Cabbage Provencal sweet recipe. Instant Provencal Cabbage. Provencal cabbage recipe

Provencal cabbage, with numerous instant recipes of which I will introduce you today, has the only drawback - you constantly have to drive away impudent household members who are trying to prematurely take a sample. Since the preparation is fragrant for the whole apartment, the taste of the salad is remembered from previous years.

I love crispy cabbage, it does not keep you waiting long - after a day, or even faster, you can treat yourself to a delicious snack.

How to cook Instant Provencal Cabbage

There are not too many secrets of harvesting; the advantage of Provence cabbage is the ability to vary the recipe based on your preferences. Ingredients, cutting methods, additives change.

The classic recipe suggests that the salad, in addition to cabbage, certainly includes bell pepper, garlic and carrots. The Soviet version looked exactly like this. Our hostesses have unlimited imagination. Over the years of cooking at home, many recipes have accumulated that mention grapes, lingonberries, beets, raisins, apples, prunes, cranberries.

Attention! If you are going to make Provence for winter storage - do not put fruit. Apples, prunes, raisins shorten the shelf life, they are only suitable for quick snacks.

  • Pleased with the variety of spices that cabbage is friends with. put bay leaf, various types of pepper, dill, cloves, coriander, celery, cinnamon.
  • There are no restrictions on slicing cabbage. Cabbage is chopped into strips, cut into large, and not too pieces, squares, or simply randomly.
  • In the preparation of the marinade, table vinegar is traditionally used. Apple and wine will add its note, the taste will sound differently when citric acid is added as a preservative.

Choosing cabbage for harvesting

Love crispy cabbage - choose late varieties of vegetables intended for winter storage. They are distinguished by a white, tight and hard head of cabbage.

On a note! If you want to reduce cooking time as much as possible - use ready-made sauerkraut. Mix with additives - grapes, cranberries, apples and, after mixing, keep in the cold for a day.

Calorie content of cabbage

For those who like to calculate the calorie content of dishes, I can tell you: the nutritional value of Provencal cabbage with the addition of beets is 25-38 kcal. The addition of fruits and berries will slightly increase the calorie content, but not critically.

Classic Provencal Cabbage Recipe

This recipe meets all criteria. It is made classic by a standard set of additives and spices. However, add a new one - it's okay, experiments are welcome.

You will need:

  • Cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Carrot.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water - 2/3 cup.
  • Oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Coarsely grate the carrots (you can cut into thin rings), chop the garlic, pepper into strips and chop the cabbage.
  2. I advise you to use a special shredder, it will facilitate cutting by increasing the speed, the cabbage straws will turn out thin and beautiful. Thinly shredded cabbage marinates faster.
  3. Fold the chopped cabbage into a wide basin, salt and sprinkle with sugar. Without much effort, remember the cabbage. You should not be too zealous, the finished snack will not turn out crispy.
  4. Put the garlic, peppers and carrots in a basin, mix well, distributing the additives over the cabbage.
  5. Make a marinade: boil water, add spices, cool a bit. Pour in oil and vinegar.
  6. Pour the vegetables, mix and put oppression on top (a plate on which a weight is placed, for example, a jar).
  7. After a couple of hours, try for readiness. But it is desirable to withstand about a day.

Cabbage Provencal with apple and cranberry

I do not recommend harvesting cabbage according to this recipe in tons, its storage is as fleeting as the cooking speed. Eat in 3-4 days, however, the task is not so overwhelming - the taste will exceed all expectations.


  • Head of cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Carrot.
  • Green apple, preferably varieties such as Semirenko.
  • Raisins, light - a decent handful of 50 gr.
  • Cranberries - ½ cup.
  • Seedless grapes, light - a small brush.

For brine:

  • Water - half a liter.
  • Sunflower oil - ½ cup.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Salt - a large, with a slide, spoon.
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Mustard seeds - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Table vinegar - 60 ml. (replace with essence, then 1 tablespoon)
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Preparatory work: cut the cabbage into large squares, grate the carrots coarsely, cut the apple without peeling into slices, defrost the cranberries, free the grapes from the twig.
  2. Place vegetables and fruits in a saucepan in layers in turn: cabbage, carrots, cabbage again, sprinkle with raisins, cabbage, grapes, cabbage, cranberries and the top layer is certainly cabbage.
  3. Having laid, take care of the brine. Put seasonings and other ingredients intended for brine into boiling water, let it boil. Pour in the vinegar, let it boil for a minute.
  4. Without mixing the layers, pour over the cabbage, press down with a plate with oppression, making sure that the cabbage is completely covered with brine.
  5. It remains to be patient 2-3 days. Then gently mix the provencal and move it to the cold for storage, however, not for too long.

How to cook instant Provencal cabbage with beets

An extremely healthy snack, as it ferments in its own juice, retaining vitamins and other substances that are important for humans. It looks incredibly beautiful and elegant in a bank. It tastes somewhat reminiscent, if you want to know more recipes, follow the link. Love the appetizer more vigorously - add a little horseradish root to the preparation. I met recipes with cranberries, but I offer a classic version.


  • Cabbage.
  • Candle, large.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Water - half a liter.
  • Sugar - 2 small spoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons.
  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • Horseradish, grated - a teaspoon.


  1. Boil the beets, cool. Grate large carrots with beets, chop the cabbage.
  2. Combine in a basin, salt, add sugar and grind with your hands, the vegetables should let the juice go.
  3. Add vinegar to the water and fill the workpiece. After 3-4 hours, you can start tasting and enthusiastic exclamations. If you are going to make a salad - add a chopped onion to the finished Provence and season with oil.

Cabbage Provencal with apples and grapes

The addition of a sweet berry makes the appetizer incredibly original. I am glad that there are many options for quick cabbage. You can get acquainted with another, repeatedly tested recipe for cooking Provence by clicking on the link.

  • Cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Carrot - 300 gr.
  • Sour apples - 300 kg.
  • Grapes - 300 gr.
  • Water - litre.
  • Sugar and salt - 50 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Pea pepper - 4-5 pcs.
  • A sprig of mint.
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
  • Oil - 100 ml. (extremely tasty with olive).

How to cook:

  1. Grate the carrots coarsely, cut the cabbage into small pieces (if you want to cook faster, chop finely). Remove the core from the apples and cut into random pieces.
  2. Combine fruits and vegetables and mix well.
  3. Prepare the marinade: dissolve the spices in boiling water, throw in the mint and let it boil again, cool.
  4. Pour vinegar and oil into the cold marinade and pour over the cabbage. Press down with oppression.
  5. After a day, transfer the appetizer to jars and store in the cold.

Provencal salad with sauerkraut and apples

I offer a Provencal version of instant cooking from ready-made sauerkraut.


  • Sauerkraut - 500 gr.
  • Soaked apples - 100 gr.
  • Grapes, lingonberries, cranberries - a small handful.
  • Sugar - teaspoon.
  • Oil - 2 large spoons.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.
  • Cloves - 2 sticks.
  1. A small clarification - grapes, apples, cranberries and lingonberries can be taken fresh, but in this case, the appetizer requires a longer exposure. But it is advisable to put the fruit already pickled. If there is enough marinade from sauerkraut - use it, you can add a little water.
  2. Combine kaputa and berries with sliced ​​apple.
  3. Boil the marinade, adding sugar, cloves and cinnamon, cool.
  4. Pour the cooled marinade, add oil, mix well and set aside for a couple of hours in the cold.

Provencal cabbage slices with garlic - a delicious recipe

Variety of any snack gives different cuts. Squares, large pieces, and not too much, the cabbage ferments no less quickly than with a conventional shredder. Make a spicy yet simple appetizer that delights loved ones. For lovers of especially spicy dishes, I advise you to add a small hot pepper.


  • Cabbage - 1.5 kg.
  • Carrot.
  • Garlic - 6-7 cloves.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Oil - ½ cup.
  • Table vinegar - 2/3 cup.
  • Peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.
  • Coriander - ½ teaspoon.
  • Salt - 1.5 large spoons.
  • Carnation is a stick.
  • Hot pepper - optional.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the cabbage into arbitrary pieces, rub the carrots, finely chop the garlic - the preparatory work is over.
  2. Put in a basin, pour in the oil and mix.
  3. Make a marinade: add spices to boiling water, boil again and pour in the vinegar. Pour cabbage with hot marinade and place oppression on top.
  4. After 4-5 hours, start trying and having fun.

I write and choke on saliva, believe me. I made the first autumn batch of Instant Provence cabbage. God, give me the strength to live these few hours while she marinates! Watch the video recipe, I was impressed by the ease of execution. I love you, kiss you... Galina Nekrasova.

Any housewife can make sauerkraut. However, sometimes you really want to cook something new and unusual for your family. We propose to consider how to prepare Provencal cabbage salad with various additional ingredients.

The recipes below are different in that the vegetable is not fermented, but pickled. The salad is ready in a day, after mixing all the ingredients with hot brine.

This cooking method allows you to save all the vitamins and useful elements in vegetables. The workpiece is crispy with a bright, pleasant aroma. It is allowed to store the snack for no more than 14 days. For this reason, it is not recommended to cook assorted vegetables in large quantities. Otherwise, the product will turn sour.

Traditional option

The classic Provencal cabbage recipe is simple, especially since all the ingredients can be found at home at hand. Serving on the table, the appetizer is decorated with fresh cranberries, herbs or apple slices.


  • carrots - 130 g;
  • cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • rock salt - 45 g;
  • table vinegar - 120 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • filtered water - 230 ml;
  • oil - 120 ml;
  • laurel - 2 sheets;
  • sweet peas - 4 pcs.

Preliminary preparation of cabbage

Initially, you need to prepare the marinade. Pour liquid, oil into a saucepan, add canning salt and granulated sugar. Boil. Stir until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved.

Rinse the cabbage and chop into thin slices. Put in a convenient roomy bowl, pour in the acid and hot oil solution.

Peel the root crop, cut on a grater for vegetable salads. Pour into cabbage. Peel the garlic and cut into rings. Add seasonings, mix well. Cover and leave warm on the kitchen table for 12 hours.

Arrange in processed, clean jars, close and put in the cold. Salad can be served at the table.

Provencal cabbage with bell pepper is an amazing and tasty dish. Prepares quickly and simply. The main thing is to follow the step by step instructions. The crispy billet will appeal to the household. Especially if you serve it with boiled potatoes.


  • carrots - 0.26 kg;
  • sweet capsicum - 0.27 kg;
  • cabbage - 1.4 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pure water - 130 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 70 g;
  • table salt - 25 g;
  • essence - 10 ml;
  • oil - 70 ml.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Rinse the prepared cabbage and chop into slices. Transfer to a food bowl, add salt for canning and knead thoroughly with your hands. The vegetable should release juice.
  2. Peel the carrots in a thin layer, cut into slices for Korean salads, add to the cabbage slices.
  3. Rinse the sweet pepper, remove the stalk and seeds, cut into strips. Place in a container along with vegetables.
  4. Peel the garlic cloves, finely chop into cubes. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Boil and cool water first. Add to it the remnants of table salt, butter, granulated sugar, essence. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  6. Pour vegetables with ready marinade, stir and put under pressure. Place in refrigerator for 5 hours. The cabbage is ready to eat. For storage, they are laid out in sterile jars and closed with nylon lids.

Cabbage slices "Provencal"

The snack will perfectly fill the lack of nutrients and elements in the body. The preparation is tasty, fragrant, and most importantly, quickly eaten. We offer you to consider a recipe for cooking that will appeal to the whole family and friends.


  • cabbage - 2.4 kg;
  • carrots - 0.23 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • pure water - 1.7 l;
  • peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • laurel - 2 sheets;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • table salt - 60 g;
  • oil - 220 ml;
  • table vinegar - 120 ml;
  • fresh herbs - 20 g.
  1. Peel the cabbage forks, remove the stalk. Rinse and cut into large square pieces. Peel the skin of carrots in a thin layer, chop on a medium-sized grater.
  2. Free the garlic cloves from the husk, chop with a blender. Mix the vegetables in a large bowl with light kneading movements.
  3. Pour the liquid into the saucepan, put on the stove. After boiling, add canning salt, granulated sugar, parsley, black peppercorns, oil and boil for several minutes. Remove from stove and add acid.
  4. Fill clean glass containers with vegetable mass, pour hot brine over and cover. Cool to room temperature, then close and refrigerate. Cabbage "Provencal" pieces are ready to eat. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Fast and tasty

Salad turns out to be fortified and useful for the human body. Instant cabbage "Provencal" is not stored for long and this is its only drawback. The ingredients of the recipe can be taken at any store, regardless of the time of year. Delight your family and friends with a crispy salad.


  • carrots - 100 g;
  • raisins - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • cabbage - 3.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 180 g;
  • table salt - 60 g;
  • table vinegar - 130 ml;
  • oil - 180 ml.

  1. Rinse the cabbage forks, remove the stalk and cut into cubes. Pour into a bowl and mash until softened. Chop clean carrots into strips, chop the garlic with a blender. Rinse the raisins in several waters, put in a colander, let the excess water drain. Transfer the prepared ingredients to an enameled food bowl.
  2. Pour the liquid into the saucepan, add loose spices to it. After boiling, pour in the oil and vinegar, mix. Heat for 1-2 minutes and remove from stove.
  3. Pour vegetables with prepared marinade, stir. Cover and leave at room temperature for 6 hours. Arrange in sterile jars, close and put in the refrigerator. Use as needed. Shelf life - 14 days.

The recipe for Provencal cabbage with beets is quick and tasty. The appetizer is spicy and spicy.


  • chili - 1 pod;
  • cabbage - 1.7 kg;
  • beets - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • filtered water - 1.2 l;
  • black pepper - 12 peas;
  • laurel - 1 leaf;
  • granulated sugar - 65 g;
  • table salt - 65 g;
  • table vinegar - 110 ml.

Operating procedure:

  1. Rinse vegetables. Peel the beetroot, cut into thin sticks. Cut out the seed box and stalk from the sweet pepper, chop into slices. Chop the cabbage into long slices. Combine the prepared vegetables in a separate bowl.
  2. Pour the liquid into a saucepan, add salt for canning, granulated sugar, peppercorns, laurel. Put on the stove, after boiling, remove and pour in the acid. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Combine hot marinade with vegetables. Place them under the press and leave at room temperature for 7-8 hours. Arrange in clean, processed jars and put in the cold for 10 hours.

With apple and grapes

Cabbage "Provencal" with grapes and apples is a delicious, vegetable preparation made in a sweet and sour butter marinade. To reveal the maximum taste, it is recommended to let the salad stand in a cold place for 3 to 5 days and only then consume it. It will take no more than half an hour to prepare.


  • cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • apple - 230 g;
  • fresh cranberries - 60 g;
  • red grapes - 130 g;
  • pure water - 1.2 l;
  • table vinegar - 170 ml;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • rock salt - 20 g;
  • oil - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 14 cloves;
  • laurel - 3 sheets;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • carnation - 2 inflorescences;
  • sweet peas - 3 pcs.

The process is the following:

  1. Peel the cabbage, cut into 2 parts and remove the stalk. Chop into a medium-sized square, put in a large saucepan. Salt a little, mash. Cover and leave until the juice is released.
  2. Sort the cranberries, wash. Peel off the skin of carrots with a thin layer, cut into slices. Rinse the apples, remove the seed box and chop into slices. Cut the grapes into 2 parts, remove the seeds.
  3. Put all prepared vegetables, fruits and berries in cabbage. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Free the garlic cloves from the husk, cut into slices. Pour water into a small saucepan, add coarse salt, granulated sugar, laurel and 2 types of pepper, clove inflorescences and garlic. Place on the hob and bring to a boil. Heat for 3 minutes with regular stirring. Remove from stove and combine brine with acid.
  5. Pour vegetables with hot marinade, mix thoroughly. Put under pressure and leave on the kitchen table for 24 hours. Arrange in jars, spill the marinade, close and put in the refrigerator for 4 days. The snack is ready to eat.

Salad with red berries is crispy, fragrant and spicy. The whole family will like it. Perfectly complement fried potatoes or decorate the holiday table as an independent dish. Delicious food is always uplifting. Consider the recipe for Provencal cabbage with cranberries.


  • cabbage - 3.3 kg;
  • carrots - 0.28 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • cranberries - 3 tablespoons;
  • filtered water - 1.2 l;
  • oil - 120 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 170 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 220 g;
  • table salt - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • laurel - 2 sheets.

We proceed as follows:

  1. Peel the cabbage forks, remove the stalk. Rinse, chop into thin strips. Peeled carrots cut into slices on a grater for vegetable salads. Combine the prepared ingredients in a large bowl, gently kneading with your hands.
  2. Pour liquid, oil, acid into the pan, add table salt, granulated sugar, parsley. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, stirring regularly to dissolve dry ingredients.
  3. Peel the garlic cloves from the husk, chop into strips or slices. Sort the berries, put in a colander, rinse. Transfer the prepared ingredients to the cabbage, combine with the hot marinade and stir.
  4. Put under pressure and leave on the kitchen table until completely cooled. After placing in the refrigerator for a day. Arrange in clean, processed jars, close and put back.

With cranberries and sweet pepper

without vinegar

The salad is crispy, flavorful and appetizing. Perfect for diversifying the diet of children. It is necessary to pour the finished brine hot. The readiness of the dish is determined at the end of the release of gas in the banks. How to cook Provencal cabbage without vinegar?


  • granulated sugar - 30 g;
  • rock salt - 30 g;
  • cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • pure liquid - 0.9 l;
  • carrots - 250 g.

We do this:

  1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly, peel and chop into strips. Place in a saucepan, add a little salt, sugar. Mash with hands or crush. Pack tightly into glass jars.
  2. Pour the liquid into a saucepan, add spices. Place on stove and bring to a boil. Cook until completely dissolved. Pour hot brine into jars.
  3. Cover with a gauze napkin, leave on the table for a day, and then put it in the cold. Pierce the contents of the jars daily in several places. This action is repeated several times a day until the gases cease to form.

My ex-mother-in-law made this cabbage. She was a very hospitable person, and on her birthday she gathered a large group of friends, and the table was simply bursting with dishes, one tastier than the other. At the same time, no expensive purchased delicacies. The mother-in-law herself salted red fish, baked a breathtaking pie with cabbage, pickled beets with garlic and did a lot of other things. But memory, unfortunately, did not preserve everything. So Provencal cabbage took pride of place on this festive table. Although she looked well, quite unpretentious. I tried this cabbage with caution. But I was just blown away by the taste. It was something ... Unfortunately, not a single proprietary recipe from the mother-in-law has survived. But I found a similar Provence cabbage. And yes, it's pretty much the same thing. Try it, she's amazing. :) You can eat it in saucepans, as well as delicious and spices.


  • 2 kg of cabbage
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • a handful of cranberries or lingonberries,
  • a small handful of pitted prunes,
  • a handful of raisins
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons of salt with a small top
  • Bay leaf,
  • 150 g of table vinegar 3%.

Provencal cabbage recipe

We do not chop the cabbage, as usual, but cut it into squares, about 2.5 by 2.5 cm in size. Peel the carrots and cut into circles. We take out the core with stones from apples, leave the skin, cut the apples into slices. Raisins and prunes, as it should, washed, scalded with boiling water. Cut prunes in half or quarters. Mix cabbage, carrots, apples, prunes, raisins and cranberries. Put in a bowl or enamel saucepan.

For the marinade, mix all ingredients except vinegar. Bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes. Turn off, add vinegar, stir. Be especially careful with vinegar. Vinegar of various degrees of dilution is now sold. Look at the label. We need 3% vinegar. If you have six or nine percent vinegar, then it must be diluted, respectively, two or three times.

If you need Provencal cabbage for tomorrow, then fill it with hot marinade. If you are ready to wait three days, then cool the marinade, take out the parsley, pour over the cabbage, put a plate with a load on it and press down properly. At first, the cabbage may not be completely covered with marinade - this is normal. After a couple of hours, the cabbage will give extra juice and compress better. Just in case, you can press the plate harder with a load for some time, tucking the cabbage under the plate if it protrudes. When the marinade becomes very much, it will be possible to remove the load and close the saucepan with a lid.

Store cabbage in the refrigerator.

Cabbage "Provencal" instant, it is more of a salad than a winter harvest, because it is not stored for a long time. Here are some of the most delicious appetizer recipes. Provencal has the whole palette of flavors, the acidity of cranberries and cabbage, the fullness of vegetable oil, the spicy sweetness of apples, prunes, and grapes. The perfect combination would be the envy of any chef.

Russian people have been preparing an appetizer from soaked and pickled delicacies since the 11th century. In the Russian North, sauerkraut was the only source of vitamins in winter. They did not disdain a delicious snack in the royal mansions. Didn't the local chefs give the salad an exquisite French-style name?

Instant Provencal Cabbage - a classic recipe

A traditional, proven recipe for harvesting cabbage, which includes the best set of spices and verified proportions of ingredients. The appetizer will be ready after a few hours, but if you stand it for a day, you will lick your fingers.


  • Head per kilogram.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Carrot.
  • Garlic cloves - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 2/3 cup.
  • Oil - 3 large spoons.
  • Table vinegar - 2 large spoons.
  • Sugar - 1.5 large spoons.
  • Salt - 1.5 small spoons.

We marinate:

  1. Prepare vegetables by chopping cabbage with pepper strips. Divide the garlic into slices, rub the carrots coarsely.
  2. Put the cabbage in a wide bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Grind with your hands, but not too much so that the finished workpiece is crispy.
  3. Pour in the rest of the vegetables, stir.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan, add spices. Let cool a little, splash the vinegar with oil.
  5. In the same bowl, pour the marinade over the cabbage, press down with oppression.
  6. The first sample can be taken after a couple of hours, hot filling will quickly marinate the snack. But it is desirable to hold at least a day.
  7. Divide into jars, move to a cold place for long-term storage.

Quick cabbage Provencal with bell pepper

Salad Ingredients:

  • White cabbage - 1 kg.
  • Carrot - 150 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 150 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Water - 120 ml.
  • Essence - 5 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 60 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • Salt - 20 gr.

How to prepare:

  1. Chop the head, sprinkle with salt. Remember with your hands, running the juice.
  2. Put coarsely grated carrot shavings in a bowl.
  3. Remove the seed box, partitions from the pepper. Share the straw.
  4. Crush the garlic cloves with a press.
  5. Send the vegetables to the cabbage, pour the marinade.
  6. To prepare the filling, boil water, put the spices and seasonings indicated in the recipe in boiling water, pour in the oil.
  7. After the spices are completely dissolved, pour the hot marinade into the dishes for harvesting.
  8. Set the oppression by covering the cabbage with a plate, leave it on the table. Go about your business for 3-4 hours.
  9. Salad ready. Try it, remove the leftovers on the shelf of the refrigerator, transferring them to a jar.

Recipe Provencal with cranberries and raisins slices

Very fast cabbage with interesting additions, at first glance, not very suitable for a vegetable. But that is the secret of Provence, that unusual components are collected here.

  • Head of cabbage.
  • Sour green apple.
  • Carrot.
  • Cranberries - half a glass.
  • Light seedless grapes - a bunch.
  • Light grade raisins - a handful.

For marinade for 0.5 liters of water:

  • Table vinegar - 60 ml.
  • Oil - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Pepper - 10 peas.
  • Mustard beans - ½ small spoon.
  • Lavrushka - a couple of leaves.
  • Salt - a tablespoon, plus a small slide.


  1. Cut the forks into large pieces, squares. Divide the apples into 6-8 parts (you can leave the middle).
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Grape berries remove from the brush.
  3. In the dishes for harvesting, the components are stacked in layers. Put alternately cabbage, carrot shavings. Next, carefully lay out the grapes, raisins, put the cabbage layer again.
  4. Next comes the cranberries, covered with a layer of cabbage. Try not to crush the berries.
  5. Bring water to a boil, add spices and other additives indicated in the recipe. Pour in the vinegar last. Boil for a minute or two.
  6. Pour immediately into bowl with cabbage. Carefully not to crush the berries, cover with a plate. Put on a little pressure. Make sure the ingredients are completely covered in the marinade.
  7. Keep 2-3 days in apartment conditions. Then move to a cool room - pantry, cellar.

Exquisite Provencal salad with sauerkraut fruit

The salad is worthy of a festive feast, prepared according to an old recipe. I even remember where I got it from. Cooked, but without pomegranate seeds.

You will need:

  • Sauerkraut - 500-700 gr.
  • Sweet apple.
  • Cranberries - 2 tablespoons.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Peeled pistachios - a handful.
  • Red onion - ½ part.
  • Pitted prunes - a handful.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar, apple - 3 tablespoons.

How to prepare salad:

  1. Cut the cabbage into squares. Divide the apples into slices, remembering to remove the core.
  2. Put in a bowl, add prunes, cranberries, sugar, pour vegetable oil. Mix well, cover with cling film. Send to the refrigerator shelf for 6-8 hours.
  3. After a predetermined time, try and adjust the taste for sugar.
  4. Cut the onion into strips, fill with vinegar. Marinate 10 minutes.
  5. Chop the pistachios with a knife. Add to a salad bowl, then send pomegranate seeds, onions. Mix and serve.

Provencal slices with garlic in a jar

A sharp, spicy taste of the appetizer is given by spices. If you want to increase the spiciness, get a small red chili pod and add some garlic.

Stock up:

  • Fork for 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 6-8 cloves.
  • Carrot.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.
  • Buds of cloves.
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Coriander - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Acetic acid 9% - 2/3 cup.
  • Red chili - pod.
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons.
  1. Chop the cabbage into pieces, finely chop the garlic cloves, grate the carrots.
  2. Put in a jar, fill with oil.
  3. Weld the dressing. To do this, boil water, dissolve the salt, add all the spices and spices indicated in the list of ingredients.
  4. Let it boil rapidly, pour the marinade into a jar.
  5. After 4 hours, try it, but the appetizer will become tastier in a day. Keep under screw cap.

Quick cabbage Provencal with beets

Beetroot traditionally accompanies cabbage preparations. In Provence, it looks beautiful, gives its flavor note and adds benefits. I advise fans of spicy snacks to put a piece of horseradish root.


  • Head of cabbage.
  • Large beetroot.
  • Big carrot.
  • For 0.5 liters of marinade:
  • Salt - a teaspoon.
  • 9% vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons.

If you decide to put horseradish, add a small spoon.


  1. Boil the beets, grate coarsely. Grind carrots in the same way.
  2. Mix with finely chopped cabbage. Sprinkle sugar and salt. Grind so that the workpiece starts up the juice.
  3. Dilute the vinegar with water, pour into the salad. Do other things for 3-4 hours.
  4. When serving, cut and add the onion, season with oil.

Cabbage Provencal with grapes and apple

To be honest, I didn’t understand what was more attractive in this preparation - cabbage or grapes. It turns out that pickled berries are also amazingly delicious. Snack quick, daily cooking.

You will need:

  • Cabbage - forks per 1 kg.
  • Green grapes - 300 gr.
  • Sour apples - 300 gr.
  • Carrot.

Per liter of marinade:

  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
  • Oil - 100 ml.
  • Salt, sugar - 50 gr.
  • Pepper - 4 peas.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Mint is a branch.


  1. Cut the cabbage into petals, rub the carrots, divide the apples into slices.
  2. Put in a wide bowl, stir (no need to grind).
  3. Make a marinade by throwing all the indicated spices, mint leaves into boiling water. Let it boil violently, turn off the gas, cool.
  4. Pour oil, vinegar into cold marinade. Send to the cabbage.
  5. Put oppression on top. After a day, spread in jars, put in the cold.

The classic recipe for sour Provence with apples

You can make a Provencal version of an instant salad from sauerkraut. I described the old recipe above, keep the Soviet, simplified way to ennoble an ordinary vegetable.

Berries for snacks are usually taken fresh, but pickled ones will be tastier. If you have time and opportunity, fill them with cabbage brine in advance.

  • Sauerkraut - 500 gr.
  • Grapes - a handful.
  • Soaked blocks - 2 pcs.
  • Lingonberries, cranberries - a handful.
  • Oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - a small spoon.
  • Cloves - a couple of pieces.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the apples into medium slices, if the cabbage is long, chop it smaller.
  2. Add berries, mix gently.
  3. Add sugar, cinnamon, cloves to boiling water. Let it boil, remove and cool.
  4. Pour marinade over salad. Pour in the oil, stir the contents. Keep 2 hours in the refrigerator.
In a cabbage piggy bank:

Secrets of delicious cabbage

  • The classic, Soviet version of Provence certainly includes sweet peppers, carrots and garlic. But the salad is good because you can show a violent imagination and combine the incongruous. Grapes, cranberries, lingonberries, prunes, apples, raisins are put in an appetizer. Frequent guests are beets, but here it is not forbidden to add berries.
  • It should only be taken into account that the addition of fruits and berries reduces the shelf life and is only suitable for instant cooking. Therefore, if you are going to leave the part for the winter, hermetically sealing the workpiece under the lid, refrain from such additives.
  • There is also a wide selection of spices. Put cloves, different types of pepper, celery, coriander, cinnamon.
  • Vinegar will add an interesting flavor note. Try using malic, wine, or just put citric acid.
  • For a salad, choose medium-sized cabbage, and preferably a late variety, then the appetizer will come out deliciously crispy.
Attention! Are you counting calories? The snack has negligible nutritional value even with added berries and fruits. In 100 gr. salad 25-28 kcal. You can afford an extra portion.

Video with instant Provencal cabbage recipe. Happy feasts!

Cabbage Provencal is an amazing cold appetizer that goes well with potatoes, meat, fish. The main advantage of the dish is that it will take no more than fifteen to twenty minutes to cook it.

Cabbage cooked according to this recipe resembles a savory, crispy, divinely delicious and juicy vegetable salad. It can be safely eaten as an independent treat, as well as served as a side dish.

Cabbage Recipes Provencal


To make a cold appetizer juicy, not too hard, but crispy, it is important to choose the right cabbage. As for carrots, this is an optional ingredient, but with its participation, the dish becomes more colorful, bright, tasty and appetizing. Bulgarian pepper acts as the main and indispensable ingredient of Provencal cabbage, so you should give preference to ripe and juicy red-colored fruits.

Some chefs advise adding onions to the appetizer, but it all depends on personal taste preferences. The classic cooking option involves the use of nine percent vinegar. If desired, you can replace it with wine or apple, and some recipes suggest using citric acid, which will play the role of a preservative.

Ingredients for the classic recipe:

  • bell pepper - 1 piece;
  • medium carrot - 1 piece;
  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • water - 150 milliliters;
  • sunflower oil - 75 milliliters;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • spices, spices - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare all products according to the recipe. First you need to do cabbage, get rid of dark and withered leaves, if any. Using a sharp knife, chop quite thinly.
  2. Place the cabbage in a saucepan, it is advisable to take a large one so that it is convenient to mix.
  3. Salt and sugar, add any spices: cloves, bay leaf, coriander and others. Knead the cabbage with your hands, it will release the juice, it will become much softer. Thanks to this manipulation, the vegetable will decrease in volume.
  4. Cut the bell pepper into strips, send it to the cabbage.
  5. Peel the carrots, grate or chop into long sticks, it will be much more appetizing.
  6. Grind a clove of garlic, pass it through a press or chop into small cubes. Send to vegetables and mix.
  7. Make a marinade, to do this, mix vinegar, oil and water, pour into the cabbage. Stir thoroughly, taste to adjust the presence of sugar and salt in time.
  8. Press the vegetables with your hand, cover with a flat plate, and place a load on top. Refrigerate for 3 hours, and for best results, leave overnight.

The appetizer is incredibly tasty, fragrant and juicy, and it takes no more than 15 minutes to cook. The main advantage of the salad is that it has a low calorie content, since 100 g contains about 87 kcal. That is why Provencal cabbage can be safely included in the diet, as well as eat during fasting.

With beets

Provencal salad with beetroot turns out to be spicy, spicy, which can be achieved thanks to the horseradish root. To get a light but pleasant sourness, you should add a little cranberry.

Cooking time is 15 minutes. If you do not boil the beets in advance, it will take about an hour and a half. The marinating time is four hours. Calorie content of 100 grams of lettuce is at least 90 kcal.


  • beets - 300 grams;
  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • horseradish - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • carrots - 350 grams;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Step by step preparation of a universal snack:

  1. First of all, you should prepare the beets. To begin with, boil it until fully cooked, peel it. Cool and grate.
  2. Peel carrots, grate. Chop the cabbage into random pieces, knead thoroughly so that it becomes soft and can release a sufficient amount of juice.
  3. Add carrots, sugar and salt to the cabbage, then mix. After that, put beets, vinegar and horseradish, mix again, pour water. Leave in the refrigerator for four hours.

Before serving, drain the liquid, squeeze lightly. Served with hot dishes, it turns out incredibly appetizing and tasty.

with grapes

The proposed recipe will appeal to gourmets and lovers of a healthy, tasty, balanced diet. The calorie content of one hundred grams of the product will be 103 kcal, and the cooking time is twenty minutes.


  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 300 grams;
  • carrots - 300 grams;
  • apples - 300 grams.

For the marinade you will need:

  • vinegar 9% - 100 milliliters;
  • olive oil - 100 milliliters;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt, sugar - 50 grams each;
  • mint, black and allspice, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Chop the cabbage into thin strips.
  2. Grate carrots, can be cut into long strips.
  3. Remove the core from the apples, chop into small pieces. Get rid of the stalks in the grapes.
  4. Boil water, add spices, salt and sugar, cook for two minutes and remove from the stove.
  5. Cool the marinade, pour in the oil and vinegar. Pour over the vegetables and place them under the press.

Store in the refrigerator and eat the next day.

with cranberries

The recipe for cabbage with cranberries and apples is very simple, healthy, and quick to prepare. It contains a lot of minerals, micro and macro elements, vitamins, so you can feed even children. It will take no more than 15-20 minutes to prepare a unique snack. To make the salad tasty and crispy, it should be marinated for at least a day. As for calories, 100 g of lettuce contains about 89 kcal.

Required Ingredients:

  • carrots - 100 grams;
  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • cranberries - ½ cup;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 500 milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - 100 milliliters;
  • 9% vinegar - 80 ml;
  • mustard seeds - ½ teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces.

Step by step specifics:

  1. Chop cabbage into strips or squares, petals, as you wish.
  2. Peel and wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the apple into strips, but it is better to get rid of the peel and core. The best option is sweet-sour and sour varieties. If the cranberries are frozen, then it should be removed from the freezer in advance.
  4. Lay the prepared components in layers in a deep bowl, alternating their sequence. It is advisable to do this: cabbage, carrots, cabbage, cranberries and apples, cabbage.
  5. The next important step is to prepare the marinade. Bring water to a boil, add sugar and salt, spices. Boil for at least three minutes, add vinegar and cook for another minute.
  6. Pour Provencal cabbage with boiling marinade, do not touch or mix the layers. Cover with a plate and press with a heavy oppression. It is important that all vegetables are in the marinade. In addition, the cabbage will release its own juice, so there will be enough liquid.

Leave the cabbage at room temperature for a day without stirring. Only after the specified period of time can be stirred with a wooden spatula, stored for no more than five days. It turns out very tasty, goes well with mashed potatoes and meat.

An old recipe for cooking in pieces for the winter in a 3-liter jar

For lovers of pickled cabbage, there are a huge number of Provence salad recipes that can be prepared for the winter.

A characteristic feature of the dish is that all the components are chopped into large pieces. Cooking time is thirty minutes, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product will be 100 kcal.


  • carrots - 800 grams;
  • cabbage - 3 kg;
  • raisins - 200 grams;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 180 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 1 cup;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons.

Features of preparing a salad for the winter:

  1. Chop carrots into cubes, and cabbage into squares.
  2. Mash the cabbage with your hands, it will be soft and will release a sufficient amount of juice.
  3. After that, you can add raisins, stir and place in a container, but only enameled.
  4. Prepare the marinade, for this, boil water, add sugar and salt, at the very end - vinegar and oil. Pour over vegetables and roll into jars.

The appetizer is juicy, tasty and fragrant.

To make Provencal cabbage juicy, tasty and crispy, you should give preference to late and mid-late varieties. It is desirable that the forks be tight and very dense, white. The leaves should be firm and juicy, but not soft. As for young cabbage, it should not be used to prepare this recipe, otherwise you will not like the result.

The advantages of the proposed cold appetizer include quick preparation, preservation of all vitamins and minerals, amazing taste and divine aroma.

The only drawback of the recipe is a short shelf life, namely no more than two weeks. Otherwise, the cabbage becomes too sour. That is why, in order to enjoy the amazing taste of Provencal salad, it should be prepared in small portions.

Spices and various additives are of particular importance in this recipe. Provencal cabbage is distinguished by a unique way of slicing, an unusual combination of vegetables and spices. Some chop the forks very thinly, while others like to chop with large and voluminous “petals”. Modern recipes for this snack are distinguished by originality, a riot of colors and amazing imagination.

Proof of this can be considered recipes for cabbage with grapes, beets and cranberries, apples, and prunes. Do not forget about spices, it is best to use dill, garlic, cumin and celery, coriander, cloves and bay leaf, black pepper.

You can cook Provencal cabbage within fifteen minutes, which makes the appetizer incredibly popular among modern hostesses and culinary specialists. Bon appetit!