Stolz and Oblomov: relationship (based on the novel "Oblomov"). Aspirations and prosperity

In the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" reflected the realities of the life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th century. This book deals with everyday life, which was well known to the writer's contemporaries, so that many of them could recognize themselves or some of the people of their circle in the heroes of the novel. However, in the novel, the author does not just narrate - rather, he shows his attitude to the lifestyle of the nobles of his time. The protagonist of the novel, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, appear as bearers of opposite positions.

Oblomov and Stolz are people of the same class and, no less important, of the same generation. It would be logical to assume that, living in the same environment, rotating in the same society, they should be similar in character and worldview. However, the author shows these characters as completely different people. How could this happen? As if giving an answer to this question, Goncharov allows us to follow the development of the personalities of Oblomov and Stolz from childhood to adulthood.

The son of a Russified German and a Russian noblewoman, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was brought up in a poor family, all the days of which were spent in work. But Andrey's parents did not forget about the education of their son: his father taught him the German language, sciences, his mother managed to give a good spiritual education. Young Stolz did not stay away from family affairs either: his father took him to the field, to the market, entrusted him with feasible work, sent him to the county town with instructions. The result of this upbringing was that Stolz was formed as a strong, intelligent, active person. Although the author clearly admires Stolz, he nevertheless shows him as a “real German”, an “iron man”, that is, physically perfect, but somewhat callous in soul.

The childhood of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov passed in a completely different way, although in the same strip of Russia. Oblomov was born into a typical Russian noble family, where life flowed according to special laws. Gastronomic preferences were of the main importance in it: the Oblomovs with the whole family decided what dishes to order for breakfast, what they would eat for lunch and what they would eat for dinner. After the meal, a mandatory long sleep followed. So monotonously passed all the days: sleep and food, food and sleep. The grown-up Ilyusha was sent to study. But the parents were not interested in the development of their son - they were guided by the desire to receive a certificate that would confirm that Ilya "passed through all the sciences and arts." The Oblomovs were even less concerned about the physical education of the boy: he was not even allowed to run around with the village boys, fearing that he might get sick, fall, or be killed.

Protected by adults from the slightest manifestation of playfulness, Ilya Ilyich eventually turned into a lazy gentleman, who cares more than anything else about his own peace. True, Oblomov was not alien to thoughts about the public good (“He bitterly in the depths of his soul wept at a different time over the disasters of mankind, experienced unknown, nameless suffering and longing”), but he was absolutely not ready to bring them to life.

Was in the life of Oblomov and love. Carried away by Olga Ilyinskaya, he even tried to change his way of life - he began to read, walk. But these changes were only external - inside Ilya Ilyich remained the same Oblomov.

Goncharov reveals to us the difference in the characters of his heroes, describing the way of life that they lead. If Stolz does not disdain even menial work and for him everyday work is a pleasure, an integral part of life, then for Oblomov any activity seems to be an unbearable burden: he is too lazy to get up from the sofa, leave the room, give orders to the servants. If Oblomov does nothing, is not interested in anything (he cannot force himself to finish reading the book once opened to the end), then Stolz leads an active, active life.

It's amazing that such different people are friends, and friends since childhood. What brings them together? As they say, opposites converge. Perhaps each of the characters gets from this friendship what he lacks in life. Trying to stir up Oblomov, Stolz realizes himself as a mentor. He is comforted by the thought that he is doing a good deed, not allowing a friend to go down. For Oblomov, Stolz is a link with the outside world. In addition, in the characters of both heroes there are common features - honesty and decency. This, of course, also brings them closer.

There is another circumstance that unites Oblomov and Stolz: each of them is happy - of course, in their own, subjective sense. The active nature of Stolz demanded recognition, and thanks to his work, patience, and enterprise, he became a famous person. For Oblomov, human happiness is complete peace of mind and good food, and he had it.

So, by conviction, Stolz is a liberal who is aware of the need for change, without which no development is possible. Oblomov is a conservative, in whose view all sorts of innovations only bring confusion and disturb peace. Despite the fact that the heroes of the novel "Oblomov" are more than two centuries old, their characters are recognizable in our contemporaries. But which of them - the Stolts or the Oblomovs - do modern Russia need? It seems to me that we need contemporaries who are more like Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, that is, developed, endowed with a creative mind, creative energy, but at the same time possessing Oblomov's spiritual kindness.

In the novel "Oblomov" Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov wanted to oppose Western and Russian culture. Oblomov and Stolz are two key images of the work. The novel is built on the reception of antithesis. It is realized through the opposition of these two characters of the work. In many ways, Stolz and Oblomov are opposite. In Russian classical literature there are many works constructed in this way. These are, for example, "A Hero of Our Time" and "Eugene Onegin". Such examples can also be found in foreign literature.

"Oblomov" and "Don Quixote"

With "Oblomov" the novel "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes most of all echoes. This work describes the contradictions between reality and a person's idea of ​​what an ideal life should be like. This contradiction extends, as in Oblomov, to the outside world. Like Ilya Ilyich, Hidalgo is immersed in dreams. Oblomov in the work is surrounded by people who do not understand him, because their ideas about the world are limited to its material side. True, these two stories have a diametrically opposite outcome: before his death, an insight comes to Alonso. This character understands that he was mistaken in his dreams. But Oblomov does not change. Obviously, this outcome is the difference between the Western and Russian mentality.

Antithesis - the main technique in the work

With the help of antithesis, it is possible to draw the personalities of the characters more voluminously, since everything is known in comparison. It is impossible to understand Ilya Ilyich by removing Stolz from the novel. Goncharov shows the strengths and weaknesses of his characters. At the same time, the reader can look from the outside at himself and his inner world. This will help to avoid the mistakes that the characters Oblomov and Stolz made in Goncharov's novel Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich is a man with a primordially Russian soul, and Andrey Stolz is a representative of a new era. In Russia, there have always been and will be both. Stolz and Oblomov are characters through whose interaction, as well as through their interaction with other heroes of the work, the author conveys the main thoughts. Olga Ilyinskaya is the link between them.

The value of childhood in the formation of the characters' characters

Childhood in the life of every person is of great importance. Personality in this period is not yet formed. Man, like a sponge, absorbs everything that the world offers. It is in childhood that upbringing takes place, on which depends what a person will become in adulthood. Therefore, an important role in Goncharov's novel is played by the description of childhood and the upbringing of future antipodes, which are Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stoltz. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" the author gives a description of Ilya Ilyich's childhood. He recalls Oblomovka, his native village. After reading this chapter, we understand where immobility and laziness appeared in the character of this hero.

Childhood of Ilya Oblomov

Stolz and Oblomov were brought up differently. Ilyusha is like a future master. Many guests and relatives lived in his parents' house. They all praised and caressed little Ilyusha. He was exquisitely and a lot fed with "cream", "rusks", "buns". Food, it should be noted, was the main concern in Oblomovka. She spent a lot of time. The whole family decided what dishes would be for dinner or lunch. After dinner, everyone fell into a long sleep. So the days passed: food and sleep. When Ilya grew up, he was sent to study at the gymnasium. Parents were not interested in Ilyusha's knowledge. They were only interested in a certificate that he had gone through various sciences and arts. Therefore, Ilya Oblomov grew up as an uneducated, downtrodden boy, but kind at heart.

The childhood of Andrei Stolz

Stolz, on the other hand, is just the opposite. Andrei's father, a German by nationality, raised independence in his son from an early age. In relation to his child, he was dry. Purposefulness and rigor are the main features that his parents invested in Andrei's upbringing. All family days were spent at work. When the boy grew up, his father began to take him to the market, in the field, forced him to work. At the same time, he taught his son the sciences, the German language. Then Stolz began to send the child to the city on errands. Goncharov notes that it never happened that Andrei forgot something, overlooked it, changed it, made a mistake. The Russian noblewoman, the boy's mother, taught him literature, gave spiritual education to her son. As a result, Stolz became a smart, strong young man.

Farewell to home

Let us turn to the scenes that describe how Stolz and Oblomov left their native villages. Oblomov is seen off with tears in their eyes, they do not want to let go of their dear child - there is an atmosphere of love for the boy. And when Stolz leaves his home, his father only gives him a few instructions regarding spending money. At the moment of parting, they even have nothing to say to each other.

Two environments, two characters and their influence on each other

Two completely different environments are the villages of Oblomovka and Verkhlevo. Oblomovka is a kind of heaven on Earth. Nothing happens here, everything is calm and quiet. Andrey's father, a German, is in power in Verkhlevo, who arranges the German order here.

Oblomov and Stolz have common character traits. Their friendship, which existed since childhood, led to the fact that, communicating, they influenced each other to some extent. Both characters were brought up together for some time. They went to school, supported by Andrei's father. However, they came here, one might say, from completely different worlds: once and for all established, undisturbed order of life in the village of Oblomovka; and the active work of a German burgher, which was interspersed with the lessons of his mother, who tried to instill in Andrei an interest and love for art.

For the further development of relations, however, Andrei and Ilya lack communication. Gradually moving away from each other, growing up, Oblomov and Stolz. Their friendship, meanwhile, does not stop. However, it is also hampered by the fact that the property status of these two heroes is different. The real gentleman, the nobleman is Oblomov. This is the owner of 300 souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, being on the provision of his serfs. Everything is different with Stolz, who was a Russian nobleman only by his mother. He had to maintain his material well-being on his own.

Oblomov and Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" in their mature years became completely different. It was already difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began to taunt and make fun of Ilya's reasoning, which was so far from reality. Differences in character and outlook on life eventually led to a gradual weakening of their friendship.

The meaning of friendship in Goncharov

The red thread in this novel is the thought of friendship, of the role it plays in a person's life. A person in interaction with others can show his true essence. Friendship has many forms: "brotherhood", sung by Pushkin, selfish, friendship for one reason or another. Except sincere, in essence, all the rest are just forms of egoism. Andrei and Ilya had a strong friendship. She connected them, as we have already noted, since childhood. Roman Goncharova helps readers understand why Oblomov and Stolz are friends, what role friendship plays in a person’s life, due to the fact that it describes many of its ups and downs.

The meaning and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel "Oblomov" is a work that does not lose its relevance to this day, since it reflects the essence of people's lives, which is eternal. The antithesis proposed by the author (his portrait is presented below) perfectly conveys the essence of rock in the history of our country, which is marked by these two extremes.

It is difficult for a Russian person to find a middle ground, to mix the desire for well-being, the activity and diligence of Andrei Stolz and Oblomov's broad soul, full of wisdom and light. Probably, in each of our compatriots, as well as in our country itself, these extremes live: Stolz and Oblomov. The characterization of Russia's future depends on which of them will prevail.

In the novel Oblomov, Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people who are completely different in character and views.

A comparative description of the image of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether she is able to change a person for the better.

Childhood and upbringing

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. Parents took care of their son too much, did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as a punishment for sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was placed in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home, not to go to school. I did not get enough knowledge at the university because of my own laziness.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was a smart boy. Knowledge absorbed like a sponge. His father raised him strictly. Mother did not encourage "labor education". When the father sent his son to the university, he did not lead him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him down.


Ilya is overweight. His "chubby arms and soft shoulders" gave the appearance of a certain effeminacy. "His complexion was not ruddy or swarthy, he seemed positively pale." There were always some thoughts in gray eyes that quickly disappeared before they could settle in my head.

Andrey thin, he has no cheeks at all, his skin is swarthy. "He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, reminiscent of an English horse." His face had expressive green eyes. From him comes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and prosperity

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two, he had made absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents to the wrong address. He was unable to complete a simple task. Lives in rented apartments. An estate inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring proper prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.

He does not try to keep pace and create something in life. Lying on the couch, constantly being in a sleepy state.

Stolz“Served, retired, went about his own business and made a house and money. He is involved in some company that sends goods abroad.” Does not allow mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth, thanks to his own efforts. “Constantly on the move: if a society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. It is necessary to create a new project or analyze a new idea - they choose Stolz.

Love for a woman

Andrey respectful of the opposite sex. In relations with Olga Ilyinskaya, he manifests himself as a true gentleman, able to solve all the worries of his beloved, to please her. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but he could not overcome his laziness, unwillingness to change. I was afraid of the routine of marriage. He brought his beloved a lot of trouble, she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stoltz, full of health, wishes to live for many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to "live for two hundred, three hundred years." Adheres to the goal that everything should be carried out on the basis of clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself "the old caftan". Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often draws fictitious pictures. Especially clearly highlights the images of the future wife and children.

“... after reading the whole novel, you feel that something new has been added to the sphere of your thought, that new images, new types have sunk deep into your soul. They haunt you for a long time, you want to think about them, you want to find out the meaning of their attitude to your own life, character, inclinations ... ”- writes the well-known critic N.A. Dobrolyubov about the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". I would like to start my essay with these words, because they contain a special essence. Thinking about it, we understand: by “new images, types” N.A. Dobrolyubov tells us about Oblomov and Stolz, whose characteristics I want to analyze in my essay.

It would be foolish to immediately talk about their attitude to life without understanding the nature of each, so I will return to childhood. Oblomov was born into a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. He received an “Oblomov” upbringing: “study lightly, not to the exhaustion of the soul and body ... but in such a way that ... somehow get a certificate ...”. Parents accustomed him to peace, put sleep and food in the first place, considered work to be the lot of slaves. But despite all this lightness, idleness, the boy was quite energetic, inquisitive and striving to know life as a person. Unfortunately, the excessive care of the parents, the "primitive" upbringing changed the main views on values ​​in the soul, which changed the main character in the future.

His friend, Stoltz, was brought up quite differently. If Oblomov's upbringing was predetermined, then Stolz faced a choice. Mainly confrontation of views on the future of the child turned out to be between the parents. Mother, a Russian woman, wanted her son to grow up as a beautiful, “soft” nobleman, like Oblomov: “... She didn’t quite like this labor, practical education ...”. His father, a German, gave Stolz the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught the sciences, made him work early, never indulged, believed that his son should put accuracy, rigor and achievement above all else. He did not doubt at all that Stoltz would follow this path. And so it happened.

From all of the above, two very important conclusions can be drawn: these personalities are complete opposites, and the reasons for the formation of their complex entities were laid down in childhood. Now I can safely move on to their views on life and answer the exciting question: “What role does the opposition of Oblomov and Stolz play in the novel Oblomov by Goncharov and why, thanks to them, after reading the work, new images, new types sunk into our souls? ".

So, the personalities are different, the attitude to life is the same. Oblomov is a kind, lazy and simple person, to some extent feels disgust for life: “... there is no peace!

I would lay down and fall asleep ... forever ... ". He lives in his empty dreams, is not interested in anything, does not do anything. Oblomov's goal is to acquire eternal peace, life without worries and violent passions. But despite all this simplicity, he is very smart and generous. It seems that his rich inner world could change society, he is unusual. However, laziness ruthlessly crosses out all his virtues. Love for Oblomov has its limits. Olga Ilyinskaya loves him with a high, pure, difficult love for him. Agafya Pshenitsina - earthly, maternal and simple. The choice was obvious, although the author gave the reader hope for a happy ending, for a change in the hero.

Another Stolz: energetic, intelligent, calm and purposeful: "... Above all, he put perseverance in achieving goals ...". Stolz is the only person who saw the subtle nature in Oblomov. He sincerely loves his friend and tries to help him to the last. There is no poetry or dreams in Stolz's soul, but he is always at his best. The hero's love for Olga Ilyinskaya confirms this. His life is filled with the desire for work, for dedication. However, Stolz can be compared to a programmed machine, which is a kind of lack of his essence.
Of course, in our time it is very difficult to meet "in its pure form" both Stolz and Oblomov. But this is their main role. I. A. Goncharov did not accidentally put them side by side. The writer wanted the readers to start analyzing after reading the novel. It is as if he calls to “search” for these heroes within himself. It seems to me that he succeeded. “... They haunt you for a long time, you want to think about them, you want to find out the meaning of their attitude to your own life, character, inclinations ...” - confirms N. A. Dobrolyubov. Thus, I. A. Goncharov created characters that are the subject of deep reflection for all time.

Oblomov and Stolz: similarities and differences


I.A. Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" wanted to oppose two cultures: Russian and Western. The whole work is based on the reception of antithesis. As this antithesis, the author presents two characters: Oblomov and Stolz. In Russian literature, there are many works constructed in this way, for example, "Eugene Onegin", "A Hero of Our Time" and others. There are similar examples in foreign literature as well.

Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote has the most resemblance to Oblomov. It describes the same case of contradiction between reality and a person's idea of ​​an ideal life, which extends to the outside world. Hidalgo, like Ilya Ilyich, is completely immersed in dreams. Oblomov is surrounded by antipodes who do not understand him, with material ideas about the world. True, the outcome of these two stories is diametrically opposed: before his death, Alonso comes to insight, he realizes that he was mistaken in his dreams, and Oblomov remains Oblomov. This outcome, obviously, is the difference between the Russian and Western mentality.

Thanks to the reception of antithesis, one can deeper understand the personalities of the characters: after all, everything is known in comparison. Removing Stolz from the novel, we will not be able to understand Ilya Ilyich. Goncharov shows the shortcomings and virtues of the characters. At the same time, the reader can look at himself from the outside (at his inner world) in order not to make the mistakes of the heroes.

Oblomov is the image of a man with a Russian soul. Stolz is the image of a man of a new era. There are always both in Russia. I don't understand where they come from... Apparently, this constant confrontation is what makes our country different from others in its social structure. I still can’t decide who I sympathize with more - Oblomov or Stolz.

Main part

Oblomov and Stolz are the main and practically the only heroes of the novel. The author conveys the main thoughts to the reader through their interaction or their interaction with other characters. Olga Ilyinskaya serves as a similar link between them in the novel (she, as it were, is not an independent character, but exists only in their system).

In the life of every person, childhood is of great importance. During this period, the personality of a person is not yet formed. He is ready to absorb the world around him, like a "sponge". Childhood is nurtured. It depends on how a person is brought up, how he will be in adulthood. So in Goncharov's novel, a central role is played by the description of childhood and how the future antipodes Oblomov and Stolz were brought up. After all, without knowing where the roots of these personalities grow from, it would be impossible to understand where the differences in their lives come from. The author gives a description of childhood in the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", where Ilya recalls his native village of Oblomovka. After reading this chapter, one can understand where Oblomov's laziness and immobility came from.

Oblomov and Stolz were brought up in completely different ways. Ilyusha's upbringing was a master's. Many relatives and guests lived in his parents' house. They all caressed and praised little Ilyusha (“The whole staff and the retinue of the Oblomov family picked up Ilya Ilyich and began to shower him with caresses and praises”). He was fed a lot and exquisitely ("After that, feeding him with buns, crackers, cream began"). In general, the main concern in Oblomovka was food. Stolz is the opposite. From an early age, Andrei's father (a German) brought up independence in him. He was dry towards his son. Strictness and purposefulness are the main features that parents invested in Stolz's upbringing.

It is worth looking at the scenes of Oblomov and Stolz leaving their native villages. Everyone sees off Oblomov with tears, they don’t want to let go - you can feel the atmosphere of love for the baby. And when Stolz leaves, the father gives only a couple of instructions about money. They even have nothing to say to each other at the moment of parting ... “Well? - said the father. Well! the son said. All? the father asked. All! answered the son.

Oblomov and Stolz had common character traits, because Ilyusha and Andrey met in childhood and, communicating, influenced each other.

Verkhlevo and Oblomovka are two completely different environments. Oblomovka is an island of paradise on Earth, where nothing happens, everything flows quietly and calmly. In Verkhlevo, a German is in power - Andrey's father. He arranges the German order. Friends do not have enough communication so that they can somehow influence each other. As they grow older, they begin to move away. The fact that the property status of Oblomov and Stolz is different is manifested. Oblomov is a real gentleman of noble blood, the owner of three hundred souls. Ilya could do nothing at all, while he would be provided by his vassals. Stolz's is different: he was a Russian nobleman only by his mother, so he had to maintain his material well-being himself.

In their mature years, Oblomov and Stolz became completely different. It was difficult for them to communicate. Stolz began to joke somewhere and sneer at Ilya's reasoning, which was detached from reality. Judging by this, the aphorism “plus and minus attract” is incorrect. In the end, the differences in outlook on life and the characters of Ilya and Andrei began to break their friendship.

Since Oblomov and Stolz have friendly relations, the question arises: which of them is more interested in these relations? In my opinion, Stoltz is more interested in Oblomov, because Ilya does not need anything from what is in Andrei's character. He will live quite calmly and so. Stolz, on the other hand, is drawn to Oblomov, because he feels in him a soul that he himself has dreamed of possessing all his life. It turns out that Ilya is more sincere in his friendship.


According to the novel, the thought of friendship, of its role in a person's life, runs like a red thread. In friendship, a person can show his true nature. Friendship has many forms: the “brotherhood” sung by Pushkin, selfish friendship, friendship for any reason. In essence, apart from sincere friendship, everything else is some form of selfishness. Oblomov and Stolz had the strongest friendship - childhood friendship. The saying “an old friend is better than two new ones” fits perfectly here. They met in early childhood, living in different villages, and, despite all the differences that appeared in the course of their later life, they could not part.

Goncharov's novel Oblomov helps us understand the role friendship plays in a person's life by providing a rich example of its ups and downs. Oblomov does not need anything from Stolz, Stolz is simply his only friend. With whom else can he discuss his thoughts and feelings? Thanks to the described friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, the essence of these heroes was fully revealed to me, Goncharov's thought about childhood, that the foundation of all life is laid in childhood.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" belongs to the kind of works that do not lose their relevance over time and reflect in reality the essence of people's lives not only at the time of their writing, but also hundreds of years later (which is why it is considered a classic). The antithesis proposed by the author of the novel perfectly depicts the essence of rock in the entire history of Russia, this criticality of its being: either completely one, or another without understatement. But we can never find the golden mean, mix together the activity and striving for well-being, the industriousness of Stolz and the broad soul of Oblomov, full of light and wisdom. It seems to me that these two extremes live in every Russian person, and in Russia itself: Oblomov and Stolz. Whoever wins will determine our future.


I still think that it is Oblomov of the two who is closest to you, and it is on his side that your sympathies are. Because the main thing in Oblomov's character is the light of the soul, and therefore Stolz is drawn to him. And it is no coincidence that Oblomov does not need anything from Stolz - he does not need his diligence, activity and determination, but Stoltz needs it. Because the soul can do without a prosperous life, which the hardworking and practical Stolz arranges for himself, and Stolz needs confirmation of the correctness of his life from someone impractical, as it seems to him, whom he saves, but in fact he doubts all the time, right whether he lives. Underlying. And maybe even I’m starting to think that if Oblomov hadn’t been knocked off his vertical path by Stolz (precisely vertical, because any soul grows upwards) onto his own path - horizontally oriented, then Oblomov might have had a different fate. . He would not feel rejected from the "correct" world and would not have the need to fence himself off from it more and more, going into his dreams .. Perhaps ...