Fedya Karmanov. Biography. Anatoly Canvas: biography and discography Personal life of Fedya Karmanov

KAMANOV FEDYA - violinist, performer, born in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Tylnamas.
In 1957, he moved with his family to Perm, from the age of six he went to music school, where he studied violin for 7 years.
In 1972 he entered the Perm Music College in the violin department.
Since 1976, he began working in the Perm ensemble "Rowan-Yagody".
Since 1977, Farika has worked as a violinist in the Perm restaurants “Gorniy Krystal”, “Kama”, “Neva”, “Central”.
In 1980 he left for Moscow and began working as a violinist in the Gloria night restaurant. There he began to sing.

In 1984, Karamov left for Sochi, where he played and sang in one of the “cool” restaurants - “Saturn” - until 1989, he was recognized as the “Golden Violin of Sochi”.

Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “Lots-man” (soloist A. Polotno).
In 1999, the first solo album “Chamber Songs” was released (producer A. Polotno, arranger K. Krasnov). It was then that the pseudonym Fedya KAMANOV (the author of the pseudonym was A. Polotno) was used for the first time.
In 2006, the long-awaited album by Anatoly Polotno and Fedya Karmanov “Gop-stop lard” was released. In the fall it appeared in Ukraine, and from December 7 in Russia, music and lyrics by Anatoly Cloth.
Today, the singer recorded some of his songs in a duet with his friend, Anatoly Polotno. His singing combines both charm and tenderness, as only a simple “man” can have, and the purity of real values.
Organizing concerts and ordering corporate performances by Feli Karmanova. The official website of the vipartist, where you can read the biography, and using the contact numbers indicated on the site, you can invite Fedya Karmanov with a concert program or order a performance by Fedya Karmanov for your event. The Fedya Karmanov website contains photo and video information, as well as an order for the artist’s rider.

A famous singer who glorifies such a direction in music as chanson, Anatoly Cloth was born on February 18, 1954 in the city of Perm. His character is characterized by a certain severity, fortitude, but at the same time sincerity and justice. The future artist inherited his love of music from his father, who loved to play the accordion. The boy was born and raised in a simple family, like all children, he loved to play pranks and have fun. However, at the age of two, the child’s family broke up: the artist’s parents divorced and he was left in the care of his grandmother. It was then that he learned all the mores of the street. Anatoly Cloth's wife died, leaving him with a daughter.

Despite the fact that Anatoly showed a craving for music since childhood, he was not forced to attend music school. The guy graduated from vocational school, then served in the army. While still a student at the school, he organized his own ensemble. In their native region, the guys achieved great success, and Anatoly’s talent was especially noted. He was advised to enter the cultural institute, despite the fact that the guy had problems with discipline and behavior.

During his student years, Anatoly worked part-time in taverns, performing the corresponding repertoire. Life wasn't going great, but he didn't complain about anything and was even happy. However, in 1986, a terrible tragedy happened in his life: his first wife died, leaving behind a little daughter, Lisa. The parents of the deceased wife helped raise the child. Out of grief, Canvas began to abuse alcohol, but in time he managed to calm down and pull himself together. Together with several comrades, he organized his own ensemble. The guys quickly found their own style and achieved significant popularity.

Some time after the loss of his wife, Anatoly again found love in his life. On the shores of the Black Sea he met the charming beauty Natalya. After some period they met again in Moscow. A girl at his concert came on stage with a bouquet of flowers and handed them to the artist. Such a meeting not only brought changes to Anatoly’s personal life, but also changed the direction of creativity, which became more lyrical.

It was Natalya who became the second wife of Anatoly Cloth and gave him a second daughter. In connection with her birth, the artist left work for some time and began improving the family nest. Only three years later he returned to creativity, but the artist began to be attacked by officials. They tried to accuse him of receiving unearned income and failure to pay child support to his first child. However, the singer himself associates this attitude with a lack of understanding of the new direction of creativity and banal human envy.

Interestingly, it was the law enforcement agencies from his native Perm who sent the singer to prison. He was not the only artist who suffered a similar fate. With all this, the cases were often fabricated. However, the case about Anatolia reached the capital’s television program “Man and the Law.” Due to the uproar, the artist was released, but given a warning.

Now Anatoly Canvas has forgotten all the hardships of life that happened in his life and delights his fans with new creative ideas. In addition, he is a happy family man who loves his wife and daughter.

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Karmanov, Fedya (pseudonym; real name Karamov Farkhat Fridovich) - violinist, singer, born in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Tylnamas on March 13, 1955.

Fedya Karmanov
basic information
Birth name

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Full name

Farhat Fridovich Karamov

Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity

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A country

USSR 22x20px USSR
Russia 22x20px Russia


singer, violinist

Singing voice

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Fedya Karmanov


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In 1957, he moved with his family to Perm, from the age of six he went to music school, where he studied violin for 7 years.

In 1972 he entered the Perm Music College in the violin department.

Since 1976, he began working in the Perm ensemble "Rowan-Yagody".

Since 1977, Farika has worked as a violinist in the Perm restaurants “Gorniy Krystal”, “Kama”, “Neva”, “Central”.

In 1980 he left for Moscow and began working as a violinist in the Gloria night restaurant. There he began to sing.

In 1984, Karamov left for Sochi, where he played and sang in one of the “cool” restaurants - “Saturn” - until 1989, he was recognized as the “Golden Violin of Sochi”.

Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “Lots-man” (soloist A. Polotno). In 1999, the first solo album “Chamber Songs” was released (producer A. Polotno, arranger K. Krasnov). That’s when the pseudonym Fedya Karmanov (the author of the pseudonym was A. Polotno) was first used.

In 2006, the long-awaited album by Anatoly Polotno and Fedya Karmanov “Gop-stop lard” was released. In the fall it appeared in Ukraine, and from December 7 in Russia. Music and lyrics by Anatoly Canvas.

In 2014, he participated in the international arts festival “Slavic Bazaar”, where he sang the song “Olympic Snowfall” in a duet with Anatoly Polotno.

In 2015, he participated in the “Chanson of the Year” ceremony and became a laureate there, where he sang the song “Kiss me, luck” in a duet with Anatoly Polotno


Author's discs
  • - Chamber album
  • - Tramp
  • - Time is money!
  • - The car is rocking
  • - Golden violin chanson
  • - Hop-stop, lard!
Duet albums (together with Anatoly Polotno)
  • - Kiss me, good luck!
  • - For friends
  • - Do not be sorry
  • - Happiness to you!
  • - Hello, Crimea!
  • - Our side

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Excerpt characterizing Fedya Karmanov

I immediately answered her: “Of course!” And I thought to myself: “If only I knew what!!!”... But I had to act, and I decided that I would try until I achieve something - or he will finally hear me, or (in the worst case) he will be thrown out the door again.
- So are you going to talk or not? – I asked deliberately angrily. “I don’t have time for you, and I’m here only because this wonderful little man is with me - your daughter!”
The man suddenly plopped down in a nearby chair and, clasping his head in his hands, began to sob... This went on for quite a long time, and it was clear that he, like most men, did not know how to cry at all. His tears were stingy and heavy, and they apparently were very, very difficult for him. It was only then that I truly understood for the first time what the expression “man’s tears” means...
I sat down on the edge of some bedside table and watched in confusion this stream of other people’s tears, having absolutely no idea what to do next?..
- Mom, mommy, why are such monsters walking here? – a frightened voice asked quietly.
And only then did I notice very strange creatures that were literally “in heaps” hovering around the drunken Arthur...
My hair started to move - these were real “monsters” from children’s fairy tales, only here for some reason they even seemed very, very real... They looked like evil spirits released from a jug, which somehow managed to “attach” directly to the poor man’s breasts, and, hanging on him in clusters, with great pleasure “devoured” his almost exhausted vitality...
I felt that Vesta was scared to the point of a puppy squeal, but she was trying her best not to show it. The poor thing watched in horror as these terrible “monsters” happily and mercilessly “ate” her beloved dad right in front of her eyes... I couldn’t figure out what to do, but I knew that I had to act quickly. Having quickly looked around and not finding anything better, I grabbed a pile of dirty plates and threw them onto the floor with all my might... Arthur jumped in his chair in surprise and stared at me with crazy eyes.
- There’s no point in getting soggy! – I shouted, “look what “friends” you brought into your house!
I wasn’t sure whether he would see the same thing that we saw, but this was my only hope to somehow “come to his senses” and thus make him sober up at least a little.
By the way his eyes suddenly went up to his forehead, it turned out that he saw... In horror, he flinched into the corner, he could not take his eyes off his “cute” guests and, unable to utter a word, he only pointed at them with a trembling hand. He was shaking slightly, and I realized that if nothing was done, the poor man would have a real nervous attack.
I tried to mentally turn to these strange monstrous creatures, but nothing useful came of it; they only “growled” ominously, swatting me away with their clawed paws, and without turning around, they sent a very painful energy blow straight into my chest. And then, one of them “came unstuck” from Arthur and, having his eye on what he thought was the easiest prey, jumped straight at Vesta... The girl screamed wildly in surprise, but - we must pay tribute to her courage - she immediately began to fight back, which was strength Both of them, he and she, were the same incorporeal entities, so they “understood” each other perfectly and could freely inflict energy blows on each other. And you should have seen with what passion this fearless little girl rushed into battle!.. From the poor cowering “monster” only sparks rained down from her stormy blows, and we, the three of us watching, to our shame, were so dumbfounded that we did not immediately react, so that although I would like to help her somehow. And just at the same moment, Vesta began to look like a completely squeezed out golden lump and, becoming completely transparent, disappeared somewhere. I realized that she had given all her childhood strength, trying to defend herself, and now she didn’t have enough of it to simply maintain contact with us... Christina looked around in confusion - apparently her daughter did not have the habit of simply disappearing, leaving her alone. I also looked around and then... I saw the most shocked face that I had ever seen in my life, both then and all the subsequent many years... Arthur stood in real shock and looked straight at his wife!.. Apparently too much alcohol , enormous stress, and all subsequent emotions, for a moment opened the “door” between our different worlds and he saw his deceased Christina, as beautiful and as “real” as he had always known her... No words would have been possible describe the expressions in their eyes!.. They did not speak, although, as I understood, Arthur most likely could hear her. I think at that moment he simply could not speak, but in his eyes there was everything - and the wild pain that had been choking him for so long; and boundless happiness that stunned him with its surprise; and prayer, and so much more that there would be no words to try to tell it all!..

Anatoly Cloth, whose biography is full of various events, was born in Perm (02/18/54). During his career, the singer and musician managed to travel almost all the vast expanses of our homeland. The artist is slightly stern, strong in spirit, but at the same time he is a sincere and fair person.


As Anatoly Polotno, whose creative biography began at the age of 13, says in his interviews, the craving for creativity was instilled in him by his father, who famously played the button accordion. The artist was born into a simple family, like all teenagers - he played pranks and had fun. When he was two years old, his parents divorced, and the boy lived with his grandmother and learned the mores of the “street” well.

Despite his craving for creativity, Tolik was not forced to go to music school; he studied at a vocational school and served in the army. While still at school, the guy founded a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which was a stunning success in his region. At the final exams at the school, the musician’s talent was noticed by the head of the department of the Perm Institute of Culture. It was he who advised him to enter a university, although Anatoly was not distinguished by his meek disposition and discipline.

Carier start

Canvas Anatoly, all of whose songs are permeated with a mixture of “thieves’ romance,” life’s realities and hope for the best, as a student, he worked in taverns in the evenings, performing songs of the corresponding genre.

In 1986, trouble came to the musician’s house: his first wife died, leaving behind his little daughter Lisa, whom his wife’s parents, who lived in Perm, helped raise. At first, Anatoly started drinking, then he pulled himself together. Together with V. Batenkov and S. Motin, he organized the ensemble “Lots-Man”. The guys found their own style and created six albums in just one year.

During the perestroika period and the time of crisis, half of the staff left the team. Now this group consists of arranger Sergei Motin and the popular duet A. Polotno and F. Karmanov. In their album “We’ll Survive,” the guys reveal topical topics in the form of veiled ditties.

New love

After the next album “Oh Leli-Leli”, in which the artist invested all his savings, a new love came to him. It happened on the shores of the Black Sea when the artist met the beautiful Natalya. After their short separation, fate brought them together again in Moscow.

Anatoly Polotno, whose biography is filled with various events of a lyrical nature, was very surprised when Natasha came out to him at one of the concerts in the capital and gave him flowers. This meeting changed not only the musician’s personal life, but also his work, in which the lyrics significantly increased.

In 1991, the artist who recorded the first vinyl record in the chanson style fell out of this crowd. This was due to the birth of his second daughter; the new father began building and improving the family nest. The singer released a new album in 1994, its name is “Shara No. 8”.

Anatoly Canvas: biography, criminal record

The album mentioned above turned out to be as close as possible to the “thieves” theme. This is due to the fact that attacks on the musician began from officials and law enforcement agencies. The singer was credited with unearned income and evasion from paying child support to his first child. As the artist himself explains, all these claims are associated with envy and misunderstanding of the new stage in music.

It is noteworthy that law enforcement agencies from his native Perm “invited” the singer to places not so distant. Many artists in those days suffered a similar fate. As with Canvas, most often the charges were fabricated. However, in this case the case did not go to trial. Thanks to Radio Maximum, information about the arrest reached the capital’s program “Man and the Law,” and a television correspondent went to Perm. After this, Anatoly was released, warning that he would be re-arrested if there was any hype and any disclosure on TV again.


Anatoly Polotno, whose biography is very similar to the biography of many chansonniers, actively begins releasing albums in 1995. A CD is being released with the singer's best songs over the past six years. Solo concerts are organized, the artist is invited to various programs along with other popular artists.

Anatoly Polotno, whose discography includes hundreds of songs, remains a real Russian man with a soul, a reverent attitude towards friendship and loved ones. Among the musician’s albums the following works can be noted:

  • “Oh, leli-leli” - 1998
  • “Greetings from Lenka Panteleev” - 1990
  • "Golden Carriage" - 1995
  • "We'll Survive" - ​​1999
  • "Steamboat" - 2005
  • "Rubles" - 2010

This is only a small part of the artist’s achievements.


In conclusion, it can be noted that Anatoly Polotno, whose song continues to delight fans throughout Russia and beyond, is a singer with a special style and presentation. In his free time, the musician enjoys hunting, fishing, painting, preference, and horse riding. Such a unique artist won the hearts of tens of thousands of people with compositions in a mixed style.

KARAMOV FEDYA (KARAMOV FARKHAT FRIDOVICH) (b. 03/13/1955) - violinist, performer, was born in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Tylnamas. In 1957, he moved with his family to Perm, from the age of six he went to music school, where he studied violin for 7 years. In 1972 he entered the Perm Music College in the violin department.

Since 1976, he began working in the Perm ensemble “Rowan-Yagody”. Since 1977, Farika has worked as a violinist in the Perm restaurants “Gorny Krystal”, “Kama”, “Neva”, “Central”. In 1980 he left for Moscow and began working as a violinist at the Gloria night restaurant. There he began to sing. In 1984, Karamov left for Sochi, where he played and sang in one of the “cool” restaurants - “Saturn” - until 1989, he was recognized as the “Golden Violin of Sochi”. Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “Lots-man” (soloist A. Polotno).

In 1999, the first solo album “Chamber Songs” was released (producer A. Polotno, arranger K. Krasnov). It was then that the pseudonym was first used - Fedya KAMANOV (the author of the pseudonym was Anatoly Polotno).

Prepared by Mikhail Dyukov


Born March 13, 1955. Fedya's family lived in Perm; they lived in a trailer and in a barracks... Who in Russia can be surprised by this? And yet, despite the difficulties, the parents enrolled their son in a music school at the age of six. There he studied violin for 7 years.

Confirmation of his musical nature was his admission to the Perm College of Music in 1972 in the violin department. He would be drawn to the classics later, in adulthood, and young Fedya Karmanov began working in the Perm ensemble “Rowan-Yagody” in 1976. And the tavern whirlwind began! Since 1977, Fedya’s violin could be heard in such central Perm restaurants as “Rock Crystal”, “Kama”, “Neva”, “Central”.

The next turn of fate occurred in 1980, when Fedya left for Moscow and began working as a violinist in the famous night restaurant Gloria. There he began to sing. At that time, “Italianism” was at the peak of popularity and the young, handsome brunette was right at home. Of course, a tavern is a tavern, and in Karmanov’s repertoire there were songs of a different style - thieves.

In 1984, Fedya Karmanov left for Sochi, where he played and sang in one of the “cool” restaurants – “Saturn” – until 1989. The most memorable event of those years was his recognition as the “Golden Violin of Sochi”. (And you thought! No more, and no less!... Know, ours, Perm!)

Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “LotsMan”, which at that time was already working in the capital. His activity in the group of the then already popular fellow countryman Anatoly Polotno was not limited only to violin parts - almost all the songs featured his backing vocals, and there was also a solo performance of Anatoly Polotno’s song “Islands” in the 1991 album “In the Kitchen”. True, work at “LotsMan” was interrupted twice for six months (1992-93) - Fedya Karmanov worked in Japan under a contract. And since 1993, he has been the permanent partner of Anatoly Polotno, violinist and vocalist.

Fedya Karmanov's violin and vocals have been heard in all of Anatoly Polotno's albums since 1989. Anatoly considers Fedya a Vocalist with a capital V. Their true male friendship led to the fact that Anatoly Polotno began writing songs specifically for Fedya Karmanov. In 1999, the album “Tramp” was released (produced by Anatoly Polotno, arranger Konstantin Krasnov), where he sang more than a dozen popular criminal songs, including “Chiki-briki” by Anatoly Polotno (album “For Girls”, 1989) , “Tavern Smoke for Taverns” by Sergei Nagovitsyn (album “City Meetings”).

In 2001, STM-Pecords (Kyiv) published Fedya Karmanov’s album “Time is Money!” (the author of all songs is Anatoly Polotno), which the authors dedicated to their talented fellow countryman, friend, the untimely deceased Sergei Nagovitsyn. The album was recorded in Perm at the 9M studio (producer Anatoly Polotno, arranger Eduard Andrianov, sound engineer Mansur Askakov).

Fedya Karmanov is one of the best violinists in Moscow and Russia. He continues his concert activities together with Anatoly Polono, working by invitation in the best restaurant spots in Moscow. Favorite recreation is rafting on northern rivers and fishing. Over the past few years, he and Anatoly have walked through the Polar Urals, Pechora, Laptopai (Yamal Peninsula). But he doesn’t like to hunt - except maybe shoot at beer cans... Other sports passions include tennis (mastered in Japan), boxing (Anatoly Polotno: “More than once I had to defend myself back to back!”). Married, adores his wife Lena and daughter Marcella.