.
Live, my friend, without tears,
Accept a bouquet of roses with all your heart!

Not every woman in the world can make friends,
Betrayal and lies occur sometimes,
There is no one else like you on the planet,
You are my most faithful friend, dear.
Girlfriend, let the sorrows go away,
May your life become more joyful and brighter,
You deserve the best, I know that
I will always, always support you.
And on this glorious birthday holiday,
I want to confess to you from the bottom of my heart,
That I root for you with all my heart,
And I can’t live without you!

On your birthday I wish you strength -
To love without reserve, to fight for happiness,
To be the most successful and the most beautiful,
Cry for joy, laugh at grief.
So that there is no stress and narrow shoes,
Vain doubts and bad advice.
The best cosmetics - and only French!
Chic outfits - without breaking the budget!
So that you can eat sweets without problems with excess weight,
May your every day be beautiful and bright,
And to be the envy of all the princesses in the world
Wait only for the best prince in the world!

I wish you now - and all the time,
So that there are no tears or sadness in life,
Great love and great happiness,
And most importantly - a place where they would wait.
Let the burden of grief not fall on your shoulders,
The smile will not turn into an insult.
Let only pleasant meetings “shine” for you,
And at home there are only favorite faces.
May any road be easy
Sorrows and boredom always pass,
But the main thing is to know that there are a lot of
People who are ready to give you a hand!

Imagine that you were born a bird -
The world is under your feet and the sky is expanse!
You, despising all boundaries,
You soar in the azure - boldly and freely.
Imagine that you were born a fish,
Dark depths are open to you,
Forests of corals, dance of unsteady ripples,
Whale fountains and dolphins' backs.
Imagine what you want! On this birthday
There is no need to guess what will happen next:
All the moments lived are beautiful,
Beautiful dreams and all dreams of a miracle!

I hasten to congratulate you very first,
My beloved friend,
Your holiday, birthday, the brightest,
And on this day all happiness is for you.
Enough health until old age,
And it’s like chickens don’t peck for money,
Love, like in movies - sweet and beautiful,
And at home - warmth, fireplace, comfort.
Thank you for your care, friendship,
You are the best friend that life has sent me,
Now we need to go to success together,
And the best is yet to come, hang in there!

Live only the way you wanted -
Don't be afraid of winter and prickly winds,
So that a list of wonderful moments in fate
Made up of thousands of enthusiastic words.
So that the kids can’t upset you,
My beloved carried it through life in his arms.
May the angels protect you forever,
But the heart was not touched by bitterness and fear.
Appreciated by management, dreams came true,
And the cold of doubt did not penetrate your home.
May you be the happiest and most joyful
Was there every day, every hour, every moment!

How quickly our age passes in labor,
As soon as the calendar blinks, it’s your birthday again.
But don't be sad about the past years,
Life is always beautiful - at every hour and moment!
The songs of birds outside the window and the buzzing of a bumblebee,
Ocean surface, green shore.
Everything in the world, believe me, happens for a reason,
This is a gift that is given to us for the ability to believe,
For the ability to love and for nights without sleep,
For family and children, for smiles and tears.
Spring always blooms in our hearts,
And only lucky stars beckon!

A friend is the closest person to whom you can trust your secrets and find support in any difficult situations. That's why your best friend's birthday is a special, welcome and touching holiday - because it's a great opportunity to express your love to her and say sincere words of gratitude for having her.
You can do this in a joking manner or choose sincere congratulations - it all depends on what kind of character your friend has and what style of relationship you share.
Show your imagination, choose an original gift, accompany it with beautiful words in poetry or prose - and your friend will be delighted!

We offer a selection of the best congratulations, and we hope that among them you will definitely find the most heartfelt and kind words to congratulate your friend on her birthday - the person who walks next to you and shares all the events of life with you.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart

How not to tell your friend that you don’t have a closer and better person than her. Remind her of what connects you and what warm and sincere feelings you keep in your heart. Our congratulations are about this.

My dear friend! We have known each other for a long time, and I want to say that during this time you have become a very close and dear person to me. On your birthday, I hasten to congratulate you on this holiday. Stay as sweet and spontaneous. Always give joy to those around you and receive their sincere sympathy in return. May your family value you, may your husband truly love you, and may your friends always support you. Be happy today and always.

My dear and beloved friend! Happy Birthday to You! I would like to wish you great human and especially female happiness. You deserve only the best: a loving husband, obedient children, loyal friends. Let them give you love, care, attention and inspire you to new achievements. Let all your plans come true, and let all the bad things pass by. May there always be a holiday in your soul.

My dear friend! Today is your holiday and you look especially beautiful and cheerful. I'm very happy for you. May your every day be filled with love, smiles, good mood and unforgettable adventures. I promise to always be there to share the brightest moments in life with you. Life is beautiful and may it always please you with pleasant surprises.

My dear girl! You, like a ray of sunshine, warm all your family and friends who surround you with your warmth. I am very glad that I have such a wonderful friend! Take care of yourself and do not lose your sincerity and charm. I wish you good health, personal happiness, success in your work and bright impressions in life.

My girlfriend! I love you and am very glad that you are in my life. Never change! You are a wonderful, sincere, sincere person, you always radiate positivity and charm. On your birthday, I want to wish that your eyes always sparkle with happiness, and that every day brings joy.

My closest and dearest person, my friend! I won’t have to search for long wishes to congratulate you on your birthday. I will sincerely say those words that come from the heart. Let your home always be warm and cozy, let your loved ones feel your care, love and answer you in kind. I wish that luck and success always accompany you, and that all your plans will definitely come true.

Beautiful congratulations in prose

You can express your love for your girlfriend in a slightly unusual way. Choose the most tender words, come up with the most beautiful comparisons and “wrap” them in ornate phrases.

Dear girlfriend! You are like a clear sun, because with your warmth you warm the hearts of your loved ones. You are like a rose in the garden, because you always delight others with your beauty. You are like an angel from heaven who can support and help loved ones in difficult times. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything in your life be wonderful, because you deserve only the best!

Happy Birthday to my best friend! When you were born, fairies gathered at your cradle and gave you many talents, among which is the most important one - the ability to enjoy life. You radiate optimism and being around you is always easy and simple. Let the whole next year be full of adventures, loves, bright experiences, so that every day turns into a holiday, and the night into a fairy tale.

My dear friend! On your birthday, I want to wish you to be beautiful like Sleeping Beauty, charming like Snow White, kind like Belle, hardworking like Cinderella, mysterious like the Swan Princess, enchanting like Jasmine, purposeful like the Little Mermaid, resourceful like Rapunzel and brave like Elsa. And then may a prince on a white horse, a good fairy, a genie wizard, and cheerful friends - gnomes appear in your life. In general, let your life be like a fairy tale, in which there will always be a place for love and magic. Happy holiday to you!

Dear birthday girl! When you were born, there was more warmth, light and joy in the world. You are like a beautiful delicate flower that you want to admire and protect. May your soul be a fragrant, blooming garden, and may the gray clouds of routine and despondency never appear above you. I wish you happiness, love, inspiration on this day and always.

Your birthday is here, girlfriend! On this holiday, I hasten to congratulate you and wish you to find yourself on the Island of Joy, which is located in the ocean of Positivity and rests on three pillars: Happiness, Love, Health. May all this always be in your life: abundant happiness, love to the brim, health for many years to come. I wish you all earthly blessings!

Cool congratulations in your own words

If your friend has a good sense of humor, then you can congratulate her accordingly. The main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion so that your “cool” congratulations do not leave an unpleasant “greasy” aftertaste, and your mood only improves.

Well hello my friend! You've gotten older, old lady! I suggest you sweep the sand that falls off us into a bag, dye your hair red to hide your gray hairs and throw a cool party for your birthday! After all, you look stunning, laugh contagiously, dance fieryly! I wish you to maintain your optimism and charm for many years to come. And I will always support you in any adventure.

My dear friend! Today is your holiday and I wish you that you become prettier every day, and that the crowd of your fans only grows. Let your working time be proportionally small compared to your vacation, and let there be enough money for a vacation in the coolest hotel in the Bahamas. Enjoy life and don’t be discouraged under any circumstances!

Happy Birthday, my friend! I propose today not to count the years, but to have fun, sparkle and charm men. Let there be a mess in your life, but only a creative one, tears, but only from happiness, problems, but only with where to spend the money. I wish you luck in love and life. And if you get bored, call us and we’ll figure out how to break away.

Dear friend, Happy Jam Day! I want to look great in any situation, so that my hair is always stylish, my manicure is perfect, and my body is without a hint of cellulite. Let a prince come to you, such a beauty, in a white limousine and take you to a corner of paradise. Don't forget to send me a postcard from there.
Happy Birthday to the funniest, most cheerful and most awesome girl I know! You are a lighter that gives sparks of fun to everyone around you. I wish you never to lose heart, keep your nose up and your tail like a pistol! Keep rocking this celebration of life and never deny yourself anything!

Although they say that birthday is a sad holiday, it’s not about you at all, my friend! Every day is filled with joy and drive. So today I wish you not to give a damn about all the problems and difficulties from the high bell tower, give up on all the troubles and have a fun time this holiday. Love life and never be discouraged!


For a beloved friend, no words are spared, but the most sincere wishes can be expressed in one line. Write such a short congratulation on a card, which you can use to decorate a bouquet of flowers or attach to gift wrapping.

Let your loved ones surround you with attention not only today, but every day. Happy holiday!

On your birthday I wish you happiness and great luck.

Don’t get old, don’t get sick, never get bored and celebrate your birthday with me many times.

May you have everything you need in life and may our friendship only grow stronger day by day.

I wish you, friend, good luck in everything, come and visit my house more often.

Live brightly, love hard, have fun from the heart, cherish our friendship!

Let your dreams come true, I wish you happiness and beauty.


To congratulate your friend on her birthday, you don’t have to wait until the evening when you come to her party.
You can send a couple of kind words in SMS congratulations in the morning!

Happy birthday - love, kiss, hug!

Love, warmth, let your dreams come true.

On Jam Day, accept congratulations from your friend!

I've been waiting a whole year to congratulate you on your birthday again - here it is!

I hasten to congratulate my girlfriend, I have already prepared a mug for the evening.

My bosom friend, get ready, I’ll come to congratulate you personally in the evening.

Congratulations in verse


I wish my friend a ticket to the sea,
Visit expensive jewelry more often,
Discover something new in the dispute,
And the restaurant has sweeter desserts.
I wish you finances, waste in stores,
let the closet be filled with a grocery basket,
let your loved one bring flowers,
and every month dreams will come true.

I wish you a simple, effective diet,
Favorite and promising work,
And in the wardrobe there are new clothes “from scratch”,
And in the cellars there are various types of pickling.
Let the beauty be bright and ripe,
May you, my friend, always be brave.

We walk barefoot and in the rain
You laugh like an echo on a summer day,
My heart is light and funny,
When you sing, it’s smooth and mischievous.
A faithful friend will support, reassure,
When it's bad, my heart aches,
I congratulate you on this day,
and let's raise a glass together,
Let's chat until the morning today,
I sincerely wish you the best.
May everything in life turn out well
And fate will give you a “bag of goodness”!

Makeup, hairstyle, heels...
A friend is getting ready to go hunting.
The men are “shaking” in “panic” -
They don't want to lose their freedom.
You are a panther who is merciless with the "kid"
You are the shark that swallows the fish
But you always seem like a child
And you suffer from your mistakes.
Congratulations - today is your day,
I wish to remain young
It's cool to have fighting habits -
Let your whole life be sewn together with bright pages!

Friend, our beloved, dear,
Let us raise and propose a toast.
Great character and you know it
The secret of beauty is noble and simple:
Always with us in difficult moments,
You won’t ask the price for your help.
Without words you will give advice - by gesture, by look,
Sometimes we understand your smile -
Your mood is “with a flowing mane”,
You’re already cramped in a closed apartment...
You gather us and whisper playfully -
That this bachelorette party will be interesting.

I wish you to visit
In the south of our native and foreign countries,
Never forget about your friends
To be happy to the point of indecency...
May life give you only the best:
A faithful friend to be in love with you,
There is no happiness without love,
There is a special season for love!

If this happens in life,
That you have to choose between something,
Don't forget your relatives,
And especially father and mother.
There are no more expensive ones,
They gave the best to the children
Let it not be the way we want, and yet
Our parents raised us with love.


You are easy in communication, in business,
you will achieve a lot in life,
fragile and strong nature -
You always laugh at problems...
how many hearts have you broken?
Let men not be offended -
After all, I forgot my offenders...
But they acted painfully - for no reason.
You think with a cold head -
You deny revenge and base deeds,
I'm sincerely proud of you
Be happy - you are my dove!

There is no time for a friend to grieve,
There are so many interesting things in the world,
The main thing is to support each other,
It's never too crowded for us to be together.
You're gorgeous as always
With “weapons” - with makeup,
- so where are you? Come out trouble...
I’m even scared about the problem...
I wish you stability
Kind and strong shoulder,
With good “automobile”!

It's so good that there are friends, girlfriends,
To which we can knock at any hour.
And the world doesn't seem empty and lonely,
I'm talking now about you and me.
This is how life once came up with a story,
That I got a whole “volume of tasks”
And only you, my friend, was nearby,
You put your shoulder down and say: “don’t cry...”
Today I want to congratulate you,
What a pity that we rarely see you,
I want to send the words by SMS,
so as not to forget to say when I hear your voice.
You remain kind, sweet,
beautiful, young, beautiful,
And remember...how you once told me -
that everything comes if you are happy!


I'm having a lot of fun today
It's my friend's birthday
I hung earrings with beads,
In a delightful mood.
I wish you to be happy
Stormy life from a thousand rivers,
Stay as beautiful as you are
My dear, dear person.

Congratulations dear,
I could say a lot
Be happy dear friend,
That's all I want to wish.

I adore you friend
I really miss you from a distance.
And my heart aches as if from an illness,
When I remember happy days.
I wish you a lot, a lot of money,
I wish you gold in everything
Let even a broom be precious,
Don't be afraid - we will survive everything!

You're like Pinocchio with the golden key,
You are not afraid of difficulties, and so brave,
All the problems seem to be nothing,
I remember you from childhood - mischievous.
The boys are still fighting for you,
Everyone wants to be next to you,
And the eyes with cunning laugh so much,
What the boys can do is just watch them go!

In the reflections of summer puddles,
I will see our childhood
Where they hid from the winter cold over tea,
Each other's neighbors.
Many years have passed since then, friend,
Only distance does not interfere with friendship,
We will always find each other
To congratulate by sending a message!

All the beautiful flowers bloom in spring,
My friend is also a beauty queen!
I give you a bouquet, dear, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You bloom like a rose in May, from dawn to dawn.

Your beauty, dear friend -
Dana, to drive all men crazy,
My friend, be happy in life.
I wish you all the best. That it has always been this way.

Summer heat and terrible snowstorms,
Outside the window is spring or autumn in gold...
Let's draw the desired picture as we wanted -
It’s as if in childhood we create the weather ourselves.
Time flies, you and I grew up,
The birds flew out of the nest...
Do you remember how we had colds,
Do you remember how we laughed until the morning?
I congratulate you today,
In wishes I draw flowers,
Be like a white bird - free,
And let your dreams come true in life!

I know how to erase negativity
How to support a friend in a conversation.
Come for “tea” to “warm your soul”
You are gorgeous, you know how to surprise.
And today is such a day - for a miracle,
Waves of congratulations from all my friends.
Happiness will definitely come,
This will be a dear friend.

I look out the big window,
I see the sky, clouds...
Something warm, dear
It always comes from you.
And as my best friend,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Never regret anything
And love from the bottom of your heart.

Short poems of congratulations

Today I raise my glass to my friend,
I want to see her smile
I wish my friend to “get the moon”
And at home there is a goldfish on the premises.

I have a friend, I call her baby,
It so happened that our common path became.
We know where we can quickly find each other,
It’s very easy to go through life with a friend.
Happy birthday dear,
Your family will give you peace and joy in your home.

The smile glows and the eyes “shoot”,
For my friend, everything is going like in a fairy tale.
Congratulations baby, you’re a big smart girl,
And with all this, she is kind and simple.

I've known you for many years
I've been friends with you for many years,
I wouldn't change it for anything,
My faithful friend.
May your luggage always be full -
Compliments of fresh roses,
I wish you a cool wardrobe, stylish makeup,
So that the snub nose is powdered.

Let's drink whiskey, friend.
Let's talk about men
After all, we are homemade, like pussies,
Always busy and busy.
Today there is a good reason:
On your birthday to sit,
We are allowed a little
Laugh, dance, make noise.

We often don't see who's sitting next to us
We race often, breaking everything around us,
Nobody blames anyone for this,
Then only remembering the advice of friends.

  1. Avoid long and preachy congratulations.
  2. Try to choose phrases that best suit your friend’s character, type of activity, lifestyle, and touch on her most desired dreams.

This is the only way you can show how close people you have become and touch the most tender strings in her soul. And your friend will definitely appreciate a great verbal gift, and your friendship will become even stronger.

Appreciate your friends! These are people who sacrifice their time and emotions for you!

How much meaning there is in the word “friendship”, I know it,
And without you, friend, I can’t imagine my life,
After all, you are not just an adviser, you are my comrade-in-arms,
Happy Birthday, today is your holiday!
I wish you to always remain as young,
Grow above yourself, spiritually, without stopping, develop,
To be truly happy, and not to seem happy,
Never part with your loved ones!

What a holiday, what a miracle,
And the house is already full of guests,
My friend was born
All worries for later!

My dear one was born,
How I love you
And I wish you happiness,
Make your dream come true!

Smile, be cheerful,
Live in happiness, joy,
Happy birthday my friend,
Be loved and love!

Over a bottle of martini
We can relieve the tension
Just continue in the same spirit
I wish you on your birthday.

Be happy, friend,
Always adored.
Let there be love and joy,
Just let them paint for years.

You appeared in our life
Like a light breeze from a wave.
You gave us greetings
Winter and summer and spring.
You tried to brighten up life
And she brought a wonderful light into them.
You gave us that drop of happiness,
The one we've been waiting for for many years.
We are three friends.
And, probably, there is no stronger friendship in the world.
Let me tell us on our birthday -
You, (name), are a “star” person.

I remember my best friend.
I remember how much you love chocolate,
The refrigerator is probably full of them.
And your energy is charged
Charges more than one mobile phone.
What can I wish for you, friend?
To make this day last longer,
Mix happiness with health,
And the resulting cocktail
Give it to everyone living nearby!
Let there be no tears in your eyes,
If they do, just from laughter,
And astrological forecast
Will give you a guarantee of success
And the realization of all dreams.
Be loved and always love
Happiness to you, sunshine, good luck.
To answer you “yes”
To solve all your problems.
Be like this for many years to come.

Charming and smart
Stunning, “raisin”,
The best of girlfriends
The brightest troubles

I wish on your birthday,
And also love, luck,
Optimism and success,
Joy, kindness and laughter.

Congratulations to my best friend
Happy birthday to me today!
I smack and hug you tightly,
You are as beautiful as a symphony!

Be charming, glamorous,
Be cheerful, laugh and don't whine,
Be sometimes carefree, adventurous,
And sometimes - as serious as Ilyich.

Don't be the envy of all ailments,
And in general - live a hundred thousand years!
Congratulations, dear friend!
Happiness, good luck and love!

Very touching congratulations to my friend to the point of tears

Today we will celebrate your holiday,
Girlfriend, I want to call you sister,
After all, you are a dear and close person to me,
I want our friendship to be given to us forever!
And on this special day I wish you,
So that there is more joy in your destiny,
So that your husband idolizes you and your children adore you,
May your soul and heart grow in love!

You were born, a star lit up!
Nature gave beauty and intelligence,
Talent, imagination, goodness,
Uniqueness, nature.

My friend, happy birthday!
Let it be in your rainbow world
Harmony, love and beauty reign,
And let your cherished dream come true!

I don't always value you,
I don’t always congratulate people on holidays.
But in moments of great sadness
I remember you right away.

No, friend, it’s more reliable, or rather,
And I confess, on your birthday,
I am grateful to my fate,
That I sent you, without a doubt.

Today is a special day for me,
After all, it’s your friend’s birthday,
And you are dearer to me than a blood sister,
The closest person in the world is you!
Congratulations and wish you never give up,
And realize yourself as a professional,
And as a mother and as the best wife,
You have to do everything, because you only have one life!

Friend, happy birthday,
My dear, dear!
You are extraordinary
And be like that, my love.

Big and sincere love,
Desires come true,
Let happiness sparkle in your eyes
They sparkle with admiration.

Always fresh, like a spring day,
And hot like the summer heat.
And that's why it's your birthday
Always marked with warmth.
You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can cope with adversity.
You got more than enough of everything
But you are not broken by fate.
Your soul is always open
It's easy and fun with you.
You have such power hidden within you,
What anyone would envy.
To you, friend, with admiration
I want to say a lot.
On the bright day of your birth
Let me make this wish:
Let happiness be daily
Let love be like nectar
Let the soul remain unchanged
And the heart will be a rare gift.
I appreciate and respect you,
My words are not flattery at all.
Praise be to the Creator who is nearby
You, my friend, are with me.

They say it doesn't happen
Women's friendship on earth,
Only we don't believe in it,
We are friends in spite of fate.

So that it doesn't happen to me,
No matter how the card falls,
I know you will always help,
You will always be there.

Happy birthday,
I value our friendship,
Be happy, dear,
I love you very much!

You and I are always inseparable,
It's easy and good with you,
You are able to disperse the clouds
And support in everything else.

Girlfriend, I wish you
Love, health, beauty.
And happiness in this life
You were inseparable from him.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend that will bring you to tears

I know from the inside out myself,
And to the core the rest,
You open up over the years
You have a wonderful side!

On this day I wish
Be yourself.
I’m kinder, I don’t know sweeter,
It’s not in vain that I’m friends with you!

Happy birthday,
And I know clearly
Our friendship through the years
It just gets stronger like a rock!

Girlfriend, girlfriend, dear to the heart,
The fire of love always burns in your eyes,
Just by looking at them, I can instantly warm up,
And they know how to support and calm.
The day on which you were once born,
He is no less important to me than to you,
Thank you, friend, for being like this,
I wish you to live a life of inspiration and love!

On your birthday,
My dear friend,
First of all execution
I wish you all the dreams!

Achieve everything you want
There is no need to suffer from doubts,
Believe in your strength, that you can
And then everything will definitely work out.

Always be as beautiful
Sincere, pure love to you,
Be lucky and happy
And let a miracle happen in life.

Happy Birthday to my best friend,
I wish you happiness and goodness,
So that you are always cheerful,
Beautiful and perky,
Nimble and agile,
Sincere and affectionate,
And your life should be like a fairy tale,
And so that all your cherished dreams,
Executed the way you want
Because on this beautiful day,
All dreams come true, just believe me.

Let love and happiness come together
They will be with you anywhere and everywhere.
There will be no falsehood in life, even flattery,
Let everything always be on top.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations, friend.
May your birthday dreams come true.
I can't find a friend in this world,
More faithful and better than, dear, you.

May all your dreams come true on this wonderful day!
I wish you to be happy from now on!
Let a cheerful ray of sunshine shine in your eyes,
Let men carry it in their arms tirelessly!

The priceless soul, the flame will warm everyone around.
You are my dearest and best friend.
I heartily congratulate you and tell you:
You are the very best person on earth!!!

My friend, my happiness,
My darling beauty,
Today is such a special day,
After all, you were born today!

I hasten to congratulate you, my beloved,
You smile and bloom,
Let men give flowers,
And dreams come true!

You and I met once,
My beloved and faithful friend,
I don’t remember if it was in the fall or in the spring,
But we became family to each other.
And now the years go by, but they are not a hindrance to us,
We've been through so much together in life,
There were sorrows, and a lot of fun and laughter,
Happy holiday, I wish you to be loved!

I wish you great happiness - like the sky,
So that there is enough salt and bread,
And troubles passed you by,
So that friends come to visit more often,
In days of mistakes and in times of failure,
In spite of mistakes and failures,
Be strong willed and don’t lose heart
And in honor of success, everything will be changed.
Let the enemy rejoice in secret,
Don't believe his sympathetic speeches
And lean on friendly shoulders,
They will help you resist!

My best friend
Today is your birthday!
For friendship for many years
You and I have eaten a ton of salt!

Through life we ​​walk side by side,
You and I are inseparable!
I wish you on your bright holiday
Be happy everywhere, always!

I wish you love!
Always be as sweet as you are
Beautiful, wise, dear
And sometimes crazy!

Look around quickly,
My dear friend!
Today is your birthday!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Only you will understand me this way,
And I will always support you!
We are friends forever,
I value our friendship!

Well, always be young!
Be an optimist and be cheerful!
So that in career, in love, in family
Luck lit the way!

Happy Birthday, best friend!
You and I have known each other for a hundred years!
I congratulate you, dear!
We know each other's secrets!

Together you and I will move mountains!
I want you not to know grief!
There would be a lot of happiness in the house,
Bad weather would not touch you!

Youth and blooming spring!
To be the best in everything, always, everywhere!
Let them give flowers every day -
You definitely deserve this!

Come on, friend, let's sit,
Let's raise a glass of wine!
Let's celebrate your birthday!
You are not alone in this world!

Know that I will be next to you,
Your husband and children are all friends!
Dear best friend
Today I wish

Prosperity and love!
Bloom and smell every day!
Be happy, shine, shine!
Well, today let’s rest!

Congratulations, dear!
Congratulations, my love!
My best friend,
Happy Birthday to You!

Lots of joy today
Songs, dances and flowers!
They give various gifts,
Dreams come true!

Round dances of smiles,
The vases are all full of flowers!
And from all sides they wish
The most tender words to you!

What's going on this evening?
Are you so beautiful?!
Happy Birthday, sunshine!
You accept the flowers!

Accept gifts
Nice words!
How good you are!..
My head is spinning...

Best friend,
My darling!
All the best
I wish you!

It's so good that I have you!
There is someone to share joys and dreams with!
Happy Birthday, my friend!
I hasten to congratulate you on this!

Let another year have already flown by,
There are a lot of things to do today.
Let's celebrate without any fuss!
You are beautiful, you are still young!

So be always so good and cheerful,
After all, I could always overcome difficulties!
I wish you every success,
Career ups, affection, love and laughter!

You have become like a sister to me,
Best friend!
Happy Birthday, sunshine!
Let's hug each other!

Young and pretty!
You are simply a miracle!
I promise I'll be with you
I will be friends forever!

There are many wishes:
Joy and health!
Enjoy your success
Happiness and love!