Presentation on the topic "black chicken, or underground inhabitants." Presentation on literature on the topic "Illustrations for the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"" Electronic presentation black chicken powerpoint

Russian writer, one of the greatest prose writers of the first half of the 19th century. Member of the Russian Academy (1829).


- Which Russian writers studied in private boarding schools as children? - How do you understand what a boarding house is? - Why did the nobles send their children to boarding schools? - What education did Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky receive? - What is a pseudonym? - What pseudonym did Perovsky take for himself? - To whom did Anthony Pogorelsky dedicate his fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"?

What animals were

in the royal menagerie?

Fantastic and authentically real in a fairy tale.

Bizarre plot

- How can you prove that we have a fairy tale, and not just a story from the life of a boy of the 18th century? - What events and phenomena can be called fabulous, fantastic in this narrative? - What features of a fairy tale make us sometimes believe that we are not facing a fairy tale, but a real story?- What facts, descriptions show us the real, real life of that time, authentically draw before us the events and customs of that era? - Could such a fairy tale be folk?

  • Reading an excerpt from the words: ""Monday has come ..." p. 140 to the words "Alas! Poor Alyosha didn't know…” p.147.
  • - How did the character change, in the old way, temper Alyosha after he received a magical gift?

  • There are works of art whose authors simply entertain readers. There are works whose authors teach. What type of story do you think this story belongs to?
  • What does the example of Alyosha's transformation teach?
  • The author in this tale teaches us on the example of Alyosha, but not only. There are several paragraphs in which we see direct instructions. Find these paragraphs

“His conscience often reproached him for this, and an inner voice told him: “Alyosha, don’t be proud! Do not ascribe to yourself that which does not belong to you; thank fate for giving you advantages against other children, but do not think that you are better than them. If you do not correct yourself, then no one will love you, and then, with all your learning, you will be the most unfortunate child! (p. 142) .

“Do not think,” Chernushka replied, “that it is so easy to correct vices when they have already taken over us. Vices usually enter through the door and exit through the crack, and therefore if you want to improve, you must constantly and strictly look after yourself. (p. 146-147) .

“... To correct oneself, it is necessary to start by casting aside pride and excessive arrogance” (p. 147) .

Biography Biography Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky, better known under the pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky. Writer of the Pushkin era. Having received an excellent home education, in 1805 he entered Moscow University; in 1807 he was "promoted" to the Doctor of Philosophy and Literary Sciences. He was in the civil service for a short time. During the Patriotic War, he entered the 3rd Ukrainian Cossack Regiment as a staff captain, in 1813 he participated in the battles near Dresden and Kulm, then he was appointed senior adjutant to Prince N.G. Repnin, governor-general of the Saxon kingdom, and lived in Dresden for about two years. Upon his return to Russia, Perovsky served as an official for special assignments at the Department of Religious Affairs of Foreign Confessions, but immediately after the death of his father (1822) he resigned and settled in the village of Pogoreltsy. Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky, better known under the pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky. Writer of the Pushkin era. Having received an excellent home education, in 1805 he entered Moscow University; in 1807 he was "promoted" to the Doctor of Philosophy and Literary Sciences. He was in the civil service for a short time. During the Patriotic War, he entered the 3rd Ukrainian Cossack Regiment as a staff captain, in 1813 he participated in the battles near Dresden and Kulm, then he was appointed senior adjutant to Prince N.G. Repnin, governor-general of the Saxon kingdom, and lived in Dresden for about two years. Upon his return to Russia, Perovsky served as an official for special assignments at the Department of Religious Affairs of Foreign Confessions, but immediately after the death of his father (1822) he resigned and settled in the village of Pogoreltsy.

History of creation A. Pogorelsky published the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" in 1829. He wrote it for his pupil, nephew Alyosha, the future outstanding writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. The publication was met with positive reviews from the press. A fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" was published by A. Pogorelsky in 1829. He wrote it for his pupil, nephew Alyosha, the future outstanding writer Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. The publication was met with positive reviews from the press.

Alyosha's character Before receiving the seed: smart, sweet, loved to read, hated cruelty. Before getting the seed: smart, sweet, loved to read, hated cruelty. After receiving the seed: proud, put on airs in front of others, proud and disobedient, deliberately naughty. After receiving the seed: proud, put on airs in front of others, proud and disobedient, deliberately naughty.

Conclusion: The fairy tale teaches us not only that we must work diligently, but also that children's frivolity can make both themselves and those who are dear to them unhappy. It is better to endure suffering than to break fidelity to a given word because of cowardice. The fairy tale teaches us not only that we must work diligently, but also that children's frivolity can make both themselves and those who are dear to them unhappy. It is better to endure suffering than to break fidelity to a given word because of cowardice.

Antony Pogorelsky Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants Yana Pilipenko, 5 "A" class

Anthony Pogorelsky (1787-1836) The real name of the writer is Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky. He was well educated, graduated from Moscow University, and participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. Pogorelsky wrote poetry, articles on literature, and prose. The most famous was his fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers".

Alyosha - the main character of the fairy tale The writer composed this fairy tale for his nephew Alyosha, after whom the main character is named. Alyosha is a pupil of a private boarding school for boys. He was a kind, sympathetic and intelligent boy. Everyone loved and caressed him. One day a magical story happened to Alyosha.

Friendship with Chernushka Alyosha was bored at the boarding house on weekends, when his friends went home. Out of boredom, he fed the chickens. With one of them, Chernushka, the boy became very friendly. Once Alyosha saved Chernushka from the chef's knife. And at night Chernushka came to the boy's bedroom and said that she was not a simple chicken, but the minister of the Underworld. Chernushka invited Alyosha to a magical land.

In the Underworld In the Underworld, Alyosha met the king and other inhabitants of the magical land. In gratitude for saving Chernushka, the king gave the boy a hemp seed, which helped him learn all the lessons without learning them. The inhabitants of the Underworld showed Alyosha their country, treated him with sweets, rode horses, and invited him to hunt.

The magic seed Alyosha returned to the boarding house. Now he became the best student, because he had a magic seed. At first he was ashamed of his success, but then he began to put on airs in front of his friends. From a sweet and kind boy, he turned into a proud and naughty one.

The scam has been revealed! Alyosha completely stopped learning lessons. But one day a terrible thing happened - he lost a grain and could not answer the lesson. The teacher punished the boy and locked him in a room. Nigella helped him and gave him a new seed. Alyosha answered the lesson perfectly, but the teacher did not believe that the boy learned 20 pages so quickly.

Alyosha is ill. Alyosha's comrades said that he did not study his lessons, and the teacher ordered to bring the rods. Alyosha got scared and told everyone about the Underworld and its inhabitants. Out of grief and shame, Alyosha fell ill.

Farewell to Chernushka In the evening, Chernushka came to the boy's bedroom and said that now all the inhabitants of the Underworld must move. Alyosha noticed that the Minister Chernushka had chains in his hands. This is retribution for the fact that Alyosha discovered the secret of the Underworld.

Alyosha's recovery At parting, Chernushka asked Alyosha to improve and become a kind and hardworking boy again. Alyosha was ill for a very long time. After six weeks he recovered, and everything that happened to him seemed like a heavy dream. Alyosha again became a kind, obedient and modest boy. The comrades fell in love with him again and took an example from him.

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Alexey Perovsky received an excellent education. In August 1805, Alexei entered Moscow University and graduated in October 1807. In the same 1807, he made his literary debut: he translated N.M. Karamzin's story "Poor Lisa" into German and published his translation with a dedication to his father.

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For two years he led the life of a diligent official: he served in the Senate, traveled with revisions to the Russian provinces, and then, having settled in Moscow, he became a good friend of V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, V.L. .A. Zhukovsky

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During the Patriotic War of 1812, the staff captain of the Third Ukrainian Regiment Oleksiy Perovsky participated in the battles against the French troops Anthony Pogorelsky

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He returned to St. Petersburg in 1816 and changed his military uniform to an official one - a court adviser. However, soon circumstances developed in such a way that his sister with a one and a half month old nephew was in his care, whom he took to his hereditary Little Russian estate Pogoreltsy.

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History of the creation of the story

Here, being engaged in gardening, supplying ship timber to the Nikolaev shipyards, acting as a trustee of the Kharkov educational district and - most of all - raising his nephew Alyosha, Perovsky composed the first fantastic stories in Russia.

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First, in 1825, in the St. Petersburg magazine "News of Literature" he published - under the pseudonym "Antony Pogorelsky" - "Lafert's poppy seed". It is known that it completely fascinated A.S. Pushkin, so that he read it "twice and in one spirit."

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Aleksey Alekseevich Perovsky invented and wrote down the magic story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" for his nephew when Alyosha (nephew) was no more than nine or ten years old, like Alyosha, the hero of the fairy tale.

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Pogorelsky happily invented one of the most elegant literary plots. One can be as much as surprised that he spoke so clearly and wisely about the almost imperceptible movements of the soul of an immature person: at that time, there were still twenty-six years before the appearance of Leo Tolstoy's Childhood, N.G. Mikhailovsky - sixty-six, and B. L. Pasternak's "Childhood Luvers" - ninety-six.

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The writer's archive has sunk into oblivion. And How?! The manager in Pogoreltsy was a great gourmet, he exhausted all Perovsky's papers for the preparation of "cutlets in papillots." Imagine!

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In the summer of 1836, A.A. Perovsky went to Nice for the treatment of "chest disease" and, on the way there, died in Warsaw. His sister Anna and nephew Alexei were with him. Perovsky's nephew, having matured, became a remarkable and famous writer himself. This is Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

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What particularly shocked you in the biography of the writer? Guys, questions!

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Guys, question! What episodes did the artists depict on the covers of the fantastic story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"?

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Guys, questions!

What is the difference between a literary fairy tale and a folk tale?

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What were the life and customs of the private Petersburg boarding school where Alyosha studied? (word drawing or text retelling)

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How do you imagine the underworld, where did he end up?

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“The hemp seed freed Alyosha from labor, there was no need to learn lessons. Tempting, isn't it? But is it good?

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What Alyosha was like before he got the hemp seed and what he became when he got it.

Illustrations for A. Pogorelsky's story "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" The work of a 5th grade student "B" Kanev Valentina Supervisor - Yazeva T.V. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school" village Kozhva 2014 - 2015

Aleksey Alekseevich Perovsky invented and wrote down the magic story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" for his nephew when Alyosha (nephew) was no more than nine or ten years old, like Alyosha, the hero of the fairy tale.

Reading books was Alyosha's only consolation on Sundays and holidays.

Alyosha ran up to the fence. He stood on tiptoe and stared intently into the round holes with which the fence was littered.

Alyosha threw himself on the cook's neck so unexpectedly that she let Blackie out of her hands.

Alyosha sat up a little in bed and saw even more clearly that the sheet was moving…. Suddenly, the white sheet lifted up, and from under it came out ... a black chicken!

And he boldly followed her. It was as if rays came out of her eyes, which illuminated everything around them, although not as brightly as small candles.

Alyosha in the first room saw all kinds of antique furniture .... Alyosha wanted to stop to examine the furniture, and especially the figures on the couch, but Chernushka would not let him.

They entered the second room - and then Alyosha was delighted! A large gray parrot was sitting in a beautiful golden cage... next to the parrot there was a bed with white curtains through which he could distinguish an old woman... in the other corner there was exactly the same bed where another old woman was sleeping, and next to her sat a gray cat. Passing by her, Alyosha could not resist asking her for paws...

At the end of the hall was a large door of light yellow copper. ... two knights jumped off the walls, hit their shields with spears and rushed to the black chicken. Nigella raised her crest, spread her wings ... suddenly she became big, big, taller than the knights, and began to fight with them!

.... many small people entered, no more than half a arshin tall, in smart multi-colored dresses.

The paths were strewn with large multi-colored pebbles, reflecting the light from countless small lamps with which the trees were hung ...

.... The hunters started galloping at full speed through various passages and corridors. They galloped like this for a long time, and Alyosha did not lag behind them, although he could hardly restrain his furious stick ... Suddenly, from one side corridor jumped out several rats, such big ones as Alyosha had never seen ...

... teachers could not praise Alyosha. He knew all the lessons, without exception, perfectly, all the translations from one language to another were without errors, so that one could not be surprised at his extraordinary success.

They brought rods... Alyosha was in despair! For the first time since the boarding school existed, they were punished with rods, and who was Alyosha, who thought so much about himself, who considered himself better and smarter than everyone! What a shame! .. He, sobbing, rushed to the teacher and promised to completely improve ...

The next day, in the morning, the children woke up and saw Alyosha lying unconscious on the floor. He was lifted up, put to bed, and sent for a doctor, who announced that he had a high fever.