Comedy parable about the prodigal son of Polotsk. Russian general education portal: Preschool education, elementary school, study at a gymnasium, lyceum, college, educational leisure, Distance learning - Russian education portal. Poems about the Parable of the Prodigal

One of the two sons asked his father to give him half of the property. The father complied with the request, dividing between his sons what he had.

A few days passed and he, taking with him everything he received, went to distant countries. He lived, did not grieve and squandered his inheritance.

After he ran out of money, and the country was starved. He needed to find food and shelter. Got a job, the youngest son, to take care of the pigs and graze them. He was so needy that he was happy with the stew of these domestic animals, but he was not allowed to take this food.

Thinking about what was happening, he realized that his father's slaves eat better. I will go and beg forgiveness from my father, and hire myself as a worker for him. And so he did.

Even at a far distance, his father saw him, took pity on him and forgave him. Embraced his prodigal son, kissed him.
- Father! My sin is great and I am not worthy to be your son! - he said - Get me a job with your servants!

The father ordered that his son be dressed in the best clothes and shoes, Bring a fat calf and we will rejoice, because my son has risen from the dead. And the fun began. The older brother worked all day in the field, approaching the house, he asked the servants: “Why is everyone walking? And he did not like that his father accepted his younger brother in such a way. He stood and did not want to cross the threshold of his father's house.

I have been working for you for so many years and have never disobeyed you, and you have not even given a kid to go out with your friends.

But, the father came out and called the eldest son.

Son! You live inseparably with me and all mine is yours, but we must be glad that the younger brother disappeared and was found. Died and risen!

The parable teaches: Leading a sinful way of life, a person destroys the soul and all the gifts (abilities, health, life) released by our Father. The Lord - our Father rejoices with the Angels at the repentance of sinners, passing humbly and with hope.

A picture or drawing of The Parable of the Prodigal Son

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The parable of the prodigal son is told by Jesus Christ to his disciples. It is given in the fifteenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke. The plot of the parable is used in many works of world art.

Below is a summary of the parable of the prodigal son. It is the most popular among Christians, regardless of their denomination, as it teaches forgiveness.

The Bible Parable of the Prodigal Son: A Summary

The father had two sons. One took his part of the property and squandered everything away from his family. When the need arose, he was starving and decided to return to his father to become his mercenary, as he felt guilty. But his father was happy that his son returned unharmed, and arranged a feast on this occasion. The older brother was unhappy that the father had received the dissolute younger brother so well. But the father said that he did not infringe on him in any way, because he was always there in contentment and owns everything together with his father; the younger son was as if dead, who knows where, and now we must rejoice at his return.

The plot of the parable, a detailed retelling

One man had two sons. The younger asked to give him the due inheritance, and the father yielded to his son, dividing the property between the brothers. After some time, the younger took his and went to a distant country, where he drank and debauched.

Having spent everything he had, he became poor. He was employed in the service, began to herd pigs. And he would be glad to eat at least what the pigs ate, but they did not give him. And then he remembered his father, what a rich estate he had and how many servants were not in need, and thought: why die of hunger, I will return to my father and ask him to accept me as a mercenary, because he is no longer worthy to be called his son.

And he went to his father. And the father saw him from afar and took pity on his son, ran to meet him, hugged and kissed him. The younger son said: "Father, I have sin against heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy to be your son." And the father ordered the slaves to bring him the best clothes, shoes and a ring on his hand and kill the well-fed calf to eat and celebrate. Because his youngest son was dead, but became alive, was missing, but was found. And everyone started having fun.

The eldest son, meanwhile, was in the field, when he returned, he heard songs and jubilant exclamations from the house. Calling a servant, he asked what had happened. They answered him that his brother and father had returned, out of joy that his son was unharmed, and had slaughtered a whole calf. The eldest son became angry and did not want to enter the celebrants, and the father went out to call him. But the eldest son said: “I have been with you for so many years, I work, I always obey you, but you didn’t even give me a goat to feast with friends; and this son, who squandered all your property with harlots, returned, and you immediately stabbed for him well-fed calf." The father replied to this: "Son, you have always been there and all mine belongs to you, and you need to rejoice because your younger brother was dead and became alive, was missing and was found."

The Parable of the Prodigal Son: What's the point?

A person familiar with Christianity, who believes in God, who is the Father of all living things, can depart from the faith, tempted by earthly entertainment and fuss. Take your property and go to a distant country - move far from God, lose all connection with him. He will have some reserve of grace and spiritual strength, just as the prodigal (or erring) younger son had money at first. But over time, the forces will run out, the soul will become empty and sad. Hunger will come, as he came to the youngest son, only not physical, but spiritual. After all, people, according to Christian teaching, were created by God for communication and unity with Him and with each other.

And if a person then, in despair, remembers his Heavenly Father, he will want to return. But he will feel repentance and unworthiness to be the Son of God, just as the younger son in the parable felt that he was not worthy to be called a son. Then we return to God with repentance, begging him to help, to console our devastated soul, to fill it with the light of faith at least a little - no longer as children of God, but at least as his mercenaries (it’s not for nothing that Orthodox prayers say “servants of God”).

But God is Love, as the Gospel of John says. And He, in His love, is not angry with us and does not remember our sins - after all, we remembered Him, desired His goodness, returned to Him. Therefore, He rejoices in our insight and return to the truth. We were dead in sin, but we are made alive. And the Lord gives a lot to repentant people who have returned to faith, often happily arranging fates, and always sending peace and grace to tormented souls. Just like the father in the parable gave his returning son all the best he had.

The image of the elder brother here is people who formally did not depart from the faith, did not commit serious sins, but forgot the main commandment - about love. The older brother, with resentment and jealousy, tells his father that he tried to do everything right, but the younger son did not. Why is he honored? This is also the case with believers who condemn "sinners" and may in church discuss other people's outfits that are inappropriate for the occasion, or incorrect behavior. And they forget at the same time that if a person came to church, turned to faith, one should rejoice for him, because all people are our brothers and sisters, also created by the Lord, who is infinitely glad for their return from darkness.

Another meaning of the parable

The parable of the prodigal son, the summary in particular, can be considered more straightforward. It applies not only to God's relationship to people, but also to those who love each other. We can say that this is a parable about love.

Any close person can leave us - a husband or wife, a child, a friend, even parents sometimes leave their children. But if our hearts are pure and there is love in our souls, then we will become like the father from the parable and will be able to forgive betrayal. And then, meeting a dissolute son who cheated on her husband, a father who disappeared, a friend who forgot about us, it would not even occur to him to blame them or listen to unkind people who do not understand Christian forgiveness - it will be enough for us that they are nearby, found, returned, alive.

Noble, pious,
Sovereign of Grace!
Not such a word is kept in memory,
As if what the deed will turn out to be.
Manifest the parable of Christ by action
Here, with intent and rank, do it.
About the prodigal son, all we will talk about,
Like a thing I live, your mercy will see.
I divided the whole parable into six parts.
For all of them something is an admixture
For the sake of joy, for everything is cold,
Even one without changes happens.
If you please, then show mercy,
To incline the hair and ear to action:
Taco more sweetness will be gained,
Not only hearts, but souls saved,
A parable can give a great crawl,
Just listen diligently.

[The first part begins with a monologue of the father, who divides his property between both sons and gives them instructions. He advises them to trust in God, to be guided in life by the rules of piety and to preserve Christian virtues. Both sons answer the father, but they answer differently.]

The eldest son says to his father:

Dear Father! dearest father!
I am for all the days you are the most humble slave;
Not death soon I wish you
But many years, as if to himself.
I kiss your honest hands,
I must honor, I promise
I take out the word of your mouth in my heart
I will keep it, as befits a son.
I want to see your face,
Have all my joy for you.
I swear gold and silver into nothing,
I will read to you more than treasures.
I deign to live with you,
Than be enriched with all gold.
You are my joy, you are my good advice, -
You are my glory, my dear father!
I see it is light, how you love us,
Whenever your good fellows do.
Bring me worthy of that grace,
For your work, God wills to give us something.
I send thanks
God, and I kiss your hands.
Any acceptance of the blessing
Promising you obedience
I wish you to be with you,
In both happiness with my father to live.
Any work is ready to rise,
Listen diligently to the Father's will.
I am your slave all the time, I am glad to serve;
In obedience, my belly finish.

Father to eldest son:

Be a blessing on you
God is all-powerful for that humility!
You promised to be with us
God have mercy on you.

Son of youth to his father:

Our joys, glory to your sons,
Among the most honest, the most honest head,
Dear Father, given to us by God,
Live in joy and health for many years!
We send thanks to you
For mercy, we know from you today.
Kindly accept the wisdom of words,
In the tablets of our hearts written.
If you command, that is what we desire;
And God will help, so we hope.
Teaching us the good to live
And multiply the glory of our kind, -
All-heartedly that az, your son, I wish
Care about that I suppose.
My dear brother is chosen in the house of life,
Glory within the limits of small conclusions.
God help him in your old age
Get rid of the red summer of youth!
Vyaschaya my mind in the crawl trades,
He wants to extend the glory to the whole world.
Where is the east and where is the sunset,
I will be glorious in the whole world of the end.
Glory will expand from me to the house,
And joy will take a desperate head.
Tochiu, if you please, show me mercy,
Create help for my mind.
All given to us, you don’t need to carry a lot,
Give me a part worthy, my lord,
With her, the imam will attach a lot.
Every country has to know us.
Candles under a bushel do not stand absurdly,
With the sun, I want my mother-in-law and shine.
The conclusion sees me being, -
In the fatherland, destroy youth.
God gave the will to eat: these birds fly,
Beasts abide in the forests in waves.
And you, Father, give me your will,
I will rationally exist, visit the whole world.
Yours is the glory and glory will be to me,
Until the end of the world, no one will forget us.
And when God grants to visit everywhere,
Soon the imam will return to the house,
In glory and honor then joy to you
Will be on earth and an angel in heaven.
Don't delay, father! Part of me if you please,
Pour out your blessing:
My path is near, my thought is ready,
Just waiting for your father's word from you.
Let me kiss your right hand,
Abie wants to start my path.

[The father tries to convince his son to stay at home, gain worldly experience and then set off on the road, but the youngest son objects:]

What will I take in the house? What will I study?
I'd rather get richer in my mind when I travel.
Fathers send the youngest from me
In foreign countries, then they don’t have cabins ...

[The father is forced to agree and releases his son.]

The prodigal son will go out with a few servants and say:

I praise the name of the Lord, brightly glorify,
As if I am free to contemplate now.
Beh with my father, like a captive slave,
Within the limits of the brownies, the yak in the turma is closed.
Nothing was free to create at will:
Waiting for dinner, supper, want to eat, drink;
Not free to play, not allowed to visit,
And it is forbidden to see the red face,
In every case, a decree is nothing without it.
Oh! Colic bondage, oh my holy God!
Father, like a tormentor, the son of a tomlyashe,
Do nothing according to the will of the dayash.
Now, glory to God, freed from the bonds,
Once in a foreign country, I barely prayed.
Like a chick from a cage released into the world;
I wish you to take a walk, so be blessed.
Imams have a lot of wealth and plenty of bread,
There is no one to eat it, more servants are needed.
If someone finds a hunter to serve,
Imam sweet food and valuable pay.

Servant of the Prodigal.

Gracious sovereign! I want to search
Those, like you will work.


You will be my friend, not a slave, always with servants
You will immediately become many before us.
Take a hundred rubles on the way, another for the labors;
When you return, I will give you three times more.


I am going; you, sir, please wait,
Imam ti with the servants of the Abie appear.

The servant behind the veil, and the Prodigal sits on the table and says to the servants:

It is not good for a rich man to have few servants:
With kim imam eat, drink? Who will sing to us?
Regretfully we eat without servants. Give me a cup of wine
Drink ten full cups yourself.

He will drink, and the servants, having filled [the cups], hold them in their hands, and one of them says:

We drink those cups for you, light.
Wake up, our sovereign, healthy for many years!

They, drinking more, will sing: “For many years!” At that time, the Servant will come, looking for new servants, with many servants, and he will say:

Rejoice, sovereign! Light fun!
This servant of yours with many servants return.


Good, oh good servant! Take it for yourself
As if I promised you, silver or gold.
But tell me that these are skillful to do.
Az is ready to pay a hundred rubles to anyone.

The servant who seeks servants says:

For bribes, I kiss your hand,
Of these skilful people I tell you rightly,
Like all the essence of the needs on the way, in people, in the house:
Drink, eat, joke is the custom of everyone.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Those are good people.
Hear! Give them a hundred rubles each; come on, don't forget!

The new servant says:

Blessed sovereign! for that we bow,
And in our services we promise fidelity.


Good, serve faithfully! Well, let's have fun!
The common day is joy for us, we cool ourselves with wine.
Sit down, my servants! Pour the wine
And drink to the bottom for our health.
Who among you knows how to grain, sit with me,
Others play cards, play with yourself in tavlei;
If someone loses, that loss is on me;
And whoever wins well, a hryvnia of gold for work.


I used to be skilled at playing grain,
With you, sir, I do not want to be daring.


Sit down, brother, with me; dare, like a brother;
If you beat, a hundred rubles a patch.
And you, other friends, have fun playing
My riches are in the air, feel free to play.

And tacos will sit down to play, they will steal the good of the Prodigal and lose, and the Prodigal will say to the grain-grower:

Good play, behold a hundred rubles to you;
But be happy for the sake of drinking yourself.

And they get drunk.


Do you still, my lord, deign to play?


I hung up myself, I'd better go to sleep.

Grainer to the other players.

Arise, brethren, serve well,
Take your sovereign to bed.

One from those who played speeches:

Let's put it in, friends, and let's go: it's time to rest,
Our benefactor has already deigned to stop.

And so the Prodigal Son will go, bowing, and everyone will follow him. Singers sing, and wake Intermedium.

The prodigal son will come out hungover, the servants are variously consoled; he impoverishes.

The prodigal smooth will go out, sell the last clothes, put on rags, look for service, stick to the master, send the pig to pasture, graze, eat with the pigs, kill the pig, bien; seeks and, weeping, says: “How much bread my father has,” and so on.

... Prodigal says:

Alas for me! Alas! What do the imam do?
Pigs killed, they want to kill me.
I'm dying with hunger and cold
And I happen to be beaten with a scourge.
Oh, if it’s good to be a stepfather in the house,
Rather than go to foreign countries!
Bread at the mercenary tamo is consumed,
And my belly is dying.
I will go to my father, I will bow to my feet,
Saying sice, before him I will be touched:
“Father! I have sinned in heaven and against you,
Accept me as your mercenary.
Nesm for your son is worthy to be named.
Oh, give me, O God, reach out to your father!

And go beyond the veil. Tu singing and Intermedium, on it singing packs.

The Father of the Prodigal Son will go out, grieving for his son; son returns and so on.

The prodigal robe will come out and is honest, praises God, as if he had returned.

Nobility, piety,
Sovereign of Mercy!
You see a parable, spoken by Christ,
By the strength of the deed, today I am imagining,
So that the words of Christ in the hearts be
Deeper written, so as not to forget.
To the young listen to the image of the elders,
Do not rely on your young mind;
We are old - yes, they instruct the young well,
Nothing is released to the will of the young;
Most of all, the image of mercy appeared,
In him, imagine God's mercy,
Yes, and you imitate God in it,
Forgive the repentant.
We have sinned in this parable,
Hey, upset anyone with your thoughts;
We beg you - please forgive me,
And keep us in the mercy of the Lord,
Why will you be protected from God
In his mercy for many years.

Everyone, who has left, worships, and the musikiya will sing, and the guests will scatter like that.

The end and glory to God.

  • 10. The image of historical persons and the originality of the style of "Tales
  • 12. Review of pepper literature of the 11th-13th centuries. characteristics of the apocrypha.
  • 13. Characteristics of the genre of life. The originality of the "Life of Theodosius of the Caves" as a literary monument.
  • 14. Characteristics of the walking genre. Features of "The Journey of Abbot Daniel" as the first monument of the pilgrimage variety of the genre. The work of N.I. Prokofiev "Walking: Journey and Literary Genre".
  • 15. History of occurrence, intra-genre composition, features of the style of the "Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik".
  • 16. The problem of the time of creation of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The historical basis of the monument. South Russian story (according to the Kyiv code) about the campaign of Igor and the "Word".
  • 17. Artistic embodiment of a journalistic idea in the plot and composition of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The work of V.F.Rzhiga “Composition“ The Words of Igor’s Campaign ”.
  • 18. Features of the image of historical persons in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign".
  • 19. The problem of the rhythmic organization of the text "Words about Igor's Campaign". The originality of the poetic language of the work.
  • 20. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" and oral folk art.
  • 21. The problem of authorship of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Characteristics of B.A. Rybakov’s hypothesis.
  • 22. Genre originality of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The history of translations of the "Words", their types and features.
  • 23. Galicia-Volyn chronicle as a monument of the era of feudal fragmentation. The originality of the "Chronicler Daniel of Galicia" as a princely chronicler.
  • 24. Vladimir-Suzdal literature of the era of feudal fragmentation. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign against the Polovtsians" according to the Laurentian Chronicle.
  • 26. The development of the genre of the military story in the era of the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol invasion. The story of the battle on the river. Kalka.
  • 27. Artistic originality of "Words about the destruction of the Russian land." "The Word of Perdition" and "The Word of Igor's Campaign".
  • 28. The originality of "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu" as a military story.
  • 29. Genre originality of "The Life of Alexander Nevsky".
  • 30. The originality of the genre "Tales of the murder in the Horde of Mikhail of Chernigov and his boyar Fedor."
  • 32. "Zadonshchina" and "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Artistic connections and the problem of the genre of works.
  • 33. Development of the genre of lives in the era of the Battle of Kulikovo. Reasons for the emergence and main techniques of the style of "weaving words".
  • 34. Literary features and significance in the development of the genre of the military story "Tales of Nestor Iskander about the capture of Constantinople by the Turks." The work of A.S. Orlov "On the features of the form of Russian military stories."
  • 35. The originality of the Novgorod heretorico-legendary stories of the 15th century. (The Tale of the Posadnik Shchile, The Tale of the Journey of John of Novgorod on a demon to Jerusalem).
  • 36. "Journey beyond 3 seas" - the first merchant's journey.
  • 37. The emergence of the genre of fiction. Principles of composition and folklore plots in "The Tale of Dracula".
  • 38. The problem of the genre "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom".
  • 39. "Kazan history" as a new type of historical narrative. Using the experience of different genres in the work.
  • 40. The main problems in journalism of the 16th century. The originality of the journalistic creativity of Maxim Grek.
  • 41. Publicistic intent and artistic techniques in the "Tale of Magmet-Saltan" by Ivan Peresvetov.
  • 42. Content and style of correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Andrei Kurbsky.
  • 43. Generalizing literary works of the middle of the 16th century.
  • 44. Development of the walking genre in the 16th-17th centuries. "Trifon Korobeynikov's Journey to Tsargrad".
  • 45. The main directions of development in literature about the Time of Troubles. Artistic originality of “The Tale of the Repose and Burial of M.V. Skopin-Shuisky.
  • 46. ​​New artistic phenomena in the Chronicle Book attributed to I.M. Katyrev-Rostovsky and "Tales" by Avraamy Palitsyn.
  • 47. Literary activity of Archpriest Avvakum. Stylistics and genre originality of "The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, Written by Himself".
  • 48. The historical basis, the originality of the style of "The Tale of the Azov Siege of the Don Cossacks".
  • 49. The development of the genre system of literature in the 17th century.
  • 50. General characteristics of satirical stories of the 17th century. Analysis of one of the stories. The work of V.P. Adrianova-Peretz "at the origins of Russian satire".
  • 51. Problems and genre ambiguity of "everyday" stories of the 17th century. Analysis of one of the stories.
  • 52. The history of the emergence and repertoire of the court theater. The play Judith.
  • 53. School theater. "The Comedy of the Parable of the Prodigal Son".
  • 54. Poetic originality of Simeon Polotsky's poetry collections.
  • 55. Origins and poetic originality of the Baroque style in Russian literature.
  • 53. School theater. "The Comedy of the Parable of the Prodigal Son".

    At the end of the 17th century school theater is born in Rus'. Created on the plots of the books of Holy Scripture, the works of school dramaturgy consisted of long monologues written in syllabics, they were spoken not only by biblical characters, but also by allegorical images (Mercy, Envy). These plays were staged at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, at the Zaikonospassky school of Simeon Polotsky, at the Moscow Slavonic-Greco-Roman Academy, at the school of Dmitry Rostovsky. Simeon of Polotsk was one of the first Russian educators and baroque poets. Fame brought him the play "The Comedy of the Parable of the Prodigal Son" and "The Tragedy of King Nebuchadnezzar." "Comedy" was written on the gospel story, it contained a conflict typical of that era, when "children" did not listen to their parents, were burdened by their guardianship, and left home in dreams of seeing the world. The problem of the behavior of a young man was also reflected in the stories of the second half of the 17th century, such as The Tale of Woe-Misfortune, The Tale of Savva Grudicin, and The Tale of Frol Skobeev. The play is small, its composition is very simple, the scene is conditional, the number of characters is small, and the characters are nameless (for example, the Father, the youngest Sue, the eldest Son, the Servant of the Prodigal, etc.). There are no allegories in the play, and all this brings the Comedy closer to school dramas and ensured its success. The comedy begins with a prologue that encourages you to watch this play with attention. Then the 1st part begins, where the father distributes the inheritance to his sons, for which they thank the father, but the younger one asks for blessings and says: “Abie, I want to start my path. What will I take in the house? What will I study? I’d rather get richer in my mind when I travel.” In the second part, the youngest Son leaves home and talks about his drinking and revelry. The third part consists of only one sentence: “The prodigal son will come out hungover, the servants comfort in various ways; looks abridged. V~4-<ш_части говорвтсал его нищете и голоде. В 5-ой части сын возвращается к отцу, а в 6-ой он показан уже одетым и накормленным, восхваляющим Бога. Далее следует эпилог, в котором говорится о назначении пьесы и наставляет^ запомнить её. Из всего этого следует, что стиль пьесы-поучительный. И несмотря на то, что она названа комедией, по сути своей это притча.

    54. Poetic originality of Simeon Polotsky's poetry collections.

    Simeon of Polotsk was one of the first Russian educators and baroque poets. Shortly before his death, he collected written and poems in huge collections - "Rhymologion" and "Multicolor Vertograd". His hard work was connected with the task of rooting on Russian soil a new verbal culture, baroque in nature. The “helicopter city” created by him amazed the reader with his “multi-color)). The poems were devoted to a variety of topics and arranged in the collection under thematic headings, where they were arranged alphabetically by title. In these collections, he denounced what was at odds with his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal, and tirelessly praised the king, because. believed that this was his “service” to Russia. Simeon Polotsky is an experimental poet who turned to the means of painting and architecture in order to make his poems visual, to amaze the reader's imagination. In the “Russian Eagle” there is a form of “acrostic”, the initial letters of which form a sentence: “Give Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Lord, many years”, as well as rebus verses, “echo” with rhyming questions and answers, curly verses. This required skill and sharpness of mind from the poet. In baroque poetry, "multilingual" poems were also cultivated, which was reflected in Polotsky's poem dedicated to Christmas, which he wrote in Slavic, Polish, and Latin. Baroque traditions also manifested themselves through a high style, oriented towards the Church Slavonic language with a predilection for complex words. Simeon, for example, used complex adjectives, often invented by himself: “good-natured”, “inspired flower-bearing”, etc. The things and phenomena depicted by him often had an allegorical meaning, they “spoke”, teaching. Sometimes the teaching was clothed in the form of an entertaining, satirical story. For example, the poem “Drunkenness” (a drunkard, having come home, saw instead of 2 sons, 4, because he saw double; he began to accuse his wife of debauchery and orders to pick up a red-hot piece of iron to prove her innocence. But the wife asks her husband to give her a piece from the oven, after which, having burned himself, he sobers up and understands everything. Everything ends with morality), "Toads of the obedient" (the toads in the swamp screamed and disturbed the "praying monk." One of them goes to swamp and says to the frogs: "In the name of Christ I bequeath to you ... do not be such", after which the toads were no longer heard.At the end, a moral is given, where the cry of the toads is compared to the "hushing" of the women and it is said that it is possible to silence them Also). Scientists identify 3 main trends in Simeon's work: didactic and educational (“Multicolored Vertograd”), panegric (“Rhymologion”) and polemical (“The Rod of Government” treatise directed against schismatics).
