Evgeny Petrosyan: a biography of an artist-humorist, TV presenter and director all rolled into one. Evgeny Petrosyan, biography, family Anush Petrosyan biography family

Soviet and Russian comedian, artist is Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich. It has become incredibly popular since the 60s of the last century. His jokes and ability to laugh at everything attracted the attention of numerous viewers.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Petrosyan organized several television programs that became popular with the many millions of admirers of his talent. The jokes that sounded from the TV screen spread among the people and began to be perceived by them as creativity.

Despite his venerable age, the popular comedian is still as young and fervent as he was many years ago, when he first appeared on the stage as a presenter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Petrosyan

Since the 60s of the last century, a popular humorist began to periodically appear on television. Since the 80s it is impossible to imagine any event without this wonderful artist. His regular fans know everything about his creative path, including his height, weight, age. It is easy to calculate how old Yevgeny Petrosyan is, knowing that he was born on the autumn day of such a joyful holiday for a great country in 1945.

Evgeny Petrosyan, whose photo in his youth and now can be viewed on the Instagram page of his wife Elena Stepanenko, celebrated his 72nd birthday. He is cheerful, full of energy and vitality, despite his middle age. With a height of 168 cm, the humorist weighs 75 kg.

The biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan began in the year when the entire Soviet people celebrated the victory over the fascist regimes of Germany and Japan. His father, Vagan Mironovich Petrosyants, was a professional mathematician. Mother - Bella Grigoryevna was engaged in housekeeping and raising her son.

Already at the age of 5, the boy showed outstanding artistic abilities. He could gather peers around him and tell them fables, poems and sing songs. In addition, he could act out some stories in his faces, while changing his voice. During his school years, Zhenya took part in the events of his native Baku. Many knew him and predicted a bright future for him.

After receiving a certificate, a talented guy decides to go to enter one of the capital's universities in the Soviet Union. In his student years, Petrosyan, it was precisely such a surname that he had from that time, began to conquer the audience of Moscow. He began to work in the team of the master of the Soviet stage Leonid Utyosov. Soon the young man was offered to lead concerts by the most famous artists of that time, which he did for 20 years.

At the beginning of 1970, Yevgeny Vaganovich performed at one of the humorous competitions, the jury appreciated him by presenting the main prize. In the same year, Petrosyan began to receive a second higher education at the variety and directing department. From that time on, he began to appear frequently on the country's television screens with various monologues. In the late 70s of the last century, a popular comedian first becomes an Honored Artist of the Soviet Union, and then a People's Artist.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Yevgeny Vaganovich organized the Crooked Mirror parody theater, in which he and his young colleagues showed various humorous numbers that are still loved by the audience.

In 2016, the popular artist became the host of the new show program "Petrosyan-show", which was loved by numerous viewers living both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

For the first time, a popular humorous figure fell in love during his student years. His chosen one was a young girl, about whom almost nothing is known. Officially, she was the sister of one of the most popular ballerinas in the early 70s of the last century. After the birth of their only daughter, the family was not happy for long, as Petrosyan leaves his wife and daughter towards a new love.

The next beloved comedian was the daughter of Ivan Kozlovsky Anna. The marriage did not last long, only a couple of years.

For the third time, a man registered an alliance with an art critic from the city on the Neva - Lyudmila. But immediately after the wedding, they began to quarrel, which led to their divorce.

The personal life of Yevgeny Petrosyan became happy only on the fourth attempt. In the late 70s, he met a young girl - Lena, who became the 4th wife of the artist. Currently, she is as famous as her husband. But one thing overshadows their happy life - this is the absence of a child.

Yevgeny Petrosyan has a daughter and two grandchildren, whom he loves very much. But often a long distance prevents them from seeing each other, since they live permanently in the United States of America.

The family of Yevgeny Petrosyan, as the humorist himself says, are his colleagues who have been playing in the Crooked Mirror show program for 15 years.

The artist calls his family the numerous spectators who are waiting for the performances of Yevgeny Petrosyan in the most remote corners of the Russian Federation and beyond.

The children of Yevgeny Petrosyan, according to a number of media reports, are currently not recognized by him. Officially, the popular comedian has only one daughter. He says that he has no other children and never had. Yevgeny Vaganovich regrets that his wife Elena did not give him a daughter or son.

The artist calls his children the numerous monologues that he uttered from the stage. Petrosyan loves each of them and, at the request of the public, often pronounces them at his concerts, which makes the audience very happy.

A popular humorist often helps children left without parental care. He sends part of the money earned for the concert to one of the capital's orphanages.

Daughter of Evgeny Petrosyan - Victorina Petrosyan

For the first and only time, Evgeny Petrosyan became a father in the late 60s of the last century. He named the girl after her maternal aunt, Quiz. Despite. that the artist soon left the family, he never forgot his daughter, often came to her and talked as often as his work allowed.

The daughter of Yevgeny Petrosyanam, Viktorina Petrosyan, after receiving an education in history, did not find a job in her specialty in the country. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, she left for permanent residence in the United States of America, where she organized her own company selling hand-painted nesting dolls.

After some time, the Quiz began to produce documentary films of a historical nature, which are popular.

For some time, there were disagreements between the girl and her father, as a result of which they did not communicate for several years. The humorist's wife was able to reconcile loved ones.

Quiz brings up two sons, whom she named Mark and Andrey. Yevgeny Petrosyan is proud of his daughter. He loves her and his grandchildren very much.

For the first time, the young comedian fell in love while still a student. For a long time he conquered the girl who was the younger sister of one of the most famous ballerinas of that time - Quiz Krieger. But the name of the chosen one was not preserved.

After the wedding, the young were happy for several years. The comedian decided to name his soon-to-be-born daughter in honor of his wife's sister, Quiz.

After the divorce, the ex-wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan did not interfere with her husband's communication with her only daughter. The woman died in the 1990s. She rests in one of the capital's cemeteries.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Petrosyan - Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya

Having met the beautiful Anechka in 1970, the humorist lost his peace. He confessed his love to her. For some time, lovers met in secret. But, tired of hiding, Evgeny Vaganovich tells his first wife about his love and leaves the family.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Petrosyan, Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya, was the daughter of the great tenor Ivan Kozlovsky, whom every music lover of that time knew.

After a divorce from his first wife, a marriage was registered between Petrosyan and Anna Kozlovskaya. The couple were together both at home and at work. After a year of cloudless happiness, frequent scandals began to arise in the family, which led to a divorce.

Then the woman got married again. She lived with her husband for several years in Greece. Since the late 90s of the last century, Kozlovskaya lived permanently in Moscow. She did not communicate with Petrosyan after the divorce. In mid-2007, the woman fell ill and died. Yevgeny Vaganovich did not come to her funeral.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Petrosyan - Lyudmila

After a divorce from Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya, the popular humorist was not alone for long. On tour, held in the second capital of the Soviet Union - Leningrad, he met a woman named Lyudmila. The novel developed rapidly. A few days later, the lovers began to live together, and a month later they registered their marriage.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Petrosyan - Lyudmila was engaged in art history. After the wedding, she performed with her husband for several years. But in 1978, the woman began to show dissatisfaction with the incredible employment of her husband, whose tour was scheduled for several months in advance.

The popular comedian officially divorced his third wife only in the early 80s.

In 1979, the master announced admission to his theater. A young girl came to the reception. Her name was Lenochka. Soon she began to play in the theater of Evgeny Petrosyan.

In 1982, the artist began to show signs of attention to Lenochka. In 1985, they formalized their relationship.

Evgeny Petrosyan's wife, Elena Stepanenko, is currently as popular an artist as her husband. She often sings the monologues of the most popular authors.

Reasons for the divorce of Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko

As recently as August 2018, the Russian press reported stunning news - after more than thirty years of marriage, humorists Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko are getting divorced. Recall that the couple received the greatest fame thanks to joint performances on the popular comedy show "Crooked Mirror".

According to journalists, Stepanenko was the first to file a lawsuit with the capital court on the division of property. As for Petrosyan himself, he called the situation with the lawsuit a misunderstanding, but declined to comment in more detail.

Property division

In fact, the news about the divorce of the stars, as well as about the division of property, plunged into a frank shock not only fans of comedians, but even their colleagues in the shop - not only the artists of the Crooked Mirror, but also other comedians.

According to Yevgeny Petrosyan, their joint work activity with Elena Stepanenko has nothing to do with the division of jointly acquired property. In addition, the comedian, who is clearly unpleasant to talk about this topic, urged fans not to get into their personal affairs with Elena. Both of these artists are true professionals and, as noted by Petrosyan, do not mix personal life with work. In other words, Evgeny Vaganovich is now ready to discuss everything with the press, except for family relations. It is interesting that Elena Stepanenko decided to adhere to the same policy.

Why did the artists break up

The news about the divorce of the seemingly strongest married couple caused a real resonance not only on television, but also on social networks, where this event is now being actively discussed.

The official reason for the divorce is still unknown, but they say that Petrosyan was carried away by a young mistress, Tatyana Podolskaya.

She is now working as his personal assistant to the artist and, it is worth saying, she is not at all shy about her feelings for the boss in front of journalists, speaking about them absolutely openly.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Petrosyan

Instagram and Wikipedia Yevgeny Petrosyan are officially registered by the most popular humorist.

Wikipedia allows you to trace the entire creative path of the artist. Here you can find out where the hero was born, who were and what his parents did, how he became a humorist. On the page you can read with whom he lived, whether he had children. Here you can also find out what monologues Yevgeny Vaganovich read.

On Instagram, a popular comedian often posts photos from various concerts. The article was found on alabanza.ru.

Evgeny Petrosyan does not like to talk about his personal life. And yet, once he mentioned: "Real family happiness came to me from the fourth time." Everyone knows his current wife and stage colleague Elena Stepanenko. And who were her three predecessors?

The artist has never been a ladies' man and did not set himself the goal of conquering as many women as possible. He just wanted family warmth and a strong rear. And fate, although not immediately, gave Petrosyan this happiness.

First the second, then the first

Eugene met his second wife earlier than his first. It happened while studying at the All-Union Creative Workshop of Variety Art (VTMEI). In fact, he wanted to get into the Moscow Art Theater School and was sure that he would be accepted: in his native Baku, Evgeny Petrosyants (this is exactly what is written in the artist's passport) was a rising star, local newspapers even wrote about him. While still at school, Zhenya began performing with a variety troupe and playing in the theater.

In addition, on the advice of his uncle, an actor, he carefully studied the Stanislavsky system. However, the selection committee of the Moscow Art Theater hinted to Yevgeny that he overdid it: “You, young man, have already developed your own acting style, and we need raw material.” Not at a loss, Petrosyan went to the exams at VTMEI, brilliantly passed them and began to study.

Charming and liberated, in comparison with his compatriots, the Moscow girls seemed to the young Bakuvian celestials, but his heart was won at first sight by the languid brunette Anna Kozlovskaya, the daughter of the famous opera singer. She was seven years older than Yevgeny Petrosyan and came to the studio to get a second education.

Eugene became Anna's faithful knight: he carried her suitcases when they went on tour, took her to the cinema and cafes, gave flowers and asked for nothing in return. She could not help but guess what feelings Petrosyan had for her, she even liked him: from an intelligent family (father is a professor of mathematics, mother is an engineer), well-mannered, noble, intelligent, with a spectacular appearance. But for Anna, he was just a friend, besides, the girl was embarrassed by the age difference. True, later she nevertheless decided to bestow her favor on him: they broke out a short stormy romance, which ended after a couple of months at the insistence of Anna.

Hasty marriage

Eugene began to earn extra money in line with his future profession from the first year, since he gained experience in Baku. Conducted various events, worked as an entertainer at concerts. Once Petrosyan was noticed by Leonid Utyosov himself and called to announce the numbers of his orchestra. It was an incredible success...

At one of the concerts, Evgeny was introduced to an attractive girl, the sister of the famous ballerina Quiz Krieger. The young man, who had recently experienced a difficult break with Anna, threw himself headlong into the pool. On the very first evening he made an appointment, and after a couple of weeks he offered his hand and heart to a new acquaintance.

The young family huddled in a dorm room for a long time: Yevgeny Petrosyan was scrupulous and did not want to ask anything from new relatives. But his career went uphill, and soon the couple, who by that time had already had a daughter, Quiz, named after the famous aunt, moved into their own apartment.

Eugene loved his daughter. He often took her to performances, and when the girl turned six, she made her debut on the big stage. The quiz read a poem dedicated to the pope, which caused a standing ovation in the hall. However, he subsequently dissuaded his daughter from a career as an actress. And not only because this profession takes a lot of strength: he simply understood that the girl did not have a bright talent in this area.

Only thanks to the daughter of a hasty marriage lasted several years. The young couple, who did not know each other at all before the wedding, very soon discovered that they had practically nothing in common. Eugene's wife did not like his constant absences, tours, concerts, and especially the fans who appeared as soon as he began to gain popularity. Tired of tensions in the family, Petrosyan suggested that his wife disperse. She agreed, especially since he left the apartment with his daughter.

The divorce did not spoil relations with Quiz: Eugene still took her on tour with him, brought gifts, helped with everything he could. A serious quarrel between father and daughter occurred at the moment when Quiz decided to marry a foreigner and go to America. Petrosyan was categorically against it. The thought that the only daughter would live overseas, and the grandchildren would speak a foreign language, was unbearable for him.

Then for the first time in their lives they quarreled, uttered offensive words to each other. The quiz left, and for several years the connection between them was cut off. Both regretted what was said in the heat of the moment, but neither father nor daughter dared to take a step towards reconciliation for a long time. Over time, of course, they reconciled, and today they often visit each other, and the artist has the opportunity to communicate with two grandchildren.

And again the fatal brunette

After the divorce, Petrosyan again began to seek the favor of Anna Kozlovskaya. He set up a chance meeting, said that he was free and that his feelings had not cooled down. Anna hesitated: she was flattered by his devotion, his attention and care were pleasant. During this time, she also experienced an unsuccessful marriage, she wanted peace and stability, and Eugene just offered this. Everything was decided by chance.

Once Anna and Eugene went to a restaurant. At that time, Petrosyan's hair was dyed fiery red - it was necessary for the role. Three tipsy men at the next table began to make greasy jokes about this, alluding to his unconventional orientation. Eugene rushed at them with his fists. Anna was horrified: she had no doubt that he would get the full program. But her furious cavalier forced the whole company to flee. It was after this incident that Anna, admiring the courage of Eugene, agreed to marry him.

And yet she did not love him; Petrosyan felt this and suffered greatly. However, he did not lose hope that over time feelings would appear, that he would be able to win the heart of his beautiful wife. Instead, another man won her heart: Anna fell in love with a famous neurosurgeon and went to him. "Why did you marry me if you didn't love me?" - Evgeny asked when Anna was packing her bags. She just shrugged. Kozlovskaya's relationship with the neurosurgeon ended in a scandal: he raised his hand against her, she called the police...

Anna married twice more, and both marriages ended in divorce. In moments of longing and loneliness, she called Eugene. He listened, reassured, but did not offer to renew the relationship, although Anna, perhaps, hoped so. She hurt him too much to start all over again.

Nuclear tests and a bouquet of lilacs

After a divorce from Anna, Eugene married a lady who did not in any way resemble a former lover. Her name was Lyudmila, she was distinguished by a soft, calm character and aristocratic manners. An art critic by profession and by vocation, she did not tolerate anything rude and familiar. With her, Yevgeny Vaganovich came to his senses after the storms experienced ...

In 1979, Petrosyan realized his old dream - he opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. When he was recruiting artists, Elena Stepanenko, a graduate of GITIS, came to audition. A lively girl with an amazing talent for impersonation liked Petrosyan, he took her to the troupe. For several years, she remained for him just a colleague, a ward, for whom you need to find funny numbers, with whom they rehearsed together and went on tour.

In her youth, Elena Stepanenko was a fragile girl with an aspen waist, and Petrosyan always liked curvy ladies. Maybe that's why he did not perceive her as a woman for a long time. Elena, secretly in love with her leader, only sighed and thought about how to attract his attention. She was already completely desperate when, during a tour in Semipalatinsk, he unexpectedly gave her a huge bouquet of lilacs. “Nuclear tests were going on at the Semipalatinsk test site at that time, so a love bomb exploded here,” Elena Stepanenko jokes. Since then, lilacs have been her favorite flowers.

By that time, Eugene and Lyudmila were already living separately from each other. She could not stand his rhythm of life, frequent absences and the turmoil associated with concerts and tours.

She was also offended that her husband was surrounded by attractive women who looked at him with undisguised admiration. The constant calls of Anna's ex-wife also added fuel to the fire. Ludmila left.

Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko: Applause for two

Elena Stepanenko became an ideal life partner for Petrosyan. Unlike previous wives, she perfectly understood all the features of his profession. Moreover, from the very beginning they worked in pairs and still do not stop creating joint numbers. Endless concerts, spectators, trips - this is their common reality, in which they always support each other.

Petrosyan's friends say that Elena found a way to his heart, including through the stomach. Growing up in a family of chefs, Stepanenko knows hundreds of recipes from many cuisines around the world. And Yevgeny Vaganovich always loved to eat delicious food. In the old days, he often had to make do with scrambled eggs, especially on tour. But now there are delicious and healthy dishes on his menu - his wife is trying to monitor his health.

Another thing she doesn't trust with any housekeeper is her husband's shirts. Elena Grigoryevna always strokes them with her own hands, because only she can do everything right, as Yevgeny Vaganovich loves.

The yellow press bred them more than once, wrote about the comedian's mistresses and his wife's new hobbies. In response, Petrosyan only dismisses: "They write, so we have not yet entered circulation." To spite all the ill-wishers, they have been together for more than thirty years and still do not cease to amaze and delight each other. Evgeny Vaganovich goes to all his wife's concerts, despite the fact that he knows her numbers by heart. He worries about her when she performs alone, and always after the concert gives her a luxurious bouquet, if the season allows - lilacs.

Sometimes, during joint performances, Petrosyan and Stepanenko receive notes: “Is it true that you are getting a divorce?” Having received a negative answer, the fans sigh with relief.

Spouses do not hide the secret of their marital happiness: “We do not have the main thing in our family. We are two halves of one whole and are always ready to give in to each other.

Rumors about problems in the relationship between the spouses Evgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko appeared several years ago. Back in 2008, the media wrote that comedians do not live together, and the reason for the separation was the spectacular 26-year-old blonde Tatyana Podolskaya, who was Petrosyan's personal assistant.

However, there was no official divorce. But ten years later, there was still a lawsuit for divorce and division of property.

Elena Stepanenko became Evgeny Petrosyan's fourth wife. They lived together for 32 years. Relatives said that it was with her that Petrosyan found his happiness.

"Reedus" decided to recall the ex-wives of the famous humorist and the reasons for their separation.

When Yevgeny Petrosyants (his real name) arrived in Moscow from Azerbaijan, he began to work as an entertainer at concerts. There he met his first wife. The girl was sister of famous ballerina Victorina Krieger. The couple hastily married, but it was short-lived. Soon after the birth of their daughter, who was named Quiz in honor of the famous relative, Evgeny Petrosyan met a new love.

Now the humorist's daughter is 49 years old. She lives in the USA, has two sons and runs a company that produces exclusive glass toys Mark Andreas Collection.

Petrosyan's new hobby was Anna Kozlovskaya, daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky. The girl was very beautiful and worked as an entertainer with Petrosyan. Young people spent a lot of time and did not notice how they fell in love with each other.

Kozlovskaya and Petrosyan

Petrosyan's second marriage was also short-lived. They lived together with Kozlovskaya for a couple of years, then the woman met another and went with him to Greece.

Two years ago, 68-year-old Anna Kozlovskaya, in an interview, called Petrosyan a decent person. She remembered how in their youth they went together to a restaurant on the Ostankino tower. Later, Kozlovskaya became interested in prose and began to write. At the Writers' Union, she met the Greek Kostas Varnalis and fell in love with him.

Zhenya suffered a lot, but I could not help myself. This is my unforgivable fault before Zhenya ... On my initiative, our marriage with Petrosyan fell apart. I went to Greece with my new husband. She recently returned to her homeland, and did not follow the fate of Zhenya Petrosyan. We do not maintain relations with him, ”Peoples quotes Kozlovskaya.

Petrosyan later met art historian Lyudmila. A resident of St. Petersburg was a very intelligent woman. Friends of the humorist called her an aristocrat. For a while, she even performed on the same stage with Yevgeny Petrosyan, but then her husband's excessive employment began to annoy her.


In 1979, the already well-known artist Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan opened the Theater of Variety Miniatures. came to the casting Elena Stepanenko.

With a graduate of GITIS, they got married seven years later. Surrounded by the couple, they said that for many years of living together, the spouses had never quarreled. They were united by work and hobbies.

Petrosyan and Stepanenko have one passion - they collect antiques. Their friends entering the house compared the artists' apartment with a museum: antique furniture, paintings by famous artists, old vases.

Obviously, the spouses have something to share in a divorce. On August 6, the Khamovniki Court of Moscow will consider the claim of Elena Stepanenko on the division of jointly acquired property.

According to some media reports, the spouses own five apartments in the elite districts of the capital, two foreign cars, a snowmobile and a summer house in the village of Zhavoronki - all this is recorded on 72-year-old Petrosyan. Stepanenko has only a dacha in Lyubertsy.

For Russian comedians who have known Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko for many years, their divorce turned out to be. The artist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko admitted in an interview with Reedus that “if people decide to leave, then it’s already difficult for them to be together.”

Evgeny Petrosyants

Variety artist, writer-humorist and TV presenter.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/25/1985).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (03/04/1991).

From his school years, he began to participate in amateur performances - in Baku clubs and houses of culture.

He graduated from VTMEI, where Rina Zelenaya and A. Alekseev were his teachers and mentors. Since 1962 he began to perform on the professional stage.

From 1964 to 1969 he worked as an entertainer in the State Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of Leonid Utyosov, from 1969 to 1989 - in the Mosconcert.

In 1979, the Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures was formed. Under him, he created the Center for Variety Humor, which contains unique materials on the history of variety art of the 19th-20th centuries: magazines, posters, photos.

In 1985 he graduated from the department of stage directors of GITIS.
Since 1988 he has been the leading artist and artistic director of the Moscow Concert Ensemble of Variety Miniatures.

In 1973, together with L. Shimelov and A. Pisarenko, they prepared the program “Three took to the stage”. He staged performances at the Moscow Variety Theater: "Monologues" (1975, authors G. Minnikov, L. Izmailov, A. Khait); “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat” (1980, author A. Haight); "How are you doing?" (1986, authors M. Zadornov, A. Haight, A. Levin); "Inventory-89" (1988, authors M. Zadornov, A. Haight, S. Kondratiev, L. Frantsuzov and others); “We are all fools” (1991, authors A. Khait, G. Terikov, V. Koklyushkin and others); “Benefit performance”, “30 years on the stage”, “Limonia country, Petrosyaniya village” (1995, authors M. Zadornov, S. Kondratiev, L. Frantsuzov); “When finances sing romances” (1997, authors M. Zadornov, L. Frantsuzov, L. Izmailov, G. Terikov, N. Korosteleva, A. Novichenko and others), “Family Joys” (1999, authors M. Zadornov, N Korosteleva, L. Natapov, A. Tsapik, L. Frantsuzov, G. Terikov, G. Bugaev and others).
Among the concert programs: "Passion-Muzzle" (2001) and "Jokes aside" (2011).

In these performances, the artist acted not only as the main performer of monologues, but also as a director.

Since 1994, he has been the host of the weekly Laughter Panorama.

Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan (Petrosyants) - stage artist, humorist, TV presenter, writer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1991). The author of many humorous programs, including the show "Laughing Panorama" and "Crooked Mirror". Throughout his acting career, Evgeny Petrosyan has collected and continues to collect real full houses. He is comfortable in different genres, ranging from small skits to satirical monologues.


The childhood of the future humorist fell on the post-war years - he was born three months after the Victory, on September 16, 1945, in sunny Baku, where he spent his childhood. His parents had nothing to do with art. Father Vagan Mironovich was a mathematician, and mother Bella Grigoryevna was a housewife who devoted herself to raising her son.

In 1953, Zhenya got to a humorous concert and realized that he wanted to make people laugh. When Eugene told his parents that he would be an artist, they did not take the news very well, but they did not interfere. The young man with small steps, but confidently walked towards his cherished goal: he participated in all amateur events, performed on the school stage, acquired acting skills in puppet and folk theatrical performances. In 1956, he went on tour with the city sailors' club.

At the age of 16, Petrosyan decided on a radical change: he moved to Moscow to be closer to his dream of a stage. He became a student of VTMEI (All-Russian Creative Workshop of Variety Art named after L. Maslyukov), where Rina Zelenaya became his mentor. Evgeny Vaganovich held his first programs on the big stage a year later.

Variety career

From 1964, for the next five years, Petrosyan held the position of entertainer in the State Orchestra under the direction of Leonid Utyosov, then worked for the Mosconcert for 20 years. In 1970, the earned prestige brought him the title of Laureate of the fourth All-Union competition of variety artists.

Yevgeny Petrosyan's career on television also began in 1964 - the artist was entrusted with broadcasting the Blue Light live.

In 1973, Petrosyan released his first personal project - the trio "Three took to the stage." In this program, he was assisted by entertainers Lev Shimelov and Albert Pisarenkov.

Eugene moved on. In 1977, he presented to the audience of the concert hall of the Moscow City Council his first program "A kind word and a cat is pleased." “A performance about human kindness and its deficiency,” was the annotation for the record with her recording.

In 1979, Petrosyan became the founder of the Theater of Variety Miniatures, which included Vyacheslav Voinarovsky, Evgeny Grushin and other associates of Evgeny Vaganovich.

Yevgeny Petrosyan in the play "Passion-Muzzle" (2001)

In the 80s, Petrosyan released 2 concert programs (“How are you?”, “Don’t cry, Fedya”), in the 90s - 5 (“Inventory”, “We are all fools”, “Limonia Country, Petrosyaniya Village”, “When finances sing romances”, “Family joys”). 2001 was marked by the release of the play "Passion-muzzle", and 10 years later, the artist pleased the audience with the program "Jokes aside".

Evgeniy prepared each speech so carefully that his colleague Viktor Koklyushkin joked that even spaceships are not prepared for launch with less responsibility.

In the 80s, the artist received a second higher - directing - education within the walls of GITIS. Petrosyan became a certified director in 1985, at the same time he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the USSR for outstanding achievements in the field of acting.

Yevgeny Petrosyan participated in the Full House program for 13 years, starting in 1987. In 1994, the humorist began to conduct the author's program "Smehopanorama", which lasted 10 years. Petrosyan's well-known projects include the TV show "Crooked Mirror", where the comedian often played the main roles and was the direct leader. This show was broadcast from 2003 to 2014. The friendly and cheerful team of the project consisted of many well-known comedians.

Yevgeny Petrosyan in the program "Crooked Mirror" (monologue in the image of "Moonshine")

Alas, for young people, Yevgeny Petrosyan has become a symbol of outdated and flat humor - hence the expression “petrosyanit”, that is, banally joking, while positioning himself as the king of laughter. Nevertheless, Petrosyan himself does not pay the slightest attention to criticism and laughs off the attacks. In life, he is a simple and very sensitive person, and people who get to know him personally are amazed at how much the real Petrosyan is deeper than his screen image.

Evgeny Petrosyan's personal life

The first wife of the humorist was the younger sister of the ballerina Quiz Krieger, whose name is unknown to the public. In 1968, a daughter appeared in the marriage, Victorina Petrosyants, in whom the young father did not have a soul: he took her to his performances, and once the girl read her poem dedicated to her father from the stage - the audience was touched.

The second wife of Yevgeny Petrosyan was the daughter of the famous opera singer Ivan Kozlovsky, Anna. With her, the marriage lasted only a year and a half. In 2007, the woman died.

In 2008, there were rumors that Yevgeny Vaganovich was carried away by the administrator of his theater, 26-year-old Tatyana, but their romance turned out to be fleeting. In 2016, he was often seen in the company of a 30-year-old actress of his theater, whom the comedian almost made with his right hand. The woman's name was also Tatyana. In 2018, it became known about the divorce of Petrosyan and Stepanenko, and Elena Grigoryevna intended to sue more than 80% of the property with a total value of 1.5 billion rubles from her ex-husband.

The daughter of Evgeny Petrosyan graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. At the moment, she is the general producer and founder of the Vi-Ko Production company, which produces serial documentaries. She has two sons, Andreas and Mark.

Evgeny Petrosyan now

Eugene is not afraid of age - he does not stop his acting and humorous career, and he also got his own account on the Instagram social network, where he pleases subscribers with new jokes and shots from life.