Where was Spiderman born? Spiderman - web from the hands! Full filmography of the character. The downsides of the Spider-Man trilogy

Spider-Man is one of the most popular comic book characters. Even Stan Lee called this hero his favorite creation. Over the years, more than a dozen versions of the superhero have appeared on large and small screens: animated and game, serial and full-length.

We will not analyze the serial versions of the Spider, because it can take more than one day, but we will focus only on those pictures that came out on the big screens.

The Ultimate Spider-Man animated series, 2012

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the story of Spider-Man has been launched as a feature film three times. This is even more than that of Superman or the Hulk. And in addition, in 2018, the full-length cartoon Spider-Man: Through the Universes appeared, which was successfully held in cinemas (although most often cartoons about superheroes are released immediately on media).

Each of these versions is interesting in its own way, all have their own advantages and disadvantages, which, of course, causes controversy among fans about which Spider-Man is the best.

The Spider-Man trilogy, 2002–2007

Starring Tobey Maguire

Previously, not a single worthy version of the Spider with live actors appeared on the screens. There was not enough budget or technology to create believable graphics. Fans had to be content with just animation (in particular, the 1994 Spider-Man animated series, which was very popular with the public).

"Spider-Man", 2002

But in 2002, the creator of the "Evil Dead" Sam Raimi released the first part of the adventures of the "friendly neighbor". The director began with the classic story of insecure high school photographer Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) who is bitten by a radioactive spider. Having received superpowers, the hero protects the city from crime and soon faces numerous villains, starting with the Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe).

While Spider-Man battles villains with varying degrees of success, Peter Parker is still unable to establish his personal life, either converging or disagreeing with Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst).

The audience accepted the first two films with enthusiasm, because the public had not yet been spoiled by large-scale film comics: "" from Fox started only a couple of years earlier, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe did not exist at all.

But in the third picture, the accumulated problems became too noticeable: the film was overloaded with villains and storylines, trying to tell right away about Venom, and about the Sandman, and about the new Green Goblin. And Peter himself is beyond measure mired in the complexities of relationships with girls and his best friend.

They decided to cancel the fourth film, and later the franchise was restarted with new authors and actors.

Pros of the Spider-Man trilogy

  • This is Spider-Man's first big screen appearance. The special effects for that time looked great, especially the second part with Doctor Octopus and the scene where the hero stops the train was especially memorable. The authors masterfully told the classic story and showed many canonical villains.
  • Excellent actors: young Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst and James Franco were supported by such movie veterans as Willem Dafoe, J.K. Simmons, Alfred Molina and many others. Therefore, the villains often look no less bright than the main character.

The downsides of the Spider-Man trilogy

  • Heavily altered image of Spider-Man. Coming up with a screen version of the story, the authors strongly departed from the canons. In the comics, Peter Parker received only strength and flair from a bite: he invented and finalized the web and costume himself. Yes, and the difference in the characters of the young man and his alter ego is too felt: the comics were attracted precisely by the fact that, even as a superhero, Peter remains the same funny teenager. In the screen version, he is too timid and soft in everyday life and too sassy in a suit.
  • Today, films may seem too "toy". The special effects are already outdated, and the city looks completely unnatural. The main roles are often performed too theatrically (the tearful moments with Parker himself are especially embarrassing), and all films ended with a typical happy ending.
  • The third part is long, there is a lot of melodrama in it and there are very strange scenes like Peter dancing in a cafe. Many of the secondary characters never developed.

Dilogy "The Amazing Spider-Man", 2012-2014

Starring Andrew Garfield

The story was restarted by aspiring director Mark Webb, who had previously directed only the comedy 500 Days of Summer. But, perhaps, the experience of working on a light youth movie helped him make the new version close to the canon.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2012

After all, Spider-Man has always been famous for his humor and purely everyday problems of a young man. In the new version, Peter Parker looks more familiar. He jokes a lot, is very charming, and makes his own web cartridges.

But the story was told from the very beginning, so the audience again had to watch the death of Uncle Ben, the bite of the spider, the first suit and other familiar episodes. But they changed the hero's main lover: now Peter meets Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) right away.

The first film pleased the audience with a new level of special effects and humor, and the studio began to prepare as many as three sequels. But the sequel "The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage" put an end to these plans.

In the second part, Webb went too far with the drama: Peter Parker constantly suffers either because of his parents, or because of responsibility to Gwen, or because of communication with Harry Osborne. Yes, and the main villain Electro, although impressive in his own strength, looks more dramatic than intimidating.

The second film collected a good box office, but critics scolded him. Soon Sony and Marvel signed a joint work agreement, and Spider got into the general one.

Pros of The Amazing Spider-Man

  • Again great actors. The game of Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone will appeal to those who were embarrassed by the excessive theatricality and grotesqueness of Sam Raimi's films. The couple looks more lively and natural.
  • canonical images. Garfield's Spider-Man will seem more familiar to comic book fans. His character does not change when he puts on a suit, the hero looks technically gifted. Yes, and some storylines are very well copied from the source - even the tragic ending.
  • New heroes and villains. The authors wisely focused on those comic book characters that did not appear in the previous trilogy. Lizard, Electro and Rhino can be seen here. And the Green Goblin appears for a very short time.
  • Modern special effects. The Amazing Spider-Man is shot more vividly and dynamically, and the web flights from the second part still look interesting.

Drawbacks of The Amazing Spider-Man

  • The first film retells the familiar story about the death of Uncle Ben and the bite of a spider. For those who read comics, watched TV shows and previous films, she probably already got fed up.
  • Senseless and melodramatic plot of the second part. Despite the advancement in technology and the dark ending, the film is not very catchy due to the constant complaints of all the characters.

Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Starring Tom Holland

Amid the backlash against The Amazing Spider-Man sequel and the worldwide popularity of the Avengers universe, Sony made the smart decision to promote the hero's story with Marvel. Then the story of the Spider was restarted again, and Peter Parker got into the world of Iron Man and Captain America.

Spider-Man: Homecoming, 2017

The new performer of the role of "friendly neighbor" turned out to be much younger than his predecessors. Tom Holland was under 20 at the time of filming, while Maguire and Garfield were already over 25 when they first appeared.

This allowed Marvel to show the character at the very beginning of the journey: very young and naive. At the same time, the authors do not retell once again the history of obtaining strength and becoming, but mention it very briefly. In addition, the audience was first introduced to the hero in The First Avenger: Confrontation, and only then a solo film was released.

The new Peter Parker is still at school, and Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, becomes his first mentor. He gives Spiderman a technological suit and takes care of the teenager in every possible way.

Now the second part of the adventures of the new version of the superhero "" is coming out. In addition, he participated in the last two parts of the Avengers. And it seems that Marvel has big plans for this character, because it was his solo story that was entrusted with closing the third phase of the MCU.

Pros of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • This is the youngest and most charming hero. As it turned out, Tom Holland is an excellent actor, Peter Parker looks really touching in his performance, this is especially noticeable in the second film, where a large part of the plot is devoted to relations with MJ.
  • Now the Spider exists within the framework of the movie universe. This means that other famous characters can visit his films: Tony Stark appeared in the first part, Nick Fury appeared in the second. And Happy Hogan, it seems, will become a constant collaborator.
  • The authors avoided clichés and platitudes. What fans already know from the comics and previous film adaptations was only briefly mentioned, without wasting time.
  • Great action. Modern technology and the ability to team up with other characters make the action a mind-blowing extravaganza of stunts and special effects.

Weaknesses of Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • These are the least canon stories. For lovers of the classics, there are many disappointments here. Mary Jane was replaced with a new heroine who only bears the initials MJ. Flash Thompson went from being a high school jock to being a bully from a wealthy family. Even Mysterio's story was heavily rewritten in the second film.
  • You can't understand a movie without watching other movies. Those who are not fond of the entire cinematic universe, but only the history of Spider-Man, will have a hard time: the first solo part is incomprehensible without "Confrontation", and the second directly continues the "Final". Therefore, to understand the plot, you have to know everything.

Cartoon "Spider-Man: Through the universes"

In parallel with the integration of the hero into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony developed its own. In 2018, it was released, and it turned out that the project could well compete in terms of plot and dynamics with feature films.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, 2018

To begin with, the authors decided to generally move away from the familiar to everyone and already pretty fed up history. Now the plot is centered on Miles Morales (he appeared in comics in 2011). This is a teenager who lives in a world where Peter Parker is already heroic and defeating villains with might and main. But soon he dies, and Miles has not yet learned how to use his unexpectedly acquired powers. And then Spiders from other universes come to his aid: Peter B. Parker, tired and fat, Spider-Gwen, as well as Noir Spider-Man, anime Peni Parker and even Spider-Pig.

First of all, this cartoon is a great irony over constant restarts and multiple versions of one character. In addition, Sony managed to show a completely new animation: the city looks real in the background, and everything that happens resembles a comic book come to life.

And most importantly: the whole plot was filled with excellent action and humor, which is suitable for both children and adults.

Pluses of the cartoon "Spider-Man: Through the universes"

  • This is a story about new heroes. It would be simply boring to talk about Peter Parker again. Moreover, a series about him was also launched on small screens.
  • The ability to see five Spiders at once. The multiverse has not yet fully reached the cinema, and here heroes from different worlds for the first time had the opportunity to meet. Moreover, many of them are very funny.
  • Advanced animation. Since the first Toy Story and Shrek, computer animation has evolved a lot, but Into the Universe is really a new word in technology.
  • Very fast paced and fun story. The structure of the cartoon made it possible to do without lengthy stories about the past of the characters and immediately plunge the viewer into action with great jokes.

Disadvantages of the cartoon "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"

  • Not everyone loves animation. Many still believe that cartoons are only for children and are waiting for live-action adaptations.
  • To fully enjoy it, you need to read at least a little comics. Spider-Man Noir or Gwen Stacy as a superhero is revealed better if you know about their past.
  • The action is completely unrealistic. For those who love exclusively realism and gloom even in comics (for example, fans of "Batman v Superman"), the action may seem unnecessarily grotesque, and the characters are unnatural.

Each version of Spider-Man is attractive in its own way. Someone loves the theatricality of Raimi's films, someone loves the canonical Garfield, someone loves the young Holland. Tell us about your favorite "friendly neighbor" movie.

Magnificent Spiderman

During a scientific experiment, Peter Parker was bitten by a spider that was accidentally exposed to radiation. Peter soon learned that he gained new powers and became Spider-Man.

Character information:
Real name: Peter Parker
Occupation: Adventurer, photographer, school teacher
Place of residence: New York
Citizenship: USA
Relationship Status: Married to Mary Jane Watson
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
First Comic Book Appearance: "Amazing Fantasy" #15, 1962
Relatives: Mother and father died in a plane crash. Peter was raised all his life by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Mary Jane Watson-Parker is his wife. May Parker is his daughter.
Super abilities:

Spider-Man has extraordinary strength and agility. He has superbly developed reflexes and a sense of balance. He is able to climb sheer walls and ceilings due to the ability to stick his fingers and toes to any, even completely smooth surface. In addition, Spider-Man has a special sixth sense, also called "spider", which helps him sense danger from a distance.

On the wrists of Spider-Man are small containers filled with a special liquid similar in chemical composition to the web. Upon contact with air, this liquid turns into this substance turns into a sticky and unusually strong fiber. Spider-Man uses it to travel through the air, as well as to catch criminals.

From myself I will add that Spiderman has a great sense of humor. =)

Modern Spiderman

During a visit to the Osborne Industries laboratory, schoolboy Peter Parker was bitten by a genetically modified spider, which gave him new powers and put an entire dimension at his disposal. Peter still has a lot to learn, his journey is just beginning.
In the past, Peter was connected to a black substance created by his father and Eddie Brock's father as a cure for cancer. Although this black "suit" enhances all of Peter's abilities, it swayed him to the dark side and nearly forced him to commit murder.
The fate of the whole world hung in the balance, so Madame Network gave Peter the ability to wear this costume without any negative side effects. The hero again dressed in black, and this time he liked it! he will have to say goodbye forever.

Character information:
Height:165 cm
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 64 kg
Hair: dark
Real name: known only to "The Shield"
Occupation: High school student, Daily Bugle intern and website manager, former wrestler
Citizenship: USA
Place of birth: unknown
Education: secondary unfinished
First Appearance: (as Peter) "Modern Spider-Man" #1 (2000); (as Spider-Man) "Modern Spider-Man" #3 (2001); (in dark suit) "Modern Spider-Man" ,#34 (2003).

Spiderman "Noir"

In an alternative New York of 1933, Peter Parker's life was forever changed after being bitten by a strange spider. Turning into Spider-Man, Peter set out to take revenge on Norman Osborn, nicknamed the Goblin, for killing his uncle, and later to deal with other villains.
After Uncle Ben's death and before being bitten, Peter worked at a newspaper where photojournalist Ben Urich instilled in him a belief in justice and a desire to eradicate crime. where the statue of the ancient god of spiders was located, the lid flew off and many rare poisonous individuals instantly crawled out of it. One of the creatures bit Peter, and he dreamed that the god of spiders endowed him with a "curse of power." When Peter woke up, he discovered that now he had strange abilities Thanks to them, he defeated not only the Goblin, but also the leader of the crime syndicate, the Nazi scientist Dr. Otto Octavius.
With the help of Madame Network, who temporarily took possession of the power of the Tablet of Order and Chaos, Peter received new abilities: flying on the web, attracting enemies and crawling along walls. However, he will be happy to part with new skills if it saves the world from destruction...

Character information:

Eyes: light brown
Weight: 76 kg
Real name: not revealed
Occupation: journalist, reporter
Citizenship: USA
Birthplace: New York, Queens, Forest Hills
Education: high school (savings for college)
First appearance: "Spider-Man" Noir "", # 1 (2008)

Spiderman 2099

Although Spider-Man exists in different worlds, he is not always a copy of Peter Parker. For example, Spider-Man of 2099 is Miguel O'Hara, who was the lead scientist in the laboratory of the Alkemax mega-corporation. Like heroes from the distant past, he was working on a device that would combine human and spider DNA.
The corporation took advantage of the preliminary results of Miguel's work against his will. The tests were carried out on a living person, and when he died, Miguel decided to leave this project forever.
Miguel infiltrated the laboratory and tried to perform a genetic operation that would cure him of addiction. Unfortunately, he did not know that the envious colleague had changed the parameters of the drug, setting it to replicate the DNA of a spider. This time the experiment was a success, and Miguel turned into a human- Spider 2099. However, he did not become a puppet, as the corporation wanted - on the contrary, Miguel embodied the forces of good and proclaimed the fight against Alkemask and its sinister plans.

Character information:
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 77 kg
Hair: dark
Real name: Miguel O'Hara (secret)
Occupation: adventurer, geneticist
Citizenship: USA

Known Relatives: Xina Kwan / Xina Kwan (wife), Conchata O'Hara / Conchata O Hara (mother), George O'Hara / George O' Hara (adoptive father), Tyler Stone / Tyler Stone (father), Cron Stone / Kronstone (Venom) 2099, half-brother), Gabriel O'Hara / Gabriel O'Hara (Firelight) , half-brother), Tiberius Stone / Tiberius Stone (ancestor).



Spider abilities provide many benefits. Miguel can lift objects 10 times his weight, he can perform the most difficult acrobatic tricks and jump long distances. He recovers from injuries faster, an ordinary person did not live, but, as such, he does not have a healing factor. Miguel also has a "spider sense" that allows him to notice danger in time and evade it, but this skill is less developed than that of the namesake from the past. O'Hara also develops his own style of fighting, which, with a genius-level intellect, makes him a very serious opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
Miguel's forearms have special web-producing glands that allow him to shoot them long distances, move with them, and use them against his enemies. At the tips of the fingers are small retractable claws that allow the hero to crawl along walls and ceilings. However, with the same claws, Miguel can break even metal armor. Also, the spider's fangs have been changed: they have tubules through which poison flows from special glands, which paralyzes the victim when bitten.
The lack of development of the "spider sense" is compensated by excellent hearing and vision. In addition, Miguel can see a very fast-moving object that would look like a blur to others.
The web-like material located on the back of the Spider allows him to glide in the air and fall painlessly from great heights.

madam network

Cassandra Webb, or the mysterious Madame Network, is a powerful ally of Spider-Man. This wise woman is a medium, a telepath and a fortuneteller, she knows many of the greatest secrets of the Universe. A severe illness has deprived her of her sight and partially paralyzed her, now she is connected to a complex life support system.
When a threat to reality becomes critical, Madame Web turns to someone who has never let her down. Although Spider-Man's idiosyncratic sense of humor sometimes irritates her, Cassandra knows for sure that he will scrupulously complete the most difficult assignments.

Character information:
Height:168 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Eyes: gray
Hair: gray, early dark
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: medium
Citizenship: USA
Birthplace: Salem, Oregon
Education: unknown
First Appearance: "The Magnificent Spider-Man" #210 (1980)


Sergey Kravinov, nicknamed Kraven, loves hunting more than anyone! He owns all kinds of weapons - from rifles to poison darts, from bows to knives and machetes. But most of all he loves to fight with his bare hands!
In his wanderings through the jungle, Kraven has learned to mix potions that enhance perception, increase strength and agility to a level that surpasses any beast. Of all the creatures on Earth, only Spiderman can compete with Kroven!

Character information:
Height:183 cm
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 107 kg
Hair: dark
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: professional hunter, mercenary
Citizenship: previously - Russia, UK, USA and Ethiopia, has a criminal record in different countries
Place of birth: Russia, Volgograd
Higher education
First Appearance: The Magnificent Spider-Man #15 (1964)
Relatives: son (deceased), chameleon (brother, deceased), Calypso Ezili - beloved


One of Norman Osborn's most dangerous henchmen is Joseph Lorenzini, nicknamed Hardhead. He made a career as a loan shark gangster in one of the largest criminal groups in New York. Like a shark, he is always on the move, stopping only to have a bite to eat or send someone to the next world. His physical feature is the thick bones of the skull, due to which his head is larger than that of ordinary people. He often uses this in battle.
Like most Goblin bandits, Osborn found a diehard in the circus of freaks. He performed under the pseudonym "Bulldozer Man", breaking ice blocks with his head. Years later, he realized that this technique also works well with debtors who have been at fault.
Hardcore has recently mastered new murder weapons - he has learned to shoot "Tommigan" submachine guns from two hands.

Character information:
Height:170 cm
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 96 kg
Hair: dark
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: pawnbroker

Birthplace: New York, Brooklyn
Education: 6th grade, then performed in a freak circus
First appearance: Spider-Man (TM): Shattered Dimensions (2010)


Hobgoblin is armed with the most advanced Alkemask technology and possesses psi abilities of unknown origin. His main occupation is to annoy and distract Spider-Man 2099, and if possible, kill him. He flies around Nueva York on nanofiber wings and throws pumpkin bombs with deadly precision.
Don't be surprised if the Hobkoblin's fighting style seems familiar to you - its creators were guided by historical materials that told how Spider-Man of the era of heroes fought with villains who took the form of "Goblin". It is not known who is hiding behind his mask this time.
Rumor has it that Alchemax dug up the remains of previous Goblins to obtain DNA samples and create new opponents for Miguel O'Hara. These reports have not been confirmed or denied.

Character information:
Height:193 cm
Eyes: unknown

Public Patrol

Although the public patrol marches through the streets and cuts through the airspace over Nueva York, they should not be confused with the police. The patrol is completely controlled by the corrupt Alkemax Corporation, which accidentally endowed Miguel O "Hara with superpowers. These "Servants of Order" put the needs of the people before the needs of their company. They are ordered to capture Spider-Man dead or alive.

Character information:
First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 #1 (1992)


The strongest fighters of the Public Patrol, dressed in special armored suits, are part of the "Siege" division. The spider hardly rebuffs even one soldier in such equipment. And if there is a whole squad of them, saving the world may be delayed ...

Character information:
First Appearance: Spider-Man 2099 #11 (1993)


The scientific experiments of industrial tycoon Justin Hammer turned a man named Dillon into a walking battery that manipulates electrical discharges. Electro is a thug mercenary who offers his super power to the highest bidder. He served the King of Thieves, Bolivar Task, and Norman Osborn's six.
For many years, Electro blindly followed the orders of others, but now he is willingly looking for new ways to get even more strength and power.

Character information:
Height:179 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Blue eyes
Hair: blond (shaved head)

Occupation: criminal
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Place of birth: unknown
Education: unknown
First Appearance: Modern Spider-Man #10 (2001)


Flint Marko (a pseudonym, born William Baker) is a longtime criminal who was definitely in danger of the fate of the “drank, stole, go to jail” series. But everything changed on the day when, fleeing from the police, Marco ended up on an atomic test site. Upon coming into contact with the irradiated sand, he underwent an incredible transformation into a sandman!
Flint learned to take any form and change density - to be hard as a rock, or light as a sandstorm. Thanks to these abilities, Marco got out of the crowd of petty thieves - he became a real supervillain! Neither the police nor the army could cope with him, so on Spiderman came to help.
Over the years, the Sandman has convinced himself that if he gets rid of the pesky spider, nothing else will stop him!

Character information:
Height: 185 cm (variable)
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 204 kg (variable)
Hair: dark
Real name: known to the authorities
Occupation: criminal, mercenary, seeker
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Birthplace: New York, Queens

First Appearance: The Magnificent Spider-Man, #4 (1963)


Adrian Toomes is an even more hated enemy for Spider-Man than the Goblin himself. Although the latter gave the order to kill Ben Parker, it was Toomes who ate Uncle Peter alive. Although Peter blamed himself for killing Toomes, a few months later the cannibal and his boss again were free.
Before joining the Goblin gang, Toomes performed in a freak circus. The "Vulture" would appear on stage twice a day and bite off the heads of live chickens. He was caged like an animal and treated worse than a beast. to hate people who came to laugh at him. Having got free, the Vulture fell in love with people in a very peculiar way ... Human meat seemed to him tastier than chicken.

Character information:
Height:193 cm
Eyes: yellow
Weight: 88 kg
Hair: none (previously dark)
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: bandit
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Place of birth: unknown
Education: no
First Appearance: Pac-Man Noir, #1 (2008)


In 2099, Cron Stone is known to Spider-Man by the name of a scorpion. The mere sight of this huge monster inspires people with fear. However, at the school where he studied with Miguel O "Hara, Cron was a monster of a different kind - a rich spoiled insolent bullied other children for the sake of entertainment.
As the son of Tyler Stone, the president of Alkemax, Kron got away with everything - crime, immorality, sadistic tendencies. Calling daddy solved all his problems. Or almost all ...
In the school laboratory owned by "Alkemax", Kron mocked animals and insects. One day, among them was a scorpion, with which Kron tried to carry out genetic modification. A powerful release of energy combined the scorpion genes with Kron's DNA. So he turned into a terrifying monster ... and nevertheless, in the eyes of Spider-Man, he is worthy of pity.

Character information:
Height: 239 cm (previously 180 cm)
Eyes: bright green
Weight: 274 kg
Hair: none (previously blond)
Real name: Kron Stone
Occupation: no
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Birthplace: Nueva York, USA
Loyalty: no
Education: incomplete secondary
First Appearance: Storm of Time 2009/2099: Spider-Man #1 (2009)


Anti-mutant extremist Sergeant "Wade" Wilson underwent a painful cyber-modification, eventually becoming a TV star and reality show host. Such is the strange story of Deadpool, a psycho with a twisted sense of humor. He miraculously survived the battles with Spider-Man and the X-Men. , along the way, losing the remnants of common sense - he is sure that he is in a video game! Deadpool loves to be in the spotlight, kills mutants on the air and wants to deal with Spider-Man.
But Spider-Man is not a mutant, you say! Deadpool does not care. He has a purely sporting interest in killing ... And he will not refuse to watch the replay of the final duel.

Character information:
Height:188 cm
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 95 kg
Hair: none (was dark dyed)
Face: looks like a brick
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: mercenary, adventurer, TV presenter
Citizenship: unknown
Place of birth: unknown
Education: unknown
First Appearance: Modern Spider-Man #91 (2006)


Having escaped from the battlefield, the coward and deserter Kane Marko took refuge in a strange cave... where he found the mysterious ruby ​​of Cyttorak. Touching the stone, he turned into a juggernaut - a creature of incredible power! Thanks to the magical properties of the ruby, the juggernaut can destroy any obstacles.
Juggernaut refused to use his power for the benefit of mankind, he is engaged in robbery and murder of superheroes who dare to challenge him. Luckily for Spider-Man, this supervillain is not too smart. He is easy to outsmart, distract and confuse. "No one can stop me."

Character information:

Height:208 cm
Eyes: blue
Weight: 408 kg
Hair: red
First appearance:" X-Men", #12 (1965)

Silver sable

Silver Sobolinova, known throughout the world as a silver sable, leads a wild flock - a group of elite mercenaries. Her services are expensive and in great demand, which allows her to support an entire country - her native Simkaria.
When Sable is not drinking champagne from silver glasses in luxurious interiors, she hunts supervillains. From time to time, she and Spider-Man fight side by side to catch the next villain, but if a spider prevents her from receiving an award, Sable will not spare him!

Character information:
Height:165 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Blue eyes
Hair: blond, formerly dark
Real name: known to a limited circle of people
Occupation: mercenary, thief, model, director of an international company
Citizenship: Simkaria
Place of birth: Simkaria
Higher education


wild flock

For the illustrious leader of the silver sable mercenaries, nothing is more important than their own reputation, and the wild pack helps her maintain her elite status. Personally trained sable fighters excel in almost any task. The exceptions somehow turn out to be connected with Spider-Man...

Character information:
First Appearance: "The Magnificent Spider-Man", #265 (1985)


Known in the underworld as a goblin, Norman Osborn leads a group of scoundrels and villains that he found at carnivals and in traveling circus troupes. Osborn's dream is to build his own criminal empire so that the whole world fears and respects him.
The goblin grew up in a freak circus, like most of his henchmen, where he got his nickname. He tries not to show the green scales that cover his body, and usually hides his face under a mask. Not so long ago, this scale saved the goblin from certain death - hundreds poisonous spiders could not bite through it.
Those few who saw the goblin without a mask did not have time to tell about it - the only exception is one notable crawler. Now that the goblin has received a new source of energy in the form of a tablet of order and chaos, he hopes to deal with Spider-Man at the first meeting .. .

Character information:
Height: 175 cm (as Osborne), 213 cm (under the influence of the tablet)
Eyes: right-yellow, left-green
Weight: 68 kg (as Osborne), 170 kg (under the action of the tablet)
Hair: dark
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: Head of a crime syndicate
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Birthplace: Hartford, Connecticut
Higher education
First Appearance: Spider-Man Noir #1 (2008)

doctor octopus

Dr. Serena Patel, head of the Shadow Department of the Alchemax Corporation, continues the dangerous experiments that forced Miguel O'Hara to leave the company many years ago. Human testing, genetic modification, drug addiction - there are no forbidden topics for Patel. She understands that her laboratory - the main goal for Spider-Man, a fighter against evil.
Patel prepared for the next duel by designing a battle suit specifically for capturing or eliminating Spider-Man. To increase its effectiveness, she borrowed some ideas from Dr. Otto Octavius, who, according to historical chronicles, could cause the death of Spider-Man of the era of heroes.
What is the goal as Doctor Octopus 2099? To make history repeat itself.

Character information:
Height:170 cm
Eyes: hazel
Weight: 54 kg (70 kg in suit)
Hair: dark
Real name: Serena Patel
Occupation: head of the shadow department of the corporation "Alkemax"
Citizenship: USA
Birthplace: USA, Transverse City
Loyalty: Alkemax, Nueva York Historical Society
Education: Doctor of Science in Nuclear Physics, Degrees in Biology and History



Spiderman has special feelings for this enemy, because he is Peter Parker's flesh!
The mixture turned into a monster that followed only its instincts, striving to survive at any cost and destroy anyone who gets in its way. Spider-Man tried to burn the monster in a blast furnace, fought with him along with the fighters of the Shield. Later it turned out that "Shield" is conducting its own experiments in this direction ...

Character information:
Real name: publicly known
Occupation: no
Citizenship: no
Education: no
First Appearance: Modern Spider-Man #61 (2004)


By mixing the DNA of a 900m prisoner - a loathsome monster named Carnage - with the mysterious power of a tablet of order and chaos, the Shield scientists hoped to invent a radically new source of energy.
Despite the precautions taken, the monster escaped, he defeated the base, absorbed the life energy of the "Shield" soldiers and turned them into walking corpses who want to destroy all life, including Spider-Man.

Character information:
First appearance:Spider man (TM):Shattered Dimensions (2010)

Destroyer model 2

The Destroyers are second-generation robots that walk on two legs and are adapted specifically to destroy symbiotes such as Venom or Carnage.
Unlike the first generation robots, which were scrapped due to Nick Fury's misgivings, this model is programmed to attack Eddie Brock and his ilk.
However, if Peter Parker puts on a black suit again, the robots will not make an exception for him.

Character information:
First appearance: "Modern Spider-Man", #100 (first generation) (2006), Spider man (TM): Shattered Dimensions (second generation) (2010)


Quentin Beck was once a Hollywood special effects master. Over time, he didn't see enough elusions on screen. He was looking for an opportunity to bring to life more complex and impressive magic tricks that people would remember years later.
For one of his first tricks, Beck recreated the powers of Spider-Man. He was going to fake the spider's involvement in several crimes, and then catch him and become a hero, a master of illusions. When the spider proved his innocence and captured the mysterio, Beck finally realized that he been waiting all his life! He wants to confuse the spider with his special effects, commit fantastic crimes and defeat his hated enemy once and for all!

Character information:
Height:180 cm
Eyes: red, previously brown
Weight: 79 kg
Hair: none, formerly dark
Real name: known to the authorities
Occupation: Demon minion, former criminal, stuntman, special effects master
Citizenship: USA, have a criminal record
Birthplace: Riverside, California
Education: secondary
First Appearance: The Magnificent Spider-Man #13 (1964)

Spiderman turns 57 this year, but he is still young (in most parallel universes), fit and active in movies and cartoons, much to our delight. On the occasion of the release of the animated film " Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”, drawn as if the comic book you are reading came to life, made up a complete list of Spider-Man films.

3 Giant Humans / 3 Dev Adam (1973)

The first appearance of Spider-Man in the cinema happened in Turkey, it was unofficial, but remained in history. And here he is a villain, against whom Captain America from the USA and Santo from Mexico are fighting in Istanbul. If you are very interested, then there is a picture with English subtitles (thanks to our readers for the tip). We warn you - tin from the first minute.

Spiderman / Spider-Man (1977)

In 1977, a television movie was released, which became the pilot of the TV series The Amazing Spider-Man, which ran for two seasons. And later, the series was developed in the form of two more television films - "Spider-Man: Back in the fight" and "Spider-Man: Challenge the Dragon." Nicholas Hammond played the title role throughout.

Spiderman/Spider-Man (2002)

After a long break, the spider came to us with Tobey Maguire and the Green Goblin as an enemy. The audience liked the film, and it was developed further: “ Spiderman 2" in 2004 and " Spider-Man 3: Reflected Enemy» in 2007. The enemy faces were Otto Octavius ​​and Venom, allied with the Sandman, respectively.

The new Spiderman/ The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

In 2012, this cycle was restarted, inviting Andrew Garfield to play the lead role. The film was received worse than the 2002 tape, but the sequel " The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage' was removed anyway.

Captain America: Civil War/ Captain America: Civil War (2016)

And again a restart, now with Tom Holland. The spider's return was short and swift: he charged into the fray, stole Captain America's shield, and was gone. Until in 2017 he came to the cinema in a solo album.

Spider-Man: Homecoming/ Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Tom Holland convincingly played an enthusiastic teenager who received superpowers and an epic suit manufactured by Tony Stark Corporation. A hyperactive high schooler in love, similar to those found in the natural environment, but with a small addition in the form of superpowers.

Avengers: Infinity War/ Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Still the same Holland, doing a good job of playing the role of Peter Parker, combining his studies at school with attempts to save humanity. This time, along with the rest of the Avengers, Spiderman will go against Thanos, who decided to mow down half of all life in the universe with one snap of his fingers.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

The story of another Spider-Man, Miles Morales, born and raised in Brooklyn. And then everything is as usual: "bitten by a radioactive spider and away we go." The cartoon revealed to us that Peter Parker is not the only one of his kind. In other universes, there is a spider woman, a Japanese girl controlling a spider robot, and even a spider pig. Oscar 2019 for Best Animated Feature.

(Spider Man) his real name Peter Parker is a fictional character, a superhero who appears in the universe. The character first appeared in a comic called amazing fantasy#15 (August 1962), created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Spider-Man has super-strength, increased agility, spider-sense, climbing walls, and uses "web shooters" of his own invention as his main weapon, allowing him to shoot cobwebs.


Peter's parents died in a plane crash when he was very young, and Uncle Ben and Aunt May took care of his upbringing. Peter grew up as an extremely smart boy, but because of his timidity and inability to stand up for himself, he constantly became the object of ridicule and bullying from stronger classmates. Once, during a school field trip that demonstrated the effect of radiation on living organisms, Peter was bitten on the arm by an irradiated spider. Peter soon discovered extraordinary physical abilities. Trying to capitalize on his new abilities, Peter decided to become a wrestling star. He sewed a costume for himself, called himself Spider-Man and went to a competition at a local club. During the fight, a robber made his way into the club. He stole money from the cash register and, fleeing, ran into Peter Parker. The boy decided that the police, not him, should deal with the capture of criminals, and did not even try to detain the thief. Returning home, Peter learned that an unknown bandit had killed Uncle Ben. In desperation, the boy decided to hunt down the killer on his own. Putting on the Spider-Man costume, he found the criminal in hot pursuit and, to his horror, recognized him as ... the same robber. At that moment, Peter experienced a deep shock, he felt guilty for the death of his uncle. He remembered a phrase once said by Uncle Ben: "The greater the Power, the greater the Responsibility." Peter swore that from now on, he would be responsible for his actions and learn to use his abilities for noble purposes. This is how the superhero Spider-Man was born. After the death of Uncle Ben, Aunt May and Peter were left with virtually no means of subsistence. Peter tried to continue his career as a fighter, but was forced to leave because the Daily Bugle, one of the influential newspapers in New York, began an active campaign against Spider-Man, calling him a coward in his articles and crazy. John Jay Jameson, editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, immediately took a liking to the new masked superhero. And now he was trying to denigrate Spider-Man, trying to sensationalize it. Peter was out of work, but he didn't lose heart. Since childhood, he was fond of photography and decided to try himself as a photojournalist. Soon he managed to get a job as a photographer in the "Daily Bugle". In the following years, Peter did everything he could to destroy the negative image of Spider-Man created by the newspaper and change Jameson's attitude towards this hero. And although JJ remained unconvinced, this did not stop Peter from maintaining a good relationship with him. Once Spider-Man even saved his boss's life when Kingpin of the underworld tried to kill Jameson, who decided to expose Kingpin in the press. While working at the Daily Bugle, Peter met his first girlfriend, Betty Brant, Jonah Jameson's secretary. At the same time, Liz Allen falls in love with him, the same "local beauty" who previously despised the clumsy bespectacled man. Jealous of Peter for Liz, Betty broke up with him, citing his dangerous job. Soon, after graduating from school, Pete entered the State Imperial University. At the same time, the Green Goblin first showed himself as the most dangerous enemy of Spider-Man. He tracked down the superhero and, seeing him without a mask, recognized the web thrower as Peter Parker. Peter, in turn, found out that the Goblin was none other than the industrialist Norman Osborn. At university, Peter met a charming classmate, Gwen Stacy, and Norman Osborn's son, Harry. Meanwhile, Aunt May tried her best to set Pete up with Mary Jane Watson, her friend's niece. After the first meeting with Mary Jane, Peter became literally torn between her and Gwen, on whom he soon chose. At the same time, Harry suggested that Peter move into a new apartment in Manhattan, which was rented by Norman Osborn, who forgot everything related to the Goblin due to amnesia. Mary Jane had her eye on Peter, but seeing how happy he was with Gwen, she backed off. After some time, Gwen's father, police captain George Stacy, saving the child, died under the rubble of a brick pipe, which was destroyed by Doctor Octopus during the battle with Spider-Man. Peter rushed to the captain to help, but it was too late. Before dying, Gwen's father called Spider-Man by name and asked him to take care of his daughter. But, despite the promise, Peter could not save her - a few months later, the Green Goblin, who returned from oblivion, killed Gwen, and himself, in the heat of battle with the distraught Spider-Man, fell victim to his own glider. Meanwhile, Professor Miles Warren, Peter and Gwen's teacher who had an unhealthy attachment to his student, figured out who Spider-Man really is. Calling himself the Jackal, Warren found the Punisher and asked him to end the "nightmare" Spider-Man once and for all. But the web thrower managed to defeat the former marine. Soon, Spider-Man encountered the new Green Goblin - Harry Osborn, whose fragile psyche was shaken when he learned that Peter Parker was the man who "killed" his father. Spider-Man defeated a distraught friend and sent him to a psychiatrist, Dr. Barton Hamilton, for treatment.

Meanwhile, the Jackal cloned Peter and Gwen. He played off the real Spider-Man and the clone, hoping they would destroy each other. But during the fight, an explosion occurred, injuring one of them. Deciding the enemy was dead, the web thrower dumped his body into a nearby chimney. The Jackal apparently also died in the explosion. Meanwhile, Dr. Hamilton elicited information about the Green Goblin from Harry Osborn, who was under hypnosis, and himself became his third incarnation. During one of their fights between Spider-Man, Harry, and Hamilton, the psychiatrist died and Osborn lost all of his memories of the Goblin. After Gwen's death, Peter and Mary Jane realized that they were destined to be together, and after a while, Pete even proposed to her. However, she unexpectedly refused and left New York for a whole year. During this period, Spider-Man met the charming mugger Black Cat, with whom he began a passionate affair. Their relationship continued even after Mary Jane returned to New York. The long-awaited graduation from college was overshadowed by an offensive "failure" in physical education - Peter was often absent from this lesson on superhero affairs and as a result he had to retake this subject the next semester. One night, Spider-Man came across three robbers and caught two of them. The third, fleeing from the web thrower, hid in the Green Goblin's accidentally discovered shelter. When the danger passed, the criminal told Roderick Kingsley, a famous fashion designer, about an unusual find. Taking advantage of the Goblin legacy, Roderick became Brownie, the villain that plagued Spider-Man for years. Finding his life unnecessarily busy, Peter dropped out of university and began to solve his personal problems, continuing to fight crime with even greater perseverance.

Later, Spider was chosen by a mysterious being named the Wanderer to fight in the "Secret Wars" - a battle between Earth's greatest superheroes and supervillains. The confrontation took place on the planet created by the Stranger - far from the Earth. After one particularly vicious battle, Peter's suit was ruined. With the help of an alien mechanism found on the same planet, he created a new suit for himself, very similar to that of Spider-Woman, who also participated in the "Secret Wars", which turned out to be a living being, a symbiote, obeying Parker's will. Some time after returning to Earth, the living suit wedged itself into Peter's mind, wanting to subdue him. Trying to get rid of the uncontrollable suit, Spider-Man turned to the leader of the Fantastic Four, Mister Fantastic, for help. Reed Richards separated the symbiote, which proved to be highly sensitive to sonic vibrations, and locked it in a specially constructed chamber. Meanwhile, Peter's personal life has undergone significant changes. Mary Jane told him that she knew the main secret of his life. After that, they became much closer to each other, and all attempts by the Black Cat to prevent their reunion ended in failure. Soon, the symbiote somehow escaped from the cell, tracked down Peter and attacked him, but thanks to the acoustic waves emanating from the church bell, he was forced to save himself. To write another scoop for the Daily Bugle, Jameson sent Peter and reporter Ned Leeds to Germany, where Ned was killed. Ned's room was next door to Peter's, but Spider-Man was talking to Wolverine at the time of the murder and was unable to come to his colleague's aid. Back in the States, Spider-Man learned that Ned was Brownie. Peter re-offered Mary Jane to marry him, but was again refused. However, after a few days, the girl nevertheless gave her consent. Before the wedding, Peter himself, remembering Gwen, wanted to cancel the marriage, but also changed his mind. Even during their honeymoon, Spider-Man's shadow haunted the newlyweds.

At night, Spider-Man pursues a gang of car robbers. He is about to grab the thieves when suddenly someone calls his name. Spider-Man turns around and... can't believe his eyes. An unfamiliar elderly man sits a couple of steps away from him on the wall of the house. He not only knows Spider-Man's real name, but, as it turns out later, has similar superpowers. The stranger introduces himself as Ezekiel and simply bombards Peter with strange questions. Finally, he warns Spider-Man of the danger that threatens him, and disappears, leaving the hero in complete confusion. Following the advice of Aunt May, Peter gets a job as a chemistry teacher at his home school. Going into the principal's office after school, Peter meets Ezekiel there. It turns out that Ezekiel Sims is a big New York businessman, and he just donated a large amount of money to renovate the school. Peter realizes that he has been under surveillance all this time and decides to ask Ezekiel what he needs. Ezekiel explains the situation to Peter and offers to hide. But Peter firmly decides to stay and fight Morlun, and soon, in spite of everything, he still defeats the insidious monster. After the battle with Morlun, exhausted and wounded, Peter barely made it to his apartment, and did not even notice his aunt May enter there. It is not difficult to imagine what her aunt's surprise was when she saw the bloody Peter in the Spider-Man costume ... Peter has no choice but to tell her the whole truth about his second life. But, oddly enough, this recognition only brought them closer and, now Aunt May is the most ardent supporter of Spider-Man. Peter takes his separation from Mary Jane hard and decides to fly to Los Angeles to meet her. But she is not in the city - a few hours earlier she flies to Peter in New York. Peter and Mary Jane look for each other in different cities and, in the end, decide to return home. On the way back, due to a thunderstorm, their planes land at the same airport. They meet in the waiting room. Peter tries to talk to his wife, but is interrupted by the unexpected appearance of Doctor Doom with security. Doom flies to an important meeting and is outraged by the delayed flight. Suddenly, a stranger runs up to Doom, who blows himself up in an attempt to kill the tyrant. Peter miraculously manages to save standing next to Mary Jane. While examining the wounded guards, Spider-Man recognizes one of them as Captain America. He helps the superhero recover. Captain America reveals that he was sent by the Avengers. He must protect Doom from the impending assassination attempt on him. At that moment, robots burst into the airport building and attack the unconscious Doom. Peter and Captain America neutralize the attackers and save the nearby people and Doom. After the battle, Peter finally manages to sort things out with Mary Jane. They still love each other and decide it's better for them to stay together. The two of them return to New York... Ezekiel made Spider-Man seriously think about the reason why he got his superpowers. Perhaps the choice of the spider that gave Spider-Man his powers fell on Peter for a reason. Ezekiel had stolen his abilities through a secret ceremony and now he had to sacrifice Spider-Man to keep them. During the ritual, Ezekiel realized that he was making a big mistake. He decided that Spider-Man was more worthy of these powers than he was and sacrificed himself. Returning home, Peter has to fight the two adult children of his former lover, Gwen Stacy. Long before this, Gwen had dated Norman Osborn and subsequently became pregnant by him. Gwen gave birth to twins Gabrielle and Sarah. After his alleged "death", Osborn found them and convinced them that Peter was their father and killed their mother, but Spider-Man was eventually able to convince them otherwise. In addition, Osborn designed a new costume for Scorpion, in exchange for which he stole Aunt May. Osbourne's secret identity was publicly revealed after the murder of journalist Terry Kidder and he was put behind bars. Osborn knew that large industrial companies had teamed up to create supervillains since the 1950s and, as a would-be informer, was an easy target in prison. Osborne proposed to Peter. He promised to release Aunt May in exchange for her freedom. Peter had no choice but to accept this offer. He teamed up with the Black Cat and gave Osborn an escape. But it was a trap, and now Peter had to fight the Sinister Dozen, which he could only resist with the help of the Avengers. Together they defeated the Sinister Dozen and freed Aunt May. Some time later, Peter meets the Queen, who has the ability to control and subjugate any insects to her will, which turns him into a giant spider. The queen planned to detonate a bomb, harmless to all owners of the insect gene and deadly to everyone else, but Peter regained his human form and managed to thwart her insidious plans. An old friend of Peter's named Charlie Wiederman decided to experiment on himself after his experiments were no longer funded, but the consequences were unpredictable. He received extraordinary superpowers, but instead of using them for good, he began to take revenge on his former offenders and burned Aunt May's house to the ground. Together with Aunt May and Mary Jane, Peter heads to Tony Stark's tower, where they find their new home. For this and many other reasons, Spider-Man's identity is now known to many of the world's most famous superheroes, including the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Morlun returned, severely beat Peter, plucked out his eye, and Spider-Man ended up in the hospital. Mary tried to save her husband and then an enraged Morlun decided to kill her first. Peter gathered what was left of his strength and entered into this unequal battle to protect Mary Jane. With resemblance spears erupting from his wrists, Peter furiously attacked Morlun, causing Spider-Man to seemingly die. However, his corpse dissipated and a new Peter Parker was born, more fully embracing his "other" - spider nature. Peter soon developed new abilities, including night vision and enhanced sensory perception, allowing him to sense the slightest vibrations passing through his wrist as the web is thrown. Tony Stark, seeing Peter as his protégé, presented him with a new high-tech suit as a gift. As a result of the battle between the new warriors and a group of very dangerous villains, which was broadcast on television, the city of Stamward, Connecticut, was destroyed, and the public turned away from superheroes. Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, was beaten to such an extent outside a nightclub that he fell into a coma. Human rights activists demanded reforms, namely the adoption of the "Superhuman Registration Law". The main idea of ​​the law is that all people with paranormal abilities must be registered, which means revealing their identity to the government and agreeing to be trained in the manner of federal agents. Within a week, the law was passed. All superhumans who do not agree with him are now considered criminals. Heroes like Iron Man see this law as the only true natural evolution of superhumans. Others regard this as an infringement of their rights and freedoms. After the real hunt began for the heroes, Captain America goes into the shadows to create an opposition movement. Spider-Man, who sided with the registration along with Iron Man, not only signed up, but also revealed himself as Peter Parker to the media.


Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, giving him superpowers. In the original stories written by Lee and Ditko, Spider-Man has the ability to climb sheer walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider-sense") that warns him of danger, as well as an excellent sense of balance, incredible speed and agility. In the story The Other, he gains additional spider abilities: toxic stingers on his forearms, the ability to attach someone to his back, enhanced senses and night vision, and the ability to shoot organic webs without the use of any attachments, which differs from earlier versions in which he used special starters. When pressed with fingers on the center of the palm, it opens the pores on the wrists and releases a web that is stronger than artificial.

Metabolic processes of Spider-Man are several times accelerated. The skeleton, tissues, muscles and nervous system are stronger than those of an ordinary person, which made him very flexible and hardy. To make full use of all his abilities, he created his own fighting style, using, for example, surrounding objects, catching them with webs or distracting the enemy with cunning and lowering his guard. He simultaneously uses all his abilities - "spider sense", speed, acrobatic and gymnastic skills, as well as wit and intelligence, which, despite the lack of constant training, made him one of the most experienced heroes in the universe.

In the media
Animated series

The first animated series in which the Spider appeared is called " ", it came out in 1967 and ran until 1970.

Spider-Man appears in " Grandiose Spider-Man, voiced by Josh Keaton.

Spider-Man appears in " Great Spiderman, voiced by Drake Bell.

Spider-Man appears in " Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes", voiced by Drake Bell. He appears in the episode "Ahead Comes the Spider...". Spider-Man reappears in the episode "The New Avengers" as a member of the New Avengers, along with Luke Cage, War Machine, Wolverine, Iron Fist, and the Thing. Spider-Man takes charge of the team and frees the Avengers and helps defeat Kang the Conqueror After the battle, he officially joins the Avengers as a reserve member.

Spider-Man appears in " Phineas and Ferb Mission Marvel, voiced by Drake Bell.

Spider-Man appears in " Hulk and SMES agents voiced by Drake Bell. In the episode "The Collector", he teams up with the Hulk to defeat the Collector and free his friends who have been captured by the villain.

Spider-Man appears in " Avengers: Disc Wars, voiced by Shinji Kawada.

Spider-Man appears in " Avengers: General Gathering voiced by Drake Bell. He appears in the episode "Hulk's Day Off".

Spider-Man appears in " Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload, voiced by Drake Bell.

Animated films

"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"


From 1978 until 1979, Nicholas Hammond played the lead role of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) on the TV series " The amazing Spider Man".

Takuya Yamashiro played the role of Spider-Man in the Japanese television series Spider-Man, produced by Toei Company.


Nicholas Hammond played Peter Parker (Spider-Man) in the 1970s film " The amazing Spider Man", "Spiderman Strikes Back" And " Spider-Man: Dragon Challenge".

Tobey Maguire played the role of Spider-Man in three films: Spider-Man (released in 2002), Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Spider-Man 3: Reflected Enemy (2007).

Andrew Garfield in 2014 played Spider-Man (Peter Parker) in the film " The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage Where Spider-Man fought Electro, Rhino and the Green Goblin also appeared in the film.

Spider-Man appears in Captain America: Civil War, portrayed by Tom Holland.

Spider-Man appears in the 2017 film Spider-Man: Homecoming, portrayed by Tom Holland.

"Avengers: Endgame"

« Spider-Man: Far From Home»

Despite the fact that Spider-Man appeared several decades later than the most famous superheroes in the world, and Batman, he occupies an honorable third place in popularity among other costumed heroes. The wit, age, lifestyle and problems of a common man made him close and understandable to a large audience, including teenagers. Not to mention that Spider-Man changed the entire comic book industry more than once.

If you suddenly haven’t heard anything about Spider-Man, then our short material will tell you the main points about the character and his journey from comics to screens.

Birth of a hero

How interesting is it for teenagers to read about the problems of an adult billionaire orphan or a super-strong alien? For many years they did just that, but the teenagers themselves in comics have always been nothing more than sidekicks of the protagonist. Take Robin or Bucky, for example. But everything changed in the early 60s of the last century, when Steve Ditko introduced the ordinary teenager Peter Parker to the world. And despite the fact that he was bitten by a radioactive spider, and now he is the owner of amazing abilities (spider-sense, the ability to climb walls and his web-shooting cartridges), he was primarily a teenager with all the ensuing age problems.

It's no surprise that Spider-Man has become hugely popular so quickly, changing the world of comics along the way.

First appearance

Spider-Man first appeared in the pages of Amazing Fantasy #15 in August 1962. It came as a surprise to many, because teenager Peter Parker, without a mentor, was trained to control his abilities, realizing what it means to be a hero and fight crime, protecting civilians.

After that, Spider-Man appeared in several magazines, but the most significant was The Amazing Spider-Man (The Amazing Spider-Man).


Like Batman, Spider-Man has accumulated a huge number of enemies over the years. Most of them, like Spidey, appeared after unsuccessful experiments. Spiderman's first enemy in "Amazing Spider-Man #1" was Chameleon, then Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Lizard, Electro, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Kraven Hunter, Scorpion, Rhinoceros. All of these villains appeared in Spider-Man in the first three years of the series.

However, Spider-Man's most famous confrontation was with the villain Venom, who first appeared as a black symbiote suit of Spider-Man himself. Later, the alien symbiote went to journalist Eddie Brock, and he received powers similar to those of the Spider. But the protagonist of the series and Venom have not always remained enemies, they have been allies more than once, including when Carnage, the red symbiote, embarked on the path of massacre.

Symbiote Series

After the events of Secret Wars, Spider-Man was possessed by a black symbiote from outer space for 4 years (1984-1988). After returning to Earth, Spidey walked around in a new black suit, inciting anger among comic book fans. As a result, in the series “The Amazing Spider-Man”, Peter Parker realized how negatively the suit affects him, fought the symbiote and returned to the classic red and blue suit.

First screen appearance

Such a phenomenon as Spider-man could not bypass television for a long time. His first appearance was the animated series Spider-Man, which aired on the ABC channel from 1967 to 1970, it was in this series that the most famous song about Spider-Man appeared. In 1978, CBS attempted to produce its own series, with Nicholas Hammond as Peter Parker, but the project only lasted a year.

Film history

The first Friendly Neighbor action film was released in 2002, directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. This film changed the idea of ​​superhero films and can be considered the starting point of what we have now. Spider-Man 2 (2004) is considered the best film of the entire Raimi trilogy, and at the same time the best Spider-Man film (however, it is not yet known what the upcoming films will be). In that film, Doctor Octopus appeared in a wonderful performance by Alfred Molina. But Spider-Man 3 tried to pack too much into it, resulting in a very vague and controversial film, and the Raimi franchise came to an end.

Just five years after Spider-Man 3, namely in 2012, Sony relaunched the franchise with new actor Andrew Garfield in The Amazing Spider-Man. Although the box office did well, it wasn't enough for the film company, and the average reviews kept this reboot from surviving more than two films.

In 2010, it was decided to move Spider-Man to Broadway. This project was launched, then canceled, then launched again and again canceled. Despite all the mess with the production in 2011, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark premiered, becoming the most expensive Broadway musical, and even with music from Bono from U2. The production cost $1 million a week.

present tense

The controversial results of the reboot led Sony to negotiate with Marvel Studios, as a result of which, although Sony retained the rights to the Spider, they made the Spider a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now the role of Spider-Man is played by actor Tom Holland, who has already tried on the Spider-Man costume in the film “The First Avenger: Civil War” and continued to do so in the films “Spider-Man. Homecoming” and “Spider-Man: Far From Home”.

Not only the return of a friendly neighbor to the big screen awaits us in the near future. A new animated series about his adventures has started. A year later, the game “Marvel’s Spider-Man”, a full-length cartoon and a spin-off about Venom, was released.